[med-svn] [ruby-rgfa] 01/02: New upstream version 1.2

Sascha Steinbiss satta at debian.org
Sat Sep 24 20:56:14 UTC 2016

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

satta pushed a commit to branch master
in repository ruby-rgfa.

commit e74c46300a5664c9aaf0bdd7746590ddc26c1f57
Author: Sascha Steinbiss <satta at debian.org>
Date:   Sat Sep 24 17:19:30 2016 +0000

    New upstream version 1.2
 .gitignore                                        |  10 +
 CHANGELOG                                         |  24 +
 CONTRIBUTORS                                      |   4 +
 LICENSE                                           |  19 +
 README.md                                         |  43 ++
 Rakefile                                          |  53 ++
 bin/gfadiff.rb                                    | 420 +++++++++++++
 bin/rgfa-findcrisprs.rb                           | 208 +++++++
 bin/rgfa-mergelinear.rb                           |  14 +
 bin/rgfa-simdebruijn.rb                           |  86 +++
 cheatsheet/rgfa-cheatsheet-1.2.tex                | 177 ++++++
 lib/rgfa.rb                                       | 376 +++++++++++
 lib/rgfa/byte_array.rb                            |  74 +++
 lib/rgfa/cigar.rb                                 | 156 +++++
 lib/rgfa/connectivity.rb                          | 131 ++++
 lib/rgfa/containments.rb                          |  97 +++
 lib/rgfa/error.rb                                 |   3 +
 lib/rgfa/field_array.rb                           |  87 +++
 lib/rgfa/field_parser.rb                          | 109 ++++
 lib/rgfa/field_validator.rb                       | 241 ++++++++
 lib/rgfa/field_writer.rb                          | 108 ++++
 lib/rgfa/headers.rb                               |  76 +++
 lib/rgfa/line.rb                                  | 721 ++++++++++++++++++++++
 lib/rgfa/line/containment.rb                      |  87 +++
 lib/rgfa/line/header.rb                           |  92 +++
 lib/rgfa/line/link.rb                             | 379 ++++++++++++
 lib/rgfa/line/path.rb                             | 106 ++++
 lib/rgfa/line/segment.rb                          | 207 +++++++
 lib/rgfa/linear_paths.rb                          | 285 +++++++++
 lib/rgfa/lines.rb                                 | 155 +++++
 lib/rgfa/links.rb                                 | 242 ++++++++
 lib/rgfa/logger.rb                                | 192 ++++++
 lib/rgfa/multiplication.rb                        | 156 +++++
 lib/rgfa/numeric_array.rb                         | 196 ++++++
 lib/rgfa/paths.rb                                 |  98 +++
 lib/rgfa/rgl.rb                                   | 194 ++++++
 lib/rgfa/segment_ends_path.rb                     |   7 +
 lib/rgfa/segment_info.rb                          | 162 +++++
 lib/rgfa/segments.rb                              |  99 +++
 lib/rgfa/sequence.rb                              |  65 ++
 lib/rgfatools.rb                                  | 102 +++
 lib/rgfatools/artifacts.rb                        |  29 +
 lib/rgfatools/copy_number.rb                      | 126 ++++
 lib/rgfatools/invertible_segments.rb              | 104 ++++
 lib/rgfatools/linear_paths.rb                     | 140 +++++
 lib/rgfatools/multiplication.rb                   | 194 ++++++
 lib/rgfatools/p_bubbles.rb                        |  66 ++
 lib/rgfatools/superfluous_links.rb                |  64 ++
 pdfdoc/cover.css                                  |   4 +
 pdfdoc/cover.html                                 |  14 +
 pdfdoc/print.css                                  |   2 +
 rgfa.gemspec                                      |  68 ++
 test/test_rgfa.rb                                 | 101 +++
 test/test_rgfa_byte_array.rb                      |  41 ++
 test/test_rgfa_cigar.rb                           |  33 +
 test/test_rgfa_edit.rb                            |  96 +++
 test/test_rgfa_field_parser.rb                    |  55 ++
 test/test_rgfa_field_validator.rb                 |  56 ++
 test/test_rgfa_field_writer.rb                    |  45 ++
 test/test_rgfa_line.rb                            | 199 ++++++
 test/test_rgfa_line_containment.rb                |  43 ++
 test/test_rgfa_line_creators.rb                   | 143 +++++
 test/test_rgfa_line_destructors.rb                |  93 +++
 test/test_rgfa_line_getters.rb                    | 246 ++++++++
 test/test_rgfa_line_header.rb                     |  17 +
 test/test_rgfa_line_link.rb                       |  43 ++
 test/test_rgfa_line_path.rb                       |  48 ++
 test/test_rgfa_line_segment.rb                    |  64 ++
 test/test_rgfa_segment_references.rb              |  20 +
