Update flyers and upload hexagonal stickers in PNG

Alban Vidal alban.vidal at zordhak.fr
Sat Jul 6 10:03:29 BST 2019

Hi Joost,
Hi Flyers team,

Le 01/07/2019 à 08:37, Joost van Baal-Ilić a écrit :
> [...]
>> - Update the number of packages (56,800 in Buster) and regenerate all
>> flyers

Updated again with number of packages confirmed by the release team: 59000.

>> Also, I created a new branch and merge request
>> (script_update_all_website_flyers) which include a bash script to update
>> all flyers
> great, thanks a lot.  I believe it's possible to get rid of the hardcoded
> list of translations in script_update_all_website_flyers .  Likely our
> Makefile needs some hacking for that.  Care to spend some time on that?
> Anyway, I've just merged it.
> O, and we are at https://debian.pages.debian.net/debian-flyers/ , not
> at debian-flyers.pages.debian.net , I've just done
>  git mv debian-flyers.pages.debian.net debian.pages.debian.net\|debian-flyers
Thanks for the merge.
Yes good idea to move the directory.
I'll take a look the next week for the path in the shell script and for
the Makefile!

See you soon,



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