[med-svn] r1471 - in trunk/packages: boxshade/trunk boxshade/trunk/debian gnumed-client/trunk/debian gnumed-client/trunk/debian/patches
tille at alioth.debian.org
tille at alioth.debian.org
Tue Feb 26 17:46:07 UTC 2008
Author: tille
Date: 2008-02-26 17:46:01 +0000 (Tue, 26 Feb 2008)
New Revision: 1471
Boxshade: Preparation of 3.3.1-3 release (removing upstream code, get-orig-source, cleanup); GNUmed-client: New upstream version
Deleted: trunk/packages/boxshade/trunk/box.c
--- trunk/packages/boxshade/trunk/box.c 2008-02-26 08:06:06 UTC (rev 1470)
+++ trunk/packages/boxshade/trunk/box.c 2008-02-26 17:46:01 UTC (rev 1471)
@@ -1,1720 +0,0 @@
- BOXSHADE 3.3 (May 1997)
-this program makes multiple-aligned output from either
- - PRETTY files from old LINEUP
- - MSF files from new PILEUP
- - CLUSTAL- .ALN files
- - MALIGNED data files
- - ESEE files
- - PHYLIP files
-various kinds of shading can be applied to identical/similar residues
-Output formats supported are
- - ANSI for display on terminal with ANSI.SYS loaded (PC version)
- - VT100 for display on VT100 compatible terminals
- - CRT for display on the main screen ( * PC-version only! * )
- - Encapsulated POSTSCRIPT (for export to graphics programs)
- - HPGL for output on plotters or export to graphics programs
- - RTF (Rich text format) for export to word processing programs
- - ReGIS graphics for disply on terminals with ReGIS capabilities (DEC)
- - ReGIS file for printing after conversion with RETOS
- - LJ250 coloir printer format (DEC)
- - ASCII output showing either conserved or variable residues
- - FIG file output for use with xfig 2.1 program
- - PICT file, mostly used by Mac graphics progs, also many PC progs
- - HTML output for Web publishing
-This program might still contain bugs and is not particularly
-user-friendly. It is completely public-domain and may be
-passed around and modified without any notice to the author.
-the authors addresses are:
- Kay Hofmann Michael D. Baron
- Bioinformatics Group BBSRC Institute for Animal Health
- ISREC Pirbright, Surrey GU24 0NF
- CH-1066 Epalinges s/Lausanne U.K.
- Switzerland
-C port by
- Hartmut Schirmer
- Technische Fakultaet
- Kaiserstr. 2
- D-24143 Kiel
- Germany
-for any comments write an E-mail to
- Kay: khofmann at isrec-sun1.unil.ch
- Michael: baron at bbsrc.ac.uk (though kay wrote 99% of the program and is more
- likely to be of help, especially with input and output problems)
- Hartmut: hsc at techfak.uni-kiel.de (don't send Kay or Michael any questions
- concerning the 'C' version of boxshade)
-3.3 -converted from Pascal to C, includes several bug fixes over Pascal v3.21,
- mostly in page switching code. Rewritten Postscript driver: Compact
- output following the document structure conventions (DSC), additional
- color mode added. Enhanced memory allocation allows bigger alignments
- to be processed. Added ruler feature and /grp & /sim command line
- parameter. Added HTML output.
-3.2 -added PICT output, somewhat experimental, all feedback gratefully
- received (by MDB). There are two options, either to output the Text
- with the shading (T) or just the shading (S); the latter option is for those
- who find the full file too big for their computer/program, and want to
- combine the shading with a simple formatted text version of their multiple
- sequence file e.g. the output from PRETTY (remember to set the block
- size equal to the linelength).
-3.0 -major changes to shading strategy introduced by Michael Baron,
- see Documentation for details
- -addition of a new set of files (*.grp) and a few new command
- line qualifiers necessary for this new strategy
- -added support for ASCII output, showing one complete sequence
- and either conserved or deviating residues in the other sequences
- -added FIG output for use with the x-windows based public domain
- graphics program xfig 2.1
- -bug fixes in the reading routine, boxshade can now import files
- created by clustalW and the MSF format created by readseq
-2.7 -unified source code for VAX/VMS, AXP/OSF1 and MSDOS (Turbo Pascal)
- -all features of previous 2.6DOS version available for OSF1 and VMS
- -reads parameter and alignment files in both DOS and UNIX format
- -writes output files in native format of the machine. UNIX or DOS
- style text files can be forced by the qualifiers /unix or /dos
- -added /check qualifier for listing of command line parameters
- -added the option to hide the master sequence (see documentation)
- -finally dropped UIS support
- -minor bug fixes
-2.6DOS -added RTF output
-2.5DOS -added HPGL output
- -added consensus formation and output
- -added the /NUMDEF qualifier for default numbering
- -added the /SPLIT qualifier for splitting output to one page per file.
- -added the /CONS and
- /SYMBCONS qualifiers for output of consensus sequence
-2.4DOS -initial MSDOS version
- -ported from VMS version 2.4
- -added CRT support
-2.4a -fixed a bug (terminal size problems)
-2.4 -modified POSTSCRIPT/EPS output, allows scaling of fonts.
- (.PAR file structure modified, BOX.PSP now obsolete)
- -support of vertical POSTSCRIPT output
- -support of output on VT-series terminals
- -support of input from CLUSTAL V
- -slight reordering of interactive input
- -minor bug in command line handling fixed
- -minor bug in EPS-bounding box fixed
-2.3 -default parameter management
- -option for shading according to similarity to a instead of a consensus sequence
- -support of GCG V7 MSF-format
-2.2 -support of sequence numbering in output
- -support of MALIGNED data files
-2.1 -output code completely rewritten for allowing easier modification
- -support of ENCAPSULATED POSTSCRIPT output
- -more compact POSTSCRIPT output files
- -multipage output for all devices
- -modifications in PRETTY and CLUSTAL reading routines
- for coping with slightly altered formats
-2.0 -added POSTSCRIPT and ReGIS output routines
- -added a version that compiles without VWS (BOX_NO_UIS)
- -some minor bugfixes
- -creation of a .COM file for setting logicals
-1.0 -initial version
- -CLUSTAL and PRETTY input
- -UIS/VWS and LJ250 sixel output
------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
-#define BX_TYPES_G
-#include "bx_types.h"
-#include "bx_read.h"
-#include "dv_all.h"
-#include "version.h"
-#define DNAPEP() (dnaflag ? "dna" : "pep")
-char *aasetlow = "acdefghiklmnpqrstvwy";
-char *argv0=NULL;
-static GraphicsDevice *OutDev = NULL;
-static int cons_idx = -1;
-static int ruler_idx = -1;
-/* user query section section */
-static char *explain_cl(char *cl)
- static char ncl[256];
- printf("Allowed command line parameters are:\n");
- printf(C_SEP "help show this text\n");
- printf(C_SEP "check show this text and extend command line\n");
- printf(C_SEP "def use defaults, no unnecessary questions\n");
- printf(C_SEP "numdef use default numbering\n");
- printf(C_SEP "dna assume DNA sequences, use box_dna.par\n");
- printf(C_SEP "split create separate files for multiple pages\n");
- printf(C_SEP "toseq=xxx shading according to sequence No. xxx\n");
- printf(C_SEP "in=xxxxx xxxxx is input file name\n");
- printf(C_SEP "out=xxxxx xxxxx is output file name\n");
- printf(C_SEP "par=xxxxx xxxxx is parameter file name\n");
- printf(C_SEP "sim=xxxxx xxxxx is file name for similar residues def.\n");
- printf(C_SEP "grp=xxxxx xxxxx is file name for grouping residues def.\n");
- printf(C_SEP "thr=x x is the fraction of sequences that must agree"
- " for a consensus\n");
- printf(C_SEP "dev=x x is output device class (see documentation)\n");
- printf(C_SEP "type=x x is input file format (see documentation)\n");
- printf(C_SEP "ruler print ruler line\n");
- printf(C_SEP "cons create consensus line\n");
- printf(C_SEP "symbcons=xyz xyz are consensus symbols\n");
- printf(C_SEP "symbcons=\"xyz\" if the one above does not work, try this one\n");
- printf(C_SEP "unix output files lines are terminated with LF only\n");
- printf(C_SEP "mac output files lines are terminated with CR only\n");
- printf(C_SEP "dos output files lines are terminated with CRLF\n");
-/* printf("On unix systems, use the dash (-) as parameter delimiter\n\n"); */
- if (cl != NULL) {
- printf("actual command line: %s\n", cl);
- printf("add to command line: ");
- Gets(ncl);
- } else
- *ncl = '\0';
- return ncl;
-static char *get_cl_filename(char *Result, char *cl, char *tag)
- char *p, *r;
- int p1;
- p1 = indx(cl, tag);
- p = cl + p1 + strlen(tag) - 1;
- r = Result;
- while (*p != '\0' && *p != ' ' && *p != c_sep)
- *(r++) = *(p++);
- *r = '\0';
- return Result;
-static double get_cl_real(char *cl, char *tag)
- char *p, *r;
- int p1;
- char dummy[256];
- p1 = indx(cl, tag);
- p = cl + p1 + strlen(tag) - 1;
- r = dummy;
- while (*p != '\0' && *p != ' ' && *p != c_sep)
- *(r++) = *(p++);
- *r = '\0';
- return( str2real(dummy) );
-static int get_cl_int(char *cl, char *tag)
- char *p, *r;
- int p1;
- char dummy[256];
- p1 = indx(cl, tag);
- p = cl + p1 + strlen(tag) - 1;
- r = dummy;
- while (*p != '\0' && *p != ' ' && *p != c_sep)
- *(r++) = *(p++);
- *r = '\0';
- return( str2int(dummy) );
-static void process_command_line(int argc, char **argv)
- char cl[500];
- int incr, idx;
- save_binpath(argv[0]);
- *cl = '\0';
- for (idx=1; idx < argc; idx++) {
- strcat(cl, argv[idx]);
- strcat(cl, " ");
- }
- if ( indx(cl, C_SEP "help") > 0) {
- explain_cl(NULL);
- exit(0);
- }
- if ( indx(cl, C_SEP "check") > 0) {
- strcat(cl, " ");
- strcat(cl, explain_cl(cl) );
- }
- if (indx(cl, C_SEP "dna") > 0)
- dnaflag = TRUE;
- else
- dnaflag = FALSE;
- if (indx(cl, C_SEP "def") > 0)
- interactflag = FALSE;
- else
- interactflag = TRUE;
- if (indx(cl, C_SEP "in") > 0) {
- clinflag = TRUE;
- get_cl_filename(inname, cl, C_SEP "in=");
- } else
- clinflag = FALSE;
- if (indx(cl, C_SEP "out=") > 0) {
- cloutflag = TRUE;
- get_cl_filename(outname, cl, C_SEP "out=");
- } else
- cloutflag = FALSE;
- if (indx(cl, C_SEP "par=") > 0) {
- clparflag = TRUE;
- get_cl_filename(parname, cl, C_SEP "par=");
- } else
- clparflag = FALSE;
- if (indx(cl, C_SEP "sim=") > 0) {
- clsimflag = TRUE;
- get_cl_filename(clsimname, cl, C_SEP "sim=");
- } else
- clsimflag = FALSE;
- if (indx(cl, C_SEP "grp=") > 0) {
- clgrpflag = TRUE;
- get_cl_filename(clgrpname, cl, C_SEP "grp=");
- } else
- clgrpflag = FALSE;
- if ( (idx=indx(cl, C_SEP "type=")) > 0) {
- cltypeflag = TRUE;
- inputmode = cl[idx + 5];
- } else
- cltypeflag = FALSE;
- if (indx(cl, C_SEP "thr=") > 0) {
- clthrflag = TRUE;
- thrfrac = get_cl_real(cl, C_SEP "thr=");
- if ((unsigned)thrfrac > 1)
- clthrflag = FALSE;
- } else
- clthrflag = FALSE;
- if (indx(cl, C_SEP "toseq=") > 0) {
- clseqconsflag = TRUE;
- seqconsflag = TRUE;
- consensnum = get_cl_int(cl, C_SEP "toseq=");
- } else
- clseqconsflag = FALSE;
- if ( (idx=indx(cl, C_SEP "dev=")) > 0) {
- cldevflag = TRUE;
- outputmode = cl[idx + 4];
- } else
- cldevflag = FALSE;
- if (indx(cl, C_SEP "cons") > 0) {
- consflag = TRUE;
- clconsflag = TRUE;
- } else
- clconsflag = FALSE;
- if (indx(cl, C_SEP "ruler") > 0) {
- rulerflag = TRUE;
- } else
- rulerflag = FALSE;
- if ( (idx=indx(cl, C_SEP "symbcons=")) > 0) {
- clsymbconsflag = TRUE;
- consflag = TRUE;
- clconsflag = TRUE;
- incr = 0;
- if (cl[idx + 9] == '"' ||
- cl[idx + 9] == '\'')
- incr = 1;
- symbcons[0] = cl[idx + incr + 9];
- symbcons[1] = cl[idx + incr + 10];
- symbcons[2] = cl[idx + incr + 11];
- } else
- clsymbconsflag = FALSE;
- if (indx(cl, C_SEP "split") > 0)
- splitflag = TRUE;
- else
- splitflag = FALSE;
- EOLmode = EOL_default;
- if (indx(cl, C_SEP "unix" ) > 0) EOLmode = EOL_unix; else
- if (indx(cl, C_SEP "dos") > 0) EOLmode = EOL_dos; else
- if (indx(cl, C_SEP "mac") > 0) EOLmode = EOL_mac;
- if (indx(cl, C_SEP "numdef") > 0 || !interactflag)
- numdefflag = TRUE;
- else
- numdefflag = FALSE;
-static BOOL SimGrp(char *template, char *fn, char *explain) {
- filenametype neu;
- sprintf(fn, template, DNAPEP());
- if (fexist(fn)) return TRUE;
- strcpy(neu, fn);
- sprintf(fn, "%s%c", get_logical("BOXDIR"), d_sep);
- strcat(fn, neu);
- if (fexist(fn)) return TRUE;
- if (explain == NULL) return FALSE;
- for (;;) {
- printf("%s %s does not exist, enter filename: ", explain, neu);
- Gets(fn);
- if (fexist(fn)) return TRUE;
- strcpy(neu, fn);
- printf("\007file does not exist \n");
- }
-static void ask(void)
- unsigned i;
- BOOL ok;
- char instring[51];
- double inno;
- if (!clparflag)
- sprintf(parname, "box_%s.par", DNAPEP());
- if (!fexist(parname))
- sprintf(parname, "%s%cbox_%s.par",
- get_logical("BOXDIR"), d_sep, DNAPEP());
- if (!fexist(parname)) {
- ok = FALSE;
- do {
- printf("Default-parameter file %s does not exist, enter filename: ",
- parname);
- Gets(parname);
- ok = fexist(parname);
- if (!ok)
- printf("\007file does not exist \n");
- } while (!ok);
- }
- parfile = fopen(parname, TXT_RD);
- assert(parfile != NULL);
- do {
- Fgets(line_, 256, parfile);
- } while (indx(line_, ":GENERAL") != 1);
- Fgets(line_, 256, parfile);
- if (!clinflag)
- inputmode = line_[0];
- Fgets(line_, 256, parfile);
- if (!cldevflag)
- outputmode = line_[0];
- Fgets(line_, 256, parfile);
- if (line_[0] == 'Y' || line_[0] == 'y')
- seqconsflag = TRUE;
- else
- seqconsflag = FALSE;
- hideflag = FALSE;
- masternormal = FALSE;
- fscanf(parfile, "%d%*[^\n]", &outlen);
- getc(parfile);
- Fgets(line_, 256, parfile);
- if (line_[0] == 'Y' || line_[0] == 'y')
- seqnameflag = TRUE;
- else
- seqnameflag = FALSE;
- Fgets(line_, 256, parfile);
- if (line_[0] == 'Y' || line_[0] == 'y')
- seqnumflag = TRUE;
- else
- seqnumflag = FALSE;
- fscanf(parfile, "%d%*[^\n]", &interlines);
- getc(parfile);
- Fgets(line_, 256, parfile);
- if (line_[0] == 'Y' || line_[0] == 'y')
- simflag = TRUE;
- else
- simflag = FALSE;
- Fgets(line_, 256, parfile);
- if (line_[0] == 'Y' || line_[0] == 'y')
- globalflag = TRUE;
- else
- globalflag = FALSE;
- Fgets(line_, 256, parfile);
- if (!consflag) {
- if (line_[0] == 'Y' || line_[0] == 'y')
- consflag = TRUE;
- else
- consflag = FALSE;
- }
- Fgets(line_, 256, parfile);
- if (!clsymbconsflag) {
- symbcons[0] = line_[0];
- symbcons[1] = line_[1];
- symbcons[2] = line_[2];
- }
- Fgets(line_, 256, parfile);
- if (!splitflag) {
- if (line_[0] == 'Y' || line_[0] == 'y')
- splitflag = TRUE;
- else
- splitflag = FALSE;
- }
- Fgets(line_, 256, parfile);
- if (!numdefflag) {
- if (line_[0] == 'Y' || line_[0] == 'y')
- numdefflag = TRUE;
- else
- numdefflag = FALSE;
- }
- if (!clthrflag) {
- fscanf(parfile, "%lg%*[^\n]", &thrfrac);
- getc(parfile);
- } else {
- Fgets(line_, 256, parfile);
- }
- for (i = 0; i < max_no_seq; i++)
- memset(seq[i], ' ', max_no_res);
- printf("\n");
- printf("BOXSHADE %s\n", BOXSHADE_ver);
- printf(
- "This program makes multiple-aligned output from either\n"
- "PILEUP-MSF, CLUSTAL-ALN, MALIGNED-data and ESEE-save files\n"
- "(limited to a maximum of %d sequences with up to %d elements each)\n",
- max_no_seq, max_no_res);
- printf(
- "Various kinds of shading can be applied to identical/similar residues\n"
- "Output is written to screen or to a file in the following formats:\n"
- "ANSI/VT100, PS/EPS, RTF, HPGL, ReGIS, LJ250-printer, ASCII, xFIG,\n"
- "PICT, HTML\n"
- "\n"
- );
- /**** ask for infile ****/
- *instring = '\0';
- ok = FALSE;
- do {
- if (!clinflag) {
- printf("name of aligned input-file : ");
- Gets(inname);
- printf("\n");
- }
- ok = fexist(inname);
- if (!ok) {
- printf("\007aligned input file does not exist \n");
- clinflag = FALSE;
- }
- } while (!ok);
- /**** ask for infile type ****/
- if (!cltypeflag) {
- if (indx(inname, ".pre") > 0 || indx(inname, ".PRE") > 0 ||
- indx(inname, ".msf") > 0 || indx(inname, ".MSF") > 0)
- inputmode = '1';
- else {
- if (indx(inname, ".aln") > 0 || indx(inname, ".ALN") > 0)
- inputmode = '2';
- else {
- if (indx(inname, ".mal") > 0 || indx(inname, ".MAL") > 0)
- inputmode = '3';
- else {
- if (indx(inname, ".ese") > 0 || indx(inname, ".ESE") > 0)
- inputmode = '4';
- }
- }
- }
- if (indx(inname, ".phy") > 0 || indx(inname, ".PHY") > 0)
- inputmode = '5';
- }
- if (interactflag && !cltypeflag) {
- do {
- printf("Do you want to process (1) Lineup-PRETTY/Pileup-MSF file\n"
- " (2) CLUSTAL .ALN file\n"
- " (3) MALIGNED data file\n"
- " (4) ESEE save file\n"
- " (5) PHYLIP file (* %c *) : ",
- inputmode);
- Fgets(instring, 51, stdin);
- if (*instring == '\0')
- sprintf(instring, "%c", inputmode);
- if (indx("12345", instring) == 0) {
- printf(" \n");
- printf("\007---> Please choose a supported type\n");
- printf(" \n");
- }
- } while (indx("12345", instring) <= 0);
- }
- printf(" \n");
- if (*instring != '\0')
- inputmode = instring[0];
- *instring = '\0';
- if (!cldevflag) {
- do {
- printf("Output suitable for (%2c) POSTSCRIPT\n", oPS);
- printf(" (%2c) encapsulated POSTSCRIPT\n", oEPS);
- printf(" (%2c) HPGL\n", oHPGL);
- printf(" (%2c) RTF (Rich Text Format)\n", oRTF);
-#ifdef oCRT
- printf(" (%2c) PC-screen (PCs only!)\n", oCRT);
- printf(" (%2c) ANSI-screen (PC-version)\n", oANSI);
- printf(" (%2c) VT100-screen (DEC-version)\n", oVT);
- printf(" (%2c) ReGIS-screen (25 lines each\n", oREGISt);
- printf(" (%2c) ReGIS-file (without breaks)\n", oREGISp);
- printf(" (%2c) LJ250-printer file\n", oLJ250);
- printf(" (%2c) ASCII file\n", oASCII);
- printf(" (%2c) FIG file (for XFIG)\n", oFIG);
- printf(" (%2c) PICT file\n", oPICT);
- printf(" (%2c) HTML file\n", oHTML);
- printf(" current: (* %c *) : ", outputmode);
- Fgets(instring, 51, stdin);
- if (*instring == '\0')
- sprintf(instring, "%c", outputmode);
- if (indx(allowed_devices, instring) == 0) {
- printf("\n");
- printf("\007---> Please choose a supported type\n");
- printf("\n");
- }
- } while (indx(allowed_devices, instring) <= 0);
- }
- if (*instring != '\0')
- outputmode = instring[0];
- printf("\n");
- if (outputmode == oASCII)
- seqconsflag = TRUE;
- if (clseqconsflag)
- seqconsflag = TRUE;
- if (!seqconsflag) {
- *instring = '\0';
- if (interactflag) {
- do {
- printf(
- "-------------------------------------------------------------------\n");
- if (seqconsflag)
- printf("similarity to a single sequence? (* y *) : ");
- else
- printf("similarity to a single sequence? (* n *) : ");
- Fgets(instring, 51, stdin);
- } while (indx("nNyY", instring) <= 0 && *instring != '\0');
- }
- seqconsflag = (toupper(*instring) == 'Y');
- }
- *instring = '\0';
- if (interactflag && !clconsflag) {
- do {
- printf("-------------------------------------------------------------------\n");
- printf("display consensus line ? (* %c *) : ", YESNO(consflag) );
- Fgets(instring, 51, stdin);
- } while (indx("nNyY", instring) <= 0 && *instring != '\0');
- if (*instring != '\0')
- consflag = (toupper(instring[0]) == 'Y');
- } else
- if (clconsflag && !clsymbconsflag)
- printf("-------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n");
- *instring = '\0';
- if (interactflag && consflag && !clsymbconsflag) {
- printf("\n"
- "Enter now a string of 3 symbols to be used for consensus display\n"
- " representing different/all-similar/all-identical residues\n"
- " see documentation for symbol definition, examples are:\n"
- " \" .*\" or \"-LU\" (ommit quotes but use blanks)\n"
- "SYMBOL : ");
- Fgets(instring, 51, stdin);
- if (*instring != '\0') {
- while (strlen(instring) != 3) {
- printf("\007please enter string of THREE (3) symbols !\n");
- printf("SYMBOL : ");
- Fgets(instring, 51, stdin);
- }
- symbcons[0] = instring[0];
- symbcons[1] = instring[1];
- symbcons[2] = instring[2];
- }
- }
- *instring = '\0';
- if (interactflag && !rulerflag) {
- do {
- printf("-------------------------------------------------------------------\n"
- "display ruler line ? (* %c *) : ", YESNO(rulerflag) );
- Fgets(instring, 51, stdin);
- } while (indx("nNyY", instring) <= 0 && *instring != '\0');
- if (*instring != '\0')
- rulerflag = (toupper(instring[0]) == 'Y');
- }
- *instring = '\0';
- if (interactflag && !clthrflag && outputmode != oASCII) {
- *instring = '\0';
- ok = FALSE;
- do {
- printf("--------------------------------------------------------------\n"
- "The threshold is the fraction of residues that must be identical\n"
- "or similar for shading to occur\n"
- "Value for threshold (* %6.2f *):", thrfrac);
- Fgets(instring, 51, stdin);
- if (*instring == '\0')
- ok = TRUE;
- else {
- *depend_err = '\0';
- inno = str2real((void *)instring);
- if (*depend_err == '\0' && inno <= 1.0 && inno > 0.0) {
- ok = TRUE;
- thrfrac = inno;
- }
- if (!ok)
- printf("The fraction must be between 0 and 1\n\n");
- }
- } while (!ok);
- }
- if (outputmode == oASCII)
- thrfrac = 0.0;
- *instring = '\0';
- if (interactflag) {
- do {
- printf("-------------------------------------------------------------------\n"
- "\n"
- "How many sequence characters per line (* %3d *) : ",
- outlen);
- Fgets(instring, 51, stdin);
- if (*instring != '\0')
- outlen = str2int((void *)instring);
- printf("\n");
- } while (outlen <= min_outlen || outlen >= max_outlen);
- }
- *instring = '\0';
- if (interactflag) {
- do {
- printf("should sequence name be printed (* %c *) : ", YESNO(seqnameflag));
- Fgets(instring, 51, stdin);
- } while (indx("nNyY", instring) <= 0 && *instring != '\0');
- }
- if (*instring != '\0')
- seqnameflag = (toupper(instring[0]) == 'Y');
- *instring = '\0';
- if (interactflag && !rulerflag) {
- do {
- printf("should position numbers be printed (* %c *) : ", YESNO(seqnumflag));
- Fgets(instring, 51, stdin);
- printf("\n");
- } while (indx("nNyY", instring) <= 0 && *instring != '\0');
- }
- if (*instring != '\0')
- seqnumflag = (toupper(instring[0]) == 'Y');
- *instring = '\0';
- if (interactflag) {
- do {
- printf("How many lines between two sequence blocks (* %2d *) : ",
- interlines);
- Fgets(instring, 51, stdin);
- if (*instring != '\0')
- interlines = str2int((void *)instring);
- printf(" \n");
- } while (interlines <= 0 || interlines >= 100);
- }
- *instring = '\0';
- if (interactflag) {
- do {
- printf("special label for similar residues (* %c *) : ", YESNO(simflag));
- Fgets(instring, 51, stdin);
- } while (indx("nNyY", instring) <= 0 && *instring != '\0');
- }
- if (*instring != '\0')
- simflag = (toupper(instring[0]) == 'Y');
- if (simflag) {
- if (clsimflag)
- clsimflag = SimGrp(clsimname, simname, NULL);
- if (!clsimflag)
- SimGrp("box_%s.sim", simname, "Similarity-file");
- if (clgrpflag)
- clgrpflag = SimGrp(clgrpname, grpname, NULL);
- if (!clgrpflag)
- SimGrp("box_%s.grp", grpname, "Group-file");
-#if 0
- sprintf(simname, "box_%s.sim", DNAPEP());
- sprintf(grpname, "box_%s.grp", DNAPEP());
- if (!fexist(simname))
- sprintf(simname, "%s%cbox_%s.sim",
- get_logical("BOXDIR"), d_sep, DNAPEP());
- if (!fexist(simname)) {
- ok = FALSE;
- do {
- printf("Similarity-file %s does not exist, enter filename: ", simname);
- Gets(simname);
- ok = fexist(simname);
- if (!ok)
- printf("\007file does not exist \n");
- } while (!ok);
- }
- if (!fexist(grpname))
- sprintf(grpname, "%s%cbox_%s.grp",
- get_logical("BOXDIR"), d_sep, DNAPEP());
- if (!fexist(grpname)) {
- ok = FALSE;
- do {
- printf("Group-file %s does not exist, enter filename: ", grpname);
- Gets(grpname);
- ok = fexist(grpname);
- if (!ok)
- printf("\007file does not exist \n");
- } while (!ok);
- }
- }
- *instring = '\0';
- if (interactflag) {
- do {
- if (globalflag)
- printf("special label for identical residues in all sequences (* y *) : ");
- else
- printf("special label for identical residues in all sequences (* n *) : ");
- Fgets(instring, 51, stdin);
- } while (indx("nNyY", instring) <= 0 && *instring != '\0');