 test/test_rgfa_sequence.rb                        |  19 +
 test/test_rgfa_traverse.rb                        |  96 +++
 test/test_rgfatools.rb                            |  11 +
 test/test_rgfatools_artifacts.rb                  |  34 +
 test/test_rgfatools_copy_number.rb                |  44 ++
 test/test_rgfatools_linear_paths.rb               |  52 ++
 test/test_rgfatools_multiplication.rb             | 183 ++++++
 test/testdata/dead_ends.gfa                       |  12 +
 test/testdata/example1.gfa                        |  45 ++
 test/testdata/example_from_spec.gfa               |   9 +
 test/testdata/example_from_spec.path14.seq        |   1 +
 test/testdata/example_from_spec2.gfa              |  13 +
 test/testdata/links_distri.l1.gfa                 |   4 +
 test/testdata/links_distri.l1.m2.gfa              |   6 +
 test/testdata/links_distri.l2.gfa                 |   6 +
 test/testdata/links_distri.l2.m2.gfa              |   7 +
 test/testdata/links_distri.l2.m2.no_ld.gfa        |   9 +
 test/testdata/links_distri.l2.m3.gfa              |   8 +
 test/testdata/links_distri.l2.m3.no_ld.gfa        |  12 +
 test/testdata/links_distri.l3.gfa                 |   8 +
 test/testdata/links_distri.l3.m2.gfa              |  10 +
 test/testdata/links_distri.l3.m2.no_ld.gfa        |  12 +
 test/testdata/loop.gfa                            |  10 +
 test/testdata/sample.gfa                          |  12 +
 test/testdata/spec_q1.gfa                         |   8 +
 test/testdata/spec_q2.gfa                         |   9 +
 test/testdata/spec_q2.path_circular.seq           |   1 +
 test/testdata/spec_q2.path_linear.seq             |   1 +
 test/testdata/spec_q3.gfa                         |  13 +
 test/testdata/spec_q4.gfa                         |  14 +
 test/testdata/spec_q4.path_more_than_circular.seq |   1 +
 test/testdata/spec_q5.gfa                         |  11 +
 test/testdata/spec_q6.gfa                         |   9 +
 test/testdata/spec_q7.gfa                         |   9 +
 test/testdata/two_components.gfa                  |  11 +
 104 files changed, 8925 insertions(+)

diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ec77918
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..04c0812
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+== 1.2 ==
+- merge RGFATools into the main RGFA gem
+== 1.1 ==
+- performance and code organization improvements
+- Line code rewritten:
+-- uses an Hash instead of Array for fields data
+-- support lazy parsing of some field types
+-- simpler code for subclasses
+-- define a datatype for required fields
+-- Field[Parser|Validator|Writer]
+- Optfield class replaced
+- use symbols instead of strings when appropriate
+== 1.0.1 ==
+- complete YARD documentation
+- remove redundant/unused code
+== 1.0 ==
+- initial release
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f3c4de1
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+The following contributors helped to develop RGFA. Please drop a note to
+gonnella at zbh.uni-hamburg.de if I left someone out or missed something.
+- Stefan Kurtz (advises)
diff --git a/LICENSE b/LICENSE
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..17c66c3
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+All code of RGFA is released under the following ISC license.
+It is functionally equivalent to a two-term BSD copyright with
+language removed that is made unnecessary by the Berne convention.
+See http://openbsd.org/policy.html for more information on copyrights.
+Copyright (c) 2016 Giorgio Gonnella and CONTRIBUTORS
+Copyright (c) 2016 Center for Bioinformatics, University of Hamburg
+Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any
+purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above
+copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..60e527d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+The Graphical Fragment Assembly (GFA) is a proposed format which allow
+to describe the product of sequence assembly.
+This gem implements the proposed specifications for the GFA format
+described under https://github.com/pmelsted/GFA-spec/blob/master/GFA-spec.md
+as close as possible.
+The library allows to create a RGFA object from a file in the GFA format
+or from scratch, to enumerate the graph elements (segments, links,
+containments, paths and header lines), to traverse the graph (by
+traversing all links outgoing from or incoming to a segment), to search for
+elements (e.g. which links connect two segments) and to manipulate the
+graph (e.g. to eliminate a link or a segment or to duplicate a segment
+distributing the read counts evenly on the copies).
