[Debian-lego-team] The future of LEGO in Debian?

Johannes Schauer josch at debian.org
Sat Nov 2 08:18:15 GMT 2019


Quoting Petter Reinholdtsen (2019-11-02 08:26:49)
> [Nicolas Guilbert]
> > I am fine with continuing maintaining LeoCAD
> Good.  Perhaps it is the only maintained LEGO related package...

that and ldraw-parts which I regularly upload. Unfortunately ldraw-parts has to
sit in non-free due to its Creative Commons license. :(

Personally, I don't use the nxt anymore.

> Did you notice the question from september about ldraw that is still not
> answered?  Not quite sure what to make from that.

Apologies, the message really flew under my radar in my inbox. I answered it


cheers, josch
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