Starting D-I translation effort for Bangla - step 3 (was: Re: [Debian-in-workers] Re: [DebianIndia] Debian-IN)

Baishampayan Ghose b.ghose at
Wed Aug 24 15:17:34 UTC 2005

> If you have a GPG key, please mention me its ID. Otherwise, don't
> worry, it is not mandatory.
My GPG Key ID is 0x86361B74 [it's not signed by anybody in the web of
trust as of yet].

> You already mentioned me the locale (bn_IN) and I just checked that it
> actually exists. One question remains to me: another bn locale exists
> for Bengladesh-->would you translation be also adapted for the bn_BD
> locale?
> (I prefer checking in case there are differences in scripts...)
Well, IIRC there is no difference in the script or the language per
se. It's just the locale. To be doubly sure, I will ask people who
might know. And IMO, the translation should be readily adaptable for
bn_BD with minor changes, if any.

Baishampayan Ghose
b.ghose at

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