+## Usage
+After installation of the gem (rake install), the library can be included
+in the own scripts with require "rgfa". Additional functionality, which
+requires custom tags and additional conventions, is included in a separate
+part of the code named "RGFATools" and can be accessed with require "rgfatools".
+## Documentation
+A cheatsheet is available as pdf under
+The full API documentation is available as pdf under
+or in HTML format (http://www.rubydoc.info/github/ggonnella/rgfa/master/RGFA).
+The main class of the library is {RGFA}, which is a good starting point
+when reading the documentation.
+## References
+The manuscript describing the library has been presented at the
+German Conference on Bioinformatics 2016. Currently it is under review and
+available as a Peer Journal preprint:
+Gonnella G, Kurtz S. (2016) RGFA: powerful and convenient handling of
+assembly graphs. PeerJ Preprints 4:e2381v1
diff --git a/Rakefile b/Rakefile
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..40ba406
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Rakefile
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+require "rake/testtask"
+Rake::TestTask.new do |t|
+  t.libs << 'test'
+desc "Run tests"
+task :default => :test
+desc "Build gem"
+task :build do
+  system("gem build rgfa.gemspec")
+desc "Install gem"
+task :install => :build do
+  system("gem install rgfa")
+desc "Rm files created by rake build"
+task :clean do
+  system("rm -f rgfa-*.gem")
+# make documentation generation tasks
+# available only if yard gem is installed
+  require "yard"
+  YARD::Tags::Library.define_tag("Developer notes", :developer)
+  YARD::Rake::YardocTask.new do |t|
+    t.files   = ['lib/**/*.rb']
+    t.stats_options = ['--list-undoc']
+  end
+rescue LoadError
+desc "Create cheatsheet"
+task :cs do
+  system("latexmk cheatsheet/rgfa-cheatsheet-#$rgfaversion.tex "+
+         "-pdf -outdir=cheatsheet")
+desc "Create a PDF documentation"
+task :pdf do
+  system("yard2.0 --one-file -o pdfdoc")
+  system("wkhtmltopdf cover pdfdoc/cover.html "+
+                     "toc "+
+                     "pdfdoc/index.html "+
+                     "--user-style-sheet pdfdoc/print.css "+
+                     "pdfdoc/rgfa-api-#$rgfaversion.pdf")
diff --git a/bin/gfadiff.rb b/bin/gfadiff.rb
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..c6a4720
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/gfadiff.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,420 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env ruby
+require "rgfa"
+rt = []
+all_rt = %W[-h -s -l -c -p]
+all_rt.each do |rtopt|
+  rt << ARGV.delete(rtopt)
+rt = all_rt if rt.empty?
+out_identical = ARGV.delete("-i")
+out_script = ARGV.delete("-script")
+if ARGV.size != 2
+  STDERR.puts "Compare two RGFA files"
+  STDERR.puts
+  STDERR.puts "Usage: #$0 [-h] [-s] [-l] [-c] [-p] [-i] [-script] <gfa1> <gfa2>"
+  STDERR.puts
+  STDERR.puts "If a combination of -h,-s,-l,-c and/or -p is specified, then"
+  STDERR.puts "only record of the specified type [h=headers, s=segments, "
+  STDERR.puts "l=links, c=containments, p=paths] are compared. "
+  STDERR.puts "(default: -h -s -l -c -p)"
+  STDERR.puts
+  STDERR.puts "Other options:"
+  STDERR.puts "  -i: output msg if identical"
+  STDERR.puts "  -script: create ruby script to transform gfa1 in gfa2"
+  exit 1
+if out_script
+  puts "#!/usr/bin/env ruby"
+  puts
+  puts "#"
+  puts "# This script was automatically generated using gfadiff.rb"
+  puts "#"
+  puts "# Purpose: edit gfa1 into gfa2"
+  puts "#"
+  puts "# gfa1: #{ARGV[0]}"
+  puts "# gfa2: #{ARGV[1]}"
+  puts "#"
+  puts
