[Debian-l10n-devel] Debian i18n sprint "towards i18n.debian.org" - new status
Martin Zobel-Helas
zobel at debian.org
Tue May 29 15:15:27 UTC 2012
Hi Christian,
can you specifiy for which exact tasks you need DSA on-site? Is this
just for consultation or will the DSA on-site have work to do for two
I looked into travel expenses for me (i can't promise yet if i will come
at all), this would be around 170-250 EUR, depending day and way of
I just would like to avoid traveling to Paris if my real work load on
i18n stuff for that weekend is only 3-6h while you guys meet 3d
Then I would rather stay at home and online, with dedicated time for
this sprint.
(Paris is a nice city and I would love to visit Palais du Louvre, but i
fear Leader will not pay my travel expenses for sightseeing in Paris).
Martin Zobel-Helas <zobel at debian.org> | Debian System Administrator
Debian & GNU/Linux Developer | Debian Listmaster
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