[Debian-in-workers] Call for contributions for LinuxAsia2006

Mahesh T. Pai paivakil at gmail.com
Tue Jan 31 05:44:04 UTC 2006

Soumyadip Modak said on Mon, Jan 30, 2006 at 02:22:30AM +0530,:

 > 1. Physical Presence. 
 > 	I don't think I need to elaborate more. We need people to be 			present
 > at the stall.

While I was  (and still am) expecting to  be at LA as a  speaker, I am
getting  the impression  that  travel support  /  reimbursemnt is  not
available for speakers, which, if true,  means I might not be there, I
am keeping my fingers crossed.

Mahesh T. Pai   ||  http://paivakil.blogspot.com
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