[Debian-in-workers] Participation in LinuxAsia 2006

Gora Mohanty gora_mohanty at yahoo.co.in
Tue Jan 17 19:13:42 UTC 2006

Soumyadip Modak <soumyadip.modak at gmail.com> wrote:> On Tue, 2006-01-17 at 06:34 +0000, Gora Mohanty wrote:
>> Isn't Linux-Asia providing machines?

> Last thing I heard they weren't. No one seems to have any idea.

 Sounds about normal for LA.

>>  It might be possible for Sarai to make copies of DVDs, provided
 >> that you let us know well in advance, and provide us with blanks.
> Well frankly speaking I don't think there'll be enough funds for
 > buying DVDs, although an external dvd drive would certainly let us
 > ask people to get their own blank dvds.
 I doubt that Sarai will pony up the money for blank DVDs, though I will 
 ask. Also, I am not sure that we can borrow the Sarai DVD drive for 
 LA. What we could do is duplicate it in Sarai beforehand, if you can
 come up with a source for blanks.

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