[Debian-ha-maintainers] libqb

Richard B Winters rik at mmogp.com
Sat Apr 18 07:50:22 UTC 2015

On Sat, 2015-04-18 at 08:33 +0200, Ferenc Wagner wrote:
> If you publish a problematic .dsc, I'm willing to have a look.

I'm not 100% sure what you mean, Myon pushed it and it's in the new
queue. Myon recommended waiting since its on its way to unstable; once
it's in: the changes are already there in the repository we could push
1.2 right away.

But he also said he can upload the next one whenever; what would you

> > When I asked in debian-ha what would the DDs recommend, they were ok
> > with the echo > method.
> You can do manual patching, but then unpatching is your responsibility,
> too.  (AFAIK; if #debian-ha tells otherwise, please inform me.)

By manual patching you mean putting it in the rules file, instead of a
patch file right? I would have left the patch I wrote there if I had
seen it working - my apologies. I'd prefer that way too.

> I don't understand this sentence fully.  But the patch method would have
> made a mistake like this obvious by failing the build.

It means, I don't know when - where - or how I got the tarballs
confused; I had made one and put the tarball-version file in it, and
then you guys had explained to me that was a no no even if the last
package was done in the same way...so then I just used the release
tarball from clusterlabs.  I had intended to package using the right
one...I used the wrong one obviously...and it was a mistake; I
apologize.  It's the correct tarball in the repository, I did check and
verify that.

How would the patch method have failed the build due to me creating a
file and forgetting to remove it or implementing a method for its
removal? I think if I used the right source package in the first place
it wouldn't have even built a subsequent build (first should work cuz
file is generated at build-time, not prior) due to the change to
source...it definitely proves I made the mistake from the get-go.

Again, I do apologize; I will pay better attention going forward.

I believe the issue with the patch method I mentioned earlier was also a
result of some odd lack of attention or happening on my part - because I
tried it again, and found there was an issue with fuzz...so created
another one just for the sake of being sure; and it worked....repository
is updated.

Feri, thanks for being so patient, for reviewing my work, and for the
good explanations to help me out.


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