[Debian-l10n-devel] some questions about the new ddtts

Michael Bramer grisu at debian.org
Wed Sep 7 21:37:13 UTC 2011

Hi Martijn

thanks for your last git push's.

Now is working... if I remove the ols

Some thoughts about some new/missing stuff:

1.) old Log-File

We need some tracking of the deveopment of a translation, like the old

1a) as messages from the system to the description (like the already
coded 'acceptance message'
1b) as extra table

2.) word list

I think we will add the wordlist as sql table?


CREATE TABLE wordlist_tb
   wordlist_id serial PRIMARY KEY ,
   language text NOT NULL,
   word text NOT NULL,
   suggestion text NOT NULL

3.) lock of descriptions

Add a 'STATE_PENDING_LOCK' state in class PendingTranslation to lock a
translation (from the coordinator)

or something other (extra Table? use a lock milestone? ...)

4.) get/store the 'advisors' of a translation

Store all old translators/reviewer of a translation (aka advisors).

If we have this info, we can put a 'hot' icon in front of the
description name in the pending list, to track this descriptions in
the translation process.



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