[Debian-l10n-devel] Bug#805378: Undefined subroutine errors (spider-bts) Was: [Help] Re: dl10n-check: Can't locate Debian/Pkg/DebSrc.pm in @INC

Andreas Tille tille at debian.org
Tue Nov 19 16:00:16 GMT 2024


Am Tue, Nov 19, 2024 at 04:26:08PM +0100 schrieb Laura Arjona Reina:
> > Maybe disable the 'git pull' in the cron script and revert the git status locally back to say November 14th ?
> > To verify, it's related to latest changings...
> Thanks for the idea.
> I have logged in tye.d.o and done:
> sudo -u debian-i18n git checkout bdd61bb4cf8fc56ed16aea22f7345c628b76547a
> (which is https://salsa.debian.org/l10n-team/dl10n/-/commit/bdd61bb4cf8fc56ed16aea22f7345c628b76547a
> , the last state where thinks worked)
> and then, edited etc/cron.d/05sync-git to comment out the "git pull" line.
> I'll wait for the following runs of spiderbts and if it works, will forward
> the git repo in tye commit by commit to see when it breaks.

I admit I was not aware that changing the packaging repository of some
Debian package can have some severe influence on a production machine.
I'm very sorry if I might have broken something.

On the other hand it seems that nobody is actually using dl10n as a
*package*.  Wouldn't it make sense to remove the Debian package from the
archive ... or possibly splitting the part from the repository that is
used in some daily cron job to some other place than the packaging
repository?  Just trying to understand what is possibly a simple thing
when being involved.

Kind regards


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