[med-svn] [SCM] cufflinks branch, master, updated. upstream/0.9.3-21-g7df8ccc

Alex Mestiashvili alex at biotec.tu-dresden.de
Wed May 25 07:53:10 UTC 2011

The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit 35a00c5ca500d3cb2173c03292191bd6e6ada7db
Author: Alex Mestiashvili <alex at biotec.tu-dresden.de>
Date:   Wed May 25 09:44:50 2011 +0200

    fixing repository layout

diff --git a/debian/changelog.orig b/debian/changelog.orig
deleted file mode 100644
index fe60738..0000000
--- a/debian/changelog.orig
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-cufflinks (1.0.2-1) unstable; urgency=low
-<<<<<<< HEAD
-  * Upstream release 
- -- Alex Mestiashvili <alex at biotec.tu-dresden.de>  Tue, 24 May 2011 13:43:09 +0200
-cufflinks (0.9.3-1) unstable; urgency=low
-  * Initial release (Closes: #nnnn)  <nnnn is the bug number of your ITP>
- -- Alex Mestiashvili <alex at biotec.tu-dresden.de>  Tue, 03 May 2011 13:53:19 +0000
-  * Initial release (Closes: #627799)
- -- Alex Mestiashvili <alex at biotec.tu-dresden.de>  Tue, 24 May 2011 13:43:09 +0200
->>>>>>> fedd24b9bf5c659622fa3386243a60f6197a83ac
diff --git a/src/hits.h.orig b/src/hits.h.orig
deleted file mode 100644
index 56b791a..0000000
--- a/src/hits.h.orig
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1056 +0,0 @@
-#ifndef BWT_MAP_H
-#define BWT_MAP_H
-#include <config.h>
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string>
-#include <cstring>
-#include <map>
-#include <vector>
-#include <cassert>
-#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
-<<<<<<< HEAD
-#include <bam/sam.h>
-#include <samtools/sam.h>
->>>>>>> fedd24b9bf5c659622fa3386243a60f6197a83ac
-#include "common.h"
-#include "multireads.h"
-using namespace std;
-using boost::shared_ptr;
- *  hits.h
- *  Cufflinks
- *
- *  Created by Cole Trapnell on 3/23/09.
- *  Copyright 2009 Cole Trapnell. All rights reserved.
- *
- */
-enum CuffStrand { CUFF_STRAND_UNKNOWN = 0, CUFF_FWD = 1, CUFF_REV = 2, CUFF_BOTH = 3 };
-enum CigarOpCode 
-struct CigarOp
-	CigarOp(CigarOpCode o, uint32_t l) : opcode(o), length(l) {}
-	CigarOpCode opcode : 3;
-	uint32_t length : 29;
-	bool operator==(const CigarOp& rhs) const { return opcode == rhs.opcode && length == rhs.length; }
-typedef uint64_t InsertID;
-typedef uint64_t RefID;
-extern int num_deleted;
-/*  Stores the information from a single record of the bowtie map. A given read
-    may have many of these.
-struct ReadHit
-	ReadHit() : 
-		_ref_id(0),
-		_insert_id(0),
-		_error_prob(1.0),
-        _base_mass(1.0),
-        _edit_dist(0xFFFFFFFF),
-		_num_hits(1)
-    {
-        num_deleted++;
-    }
-	ReadHit(RefID ref_id,
-			InsertID insert_id, 
-			int left, 
-			int read_len, 
-			bool antisense,
-			CuffStrand source_strand,
-			RefID partner_ref,
-			int partner_pos,
-			double error_prob,
-			unsigned int edit_dist,
-			int num_hits,
-            float base_mass) :
-		_ref_id(ref_id),
-		_insert_id(insert_id), 
-		_left(left), 
-		_partner_ref_id(partner_ref),
-		_partner_pos(partner_pos),
-		_cigar(vector<CigarOp>(1,CigarOp(MATCH,read_len))),
-		_source_strand(source_strand),
-		_antisense_aln(antisense),
-		_error_prob(error_prob),
-        _base_mass(base_mass),
-        _edit_dist(edit_dist),
