[Debian-lego-team] NQC Upstream Source for Debian Package?

Johannes Schauer Marin Rodrigues josch at debian.org
Fri Jul 12 09:08:39 BST 2024


Quoting Nicolas Schodet (2024-07-12 09:27:25)
> I am not a Debian Developer, but I participate in packaging LEGO related
> package, so take my responses with a piece of salt :)

I am a Debian Developer but I have not touched my RCX in... more than a decade?

> > In that GitHub repo for BrickBot/nqc, I've incorporated the patches linked
> > above and others, plus based on some work by GitHub user maehw, I've also
> > incorporated support for building as a WebAssembly.  Additionally, I have
> > incorporated an automatic build setup via GitHub Actions that uses
> > "ubuntu-latest" as the OS for that job.  Could this repository potentially
> > assume the role of upstream repository for the Debian NQC package?  I am
> > very new to the world of Debian packaging but would be happy to assist as I
> > can from an "upstream" perspective.
> Thanks for what you do :) I try to do the same for NXT software.
> For the change of upstream, you need a response from a Debian Developer.

Yes, when old upstream projects "die" it is not unheard of for a Debian package
to switch to the fork which continues the original development. Though of
course ideally, this choice would be made by a Debian Developer who actually
uses the software in the end. Maybe somebody else from the Debian LEGO team
does? I'm mostly here for ldraw-parts. :)

Another thing that is a possibility is for the package to be maintained by you
but sponsored by somebody else. That way, somebody else (you) would do the
actual packaging work and a Debian Developer would only need to review and
upload. How much Debian packaging experience do you have?


cheers, josch
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