+  puts "require \"rgfa\""
+  puts
+  puts "gfa = RGFA.from_file(\"#{ARGV[0]}\")"
+  puts
+gfa1 = RGFA.new
+gfa2 = RGFA.new
+if rt.include?("-h")
+  h1 = gfa1.header
+  h2 = gfa2.header
+  if h1 == h2
+    if out_identical
+      puts "# Header values are identical"
+    elsif out_script
+      puts "# Headers"
+      puts "# ... are identical"
+      puts
+    end
+  else
+    if out_script
+      puts "# Headers"
+      puts
+    end
+    (h1.optional_fieldnames - h2.optional_fieldnames).each do |k|
+      if out_script
+        puts "gfa.header.delete_field(#{k.inspect})"
+      else
+        v = h1.get(k)
+        if v.kind_of?(RGFA::FieldArray)
+          t = v.datatype
+          v.each do |elem|
+            elem = elem.to_gfa_field(datatype: t)
+            puts "<\t[headers/exclusive/multivalue/#{k}]\t#{elem}"
+          end
+        else
+          v = h1.field_to_s(k, optfield: true)
+          puts "M\t[headers/exclusive]\t#{k.inspect}\t#{v}"
+        end
+      end
+    end
+    (h2.optional_fieldnames - h1.optional_fieldnames).each do |k|
+      v = h2.get(k)
+      if out_script
+        t = h2.get_datatype(k)
+        puts "gfa.header.set_datatype(#{k.inspect}, #{t.inspect})"
+        if v.kind_of?(RGFA::FieldArray)
+          t = v.datatype
+          v.each do |elem|
+            puts "gfa.header.add(#{k.inspect}, #{elem.inspect}, "+
+                 "#{t.inspect})"
+          end
+        else
+          puts "gfa.header.#{k}=#{v.inspect}"
+        end
+      else
+        if v.kind_of?(RGFA::FieldArray)
+          t = v.datatype
+          v.each do |elem|
+            elem = elem.to_gfa_field(datatype: t)
+            puts ">\t[headers/exclusive/multivalue/#{k}]\t#{elem}"
+          end
+        else
+          v = h2.field_to_s(k, optfield: true)
+          puts ">\t[headers/exclusive]\t#{k.inspect}\t#{v}"
+        end
+      end
+    end
+    (h1.optional_fieldnames & h2.optional_fieldnames).each do |k|
+      v1 = h1.get(k)
+      v2 = h2.get(k)
+      v1a = v1.kind_of?(RGFA::FieldArray) ? v1.sort : [v1]
+      v2a = v2.kind_of?(RGFA::FieldArray) ? v2.sort : [v2]
+      t1 = v1.kind_of?(RGFA::FieldArray) ? v1.datatype : h1.get_datatype(k)
+      t2 = v2.kind_of?(RGFA::FieldArray) ? v2.datatype : h2.get_datatype(k)
+      m1 = v1.kind_of?(RGFA::FieldArray) ? "multivalue/" : ""
+      m2 = v2.kind_of?(RGFA::FieldArray) ? "multivalue/" : ""
+      if out_script
+        if t1 != t2 or v1a != v2a
+          puts "gfa.header.delete(#{k.inspect})"
+          v2a.each do |v2|
+            v2 = v2.to_gfa_field(datatype: t2)
+            puts "gfa.header.add(#{k.inspect}, #{v2.inspect}, "+
+                 "#{t2.inspect})"
+          end
+        end
+      else
+        if t1 != t2
+          v1a.each do |v1|
+            v1 = v1.to_gfa_field(datatype: t1)
+            puts "<\t[headers/typediff/#{m1}#{k}#{}]\t#{v1}"
+          end
+          v2a.each do |v2|
+            v2 = v2.to_gfa_field(datatype: t2)
+            puts ">\t[headers/typediff/#{m2}#{k}]\t#{v2}"
+          end
+        else
+          (v1a-v2a).each do |v1|
+            v1 = v1.to_gfa_field(datatype: t1)
+            puts "<\t[headers/valuediff/#{m1}#{k}]\t#{v1}"
+          end
+          (v2a-v1a).each do |v2|
+            v2 = v2.to_gfa_field(datatype: t2)
+            puts ">\t[headers/valuediff/#{m2}#{k}]\t#{v2}"
+          end
+        end
+      end
+    end
+    if out_script
+      puts
+    end
+  end
+def diff_segments_or_paths(gfa1,gfa2,rt,out_script,out_identical)
+  rts = rt + "s"
+  rtsU = rts[0].upcase + rts[1..-1]
+  s1names = gfa1.send("#{rt}_names").sort
+  s2names = gfa2.send("#{rt}_names").sort
