[debian-edu-commits] [Debian Wiki] Update of "DebianEdu/MailingLists" by WolfgangSchweer
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Sat Jun 24 08:46:58 UTC 2017
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The "DebianEdu/MailingLists" page has been changed by WolfgangSchweer:
updated (and more structured) mailing list overview
- This guide describes the current Mailinglists used by the
+ This guide describes the current mailing lists used by Debian-Edu / Skolelinux.
- Debian-Edu/Skolelinux subproject.
- /!\ Some mailing lists are missing here - for example the www-list and i18n-*@. etc. Please add them. Might be a good idea to add links to the gmane/web archives as well. See http://developer.skolelinux.no/mailinglister.html.en more more lists.
- admin-discuss at skolelinux.org :: As it says the list is for admins to discuss technical problems. Feel free to post there your questions and to help others.
+ == User, admin and developer discussion lists ==
+ debian-edu at lists.debian.org :: This is the most important ML in the whole project. It is the official list for developers and contributors. All discussions related to the development or to the subproject itself are made there. This is also a user list where you could request help.
ML language: English
- Subscribe: https://lists.skolelinux.org/listinfo/admin-discuss
+ Subscribe: https://lists.debian.org/debian-edu/
bruker at skolelinux.no :: Forum for brukerne av Skolelinux - This is a list for users to request help. Feel free to ask if you have technical problems or other questions related to Debian-Edu/Skolelinux.
ML language: Norwegian
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Subscribe: https://lists.debian.org/debian-edu-german/
- debian-edu at lists.debian.org :: This is the most important ML in the whole project. It is the official list for developers and contributors. All discussions related to the development or to the subproject itself are made there. It is a '''must''' to subscribe to this list for every developer. Notice that this is no user list where you should request help there are other lists for that.
+ debian-edu-french at lists.debian.org :: This is a list for users to request help. Feel free to ask if you have technical problems or other questions related to Debian-Edu/Skolelinux.
+ ML language: French
+ Subscribe: https://lists.debian.org/debian-edu-french/
+ linuxiskolen at skolelinux.no :: Original mailinglist for the norwegian GNU/Linux in schools initiative "Linux i skolen".
+ ML language: Norwegian
+ Subscribe: https://lists.skolelinux.org/listinfo/linuxiskolen
+ == Developer lists ==
+ commits at skolelinux.org / debian-edu-commits at lists.alioth.debian.org :: This list shows all changes of the project. All the patches commited to git, subversion, wiki and also new package versions are send as an email to this list. So every contributor/translator/developer is informed about the changes. It is recommended for every contributor to subscribe to this list. In addition to that the list guarantees that others look over patches when they come into the project, so mistakes can be detected as fast as possible.
+ ML language: Mostly English
+ Subscribe: http://lists.alioth.debian.org/mailman/listinfo/debian-edu-commits
+ debian-edu-pkg-team at lists.alioth.debian.org :: The Debian Edu packaging team. The team focusses at maintaining or co-maintaining Debian Edu related software in Debian.
ML language: English
+ Subscribe: http://lists.alioth.debian.org/mailman/listinfo/debian-edu-pkg-team
+ == Administrative lists ==
drift at skolelinux.org :: The drift commitee are the admins of the servers and the account managers. If you want to request an account you have to write a mail to drift which includes your intention, your account name, the password hash and the requested rights (e.g. subversion/upload rights).
ML language: English
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ftpmaster at skolelinux.org :: The ftpmasters are the archive maintainers. If you have questions (which are related to dak) you can ask them. In addition to that the ftpmasters use the list to discuss technical changes/configurations for dak. But notice that this list is not the list for development questions or account creation.
ML language: English
- commits at skolelinux.org / debian-edu-commits at lists.alioth.debian.org :: This list shows all changes of the project. All the patches commited to subversion, wiki and also new package versions are send as an email to this list. So every contributor/translator/developer is informed about the changes. It is recommended for every contributor to subscribe to this list. In addition to that the list guarantees that others look over patches when they come into the project, so mistakes can be detected as fast as possible.
- ML language: Mostly English
- Subscribe: http://lists.alioth.debian.org/mailman/listinfo/debian-edu-commits
+ == Other (historical) lists ==
+ See http://developer.skolelinux.no/mailinglister.html.en for more lists. Please notice that some of these are outdated or no longer used.
- linuxiskolen at skolelinux.no :: Original mailinglist for the norwegian GNU/Linux in schools initiative "Linux i skolen".
- ML language: Norwegian
- Subscribe: https://lists.skolelinux.org/listinfo/linuxiskolen
- debian-edu-security at lists.alioth.debian.org :: The Debian Edu security team.
- ML language: English
- Subscribe: http://lists.alioth.debian.org/mailman/listinfo/debian-edu-security
- debian-edu-pkg-team at lists.alioth.debian.org :: The Debian Edu packaging team. The team focusses at maintaining or co-maintaining Debian Edu related software in Debian.
- ML language: English
- Subscribe: http://lists.alioth.debian.org/mailman/listinfo/debian-edu-pkg-team
More information about the debian-edu-commits
mailing list