[debian-lan-devel] converting a minimal Debian installation with FAI

Andreas B. Mundt andi.mundt at web.de
Wed Dec 5 22:02:01 UTC 2012

Hi all,

I've figured out a way to convert an existing minimal Debian
installation with FAI.  It seems to work pretty well for Debian-LAN,
and I would like to share/discuss the approach.  It uses "fai -vN
softupdate" for the conversion.  The necessary steps are:

      * install the base system, hostname "mainserver" with the
        debian installer
      * install fai-quickstart
      * copy the debian-lan config space in place
      * disable starting services
      * run "fai -vN -s file:///srv/fai/config softupdate"
      * enable services and reboot

A few more details can be found in the Debian Wiki [1].  Perhaps it
would be even interesting to add some option to fai that disables
service starting for softupdate.

Any comments/ideas?

Best regards,


[1] <URL:http://wiki.debian.org/DebianLAN/bootstrap>

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