[Debian-in-workers] fonts-sarai_1.0-1_amd64.changes REJECTED

Paul Richards Tagliamonte ftpmaster at ftp-master.debian.org
Wed Aug 7 03:02:01 UTC 2013

Howdy ho,

I've rejected the package because you're licensing your debian directory
under the GPL-3+, and upstream is GPL-2. You're patching the source and
adding code which I'd consider to be creative.

As a result, we can't distribute this. Plese relicense that patch to
a compatable license.

P.S., if the watchfile isn't doing anything, please don't include it (and
perhaps make a note of why in the README.Debian)



Please feel free to respond to this email if you don't understand why
your files were rejected, or if you upload new files which address our

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