[Debian-l10n-devel] How are stats pages generated?

Christian Perrier bubulle at debian.org
Fri Jul 25 15:19:23 UTC 2008

I wonder how are the stats pages generated
(http://www.debian.org/intl/l10n/po-debconf and the like).

I suppose this is done with:

30      4       *       *       *       root    /org/dl10n-stuff/bin/gen-unstable unstable 2>&1 | tee /org/dl10n-s
tuff/log/gen-unstable.cron.$(date "+\%Y\%m\%d-\%H\%M")
45      4       *       *       *       nekral  /org/dl10n-stuff/bin/gen-testing testing 2>&1 | tee /org/dl10n-stu

These are generating data in /org/dl10n-stuff/www

I suppose that this data
(/org/dl10n-stuff/www/unstable/data/unstable.gz) is then processed by
scripts on the Debian web server....

My point is: what should be modified for having stats pages for
*testing* and no more only unstable?

I would also us to include the above scripts and configuration files
in the debian-l10n SVN server and maintain them from that place.

This is of course one of the discussions we could have at Debconf but
better begin to talk about what can be discussed by mail, as soon as possible.


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