- }
- if (*instring != '\0')
- globalflag = (toupper(instring[0]) == 'Y');
- for (i = 0; i <= 4; i++)
- lc[i] = FALSE;
- switch (outputmode) {
-#ifdef oCRT
- case oCRT: OutDev = &Crt; break;
- case oANSI: OutDev = &Ansi; break;
- case oPS: OutDev = &Postscript; break;
- case oEPS: OutDev = &Eps; break;
- case oHPGL: OutDev = &Hpgl; break;
- case oRTF: OutDev = &Rtf; break;
- case oREGISt: OutDev = &RegisT; break;
- case oREGISp: OutDev = &RegisP; break;
- case oVT: OutDev = &Vt; break;
- case oLJ250: OutDev = &Lj250; break;
- case oASCII: OutDev = &Ascii; break;
- case oFIG: OutDev = &Fig; break;
- case oPICT: OutDev = &Pict; break;
- case oHTML: OutDev = &Html; break;
- }
- OutDev->Ask();
- ident_sim = FALSE;
- if (interactflag) {
- do {
- printf("create identity / similarity matrix (* n *) : ");
- Fgets(instring, 51, stdin);
- } while (indx("nNyY", instring) <= 0 && *instring != '\0');
- }
- if (*instring != '\0')
- ident_sim = (toupper(instring[0]) == 'Y');
- if (ident_sim) {
- /**** ask for matrix file ****/
- *instring = '\0';
- printf("name of matrix output-file : ");
- Gets(identname);
- printf("\n");
- }
- if (parfile != NULL)
- fclose(parfile);
- parfile = NULL;
-static void ask_numbers(void)
- char instring[11];
- int inno, i;
- printf("-------------------------------------------------------\n"
- "\n"
- "You requested sequence numbering in the output.\n"
- "Enter the number of the first sequence position\n"
- "or confirm the suggestion of the program\n" );
- for (i = 0; i < no_seq; i++) {
- printf("%s (* %4d *) : ", seqname[i], startno[i]);
- Fgets(instring, 11, stdin);
- if (*instring != '\0') {
- inno = str2int((void *)instring);
- if (strcmp(depend_err, "str2int"))
- startno[i] = inno;
- } else
- startno[i] = 1;
- }
- printf("\n");
-static void ask_seqcons(void)
- char instring[11];
- int i;
- if (clseqconsflag) {
- if (consensnum < 1 || consensnum > no_seq)
- clseqconsflag = FALSE;
- }
- if (!clseqconsflag)
- { /*only go into this asking routine if nothing on the command line*/
- consensnum = 1; /*1 is the default*/
- if (interactflag) {
- printf("-------------------------------------------------------\n"
- " \n"
- "You requested consensus formation to a single sequence.\n"
- "Choose now the sequence to compare to the other ones.\n" );
- for (i = 1; i <= no_seq; i++)
- printf("(%2d) %s\n", i, seqname[i - 1]);
- do {
- printf("No. of sequence: (* %3d *) : ", consensnum);
- Fgets(instring, 11, stdin);
- if (*instring != '\0')
- consensnum = str2int((void *)instring);
- } while (consensnum < 1 || consensnum > no_seq);
- printf("\n");
- *instring = '\0';
- do {
- printf(
- "-------------------------------------------------------------------\n");
- printf("hide this sequence? (* %c *) : ", YESNO(hideflag));
- Fgets(instring, 11, stdin);
- } while (indx("nNyY", instring) <= 0 && *instring != '\0');
- if (*instring != '\0')
- hideflag = (toupper(instring[0]) == 'Y');
- }
- }
- if (outputmode == oASCII) {
- masternormal = TRUE;
- return;
- }
- if (!interactflag || clseqconsflag) {
- masternormal = FALSE;
- return;
- }
- *instring = '\0';
- if (!hideflag) {
- do {
- printf("show this sequence in all-normal rendition? (* n *) : ");
- Fgets(instring, 11, stdin);
- } while (indx("nNyY", instring) <= 0 && *instring != '\0');
- }
- if (*instring == '\0')
- return;
- masternormal = (toupper(instring[0]) == 'Y');
-/* read input files and comparison-table */
-static void read_cmp(void)
- /* Read the .sim and .grp files */
- int i, j, p1, p2;
- char *cp;
- FILE *simfile, *grpfile;
- int ll;
- grpfile = NULL;
- simfile = NULL;
- if (simflag) {
- for (i = 0; i <= 19; i++) {
- for (j = 0; j <= 19; j++) {
- simtable[i][j] = FALSE;
- grptable[i][j] = FALSE;
- }
- }
- for (i = 0; i <= 19; i++) {
- simtable[i][i] = TRUE;
- grptable[i][i] = TRUE;
- }
- simfile = fopen(simname, TXT_RD);
- assert(simfile != NULL);
- do {
- Fgets(line_, 256, simfile);
- } while (!feof(simfile) && indx(line_, "..") <= 0);
- while (!feof(simfile)) {
- Fgets(line_, 256, simfile);
- if (*line_ == '\0') continue;
- cp = strchr(aaset, line_[0]);
- if (cp == NULL) p1 = 0;
- else p1 = (int)(cp-aaset)+1;
- if (p1 > 0) {
- ll = strlen(line_);
- for (i = 2; i < ll; i++) {
- cp = strchr(aaset, line_[i]);
- if (cp == NULL) p2 = 0;
- else p2 = (int)(cp-aaset)+1;
- if (p2 > 0) {
- simtable[p1 - 1][p2 - 1] = TRUE;
- simtable[p2 - 1][p1 - 1] = TRUE;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- grpfile = fopen(grpname, TXT_RD);
- assert(grpfile != NULL);
- do {
- Fgets(line_, 256, grpfile);
- } while (!feof(grpfile) && indx(line_, "..") <= 0);
- while (!feof(grpfile)) {
- Fgets(line_, 256, grpfile);
- if ((ll=strlen(line_)) < 2) continue;
- for (j = 1; j < ll; j++) {
- cp = strchr(aaset, line_[j-1]);
- if (cp == NULL) p1 = 0;
- else p1 = (int)(cp-aaset)+1;
- if (p1 > 0) {
- for (i = j; i < ll; i++) {
- cp = strchr(aaset, line_[i]);
- if (cp == NULL) p2 = 0;
- else p2 = (int)(cp-aaset)+1;
- if (p2 > 0) {
- grptable[p1 - 1][p2 - 1] = TRUE;
- grptable[p2 - 1][p1 - 1] = TRUE;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (simfile != NULL)
- fclose(simfile);
- if (grpfile != NULL)
- fclose(grpfile);
-static int aaset_idx[256];
-#define IDX_aaset(ch) ( aaset_idx[(unsigned char)(ch)] )
-#define IN_aaset(ch) ( IDX_aaset(ch) >= 0 )
-static void build_aaset_table(void) {
- int ch;
- unsigned char *ap;
- for (ch = 0; ch < 256; ++ch)
- aaset_idx[ch] = -1;
- ch = 0;
- for (ap = &aaset[0]; *ap != '\0'; ++ap)
- aaset_idx[*ap] = ch++;
-static BOOL sim(char a, char b)
- int idx1, idx2;
- idx1 = IDX_aaset(a);
- if (idx1 < 0) return FALSE;
- idx2 = IDX_aaset(b);
- if (idx2 < 0) return FALSE;
- return simtable[idx1][idx2];
-static BOOL grp(char a, char b)
- int idx1, idx2;
- idx1 = IDX_aaset(a);
- if (idx1 < 0) return FALSE;
- idx2 = IDX_aaset(b);
- if (idx2 < 0) return FALSE;
- return grptable[idx1][idx2];
-static void make_consensus_length(void)
- int i;
- consenslen = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < no_seq; i++) {
- while (seq[i][seqlen[i] - 1] == '-' || seq[i][seqlen[i] - 1] == '.' ||
- seq[i][seqlen[i] - 1] == ' ')
- seqlen[i]--;
- if (seqlen[i] > consenslen)
- consenslen = seqlen[i];
- }
- printf("consensus length is %d\n", consenslen);
-static void make_consensus(void)
- int i, j, k;
- int idcount[MAX_NO_SEQ];
- int simcount[MAX_NO_SEQ];
- int pc;
- int maxidcount, maxsimcount, idindex, simindex;
- BOOL unique;
- /* set consensus length = length of longest sequence (not counting dots,
- spaces, etc. at the "far" end. May be a problem here for some strange
- cases */
- /* calculate the threshold # of sequences */
- thr = (int)(0.5 + thrfrac * no_seq);
- if (seqconsflag) {
- for (i = 0; i < consenslen; i++)
- cons[i] = seq[consensnum - 1][i];
- return;
- }
- printf("Building consensus "); fflush(stdout);
- /* build a lookup table for 'strchr(aaset,ch)-aaset' */
- build_aaset_table();
- pc = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < consenslen; i++) {
- int p = (int)((50.0*i) / consenslen);
- if (p > pc) {
- printf("."); fflush(stdout);
- pc = p;
- }
- for (j = 0; j < no_seq; j++) {
- idcount[j] = 0;
- simcount[j] = 0;
- for (k = 0; k < no_seq; k++) {
- /* increment idcount AND simcount if the two residues are the same */
- char seq_ji = seq[j][i];
- if ( IN_aaset(seq_ji)) {
- if (seq[k][i] == seq_ji) {
- idcount[j]++;
- simcount[j]++;
- } else
- /* increment only simcount if residues are not the same but fall into
- the same group */
- if (grp(seq[k][i], seq_ji))
- simcount[j]++;
- }
- }
- }
- /* Find the maximum values in idcount and simcount, along with the
- indices of those maxima */
- cons[i] = ' ';
- unique = FALSE;
- maxidcount = idcount[0];
- maxsimcount = simcount[0];
- idindex = 1;
- simindex = 1;
- for (j = 2; j <= no_seq; j++) {
- if (idcount[j - 1] > maxidcount) {
- idindex = j;
- maxidcount = idcount[j - 1];
- }
- if (simcount[j - 1] > maxsimcount) {
- maxsimcount = simcount[j - 1];
- simindex = j;
- }
- }
- /* check here for the case where several residues/types may have achieved
- the same score */
- if (maxidcount >= thr) { /*only look if max is high enough*/
- unique = TRUE;
- for (j = 0; j < no_seq; j++) {
- if (maxidcount == idcount[j] && seq[idindex - 1][i] != seq[j][i])
- unique = FALSE;
- }
- if (unique)
- cons[i] = seq[idindex - 1][i];
- }
- /* if there is an equally high idcount for a different residue then
- there can't be a single residue consensus */
- if (maxsimcount >= thr && !unique) {
- unique = TRUE;
- for (j = 0; j < no_seq; j++) {
- if (maxsimcount == simcount[j] &&
- !grp(seq[simindex - 1][i], seq[j][i]))
- unique = FALSE;
- }
- if (unique)
- cons[i] = tolower(seq[simindex - 1][i]);
- /*if maxsimcount is not unique and the other residue is NOT in the same
- similarity group then there is so consensus based on similarity. If
- the two residues with the same similarity score are in the same
- similarity group, flag that consensus position by making the
- residue lowercase*/
- }
- }
- printf(" done\n");
-static void make_colors(void)
- int i, j, idcount, simcount, pc;
- printf("Colorizing "); fflush(stdout);
- pc = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < consenslen; i++) {
- int p = (int)((50.0*i) / consenslen);
- if (p > pc) {
- printf("."); fflush(stdout);
- pc = p;
- }
- idcount = 0;
- simcount = 0;
- if (strchr(aasetlow, cons[i]) != NULL)
- for (j = 0; j < no_seq; j++) {
- col[j][i] = 0;
- if (grp(seq[j][i], toupper(cons[i]))) {
- col[j][i] = 2;
- simcount++;
- }
- } else {
- for (j = 0; j < no_seq; j++) {
- if (seq[j][i] == cons[i])
- idcount++;
- else {
- if (sim(seq[j][i], cons[i]))
- simcount++;
- }
- col[j][i] = 0;
- } /*count the ids and sims as they are used later for consensus line*/
- if (idcount == no_seq &&
- strchr(aaset, cons[i]) != NULL ) {
- for (j = 0; j < no_seq; j++)
- col[j][i] = 3;
- /*if all sequences the same at this point then colour them identical(3)*/
- } else {
- if (idcount + simcount >= thr &&
- strchr(aaset, cons[i]) != NULL ) {
- for (j = 0; j < no_seq; j++) {
- if (seq[j][i] == cons[i])
- col[j][i] = 1; /*=> conserved residue*/
- else if (sim(seq[j][i], cons[i]))
- col[j][i] = 2;
- /*=> similar to consensus(2)*/
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /*do shading and count similar residues for the case of a group
- consensus; note that in this case there cannot be any residues marked as
- 'identical', by definition*/
- if (consflag) {
- if (idcount == no_seq) {
- conschar[i] = symbcons[2];
- if (toupper(conschar[i]) == 'U')
- conschar[i] = toupper(cons[i]);
- else if (toupper(conschar[i]) == 'L')
- conschar[i] = tolower(cons[i]);
- else if (toupper(conschar[i]) == 'B')
- conschar[i] = ' ';
- } else if (idcount + simcount >= thr) {
- conschar[i] = symbcons[1];
- if (toupper(conschar[i]) == 'U')
- conschar[i] = toupper(cons[i]);
- else if (toupper(conschar[i]) == 'L')
- conschar[i] = tolower(cons[i]);
- else if (toupper(conschar[i]) == 'B')
- conschar[i] = ' ';
- } else {
- conschar[i] = symbcons[0];
- if (toupper(conschar[i]) == 'U')
- conschar[i] = toupper(cons[i]);
- else if (toupper(conschar[i]) == 'L')
- conschar[i] = tolower(cons[i]);
- else if (toupper(conschar[i]) == 'B')
- conschar[i] = ' ';
- }
- }
- }
- printf(" done\n");
-static void make_lowcase(void)
- int i, j, pc;
- if ( ! (lc[0] || lc[1] || lc[2] || lc[3] || lc[4]) )
- return; /* nothing to do ! */
- printf("Lowercase "); fflush(stdout);
- pc = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < no_seq; i++) {
- int p = (int)((20.0*i) / no_seq);
- while (p > pc) {
- printf("."); fflush(stdout);
- pc++;
- }
- for (j = 0; j < seqlen[i]; j++) {
- if (lc[col[i][j]])
- seq[i][j] = tolower(seq[i][j]);
- }
- }
- printf(" done\n");
-static void prepare_names(void)
- int i;
- char *cp;
- seqname_outlen = 1;
- for (i = 0; i < no_seq; i++) {
- cp = seqname[i] + strlen(seqname[i]);
- while (cp != seqname[i] && *(cp-1) == ' ')
- *(--cp) = '\0';
- if (strlen(seqname[i]) > seqname_outlen)
- seqname_outlen = strlen(seqname[i]);
- }
- for (i = 0; i < no_seq; i++) {
- int sl = strlen(seqname[i]);
- int p = seqname_outlen - sl;
- if (p > 0)
- sprintf(seqname[i]+sl, "%*s", p, "");
- }
-static void prepare_numbers(void)
- int count, bn, i, j;
- for (i = 0; i < no_seq; i++) {
- for (j = 1; j < max_no_block; j++)
- sprintf(prenum[i][j], "%*s", seqnumlen, "");
- sprintf(prenum[i][0], "%*d", seqnumlen, startno[i]);
- count = startno[i] - 1;
- bn = 1;
- for (j = 1; j <= seqlen[i]; j++) {
- if ( isupper(seq[i][j - 1])
- || (i == cons_idx)
- || (i == ruler_idx) )
- count++;
- if (j % outlen == 0) {
- bn++;
- if (count + 1 < seqlen[i] + startno[i])
- sprintf(prenum[i][bn-1], "%*d", seqnumlen, count + 1);
- }
- }
- }
-/* graphics section */
-static void graphics_init(double *xpos, double *ypos)
- act_page = 1;
- OutDev->Init(xpos, ypos);
- lines_per_page = (int)((dev_maxy - dev_miny) / dev_ysize);
- act_page = 1;
-static void graphics_setcolor(int colno) {
- if (colno == act_color)
- return;
- OutDev->Setcolor(colno);
- act_color = colno;
-static void graphics_charout(char c, double *xpos, double *ypos) {
- OutDev->Charout(c, xpos, ypos);
-void GenericStringOut(char *s, double *xpos, double *ypos) {
- while (*s != '\0') {
- OutDev->Charout(*s, xpos, ypos);
- ++s;
- }
- OutDev->Charout(' ', xpos, ypos);
-static void graphics_stringout(char *s, double *xpos, double *ypos) {
- OutDev->Stringout(s, xpos, ypos);
-static void graphics_newline(double *xpos, double *ypos) {
- OutDev->Newline(xpos, ypos);
-static void graphics_newpage(double *xpos, double *ypos) {
- OutDev->Newpage(xpos, ypos);
- act_page++;
-static void graphics_exit(void) {
- OutDev->Exit();
-static void graphics_out(void)
- double xpos, ypos; /*current position of text cursor*/
- int i, j, k;
- char pagesymbol;
- int linecount;
- pagesymbol = '1';
- act_color = -1;
- no_blocks = (consenslen - 1) / outlen + 1;
- if (consflag && no_seq < max_no_seq) {
- cons_idx = no_seq;
- seqlen[cons_idx] = consenslen;
- strcpy(seqname[cons_idx], "consensus");
- startno[cons_idx] = 1;
- for (i = 0; i < consenslen; i++) {
- seq[cons_idx][i] = conschar[i];
- col[cons_idx][i] = 4; /*set colour to predefined "title" type*/
- }
- no_seq++;
- }
- if (seqconsflag && masternormal) {
- for (i = 0; i < consenslen; i++)
- col[consensnum - 1][i] = 4;
- }
- if (seqconsflag && hideflag) {
- if (consensnum < no_seq) {
- for (i = consensnum; i < no_seq; i++) {
- seqlen[i - 1] = seqlen[i];
- strcpy(seqname[i - 1], seqname[i]);
- startno[i - 1] = startno[i];
- memcpy(seq[i - 1], seq[i], max_no_res * sizeof(char));
- memcpy(col[i - 1], col[i], max_no_res * sizeof(byte));
- }
- }
- no_seq--;
- }
- if (rulerflag && no_seq < max_no_seq) {
- ruler_idx = no_seq;
- seqlen[ruler_idx] = consenslen;
- strcpy(seqname[ruler_idx], "");
- startno[ruler_idx] = 1;
- for (i = 0; i < consenslen; i++) {
- seq[ruler_idx][i] = '.';
- col[ruler_idx][i] = 4; /*set colour to predefined "title" type*/
- }
- seq[ruler_idx][0] = '1';
- for (i=10; i <= consenslen; i+=10) {
- char no[20];
- j=i-1;
- do {
- ++j;
- sprintf(no, "%d", j);
- k = strlen(no);
- } while ( ((j-1)%outlen)+k > outlen || j > consenslen);
- if (j+k-1 <= consenslen && (j%10)+k < 9)
- memcpy(&seq[ruler_idx][j-1], no, k);
- }
- no_seq++;
- }
- if (seqnameflag)
- prepare_names();
- if (seqnumflag)
- prepare_numbers();
- lines_left = no_blocks * (no_seq + interlines) - interlines;
- graphics_init(&xpos, &ypos);
- linecount = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < no_blocks; i++) {
- for (j = 0; j < no_seq; j++) {
- if (seqnameflag) {
- graphics_setcolor(4); /*set colours to "title" type*/
-/* for (k = 0; k < seqname_outlen; k++)
- graphics_charout(seqname[j][k], &xpos, &ypos);
- graphics_charout(' ', &xpos, &ypos);
- graphics_stringout(seqname[j], &xpos, &ypos);
- }
- if (seqnumflag) {
- graphics_setcolor(4);
-/* {
- int sl = strlen(prenum[j][i]);
- for (k = 0; k < sl; k++)
- graphics_charout(prenum[j][i][k], &xpos, &ypos);
- }
- graphics_charout(' ', &xpos, &ypos);
- graphics_stringout(prenum[j][i], &xpos, &ypos);
- }
- for (k = 0; k < outlen; k++) {
- if (i * outlen + k < consenslen) {
- graphics_setcolor(col[j][i * outlen + k]);
- graphics_charout(seq[j][i * outlen + k], &xpos, &ypos);
- }
- }
- linecount++;
- if (linecount >= lines_per_page) {
- lines_left -= linecount;
- linecount = 0;
- if (lines_left > 0) {
- if (splitflag) {
- graphics_exit();
- pagesymbol++;
- outname[indx(outname, ".") - 2] = pagesymbol;
- graphics_init(&xpos, &ypos);
- } else
- graphics_newpage(&xpos, &ypos);
- }
- } else
- graphics_newline(&xpos, &ypos);
- } /* for j */
- if (linecount + interlines + no_seq <= lines_per_page)
- { /*will the next block fit?*/
- for (j = 0; j < interlines; j++) {
- graphics_newline(&xpos, &ypos);
- linecount++;
- }
- } else {
- /* skipping interlines ... */
- lines_left -= interlines;
- lines_left -= linecount;
- if (lines_left > 0) {
- if (splitflag) {
- graphics_exit();
- pagesymbol++;
- outname[indx(outname, ".") - 2] = pagesymbol;
- graphics_init(&xpos, &ypos);
- linecount = 0;
- } else {
- graphics_newpage(&xpos, &ypos);
- linecount = 0;
- }
- }
- }
- } /* for i */
- graphics_exit();
-static void do_out(FILE *outf, BOOL goon)
- int i, j, k, id, sim, conlen;
- BOOL fl1, fl2;
- int pc;
- prepare_names();
- if (goon)
- printf("Building identity/similarity matrix "); fflush(stdout);
- pc = 0;
- for (i = 1; i <= no_seq; i++) {
- if (goon) {
- int p = (int)((20.0*i) / no_seq);
- while (p > pc) {
- printf("."); fflush(stdout);
- pc++;
- }
- }
- fprintf(outf, "%s ", seqname[i - 1]);
- /* Identities */
- for (j = 0; j < i - 1; j++) {
- id = 0;
- conlen = 0;
- for (k = 0; k < consenslen; k++) {
- fl1 = IN_aaset(seq[i-1][k]);
- fl2 = IN_aaset(seq[j ][k]);
- if (fl1 || fl2) {
- conlen++;
- if (seq[i-1][k] == seq[j][k])
- id++;
- }
- }
- fprintf(outf, " %5.1f", 100.0 * id / conlen);
- }
- fprintf(outf, "%6s", "----");
- for (j = i; j < no_seq; j++) {
- sim = 0;
- conlen = 0;
- for (k = 0; k < consenslen; k++) {
- fl1 = IN_aaset(seq[i-1][k]);
- fl2 = IN_aaset(seq[j ][k]);
- if (fl1 || fl2) {
- conlen++;
- if (seq[i-1][k] == seq[j][k] || grp(seq[i-1][k], seq[j][k]))
- sim++;
- }
- }
- fprintf(outf, " %5.1f", 100.0 * sim / conlen);
- }
- putc('\n', outf);
- }
- if (goon)
- printf(" done\n");
-static void ident_sim_out(void)
- if (*identname != '\0') {
- MYFILE idf;
- assert( outopen(&idf, identname) != NULL );
- do_out(idf.f, TRUE);
- fclose(idf.f);
- } else
- do_out(stdout, FALSE);
-/* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
- * Allocate memory -- actually this should be done *
- * after we know how many sequences there are and *
- * how long each is -- future work */
-static void allocate1(void)
- int i;
- cons = NULL;
- conschar = NULL;
- seq = Malloc(MAX_NO_SEQ * sizeof(char *));
- col = Malloc(MAX_NO_SEQ * sizeof(byte *));
- prenum = Malloc(MAX_NO_SEQ * sizeof(numtype *));
- max_no_seq = MAX_NO_SEQ;
- max_no_res = MAX_NO_RES;
- for (i = 0; i < MAX_NO_SEQ; i++) {
- seq[i] = malloc(max_no_res * sizeof(char));
- col[i] = NULL;
- prenum[i] = NULL;
- if (seq[i] == NULL) {
- if (i > 10) {
- --i;
- Free(&seq[i]);
- --i;
- Free(&seq[i]);
- }
- max_no_seq = i-1;
- break;
- }
- }
-static void allocate2(void)
- int i, need;
- need = no_seq;
- if (consflag) ++need;
- if (rulerflag) ++need;
- if (need > max_no_seq) need = max_no_seq;
- for (i=max_no_seq-1; i >= need; --i)
- Free(&seq[i]);
- if (consenslen < max_no_res / 2) {
- for (i=no_seq; i >= 0; --i) {
- seq[i] = realloc(seq[i], (consenslen+1)*sizeof(char));
- assert(seq[i] != NULL);
- }
- }
- max_no_seq = need;
- max_no_res = consenslen+1;
- cons = Malloc(max_no_res * sizeof(char));
- if (consflag)
- conschar = Malloc(max_no_res * sizeof(char));
- for (i = 0; i < max_no_seq; i++) {
- col[i] = Malloc(max_no_res * sizeof(byte));
- if (seqnumflag)
- prenum[i] = Malloc(max_no_block * sizeof(numtype));
- }
-/* main program */
-int main(int argc, char **argv)
- allocate1();
- process_command_line(argc, argv);
- ask();
- switch (inputmode) {
- case '1': read_file_pretty();
- break;
- case '2': read_file_clustal();
- break;
- case '3': read_file_maligned();
- break;
- case '4': read_file_esee();
- break;
- case '5': read_file_phylip();
- break;
- }
- if (seqnumflag && !numdefflag)
- ask_numbers();
- if (seqconsflag)
- ask_seqcons();
- read_cmp();
- make_consensus_length();
- allocate2();
- make_consensus();
- if (ident_sim)
- ident_sim_out();
- make_colors();
- make_lowcase();
- graphics_out();
- return 0;
Deleted: trunk/packages/boxshade/trunk/box_dna.grp
--- trunk/packages/boxshade/trunk/box_dna.grp 2008-02-26 08:06:06 UTC (rev 1470)
+++ trunk/packages/boxshade/trunk/box_dna.grp 2008-02-26 17:46:01 UTC (rev 1471)
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-This file is a Nucleic-acid group file for use with BOXSHADE.
Deleted: trunk/packages/boxshade/trunk/box_dna.par
--- trunk/packages/boxshade/trunk/box_dna.par 2008-02-26 08:06:06 UTC (rev 1470)
+++ trunk/packages/boxshade/trunk/box_dna.par 2008-02-26 17:46:01 UTC (rev 1471)
@@ -1,119 +0,0 @@
-This is a file of default parameters for use with BOXSHADE
-there are several sections, one for GENERAL parameters and one for each
-output device.
-The parameters may be edited freely, they reflect the input expected
-from the keyboard if BOXSHADE is run interactively. The purpose of each
-parameter is documented briefly within the respective line.
-When editing, one has to regard:
-- one parameter per line (background/foreground shading = one parameter)
-- parameters of a section (labeled :SECTION) start in the first line
- after the label
-- there may be no empty (or comment) lines between the parameters of a
- section. These lines are allowed only between sections
-- only the leftmost part of every parameter line is looked at. Comments
- are allowed starting at row 10
-- don't change the section header
-1 input type (1: PRETTY)
-1 output device (1: ANSI Terminal)
-N consensus to single sequence?
-60 sequence chars per line
-Y sequence names to be printed?
-N sequence numbers to be printed?
-1 No of empty lines between blocks
-N special shading for similar residues
-N special shading for conserved residues
-N consensus output
- LU consensus display pattern
-N split output to multiple files
-N default numbering (starting at 1)
-0.8 default threshold fraction
-WB normal residues
-BW identical residues
-3W similar residues
-B2 globally conserved residues
-WB normal residues
-BW identical residues
-3W similar residues
-B2 globally conserved residues
-10 character size (in Pts.)
-N landscape mode
-WB normal residues
-BW identical residues
-1B similar residues
-BY globally conserved residues
-12 0=Tms,12=Cour,16=Helv,28=Palat
-10 character size (in Pts.)
-B normal residues
-R identical residues
-L similar residues
-M globally conserved residues
-LD normal residues
-BL identical residues
-LR similar residues
-BW globally conserved residues
-WK normal residues
-WR identical residues
-WB similar residues
-WM globally conserved residues
-10 character size (in pts)
-. normal residues
-L identical residues
-l similar residues
-L globally conserved residues
-N normal residues
-R identical residues
-B similar residues
-E globally conserved residues
-WB normal residues
-BW identical residues
-LW similar residues
-BY globally conserved residues
-0F1N normal residues (bgnd/fgnd)
-2F1N identical residues
-3F1N similar residues
-2F4N globally conserved residues
-8 character size (in Pts.)
