Switching to Git

Tanguy Ortolo tanguy+debian at ortolo.eu
Fri Feb 22 12:29:36 UTC 2013

Joost van Baal-Ilić, 2013-02-22 07:34+0100:
>Indeed.  BTW, there's some code parsing the CVS Id tag and generating
>current date in the output from that.  It'd be _very_ nice if we could
>keep such functionality.  Dunno if git has some hook to do that kind
>of trickery.

I think it does not, as that would completely disrupt the regular Git 
worklows. As I understand it, a Git server is just a repository, and 
supposed to store revisions, not to produce ones of its own.

What is that code used for exactly?

Tanguy Ortolo
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