[Debian-ha-maintainers] Build LVM2 against corosync 2.3.4

Ferenc Wagner wferi at niif.hu
Thu Oct 22 17:55:14 UTC 2015

Dhionel Díaz <ddiaz at cenditel.gob.ve> writes:

> Our setup handles dlm and clvmd as cloned resources.

Exactly what we do in our wheezy cluster.

> ¿What would be the advantages of managing them with systemd?

That they become independent of Pacemaker.  Being clones, resource
management does not mean much for these resources anyway.  But they
clutter the CIB, become dependencies of every VM resource and trigger
STONITH if they don't terminate properly for some reason.  At the same
time, they aren't strictly needed for running the VMs after the LVs are
activated, so I'm looking forward to using this relaxed setup.  On the
other hand, they've been working nicely as resources pretty much all the
time, so I'm not forcing it.  Still I find not requiring Pacemaker for
cLVM a good thing.

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