-N landscape mode
-WB normal residues
-BW identical residues
-1B similar residues
-B2 globally conserved residues
-10 character size (in Pts.)
-S shade only?
-n landscape mode
Deleted: trunk/packages/boxshade/trunk/box_dna.sim
--- trunk/packages/boxshade/trunk/box_dna.sim 2008-02-26 08:06:06 UTC (rev 1470)
+++ trunk/packages/boxshade/trunk/box_dna.sim 2008-02-26 17:46:01 UTC (rev 1471)
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-This file is a Nucleic-acid similarity file for use with BOXSHADE.
-Is resembles the GCG simplify.txt, but similarities contained
-in this file are not automatically set-forming. This means:
-The line
-I LVM means that I is similar to L,V and M and also that
- L,V,M are similar to I.
- It does not imply that L is similar to V or to M.
-For achieving this, more lines (the next ones) are necessary.
-Although is seems weird, this feature has been chosen DELIBERATELY
-because I think it could be helpful in some cases.
-Other format requirements are the same as for SIMPLIFY.TXT in the
Deleted: trunk/packages/boxshade/trunk/box_pep.grp
--- trunk/packages/boxshade/trunk/box_pep.grp 2008-02-26 08:06:06 UTC (rev 1470)
+++ trunk/packages/boxshade/trunk/box_pep.grp 2008-02-26 17:46:01 UTC (rev 1471)
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-This file is a Amino-acid grouping file for use with NEWBOX.
-Each line contains a set of amino acids which are considered
-'similar' when calculating the consensus. The .SIM file is different
-and is used in colouring residues that are "similar" to a single
-consensus residue.
-Other format requirements are the same as for SIMPLIFY.TXT in the
Deleted: trunk/packages/boxshade/trunk/box_pep.par
--- trunk/packages/boxshade/trunk/box_pep.par 2008-02-26 08:06:06 UTC (rev 1470)
+++ trunk/packages/boxshade/trunk/box_pep.par 2008-02-26 17:46:01 UTC (rev 1471)
@@ -1,118 +0,0 @@
-This is a file of default parameters for use with BOXSHADE
-there are several sections, one for GENERAL parameters and one for each
-output device.
-The parameters may be edited freely, they reflect the input expected
-from the keyboard if BOXSHADE is run interactively. The purpose of each
-parameter is documented briefly within the respective line.
-When editing, one has to regard:
-- one parameter per line (background/foreground shading = one parameter)
-- parameters of a section (labeled :SECTION) start in the first line
- after the label
-- there may be no empty (or comment) lines between the parameters of a
- section. These lines are allowed only between sections
-- only the leftmost part of every parameter line is looked at. Comments
- are allowed starting at row 10
-- don't change the section header
-1 input type (1: PRETTY)
-1 output device (1: ANSI Terminal)
-N consensus to single sequence?
-60 sequence chars per line
-Y sequence names to be printed?
-N sequence numbers to be printed?
-1 No of empty lines between blocks
-Y special shading for similar residues
-N special shading for conserved residues
-N consensus output
- LU consensus display pattern
-N split output to multiple files
-N default numbering (starting at 1)
-0.5 default threshold fraction
-WB normal residues
-BW identical residues
-1B similar residues
-B2 globally conserved residues
-WB normal residues
-BW identical residues
-1B similar residues
-B2 globally conserved residues
-10 character size (in Pts.)
-n landscape mode
-LD normal residues
-BL identical residues
-LR similar residues
-BW globally conserved residues
-WK normal residues
-WR identical residues
-WB similar residues
-WM globally conserved residues
-10 character size (in pts)
-N normal residues
-R identical residues
-B similar residues
-E globally conserved residues
-L normal residues
-- identical residues
-l similar residues
-. globally conserved residues
-0F1N normal residues (bgnd/fgnd)
-2F1N identical residues
-3F1N similar residues
-2F4N globally conserved residues
-8 character size (in Pts.)
-N landscape mode
-B normal residues
-R identical residues
-L similar residues
-M globally conserved residues
-WB normal residues
-BW identical residues
-1B similar residues
-BY globally conserved residues
-12 0=Tms,12=Cour,16=Helv,28=Palat
-10 character size (in Pts.)
-WB normal residues
-BW identical residues
-LW similar residues
-BY globally conserved residues
-N normal residues
-R identical residues
-B similar residues
-E globally conserved residues
-WB normal residues
-BW identical residues
-1B similar residues
-B2 globally conserved residues
-10 character size (in Pts.)
-T shade only ?
-n landscape mode
Deleted: trunk/packages/boxshade/trunk/box_pep.sim
--- trunk/packages/boxshade/trunk/box_pep.sim 2008-02-26 08:06:06 UTC (rev 1470)
+++ trunk/packages/boxshade/trunk/box_pep.sim 2008-02-26 17:46:01 UTC (rev 1471)
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-This file is a Amino-acid similarity file for use with BOX.
-Is resembles the GCG simplify.txt, but similarities contained
-in this file are not automatically set-forming. This means:
-The line
-I LVM means that I is similar to L,V and M and also that
- L,V,M are similar to I.
- It does not imply that L is similar to V or to M.
-For achieving this, more lines (the next ones) are necessary.
-Although is seems weird, this feature has been chosen DELIBERATELY
-because I think it could be helpful in some cases.
-Other format requirements are the same as for SIMPLIFY.TXT in the
-R K
-D E
-G A
-T S
-N Q
Deleted: trunk/packages/boxshade/trunk/boxshade.sh
--- trunk/packages/boxshade/trunk/boxshade.sh 2008-02-26 08:06:06 UTC (rev 1470)
+++ trunk/packages/boxshade/trunk/boxshade.sh 2008-02-26 17:46:01 UTC (rev 1471)
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-export BOXDIR=/etc/boxshade
-/usr/lib/boxshade/boxshade $*
Deleted: trunk/packages/boxshade/trunk/bx_misc.c
--- trunk/packages/boxshade/trunk/bx_misc.c 2008-02-26 08:06:06 UTC (rev 1470)
+++ trunk/packages/boxshade/trunk/bx_misc.c 2008-02-26 17:46:01 UTC (rev 1471)
@@ -1,446 +0,0 @@
-#include "bx_types.h"
-#include <stdarg.h>
-#ifdef MSDOS
-#include <io.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-MYFILE outfile = { NULL, FALSE};
-FILE *parfile = NULL;
-char depend_err[50] = "";
-void *Malloc(size_t sze) {
- void *res = malloc(sze);
- assert(res!=NULL);
- return res;
-int min(int a, int b)
- if (a < b)
- return a;
- return b;
-static char *binpath = NULL;
-void save_binpath(char *arg0) {
- int sl = strlen(arg0);
- char *ap = "";
- /* Accept three path seperators: / \ : */
- while (sl > 0 && strchr("\\/:", arg0[sl-1]) == NULL) --sl;
- if (sl <= 0) return;
- if (arg0[sl-1] == ':') ap = ":.";
- binpath = Malloc(sl + strlen(ap) );
- if (binpath == NULL) return;
- strncpy(binpath, arg0, sl-1);
- strcpy(binpath+sl-1, ap);
-char *get_logical(char *logical)
- char *r;
- static char res[300];
- r = getenv(logical);
- if (r == NULL) r = "";
- strcpy(res, r);
- if (*res != '\0' || strcmp(logical, "BOXDIR")!=0 || binpath == NULL)
- return res;
- /* looking for BOXDIR -> default to exe directory ! */
- strcpy(res, binpath); /* exec path */
- return res;
-BOOL fexist(char *fname)
- BOOL Result;
- FILE *f;
- f = fopen(fname, TXT_RD);
- Result = (f != NULL);
- if (f != NULL)
- fclose(f);
- return Result;
-int indx(char *mainstring, char *substring)
- char *cp;
- if (*mainstring == '\0')
- return 0;
- cp = strstr(mainstring, substring);
- if (cp == NULL) return 0;
- return (int)(cp-mainstring)+1;
-MYFILE *outopen(MYFILE *mf, char *fn) {
- mf->bin = EOLmode != EOL_default;
- mf->f = fopen(fn, (mf->bin ? BIN_WR : TXT_WR));
- return (mf->f != NULL ? mf : NULL);
-static char *uwb = NULL;
-void uwriteln(MYFILE *f, char *fmt, ...) {
- va_list argptr;
- if ( !f->bin) {
- va_start(argptr, fmt);
- vfprintf(f->f, fmt, argptr);
- va_end(argptr);
- fputs("\n", f->f);
- return;
- }
- if (uwb == NULL) {
- uwb = malloc(4000);
- if (uwb == NULL)
- goto defeol;
- }
- {
- char *cp1, *cp2;
- int cnt;
- va_start(argptr, fmt);
- cnt = vsprintf(uwb, fmt, argptr);
- va_end(argptr);
- uwb[cnt] = '\n';
- uwb[cnt+1] = '\0';
- cp1 = uwb;
- while (cp1 != NULL && *cp1 != '\0') {
- cp2 = strchr(cp1, '\n');
- if (cp2 != NULL) {
- *cp2 = '\0';
- ++cp2;
- }
- fputs(cp1, f->f);
- if (cp2 != NULL) {
- fflush(f->f);
- switch (EOLmode) {
- case EOL_dos : putc('\r', f->f);
- putc('\n', f->f);
- break;
- case EOL_mac : putc('\r', f->f); break;
- case EOL_unix :
- default : putc('\n', f->f); break;
- }
- }
- cp1 = cp2;
- }
- }
-double str2real(void *s)
- double r;
- int err;
- err = (sscanf((char *)s, "%lg", &r) == 0);
- if (err != 0) {
- strcpy(depend_err, "str2real");
- return 0.0;
- } else
- return r;
-int str2int(void *s)
- int i, err;
- err = (sscanf((char *)s, "%d", &i) == 0);
- if (err != 0) {
- strcpy(depend_err, "str2real");
- return 0;
- } else
- return i;
-#if 0
-static long rand_m = 100000000L, rand_m1 = 10000, rand_b = 31415821L;
-static long rand_a[55];
-static int rand_j, filecount;
-char lowcase(char c)
- if (c <= 90 && c >= 65)
- return (c + 32);
- else
- return c;
-char *int2str(char *Result, int intg, int dig)
- char s[100];
- sprintf(s, "%*d", dig, intg);
- return strcpy(Result, s);
-char *real2str(char *Result, double rl, int dig1, int dig2)
- char s[100];
- sprintf(s, "%*.*f", dig1, dig2, rl);
- return strcpy(Result, s);
-char *get_command_line(char *Result)
- string255 cl;
- int i;
- *cl = '\0';
- if (P_argc > 1) {
- for (i = 1; i < P_argc; i++)
- strcat(cl, P_argv[i]);
- }
- return strcpy(Result, cl);
-static char *getTEMPname(char *Result, char *s_)
- string255 s;
- strcpy(s, s_);
- s[strlen(s) - 1] = '~';
- return strcpy(Result, s);
-void fopen_(FILE **f, char *fname_, char acc)
- /*acc = r,w,a */
- string255 fname;
- FILE *tmpfile;
- string255 tmpname, line;
- char c;
- char buf1[6144], buf2[6144];
- BOOL uxmode;
- char tmpfile_NAME[_FNSIZE];
- strcpy(fname, fname_);
- tmpfile = NULL;
- if (acc == 'w' || acc == 'W') {
- assign(*f, fname);
-/* p2c: dep_tp.pas, line 128: Note: REWRITE does not specify a name [181] */
- if (*f != NULL)
- rewind(*f);
- else
- *f = tmpfile();
- if (*f == NULL)
- _EscIO(FileNotFound);
- } else if (acc == 'a' || acc == 'A') {
- assign(*f, fname);
-/* p2c: dep_tp.pas, line 133: Note: APPEND does not specify a name [181] */
- if (*f != NULL)
- rewind(*f);
- else
- *f = tmpfile();
- if (*f == NULL)
- _EscIO(FileNotFound);
- } else {
- assign(*f, fname);
- rewind(*f);
-/* p2c: dep_tp.pas, line 139:
- * Note: Turbo Pascal conditional compilation directive was ignored [218] */
- do {
- c = getc(*f);
- } while (!(P_eoln(*f) || c == '\n'));
- rewind(*f);
- if (c == '\n') {
- uxmode = TRUE;
-/* p2c: dep_tp.pas, line 142:
- * Warning: Symbol 'UXMODE' is not defined [221] */
- } else
- uxmode = FALSE;
- if (uxmode) {
- setvbuf(*f, buf1, _IOFBF, 6144);
- getTEMPname(tmpname, fname);
- strcpy(tmpfile_NAME, tmpname);
- if (tmpfile != NULL)
- tmpfile = freopen(tmpfile_NAME, "w", tmpfile);
- else
- tmpfile = fopen(tmpfile_NAME, "w");
- _SETIO(tmpfile != NULL, FileNotFound);
-/* p2c: dep_tp.pas, line 149:
- * Note: Make sure setvbuf() call occurs when file is open [200] */
- setvbuf(*f, buf2, _IOFBF, 6144);
- while (!P_eof(*f)) {
- ureadln(f, (void *)line);
- if (P_ioresult != 0)
- goto _Ll_exit;
- _SETIO(fprintf(tmpfile, "%s\n", line) >= 0, FileWriteError);
- }
- if (tmpfile != NULL)
- fclose(tmpfile);
- tmpfile = NULL;
- if (*f != NULL)
- fclose(*f);
- *f = NULL;
-/* p2c: dep_tp.pas, line 157: Note: Encountered an ASSIGN statement [179] */
- assign(*f, tmpname);
- rewind(*f);
- if (P_ioresult != 0)
- strcpy(depend_err, "could not convert unix format");
- }
-/* p2c: dep_tp.pas, line 145:
- * Note: Make sure setvbuf() call occurs when file is open [200] */
- /*$endif*/
- }
-/* p2c: dep_tp.pas, line 127: Note: Encountered an ASSIGN statement [179] */
- if (tmpfile != NULL)
- fclose(tmpfile);
-/* p2c: dep_tp.pas, line 132: Note: Encountered an ASSIGN statement [179] */
-/* p2c: dep_tp.pas, line 137: Note: Encountered an ASSIGN statement [179] */
-char *substr_(char *Result, void *original, int pos1, int count)
- return strsub(Result, (char[256])original, pos1, count);
-static long mult(long p, long q)
- long p1, p0, q1, q0;
- p1 = p / rand_m1;
- p0 = p % rand_m1;
-/* p2c: dep_tp.pas, line 182:
- * Note: Using % for possibly-negative arguments [317] */
- q1 = q / rand_m1;
- q0 = q % rand_m1;
-/* p2c: dep_tp.pas, line 183:
- * Note: Using % for possibly-negative arguments [317] */
- return (((p0 * q1 + p1 * q0) % rand_m1 * rand_m1 + p0 * q0) % rand_m);
-/* p2c: dep_tp.pas, line 184:
- * Note: Using % for possibly-negative arguments [317] */
-/* p2c: dep_tp.pas, line 184:
- * Note: Using % for possibly-negative arguments [317] */
-void rand_init(int seed)
- rand_a[0] = seed;
- rand_j = 0;
- do {
- rand_j++;
- rand_a[rand_j] = (mult(rand_b, rand_a[rand_j - 1]) + 1) % rand_m;
-/* p2c: dep_tp.pas, line 193:
- * Note: Using % for possibly-negative arguments [317] */
- } while (rand_j != 54);
-int rand_int(int limit)
- /*from 0 to limit-1*/
- rand_j = (rand_j + 1) % 55;
-/* p2c: dep_tp.pas, line 198:
- * Note: Using % for possibly-negative arguments [317] */
- rand_a[rand_j] = (rand_a[(rand_j + 23) % 55] + rand_a[(rand_j + 54) % 55]) %
- rand_m;
-/* p2c: dep_tp.pas, line 199:
- * Note: Using % for possibly-negative arguments [317] */
-/* p2c: dep_tp.pas, line 200:
- * Note: Using % for possibly-negative arguments [317] */
-/* p2c: dep_tp.pas, line 200:
- * Note: Using % for possibly-negative arguments [317] */
- return (rand_a[rand_j] / rand_m1 * limit / rand_m1);
-double rand_real(void)
- /* from 0(incl) to 1(excl) */
- return (rand_int(32000) / 32000.0);
-typedef char string1[2];
-void ureadln(FILE **f, void *line)
- BOOL done;
- char c;
- char STR1[256];
- done = FALSE;
- *(string1)line = '\0';
- do {
- c = getc(*f);
- if (c == '\n')
- done = TRUE;
- else if (c != '\015') {
- sprintf(STR1, "%s%c", (char[256])line, c);
- strcpy((char *)(&line), STR1);
- }
- if (P_eoln(*f)) {
- fscanf(*f, "%*[^\n]");
- getc(*f);
- done = TRUE;
- }
- } while (!done);
-BOOL getunixmode(char *fname)
- BOOL Result;
- char c;
- FILE *f;
- char f_NAME[_FNSIZE];
- f = NULL;
- strcpy(f_NAME, fname);
- if (f != NULL)
- f = freopen(f_NAME, "r", f);
- else
- f = fopen(f_NAME, "r");
- if (f == NULL)
- _EscIO(FileNotFound);
- do {
- c = getc(f);
- } while (!(c == '\n' || P_eoln(f)));
- if (c == '\n')
- Result = TRUE;
- else
- Result = FALSE;
- if (f != NULL)
- fclose(f);
- f = NULL;
- if (f != NULL)
- fclose(f);
- return Result;
-void _dep_tp_init(void)
- static int _was_initialized = 0;
- if (_was_initialized++)
- return;
- filecount = 100;
- rand_init(1);
Deleted: trunk/packages/boxshade/trunk/bx_read.c
--- trunk/packages/boxshade/trunk/bx_read.c 2008-02-26 08:06:06 UTC (rev 1470)
+++ trunk/packages/boxshade/trunk/bx_read.c 2008-02-26 17:46:01 UTC (rev 1471)
@@ -1,475 +0,0 @@
-#include "bx_read.h"
-FILE *infile = NULL;
-char *Gets(char *s) {
- fflush(stdout);
- return gets(s);
-** Handle all those End-Of-Line sequences:
-** System CR LF
-** MAC X -
-** UNIX - X
-** VMS ? ?
-** Does _NOT_ return '\n' !!!
-char *Fgets(char *l, size_t sze, FILE *f) {
- char *cp = l;
- BOOL cr, eoln = FALSE;
- if (f == stdin)
- return Gets(l);
- if (feof(f)) return NULL;
- cr = FALSE;
- while (sze>1 && !feof(f)) {
- int c = fgetc(f);
- if (c == EOF) {
- if (ferror(f)) return NULL;
- break;
- }
- if (cr && c != '\n') {
- /* CR end-of-line (MAC) */
- ungetc(c,f);
- eoln = TRUE;
- break;
- } else
- cr = (c=='\r');
- if ( cr )
- continue;
- --sze;
- if (c=='\n') { eoln = TRUE; break; }
- *(cp++) = c;
- }
- *cp = '\0';
- cr = FALSE;
- while (!eoln && !feof(f)) {
- int c = fgetc(f);
- if (c == EOF)
- break;
- if (cr && c != '\n') {
- /* CR end-of-line (MAC) */
- ungetc(c,f);
- break;
- } else
- cr = (c=='\r');
- if ( cr )
- continue;
- if (c=='\n') break;
- }
- return l;
-void term_par(char *term) {
- assert(parfile != NULL);
- rewind(parfile);
- do {
- Fgets(line_, 256, parfile);
- } while (!feof(parfile) && (*line_ != ':' || indx(line_, term) != 2) );
- assert(!feof(parfile));
-void read_file_clustal(void)
- int i, j, sl;
- char nametag[41], emptytag[41];
- int taglen, seqstart, emptycount;
- sprintf(emptytag, "%*s", seqnamelen, "");
- infile = fopen(inname, TXT_RD);
- assert(infile != NULL);
- no_seq = 0;
- emptycount = 0;
- do {
- Fgets(line_, 256, infile);
- emptycount++;
- } while (strlen(line_) >= 5);
- do {
- Fgets(line_, 256, infile);
- emptycount++;
- } while (strlen(line_) <= 12);
- taglen = 0;
- do {
- if ((sl=strlen(line_)) > 12) {
- i = 1;
- do {
- i++;
- } while (!isspace(line_[i - 1]) && i < sl);
- taglen = i - 1;
- do {
- i++;
- } while (isspace(line_[i - 1]) && i < sl);
- if (taglen < 2) {
- /* seqstart:=i; */ /****** is that correct ??? ******/
- strcpy(nametag, emptytag);
- } else {
- seqstart = i;
- strncpy(nametag, line_, taglen);
- nametag[taglen] = '\0';
- }
- } else
- strcpy(nametag, emptytag);
- if (strcmp(nametag, emptytag)) {
- no_seq++;
- if (no_seq >= max_no_seq) {
- printf("OOPS, too many sequences in %s. Sorry, limit is %d!\n",
- inname, max_no_seq);
- exit(1);
- }
- strcpy(seqname[no_seq - 1], emptytag);
- startno[no_seq - 1] = 1;
- if (taglen > seqnamelen)
- taglen = seqnamelen;
- for (i = 0; i < taglen; i++)
- seqname[no_seq-1][i] = nametag[i];
- }
- if (!feof(infile)) {
- Fgets(line_, 256, infile);
- } else
- strcpy(nametag, emptytag);
- } while (strcmp(nametag, emptytag));
- rewind(infile);
- printf("%s has %d sequences. Reading ", inname, no_seq);
- fflush(stdout);
- for (i = 1; i < emptycount; i++) {
- Fgets(line_, 256, infile);
- }
- for (i = 0; i < no_seq; i++)
- seqlen[i] = 0;
- while (!feof(infile)) {
- for (i = 0; i < no_seq; i++) {
- Fgets(line_, 256, infile);
- j = 1;
- while (seqstart + j - 1 <= strlen(line_)) {
- seq[i][seqlen[i] + j - 1] = toupper(line_[seqstart + j - 2]);
- j++;
- }
- seqlen[i] += j - 1;
- }
- if (!feof(infile)) {
- Fgets(dummystring, 81, infile);
- }
- if (feof(infile))
- break;
- Fgets(dummystring, 81, infile);
- printf("."); fflush(stdout);
- }
- if (infile != NULL)
- fclose(infile);
- printf(" done\n");
-#define blocklen 10
-#define blockno 5
-#define blockdist 1
-void read_file_pretty(void)
- int blockstart, i, j, k;
- int offs;
- BOOL found;
- char nametag[256], tempname[256];
- char emptytag[81];
- BOOL msfflag, num_mode;
- infile = NULL;
- num_mode = FALSE; /*new*/
- infile = fopen( inname, TXT_RD);
- assert(infile != NULL);
- do {
- Fgets(line_, 256, infile);
- } while (!(indx(line_, "..") > 0 || feof(infile)));
- do {
- Fgets(line_, 256, infile);
- } while (!(indx(line_, "//") > 0 || feof(infile)));
- if (!feof(infile))
- msfflag = TRUE;
- else {
- msfflag = FALSE;
- fseek(infile, 0, SEEK_SET);
- assert(infile != NULL);
- do {
- Fgets(line_, 256, infile);
- } while (indx(line_, "..") <= 0);
- }
- Fgets(dummystring, 81, infile);
- Fgets(line_, 256, infile);
- /*numbers or first sequence*/
- if (indx(line_, " 1 ") > 0) {
- Fgets(line_, 256, infile);
- num_mode = TRUE;
- }
- blockstart = 1;
- while (line_[blockstart - 1] == ' ')
- blockstart++;
- while (line_[blockstart - 1] != ' ')
- blockstart++;
- while (line_[blockstart - 1] == ' ')
- blockstart++;
- sprintf(emptytag, "%*s", blockstart, "");
- no_seq = 0;
- fseek(infile, 0, SEEK_SET);
- assert(infile != NULL);
- do {
- Fgets(line_, 256, infile);
- } while (!(indx(line_, "..") > 0 || feof(infile)));
- do {
- Fgets(line_, 256, infile);
- } while (!(indx(line_, "//") > 0 || feof(infile)));
- while (Fgets(line_, 256, infile) != NULL) {
- if (strlen(line_) < blockstart)
- continue;
-/* if (!strcmp(substr_(STR1, (void *)line_, 1, blockstart - 1), emptytag)) */
- if (! strncmp(line_, emptytag, blockstart - 1) )
- continue;
- *tempname = '\0';
- i = 1;
- while (line_[i - 1] == ' ')
- i++;
- while (line_[i - 1] != ' ') {
- sprintf(tempname + strlen(tempname), "%c", line_[i - 1]);
- i++;
- }
- if (no_seq == 0) {
- no_seq = 1;
- strcpy(seqname[0], tempname);
- continue;
- }
- found = FALSE;
- for (i = 0; i < no_seq; i++) {
- if (!strcmp(tempname, seqname[i]))
- found = TRUE;
- }
- if (found == FALSE) {
- no_seq++;
- strcpy(seqname[no_seq - 1], tempname);
- }
- }
- for (i = 0; i < no_seq; i++)
- startno[i] = 1;
- fseek(infile, 0, SEEK_SET);
- assert(infile != NULL);
- do {
- Fgets(line_, 256, infile);
- } while (indx(line_, "..") <= 0);
- if (msfflag) {
- do {
- Fgets(line_, 256, infile);
- } while (indx(line_, "//") <= 0);
- }
- Fgets(dummystring, 81, infile);
- if (num_mode) {
- Fgets(dummystring, 81, infile);
- }
- offs = 1;
- do {
- i = 1;
- if (!feof(infile)) {
- Fgets(line_, 256, infile);
- }
- do {
- if (strlen(line_) >= blockstart) {
- if (strncmp(line_, emptytag, blockstart-1)) {
-/* if (strcmp(substr_(STR1, (void *)line_, 1, blockstart - 1), emptytag)) { */
- char *cp = nametag;
- j = 0;
- while (line_[j] == ' ')
- j++;
- while (line_[j] != ' ') {
- *(cp++) = line_[j];
- j++;
- }
- *cp = '\0';
- while (line_[j] == ' ')
- j++;
- blockstart = min(blockstart, j+1);
- } else
- *nametag = '\0';
- } else
- *nametag = '\0';
- if (strcmp(nametag, seqname[i - 1])) {
- for (j = -1; j <= blocklen * blockno - 2; j++)
- seq[i - 1][offs + j] = ' ';
- } else {
- for (j = 0; j < blockno; j++) {
- for (k = -1; k <= blocklen - 2; k++) {
- if (blockstart + j * (blocklen + blockdist) + k + 1 <= strlen(line_))
- seq[i - 1][offs + j * blocklen + k] = toupper(
- line_[blockstart + j * (blocklen + blockdist) + k]);
- }
- }
- if (!feof(infile)) {
- Fgets(line_, 256, infile);
- }
- }
- i++;
- } while (i <= no_seq);
- offs += blocklen * blockno;
- if (num_mode && !feof(infile)) {
- Fgets(line_, 256, infile);
- }
- } while (!feof(infile));
- for (i = 0; i < no_seq; i++) {
- int sl;
- seqlen[i] = offs - 1;
- if ((sl=strlen(seqname[i])) < seqnamelen)
- sprintf(seqname[i]+sl, "%*s", seqnamelen-sl, "");
- }
- if (infile != NULL)
- fclose(infile);
- infile = NULL;
-#undef blocklen
-#undef blockno
-#undef blockdist
-void read_file_maligned(void)
- int i, j, sl;
- char emptytag[256];
- infile = NULL;
- sprintf(emptytag, "%*s", seqnamelen, "");
- infile = fopen(inname, TXT_RD);
- assert(infile != NULL);
- no_seq = 0;
- Fgets(line_, 256, infile);
- Fgets(line_, 256, infile);
- while (Fgets(line_, 256, infile) != NULL) {
- if (!feof(infile)) { /*filename*/
- Fgets(line_, 256, infile);
- }
- if (feof(infile))
- continue;
- no_seq++;
- strcpy(seqname[no_seq - 1], emptytag);
- Fgets(line_, 256, infile);
- j = min(strlen(line_), seqnamelen);
- for (i = 0; i < j; i++)
- seqname[no_seq - 1][i] = line_[i];
- fscanf(infile, "%d%*[^\n]", &startno[no_seq - 1]);
- getc(infile); /*seqstart, seqend*/
- seqlen[no_seq - 1] = 0;
- while (!feof(infile) && *line_ != '\0') {
- Fgets(line_, 256, infile);
- if (*line_ == '\0')
- break;
- sl = strlen(line_);
- for (j = 0; j < sl; j++) {
- seq[no_seq-1][seqlen[no_seq-1] + j] = toupper(line_[j]);
- seqlen[no_seq-1] += j+1;
- }
- }
- }
- if (infile != NULL)
- fclose(infile);
-void read_file_esee(void)
- int i, j;
- char emptytag[256];
- byte b, versno, snl;
- infile = NULL;
- sprintf(emptytag, "%*s", seqnamelen, "");
- infile = fopen(inname, BIN_RD);
- assert(infile != NULL);
- fread(&versno, sizeof(byte), 1, infile);
- fread(&b, sizeof(byte), 1, infile);
- no_seq = b;
- fread(&b, sizeof(byte), 1, infile);
- no_seq += b * 256;
- for (i = 0; i < no_seq; i++) {
- fread(&b, sizeof(byte), 1, infile);
- seqlen[i] = b;
- fread(&b, sizeof(byte), 1, infile);
- seqlen[i] += b * 256 - 1;
- for (j = 0; j < seqlen[i]; j++) {
- fread(&b, sizeof(byte), 1, infile);
- seq[i][j] = toupper(b);
- }
- fread(&b, sizeof(byte), 1, infile);
- if (b != 1)
- printf("ESEE format error in seq:%2d\n", i + 1);
- fread(&b, sizeof(byte), 1, infile);
- snl = b;
- strcpy(seqname[i], emptytag);
- startno[i] = 1;
- for (j = 1; j <= 64; j++) {
- fread(&b, sizeof(byte), 1, infile);
- if (j <= snl && j <= seqnamelen)
- seqname[i][j-1] = b;
- }
- for (j = 1; j <= 6; j++) /*linesum*/
- fread(&b, sizeof(byte), 1, infile);