-		_num_hits(num_hits)
-	{
-		assert(_cigar.capacity() == _cigar.size());
-		_right = get_right();
-        num_deleted++;
-	}
-	ReadHit(RefID ref_id,
-			InsertID insert_id, 
-			int left,  
-			const vector<CigarOp>& cigar,
-			bool antisense_aln,
-			CuffStrand source_strand,
-			RefID partner_ref,
-			int partner_pos, 
-			double error_prob,
-			unsigned int  edit_dist,
-			int num_hits,
-            float base_mass) : 
-		_ref_id(ref_id),
-		_insert_id(insert_id), 	
-		_left(left),
-		_partner_ref_id(partner_ref),
-		_partner_pos(partner_pos),
-		_cigar(cigar),
-		_source_strand(source_strand),
-		_antisense_aln(antisense_aln),
-		_error_prob(error_prob),
-        _base_mass(base_mass),
-        _edit_dist(edit_dist),
-		_num_hits(num_hits)
-	{
-		assert(_cigar.capacity() == _cigar.size());
-		_right = get_right();
-        num_deleted++;
-	}
-    ReadHit(const ReadHit& other)
-    {
-        _ref_id = other._ref_id;
-		_insert_id = other._insert_id; 	
-		_left = other._left;
-		_partner_ref_id = other._partner_ref_id;
-		_partner_pos = other._partner_pos;
-		_cigar = other._cigar;
-		_source_strand = other._source_strand;
-		_antisense_aln = other._antisense_aln;
-		_error_prob = other._error_prob;
-		_num_hits = other._num_hits;
-        _base_mass = other._base_mass;
-        _edit_dist = other._edit_dist;
-        _right = get_right();
-        num_deleted++;
-    }
-    ~ReadHit()
-    {
-        --num_deleted;
-    }
-	int read_len() const
-	{
-		int len = 0;
-		for (size_t i = 0; i < _cigar.size(); ++i)
-		{
-			const CigarOp& op = _cigar[i];
-			switch(op.opcode)
-			{
-				case MATCH:
-				case INS:
-				case SOFT_CLIP:
-					len += op.length;
-					break;
-				default:
-					break;
-			}
-		}
-		return len;
-	}
-	bool contains_splice() const
-	{
-		for (size_t i = 0; i < _cigar.size(); ++i)
-		{
-				if (_cigar[i].opcode == REF_SKIP)
-					return true;
-		}
-		return false;
-	}
-	bool is_singleton() const
-	{ 
-		return (partner_ref_id() == 0 ||
-				partner_ref_id() != ref_id() ||
-				abs(partner_pos() - left()) > max_partner_dist);
-	}
-	bool operator==(const ReadHit& rhs) const
-	{
-	    return (_insert_id == rhs._insert_id &&
-	            _ref_id == rhs._ref_id &&
-	            _antisense_aln == rhs._antisense_aln &&
-	            _left == rhs._left && 
-	            _source_strand == rhs._source_strand &&
-	            _cigar == rhs._cigar);
-    }
-	RefID ref_id() const				{ return _ref_id;			}
-	InsertID insert_id() const			{ return _insert_id;		}
-	RefID partner_ref_id() const		{ return _partner_ref_id;	}
-	int	  partner_pos()	const			{ return _partner_pos;		}
-	int left() const					{ return _left;				}
-	int right() const					{ return _right;			}
-	CuffStrand source_strand()	const	{ return _source_strand; }
-	bool antisense_align() const		{ return _antisense_aln;	}
-	double error_prob() const			{ return _error_prob;		}
-	// Number of multi-hits for this read
-	int num_hits() const				{ return _num_hits;			}
-    // We are ignoring the _base_mass and re-calculating based on multi-hits
-	double mass() const 
-	{
-		if (is_singleton())
-			return 1.0/_num_hits;
-		return 0.5 / _num_hits;
-	}
-	// For convenience, if you just want a copy of the gap intervals
-	// for this hit.
