[Debian-handbook-translators] Dutch translation
Iván Alemán
aleman.ivan at gmail.com
Thu Mar 30 12:54:52 UTC 2017
Hello Patrick,
Welcome :)
On 30 March 2017 at 10:34, Patrick Kox <patrick.kox at skynet.be> wrote:
> Hello everybody,
> ....
> Anyway, what I'm trying to say is that I've been using Debian for a while,
> but only as a "Home User" so I have no experience with setting-up servers
> or anything like that.
After reading the book you will have a good idea at least teorically ;)
> I'm currently running Stretch, Does that matter for the translation
> (differences in screenshots maybe?) and with Stretch in soft-freeze now
> would it be a good idea to start with Jessie or wait for stretch?
> My idea is to basically read the Manual and try to translate as I read
> though the book.
Yes exactly, you read the book and translate/adapt the best you can into
your "native" language.
> Since I have zero programming experience, I think the method of choice
> would be the Weblate website and maybe move to Git at a later stage (or
> maybe only for the Diagrams and Screenshots).
Probably most of us are using Weblate for the translation, you do not need
really any programming experience, but maybe is a good idea to be
confortable with the CLI if using Git.
> If anyone can give me some additional advise it would be greatly
> appreciated, for example if someone can point to a good tutorial on Git.
A good intro/deep dive into Git that I can recommend is this:
https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2 it has saved me several times.
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