- for (j = 1; j <= 6; j++) /*start*/
- fread(&b, sizeof(byte), 1, infile);
- fread(&b, sizeof(byte), 1, infile); /*type*/
- fread(&b, sizeof(byte), 1, infile); /*NrOFF*/
- fread(&b, sizeof(byte), 1, infile); /*reverse*/
- }
- if (infile != NULL)
- fclose(infile);
-void read_file_phylip(void)
- int i, j, sl;
- FILE *infile;
- BOOL firstline;
- infile = NULL;
- infile = fopen(inname, TXT_RD);
- assert(infile != NULL);
- no_seq = 0;
- firstline = TRUE;
- fscanf(infile, "%d%*[^\n]", &no_seq);
- getc(infile);
- while (!feof(infile)) {
- for (i = 0; i < no_seq; i++) {
- Fgets(line_, 256, infile);
- if (firstline) {
- startno[i] = 1;
- seqlen[i] = 0;
- strncpy(seqname[i], line_, 10);
- seqname[i][10] = '\0';
- memmove(line_,line_+11, sizeof(line_)-11);
- }
- sl = strlen(line_);
- for (j = 0; j < sl; j++) {
- if (line_[j] != ' ') {
- seq[i][seqlen[i]] = line_[j];
- seqlen[i]++;
- }
- }
- }
- Fgets(dummystring, 81, infile);
- firstline = FALSE;
- }
- if (infile != NULL)
- fclose(infile);
Deleted: trunk/packages/boxshade/trunk/bx_read.h
--- trunk/packages/boxshade/trunk/bx_read.h 2008-02-26 08:06:06 UTC (rev 1470)
+++ trunk/packages/boxshade/trunk/bx_read.h 2008-02-26 17:46:01 UTC (rev 1471)
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef BX_READ_H
-#define BX_READ_H
-#include "bx_types.h"
-extern char *Gets(char *s);
-extern char *Fgets(char *l, size_t sze, FILE *f);
-extern void read_file_clustal(void);
-extern void read_file_pretty(void);
-extern void read_file_maligned(void);
-extern void read_file_esee(void);
-extern void read_file_phylip(void);
-#endif /*BX_READ_H*/
Deleted: trunk/packages/boxshade/trunk/bx_types.h
--- trunk/packages/boxshade/trunk/bx_types.h 2008-02-26 08:06:06 UTC (rev 1470)
+++ trunk/packages/boxshade/trunk/bx_types.h 2008-02-26 17:46:01 UTC (rev 1471)
@@ -1,271 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef BX_TYPES_H
-#define BX_TYPES_H
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <ctype.h>
-#include <assert.h>
-#ifdef BX_TYPES_G
-# define vextern
-# define vextern extern
-#if (defined(__TURBOC__) || defined(GO32))
-#ifndef MSDOS
-#define MSDOS
-#undef UNIX
-#undef MAC
-#ifdef MSDOS
-#define BIN_RD "rb"
-#define TXT_RD "rt"
-#define BIN_WR "wb"
-#define TXT_WR "wt"
-#define c_sep '/' /* command line separator */
-#define C_SEP "/" /* command line separator */
-#define d_sep '\\' /* directory separator */
-#define BIN_RD "r"
-#define TXT_RD "r"
-#define BIN_WR "w"
-#define TXT_WR "w"
-#define c_sep '-' /* command line separator */
-#define C_SEP "-" /* command line separator */
-#define d_sep '/' /* directory separator */
-#define oPS '1'
-#define oEPS '2'
-#define oHPGL '3'
-#define oRTF '4'
-#if (defined(__TURBOC__) || defined(GO32)) && !defined(_Windows)
-#define oCRT '5'
-#define oANSI '6'
-#define oVT '7'
-#define oREGISt '8'
-#define oREGISp '9'
-#define oLJ250 'a'
-#define oASCII 'b'
-#define oFIG 'c'
-#define oPICT 'd'
-#define oHTML 'e'
-#ifdef oCRT
-#define allowed_devices "123456789abcde"
-#define allowed_devices "12346789abcde"
-/* #if defined(__TURBOC__) && !defined(_Windows)
- #define MAX_NO_RES 5000
- #else */
-#define MAX_NO_RES 10000
-/* #endif */
-#define MAX_NO_SEQ 150
-vextern unsigned max_no_seq;
-vextern unsigned max_no_res;
-/* if one allows a large number of residues, and someone sets a short line
- length, there will be too many blocks. Therefore, the minimum linelength
- is set here equal to max_no_res/max_no_block to prevent errors in accessing
- the prenum array. */
-#define min_outlen ((long)((double)max_no_res / max_no_block))
-#define max_no_block 400
-#define max_outlen 255
-#define max_linelen 255 /* defines linetype */
-#define seqnamelen 40 /* defines sseqnametype */
-#define seqnumlen 4 /* defines numtype */
-#define idpref 1
-#define simpref 1
-typedef int BOOL;
-#ifndef TRUE
-#define TRUE ((BOOL)(1==1))
-#ifndef FALSE
-#define FALSE ((BOOL)(1==0))
-#define YESNO(fl) ((fl) ? 'y' : 'n')
-typedef struct {
- FILE *f;
- BOOL bin;
-typedef unsigned char byte;
-typedef char **seqtype;
-typedef byte **coltype;
-#define max_prenum_len (seqnumlen+1)
-typedef char numtype[max_prenum_len];
-typedef numtype **prenumtype;
-typedef char linetype[256];
-typedef char sseqnametype[41];
-typedef sseqnametype seqnametype[MAX_NO_SEQ];
-typedef BOOL cmptype[20][20];
-typedef char filenametype[256];
-typedef char prestring[21];
-typedef char txtstring[21];
-typedef char parstringtype[6];
-typedef enum {
- Init, SetCol, CharOut, NewLine, NewPage, Exit
-} actiontype;
-typedef enum {
-} regmodetype;
-typedef enum {
- EOL_default, EOL_unix, EOL_mac, EOL_dos
-} EOLstate;
-typedef char cltagtype[21];
-typedef char cllinetype[256];
-extern char *aaset, *aasetlow;
-extern MYFILE outfile;
-extern FILE *parfile;
-vextern char dummystring[81];
-/* vextern int errcode;*/ /*turbo-specific IO-error indicator*/
-vextern seqtype seq; /*all sequences (characters)*/
-vextern int consenslen; /*maximum sequence length */
-vextern int seqlen[MAX_NO_SEQ]; /*all sequence lengths*/
-vextern int startno[MAX_NO_SEQ]; /*all sequence starts*/
-vextern prenumtype prenum; /*blocknumbers for output*/
-vextern coltype col; /*all sequences (cell colors)*/
-vextern char *cons; /*the consensus sequence*/
-vextern char *conschar; /*line for consensus display*/
-vextern seqnametype seqname; /*all sequence names*/
-vextern linetype line_; /* line input bufer */
-vextern int thr;
-vextern double thrfrac;
-vextern int no_seq; /*how many sequences*/
-vextern int outlen; /*length of an output block*/
-vextern int seqname_outlen; /*output length of seqnames*/
-vextern int no_blocks; /*output how many blocks*/
-vextern int lines_per_page; /*how many lines per page*/
-vextern int lines_left; /*how many lines left to print*/
-vextern filenametype inname, outname, identname, simname, grpname, parname,
- clsimname, clgrpname;
- /*misc. filenames*/
-vextern cmptype simtable, grptable;
-vextern char outputmode;
- /*PS, EPS, HPGL, RTF, (CRT), ANSI, VT100, ReGISterm*/
- /*ReGISprint, LJ250, ASCII, PICT*/
-vextern char inputmode; /*1=Lineup, 2=Clustal, 3=Maligned, 4=ESEE*/
-vextern int consensnum; /* sequence to make consensus to */
-vextern BOOL lc[5];
-vextern BOOL ident_sim, simflag; /*mark similar residues?*/
-vextern BOOL globalflag; /*mark globally consvd. residues?*/
-vextern int interlines; /*how many lines between blocks*/
-vextern BOOL seqnameflag; /*sequence names to be printed*/
-vextern BOOL seqnumflag; /*position numbers to be printed*/
-vextern BOOL rulerflag; /*print ruler?*/
-vextern BOOL seqconsflag; /*consensus to a master sequence*/
-vextern BOOL hideflag; /*hide master sequence*/
-vextern BOOL masternormal; /*print master sequence all-normal*/
-vextern BOOL dnaflag; /*DNA or proteins to be aligned*/
-vextern BOOL interactflag; /*interaction with user?*/
-vextern BOOL clinflag; /*input filename in commandline?*/
-vextern BOOL cloutflag; /*output filename in commandline?*/
-vextern BOOL clparflag; /*param filename in commandline?*/
-vextern BOOL clsimflag; /*file name for similar residues in cmdline?*/
-vextern BOOL clgrpflag; /*file name for grouping residues in cmdline?*/
-vextern BOOL cltypeflag; /*input file type in commandline?*/
-vextern BOOL cldevflag; /*output device type in comline?*/
-vextern BOOL clconsflag; /*cons requested in commandline?*/
-vextern BOOL clsymbconsflag; /*symbcons defined in commandline?*/
-vextern BOOL clthrflag; /*threshold defined in commandline?*/
-vextern BOOL consflag; /*display consensus line?*/
-vextern BOOL clseqconsflag; /*sequence to compare others to specified
- in command line?*/
-vextern BOOL splitflag; /*multiple file output?*/
-vextern BOOL numdefflag; /*default numbering?*/
-vextern EOLstate EOLmode; /* select EOL code of text output */
-vextern BOOL shadeonlyflag; /*write only the shading to PICT file?*/
-vextern char symbcons[3]; /*symbols for consensus*/
-vextern double dev_maxx, dev_maxy; /*maximal device coordinates*/
-vextern double dev_miny, dev_minx; /*minimal device coordinates*/
-vextern double dev_ysize,dev_xsize;/*character sizes for device*/
-vextern int act_color; /*actual color*/
-vextern int act_page; /*actual page no*/
-vextern BOOL landscapeflag;
-#define depend_mode "tp"
-extern char depend_err[];
-#undef min
-extern int min(int a, int b);
-extern BOOL fexist(char *fname);
-extern int indx(char *mainstring, char *substring);
-extern MYFILE *outopen(MYFILE *mf, char *fn);
-extern void uwriteln(MYFILE *f, char *fmt, ...);
-extern void term_par(char *term);
-extern int str2int(void *s);
-extern double str2real(void *s);
-extern void save_binpath(char *arg0);
-extern char *get_logical(char *logical);
-extern void *Malloc(size_t sze);
-#define Free(p) do { \
- if ((*(p)) != NULL) { \
- free(*(p)); \
- (*(p)) = NULL; \
- } \
-} while (0)
-/*extern void Free(void *p);*/
-#undef vextern
-#endif /*BX_TYPES_H*/
Deleted: trunk/packages/boxshade/trunk/clust160.grp
--- trunk/packages/boxshade/trunk/clust160.grp 2008-02-26 08:06:06 UTC (rev 1470)
+++ trunk/packages/boxshade/trunk/clust160.grp 2008-02-26 17:46:01 UTC (rev 1471)
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-This file is a Amino-acid grouping file for use with NEWBOX.
-Each line contains a set of amino acids which are considered
-'similar' when calculating the consensus. The .SIM file is different
-and is used in colouring residues that are "similar" to a single
-consensus residue.
-This table was taken from ClustalW v1.60
-Other format requirements are the same as for SIMPLIFY.TXT in the
Deleted: trunk/packages/boxshade/trunk/clust160.sim
--- trunk/packages/boxshade/trunk/clust160.sim 2008-02-26 08:06:06 UTC (rev 1470)
+++ trunk/packages/boxshade/trunk/clust160.sim 2008-02-26 17:46:01 UTC (rev 1471)
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-This file is a Amino-acid similarity file for use with BOX.
-Is resembles the GCG simplify.txt, but similarities contained
-in this file are not automatically set-forming. This means:
-The line
-I LVM means that I is similar to L,V and M and also that
- L,V,M are similar to I.
- It does not imply that L is similar to V or to M.
-For achieving this, more lines (the next ones) are necessary.
-Although is seems weird, this feature has been chosen DELIBERATELY
-because I think it could be helpful in some cases.
-Other format requirements are the same as for SIMPLIFY.TXT in the
-G A
-T S
Added: trunk/packages/boxshade/trunk/debian/boxshade.sh
--- trunk/packages/boxshade/trunk/debian/boxshade.sh (rev 0)
+++ trunk/packages/boxshade/trunk/debian/boxshade.sh 2008-02-26 17:46:01 UTC (rev 1471)
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+export BOXDIR=/etc/boxshade
+/usr/lib/boxshade/boxshade $*
Modified: trunk/packages/boxshade/trunk/debian/changelog
--- trunk/packages/boxshade/trunk/debian/changelog 2008-02-26 08:06:06 UTC (rev 1470)
+++ trunk/packages/boxshade/trunk/debian/changelog 2008-02-26 17:46:01 UTC (rev 1471)
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-boxshade (3.3.1-3) UNRELEASED; urgency=low
+boxshade (3.3.1-3) unstable; urgency=low
[ David Paleino ]
* debian/boxshade.1 has been statically generated: this saves some
@@ -21,8 +21,15 @@
[ Nelson A. de Oliveira ]
* Added watch file.
- -- David Paleino <d.paleino at gmail.com> Wed, 06 Feb 2008 12:02:26 +0100
+ [ Andreas Tille ]
+ * Added myself to uploaders
+ * Added path to dh_installman
+ * Moved additional shellscript wrapper boxshade.sh to debian dir
+ * Added debian/get-orig-source script and added get-orig-source
+ target to debian/rules
+ -- Andreas Tille <tille at debian.org> Tue, 26 Feb 2008 07:28:42 +0100
boxshade (3.3.1-2) unstable; urgency=low
[Charles Plessy]
Modified: trunk/packages/boxshade/trunk/debian/control
--- trunk/packages/boxshade/trunk/debian/control 2008-02-26 08:06:06 UTC (rev 1470)
+++ trunk/packages/boxshade/trunk/debian/control 2008-02-26 17:46:01 UTC (rev 1471)
@@ -3,8 +3,10 @@
Priority: optional
Maintainer: Debian-Med Packaging Team <debian-med-packaging at lists.alioth.debian.org>
DM-Upload-Allowed: yes
-Uploaders: Steffen Moeller <moeller at debian.org>, Charles Plessy <charles-debian-nospam at plessy.org>,
- David Paleino <d.paleino at gmail.com>
+Uploaders: Steffen Moeller <moeller at debian.org>,
+ Charles Plessy <charles-debian-nospam at plessy.org>,
+ David Paleino <d.paleino at gmail.com>,
+ Andreas Tille <tille at debian.org>
Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 5), quilt
Standards-Version: 3.7.3
Vcs-Browser: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/debian-med/trunk/packages/boxshade/trunk/?rev=0&sc=0
Added: trunk/packages/boxshade/trunk/debian/get-orig-source
--- trunk/packages/boxshade/trunk/debian/get-orig-source (rev 0)
+++ trunk/packages/boxshade/trunk/debian/get-orig-source 2008-02-26 17:46:01 UTC (rev 1471)
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+#!/bin/sh -e
+set -e
+# set -x
+mkdir -p "$TMPDIR"
+cd "$TMPDIR"
+if [ -e ${UTARBALL} ] ; then
+ echo "Using existing tarball ${UTARBALL}"
+ wget --quiet ${downloadurl}/${UTARBALL}
+mkdir -p ${DISTDIR}
+cd ${DISTDIR}
+tar -xzf ../"$UTARBALL"
+cd ..
+GZIP=-9 tar -czf "$NAME"_"$VERSION".orig.tar.gz "$NAME"-"$VERSION"
+rm -rf "$NAME"-"$VERSION"
Modified: trunk/packages/boxshade/trunk/debian/rules
--- trunk/packages/boxshade/trunk/debian/rules 2008-02-26 08:06:06 UTC (rev 1470)
+++ trunk/packages/boxshade/trunk/debian/rules 2008-02-26 17:46:01 UTC (rev 1471)
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
$(CURDIR)/debian/boxshade/usr/lib/boxshade \
$(CURDIR)/debian/boxshade/etc/boxshade || true
- cp boxshade.sh $(CURDIR)/debian/boxshade/usr/bin/boxshade
+ cp debian/boxshade.sh $(CURDIR)/debian/boxshade/usr/bin/boxshade
cp boxshade $(CURDIR)/debian/boxshade/usr/lib/boxshade
cp *.grp *.par *.sim $(CURDIR)/debian/boxshade/etc/boxshade
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@
- dh_installman boxshade.1
+ dh_installman debian/boxshade.1
@@ -67,5 +67,8 @@
+ sh debian/get-orig-source
binary: binary-indep binary-arch
.PHONY: build clean binary-indep binary-arch binary install
Deleted: trunk/packages/boxshade/trunk/dv_all.h
--- trunk/packages/boxshade/trunk/dv_all.h 2008-02-26 08:06:06 UTC (rev 1470)
+++ trunk/packages/boxshade/trunk/dv_all.h 2008-02-26 17:46:01 UTC (rev 1471)
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-/* Header for module bx_dev, generated by p2c */
-#ifndef _DV_ALL_HEADER_
-#define _DV_ALL_HEADER_
-#include "bx_types.h"
-#include "bx_read.h"
-typedef struct {
- char *dev;
- void (*Ask)(void);
- void (*Init)(double *xpos, double *ypos);
- void (*Setcolor)(int colno);
- void (*Charout)(char c, double *xpos, double *ypos);
- void (*Stringout)(char *s, double *xpos, double *ypos);
- void (*Newline)(double *xpos, double *ypos);
- void (*Newpage)(double *xpos, double *ypos);
- void (*Exit)(void);
-} GraphicsDevice;
-extern GraphicsDevice Ansi;
-extern GraphicsDevice Ascii;
-#ifdef oCRT
-extern GraphicsDevice Crt;
-extern GraphicsDevice Rtf;
-extern GraphicsDevice Pict;
-extern GraphicsDevice Postscript;
-extern GraphicsDevice Eps;
-extern GraphicsDevice Hpgl;
-extern GraphicsDevice Lj250;
-extern GraphicsDevice Fig;
-extern GraphicsDevice RegisT, RegisP;
-extern GraphicsDevice Vt;
-extern GraphicsDevice Html;
-extern void GenericStringOut(char *s, double *xpos, double *ypos);
-#endif /* _DV_ALL_HEADER_ */
Deleted: trunk/packages/boxshade/trunk/dv_ansi.c
--- trunk/packages/boxshade/trunk/dv_ansi.c 2008-02-26 08:06:06 UTC (rev 1470)
+++ trunk/packages/boxshade/trunk/dv_ansi.c 2008-02-26 17:46:01 UTC (rev 1471)
@@ -1,167 +0,0 @@
-#include "dv_all.h"
-#define ESC "\x1b"
-static char *pre_reset;
-static char *pre[5];
-/* ANSI-Terminal specific section */
-static void menu_ansi(char **pre, BOOL *lc, char *txt, char *parstring)
- char code;
- char instring[41];
- if (interactflag) {
- printf("\n-------------------------------------------------------------\n");
- printf("Enter the text attributes for printing of >%s< residues:\n", txt);
- printf("Different letters specify renditions,\n"
- "lowercase choices mean lowercase residues:\n"
- "(N,n) normal (B,b) bold (U,u) underscore (R,r) reverse\n"
- "(F,f) flashing (E,e) reverse/bold (L,l) reverse/flashing\n\n"
- "choose from NnBbUuRrFfEeLl ( * %c * ) : ", parstring[0]);
- Fgets(instring, 41, stdin);
- } else
- *instring = '\0';
- if (*instring == '\0')
- code = parstring[0];
- else
- code = instring[0];
- if (strchr("NBURELF", toupper(code)) == NULL)
- code = 'N';
- *lc = islower(code);
- code = toupper(code);
- switch (code) {
- case 'N': *pre = ESC "[0m"; break;
- case 'B': *pre = ESC "[0;1m"; break;
- case 'U': *pre = ESC "[0;4m"; break;
- case 'R': *pre = ESC "[0;7m"; break;
- case 'E': *pre = ESC "[0;1;7m"; break;
- case 'L': *pre = ESC "[0;5;7m"; break;
- case 'F': *pre = ESC "[0;5m"; break;
- }
-static void ask(char *term)
- char parstring[6];
- term_par(term);
- if (interactflag)
- printf("-------------------------------------------------------------\n");
- pre_reset = ESC "[0m";
- Fgets(parstring, 6, parfile);
- parstring[2] = '\0';
- menu_ansi(&pre[0], lc, "different", parstring);
- Fgets(parstring, 6, parfile);
- parstring[2] = '\0';
- menu_ansi(&pre[1], &lc[1], "identical", parstring);
- Fgets(parstring, 6, parfile);
- parstring[2] = '\0';
- if (simflag)
- menu_ansi(&pre[2], &lc[2], "similar", parstring);
- else {
- pre[2] = pre[0];
- lc[2] = lc[0];
- }
- Fgets(parstring, 6, parfile);
- parstring[2] = '\0';
- if (globalflag)
- menu_ansi(&pre[3], &lc[3], "conserved", parstring);
- else {
- pre[3] = pre[1];
- lc[3] = lc[1];
- }
- pre[4] = ESC "[0m";
- lc[4] = FALSE;
- if (!cloutflag) {
- printf("filename for %s-output (return for terminal) : ", term);
- gets(outname);
- }
-static void ask_vt(void) {
- ask("VT");
-static void ask_ansi(void) {
- ask("ANSI");
-/* ------------------- output functions */
-static void VTinit(double *xpos, double *ypos) {
- if (*outname == '\0') {
- outfile.f = stdout;
- outfile.bin = FALSE;
- } else
- assert(outopen(&outfile, outname) != NULL);
- fputs(ESC "[2J" ESC "[0;0H", outfile.f);
- fputs(pre_reset, outfile.f);
- dev_minx = 0.0;
- dev_miny = 1.0;
- dev_maxx = 80.0;
- dev_maxy = 25.0;
- dev_xsize = 1.0;
- dev_ysize = 1.0;
- *xpos = dev_minx;
- *ypos = dev_miny;
-static void VTsetcolor(int colno) {
- fputs(pre[colno], outfile.f);
-static void VTcharout(char c, double *xpos, double *ypos) {
- putc(c, outfile.f);
- *xpos += dev_xsize;
-static void VTnewline(double *xpos, double *ypos) {
- uwriteln(&outfile, pre_reset);
- *xpos = dev_minx;
- *ypos += dev_ysize;
-static void VTnewpage(double *xpos, double *ypos) {
- printf("\007"); fflush(stdout);
- scanf("%*[^\n]");
- getchar();
- *xpos = dev_minx;
- *ypos = dev_miny;
-static void VTexit(void) {
- uwriteln(&outfile, pre_reset);
- if (outfile.f != NULL && outfile.f != stdout)
- fclose(outfile.f);
- outfile.f = NULL;
-GraphicsDevice Ansi = {
- "ANSI",
- ask_ansi,
- VTinit,
- VTsetcolor,
- VTcharout,
- GenericStringOut,
- VTnewline,
- VTnewpage,
- VTexit
-GraphicsDevice Vt = {
- "VT100",
- ask_vt,
- VTinit,
- VTsetcolor,
- VTcharout,
- GenericStringOut,
- VTnewline,
- VTnewpage,
- VTexit
Deleted: trunk/packages/boxshade/trunk/dv_ascii.c
--- trunk/packages/boxshade/trunk/dv_ascii.c 2008-02-26 08:06:06 UTC (rev 1470)
+++ trunk/packages/boxshade/trunk/dv_ascii.c 2008-02-26 17:46:01 UTC (rev 1471)
@@ -1,135 +0,0 @@
-#include "dv_all.h"
-static char acs[5]; /*ASCII sprecific vars*/
-static char ascii_char;
-/* ASCII specific section */
-static void menu_ascii(char *acs, BOOL *lc, char *txt, char *parstring)
- char code;
- char instring[41];
- if (interactflag) {
- printf("\n-------------------------------------------------------------\n"
- "This output method should only be used in conjunction with\n"
- "\"shading according to a single sequence\"\n"
- "Enter the symbol used for printing of >%s< residues:\n", txt);
- printf("(L,l) the letter itself, in upper- or lower case, respectively\n"
- "or type any other on-character symbol (like . or - )\n"
- "the blank-character should be enclosed in quotes\n\n"
- "type one character ( * %c * ) : ", parstring[0]);
- Fgets(instring, 41, stdin);
- } else
- *instring = '\0';
- if (strlen(instring) == 3)
- instring[0] = instring[1];
- if (*instring == '\0')
- code = parstring[0];
- else
- code = instring[0];
- *lc = islower(code);
- code = toupper(code);
- *acs = code;
-static void ask_ascii(void)
- char parstring[6];
- term_par("ASCII");
- if (interactflag)
- printf("-------------------------------------------------------------\n");
- Fgets(parstring, 6, parfile);
- parstring[2] = '\0';
- menu_ascii(acs, lc, "different", parstring);
- Fgets(parstring, 6, parfile);
- parstring[2] = '\0';
- menu_ascii(&acs[1], &lc[1], "identical", parstring);
- Fgets(parstring, 6, parfile);
- parstring[2] = '\0';
- if (simflag)
- menu_ascii(&acs[2], &lc[2], "similar", parstring);
- else {
- acs[2] = acs[0];
- lc[2] = lc[0];
- }
- Fgets(parstring, 6, parfile);
- parstring[2] = '\0';
- if (globalflag)
- menu_ascii(&acs[3], &lc[3], "conserved", parstring);
- else {
- acs[3] = acs[1];
- lc[3] = lc[1];
- }
- acs[4] = 'L';
- lc[4] = FALSE;
- if (!cloutflag) {
- printf("filename for ASCII-output (return for terminal) : ");
- gets(outname);
- }
-static void ASCinit(double *xpos, double *ypos) {
- if (*outname == '\0') {
- outfile.f = stdout;
- outfile.bin = FALSE;
- } else
- assert(outopen(&outfile, outname) != NULL);
- dev_minx = 0.0;
- dev_miny = 1.0;
- dev_maxx = 255.0;
- dev_maxy = 10000.0;
- dev_xsize = 1.0;
- dev_ysize = 1.0;
- *xpos = dev_minx;
- *ypos = dev_miny;
-static void ASCsetcolor(int colno) {
- ascii_char = acs[colno];
-static void ASCcharout(char c, double *xpos, double *ypos) {
- if (toupper(ascii_char) == 'L')
- putc(c, outfile.f);
- else
- putc(ascii_char, outfile.f);
- *xpos += dev_xsize;
-static void ASCnewline(double *xpos, double *ypos) {
- uwriteln(&outfile, "");
- *xpos = dev_minx;
- *ypos += dev_ysize;
-static void ASCnewpage(double *xpos, double *ypos) {
- *xpos = dev_minx;
- *ypos = dev_miny;
-static void ASCexit(void) {
- uwriteln(&outfile, "");
- if (outfile.f != NULL && outfile.f != stdout)
- fclose(outfile.f);
- outfile.f = NULL;
-GraphicsDevice Ascii = {
- "ASCII",
- ask_ascii,
- ASCinit,
- ASCsetcolor,
- ASCcharout,
- GenericStringOut,
- ASCnewline,
- ASCnewpage,
- ASCexit
Deleted: trunk/packages/boxshade/trunk/dv_crt.c
--- trunk/packages/boxshade/trunk/dv_crt.c 2008-02-26 08:06:06 UTC (rev 1470)
+++ trunk/packages/boxshade/trunk/dv_crt.c 2008-02-26 17:46:01 UTC (rev 1471)
@@ -1,171 +0,0 @@
-#include "dv_all.h"
-#ifdef oCRT
-typedef struct crtrecord {
- byte bgnd, fgnd;
-} crtrecord;
-static crtrecord crtrec[5]; /* CRT-specifics*/
-static struct text_info ti;
-#include <conio.h>
-/* CRT specific section */
-static void menu_crt(crtrecord *crtrec, BOOL *lc, char *txt, char *parstring)
- char code;
- char instring[41];
- if (interactflag) {
- printf("\n-------------------------------------------------------------\n"
- "Enter the text attributes for printing of ***>%s<*** residues:\n",
- txt);
- printf("First choose the color/gray-value of the letter ***>background<***\n"
- "Different letters specify different colors,\n"
- "(R) red (G) green (U) blue \n"
- "(B) black (L) light gray\n\n"
- "choose from RGUYDL ( * %c * ) : ", parstring[0]);
- Fgets(instring, 41, stdin);
- } else
- *instring = '\0';
- if (*instring == '\0')
- code = parstring[0];
- else
- code = instring[0];
- code = toupper(code);
- if (strchr("RGUYDL", code) == NULL)
- code = 'R';
- switch (code) {
- case 'B': crtrec->bgnd = BLACK; break;
- case 'R': crtrec->bgnd = RED; break;
- case 'G': crtrec->bgnd = GREEN; break;
- case 'U': crtrec->bgnd = BLUE; break;
- case 'L': crtrec->bgnd = LIGHTGRAY; break;
- }
- if (interactflag) {
- printf("\n\nNow choose the color/gray-value of the letter **>foreground<**\n"
- "lowercase choices mean lowercase letters in the sequence:\n"