+  difffound = false
+  if out_script
+    puts "# #{rtsU}"
+    puts
+  end
+  (s1names - s2names).each do |sn|
+    difffound = true
+    segstr = gfa1.send(rt,sn).to_s
+    if out_script
+      puts "gfa.rm(#{sn.inspect})"
+    else
+      puts "<\t[#{rts}/exclusive]\t#{segstr}"
+    end
+  end
+  (s2names - s1names).each do |sn|
+    difffound = true
+    segstr = gfa2.send(rt,sn).to_s
+    if out_script
+      puts "gfa << #{segstr.inspect}"
+    else
+      puts ">\t[#{rts}/exclusive]\t#{segstr}"
+    end
+  end
+  (s1names & s2names).each do |sn|
+    s1 = gfa1.send(rt,sn)
+    s2 = gfa2.send(rt,sn)
+    s1.required_fieldnames.each do |fn|
+      v1 = s1.field_to_s(fn)
+      v2 = s2.field_to_s(fn)
+      if v1 != v2
+        difffound = true
+        if out_script
+          puts "gfa.#{rt}(#{sn.inspect}).#{fn}=#{v2.inspect}"
+        else
+          puts "<\t[#{rts}/reqfields/valuediff/#{sn}]\t#{v1}"
+          puts ">\t[#{rts}/reqfields/valuediff/#{sn}]\t#{v2}"
+        end
+      end
+    end
+    s1f = s1.optional_fieldnames
+    s2f = s2.optional_fieldnames
+    (s1f - s2f).each do |fn|
+      difffound = true
+      if out_script
+        puts "gfa.#{rt}(#{sn.inspect}).delete_field(#{fn.inspect})"
+      else
+        v = s1.field_to_s(fn, optfield: true)
+        puts "<\t[#{rts}/optfields/exclusive/#{sn}]\t#{v}"
+      end
+    end
+    (s2f - s1f).each do |fn|
+      difffound = true
+      if out_script
+        v = s2.get(fn)
+        t = s2.get_datatype(fn)
+        puts "gfa.#{rt}(#{sn.inspect}).set_datatype(#{fn.inspect},#{t})"
+        puts "gfa.#{rt}(#{sn.inspect}).#{fn}=#{v.inspect}"
+      else
+        v = s2.field_to_s(fn, optfield: true)
+        puts ">\t[#{rts}/optfields/exclusive/#{sn}]\t#{v}"
+      end
+    end
+    (s1f & s2f).each do |fn|
+      v1 = s1.field_to_s(fn, optfield: true)
+      v2 = s2.field_to_s(fn, optfield: true)
+      if v1 != v2
+        difffound = true
+        if out_script
+          v = s2.get(fn)
+          t = s2.get_datatype(fn)
+          puts "gfa.#{rt}(#{sn.inspect}).set_datatype(#{fn.inspect},#{t})"
+          puts "gfa.#{rt}(#{sn.inspect}).#{fn}=#{v.inspect}"
+        else
+          puts "<\t[#{rts}/optfields/valuediff/#{sn}]\t#{v1}"
+          puts ">\t[#{rts}/optfields/valuediff/#{sn}]\t#{v2}"
+        end
+      end
+    end
+  end
+  if !difffound
+    if out_script
+      puts "# ... are identical"
+    elsif out_identical
+      puts "# #{rtsU} are identical"
+    end
+  end
+  puts if out_script
+if rt.include?("-s")
+  diff_segments_or_paths(gfa1,gfa2, "segment",out_script,out_identical)
+# TODO: diff of single optfields
+if rt.include?("-l")
+  difffound = false
+  s1names = gfa1.segment_names.sort
+  s2names = gfa2.segment_names.sort
+  if out_script
+    puts "# Links"
+    puts
+  end
+  difflinks1 = []
+  (s1names - s2names).each do |sn|
+    difffound = true
+    [:B, :E].each {|et| difflinks1 += gfa1.links_of([sn, et])}
+  end
+  difflinks1.uniq.each do |l|
+    if !out_script
+      puts "<\t[links/exclusive_segments]\t#{l.to_s}"
+    end
+  end
+  difflinks2 = []
+  (s2names - s1names).each do |sn|
+    difffound = true
+    [:B, :E].each {|et| difflinks2 += gfa2.links_of([sn, et])}
+  end
+  difflinks2.uniq.each do |l|
+    if out_script
+      puts "gfa << #{l.to_s.inspect}"
+    else
+      puts ">\t[links/exclusive_segments]\t#{l.to_s}"
+    end
+  end
+  difflinks1b = []
+  difflinks2b = []
+  (s1names & s2names).each do |sn|
+    [:B, :E].each do |et|
+      l1 = gfa1.links_of([sn, et])
+      l2 = gfa2.links_of([sn, et])
+      d1 = l1 - l2
+      d2 = l2 - l1
+      if !d1.empty?
