[Debian-handbook-translators] The Debian Administrator's Handbook ready to be translated!
AYANOKOUZI, Ryuunosuke
i38w7i3 at yahoo.co.jp
Mon Nov 23 21:54:10 UTC 2015
Hi Raphael,
> > First of all, I can't finish PDF layout tweaking by December 5.
> > It will finish it by January 10, 2016. I'm terribly sorry for my optimistic estimate.
> It's not a big deal. I have another problem... I was expecting to use
> lulu.com as "print-on-demand" service but I'm not sure if Japan is covered
> correctly.
Thank you for your understanding. I'll try to work hard.
It looks that lulu.com offers worldwide shipping[1].
[1] http://connect.lulu.com/t5/Shipping/Shipping-Times-and-Options/ta-p/33707
> Can you try to buy the current english paperback (and stop the order
> before the actual payment) just to see how much they charge you for the
> shipment of the book ?
I checked the shipping charge in the case of shipping to Tokyo.
Shipping To: ******** ******** *-* ******** chiyoda-ku Tokyo, ***-**** Japan
Item Subtotal: $50.10
Subtotal: $50.10
Shipping Subtotal: $68.99 (Express)
Shipping Subtotal: $8.99 (Mail)
and Tax.
> Because if it's prohibitive we might have to find another service that
> works better for you.
Considering the total cost (50.10+68.99=119.09 USD) for getting one copy
from lulu.com, I think it is very expensive.
Your book is also being sold at 6,634 JPY
(~53.87 USD, including tax and shipping charge) on amazon.co.jp[1].
If Japanese version also will be sold on amazon.co.jp,
No one in Japan will get a copy directly from lulu.com.
But there is some disadvantages of amazon.co.jp compared to lulu.com:
the shopping page[1] is also reminding that no stock is available and
that your order will be cancelled if the copy is not arrived.
If that helps, legendarily masterpiece of Japanese debian-only book [2],
which is written by Kenshi Muto (a.k.a. kmuto, he is also DD),
is being sold 5,378 JPY (~43.67 USD, including tax and shipping charge)
on amazon.co.jp. This books is published on 2005, so it very much outdated.
But according to Debian books pages[3,4], in recent years
no debian-only book have been published in Japan
(some books/magazines were made reference to debian, but
debian-related part is just one of an article in them).
Thinking about such situation for other retailers and other book,
Total cost for getting your book from lulu.com, 119.09 USD,
is too aggressive for debian-only book.
[1] http://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/B017D20O26/
[2] http://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/4798102865/
[3] https://www.debian.org/doc/books.en.html#japanese
[4] http://www.debian.or.jp/using/book.html
> The second problem with Lulu is that we can't input japanese in the
> official book description... the ISBN metadata must be in Latin
> characters. Or maybe there's a good way to transliterate japanese
> that is still readable by Japanese ?
I think we should find a way to input Japanese character.
I find a Japanese author[1] writing his book's description in Japanese[2]
(which is placed on the right side of front cover image).
So, there is a way to naturally input Japanese, I think.
[1] http://www.lulu.com/shop/search.ep?contributorId=311182
[2] http://www.lulu.com/shop/%E6%9D%BE%E6%9C%AC%E6%B7%B3/%E3%81%B5%E3%81%A4%E3%81%86%E3%81%AE%E4%BA%BA%E3%81%B8%E3%81%AEubuntu%E3%81%AE%E5%8B%A7%E3%82%81/paperback/product-1604534.html
If I were you, I'll ask lulu.com's support.
If all effort ended in failure, go with following options.
* 1st-option: HTML Numeric Character References
Looking at the source of ref.2, the description part is
written in Numeric Character References.
So, try the following translation on your terminal,
where "日本語" corresponds to Japanese description text.
And input translated text "日本語" as the ISBN metadata.
$ echo 日本語 | perl -CIO -MHTML::Entities -lne 'print $_; print HTML::Entities::encode_entities_numeric($_);'
* 2nd-option: Romanization of Japanese
There is standard translation for Japanese-character into Latin script.
The translation is called "Romanization of Japanese"[1].
If we have to do so, please inform me.
"Romanization" is nothing compared with English-to-Japanese translation.
But I don't think "Romanization" is reader-friendly
for Japanese and also for search engines.
This should be used as a last resort, if at all.
[1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Romanization_of_Japanese
> And the last problem is obviously that there is no japanese version
> of the website itself (where you place the order).
I think we should lead your Japanese customer to amazon.co.jp.
As far as using lulu.com's ordering interface, the problem won't be solved.
But lulu.com makes your book available on amazon[1],
and actually your book is on sale at amazon.co.jp[2].
Since amazon.co.jp's ordering interface is perfectly translated into Japanese,
Japanese won't face to language problem.
I must explain disadvantage also.
If your book is sold on amazon not on lulu.com, you will get less royalties[1].
I'm not sure this point is acceptable for you.
[1] http://www.lulu.com/distribution/sell.php
[2] http://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/B017D20O26/
> I would like your feedback on those various points... how problematic are
> they ? Do you know another print-on-demand service in Japan that would be
> availabe in English as well so that I can at least use their backoffice
> to register the book properly ?
I don't know a good company for print-on-demand (POD) professing English service in Japan.
How about amazon.co.jp's POD program[1]? For publishing by the POD program,
first you have to contact with agency service company which is responsible to printing
(amazon.co.jp is responsible to delivery and ordering).
There is a list of contact e-mail address[2] on the bottom of the ref.1.
But unfortunately, no any companies are providing English web pages.
I can't say which agency should you choose,
but there is only one company publishing technology-related book,
that is 株式会社 インプレスR&D:pod at nextpublishing.jp.
[1] http://www.amazon.co.jp/b?node=2229003051
[2] amazon-pod at mediado.jp, pod at pubridge.jp, contact at yznet.co.jp,
pod at nextpublishing.jp, pod at goma-books.co.jp, pod at sar-jp.com,
a_distributor at hq.cri.co.jp, info at jmarc.or.jp.
> > Current working branch for Japanese PDF layout tweaking is available on my git account[1].
> > Even thought this branch is just a rebased branch of 'jessie/print-en'[2],
> > generated Japanese PDF is perfectly good in the sense of PAGE LAYOUT.
> BTW, I just have been bitten by differences of rendering because I have
> been using versions from unstable... and things keep evolving, so please
> for this part do the build in a jessie environnement where you just
> install publican (4.3.2-1) and liblocale-po-perl (0.27-1) from stretch.
I understand. That is also I have been concerned recently.
Thanks for your advice.
Ryuunosuke Ayanokouzi
AYANOKOUZI, Ryuunosuke <i38w7i3 at yahoo.co.jp>
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