- "(R,r) red (G,g) green (U,u) blue (Y,y) yellow\n"
- "(B,b) black (W,w) white (D,d) dark gray (L,l) light gray\n\n"
- "choose from RrGgUuYyBbWwDdLl ( * %c * ) : ", parstring[1]);
- Fgets(instring, 41, stdin);
- } else
- *instring = '\0';
- if (*instring == '\0')
- code = parstring[1];
- else
- code = instring[0];
- if (strchr("BWRGUYDL", toupper(code)) == NULL)
- code = 'B';
- *lc = islower(code);
- code = toupper(code);
- switch (code) {
- case 'B': crtrec->fgnd = BLACK; break;
- case 'W': crtrec->fgnd = WHITE; break;
- case 'R': crtrec->fgnd = RED; break;
- case 'G': crtrec->fgnd = GREEN; break;
- case 'U': crtrec->fgnd = BLUE; break;
- case 'Y': crtrec->fgnd = YELLOW; break;
- case 'D': crtrec->fgnd = DARKGRAY; break;
- case 'L': crtrec->fgnd = LIGHTGRAY; break;
- }
-static void ask_crt(void)
- char parstring[6];
- term_par("CRT");
- if (interactflag)
- printf("-------------------------------------------------------------\n");
- Fgets(parstring, 6, parfile);
- parstring[2] = '\0';
- menu_crt(crtrec, lc, "different", parstring);
- Fgets(parstring, 6, parfile);
- parstring[2] = '\0';
- menu_crt(&crtrec[1], &lc[1], "identical", parstring);
- Fgets(parstring, 6, parfile);
- parstring[2] = '\0';
- if (simflag)
- menu_crt(&crtrec[2], &lc[2], "similar", parstring);
- else {
- crtrec[2] = crtrec[0];
- lc[2] = lc[0];
- }
- Fgets(parstring, 6, parfile);
- parstring[2] = '\0';
- if (globalflag)
- menu_crt(&crtrec[3], &lc[3], "conserved", parstring);
- else {
- crtrec[3] = crtrec[1];
- lc[3] = lc[1];
- }
- crtrec[4] = crtrec[0];
- lc[4] = lc[0];
-static void CRTinit(double *xpos, double *ypos) {
- gettextinfo(&ti);
- dev_minx = 0.0;
- dev_miny = 1.0;
- dev_maxx = ti.screenwidth;
- dev_maxy = ti.screenheight;
- dev_xsize = 1.0;
- dev_ysize = 1.0;
- *xpos = dev_minx;
- *ypos = dev_maxy;
- textbackground(crtrec[0].bgnd);
- textcolor(crtrec[0].fgnd);
- clrscr();
-static void CRTsetcolor(int colno) {
- textbackground(crtrec[colno].bgnd);
- textcolor(crtrec[colno].fgnd);
-static void CRTcharout(char c, double *xpos, double *ypos) {
- putch(c);
- *xpos += dev_xsize;
-static void CRTnewline(double *xpos, double *ypos) {
- textbackground(crtrec[0].bgnd);
- textcolor(crtrec[0].fgnd);
- cprintf("\r\n");
- *xpos = dev_minx;
- *ypos -= dev_ysize;
-static void CRTnewpage(double *xpos, double *ypos) {
- scanf("%*[^\n]");
- getchar();
- *xpos = dev_minx;
- *ypos = dev_miny;
-static void CRTexit(void) {
- normvideo();
- clreol();
-GraphicsDevice Crt = {
- "CRT",
- ask_crt,
- CRTinit,
- CRTsetcolor,
- CRTcharout,
- GenericStringOut,
- CRTnewline,
- CRTnewpage,
- CRTexit
Deleted: trunk/packages/boxshade/trunk/dv_fig.c
--- trunk/packages/boxshade/trunk/dv_fig.c 2008-02-26 08:06:06 UTC (rev 1470)
+++ trunk/packages/boxshade/trunk/dv_fig.c 2008-02-26 17:46:01 UTC (rev 1471)
@@ -1,243 +0,0 @@
-#include "dv_all.h"
-/* fig specific section */
-typedef struct figrecord {
- int bgnd, fgnd, fontno;
-} figrecord;
-static int fig_fontsize; /* XFIG specifics */
-static int fig_fontno_offset; /* 0=Tms,12=Cour,16=Helv,28=Palat */
-static figrecord figrec[5];
-static int fig_fontno; /* current values go here*/
-static int fig_fgnd, fig_bgnd; /* ... to here*/
-static void menu_fig(figrecord *figrec, BOOL *lc, char *txt, char *parstring)
- char code;
- char instring[51];
- if (interactflag) {
- printf("\n----------------------------------------------------------------\n"
- "Enter the text attributes for printing of **>%s<** residues:\n",
- txt);
- printf("First choose the color/gray-value of the letter **>background<**\n"
- "Different letters specify different colors,\n"
- "(B) black (W) white (1,2,3,4) 4 different gray values, 4 is darkest\n\n"
- "choose from BW1234 ( * %c * ) : ", parstring[0]);
- Fgets(instring, 51, stdin);
- } else
- *instring = '\0';
- if (*instring == '\0')
- code = parstring[0];
- else
- code = instring[0];
- code = toupper(code);
- if (strchr("BW1234", code) == NULL)
- code = 'W';
- switch (code) {
- case 'B': figrec->bgnd = 21; break;
- case 'W': figrec->bgnd = 0; break;
- case '1': figrec->bgnd = 4; break;
- case '2': figrec->bgnd = 8; break;
- case '3': figrec->bgnd = 12; break;
- case '4': figrec->bgnd = 16; break;
- }
- if (interactflag) {
- printf("\n\nNow choose the color/gray-value of the letter **>foreground<**\n"
- "lowercase choices mean lowercase letters in the sequence:\n"
- "(B,b) black,normal (E,e) black, emphasized\n"
- "(W,w) white normal (F,f) white, emphasized\n"
- "(L,l) Blue (M,m) Magenta (Y,y) Yellow (G,g) Green (R,r) Red\n\n"
- "choose from BbEeWwFfLlMmYyGgRr ( * %c * ) : ", parstring[1]);
- Fgets(instring, 51, stdin);
- } else
- *instring = '\0';
- if (*instring == '\0')
- code = parstring[1];
- else
- code = instring[0];
- if (strchr("BEWFLMYGR", toupper(code)) == NULL)
- code = 'B';
- *lc = islower(code);
- code = toupper(code);
- switch (code) {
- case 'B':
- figrec->fgnd = 0;
- figrec->fontno = 0;
- break;
- case 'E':
- figrec->fgnd = 0;
- figrec->fontno = 2;
- break;
- case 'W':
- figrec->fgnd = 7;
- figrec->fontno = 0;
- break;
- case 'F':
- figrec->fgnd = 7;
- figrec->fontno = 2;
- break;
- case 'L':
- figrec->fgnd = 1;
- figrec->fontno = 0;
- break;
- case 'M':
- figrec->fgnd = 5;
- figrec->fontno = 0;
- break;
- case 'Y':
- figrec->fgnd = 6;
- figrec->fontno = 0;
- break;
- case 'G':
- figrec->fgnd = 2;
- figrec->fontno = 0;
- break;
- case 'R':
- figrec->fgnd = 4;
- figrec->fontno = 0;
- break;
- }
-static void ask_fig(void)
- char parstring[6];
- char instring[41];
- term_par("FIG");
- if (interactflag)
- printf("-------------------------------------------------------------\n");
- Fgets(parstring, 6, parfile);
- parstring[2] = '\0';
- menu_fig(&figrec[0], &lc[0], "different", parstring);
- Fgets(parstring, 6, parfile);
- parstring[2] = '\0';
- menu_fig(&figrec[1], &lc[1], "identical", parstring);
- Fgets(parstring, 6, parfile);
- parstring[2] = '\0';
- if (simflag)
- menu_fig(&figrec[2], &lc[2], "similar", parstring);
- else {
- figrec[2] = figrec[0];
- lc[2] = lc[0];
- }
- Fgets(parstring, 6, parfile);
- parstring[2] = '\0';
- if (globalflag)
- menu_fig(&figrec[3], &lc[3], "conserved", parstring);
- else {
- figrec[3] = figrec[1];
- lc[3] = lc[1];
- }
- figrec[4].bgnd = 0;
- figrec[4].fgnd = 0;
- figrec[4].fontno = 0;
- lc[4] = FALSE;
- fscanf(parfile, "%d%*[^\n]", &fig_fontno_offset);
- getc(parfile);
- fscanf(parfile, "%d%*[^\n]", &fig_fontsize);
- getc(parfile);
- if (interactflag) {
- do {
- printf("Character size in Points ( * %4d * ) : ", fig_fontsize);
- Fgets(instring, 41, stdin);
- if (*instring != '\0')
- fig_fontsize = str2int((void *)instring);
- } while (fig_fontsize < 1 || fig_fontsize > 100);
- }
- if (!cloutflag) {
- printf("name of fig-file : ");
- gets(outname);
- }
-static void FIGinit(double *xpos, double *ypos) {
- assert(outopen(&outfile, outname) != NULL);
- dev_minx = fig_fontsize * 4.0;
- dev_miny = fig_fontsize * 4.0;
- dev_maxx = 10000.0;
- dev_maxy = 10000.0;
- dev_xsize = fig_fontsize + 1.0;
- dev_ysize = fig_fontsize;
- *xpos = dev_minx;
- *ypos = dev_miny;
- uwriteln(&outfile, "#FIG 2.1");
- uwriteln(&outfile, "80 2");
-static void FIGsetcolor(int colno) {
- dev_xsize = fig_fontsize + 1.0;
- fig_fontno = fig_fontno_offset + figrec[colno].fontno;
- fig_fgnd = figrec[colno].fgnd;
- fig_bgnd = figrec[colno].bgnd;
-static void FIGcharout(char c, double *xpos, double *ypos) {
- if (fig_bgnd > 0) { /*draw box*/
- double bxshift, byshift;
- int bx1, by1, bx2, by2;
- bxshift = fig_fontsize * 0.25;
- byshift = fig_fontsize * 0.15;
- bx1 = (int)(*xpos + 0.5 - bxshift);
- bx2 = (int)(*xpos + dev_xsize + 0.5 - bxshift);
- by2 = (int)(*ypos + 0.5 + byshift);
- by1 = (int)(*ypos - dev_ysize + 0.5 + byshift);
- /*compound object*/
- uwriteln(&outfile, "6 %5d%5d%5d%5d", bx2, by1, bx1, by2);
- uwriteln(&outfile, "2 2 0 0 0 5 0 " /*box*/
- "%3d 0.0 0 0 0", fig_bgnd);
- fprintf(outfile.f, "\t ");
- fprintf(outfile.f, "%5d%5d%5d%5d%5d%5d", bx2, by2, bx2, by1, bx1, by1);
- uwriteln(&outfile, "%5d%5d%5d%5d 9999 9999", bx1, by2, bx2, by2);
- }
- fprintf(outfile.f, "4 0 %2d%3d", fig_fontno, fig_fontsize);
- fprintf(outfile.f, " 0 %2d 0 0.0 4 ", fig_fgnd);
- fprintf(outfile.f, "%3ld%3ld",(long)(dev_ysize+0.5), (long)(dev_xsize+0.5));
- fprintf(outfile.f, "%5ld%5ld %c",(long)(*xpos+0.5), (long)(*ypos+0.5), c);
- uwriteln(&outfile, "\001");
- if (fig_bgnd > 0) /*end of compound*/
- uwriteln(&outfile, "-6");
- *xpos += dev_xsize;
-static void FIGnewline(double *xpos, double *ypos) {
- *xpos = dev_minx;
- *ypos += dev_ysize;
-static void FIGnewpage(double *xpos, double *ypos) {
- /* this should never happen*/
- FIGnewline(xpos, ypos);
-static void FIGexit(void) {
- if (outfile.f != NULL)
- fclose(outfile.f);
- outfile.f = NULL;
-GraphicsDevice Fig = {
- "fig",
- ask_fig,
- FIGinit,
- FIGsetcolor,
- FIGcharout,
- GenericStringOut,
- FIGnewline,
- FIGnewpage,
- FIGexit
Deleted: trunk/packages/boxshade/trunk/dv_hpgl.c
--- trunk/packages/boxshade/trunk/dv_hpgl.c 2008-02-26 08:06:06 UTC (rev 1470)
+++ trunk/packages/boxshade/trunk/dv_hpgl.c 2008-02-26 17:46:01 UTC (rev 1471)
@@ -1,348 +0,0 @@
-#include "dv_all.h"
-#include <stdarg.h>
-/* HPGL specific section */
-typedef struct hpglrecord {
- char *hatch;
- int bgnd, fgnd;
-} hpglrecord;
-static hpglrecord hpglrec[5]; /* HPGL-specifics*/
-static double hpglcell; /* character cell size */
-static int actcol; /* actual color No. */
-static int hpglpen; /* actual pen No. (1-8/0) */
-static char *hpglhatch; /* actual hatch type */
-#define HATCHES 4
-static char *hatches[HATCHES] = { "", "3,0.8,45", "4,0.8,0", "1" };
-/* -------------- VERY simple output optimizer */
-typedef struct {
- char c;
- byte col;
- float px, py;
-#define MAX_STORE 256
-static STORE store[MAX_STORE];
-static int store_idx = 0;
-static int print_len = 0;
-static char buf[100];
-static void print(char *fmt, ...) {
- va_list argptr;
- int len;
- va_start(argptr, fmt);
- len = vsprintf(buf, fmt, argptr);
- va_end(argptr);
- if (print_len+len > 78) {
- uwriteln(&outfile, "");
- print_len = 0;
- }
- fprintf(outfile.f, "%s", buf);
- print_len += len;
-/* select a new pen */
-static int select_pen(int pen) {
- if (pen != hpglpen) {
- hpglpen = pen;
- print("SP%d;", hpglpen);
- return TRUE;
- }
- return FALSE;
-/* write out all stored characters */
-static void flush_fg(int pen) {
- int idx;
- for (idx = 0; idx < store_idx; ++idx) {
- if ( store[idx].c != ' '
- && hpglrec[store[idx].col].fgnd == pen ) {
- select_pen(pen);
- print("PU%1.2f,%1.2f;", store[idx].px, store[idx].py);
- print("LB%c\003;", store[idx].c);
- }
- }
-/* draw all saved background shadings */
-static void flush_bg(int pen) {
- int idx, h;
- if (pen <= 0) return;
- for (idx = 0; idx < store_idx; ++idx) {
- if (hpglrec[store[idx].col].bgnd != pen) continue;
- for (h = 0; h < HATCHES; ++h) {
- if (hpglrec[store[idx].col].hatch == hatches[h]) {
- double act_x = store[idx].px - dev_xsize/8;
- double act_y = store[idx].py - dev_ysize/4;
- select_pen(pen);
- print("PU%1.2f,%1.2f;", act_x, act_y);
- if (hatches[h] != hpglhatch) {
- hpglhatch = hatches[h];
- print("FT%s;", hpglhatch);
- }
- print("RR%1.2f,%1.2f;", dev_xsize, dev_ysize);
- }
- }
- }
-/* save stored character cells */
-static void store_flush(void) {
- int p, sp;
- /* first background */
- sp = hpglpen;
- flush_bg(sp); /* actual pen first */
- for (p=1; p < 10; ++p)
- if (p!=sp)
- flush_bg(p);
- /* then foreground */
- sp = hpglpen;
- flush_fg(sp); /* actual pen first */
- for (p=0; p < 10; ++p)
- if (p!=sp)
- flush_fg(p);
- store_idx = 0;
-/* save a character for optimizing HPGL output */
-static void store_char(char c, int col, double px, double py) {
- store[store_idx].c = c;
- store[store_idx].px = (float) px;
- store[store_idx].py = (float) py;
- store[store_idx].col= (byte) col;
- ++store_idx;
- if (store_idx == MAX_STORE)
- store_flush();
-/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
-static void menu_hpgl(hpglrecord *hpglrec, BOOL *lc, char *txt, char *parstring)
- char code1, code2;
- char instring[41];
- if (interactflag) {
- printf("\n-------------------------------------------------------------\n"
- "Enter the text attributes for printing of **>%s<** residues:\n", txt);
- printf("First choose color and hatching type of the letter **>background<**\n"
- "NUMBERS specify plotter Pens,\n"
- "LETTERS specify hatching types.\n"
- "input has to be composed of a number and a letter\n"
- "1-9, 0 : PEN No. (0 means no background)\n"
- "(N) : no hatching (S) : slash\n"
- "(C) : crosshatch (F) : fill\n\n"
- "choose a number and a letter ( * %c%c * ) : ",
- parstring[0], parstring[1]);
- Fgets(instring, 41, stdin);
- } else
- *instring = '\0';
- if (*instring == '\0') {
- code1 = parstring[0];
- code2 = parstring[1];
- } else {
- code1 = instring[0];
- code2 = instring[1];
- }
- code1 = toupper(code1);
- code2 = toupper(code2);
- if (strchr("NSCF", code2) == NULL)
- code2 = 'N';
- switch (code2) {
- case 'N':
- hpglrec->hatch = hatches[0];
- break;
- case 'S':
- hpglrec->hatch = hatches[1];
- break;
- case 'C':
- hpglrec->hatch = hatches[2];
- break;
- case 'F':
- hpglrec->hatch = hatches[3];
- break;
- }
- hpglrec->bgnd = code1-'0';
- if (interactflag) {
- printf("\n\nEnter the text attributes for printing of **>%s<** residues:\n",
- txt);
- printf("Now choose color and case of the letter **>foreground<**\n"
- "NUMBERS specify plotter Pens,\n"
- "A letter \"n\" behind the number means \"normal printing\"\n"
- "A letter \"l\" behind the number means \"lowercase printing\"\n"
- "1-9, 0 : PEN No. (0 means no printing)\n"
- "e.g. \"1n\" means : PEN #1 is to be used\n"
- "e.g. \"2l\" means : PEN #2 and lowercase types are to be used\n\n"
- "choose a number and a letter ( * %c%c * ) : ",
- parstring[2], parstring[3]);
- Fgets(instring, 41, stdin);
- } else
- *instring = '\0';
- if (*instring == '\0') {
- code1 = parstring[2];
- code2 = parstring[3];
- } else {
- code1 = instring[0];
- code2 = instring[1];
- }
- if (code2 == 'L' || code2 == 'l')
- *lc = TRUE;
- else
- *lc = FALSE;
- hpglrec->fgnd = code1 - '0';
-static void ask_hpgl(void)
- char parstring[6];
- char instring[41];
- term_par("HPGL");
- if (interactflag)
- printf(
- "-----------------------------------------------------------------------\n");
- Fgets(parstring, 6, parfile);
- parstring[4] = '\0';
- menu_hpgl(hpglrec, lc, "different", parstring);
- Fgets(parstring, 6, parfile);
- parstring[4] = '\0';
- menu_hpgl(&hpglrec[1], &lc[1], "identical", parstring);
- Fgets(parstring, 6, parfile);
- parstring[4] = '\0';
- if (simflag)
- menu_hpgl(&hpglrec[2], &lc[2], "similar", parstring);
- else {
- hpglrec[2] = hpglrec[0];
- lc[2] = lc[0];
- }
- Fgets(parstring, 6, parfile);
- parstring[4] = '\0';
- if (globalflag)
- menu_hpgl(&hpglrec[3], &lc[3], "conserved", parstring);
- else {
- hpglrec[3] = hpglrec[1];
- lc[3] = lc[1];
- }
- hpglrec[4].bgnd = 0;
- hpglrec[4].hatch = hatches[0];
- hpglrec[4].fgnd = hpglrec[0].fgnd;
- lc[4] = FALSE;
- fscanf(parfile, "%lg%*[^\n]", &hpglcell);
- getc(parfile);
- Fgets(parstring, 6, parfile);
- if (parstring[0] == 'Y' || parstring[0] == 'y')
- landscapeflag = TRUE;
- else
- landscapeflag = FALSE;
- if (interactflag) {
- do {
- printf("Character size in Points ( * %4.1f * ) : ", hpglcell);
- Fgets(instring, 41, stdin);
- if (*instring != '\0')
- hpglcell = str2int((void *)instring);
- } while (hpglcell < 1 || hpglcell > 100);
- printf("Rotate plot ( * %c * ) : ", YESNO(landscapeflag));
- Fgets(instring, 41, stdin);
- if (*instring != '\0') {
- if (instring[0] == 'Y' || instring[0] == 'y')
- landscapeflag = TRUE;
- else
- landscapeflag = FALSE;
- }
- }
- if (!cloutflag) {
- printf("filename for HPGL-output : ");
- gets(outname);
- }
-static void HPGLinit(double *xpos, double *ypos) {
- double xd, yd;
- if (landscapeflag) {
- dev_minx = 10.75; /* borders of a A4 page in mm */
- dev_miny = 5.0;
- dev_maxx = 260.75;
- dev_maxy = 185.0;
- } else {
- dev_minx = 5.0; /* borders of a A4 page in mm */
- dev_miny = 10.75;
- dev_maxx = 185.0;
- dev_maxy = 260.75;
- }
- dev_xsize = hpglcell * 0.351;
- dev_ysize = hpglcell * 0.351 * 2.0 / 1.5;
- hpglpen = 0;
- hpglhatch = hatches[0];
- *xpos = dev_minx;
- *ypos = dev_maxy; /* 0,0 is lower left corner */
- assert(outopen(&outfile, outname) != NULL);
- xd = dev_xsize * 100 / 1.5 / (dev_maxx - dev_minx);
- yd = dev_ysize * 100 / 2.0 / (dev_maxy - dev_miny);
- print("IN;%sIP;SI%5.3f;", (landscapeflag?"RO 90;":""), hpglcell*0.351);
- print("SC%1.2f,%1.2f,%1.2f,%1.2f;", dev_minx,dev_maxx, dev_miny,dev_maxy);
- print("SR%1.4f,%1.4f;", xd, yd);
- uwriteln(&outfile, "PU;");
- print_len = 0;
-static void HPGLsetcolor(int colno) {
- actcol = colno;
-static void HPGLcharout(char c, double *xpos, double *ypos) {
- store_char(c, actcol, *xpos, *ypos);
- *xpos += dev_xsize;
-static void HPGLnewline(double *xpos, double *ypos) {
- *xpos = dev_minx;
- *ypos -= dev_ysize;
-static void HPGLnewpage(double *xpos, double *ypos) {
- store_flush();
- uwriteln(&outfile, "PG");
- print_len = 0;
- *xpos = dev_minx;
- *ypos = dev_maxy;
- print("PU;");
-static void HPGLexit(void) {
- store_flush();
- uwriteln(&outfile, "PG");
- print_len = 0;
- if (outfile.f != NULL)
- fclose(outfile.f);
- outfile.f = NULL;
-GraphicsDevice Hpgl = {
- "HPGL",
- ask_hpgl,
- HPGLinit,
- HPGLsetcolor,
- HPGLcharout,
- GenericStringOut,
- HPGLnewline,
- HPGLnewpage,
- HPGLexit
Deleted: trunk/packages/boxshade/trunk/dv_html.c
--- trunk/packages/boxshade/trunk/dv_html.c 2008-02-26 08:06:06 UTC (rev 1470)
+++ trunk/packages/boxshade/trunk/dv_html.c 2008-02-26 17:46:01 UTC (rev 1471)
@@ -1,306 +0,0 @@
-#include "dv_all.h"
-#include "version.h"
-#include <math.h>
-#include <time.h>
-#include <stdarg.h>
-/* POSTSCRIPT specific section */
-typedef struct {
- double r, g, b;
-} RGB;
-typedef struct {
- RGB fg, bg;
-} HTMLrecord;
-static HTMLrecord html[5]; /* POSTSCRIPT-specifics*/
-static int open_TR = FALSE;
-static int open_TABLE = FALSE;
-static int Col;
-static void Gray(RGB *rgb, double gray) {
- rgb->r = gray;
- rgb->g = gray;
- rgb->b = gray;
-static void Rgb(RGB *rgb, double r, double g, double b) {
- rgb->r = r;
- rgb->g = g;
- rgb->b = b;
-static void Code2Color(char code, RGB *rgb) {
- switch (code) {
- case 'W': Gray(rgb, 1.0); break;
- case '1':
- case '5': Gray(rgb, 0.8);
- break;
- case '2':
- case '6': Gray(rgb, 0.6);
- break;
- case '3':
- case '7': Gray(rgb, 0.4);
- break;
- case '4':
- case '8': Gray(rgb, 0.2);
- break;
- case 'B': Gray(rgb, 0.0); break;
- case 'R': Rgb(rgb, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0); break;
- case 'G': Rgb(rgb, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0); break;
- case 'L': Rgb(rgb, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0); break;
- case 'Y': Rgb(rgb, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0); break;
- case 'M': Rgb(rgb, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0); break;
- case 'C': Rgb(rgb, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0); break;
- }
-static void menu_HTML(HTMLrecord *html, BOOL *lc, char *txt, char *parstring)
- char code;
- char instring[41];
- if (interactflag) {
- printf("\n----------------------------------------------------------------\n"
- "Enter the text attributes for printing of **>%s<** residues:\n", txt);
- printf("First choose the color/gray-value of the letter **>background<**\n"
- "Different letters specify different colors,\n"
- "(B) Black, (W) white (1,2,3,4) 4 different gray values, 4 is darkest\n"
- "(R) Red, (G) Green, (L) Blue, (Y) Yellow, (M) Magenta, (C) Cyan\n\n"
- "choose from BWRGLYMC1234 ( * %c * ) : ", parstring[0]);
- Fgets(instring, 41, stdin);
- } else
- *instring = '\0';
- if (*instring == '\0')
- code = parstring[0];
- else
- code = instring[0];
- code = toupper(code);
- if (strchr( "BWRGLYMC1234", code) == NULL)
- code = 'W';
- Code2Color(code, &(html->bg));
- if (interactflag) {
- printf("\n\nNow choose the color/gray-value of the letter **>foreground<**\n"
- "lowercase choices mean lowercase letters in the sequence:\n"
- "(B,b) black (W,w) white (1,2,3,4) 4 different gray values, 4 is darkest\n"
- "(R,r) red (G,g) green (5,6,7,8) same, but lowercase letters\n"
- "(L,l) blue (Y,y) yellow (M,m) magenta (C,c) cyan\n\n"
- "choose from BbWwRrGgLlYyMmCc12345678 ( * %c * ) : ", parstring[1]);
- Fgets(instring, 41, stdin);
- } else
- *instring = '\0';
- if (*instring == '\0')
- code = parstring[1];
- else
- code = instring[0];
- if (strchr("BbWwRrGgLlYyMmCc12345678", code) == NULL)
- code = 'B';
- switch (code) {
- case '1' :
- case '2' :
- case '3' :
- case '4' : *lc = FALSE;
- break;
- case '5' :
- case '6' :
- case '7' :
- case '8' : *lc = TRUE;
- break;
- default : *lc = islower(code);
- break;
- }
- code = toupper(code);
- Code2Color(code, &(html->fg));
-static void Ask(void)
- char parstring[6];
- if (interactflag)
- printf("----------------------------------------------------------------\n");
- term_par("HTML");
- Fgets(parstring, 6, parfile);
- parstring[2] = '\0';
- menu_HTML(&html[0], &lc[0], "different", parstring);
- Fgets(parstring, 6, parfile);
- parstring[2] = '\0';
- menu_HTML(&html[1], &lc[1], "identical", parstring);
- Fgets(parstring, 6, parfile);
- parstring[2] = '\0';
- if (simflag)
- menu_HTML(&html[2], &lc[2], "similar", parstring);
- else {
- html[2] = html[0];
- lc[2] = lc[0];
- }
- Fgets(parstring, 6, parfile);
- parstring[2] = '\0';
- if (globalflag)
- menu_HTML(&html[3], &lc[3], "conserved", parstring);
- else {
- html[3] = html[1];
- lc[3] = lc[1];
- }
- Gray(&html[4].bg, 1.0);
- Gray(&html[4].fg, 0.0);
- lc[4] = FALSE;
- if (!cloutflag)
- do {
- printf("filename for HTML-output : ");
- gets(outname);
- } while (*outname == '\0');
-#define col255(cv) ((int)(255.0*(cv)))
-static void ColWrite(RGB *rgb) {
- fprintf(outfile.f, "\"#%02X%02X%02X\"", col255(rgb->r), col255(rgb->g), col255(rgb->b));
-static int coleq(RGB *c1, RGB *c2) {
- return (col255(c1->r) == col255(c2->r))
- && (col255(c1->g) == col255(c2->g))
- && (col255(c1->b) == col255(c2->b));
-#define isBG(rgb) coleq((rgb),&html[4].bg)
-#define isTC(rgb) coleq((rgb),&html[4].fg)
-static void StartTR(void) {
- if (!open_TR) {
- uwriteln(&outfile, "<tr align=center>");
- open_TR = TRUE;
- }
-static void CloseTR(void) {
- if (open_TR) {
- uwriteln(&outfile, "</tr>");
- open_TR = FALSE;
- }
-static void StartTable(void) {
- uwriteln(&outfile, "<table border=0 cellspacing=0 CELLPADDING=0>");
- open_TR = FALSE;
- open_TABLE = TRUE;
-static void CloseTable(void) {
- CloseTR();
- if (open_TABLE) {
- uwriteln(&outfile, "</table>");
- open_TABLE = FALSE;
- }
-static void dv_Init(double *xpos, double *ypos) {
- dev_minx = 0.0;
- dev_miny = 0.0;
- dev_maxx = 1000.0;
- dev_maxy = 10000.0;
- dev_xsize = 1.0;
- dev_ysize = 1.0;
- *xpos = dev_minx;
- *ypos = dev_maxy - dev_ysize;
- lines_per_page = (int)((dev_maxy - dev_miny) / dev_ysize);
- assert( outopen(&outfile, outname) != NULL);
- uwriteln(&outfile, "<html>");
- uwriteln(&outfile, "<head>");
- uwriteln(&outfile, "<title>BoxShade " BOXSHADE_ver " Output</title>");
- uwriteln(&outfile, "</head>");
- fprintf(outfile.f, "<body BGCOLOR=");
- ColWrite(&html[4].bg);
- fprintf(outfile.f, " TEXT=");
- ColWrite(&html[4].fg);
- uwriteln(&outfile, ">");
-static void Setcolor(int colno) {
- Col = colno;
-static void StrgChar(int ch, char *s, double *xpos, double *ypos) {
- char *fc = "";
- if (!open_TABLE) StartTable();
- StartTR();
- fprintf(outfile.f, "<td%s", (s != NULL ? " align=left": "") );
- if (!isBG(&html[Col].bg)) {
- fprintf(outfile.f, " BGCOLOR=");
- ColWrite(&html[Col].bg);
- }
- fprintf(outfile.f, ">");
- if (!isTC(&html[Col].fg)) {
- fprintf(outfile.f, "<FONT COLOR=");
- ColWrite(&html[Col].fg);
- fprintf(outfile.f, ">");
- fc = "</FONT>";
- }
- if (s == NULL) {
- if (ch != ' ') fprintf(outfile.f, "%c%s", ch, fc);
- else fprintf(outfile.f, " %s", fc);
- *xpos += dev_xsize;
