[Debian-l10n-devel] some questions about the new ddtts

Martijn van O kleptog at gmail.com
Sun Sep 11 16:09:06 UTC 2011

On 11 September 2011 00:06, Michael Bramer <grisu at debian.org> wrote:

> I play with a prototype and add the log in the messag-System and
> upload it to github
> see the screenshort:
> http://ddtp.debian.net/screenshots/ddtp-new-web-20110910-new-comment.png

Looks pretty good actually. Haven't played with it too much, but it
seems to meet the goals.

>>> 3.) lock of descriptions
>>> ------------------------
>>> Add a 'STATE_PENDING_LOCK' state in class PendingTranslation to lock a
>>> translation (from the coordinator)
>> What would it mean to "lock" a translation. That nobody can do
>> anything until unlocked. No review,no changes, nothing? But still
>> allow comments? I assume it's to allow discussion about some point?
> Some description are more or less the same... Like XXX and XXX-dbg
> In this cases it should be usefull for the lang coordinator, to lock
> XXX-dbg. And unlook it, after the XXX is translated.

Ah, that problem. I was thinking that in the list of pending
translations there should be a warning that a part of this translation
is shared with another. Or even more draconian, don't allow a
translation to be fetched if it shares a part with another pending

But this brings me back to my question: locked means not allowed to
make any changes, but still allow comments?

>>> 4.) get/store the 'advisors' of a translation
>>> ---------------------------------------------
> If the solution with the messag system is good enough for you, this
> is now only a
>  SELECT for_description from messages_tb where from_user='grisu42';
> and you get all description, if you add a comment or make some work
> with it.

Right, so you can simply flag all the descriptions where the current
user has done something with before.

Have a nice day,
Martijn van Oosterhout <kleptog at gmail.com> http://svana.org/kleptog/

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