[Debian-in-workers] Draft for ttf-indic-fonts restructuring

Vasudev Kamath kamathvasudev at gmail.com
Sat May 14 12:27:06 UTC 2011

On 14:39 Sat 14 May     , Mahesh T. Pai wrote:
>  > pkg-ruby-extras team i.e having transitional packages which will
>  > depend on new packages and which can be slowly removed from debian
>  > archive later.
> A more tricky question:-
> If I install foo-font; how will the system deal with other fonts
> installed by ttf-blah-fonts?

Well I just forgot but its simple the new package will have Replaces:
Conflicts: Provides: which can handle the installed

For Eg. fonts-malayalam will have

Replaces: ttf-malayalam-fonts
Conflicts: ttf-malayalam-fonts
Provides: ttf-malayalam-fonts

so when you install this apt will take care of removing the existing
ttf-<language>-fonts cleanly and install fonts-malayalam

> Still more tricky situation:-
> What about 
> /usr/share/fonts/truetype/ttf-<lang>-font directories on older
> systems?

As I said the above conditions will take care of this and the
directories will be removed.

Also forgot to put the link to pkg-fonts-devel list thread here it is


Vasudev Kamath
vasudev at joindiaspora.com (Ostatus)
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