- } else {
- fprintf(outfile.f, "%s%s ", s, fc);
- *xpos += strlen(s)*dev_xsize;
- }
- uwriteln(&outfile, "</TD>");
-static void Charout(char c, double *xpos, double *ypos) {
- StrgChar(c, NULL, xpos, ypos);
-static void Stringout(char *s, double *xpos, double *ypos) {
- StrgChar('\0', s, xpos, ypos);
-static void Newline(double *xpos, double *ypos) {
- if (!open_TR) {
- StartTR();
- uwriteln(&outfile, "<td> </td>");
- }
- CloseTR();
- *xpos = dev_minx;
- *ypos -= dev_ysize;
-static void Newpage(double *xpos, double *ypos) {
- Newline(xpos, ypos);
- *xpos = dev_minx;
- *ypos = dev_maxy - dev_ysize;
-static void dv_Exit(void) {
- CloseTR();
- CloseTable();
- uwriteln(&outfile, "</body>");
- uwriteln(&outfile, "</html>");
- if (outfile.f != NULL)
- fclose(outfile.f);
- outfile.f = NULL;
-GraphicsDevice Html = {
- "HTML",
- Ask,
- dv_Init,
- Setcolor,
- Charout,
- Stringout,
- Newline,
- Newpage,
- dv_Exit
Deleted: trunk/packages/boxshade/trunk/dv_lj250.c
--- trunk/packages/boxshade/trunk/dv_lj250.c 2008-02-26 08:06:06 UTC (rev 1470)
+++ trunk/packages/boxshade/trunk/dv_lj250.c 2008-02-26 17:46:01 UTC (rev 1471)
@@ -1,138 +0,0 @@
-#include "dv_all.h"
-#define CMD "\x9b"
-static char *pre_reset;
-static char *pre[5];
-/* LJ250 specific section */
-static void menu_lj250(char **pre, BOOL *lc, char *txt, char *parstring)
- char code;
- char instring[51];
- if (interactflag) {
- printf("\n"
- "-------------------------------------------------------------\n"
- "Enter the text attributes for printing of >%s< residues:\n", txt);
- printf("Different letters specify different colors,\n"
- "lowercase choices mean lowercase residues:\n"
- "(B,b) black,normal (E,e) black, emphasized (L,l) Blue\n"
- "(C,c) Cyan (M,m) Magenta (Y,y) Yellow (G,g) Green (R,r) Red\n\n"
- "choose from BbEeLlCcMmYyGgRr (* %c *) : ", parstring[0]);
- Fgets(instring, 51, stdin);
- } else
- *instring = '\0';
- if (*instring == '\0')
- code = parstring[0];
- else
- code = instring[0];
- if (strchr("BELCMYGR", toupper(code)) == NULL)
- code = 'B';
- *lc = islower(code);
- code = tolower(code);
- switch (code) {
- case 'b': *pre = CMD "0m"; break;
- case 'e': *pre = CMD "0;1m"; break;
- case 'l': *pre = CMD "0;34m"; break;
- case 'c': *pre = CMD "0;36m"; break;
- case 'm': *pre = CMD "0;35m"; break;
- case 'y': *pre = CMD "0;33m"; break;
- case 'g': *pre = CMD "0;32m"; break;
- case 'r': *pre = CMD "0;31m"; break;
- }
-static void ask_lj250(void)
- char parstring[6];
- term_par("LJ250");
- if (interactflag)
- printf("-------------------------------------------------------------\n");
- pre_reset = CMD "0m";
- Fgets(parstring, 6, parfile);
- parstring[2] = '\0';
- menu_lj250(&pre[0], lc, "different", parstring);
- Fgets(parstring, 6, parfile);
- parstring[2] = '\0';
- menu_lj250(&pre[1], &lc[1], "identical", parstring);
- Fgets(parstring, 6, parfile);
- parstring[2] = '\0';
- if (simflag)
- menu_lj250(&pre[2], &lc[2], "similar", parstring);
- else {
- pre[2] = pre[0];
- lc[2] = lc[0];
- }
- Fgets(parstring, 6, parfile);
- parstring[2] = '\0';
- if (globalflag)
- menu_lj250(&pre[3], &lc[3], "conserved", parstring);
- else {
- pre[3] = pre[1];
- lc[3] = lc[1];
- }
- pre[4] = CMD "0m";
- lc[4] = FALSE;
- if (!cloutflag) {
- printf("name of print-file : ");
- gets(outname);
- }
-static void LJinit(double *xpos, double *ypos) {
- assert(outopen(&outfile, outname) != NULL);
- fputs(pre_reset, outfile.f);
- dev_minx = 0.0;
- dev_miny = 1.0;
- dev_maxx = 80.0;
- dev_maxy = 63.0;
- dev_xsize = 1.0;
- dev_ysize = 1.0;
- *xpos = dev_minx;
- *ypos = dev_miny;
-static void LJsetcolor(int colno) {
- fputs(pre[colno], outfile.f);
-static void LJcharout(char c, double *xpos, double *ypos) {
- putc(c, outfile.f);
- *xpos += dev_xsize;
-static void LJnewline(double *xpos, double *ypos) {
- uwriteln(&outfile, "");
- *xpos = dev_minx;
- *ypos += dev_ysize;
-static void LJnewpage(double *xpos, double *ypos) {
- uwriteln(&outfile, "\f");
- *xpos = dev_minx;
- *ypos = dev_miny;
-static void LJexit(void) {
- if (outfile.f != NULL)
- fclose(outfile.f);
- outfile.f = NULL;
-GraphicsDevice Lj250 = {
- "LJ250",
- ask_lj250,
- LJinit,
- LJsetcolor,
- LJcharout,
- GenericStringOut,
- LJnewline,
- LJnewpage,
- LJexit
Deleted: trunk/packages/boxshade/trunk/dv_pict.c
--- trunk/packages/boxshade/trunk/dv_pict.c 2008-02-26 08:06:06 UTC (rev 1470)
+++ trunk/packages/boxshade/trunk/dv_pict.c 2008-02-26 17:46:01 UTC (rev 1471)
@@ -1,429 +0,0 @@
-#include "dv_all.h"
-/* PICTfile specific section */
-#define CHR static char
-CHR *StrBlack = "\001\0\0\0\0\0\0";
-CHR *StrWhite = "\002\377\377\377\377\377\377"; /* \377 = 255 */
-CHR *StrGrey1 = "\003\335\335\335\335\335\335"; /* \335 = 221 */
-CHR *StrGrey2 = "\004\273\273\273\273\273\273"; /* \273 = 187 */
-CHR *StrGrey3 = "\005\210\210\210\210\210\210"; /* \210 = 136 */
-CHR *StrGrey4 = "\006\125\125\125\125\125\125"; /* \125 = 85 */
-CHR *StrRed = "\007\377\377\063\063\0\0"; /* \377 = 255, \063 = 51 */
-CHR *StrPurple = "\010\231\231\0\0\314\314"; /* \231 = 153, \314 = 204 */
-CHR *StrDBlue = "\011\0\0\0\0\335\335"; /* \335 = 221 */
-CHR *StrLBlue = "\012\146\146\377\377\377\377"; /* \146 = 102, \377 = 255 */
-CHR *StrGreen = "\013\0\0\210\210\0\0"; /* \210 = 136 */
-CHR *StrYellow = "\014\377\377\377\377\0\0"; /* \377 = 255 */
-CHR *StrMagenta= "\015\377\377\0\0\231\231"; /* \377 = 255, \231 = 153 */
-CHR *StrHeaderOp = "\0\021\002\377\014\0\377\377\377\377";
-CHR *LongTextOp = "\0\050"; /* \050 = 40 */
-CHR *RGBfgndOp = "\0\032"; /* \032 = 26 */
-CHR *EndPicOp = "\0\377"; /* \377 = 255 */
-CHR *PaintRectOp= "\0\061"; /* \061 = 49 */
-CHR *StrHiLiteClip = "\0\036\0\001\0\012"; /* \036 = 30; \001 = 1, \012 = 10 */
-CHR *StrCourierBold=
- "\0\054\0\012\0\026\007" /* \054 = 44, \012 = 10, \026 = 22 */
- "Courier"
- "\0\003\0\026\0\004\001\0\0\015\0"; /* \026 = 22, \015 = 13 */
-typedef struct PictRec {
- char *bgnd, *fgnd;
-} PictRec;
-static PictRec pict[5]; /*PICTfile specifics*/
-static int pictcell; /*PICT files allow only integer values for char size*/
-static char CurrentColour;
-static PictRec *WantedColour;
-static int WantedColNo, xshift, yshift, pcount;
-static char StrFormat[8];
-static char StrFormat2[16];
-static FILE *outf = NULL;
-static void menu_pictfile(PictRec *pict, BOOL *lc, char *txt, char *parstring)
- char code;
- char instring[41];
- if (interactflag) {
- printf("\n----------------------------------------------------------------\n"
- "Enter the text attributes for printing of **>%s<** residues:\n", txt);
- printf("First choose the color/gray-value of the letter **>background<**\n"
- "Different letters specify different colors,\n"
- "(B) Black, (W) white (1,2,3,4) 4 different gray values, 4 is darkest\n"
- "(R) Red, (P) Purple, (M) Magenta, (Y) Yellow, (G) Green,\n"
- "(L) Light blue, (D) Dark blue\n\n"
- "choose from BWRPMYGLD1234 ( * %c * ) : ", parstring[0]);
- Fgets(instring, 41, stdin);
- } else
- *instring = '\0';
- if (*instring == '\0')
- code = parstring[0];
- else
- code = instring[0];
- code = toupper(code);
- if (strchr("BWRPMGYLD1234", code) == NULL)
- code = 'W';
- switch (code) {
- case 'B': pict->bgnd = StrBlack; break;
- case 'W': pict->bgnd = StrWhite; break;
- case '1': pict->bgnd = StrGrey1; break;
- case '2': pict->bgnd = StrGrey2; break;
- case '3': pict->bgnd = StrGrey3; break;
- case '4': pict->bgnd = StrGrey4; break;
- case 'R': pict->bgnd = StrRed; break;
- case 'P': pict->bgnd = StrPurple; break;
- case 'M': pict->bgnd = StrMagenta; break;
- case 'G': pict->bgnd = StrGreen; break;
- case 'Y': pict->bgnd = StrYellow; break;
- case 'L': pict->bgnd = StrLBlue; break;
- case 'D': pict->bgnd = StrDBlue; break;
- }
- if (interactflag) {
- printf("\n\nNow choose the color/gray-value of the letter **>foreground<**\n"
- "lowercase choices mean lowercase letters in the sequence:\n"
- "(B,b) black (W,w) white (1,2,3,4) 4 different gray values, 4 is darkest\n"
- " (5,6,7,8) same, but lowercase letters\n"
- "(R) Red, (P) Purple, (M) Magenta, (Y) Yellow, (G) Green,\n"
- "(L) Light blue, (D) Dark blue\n\n"
- "choose from BbWwRrPpMmYyGgLlDd12345678 ( * %c * ) : ",
- parstring[1]);
- Fgets(instring, 41, stdin);
- } else
- *instring = '\0';
- if (*instring == '\0')
- code = parstring[1];
- else
- code = instring[0];
- if (strchr("BWRPMGYLD12345678", toupper(code)) == NULL)
- code = 'B';
- *lc = islower(code);
- if (code == '4' || code == '3' || code == '2' || code == '1')
- *lc = FALSE;
- if (code == '8' || code == '7' || code == '6' || code == '5')
- *lc = TRUE;
- code = toupper(code);
- switch (code) {
- case 'B': pict->fgnd = StrBlack; break;
- case 'W': pict->fgnd = StrWhite; break;
- case '5':
- case '1': pict->fgnd = StrGrey1; break;
- case '6':
- case '2': pict->fgnd = StrGrey2; break;
- case '7':
- case '3': pict->fgnd = StrGrey3; break;
- case '8':
- case '4': pict->fgnd = StrGrey4; break;
- case 'R': pict->fgnd = StrRed; break;
- case 'P': pict->fgnd = StrPurple; break;
- case 'M': pict->fgnd = StrMagenta; break;
- case 'G': pict->fgnd = StrGreen; break;
- case 'Y': pict->fgnd = StrYellow; break;
- case 'L': pict->fgnd = StrLBlue; break;
- case 'D': pict->fgnd = StrDBlue; break;
- }
-static void ask_pict(void)
- char parstring[6];
- char instring[41];
- splitflag = TRUE;
- /*although you can have multipage PICTs, I have defined the boundary of
- the ones created here as an A4 page. Very large PICTs, in any event, with
- 1000s of objects, might give the average drawing program a headache!*/
- if (interactflag)
- printf("----------------------------------------------------------------\n");
- term_par("PICTFILE");
- Fgets(parstring, 6, parfile);
- parstring[2] = '\0';
- menu_pictfile(&pict[0], &lc[0], "different", parstring);
- Fgets(parstring, 6, parfile);
- parstring[2] = '\0';
- menu_pictfile(&pict[1], &lc[1], "identical", parstring);
- Fgets(parstring, 6, parfile);
- parstring[2] = '\0';
- if (simflag)
- menu_pictfile(&pict[2], &lc[2], "similar", parstring);
- else {
- pict[2] = pict[0];
- lc[2] = lc[0];
- }
- Fgets(parstring, 6, parfile);
- parstring[2] = '\0';
- if (globalflag)
- menu_pictfile(&pict[3], &lc[3], "conserved", parstring);
- else {
- pict[3] = pict[1];
- lc[3] = lc[1];
- }
- pict[4].bgnd = StrWhite;
- pict[4].fgnd = StrBlack;
- lc[4] = FALSE;
- fscanf(parfile, "%d%*[^\n]", &pictcell);
- getc(parfile);
- Fgets(parstring, 6, parfile);
- shadeonlyflag = toupper(parstring[0]) == 'S';
- Fgets(parstring, 6, parfile);
- landscapeflag = toupper(parstring[0]) == 'Y';
- if (interactflag) {
- do {
- printf("Character size in Points(5-20) ( * %4d * ) : ", pictcell);
- Fgets(instring, 41, stdin);
- if (*instring != '\0')
- pictcell = str2int((void *)instring);
- } while (pictcell < 5 || pictcell > 20);
- /*rather arbitrary limitation, but should cover most people's needs*/
- printf("Save shading (S) or Shading+Text (T) (* %c *) ",
- (shadeonlyflag ? 'S' : 'T'));
- Fgets(instring, 41, stdin);
- if (*instring != '\0')
- shadeonlyflag = toupper(instring[0]) == 'S';
- printf("Rotate page ( * %c * ) : ", YESNO(landscapeflag));
- Fgets(instring, 41, stdin);
- if (*instring != '\0')
- landscapeflag = toupper(instring[0]) == 'Y';
- }
- if (!cloutflag) {
- printf("filename for PICT file output : ");
- gets(outname);
- }
-static void MakePoint(int *xpoint, int *ypoint)
- /*converts a pair of points into a string containing the values as hex*/
- /*in the order yvalue (hi), yvalue(lo), xvalue(hi), xvalue(lo)*/
- putc( (*ypoint >> 8)&255, outf);
- putc( (*ypoint )&255, outf);
- putc( (*xpoint >> 8)&255, outf);
- putc( (*xpoint )&255, outf);
-static void PICTinit(double *xpos, double *ypos) {
- int i, linelen, tlx, tly, brx, bry;
- if (landscapeflag) {
- dev_miny = 30.0; /* borders of an A4 page in point units */
- dev_minx = 30.0;
- dev_maxy = 565.0;
- dev_maxx = 800.0;
- } else {
- dev_minx = 30.0; /* borders of an A4 page in point units */
- dev_miny = 30.0;
- dev_maxx = 565.0;
- dev_maxy = 800.0;
- }
- dev_xsize = pictcell * 0.85; /* cells do overlap in x-direction */
- dev_ysize = pictcell;
- *xpos = dev_minx;
- *ypos = dev_miny + dev_ysize;
- /* 0,0 is top left corner, and we increase ypos to go down the page*/
- lines_per_page = (int)((dev_maxy - dev_miny) / dev_ysize);
- if (pictcell < 15) { xshift = 1; yshift = 2; }
- else { xshift = 2; yshift = 3; }
- /* as the size of the unit cell gets larger, the shift of the
- character to place it nicely in the "box" changes; I haven't worked
- out a nice formula that gives integer values that work for any
- number of points */
- outf = fopen(outname, BIN_WR);
- assert(outf != NULL);
- /* Calculate here the TopLeft and BottomRight corners of the PICT, based on
- the size of the image and the page dimensions entered above: changing
- these to reflect, e.g. US Letter paper will result in a changed 'window'
- in which the program will draw the PICT. Note that BOXSHADE allows both
- PICT and EPSF to be *wider* than the defined page (i.e. it doesn't check
- for user errors over what will fit), but it does split the output into
- separate files of one 'page-full' (or less) */
- linelen = outlen;
- if (seqnameflag)
- linelen += seqname_outlen + 1;
- if (seqnumflag)
- linelen += seqnumlen + 1;
- tly = (int)dev_minx;
- tlx = (int)dev_miny;
- if (lines_left < lines_per_page)
- brx = tly + (int)(0.5 + (lines_left + 1) * dev_ysize);
- else
- brx = tly + (int)(0.5 + lines_per_page * dev_ysize);
- bry = tlx + (int)(0.5 + linelen * dev_xsize);
- StrFormat[0] = tlx / 256;
- StrFormat[1] = tlx & 255;
- StrFormat[2] = tly / 256;
- StrFormat[3] = tly & 255;
- StrFormat[4] = brx / 256;
- StrFormat[5] = brx & 255;
- StrFormat[6] = bry / 256;
- StrFormat[7] = bry & 255;
- for (i = 0; i <= 15; i++)
- StrFormat2[i] = '\0'; /*yes, I know I'm being lazy!*/
- StrFormat2[4] = tlx / 256;
- StrFormat2[5] = tlx & 255;
- StrFormat2[0] = tly / 256;
- StrFormat2[1] = tly & 255;
- StrFormat2[12] = brx / 256;
- StrFormat2[13] = brx & 255;
- StrFormat2[8] = bry / 256;
- StrFormat2[9] = bry & 255;
- /* I have to write a header of 512 bytes plus 2 bytes for the
- PICT size field, which fortunately is never read. */
- for (i = 1; i <= 514; i++)
- putc(0, outf);
- /* now we write the various header opcodes and size for the file */
- for (i = 0; i <= 7; i++)
- putc(StrFormat[i], outf);
- for (i = 0; i <= 9; i++)
- putc(StrHeaderOp[i], outf);
- for (i = 0; i <= 15; i++)
- putc(StrFormat2[i], outf);
- for (i = 1; i <= 4; i++)
- putc(0, outf);
- for (i = 0; i <= 5; i++)
- putc(StrHiLiteClip[i], outf);
- for (i = 0; i <= 7; i++)
- putc(StrFormat[i], outf);
- for (i = 0; i <= 24; i++)
- putc(StrCourierBold[i], outf);
- putc(pictcell, outf);
- pcount = 592;
-static void PICTsetcolor(int colno) {
- WantedColour = &pict[colno];
- WantedColNo = colno;
-static void PICTcharout(char c, double *xpos, double *ypos) {
- int xpoint, ypoint, i;
- if (WantedColNo < 4) {
- if (CurrentColour != WantedColour->bgnd[0]) {
- if (pcount > 1016) {
- for (i = pcount; i <= 1023; i++)
- putc(0, outf);
- putc('\n', outf);
- pcount = 0;
- }
- fprintf(outf, "%c%c", RGBfgndOp[0], RGBfgndOp[1]);
- for (i = 1; i <= 6; i++)
- putc(WantedColour->bgnd[i], outf);
- CurrentColour = WantedColour->bgnd[0];
- pcount += 8;
- }
- if (pcount > 1014) {
- for (i = pcount; i <= 1023; i++)
- putc(0, outf);
- putc('\n', outf);
- pcount = 0;
- }
- fprintf(outf, "%c%c", PaintRectOp[0], PaintRectOp[1]);
- xpoint = (int)(*xpos - xshift + 0.5);
- ypoint = (int)(*ypos + yshift - dev_ysize + 0.5);
- MakePoint(&xpoint, &ypoint);
- xpoint = (int)(*xpos - xshift + dev_xsize + 0.5);
- ypoint = (int)(*ypos + yshift + 0.5);
- MakePoint(&xpoint, &ypoint);
- pcount += 10;
- }
- if (!shadeonlyflag) { /*print the text*/
- if (CurrentColour != WantedColour->fgnd[0]) {
- if (pcount > 1016) {
- for (i = pcount; i <= 1023; i++)
- putc(0, outf);
- putc('\n', outf);
- pcount = 0;
- }
- fprintf(outf, "%c%c", RGBfgndOp[0], RGBfgndOp[1]);
- for (i = 1; i <= 6; i++)
- putc(WantedColour->fgnd[i], outf);
- CurrentColour = WantedColour->fgnd[0];
- pcount += 8;
- }
- if (pcount > 1016) {
- for (i = pcount; i <= 1023; i++)
- putc(0, outf);
- putc('\n', outf);
- pcount = 0;
- }
- fprintf(outf, "%c%c", LongTextOp[0], LongTextOp[1]);
- xpoint = (int)(*xpos + 0.5);
- ypoint = (int)(*ypos + 0.5);
- MakePoint(&xpoint, &ypoint);
- fprintf(outf, "\001%c", c);
- pcount += 8;
- }
- *xpos += dev_xsize; /*need to move anyway*/
-static void PICTnewline(double *xpos, double *ypos) {
- *xpos = dev_minx;
- *ypos += dev_ysize;
-static void PICTnewpage(double *xpos, double *ypos) {
- /* this should never be accessed - /split is enforced with
- PICT files to stop them becoming too large */
- *xpos = dev_minx;
- *ypos = dev_miny + dev_ysize;
-static void PICTexit(void) {
- int i;
- if (pcount > 1022) {
- for (i = pcount; i <= 1023; i++)
- putc(0, outf);
- putc('\n', outf);
- pcount = 0;
- }
- fprintf(outf, "%c%c", EndPicOp[0], EndPicOp[1]);
- for (i = pcount; i <= 1021; i++)
- putc(0, outf);
- if (outf != NULL)
- fclose(outf);
- outf = NULL;
-GraphicsDevice Pict = {
- "PICT",
- ask_pict,
- PICTinit,
- PICTsetcolor,
- PICTcharout,
- GenericStringOut,
- PICTnewline,
- PICTnewpage,
- PICTexit
Deleted: trunk/packages/boxshade/trunk/dv_ps.c
--- trunk/packages/boxshade/trunk/dv_ps.c 2008-02-26 08:06:06 UTC (rev 1470)
+++ trunk/packages/boxshade/trunk/dv_ps.c 2008-02-26 17:46:01 UTC (rev 1471)
@@ -1,621 +0,0 @@
-#include "dv_all.h"
-#include "version.h"
-#include <math.h>
-#include <time.h>
-#include <stdarg.h>
-/* POSTSCRIPT specific section */
-/* maximum line length in postscript file (approx) */
-#define MAXLEN 70
-/* max string length in print commands */
-#define MAX_PRINT_LEN 300
-typedef struct {
- double r, g, b, k;
-} RGBK;
-typedef struct {
- RGBK fg, bg;
-} psrecord;
-static char last_ps_cl;
-static int act_ps_col;
-static char save_sb[MAXLEN+30];
-static int ps_count;
-static BOOL new_y, new_x;
-static psrecord ps[5]; /* POSTSCRIPT-specifics*/
-static char pscc[5];
-static double pscell; /* character cell size */
-static void gray(RGBK *rgbk, double gray) {
- rgbk->r = 0;
- rgbk->g = 0;
- rgbk->b = 0;
- rgbk->k = gray;
-static void rgb(RGBK *rgbk, double r, double g, double b) {
- rgbk->r = r;
- rgbk->g = g;
- rgbk->b = b;
- rgbk->k = 0;
-static void Code2Color(char code, RGBK *rgbk) {
- switch (code) {
- case 'W': gray(rgbk, 1.0); break;
- case '1':
- case '5': gray(rgbk, 0.8);
- break;
- case '2':
- case '6': gray(rgbk, 0.6);
- break;
- case '3':
- case '7': gray(rgbk, 0.4);
- break;
- case '4':
- case '8': gray(rgbk, 0.2);
- break;
- case 'B': gray(rgbk, 0.0); break;
- case 'R': rgb(rgbk, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0); break;
- case 'G': rgb(rgbk, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0); break;
- case 'L': rgb(rgbk, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0); break;
- case 'Y': rgb(rgbk, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0); break;
- case 'M': rgb(rgbk, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0); break;
- case 'C': rgb(rgbk, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0); break;
- }
-static void menu_postscript(psrecord *ps, BOOL *lc, char *txt, char *parstring)
- char code;
- char instring[41];
- if (interactflag) {
- printf("\n----------------------------------------------------------------\n"
- "Enter the text attributes for printing of **>%s<** residues:\n", txt);
- printf("First choose the color/gray-value of the letter **>background<**\n"
- "Different letters specify different colors,\n"
- "(B) Black, (W) white (1,2,3,4) 4 different gray values, 4 is darkest\n"
- "(R) Red, (G) Green, (L) Blue, (Y) Yellow, (M) Magenta, (C) Cyan\n\n"
- "choose from BWRGLYMC1234 ( * %c * ) : ", parstring[0]);
- Fgets(instring, 41, stdin);
- } else
- *instring = '\0';
- if (*instring == '\0')
- code = parstring[0];
- else
- code = instring[0];
- code = toupper(code);
- if (strchr( "BWRGLYMC1234", code) == NULL)
- code = 'W';
- Code2Color(code, &(ps->bg));
- if (interactflag) {
- printf("\n\nNow choose the color/gray-value of the letter **>foreground<**\n"
- "lowercase choices mean lowercase letters in the sequence:\n"
- "(B,b) black (W,w) white (1,2,3,4) 4 different gray values, 4 is darkest\n"
- "(R,r) red (G,g) green (5,6,7,8) same, but lowercase letters\n"
- "(L,l) blue (Y,y) yellow (M,m) magenta (C,c) cyan\n\n"
- "choose from BbWwRrGgLlYyMmCc12345678 ( * %c * ) : ", parstring[1]);
- Fgets(instring, 41, stdin);
- } else
- *instring = '\0';
- if (*instring == '\0')
- code = parstring[1];
- else
- code = instring[0];
- if (strchr("BbWwRrGgLlYyMmCc12345678", code) == NULL)
- code = 'B';
- switch (code) {
- case '1' :
- case '2' :
- case '3' :
- case '4' : *lc = FALSE;
- break;
- case '5' :
- case '6' :
- case '7' :
- case '8' : *lc = TRUE;
- break;
- default : *lc = islower(code);
- break;
- }
- code = toupper(code);
- Code2Color(code, &(ps->fg));
-static void ask(BOOL makeEPS)
- char parstring[6];
- char instring[41];
- int i;
- char lk;
- if (interactflag)
- printf("----------------------------------------------------------------\n");
- term_par("POSTSCRIPT");
- Fgets(parstring, 6, parfile);
- parstring[2] = '\0';
- menu_postscript(&ps[0], &lc[0], "different", parstring);
- Fgets(parstring, 6, parfile);
- parstring[2] = '\0';
- menu_postscript(&ps[1], &lc[1], "identical", parstring);
- Fgets(parstring, 6, parfile);
- parstring[2] = '\0';
- if (simflag)
- menu_postscript(&ps[2], &lc[2], "similar", parstring);
- else {
- ps[2] = ps[0];
- lc[2] = lc[0];
- }
- Fgets(parstring, 6, parfile);
- parstring[2] = '\0';
- if (globalflag)
- menu_postscript(&ps[3], &lc[3], "conserved", parstring);
- else {
- ps[3] = ps[1];
- lc[3] = lc[1];
- }
- gray(&ps[4].bg, 1.0);
- gray(&ps[4].fg, 0.0);
- lc[4] = FALSE;
- lk = 'K'-1;
- for (i = 0; i <= 4; i++) {
- if (!globalflag && i == 3) continue;
- pscc[i] = ++lk;
- }
- fscanf(parfile, "%lg%*[^\n]", &pscell);
- getc(parfile);
- Fgets(parstring, 6, parfile);
- landscapeflag = toupper(parstring[0]) == 'Y';
- if (interactflag) {
- do {
- printf("Character size in Points ( * %4.1f * ) : ", pscell);
- Fgets(instring, 41, stdin);
- if (*instring != '\0')
- pscell = str2int((void *)instring);
- } while (pscell < 1 || pscell > 100);
- if (!makeEPS) {
- printf("Rotate plot ( * %c * ) : ", YESNO(landscapeflag));
- Fgets(instring, 41, stdin);
- if (*instring != '\0')
- landscapeflag = toupper(instring[0]) == 'Y';
- }
- }
- if (!cloutflag)
- do {
- printf("filename for POSTSCRIPT-output : ");
- gets(outname);
- } while (*outname == '\0');
-static void ask_postscript(void) {
- ask(FALSE);
-static void ask_eps(void) {
- ask(TRUE);
-static void ps_nl(void)
- if (ps_count > 0)
- uwriteln(&outfile, "");
- ps_count = 0;
-static void ps_space(void)
- if (ps_count > MAXLEN)
- ps_nl();
- else
- if (ps_count > 0){
- putc(' ', outfile.f);
- ps_count++;
- }
-static void ps_string(int cmd, char *fmt, va_list arg_list) {
- char *cp1, *cp2;
- static char *buf = NULL;
- if (buf == NULL)
- buf=Malloc(MAX_PRINT_LEN);
- vsprintf(buf, fmt, arg_list);
- cp1 = buf;
- while (cp1 != NULL && *cp1 != '\0') {
- cp2 = strchr(cp1, '\n');
- if (cp2 != NULL) {
- *cp2 = '\0';
- ++cp2;
- }
- while (*cp1 != '\0') {
- if (cmd && *cp1 == ' ')
- ps_space();
- else
- if ( (*cp1 & 0x80) != 0)
- ps_count += fprintf(outfile.f, "\\%03o", (*cp1)&0xff);
- else {
- putc(*cp1, outfile.f);
- ++ps_count;
- }
- ++cp1;
- }
- if (cp2 != NULL) ps_nl();
- cp1 = cp2;
- }
- if (cmd)
- ps_space();
-static void ps_str(char *fmt, ...) {
- va_list argptr;
- va_start(argptr, fmt);
- ps_string(FALSE, fmt, argptr);
- va_end(argptr);
-static void ps_cmd(char *fmt, ...) {
- va_list argptr;
- va_start(argptr, fmt);
- ps_string(TRUE, fmt, argptr);
- va_end(argptr);
-static void ps_fp(double r, int nk)
- char s[20], *cp;
- sprintf(s, "%1.*f", nk, r);
- if (nk > 0) {
- cp = s + strlen(s);
- while (cp-s > 0 && *(cp-1) == '0')
- --cp;
- if (cp-s > 0 && *(cp-1) == '.')