+        difffound = true
+        difflinks1b += d1
+      end
+      if !d2.empty?
+        difffound = true
+        difflinks2b += d2
+      end
+    end
+  end
+  (difflinks1b-difflinks1).uniq.each do |l|
+    if out_script
+      puts "gfa.rm(gfa.link_from_to(#{l.from.to_sym.inspect}, "+
+                                   "#{l.from_orient.inspect}, "+
+                                   "#{l.to.to_sym.inspect}, "+
+                                   "#{l.to_orient.inspect}, "+
+                                   "#{l.overlap.to_s.inspect}.to_cigar))"
+    else
+      puts "<\t[links/different]\t#{l.to_s}"
+    end
+  end
+  (difflinks2b-difflinks2).uniq.each do |l|
+    if out_script
+      puts "gfa << #{l.to_s.inspect}"
+    else
+      puts ">\t[links/different]\t#{l.to_s}"
+    end
+  end
+  if !difffound
+    if out_script
+      puts "# ... are identical"
+    elsif out_identical
+      puts "# Links are identical"
+    end
+  end
+  puts if out_script
+# TODO: this code is similar to -l; make generic and merge
+if rt.include?("-c")
+  difffound = false
+  s1names = gfa1.segment_names.sort
+  s2names = gfa2.segment_names.sort
+  cexcl1 = []
+  (s1names - s2names).each do |sn|
+    difffound = true
+    cexcl1 += gfa1.contained_in(sn)
+    cexcl1 += gfa1.containing(sn)
+  end
+  cexcl1.uniq.each do |c|
+    if !out_script
+      puts "<\t[contaiments/exclusive_segments]\t#{c.to_s}"
+    end
+  end
+  cexcl2 = []
+  (s2names - s1names).each do |sn|
+    difffound = true
+    cexcl2 += gfa2.contained_in(sn)
+    cexcl2 += gfa2.containing(sn)
+  end
+  cexcl2.uniq.each do |c|
+    if out_script
+      puts "gfa << #{c.to_s.inspect}"
+    else
+      puts ">\t[contaiments/exclusive_segments]\t#{c.to_s}"
+    end
+  end
+  cdiff1 = []
+  cdiff2 = []
+  (s1names & s2names).each do |sn|
+    c1 = gfa1.contained_in(sn)
+    c2 = gfa2.contained_in(sn)
+    c1 += gfa1.containing(sn)
+    c2 += gfa2.containing(sn)
+    d1 = c1 - c2
+    d2 = c2 - c1
+    if !d1.empty?
+      difffound = true
+      cdiff1 += d1
+    end
+    if !d2.empty?
+      difffound = true
+      cdiff2 += d2
+    end
+  end
+  (cdiff1-cexcl1).uniq.each do |l|
+    if out_script
+      # TODO: handle multiple containments for a segments pair
+      puts "gfa.rm(gfa.containment(#{l.from.to_sym.inspect}, "+
+                                  "#{l.to.to_sym.inspect}))"
+    else
+      puts "<\t[containments/different]\t#{l.to_s}"
+    end
+  end
+  (cdiff2-cexcl2).uniq.each do |l|
+    if out_script
+      puts "gfa << #{l.to_s.inspect}"
+    else
+      puts ">\t[containments/different]\t#{l.to_s}"
+    end
+  end
+  if !difffound
+    if out_script
+      puts "# ... are identical"
+    elsif out_identical
+      puts "# Containments are identical"
+    end
+  end
+  puts if out_script
+if rt.include?("-p")
+  diff_segments_or_paths(gfa1,gfa2,"path",out_script,out_identical)
+if out_script
+  puts
+  puts "# Output graph"
+  puts "puts gfa"
diff --git a/bin/rgfa-findcrisprs.rb b/bin/rgfa-findcrisprs.rb
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..cc32cf0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/rgfa-findcrisprs.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,208 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env ruby
+require "rgfatools"
+# crisprs have a structure ARU1RU..RUnRB where |U|~|R| in [24..50]
+$debugmode = false
+$spacersonly = false
+class RGFA
+  def find_crisprs(minrepeats=3,minlen=24,maxlen=50)
+    ls = {}
+    segment_names.each do |sn|
+      s = segment(sn)
+      s.cn = (s.coverage(unit_length: @default[:unit_length],
+                         count_tag: @default[:count_tag])/2).round
+    end
+    output_segment_infos if $debugmode
+    maxvisits_global = {:B => {}, :E => {}}
+    segment_names.each do |sn|
+      s = segment(sn)
+      next if s.length < minlen or s.length > maxlen
+      next if s.cn < minrepeats
+      circles = {}
+      linear = {}
+      maxvisits = {}
+      [:B, :E].each do |rt|
+        maxvisits[rt] = maxvisits_global[rt].dup