-	void gaps(vector<pair<int,int> >& gaps_out) const
-	{
-		gaps_out.clear();
-		int pos = _left;
-		for (size_t i = 0; i < _cigar.size(); ++i)
-		{
-			const CigarOp& op = _cigar[i];
-			switch(op.opcode)
-			{
-				case REF_SKIP:
-					gaps_out.push_back(make_pair(pos, pos + op.length - 1));
-					pos += op.length;
-					break;
-                case SOFT_CLIP:
-                    pos += op.length;
-                    break;
-                case HARD_CLIP:
-                    break;
-				case MATCH:
-					pos += op.length;
-					break;
-                case INS:
-                    pos -= op.length;
-					break;
-                case DEL:
-                    pos += op.length;
-					break;
-				default:
-					break;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	const vector<CigarOp>& cigar() const { return _cigar; }
-	bool contiguous() const 
-	{ 
-		return _cigar.size() == 1 && _cigar[0].opcode == MATCH;
-	}
-    unsigned int  edit_dist() const { return _edit_dist; }
-	//const string& hitfile_rec() const { return _hitfile_rec; }
-	//void hitfile_rec(const string& rec) { _hitfile_rec = rec; }
-	int get_right() const	
-	{
-		int r = _left;
-		for (size_t i = 0; i < _cigar.size(); ++i)
-		{
-			const CigarOp& op = _cigar[i];
-			switch(op.opcode)
-			{
-				case MATCH:
-				case REF_SKIP:
-                case SOFT_CLIP:
-				case DEL:
-					r += op.length;
-					break;
-                case INS:
-                case HARD_CLIP:
-				default:
-					break;
-			}
-		}
-		return r;			
-	}
-	RefID _ref_id;
-	InsertID _insert_id;   // Id of the sequencing insert
-	int _left;        // Position in the reference of the left side of the alignment
-	int _right;
-	RefID _partner_ref_id;  // Reference contig on which we expect the mate 
-	int _partner_pos;     // Position at which we expect the mate of this hit
-	vector<CigarOp> _cigar;
-	CuffStrand _source_strand;    // Which strand the read really came from, if known
-	bool _antisense_aln;       // Whether the alignment is to the reverse strand
-	float _error_prob;		   // Probability that this alignment is incorrect
-    float _base_mass;
-    unsigned int  _edit_dist;            // Number of mismatches
-	int _num_hits; // Number of multi-hits (1 by default)
-	//string _hitfile_rec; // Points to the buffer for the record from which this hit came
-class ReadTable
-	ReadTable() {}
-	// This function should NEVER return zero
-	InsertID get_id(const string& name)
-	{
-		uint64_t _id = hash_string(name.c_str());
-		assert(_id);
-		return _id;
-	}
-	// This is FNV-1, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fowler_Noll_Vo_hash
-	inline uint64_t hash_string(const char* __s)
-	{
-		uint64_t hash = 0xcbf29ce484222325ull;
-		for ( ; *__s; ++__s)
-		{
-			hash *= 1099511628211ull;
-			hash ^= *__s;
-		}
-		return hash;
-	}
-class RefSequenceTable
-	typedef std::string Sequence;
-	struct SequenceInfo
-	{
-		SequenceInfo(uint32_t _order, 
-					 char* _name, 
-					 Sequence* _seq) :
-		observation_order(_order),
-		name(_name),
-		seq(_seq) {}
-		uint32_t observation_order;
-		char* name;
-		Sequence* seq;
-	};
-	typedef map<string, RefID> IDTable;
-	typedef map<RefID, SequenceInfo> InvertedIDTable;
-	typedef InvertedIDTable::iterator iterator;
-	typedef InvertedIDTable::const_iterator const_iterator;
-	RefSequenceTable(bool keep_names, bool keep_seqs = false) : 
-	_next_id(1), 
-	_keep_names(keep_names) {}
-	~RefSequenceTable()
-	{
-		for (InvertedIDTable::iterator itr = _by_id.begin();
-			 itr != _by_id.end();
-			 ++itr)
-		{
-			free(itr->second.name);
-		}
-	}
-	RefID get_id(const string& name,
-				 Sequence* seq)
-	{
-		if (name.empty())
-			return 0;
-        table_lock.lock();
-		uint64_t _id = hash_string(name.c_str());
-		pair<InvertedIDTable::iterator, bool> ret = 
-		_by_id.insert(make_pair(_id, SequenceInfo(_next_id, NULL, NULL)));
-		if (ret.second == true)
-		{			
-			char* _name = NULL;
-			if (_keep_names)
-				_name = strdup(name.c_str());
-			ret.first->second.name = _name;
-			ret.first->second.seq	= seq;
-			++_next_id;
-		}
-		assert (_id);
-        table_lock.unlock();
-		return _id;
-	}
-	// You must call invert() before using this function
-	const char* get_name(RefID ID) const
-	{
-		InvertedIDTable::const_iterator itr = _by_id.find(ID);
