[Debian-l10n-devel] Notice of mailing list closure: debian-l10n-devel
Adriano Rafael Gomes
adrianorg at debian.org
Sun Apr 8 21:29:10 BST 2018
On Mon, Apr 02, 2018 at 04:21:14PM +0100, alioth lists migration team wrote:
>Dear list subscribers,
Dear alioth-lists migration team,
>As per the announcement on debian-devel-announce[1] and as part of
>the shutdown of the alioth service, the migration of
>lists.alioth.debian.org mailing lists to alioth-lists.debian.net is now
>We tried to contact the designated list owner via
>debian-l10n-devel-owner at lists.alioth.debian.org but got either no reply,
>or a bounce message. Accordingly, this list will not be migrated to the
>new system and will stop working on 14th April.
>Information about alternatives to this service which may be more suitable
>for the list can be found at
>In the event that this list should be migrated to the new system,
>please first appoint a Debian developer as a list owner, then let us know
>by replying to this email, copying in the list.
We would like to request the migration of the
debian-l10n-devel at lists.alioth.debian.org list to
debian-l10n-devel at alioth-lists.debian.net, please.
Please add /me <adrianorg at debian.org> as the initial list owner.
>More information about the new service can be found here:
>the alioth-lists migration team.
>[1] <https://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-announce/2018/01/msg00003.html>
Thanks for your work.
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