+        maxvisits[rt][sn] ||= s.cn
+        circles[rt] = []
+        linear[rt] = []
+        segment_end = [s, rt].to_segment_end
+        links_of(segment_end).each do |l|
+          search_circle(segment_end.invert_end_type,
+                        segment_end,
+                        l,
+                        maxvisits[rt],0,
+                        minlen,
+                        maxlen*2+s.length,
+                        [segment_end],
+                        circles[rt],
+                        linear[rt])
+        end
+        if maxvisits[rt][sn.to_sym] > 0
+          multi = {:l => [], :c => []}
+          [[linear[rt],:l], [circles[rt],:c]].each do |paths, pt|
+            paths.each do |c|
+              min_mv = s.cn
+              upto = (pt == :l ? -1 : -2)
+              c[0..upto].each do |csn, et|
+                mv = maxvisits[rt][csn.to_sym]
+                if mv < min_mv
+                  min_mv = mv
+                end
+              end
+              if min_mv > 0
+                min_mv.times { multi[pt] << c.dup }
+                c[0..upto].each do |csn, et|
+                  maxvisits[rt][csn.to_sym] -= min_mv
+                end
+              end
+            end
+          end
+          circles[rt] += multi[:c]
+          linear[rt] += multi[:l]
+        end
+      end
+      n_paths = (circles[:E].size+circles[:B].size+
+                 linear[:E].size+linear[:B].size)
+      if (circles[:E].size - circles[:B].size).abs > 1
+        next
+      end
+      if (linear[:E].size - linear[:B].size).abs > 0
+        next
+      end
+      if linear[:E].size != 1
+        next
+      end
+      merged_circles = []
+      circles[:E].each {|c|merged_circles << merge_crisprs_path(c,s,:E)}
+      before = merge_crisprs_path(linear[:B].first,s,:B)
+      after = merge_crisprs_path(linear[:E].first,s,:E)
+      next if merged_circles.size < minrepeats
+      maxvisits_global = maxvisits
+      instances = 1
+      possible_instances = 0
+      merged_circles.each do |seq|
+        if seq.length > s.length + minlen
+          possible_instances += 1
+        end
+        instances += 1
+      end
+      if $spacersonly
+        puts merged_circles.sort.map(&:upcase)
+      else
+        puts "CRISP signature found in segment #{s.name}"
+        puts
+        puts "  Before: sequence = ...#{before[-50..-1]}"
+        puts
+        if possible_instances > 0
+          instances = "#{instances}..#{instances+possible_instances}"
+        end
+        puts "  Repeat: instances = #{instances}; "+
+        "length = #{s.length};\t"+
+        "sequence = #{s.sequence}"
+        puts
+        puts "  Spacers:"
+        asterisk = false
+        merged_circles.each_with_index do |seq, i|
+          if seq.length > s.length + minlen
+            str = "=#{s.length}+2*#{(seq.length.to_f - s.length)/2}"
+            asterisk = true
+            this_asterisk = true
+          else
+            str = ""
+            this_asterisk = false
+          end
+          puts "    (#{i+1}#{this_asterisk ? "*" : ""})\t"+
+            "length = #{seq.length}#{str};\tsequence = #{seq}"
+        end
+        if asterisk
+          puts
+          puts "    * = possibly containing inexact repeat instance"
+        end
+        puts
+        puts "After: sequence = #{after[0..49]}..."
+      end
+    end
+  end
+  private
+  def output_segment_infos
+    segment_names.each do |sn|
+      s = segment(sn)
+      puts "#{s.name}\t#{s.cn}\t"+
+        "#{neighbours([s.name,:B]).map{|nb|segment(nb.segment).cn}.inject(:+)}\t"+
+        "#{neighbours([s.name,:E]).map{|nb|segment(nb.segment).cn}.inject(:+)}\t"+
+        "#{links_of([s.name,:B]).size}\t"+
+        "#{links_of([s.name,:E]).size}\t"+
+        "#{s.KC}\t#{s.length}"
+    end
+  end
+  def merge_crisprs_path(segpath, repeat, repeat_end)
+    merged = create_merged_segment(segpath, merged_name: :short,
+                                 disable_tracking: true)[0]
+    sequence = merged.sequence[repeat.
