[Debian-l10n-devel] Bug#805378: Undefined subroutine errors (spider-bts) Was: [Help] Re: dl10n-check: Can't locate Debian/Pkg/DebSrc.pm in @INC

Laura Arjona Reina larjona at debian.org
Tue Nov 19 15:26:08 GMT 2024

Hi Holger

El 19/11/24 a las 15:57, Holger Wansing escribió:
> Hi Laura,
> Am 19. November 2024 15:01:27 MEZ schrieb Laura Arjona Reina <larjona at debian.org>:
>> Hello all
>> Thanks for helping with dl10n scripts and infrastructure.
>> Since the last changes in dl10n codebase (I think it's not related to the change in Makefile.PL but I cannot find other changes that could have caused this), our hourly job spiderbts fails with error:
>> run-parts: /srv/i18n.debian.org/dl10n/git/etc/cron.hourly//spiderbts exited with return code 255
>> Looking at the log, it says:
>> Undefined subroutine &Html::html called at /srv/i18n.debian.org//dl10n/git/dl10n-html line 140.
>> (well, now it says "Undefined subroutine &Debian::L10n::Html::html called at /srv/i18n.debian.org//dl10n/git/dl10n-html line 140." because I changed the line trying to fix the error).
>> We have the file in dl10n/git/lib/Debian/L10n/Html.pm that includes the subroutine hmtl() and it was working without issues. I think that now Perl in tye.d.o cannot find it but I don't know why, because the cron job (script https://salsa.debian.org/l10n-team/dl10n/-/blob/master/cron/spiderbts?ref_type=heads ) gets the configuration from file dl10n.conf as the other scripts.
>> I have tried to rename the "html" subroutine to "myhtml" for the case it clashes with some standard Perl module but I get the same error.
>> Can anybody help?
> Maybe disable the 'git pull' in the cron script and revert the git status locally back to say November 14th ?
> To verify, it's related to latest changings...
Thanks for the idea.
I have logged in tye.d.o and done:
sudo -u debian-i18n git checkout bdd61bb4cf8fc56ed16aea22f7345c628b76547a

(which is 
, the last state where thinks worked)

and then, edited etc/cron.d/05sync-git to comment out the "git pull" line.

I'll wait for the following runs of spiderbts and if it works, will 
forward the git repo in tye commit by commit to see when it breaks.

Kind regards

Laura Arjona Reina

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