[Debian-l10n-devel] Changing i18n.debian.net DNS records

Michael Bramer m.bramer at deb-support.de
Mon Nov 19 09:44:27 UTC 2012

On 11/19/2012 08:05 AM, Christian PERRIER wrote:
> Quoting Christian PERRIER (bubulle at debian.org):
>> Quoting Michael Bramer (m.bramer at deb-support.de):
>>>>> We must change the DNS to point to i18n.debian.net following ip
>>>> Right. That's something we can fix. Not sure how it works with
>>>> debian.netdomains, but according to the wiki it can be changed by a
>>>> DD. I'm not sure
>>>> if you have to find the person who originally set it up though, the wiki
>>>> isn't clear about that.
>>>> http://wiki.debian.org/DebianNetDomains
>>> Should I switch this?
>> Hello Grisu,
>> Ping?
> Hello Michael,
> Really, we need this change as, as of now, we still have no sync
> between ftp.debian.org and translated descriptions from churro.
> Also, even though the DDTP is operational on churro in its new
> location, it's hard (not to say impossible) for translators to work on
> it.
> If, for some reason, you're in trouble for this, is there someone else
> who can do it?

I have a problem....

I don't find my usb stick with my debian pgp-key and I was last week in 
munich on a exhibition and not at my office.

Please ask the dns master of debian.net to adopt ddtp.debian.org on your 


and sorry for the trouble

Michael Bramer

email: m.bramer at deb-support.de
Tel: +49 170 2253865

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