- --cp;
- *cp = '\0';
- }
- cp = s;
- while (*cp == ' ') ++cp;
- ps_cmd("%s", cp);
-static void ps_date(void)
- time_t timer;
- struct tm *tblock;
- /* gets time of day */
- timer = time(NULL);
- /* converts date/time to a structure */
- tblock = localtime(&timer);
- ps_str("%s", asctime(tblock));
-static void PageSetup(int pn)
- ps_str("\n"
- "%%%%Page: %d %d\n"
- "%%%%BeginPageSetup\n"
- "psetup\n"
- "%%%%EndPageSetup\n", pn, pn);
-static void close_sb(void)
- if (*save_sb != '\0') {
- int sl = strlen(save_sb);
- if (ps_count + sl > MAXLEN)
- ps_nl();
- ps_str("(%s)%c", save_sb, (sl > 1 ? 'S' : 'C'));
- ps_space();
- }
- *save_sb = '\0';
-static void add_sb(char c)
- int sl = strlen(save_sb);
- save_sb[sl++] = c;
- save_sb[sl ] = '\0';
- if (ps_count+sl > MAXLEN) {
- ps_str("(%s)%c", save_sb, (sl > 1 ? 'S' : 'C'));
- ps_space();
- *save_sb = '\0';
- }
-static void ps_color(RGBK *c) {
- if (c->k > 0 || (c->r == 0 && c->g == 0 && c->b == 0)) {
- ps_fp(c->k, 1);
- ps_cmd("setgray");
- } else {
- ps_fp(c->r, 1);
- ps_fp(c->g, 1);
- ps_fp(c->b, 1);
- ps_cmd("setrgbcolor");
- }
-/* static int ps_white(RGBK *c) {
- return (c->k > 0.9999);
-} */
-static void DVinit(BOOL makeEPS, double *xpos, double *ypos) {
- int i;
- double linelen, bbox_x0, bbox_x1, bbox_y0, bbox_y1;
- if (landscapeflag && !makeEPS) {
- dev_miny = 30.0; /* borders of a A4 page in point units */
- dev_minx = 30.0;
- dev_maxy = 545.0;
- dev_maxx = 800.0;
- } else {
- dev_minx = 30.0; /* borders of a A4 page in point units */
- dev_miny = 30.0;
- dev_maxx = 575.0;
- dev_maxy = 760.0;
- }
- dev_xsize = pscell * 0.7; /* cells do overlap in x-direction */
- dev_ysize = pscell;
- *xpos = dev_minx;
- *ypos = dev_maxy - dev_ysize; /* 0,0 is lower left corner */
- lines_per_page = (int)((dev_maxy - dev_miny) / dev_ysize);
- assert( outopen(&outfile, outname) != NULL);
- ps_str("%%!PS-Adobe-2.0%s\n", (makeEPS ? " EPSF-2.0" : "") );
- ps_str("%%%%Creator: BOXshade %s\n", BOXSHADE_ver);
- ps_str("%%%%Title: BOXSHADE document %s\n", inname);
- ps_str("%%%%CreationDate: "); ps_date(); ps_nl();
- ps_str("%%%%Pages: %s\n", (makeEPS ? "1" : "(atend)") );
- /*calculate the bounding box positions, trying to take into account the
- actual length of line and the depth on the page (if more than one
- page). Note that if the figure is more than one page, one really MUST
- use the /split option with EPSF, or the results will be a mess.*/
- if (makeEPS) {
- linelen = outlen;
- if (seqnameflag)
- linelen += seqname_outlen + 1;
- if (seqnumflag)
- linelen += seqnumlen + 1;
- bbox_x0 = dev_minx - 1;
- if (lines_left > lines_per_page)
- bbox_y0 = dev_maxy - lines_per_page * dev_ysize;
- else
- bbox_y0 = dev_maxy - lines_left * dev_ysize - 1;
- /*if the bbox is set too wide for the paper, it will be clipped by the
- printer; however, it should appear as too wide in the graphics
- program, so the user will notice it.*/
- bbox_x1 = dev_minx + linelen * dev_xsize + 1;
- bbox_y1 = dev_maxy + 1;
- ps_str("%%%%BoundingBox: %ld %ld %ld %ld\n",
- (long)bbox_x0, (long)bbox_y0, (long)bbox_x1, (long)bbox_y1);
- } else {
- if (landscapeflag) {
- ps_str("%%%%BoundingBox: %ld %ld %ld %ld\n",
- (long)dev_miny-1, (long)dev_minx-1, (long)dev_maxy+1, (long)dev_maxx+1);
- ps_str("%%%%Orientation: landscape\n");
- } else {
- ps_str("%%%%BoundingBox: %ld %ld %ld %ld\n",
- (long)dev_minx-1, (long)dev_miny-1, (long)dev_maxx+1, (long)dev_maxy+1);
- ps_str("%%%%Orientation: portrait\n");
- }
- ps_str("%%%%PaperSize: a4\n");
- }
- ps_str("%%%%DocumentNeededFonts: Courier-Bold\n"
- "%%%%DocumentData: Clean7Bit\n"
- "%%%%LanguageLevel: 1\n"
- "%%%%EndComments\n"
- "%%%%BeginProlog\n");
- ps_cmd("/bd { bind def } bind def");
- ps_cmd("/xd { exch def } bd");
- ps_nl();
- ps_str("%%\n"
- "%% custom color selection\n%%\n"
- "%% grayscale:\n%%\n"
- "%% '<gray> setgray'\n%%\n"
- "%% <gray> is a real number between\n"
- "%% 0.0 (black) and 1.0 (white)\n%%\n");
- ps_str("%% RGB (red/green/blue) colors:\n%%\n"
- "%% '<r> <g> <b> setrgbcolor'\n%%\n"
- "%% each color compoment <?> is a real'\n"
- "%% number between 0.0 (zero intensity) and\n"
- "%% 1.0 (max intensity)\n%%\n"
- "%% Change the following definitions for your needs !\n"
- "%%");
- ps_nl();
- for (i = 0; i <= 4; i++) {
- if (!globalflag && i == 3) continue;
- switch (i) {
- case 0: ps_str("%% -- different residues"); break;
- case 1: ps_str("%% -- identical residues"); break;
- case 2: ps_str("%% -- similar residues"); break;
- case 3: ps_str("%% -- conserved residues"); break;
- case 4: ps_str("%% -- normal text"); break;
- }
- ps_nl();
- ps_cmd("/bg%c {", pscc[i]); ps_color(&ps[i].bg); ps_cmd("} bd");
- ps_str("%% background");
- ps_nl();
- ps_cmd("/fg%c {", pscc[i]); ps_color(&ps[i].fg); ps_cmd("} bd");
- ps_str("%% foreground");
- ps_nl();
- }
- ps_str("%%\n%% end of custom color selection\n%%");
- ps_nl();
- ps_cmd("/px 0 def");
- ps_cmd("/py 0 def");
- ps_cmd("/fg {0 setgray} bd");
- ps_cmd("/bg {1 setgray} bd");
- ps_cmd("/C {px py moveto gsave");
- ps_fp(-0.03*pscell, 1);
- ps_fp(-0.05*pscell, 1);
- ps_cmd("rmoveto");
- ps_fp(0.70*pscell, 1);
- ps_cmd("0 rlineto 0");
- ps_fp(pscell,1);
- ps_cmd("rlineto");
- ps_fp(-0.70*pscell, 1);
- ps_cmd("0 rlineto closepath "
- "bg fill grestore fg 0 2 rmoveto show "
- "/px px");
- ps_fp(dev_xsize, 2);
- ps_cmd("add def} bd", dev_xsize);
- ps_cmd("/X {/px xd} bd "
- "/Y {/py xd} bd "
- "/A {Y X} bd");
- ps_cmd("/S { /strg xd /idx 0 def { strg idx 1 "
- "getinterval C /idx idx 1 add def strg length idx "
- "eq {exit} if } loop } bd");
- ps_cmd("/S {0 1 2 index length 1 sub {"
- "2 copy 1 getinterval C pop"
- "} for pop} bd");
- ps_cmd("/psetup {/Courier-Bold findfont");
- ps_fp(pscell, 1);
- ps_cmd("scalefont setfont} bd");
- for (i = 0; i <= 4; i++) {
- if (!globalflag && i == 3) continue;
- ps_cmd("/%c {/bg {bg%c} bd"
- " /fg {fg%c} bd"
- "} bd", pscc[i], pscc[i], pscc[i]);
- }
- ps_nl();
- ps_str("%%%%EndProlog\n"
- "%%%%BeginSetup\n");
- ps_cmd("save%s", (makeEPS ? "" : " initgraphics") );
- if (landscapeflag && !makeEPS)
- ps_cmd("575 0 translate 90 rotate");
- ps_cmd("120 currentscreen 3 -1 roll pop setscreen\n");
- ps_str("%%%%EndSetup\n");
- PageSetup(1);
- last_ps_cl = ' ';
- act_ps_col = 4;
- new_x = new_y = TRUE;
- *save_sb = '\0';
- ps_count = 0;
-static void Setcolor(int colno) {
- if (!globalflag && colno == 3) colno = 1;
- act_ps_col = colno;
-static void Charout(char c, double *xpos, double *ypos) {
- if (pscc[act_ps_col] != last_ps_cl) {
- close_sb();
- last_ps_cl = pscc[act_ps_col];
- ps_cmd("%c", last_ps_cl);
- }
- if (new_y && new_x) {
- close_sb();
- ps_fp(*xpos, 1);
- ps_fp(*ypos, 1);
- ps_cmd("A");
- new_x = new_y = FALSE;
- } else
- if (new_y) {
- close_sb();
- ps_fp(*ypos, 1);
- ps_cmd("Y");
- new_y = FALSE;
- } else
- if (new_x) {
- close_sb();
- ps_fp(*xpos, 1);
- ps_cmd("X");
- new_x = FALSE;
- }
- add_sb(c);
- *xpos += dev_xsize;
-static void Newline(double *xpos, double *ypos) {
- close_sb();
- *xpos = dev_minx;
- *ypos -= dev_ysize;
- new_x = new_y = TRUE;
-static void PSnewpage(double *xpos, double *ypos) {
- close_sb();
- *xpos = dev_minx;
- ps_cmd("copypage erasepage");
- PageSetup(act_page + 1);
- *ypos = dev_maxy - dev_ysize;
- new_x = new_y = TRUE;
- last_ps_cl = ' ';
-static void DVexit(BOOL makeEPS) {
- close_sb();
- if (!makeEPS)
- ps_cmd("copypage erasepage");
- ps_str("\n%%%%Trailer\n");
- ps_str("restore\n");
- if (!makeEPS)
- ps_str("%%%%Pages: %d\n", act_page);
- else
- ps_str("showpage\n");
- ps_str("%%%%EOF\n");
- if (outfile.f != NULL)
- fclose(outfile.f);
- outfile.f = NULL;
-static void EPSinit(double *xpos, double *ypos) { DVinit(TRUE, xpos, ypos); }
-static void PSinit(double *xpos, double *ypos) { DVinit(FALSE, xpos, ypos); }
-static void PSexit(void) { DVexit(FALSE); }
-static void EPSexit(void) { DVexit(TRUE); }
-GraphicsDevice Postscript = {
- "PS",
- ask_postscript,
- PSinit,
- Setcolor,
- Charout,
- GenericStringOut,
- Newline,
- PSnewpage,
- PSexit
-GraphicsDevice Eps = {
- "EPS",
- ask_eps,
- EPSinit,
- Setcolor,
- Charout,
- GenericStringOut,
- Newline,
- Newline,
- EPSexit
Deleted: trunk/packages/boxshade/trunk/dv_regis.c
--- trunk/packages/boxshade/trunk/dv_regis.c 2008-02-26 08:06:06 UTC (rev 1470)
+++ trunk/packages/boxshade/trunk/dv_regis.c 2008-02-26 17:46:01 UTC (rev 1471)
@@ -1,215 +0,0 @@
-#include "dv_all.h"
-#include <math.h>
-/* ReGIS specific section */
-#define ESC "\x1b"
-typedef char regisstring[31];
-static regisstring regstr[5]; /*ReGIS-specifics*/
-static void menu_regis(char *regstr, BOOL *lc, char *txt, char *parstring)
- char code;
- char instring[51];
- *regstr = '\0';
- if (interactflag) {
- printf("\n-----------------------------------------------------------------------\n"
- "Enter the text attributes for printing of **>%s<** residues:\n", txt);
- printf("First choose the color/gray-value of the letter **>background<**\n"
- "Different letters specify different colors,\n"
- "(B) black (W) white (L) Blue (G) Green (R) Red\n"
- " (C) Cyan (M) Magenta (Y) Yellow \n"
- "(1,2,3,4) 4 different gray values, 4 is darkest\n\n"
- "choose from BWLGRCMY1234 (* %c *) : ", parstring[0]);
- Fgets(instring, 51, stdin);
- } else
- *instring = '\0';
- if (*instring == '\0')
- code = parstring[0];
- else
- code = instring[0];
- code = tolower(code);
- if (strchr("bwlgrcmy1234", code) == NULL)
- code = 'w';
- switch (code) {
- case 'b': strcat(regstr, "S(I(D));"); break;
- case 'w': strcat(regstr, "S(I(W));"); break;
- case 'l': strcat(regstr, "S(I(B));"); break;
- case 'g': strcat(regstr, "S(I(G));"); break;
- case 'r': strcat(regstr, "S(I(R));"); break;
- case 'c': strcat(regstr, "S(I(C));"); break;
- case 'm': strcat(regstr, "S(I(M));"); break;
- case 'y': strcat(regstr, "S(I(Y));"); break;
- case '1': strcat(regstr, "S(I(H0L80S0));"); break;
- case '2': strcat(regstr, "S(I(H0L60S0));"); break;
- case '3': strcat(regstr, "S(I(H0L40S0));"); break;
- case '4': strcat(regstr, "S(I(H0L20S0));"); break;
- }
- if (interactflag) {
- printf("\n\nNow choose the color/gray-value of the letter **>foreground<**\n"
- "lowercase choices mean lowercase letters in the sequence:\n"
- "(B,b) black (W,w) white (L,l) Blue (G,g) Green (R,r) Red\n"
- "(C,c) Cyan (M,m) Magenta (Y,y) Yellow \n"
- "(1,2,3,4) 4 different gray values, 4 is darkest\n"
- "(5,6,7,8) 4 different gray values, 8 is darkest, but lowercase letters\n\n"
- "choose from BWLGRCMY1234/bwlgrcmy5678 (* %c *) : ", parstring[1]);
- Fgets(instring, 51, stdin);
- printf("\n\n");
- } else
- *instring = '\0';
- if (*instring == '\0')
- code = parstring[1];
- else
- code = instring[0];
- if (strchr("BWLGRCMY12345678", toupper(code)) == NULL)
- code = 'B';
- *lc = islower(code);
- if (code == '4' || code == '3' || code == '2' || code == '1')
- *lc = FALSE;
- code = tolower(code);
- switch (code) {
- case 'b': strcat(regstr, "W(I(D));"); break;
- case 'w': strcat(regstr, "W(I(W));"); break;
- case 'l': strcat(regstr, "W(I(B));"); break;
- case 'g': strcat(regstr, "W(I(G));"); break;
- case 'r': strcat(regstr, "W(I(R));"); break;
- case 'c': strcat(regstr, "W(I(C));"); break;
- case 'm': strcat(regstr, "W(I(M));"); break;
- case 'y': strcat(regstr, "W(I(Y));"); break;
- case '1':
- case '5': strcat(regstr, "W(I(H0L80S0));"); break;
- case '2':
- case '6': strcat(regstr, "W(I(H0L60S0));"); break;
- case '3':
- case '7': strcat(regstr, "W(I(H0L40S0));"); break;
- case '4':
- case '8': strcat(regstr, "W(I(H0L20S0));"); break;
- }
-static void ask_regis(void)
- char parstring[6];
- if (interactflag)
- printf("-----------------------------------------------------------------------\n");
- term_par("ReGIS");
- Fgets(parstring, 6, parfile);
- parstring[2] = '\0';
- menu_regis(regstr[0], &lc[0], "different", parstring);
- Fgets(parstring, 6, parfile);
- parstring[2] = '\0';
- menu_regis(regstr[1], &lc[1], "identical", parstring);
- Fgets(parstring, 6, parfile);
- parstring[2] = '\0';
- if (simflag)
- menu_regis(regstr[2], &lc[2], "similar", parstring);
- else {
- strcpy(regstr[2], regstr[0]);
- lc[2] = lc[0];
- }
- Fgets(parstring, 6, parfile);
- parstring[2] = '\0';
- if (globalflag)
- menu_regis(regstr[3], &lc[3], "conserved", parstring);
- else {
- strcpy(regstr[3], regstr[1]);
- lc[3] = lc[1];
- }
- strcpy(regstr[4], "S(I(W));W(I(D));");
- lc[4] = FALSE;
- if (!cloutflag) {
- printf("filename for REGIS-output : ");
- gets(outname);
- }
-static void DVinit(regmodetype regmode, double *xpos, double *ypos) {
- dev_minx = 0.0;
- dev_miny = 0.0;
- dev_maxx = 799.0;
- if (regmode == rTERM) dev_maxy = 479.0;
- else dev_maxy = 1199.0;
- dev_xsize = 9.0;
- dev_ysize = 20.0;
- assert(outopen(&outfile, outname) != NULL);
- uwriteln(&outfile, "%s", ESC "[?38l" ESC "Pp");
- uwriteln(&outfile, "S(I(W)E);S(C0);S(A[0,0][%ld,%ld]);",
- (long)floor(dev_maxx + 0.5), (long)floor(dev_maxy + 0.5));
- uwriteln(&outfile, "P[0,0];W(R);T(S1)");
- *xpos = dev_minx;
- *ypos = dev_miny;
-static void RTinit(double *xpos, double *ypos) { DVinit(rTERM, xpos, ypos); }
-static void RPinit(double *xpos, double *ypos) { DVinit(rPAGE, xpos, ypos); }
-static void Rsetcolor(int colno) {
- fputs(regstr[colno], outfile.f);
-static void Rcharout(char c, double *xpos, double *ypos) {
- uwriteln(&outfile, "T\"%c\";", c);
- *xpos += dev_xsize;
-static void Rnewline(double *xpos, double *ypos) {
- *xpos = dev_minx;
- *ypos += dev_ysize;
- uwriteln(&outfile, "P[0,%ld];", (long)floor(*ypos + 0.5));
-static void RPnewpage(double *xpos, double *ypos) {
- uwriteln(&outfile, "S(FI(W)E);S(C0);S(A[0,0][%ld,%ld]);",
- (long)floor(dev_maxx + 0.5), (long)floor(dev_maxy + 0.5));
- uwriteln(&outfile, "P[0,0];W(R);T(S1)");
- *xpos = dev_minx;
- *ypos = dev_miny;
-static void RTnewpage(double *xpos, double *ypos) {
- putchar('\007');
- scanf("%*[^\n]");
- getchar();
- RPnewpage(xpos, ypos);
-static void Rexit(void) {
- uwriteln(&outfile, "%s", ESC "\\" ESC "[23;1H");
- if (outfile.f != NULL)
- fclose(outfile.f);
- outfile.f = NULL;
-GraphicsDevice RegisT = {
- "REGISt",
- ask_regis,
- RTinit,
- Rsetcolor,
- Rcharout,
- GenericStringOut,
- Rnewline,
- RTnewpage,
- Rexit
-GraphicsDevice RegisP = {
- "REGISp",
- ask_regis,
- RPinit,
- Rsetcolor,
- Rcharout,
- GenericStringOut,
- Rnewline,
- RPnewpage,
- Rexit
Deleted: trunk/packages/boxshade/trunk/dv_rtf.c
--- trunk/packages/boxshade/trunk/dv_rtf.c 2008-02-26 08:06:06 UTC (rev 1470)
+++ trunk/packages/boxshade/trunk/dv_rtf.c 2008-02-26 17:46:01 UTC (rev 1471)
@@ -1,206 +0,0 @@
-#include "dv_all.h"
-/* RTF specific section */
-typedef struct rtfrecord {
- int bgnd, fgnd;
-} rtfrecord;
-static rtfrecord rtfrec[5]; /*RTF-specifics*/
-static int rtfcell;
-static void menu_rtf(rtfrecord *rtfrec, BOOL *lc, char *txt, char *parstring)
- char code;
- char instring[41];
- if (interactflag) {
- printf("\n-------------------------------------------------------------\n"
- "Enter the text attributes for printing of ***>%s<*** residues:\n", txt);
- printf("First choose the color/gray-value of the letter ***>background<***\n"
- "Different letters specify different colors,\n"
- "!! Background colors are not supported on most RTF-programs !!\n"
- "(R) red (G) green (B) blue (C) cyan\n"
- "(M) magenta (Y) yellow (K) black (W) white\n"
- "(D) dark gray (L) light gray\n\n"
- "choose from RGBCMYKWDL ( * %c * ) : ", parstring[0]);
- Fgets(instring, 41, stdin);
- } else
- *instring = '\0';
- if (*instring == '\0')
- code = parstring[0];
- else
- code = instring[0];
- code = toupper(code);
- if (strchr("RGBCMYKWDL", code) == NULL)
- code = 'W';
- switch (code) {
- case 'R': rtfrec->bgnd = 2; break;
- case 'G': rtfrec->bgnd = 3; break;
- case 'B': rtfrec->bgnd = 4; break;
- case 'C': rtfrec->bgnd = 5; break;
- case 'M': rtfrec->bgnd = 6; break;
- case 'Y': rtfrec->bgnd = 7; break;
- case 'K': rtfrec->bgnd = 0; break;
- case 'W': rtfrec->bgnd = 1; break;
- case 'D': rtfrec->bgnd = 8; break;
- case 'L': rtfrec->bgnd = 9; break;
- }
- if (interactflag) {
- printf("\n\nNow choose the color/gray-value of the letter ***>foreground<***\n"
- "lowercase choices mean lowercase letters in the sequence:\n"
- "(R) red (G) green (B) blue (C) cyan\n"
- "(M) magenta (Y) yellow (K) black (W) white\n"
- "(D) dark gray (L) light gray\n\n"
- "choose from RrGgBbCcMmYyKkWwDdLl ( * %c * ) : ", parstring[1]);
- Fgets(instring, 41, stdin);
- } else
- *instring = '\0';
- if (*instring == '\0')
- code = parstring[1];
- else
- code = instring[0];
- if (strchr("RGBCMYKWDL", code) == NULL)
- code = 'K';
- *lc = islower(code);
- code = toupper(code);
- switch (code) {
- case 'R': rtfrec->fgnd = 2; break;
- case 'G': rtfrec->fgnd = 3; break;
- case 'B': rtfrec->fgnd = 4; break;
- case 'C': rtfrec->fgnd = 5; break;
- case 'M': rtfrec->fgnd = 6; break;
- case 'Y': rtfrec->fgnd = 7; break;
- case 'K': rtfrec->fgnd = 0; break;
- case 'W': rtfrec->fgnd = 1; break;
- case 'D': rtfrec->fgnd = 8; break;
- case 'L': rtfrec->fgnd = 9; break;
- }
-static void ask_rtf(void)
- char parstring[6];
- char instring[41];
- if (interactflag)
- printf("-------------------------------------------------------------\n");
- term_par("RTF");
- Fgets(parstring, 6, parfile);
- parstring[2] = '\0';
- menu_rtf(rtfrec, lc, "different", parstring);
- Fgets(parstring, 6, parfile);
- parstring[2] = '\0';
- menu_rtf(&rtfrec[1], &lc[1], "identical", parstring);
- Fgets(parstring, 6, parfile);
- parstring[2] = '\0';
- if (simflag)
- menu_rtf(&rtfrec[2], &lc[2], "similar", parstring);
- else {
- rtfrec[2] = rtfrec[0];
- lc[2] = lc[0];
- }
- Fgets(parstring, 6, parfile);
- parstring[2] = '\0';
- if (globalflag)
- menu_rtf(&rtfrec[3], &lc[3], "conserved", parstring);
- else {
- rtfrec[3] = rtfrec[1];
- lc[3] = lc[1];
- }
- rtfrec[4].bgnd = 1;
- rtfrec[4].fgnd = 0;
- lc[4] = FALSE;
- fscanf(parfile, "%d%*[^\n]", &rtfcell);
- getc(parfile);
- if (interactflag) {
- do {
- printf("Character size in Points ( * %2d * ) : ", rtfcell);
- Fgets(instring, 41, stdin);
- if (*instring != '\0')
- rtfcell = str2int((void *)instring);
