[Debian-ha-maintainers] Build LVM2 against corosync 2.3.4

Ferenc Wagner wferi at niif.hu
Wed Oct 21 09:38:01 UTC 2015

Dhionel Díaz <ddiaz at cenditel.gob.ve> writes:

> El 02/09/15 a las 04:24, Ferenc Wagner escribió:
>> Dhionel Díaz <ddiaz at cenditel.gob.ve> writes:
>>> dlm_controld was compiled from the sources published in
>>> https://git.fedorahosted.org/git/dlm.git.
>> Do you feel like testing fresh packages of DLM 4.0.2, Corosync 2.3.5 and
>> latest LVM?  What's your architecture?
> I'd be glad to help. The cluster currently has four amd64 physical
> servers, other four will be added soon. Just let me know where can I
> download the source packages and what would be the test protocol to follow.

Looks like I forgot to give you the location of my testing repository:

deb http://apt.niif.hu/debian jessie main

A sid suite and sources are also available at the same place.  This is
not official, occasionally I replace packages without version bumps.
And it contains a newish upstream of lvm2, compiled with Corosync
support only and cmirrord included.  And /etc/init.d/clvm removed;
I'm experimenting with the following unit file (not included):

# /etc/systemd/system/lvm2-clvm.service 
Description=clustered LVM daemon
Requires=dlm.service corosync.service
After=dlm.service corosync.service

ExecStart=/usr/sbin/clvmd -f


This does not handle VG activation, I've got a separate customization
unit for that (hooked into Pacemaker activation):

# /etc/systemd/system/pc-vgs.service
Description=volume groups for Private Cloud virtual machines

ExecStart=/sbin/vgchange -aly $VGS
ExecStop=/sbin/vgchange -aln $VGS

I'm yet to see if the upstream service files (as shipped in the package)
can be bent to my purposes.  But that's a usage question anyway.

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