[debian-lan-devel] packaging Debian-LAN

Paul Wise pabs at debian.org
Sun Feb 3 02:53:03 UTC 2013

On Sun, Feb 3, 2013 at 4:23 AM, Andreas B. Mundt wrote:

> First, I dropped the config space to /usr/share/debian-lan-config/ .
> However, lintian complained about an unknown interpreter
> (#!/usr/sbin/cfagent) used in some files.  I can overwrite that
> warning, but I thought perhaps it's better to drop it to
> /usr/share/doc/debian-lan-config/ to kind of stress that these
> executables are not to be run on the target machine.  So the
> question is:  Where is the best place to drop the config space?

The package must work when /usr/share/doc/ has been removed, so keep
it in /usr/share. Please file a bug on lintian so that it recognises
cfagent as

> When using /usr/share/doc/debian-lan-config/, some files from the
> config space got compressed by dh_compress.  I had to overwrite
> dh_compress to prevent that.  Are there better ways?

>From the manual page:

       -Xitem, --exclude=item
           Exclude files that contain item anywhere in their filename
from being compressed. For example, -X.tiff will exclude TIFF files
from compression.  You may use this option multiple times to build up
a list of things to exclude.

> I started with a dependency on fai-server, as fai-server is needed to
> prepare the CD (cf. README.Debian or [3]).  However, this pulls in
> packages I don't want and need, like isc-dhcp-server.  So I just
> suggest fai-server now and the user can install it later without
> recommends as explained in README.Debian.  Is there a way to depend or
> recommend a package, but without pulling in associated
> dependencies/recommends?

I don't think that is possible.

> Finally, what is the best name for the package? I thought about
> debian-lan-fai-config, but finally ended up without the fai.  I am
> still not sure if FAI should be mentioned in the package name, or if
> that gets too long.

I was thinking fai-config-lan.



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