-		if (itr != _by_id.end())
-        {
-            //const SequenceInfo& info = itr->second;
-			return itr->second.name;
-        }
-		else
-        {
-			return NULL;
-        }
-	}
-	Sequence* get_seq(RefID ID) const
-	{
-		InvertedIDTable::const_iterator itr = _by_id.find(ID);
-		if (itr != _by_id.end())
-			return itr->second.seq;
-		else
-			return NULL;
-	}
-	const SequenceInfo* get_info(RefID ID) const
-	{
-		InvertedIDTable::const_iterator itr = _by_id.find(ID);
-		if (itr != _by_id.end())
-		{
-			return &(itr->second);
-		}
-		else
-			return NULL;
-	}
-	int observation_order(RefID ID) const
-	{
-		InvertedIDTable::const_iterator itr = _by_id.find(ID);
-		if (itr != _by_id.end())
-		{
-			return itr->second.observation_order;
-		}
-		else
-			return -1;
-	}
-    void order_recs_lexicographically() 
-    {
-        map<string, RefID> str_to_id;
-        for (InvertedIDTable::iterator i = _by_id.begin(); i != _by_id.end(); ++i)
-        {
-            str_to_id[i->second.name] = i->first;
-            //fprintf(stderr, "%d: %s\n", i->second.observation_order, i->second.name);
-        }
-        size_t new_order = 1;
-        for (map<string, RefID>::iterator i = str_to_id.begin(); i != str_to_id.end(); ++i, ++new_order)
-        {
-            _by_id.find(get_id(i->first, NULL))->second.observation_order = new_order;
-            verbose_msg( "%lu: %s\n", new_order, i->first.c_str());
-        }
-    }
-    void print_rec_ordering()
-    {
-        for (InvertedIDTable::iterator i = _by_id.begin(); i != _by_id.end(); ++i)
-        {
-            verbose_msg( "%lu: %s\n", i->second.observation_order, i->second.name);
-        }
-    }
-	iterator begin() { return _by_id.begin(); }
-	iterator end() { return _by_id.end(); }
-	const_iterator begin() const { return _by_id.begin(); }
-	const_iterator end() const { return _by_id.end(); }
-	size_t size() const { return _by_id.size(); }
-	void clear()
-	{
-		//_by_name.clear();
-		_by_id.clear();
-	}
-	// This is FNV-1, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fowler_Noll_Vo_hash
-	inline uint64_t hash_string(const char* __s)
-	{
-		uint64_t hash = 0xcbf29ce484222325ull;
-		for ( ; *__s; ++__s)
-		{
-			hash *= 1099511628211ull;
-			hash ^= *__s;
-		}
-		return hash;
-	}
-//	inline uint32_t hash_string(const char* __s)
-//	{
-//		uint32_t hash = 0x811c9dc5;
-//		for ( ; *__s; ++__s)
-//		{
-//			hash *= 16777619;
-//			hash ^= *__s;
-//		}
-//		return hash;
-//	}
-	//IDTable _by_name;
-	RefID _next_id;
-	bool _keep_names;
-	InvertedIDTable _by_id;
-    static boost::mutex table_lock;
-bool hit_insert_id_lt(const ReadHit& h1, const ReadHit& h2);
- The HitFactory abstract class is responsible for returning a single ReadHit 
- from an alignment file.  The only class that actually implements this interface
- right now in Cufflinks is SAMHitFactory
-class HitFactory
-	HitFactory(ReadTable& insert_table, 
-			   RefSequenceTable& reference_table) : 
-		_insert_table(insert_table), 
-		_ref_table(reference_table),
-        _num_seq_header_recs(0) {}
-	HitFactory& operator=(const HitFactory& rhs) 
-	{
-		if (this != &rhs)
-		{
-			//_hit_file = rhs._hit_file;
-			_insert_table = rhs._insert_table;
-			_ref_table = rhs._ref_table;
-		}
-		return *this;
-	}
-	virtual ~HitFactory() {}
-	ReadHit create_hit(const string& insert_name, 
-					   const string& ref_name,
-					   int left,
-					   const vector<CigarOp>& cigar,
-					   bool antisense_aln,
-					   CuffStrand source_strand,
-					   const string& partner_ref,
-					   int partner_pos,
-					   double error_prob,
-					   unsigned int  edit_dist,
-					   int num_hits,
-                       float base_mass);
-	ReadHit create_hit(const string& insert_name, 
-					   const string& ref_name,
-					   uint32_t left,
-					   uint32_t read_len,
-					   bool antisense_aln,
-					   CuffStrand source_strand,
-					   const string& partner_ref,
-					   int partner_pos,
-					   double error_prob,
-					   unsigned int  edit_dist,
-					   int num_hits,
-                       float base_mass);
-	virtual void reset() = 0;
-	virtual void undo_hit() = 0;
-	// next_record() should always set _curr_pos before reading the
-	// next_record so undo_hit() will work properly.
