[Debian-in-workers] Bug#717636: [latex-sanskrit] Package contain type1 startlock fragment from black book

Bastien ROUCARIÈS bastien.roucaries at u-cergy.fr
Tue Jul 23 08:59:01 UTC 2013

Package: latex-sanskrit
Version: 2.2-10
Severity: serious
control: block -1 by 694308


You have overriden the lintian warning about the copyrighted fragment of 

After a double check they are some problem still

 t1disasm sktb10.pfb  | grep start
give some positive check from black book.

Please remove the lintian override. We are solving the problem with adobe 

Nevertheless your package should credit adobe for the following code. We will 
open a mass bug after solving the license problem.


Dr-Ing Bastien ROUCARIÈS Université de Cergy/SATIE ENS Cachan

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