[debian-lan-devel] Question regarding DNS setup and hostname
bmi.sysadmin at mail.sdsu.edu
Fri Sep 11 00:03:58 UTC 2015
I haven't made any changes to the FAI files but I tried to change
/etc/hosts file manually and attempted to install SGE but it failed. I
wanted to make sure that this worked before I made permanent changes to
FAI settings. Changing /etc/hosts manually and restarting the networking
service resulted me in the same error. "hostname -f" still returned
<hostname>.intern. Should I try changing the setting before installation
and reinstall the system?
On 9/10/15, 12:20 AM, Andreas B. Mundt wrote:
> Hi Eddy,
> On Wed, Sep 09, 2015 at 03:19:18PM -0700, Eddy_Kim wrote:
>> I am trying to install Sun of Grid Engine on Debian-Lan system. I am running
>> into an issue regarding hostname and DNS setup.
>> My issue is similar to a topic discussed in this thread
>> http://arc.liv.ac.uk/pipermail/gridengine-users/2007-October/016288.html.
>> The main error message is " It is not supported for a Grid Engine
>> installation that the local hostname contains the hostname "localhost"
>> and/or the IP address "127.0.x.x" of the loopback interface. The "localhost"
>> hostname should be reserved for the loopback interface ("") and the
>> real hostname should be assigned to one of the > physical or logical network
>> interfaces of this machine. "
>> I have tried to change hostname and its ip address but I am not finding easy
>> to change anything as Debian-Lan is setting up the DNS server. The hostname
>> remains <myhostname>.intern and its corresponding address is
> You can provide your own '/etc/hosts' file within the FAI config
> space. For the mainserver this is 'files/etc/hosts/mainserver' [1]
> and you can modify it according to your needs.
> The same could be done for the clients, just add the file to the FAI
> config space like 'files/etc/hosts/FAIBASE' or
> 'files/etc/hosts/CLIENT_A' (where CLIENT_A is the class the clients
> are part of). In the latter case you need to distribute the file with
> the fcopy command somewhere in a script in 'scripts/CLIENT_A'.
> /etc/hosts is handled at the following places, probably you need to
> modify that as well (the modifications above might take precedence):
> fai/config$ grep -r '/etc/hosts' *
> hooks/install.DEFAULT.source: sed -i "1 a127.0.1.1 ${HOSTNAME}.intern ${HOSTNAME}" /etc/hosts
> scripts/FAIBASE/10-misc: ainsl -vs /etc/hosts "$IPADDR $HOSTNAME.$DOMAIN $HOSTNAME"
> scripts/FAIBASE/10-misc: ainsl -vs /etc/hosts " $HOSTNAME"
> scripts/FAIBASE/10-misc:fcopy -iM /etc/hosts /etc/motd
> scripts/DISKLESS_CLIENT/10-misc:fcopy -Mv /etc/hosts
> Does this help with your problem? Don't hesitate to clarify if I did
> not get the problem right.
> Best regards,
> Andi
> [1] https://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/collab-maint/debian-lan.git/tree/fai/config/files/etc/hosts/mainserver
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