-	virtual bool next_record(const char*& buf, size_t& buf_size) = 0;
-	virtual bool records_remain() const = 0;
-	virtual bool get_hit_from_buf(const char* bwt_buf, 
-								  ReadHit& bh,
-								  bool strip_slash,
-								  char* name_out = NULL,
-								  char* name_tags = NULL) = 0;
-	RefSequenceTable& ref_table() { return _ref_table; }
-	//FILE* hit_file() { return _hit_file; }
-    virtual bool inspect_header() = 0;
-    const ReadGroupProperties& read_group_properties()
-    {
-        return _rg_props;
-    }
-    bool parse_header_string(const string& header_rec,
-                             ReadGroupProperties& rg_props);
-    void finalize_rg_props();
-    // TODO: We want to keep a collection of these, indexed by RG ID.  See #180
-    ReadGroupProperties _rg_props; 
-	ReadTable& _insert_table;
-	RefSequenceTable& _ref_table;
-    uint32_t _num_seq_header_recs;
- SAMHitFactory turns SAM alignments into ReadHits
-class SAMHitFactory : public HitFactory
-	SAMHitFactory(const string& hit_file_name, 
-				  ReadTable& insert_table, 
-				  RefSequenceTable& reference_table) : 
-		HitFactory(insert_table, reference_table), 
-		_line_num(0), 
-		_curr_pos(0) 
-	{
-		_hit_file = fopen(hit_file_name.c_str(), "r");
-		if (_hit_file == NULL)
-		{
-			throw std::runtime_error("Error: could not open file for reading");
-		}
-        if (inspect_header() == false)
-        {
-            throw std::runtime_error("Error: could not parse SAM header");
-        }
-        // Override header-inferred read group properities with whatever
-        // the user supplied.
-        if (global_read_properties != NULL)
-        {
-            _rg_props = *global_read_properties;
-        }
-	}
-	~SAMHitFactory() 
-	{
-		if (_hit_file)
-		{
-			fclose(_hit_file);
-		}
-	}
-	virtual void undo_hit() 
-	{ 
-		fseeko(_hit_file, _curr_pos, SEEK_SET); 
-		--_line_num;
-	}
-	void reset() { rewind(_hit_file); }
-	void mark_curr_pos() { _curr_pos = ftell(_hit_file); }
-	bool records_remain() const { return !feof(_hit_file); }
-	bool next_record(const char*& buf, size_t& buf_size);
-	bool get_hit_from_buf(const char* bwt_buf, 
-						  ReadHit& bh,
-						  bool strip_slash,
-						  char* name_out = NULL,
-						  char* name_tags = NULL);
-    bool inspect_header();
-	static const size_t _hit_buf_max_sz = 10 * 1024;
-	char _hit_buf[_hit_buf_max_sz];
-	int _line_num;
-	FILE* _hit_file;
-	off_t _curr_pos;
- BAMHitFactory turns SAM alignments into ReadHits
- *******************************************************************************/
-class BAMHitFactory : public HitFactory
-	BAMHitFactory(const string& hit_file_name, 
-				  ReadTable& insert_table, 
-				  RefSequenceTable& reference_table) : 
-		HitFactory(insert_table, reference_table) 
-	{
-		_hit_file = samopen(hit_file_name.c_str(), "rb", 0);
-        memset(&_next_hit, 0, sizeof(_next_hit));
-		if (_hit_file == NULL || _hit_file->header == NULL) 
-		{
-			throw std::runtime_error("Fail to open BAM file");
-		}
-		_beginning = bgzf_tell(_hit_file->x.bam);
-        _eof_encountered = false;
-        if (inspect_header() == false)
-        {
-            throw std::runtime_error("Error: could not parse BAM header");
-        }
-        // Override header-inferred read group properities with whatever
-        // the user supplied.
