[Debian-in-workers] Fwd: Lenny installer string freeze status 20080901

Kumar Appaiah a.kumar at alumni.iitm.ac.in
Mon Sep 1 18:18:07 UTC 2008

On Mon, Sep 01, 2008 at 11:10:51PM +0530, Kartik Mistry wrote:
> 2008/9/1 Kumar Appaiah <a.kumar at alumni.iitm.ac.in>:
> > I am interested in handling Hindi. Could you just point out as to
> > where I can find the untranslated and fuzze files? I want to see Hindi
> > in the installer for Lenny.
> Checkout d-i/trunk/packages/po/ from d-i repository (svn.debian.org).
> You can find all sublevels there. This is for level1. Rest levels are
> combination of different PO files.

OK, sublevel 2 is incomplete. I have a completed version in my
machine, which I thought I had sent to Christian. I'll send it again
anyway. All the other sublevels seem to be done.

> I really appreciate Kumar's hard work and sorry for showing laziness
> for real disappeared translators.

It's quite all right. Who knows when real life problems comes to throw
a spanner in the works? It's best that people who have time chip in to
help out, so don't blame the earlier contributors who have done bulk
of the work! :-)

Kumar Appaiah
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