- } while (rtfcell < 1 || rtfcell > 40);
- }
- if (!cloutflag) {
- printf("filename for RTF-output : ");
- gets(outname);
- }
-static void RTFinit(double *xpos, double *ypos) {
- dev_minx = 0.0;
- dev_miny = 1.0;
- dev_maxx = 10480.0;
- dev_maxy = 15000.0;
- dev_xsize = rtfcell * 120.0 / 10;
- dev_ysize = rtfcell * 20.0;
- *xpos = dev_minx;
- *ypos = dev_maxy;
- assert(outopen(&outfile, outname) != NULL);
- uwriteln(&outfile, "{\\rtf1\\ansi\\deff0");
- uwriteln(&outfile, "{\\fonttbl{\\f0\\fmodern Courier New;}}");
- uwriteln(&outfile, "{\\info{\\author BOXSHADE}}");
- uwriteln(&outfile, "{\\colortbl\n"
- "\\red0\\green0\\blue0;"
- "\\red255\\green255\\blue255;"
- "\\red255\\green0\\blue0;"
- "\\red0\\green255\\blue0;"
- "\\red0\\green0\\blue255;"
- "\\red0\\green255\\blue255;"
- "\\red255\\green0\\blue255;"
- "\\red255\\green255\\blue0;"
- "\\red128\\green128\\blue128;"
- "\\red192\\green192\\blue192;}");
- uwriteln(&outfile, "\\paperw11880\\paperh16820\\margl1000\\margr500");
- uwriteln(&outfile, "\\margt910\\margb910\\sectd\\cols1\\pard\\plain");
- uwriteln(&outfile, "\\fs%d", rtfcell * 2);
-static void RTFsetcolor(int colno) {
- uwriteln(&outfile, "");
- fprintf(outfile.f, "\\highlight%d\\cf%d ",
- rtfrec[colno].bgnd, rtfrec[colno].fgnd);
-static void RTFcharout(char c, double *xpos, double *ypos) {
- putc(c, outfile.f);
- *xpos += dev_xsize;
-static void RTFnewline(double *xpos, double *ypos) {
- uwriteln(&outfile, "\n\\highlight%d\\cf%d \\line",
- rtfrec[0].bgnd, rtfrec[0].fgnd);
- *xpos = dev_minx;
- *ypos -= dev_ysize;
-static void RTFnewpage(double *xpos, double *ypos) {
- uwriteln(&outfile, "\\page");
- *xpos = dev_minx;
- *ypos = dev_miny;
-static void RTFexit(void) {
- uwriteln(&outfile, "}");
- if (outfile.f != NULL)
- fclose(outfile.f);
- outfile.f = NULL;
-GraphicsDevice Rtf = {
- "RTF",
- ask_rtf,
- RTFinit,
- RTFsetcolor,
- RTFcharout,
- GenericStringOut,
- RTFnewline,
- RTFnewpage,
- RTFexit
Deleted: trunk/packages/boxshade/trunk/makefile.bcc
--- trunk/packages/boxshade/trunk/makefile.bcc 2008-02-26 08:06:06 UTC (rev 1470)
+++ trunk/packages/boxshade/trunk/makefile.bcc 2008-02-26 17:46:01 UTC (rev 1471)
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-# BOXSHADE makefile with BC++ and Borland make
-CC = bcc
-CFLAGS = -ml
-OBJ =.obj
-EXE =.exe
-HEADER = bx_types.h bx_read.h dv_all.h
-CSRCbx = box.c bx_read.c bx_misc.c
-CSRCdv = dv_ansi.c dv_ascii.c dv_crt.c dv_fig.c \
- dv_hpgl.c dv_lj250.c dv_pict.c dv_ps.c\
- dv_regis.c dv_rtf.c dv_html.c
-OBJS = box$(OBJ) bx_read$(OBJ) bx_misc$(OBJ) \
- dv_ansi$(OBJ) dv_ascii$(OBJ) dv_crt$(OBJ) dv_fig$(OBJ) \
- dv_hpgl$(OBJ) dv_lj250$(OBJ) dv_pict$(OBJ) dv_ps$(OBJ)\
- dv_regis$(OBJ) dv_rtf$(OBJ) dv_html$(OBJ)
-boxshade$(EXE): $(OBJS)
- $(CC) $(LDFLAGS) -e$@ @&&|
- $(OBJS)
-box$(OBJ): box.c bx_types.h bx_read.h dv_all.h version.h
-bx_read$(OBJ): bx_read.c bx_types.h bx_read.h
-bx_misc$(OBJ): bx_misc.c bx_types.h
-dv_ansi$(OBJ): dv_ansi.c bx_types.h bx_read.h dv_all.h
-dv_ascii$(OBJ): dv_ascii.c bx_types.h bx_read.h dv_all.h
-dv_crt$(OBJ): dv_crt.c bx_types.h bx_read.h dv_all.h
-dv_fig$(OBJ): dv_fig.c bx_types.h bx_read.h dv_all.h
-dv_hpgl$(OBJ): dv_hpgl.c bx_types.h bx_read.h dv_all.h
-dv_html$(OBJ): dv_html.c bx_types.h bx_read.h dv_all.h version.h
-dv_lj250$(OBJ): dv_lj250.c bx_types.h bx_read.h dv_all.h
-dv_pict$(OBJ): dv_pict.c bx_types.h bx_read.h dv_all.h
-dv_ps$(OBJ): dv_ps.c bx_types.h bx_read.h dv_all.h version.h
-dv_regis$(OBJ): dv_regis.c bx_types.h bx_read.h dv_all.h
-dv_rtf$(OBJ): dv_rtf.c bx_types.h bx_read.h dv_all.h
Deleted: trunk/packages/boxshade/trunk/makefile.djp
--- trunk/packages/boxshade/trunk/makefile.djp 2008-02-26 08:06:06 UTC (rev 1470)
+++ trunk/packages/boxshade/trunk/makefile.djp 2008-02-26 17:46:01 UTC (rev 1471)
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-# BOXSHADE makefile with DJGPP and GNU-make (MS-DOS):
-CC = gcc
-CFLAGS = -Wall -O
-LIBS = -lm
-OBJ =.o
-EXE =.exe
-HEADER = bx_types.h bx_read.h dv_all.h
-CSRCbx = box.c bx_read.c bx_misc.c
-CSRCdv = dv_ansi.c dv_ascii.c dv_crt.c dv_fig.c \
- dv_hpgl.c dv_lj250.c dv_pict.c dv_ps.c\
- dv_regis.c dv_rtf.c dv_html.c
-OBJS = box$(OBJ) bx_read$(OBJ) bx_misc$(OBJ) \
- dv_ansi$(OBJ) dv_ascii$(OBJ) dv_crt$(OBJ) dv_fig$(OBJ) \
- dv_hpgl$(OBJ) dv_lj250$(OBJ) dv_pict$(OBJ) dv_ps$(OBJ)\
- dv_regis$(OBJ) dv_rtf$(OBJ) dv_html$(OBJ)
-boxshade$(EXE): $(OBJS)
- $(CC) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $(OBJS) $(LIBS)
- gcc -MM $(CSRCbx) >depend
- gcc -MM $(CSRCdv) >>depend
-box$(OBJ): box.c bx_types.h bx_read.h dv_all.h version.h
-bx_read$(OBJ): bx_read.c bx_types.h bx_read.h
-bx_misc$(OBJ): bx_misc.c bx_types.h
-dv_ansi$(OBJ): dv_ansi.c bx_types.h bx_read.h dv_all.h
-dv_ascii$(OBJ): dv_ascii.c bx_types.h bx_read.h dv_all.h
-dv_crt$(OBJ): dv_crt.c bx_types.h bx_read.h dv_all.h
-dv_fig$(OBJ): dv_fig.c bx_types.h bx_read.h dv_all.h
-dv_hpgl$(OBJ): dv_hpgl.c bx_types.h bx_read.h dv_all.h
-dv_html$(OBJ): dv_html.c bx_types.h bx_read.h dv_all.h version.h
-dv_lj250$(OBJ): dv_lj250.c bx_types.h bx_read.h dv_all.h
-dv_pict$(OBJ): dv_pict.c bx_types.h bx_read.h dv_all.h
-dv_ps$(OBJ): dv_ps.c bx_types.h bx_read.h dv_all.h version.h
-dv_regis$(OBJ): dv_regis.c bx_types.h bx_read.h dv_all.h
-dv_rtf$(OBJ): dv_rtf.c bx_types.h bx_read.h dv_all.h
Deleted: trunk/packages/boxshade/trunk/makefile.unx
--- trunk/packages/boxshade/trunk/makefile.unx 2008-02-26 08:06:06 UTC (rev 1470)
+++ trunk/packages/boxshade/trunk/makefile.unx 2008-02-26 17:46:01 UTC (rev 1471)
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-# BOXSHADE makefile for unix (tested under Linux && Solaris)
-CC = gcc
-LIBS = -lm
-OBJ =.o
-EXE =
-HEADER = bx_types.h bx_read.h dv_all.h
-CSRCbx = box.c bx_read.c bx_misc.c
-CSRCdv = dv_ansi.c dv_ascii.c dv_crt.c dv_fig.c\
- dv_hpgl.c dv_lj250.c dv_pict.c dv_ps.c\
- dv_regis.c dv_rtf.c dv_html.c
-OBJS = box$(OBJ) bx_read$(OBJ) bx_misc$(OBJ) \
- dv_ansi$(OBJ) dv_ascii$(OBJ) dv_crt$(OBJ) dv_fig$(OBJ) \
- dv_hpgl$(OBJ) dv_lj250$(OBJ) dv_pict$(OBJ) dv_ps$(OBJ)\
- dv_regis$(OBJ) dv_rtf$(OBJ) dv_html$(OBJ)
-boxshade$(EXE): $(OBJS)
- $(CC) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $(OBJS) $(LIBS)
- gcc -MM $(CSRCbx) >depend
- gcc -MM $(CSRCdv) >>depend
-box$(OBJ): box.c bx_types.h bx_read.h dv_all.h version.h
-bx_read$(OBJ): bx_read.c bx_types.h bx_read.h
-bx_misc$(OBJ): bx_misc.c bx_types.h
-dv_ansi$(OBJ): dv_ansi.c bx_types.h bx_read.h dv_all.h
-dv_ascii$(OBJ): dv_ascii.c bx_types.h bx_read.h dv_all.h
-dv_crt$(OBJ): dv_crt.c bx_types.h bx_read.h dv_all.h
-dv_fig$(OBJ): dv_fig.c bx_types.h bx_read.h dv_all.h
-dv_hpgl$(OBJ): dv_hpgl.c bx_types.h bx_read.h dv_all.h
-dv_html$(OBJ): dv_html.c bx_types.h bx_read.h dv_all.h version.h
-dv_lj250$(OBJ): dv_lj250.c bx_types.h bx_read.h dv_all.h
-dv_pict$(OBJ): dv_pict.c bx_types.h bx_read.h dv_all.h
-dv_ps$(OBJ): dv_ps.c bx_types.h bx_read.h dv_all.h version.h
-dv_regis$(OBJ): dv_regis.c bx_types.h bx_read.h dv_all.h
-dv_rtf$(OBJ): dv_rtf.c bx_types.h bx_read.h dv_all.h
Deleted: trunk/packages/boxshade/trunk/makefile.w16
--- trunk/packages/boxshade/trunk/makefile.w16 2008-02-26 08:06:06 UTC (rev 1470)
+++ trunk/packages/boxshade/trunk/makefile.w16 2008-02-26 17:46:01 UTC (rev 1471)
@@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
-# Borland C++ IDE generated makefile
-CC = bcc
-LDFLAGS= -L$(BCCPATH)\LIB -Twe -c -C -x
-OBJ =.obj
-EXE =.exe
-CFG = BccW16.cfg
- $(CC) +$(CFG) -P- -c -o$@ $<
-CSRCbx = box.c bx_read.c bx_misc.c
-CSRCdv = dv_ansi.c dv_ascii.c dv_crt.c dv_fig.c \
- dv_hpgl.c dv_lj250.c dv_pict.c dv_ps.c\
- dv_regis.c dv_rtf.c dv_html.c
-OBJS = box$(OBJ) bx_read$(OBJ) bx_misc$(OBJ) \
- dv_ansi$(OBJ) dv_ascii$(OBJ) dv_crt$(OBJ) dv_fig$(OBJ) \
- dv_hpgl$(OBJ) dv_lj250$(OBJ) dv_pict$(OBJ) dv_ps$(OBJ)\
- dv_regis$(OBJ) dv_rtf$(OBJ) dv_html$(OBJ)
-boxshade$(EXE): $(CFG) $(OBJS)
- tlink @&&|
- /v $(LDFLAGS) +
-#Compiler configuration file
-BccW16.cfg :
- Copy &&|
-| $@
-box$(OBJ): box.c bx_types.h bx_read.h dv_all.h version.h
-bx_read$(OBJ): bx_read.c bx_types.h bx_read.h
-bx_misc$(OBJ): bx_misc.c bx_types.h
-dv_ansi$(OBJ): dv_ansi.c bx_types.h bx_read.h dv_all.h
-dv_ascii$(OBJ): dv_ascii.c bx_types.h bx_read.h dv_all.h
-dv_crt$(OBJ): dv_crt.c bx_types.h bx_read.h dv_all.h
-dv_fig$(OBJ): dv_fig.c bx_types.h bx_read.h dv_all.h
-dv_hpgl$(OBJ): dv_hpgl.c bx_types.h bx_read.h dv_all.h
-dv_html$(OBJ): dv_html.c bx_types.h bx_read.h dv_all.h version.h
-dv_lj250$(OBJ): dv_lj250.c bx_types.h bx_read.h dv_all.h
-dv_pict$(OBJ): dv_pict.c bx_types.h bx_read.h dv_all.h
-dv_ps$(OBJ): dv_ps.c bx_types.h bx_read.h dv_all.h version.h
-dv_regis$(OBJ): dv_regis.c bx_types.h bx_read.h dv_all.h
-dv_rtf$(OBJ): dv_rtf.c bx_types.h bx_read.h dv_all.h
Deleted: trunk/packages/boxshade/trunk/positive.grp
--- trunk/packages/boxshade/trunk/positive.grp 2008-02-26 08:06:06 UTC (rev 1470)
+++ trunk/packages/boxshade/trunk/positive.grp 2008-02-26 17:46:01 UTC (rev 1471)
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-This file is a Amino-acid grouping file for use with NEWBOX.
-Each line contains a set of amino acids which are considered
-'similar' when calculating the consensus.
-This table was taken from ClustalX v1.3b:
-WEAK groups:
- These are all the positively scoring groups that occur in
- the Gonnet Pam250 matrix.
Deleted: trunk/packages/boxshade/trunk/positive.sim
--- trunk/packages/boxshade/trunk/positive.sim 2008-02-26 08:06:06 UTC (rev 1470)
+++ trunk/packages/boxshade/trunk/positive.sim 2008-02-26 17:46:01 UTC (rev 1471)
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
-This file is a Amino-acid similarity file for use with BOX.
-This file is used in colouring residues that are "similar"
-to a single consensus residue.
-Similarities contained in this file are not automatically
-set-forming. This means:
-The line
-I LVM means that I is similar to L,V and M and also that
- L,V,M are similar to I.
- It does not imply that L is similar to V or to M.
-For achieving this, more lines (the next ones) are necessary.
-Although is seems weird, this feature has been chosen DELIBERATELY
-because I think it could be helpful in some cases.
-This table was taken from ClustalX v1.3b:
-WEAK groups:
- These are all the positively scoring groups that occur in
- the Gonnet Pam250 matrix
Deleted: trunk/packages/boxshade/trunk/strong.grp
--- trunk/packages/boxshade/trunk/strong.grp 2008-02-26 08:06:06 UTC (rev 1470)
+++ trunk/packages/boxshade/trunk/strong.grp 2008-02-26 17:46:01 UTC (rev 1471)
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-This file is a Amino-acid grouping file for use with NEWBOX.
-Each line contains a set of amino acids which are considered
-'similar' when calculating the consensus.
-This table was taken from ClustalX v1.3b:
-STRONG groups:
- These are all the positively scoring groups that occur in
- the Gonnet Pam250 matrix with score >0.5
Deleted: trunk/packages/boxshade/trunk/strong.sim
--- trunk/packages/boxshade/trunk/strong.sim 2008-02-26 08:06:06 UTC (rev 1470)
+++ trunk/packages/boxshade/trunk/strong.sim 2008-02-26 17:46:01 UTC (rev 1471)
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-This file is a Amino-acid similarity file for use with BOX.
-This file is used in colouring residues that are "similar"
-to a single consensus residue.
-Similarities contained in this file are not automatically
-set-forming. This means:
-The line
-I LVM means that I is similar to L,V and M and also that
- L,V,M are similar to I.
- It does not imply that L is similar to V or to M.
-For achieving this, more lines (the next ones) are necessary.
-Although is seems weird, this feature has been chosen DELIBERATELY
-because I think it could be helpful in some cases.
-This table was taken from ClustalX v1.3b:
-STRONG groups:
- These are all the positively scoring groups that occur in
- the Gonnet Pam250 matrix with score >0.5
-H Y
Deleted: trunk/packages/boxshade/trunk/version.h
--- trunk/packages/boxshade/trunk/version.h 2008-02-26 08:06:06 UTC (rev 1470)
+++ trunk/packages/boxshade/trunk/version.h 2008-02-26 17:46:01 UTC (rev 1471)
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-/* acktual boxshade version */
-#define BOXSHADE_ver "v3.31 C (beta, 970507)"
Modified: trunk/packages/gnumed-client/trunk/debian/changelog
--- trunk/packages/gnumed-client/trunk/debian/changelog 2008-02-26 08:06:06 UTC (rev 1470)
+++ trunk/packages/gnumed-client/trunk/debian/changelog 2008-02-26 17:46:01 UTC (rev 1471)
@@ -1,3 +1,12 @@
+gnumed-client ( unstable; urgency=low
+ * New upstream version
+ * Use upstream desktop file
+ * Remove Patch for that was provided by upstream and
+ is now included
+ -- Andreas Tille <tille at debian.org> Tue, 26 Feb 2008 08:01:07 +0100
gnumed-client ( unstable; urgency=low
[ David Paleino ]
Deleted: trunk/packages/gnumed-client/trunk/debian/gnumed-client.desktop
--- trunk/packages/gnumed-client/trunk/debian/gnumed-client.desktop 2008-02-26 08:06:06 UTC (rev 1470)
+++ trunk/packages/gnumed-client/trunk/debian/gnumed-client.desktop 2008-02-26 17:46:01 UTC (rev 1471)
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-[Desktop Entry]
-Comment=Paperless Medical Practice Management
Modified: trunk/packages/gnumed-client/trunk/debian/gnumed-client.install
--- trunk/packages/gnumed-client/trunk/debian/gnumed-client.install 2008-02-26 08:06:06 UTC (rev 1470)
+++ trunk/packages/gnumed-client/trunk/debian/gnumed-client.install 2008-02-26 17:46:01 UTC (rev 1471)
@@ -8,4 +8,4 @@
client/connectors/gm_ctl_client.conf etc/gnumed
client/bitmaps/*.png usr/share/gnumed/bitmaps
client/bitmaps/*.xpm usr/share/pixmaps
-debian/*.desktop usr/share/applications
+client/*.desktop usr/share/applications
Deleted: trunk/packages/gnumed-client/trunk/debian/patches/01_SOAPWidgets.patch
--- trunk/packages/gnumed-client/trunk/debian/patches/01_SOAPWidgets.patch 2008-02-26 08:06:06 UTC (rev 1470)
+++ trunk/packages/gnumed-client/trunk/debian/patches/01_SOAPWidgets.patch 2008-02-26 17:46:01 UTC (rev 1471)
@@ -1,115 +0,0 @@
---- GNUmed-
-+++ GNUmed-
-@@ -128,50 +128,81 @@
- def add_editor(self, problem=None, allow_same_problem=False):
- """Add a progress note editor page."""
-- label = _('new episode')
-+ problem_to_add = problem
-- if problem is not None:
-+ # determine label
-+ if problem_to_add is None:
-+ label = _('new episode')
-+ else:
-+ # normalize problem type
- emr = self.__pat.get_emr()
-- if isinstance(problem, gmEMRStructItems.cEpisode):
-- problem = emr.episode2problem(episode = problem)
-- elif isinstance(problem, gmEMRStructItems.cHealthIssue):
-- problem = emr.health_issue2problem(issue = problem)
-- if not isinstance(problem, gmEMRStructItems.cProblem):
-- raise TypeError('cannot open progress note editor for [%s]' % str(problem))
-- label = problem['problem']
-- # FIXME: configure length
-+ if isinstance(problem_to_add, gmEMRStructItems.cEpisode):
-+ problem_to_add = emr.episode2problem(episode = problem_to_add)
-+ elif isinstance(problem_to_add, gmEMRStructItems.cHealthIssue):
-+ problem_to_add = emr.health_issue2problem(issue = problem_to_add)
-+ if not isinstance(problem_to_add, gmEMRStructItems.cProblem):
-+ raise TypeError('cannot open progress note editor for [%s]' % problem_to_add)
-+ label = problem_to_add['problem']
-+ # FIXME: configure maximum length
- if len(label) > 23:
- label = label[:20] + '...'
-- if not allow_same_problem:
-+ if allow_same_problem:
-+ new_page = cResizingSoapPanel(parent = self, problem = problem_to_add)
-+ result = self.AddPage (
-+ page = new_page,
-+ text = label,
-+ select = True
-+ )
-+ return result
-+ # new unassociated problem
-+ if problem_to_add is None:
- # check for dupes
- for page_idx in range(self.GetPageCount()):
- page = self.GetPage(page_idx)
-- existing_problem = page.get_problem()
-- # unassociated
-- if problem is None:
-- if existing_problem is None:
-- self.SetSelection(page_idx)
-- return True
-- continue
-- # episodes
-- if problem['type'] == 'episode':
-- if problem['pk_episode'] == existing_problem['pk_episode']:
-- self.SetSelection(page_idx)
-- return True
-- continue
-- if problem['type'] == 'issue':
-- if problem['pk_health_issue'] == existing_problem['pk_health_issue']:
-- self.SetSelection(page_idx)
-- return True
-+ # found
-+ if page.get_problem() is None:
-+ self.SetSelection(page_idx)
-+ return True
-+ continue
-+ # not found
-+ new_page = cResizingSoapPanel(parent = self, problem = problem_to_add)
-+ result = self.AddPage (
-+ page = new_page,
-+ text = label,
-+ select = True
-+ )
-+ return result
-- new_page = cResizingSoapPanel(parent = self, problem = problem)
-- return self.AddPage (
-+ # real problem
-+ # - raise existing editor ?
-+ for page_idx in range(self.GetPageCount()):
-+ page = self.GetPage(page_idx)
-+ problem_of_page = page.get_problem()
-+ # editor is for unassociated new problem
-+ if problem_of_page is None:
-+ continue
-+ # editor is for episode
-+ if problem_of_page['type'] == 'episode':
-+ if problem_of_page['pk_episode'] == problem_to_add['pk_episode']:
-+ self.SetSelection(page_idx)
-+ return True
-+ continue
-+ # editor is for health issue
-+ if problem_of_page['type'] == 'issue':
-+ if problem_of_page['pk_health_issue'] == problem_to_add['pk_health_issue']:
-+ self.SetSelection(page_idx)
-+ return True
-+ continue
-+ # - add new editor
-+ new_page = cResizingSoapPanel(parent = self, problem = problem_to_add)
-+ result = self.AddPage (
- page = new_page,
- text = label,
- select = True
- )
-+ return result
- #--------------------------------------------------------
- # internal API
- #--------------------------------------------------------
Modified: trunk/packages/gnumed-client/trunk/debian/patches/series
--- trunk/packages/gnumed-client/trunk/debian/patches/series 2008-02-26 08:06:06 UTC (rev 1470)
+++ trunk/packages/gnumed-client/trunk/debian/patches/series 2008-02-26 17:46:01 UTC (rev 1471)
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
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