-        if (global_read_properties != NULL)
-        {
-            _rg_props = *global_read_properties;
-        }
-	}	
-	~BAMHitFactory() 
-	{
-		if (_hit_file)
-		{
-			samclose(_hit_file);
-		}
-	}
-	void mark_curr_pos() 
-	{ 
-		_curr_pos = bgzf_tell(_hit_file->x.bam);
-	}
-	void undo_hit() 
-	{ 
-		bgzf_seek(_hit_file->x.bam, _curr_pos, SEEK_SET);
-		//--_line_num;
-	}
-    bool records_remain() const 
-    { 
-        return !_eof_encountered;
-    }
-	void reset() 
-	{ 
-		if (_hit_file && _hit_file->x.bam)
-		{
-			bgzf_seek(_hit_file->x.bam, _beginning, SEEK_SET);
-            _eof_encountered = false;
-		}
-	}
-	bool next_record(const char*& buf, size_t& buf_size);
-	bool get_hit_from_buf(const char* bwt_buf, 
-						  ReadHit& bh,
-						  bool strip_slash,
-						  char* name_out = NULL,
-						  char* name_tags = NULL);
-    bool inspect_header();
-	samfile_t* _hit_file; 
-	int64_t _curr_pos;
-	int64_t _beginning;
-	bam1_t _next_hit; 
-    bool _eof_encountered;
-// Forward declaration of BundleFactory, because MateHit will need a pointer
-// back to the Factory that created.  Ultimately, we should replace this
-// with a pointer back to the ReadGroupProperty object corresponding to each 
-// MateHit.  That, however, requires that we link fragment length distributions
-// and bias models, etc, with each read group, and that's more than we can 
-// afford to implement right now.
- MateHit is a class that encapsulates a paired-end alignment as a single object.
- MateHits can be "open" when one hit has been read from a stream of individual
- read alignments, but the other hasn't.  A "closed" MateHit is one where either
- both read alignments have been installed in the MateHit, or one read hit has,
- but the other will never come (i.e. singletons)
-class MateHit
-    MateHit() : 
-    _refid(0), 
-    _left_alignment(NULL),
-    _right_alignment(NULL),
-    _collapse_mass(0.0),
-    _is_mapped(false){}
-	MateHit(shared_ptr<ReadGroupProperties const> rg_props,
-            RefID refid, 
-			const ReadHit* left_alignment, 
-			const ReadHit* right_alignment) : 
-    _rg_props(rg_props),
-	_refid(refid), 
-	_left_alignment(left_alignment),
-	_right_alignment(right_alignment),
-	_collapse_mass(0.0),
-	_is_mapped(false)
-	{
-		//_expected_inner_dist = min(genomic_inner_dist(), _expected_inner_dist);
-	}
-	~MateHit()
-	{
-		//fprintf(stderr, "Killing hit %lx\n",this);
-	}
-	//bool closed() {return _closed;}
-    shared_ptr<ReadGroupProperties const> read_group_props() const { return _rg_props; }
-	const ReadHit* left_alignment() const {return _left_alignment;}
-	void left_alignment(const ReadHit* left_alignment) 
-	{
-		_left_alignment = left_alignment;
-	}
-	const ReadHit* right_alignment() const {return _right_alignment;}					
-	void right_alignment(const ReadHit* right_alignment)  
-	{
-		_right_alignment = right_alignment;
-	}
-	bool is_mapped() const {return _is_mapped;}					
-	void is_mapped(bool mapped) 
-	{ 
-		_is_mapped = mapped; 
-	}
-	int num_hits() const 
-	{
-		assert(_left_alignment);
-		return _left_alignment->num_hits();
-	}
-	bool is_multi() const 
-	{
-		return num_hits() > 1;
-	}
-	bool is_pair() const
-	{
-		return (_left_alignment && _right_alignment);
-	}
-	int left() const 
-	{
-		if (_right_alignment && _left_alignment)
-		{
-			return min(_right_alignment->left(),_left_alignment->left());
-		}
-		if (_left_alignment)
-			return _left_alignment->left();
-		else if (_right_alignment)
-			return _right_alignment->left(); 
-		return -1;
-	}
-	int right() const 
-	{
-		if (_right_alignment && _left_alignment)
