[Debian-l10n-devel] Bug#805378: Undefined subroutine errors (spider-bts) Was: [Help] Re: dl10n-check: Can't locate Debian/Pkg/DebSrc.pm in @INC

Holger Wansing hwansing at mailbox.org
Tue Nov 19 14:57:48 GMT 2024

Hi Laura,

Am 19. November 2024 15:01:27 MEZ schrieb Laura Arjona Reina <larjona at debian.org>:
>Hello all
>Thanks for helping with dl10n scripts and infrastructure.
>Since the last changes in dl10n codebase (I think it's not related to the change in Makefile.PL but I cannot find other changes that could have caused this), our hourly job spiderbts fails with error:
>run-parts: /srv/i18n.debian.org/dl10n/git/etc/cron.hourly//spiderbts exited with return code 255
>Looking at the log, it says:
>Undefined subroutine &Html::html called at /srv/i18n.debian.org//dl10n/git/dl10n-html line 140.
>(well, now it says "Undefined subroutine &Debian::L10n::Html::html called at /srv/i18n.debian.org//dl10n/git/dl10n-html line 140." because I changed the line trying to fix the error).
>We have the file in dl10n/git/lib/Debian/L10n/Html.pm that includes the subroutine hmtl() and it was working without issues. I think that now Perl in tye.d.o cannot find it but I don't know why, because the cron job (script https://salsa.debian.org/l10n-team/dl10n/-/blob/master/cron/spiderbts?ref_type=heads ) gets the configuration from file dl10n.conf as the other scripts.
>I have tried to rename the "html" subroutine to "myhtml" for the case it clashes with some standard Perl module but I get the same error.
>Can anybody help?

Maybe disable the 'git pull' in the cron script and revert the git status locally back to say November 14th ?
To verify, it's related to latest changings...


>(The scripts in tye.d.o run based on git, not on the package. A daily jobs makes a "git pull". If you need me to do any test just tell, I am in debian-i18n group).
>Kind regards,

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