-		{
-			return max(_right_alignment->right(),_left_alignment->right());
-		}
-		if (_right_alignment)
-			return _right_alignment->right();
-		else if (_left_alignment)
-			return _left_alignment->right(); 
-		return -1;
-	}
-	CuffStrand strand() const 
-	{
-		CuffStrand left_strand = CUFF_STRAND_UNKNOWN;
-		CuffStrand right_strand = CUFF_STRAND_UNKNOWN;
-		if (_left_alignment)
-		{
-			left_strand = _left_alignment->source_strand();
-		}
-		if (_right_alignment)
-		{
-			right_strand = _right_alignment->source_strand();
-			//assert ( s != CUFF_STRAND_UNKNOWN ? s == r : true);
-		}
-		assert (left_strand == right_strand || 
-				left_strand == CUFF_STRAND_UNKNOWN || 
-				right_strand == CUFF_STRAND_UNKNOWN);
-		return max(left_strand, right_strand);
-	}
-	bool contains_splice() const
-	{
-		if (_right_alignment)
-			return (_left_alignment->contains_splice() || _right_alignment->contains_splice());
-		return (_left_alignment->contains_splice());
-	}
-	InsertID insert_id() const
-	{
-		if (_left_alignment) return _left_alignment->insert_id();
-		if (_right_alignment) return _right_alignment->insert_id();
-		return 0;
-	}
-	RefID ref_id() const { return _refid; }
-	int genomic_inner_dist() const 
-	{
-		if (_left_alignment && _right_alignment)
-		{
-			return _right_alignment->left() - _left_alignment->right();
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			return -1;
-		}
-		return -1;
-	}
-	pair<int,int> genomic_outer_span() const
-	{
-		if (_left_alignment && _right_alignment)
-		{
-			return make_pair(left(),
-							 right() - 1);
-		}
-		return make_pair(-1,-1);
-	}	
-	pair<int,int> genomic_inner_span() const 
-	{
-		if (_left_alignment && _right_alignment)
-		{
-			return make_pair(_left_alignment->right(),
-							 _right_alignment->left() - 1);
-		}
-		return make_pair(-1,-1);
-	}
-	// MRT is incorrect and not added to rg_props until after inspect_map
-    // We are ignoring the mass reported by the ReadHits and re-calculating based on multi-hits
-	double mass() const
-	{
-        double base_mass = 1.0;
-        if (is_multi())
-		{
-			shared_ptr<MultiReadTable> mrt = _rg_props->multi_read_table();
-			if (mrt)
-				return mrt->get_mass(*this);
-			else
-				return base_mass/num_hits();
-		}
-		return base_mass;
-	}
-	double common_scale_mass() const
-	{
-       	double m = mass();
-        m *= _rg_props->mass_scale_factor();
-        return m;
-	}
-	unsigned int  edit_dist() const
-	{
-		unsigned int edits = 0;
-		if (_left_alignment)
-			edits += _left_alignment->edit_dist();
-		if (_right_alignment)
-			edits += _right_alignment->edit_dist();
-		return edits;
-	}
-	double collapse_mass() const { return _collapse_mass; }
-	void collapse_mass(double m) { _collapse_mass = m; }
-	void incr_collapse_mass(double incr) { _collapse_mass += incr; }
-    shared_ptr<ReadGroupProperties const> _rg_props;
-	RefID _refid;
-	const ReadHit* _left_alignment;
-	const ReadHit* _right_alignment;
-	double _collapse_mass;
-	bool _is_mapped;
-	//bool _closed;
-bool mate_hit_lt(const MateHit& lhs, const MateHit& rhs);
-bool hits_eq_mod_id(const ReadHit& lhs, const ReadHit& rhs);
-bool hits_eq_non_multi(const MateHit& lhs, const MateHit& rhs);
-bool hits_equals(const MateHit& lhs, const MateHit& rhs);
-bool has_no_collapse_mass(const MateHit& hit);
-// Assumes hits are sorted by mate_hit_lt
-void collapse_hits(const vector<MateHit>& hits,
-				   vector<MateHit>& non_redundant);

Transcript assembly, differential expression, and differential regulation for RNA-Seq.

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