+                                 sequence.length..-(1+repeat.sequence.length)]
+    sequence = sequence.rc if repeat_end == :B
+    return sequence
+  end
+  def search_circle(goal, from, l, maxvisits, dist, mindist,
+                    maxdist, path, circles, linear)
+    dest = l.other_end(from)
+    dest.segment = segment(dest.segment)
+    maxvisits[dest.name] ||= dest.segment.cn
+    se = dest.invert_end_type
+    if dest == goal
+      return if dist < mindist
+      new_path = path.dup
+      new_path << se
+      new_path[0..-2].each {|x| maxvisits[x.name] -= 1}
+      circles << new_path
+      return
+    end
+    return if maxvisits[dest.name] == 0
+    return if path.any?{|x|x.name==dest.name}
+    new_path = path.dup
+    new_path << se
+    dist += dest.segment.length - l.overlap.first.len
+    if dist > maxdist
+      new_path = path.dup
+      new_path << se
+      new_path[0..-1].each {|x| maxvisits[x.name] -= 1}
+      linear << new_path
+      return
+    end
+    ls = links_of(se)
+    if ls.size == 0
+      new_path[0..-1].each {|x| maxvisits[x.name] -= 1}
+      linear << new_path
+      return
+    end
+    ls.each do |next_l|
+      next_dest = segment(next_l.other_end(se).segment)
+      maxvisits[next_dest.name] ||= next_dest.cn
+      next if maxvisits[next_dest.name] == 0
+      search_circle(goal,se,next_l,maxvisits,dist,mindist,maxdist,new_path,
+                    circles,linear)
+    end
+    return
+  end
+if (ARGV.size == 0)
+  STDERR.puts "Usage: #$0 <gfa>"
+  exit 1
+gfa = RGFA.from_file(ARGV[0])
+gfa.header.ks ||= gfa.segments[0].length + 1
diff --git a/bin/rgfa-mergelinear.rb b/bin/rgfa-mergelinear.rb
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..302f09f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/rgfa-mergelinear.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env ruby
+require "rgfatools"
+if ARGV.size != 1
+  STDERR.puts "Usage: #$0 <gfa>"
+  exit 1
+gfa = RGFA.new
+gfa.enable_progress_logging(part: 0.01)
+gfa.merge_linear_paths(disable_tracking: true, merged_name: :short)
+puts gfa
diff --git a/bin/rgfa-simdebruijn.rb b/bin/rgfa-simdebruijn.rb
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..f6c2fd8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/rgfa-simdebruijn.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env ruby
+require "rgfatools"
+require "set"
+def read_sequences(filename, logger)
+  file = File.new(filename)
+  sequences = []
+  linecount = `wc -l #{filename}`.strip.split(" ")[0].to_i
+  logger.progress_init(:read_file, "lines", linecount,
+                    "Parse sequences from file with #{linecount} lines")
+  file.each do |line|
+    if line[0]==">"
+      sequences << ""
+    else
+      sequences.last << line.chomp
+    end
+    logger.progress_log(:read_file)
+  end
+  logger.progress_end(:read_file)
+  file.close
+  return sequences
+if ARGV.size != 2
+  STDERR.puts "Usage: #$0 <k> <genome.fas>"
+  exit 1
+k = Integer(ARGV[0])
+logger = RGFA::Logger.new()
+logger.enable_progress(part: 0.1)
+sequences = read_sequences(ARGV[1], logger)
+logger.log("Sequence lengths (nt): #{sequences.map(&:size)}")
+segments = {}
+links = Set.new
+kmercount = sequences.map{|seq|seq.length-k+1}.inject(:+)
+logger.progress_init(:generate_graph, "kmers", kmercount,
+                    "Create graph from #{kmercount} kmers")
+sequences.each do |seq|
+  0.upto(seq.length-k) do |pos|
+    kmer = seq[pos..(pos+k-1)].downcase
+    prefix = kmer[0..k-2]
+    suffix = kmer[1..k-1]
+    link = "L"
+    [prefix, suffix].each do |km1mer|
+      orient = "+"
+      km1mer_rc = km1mer.rc
+      if km1mer > km1mer_rc
+        km1mer = km1mer_rc
+        orient = "-"
+      end
+      s = segments[km1mer.to_sym]
+      if s.nil?
+        s = [i,0]
+        segments[km1mer.to_sym] = s
+        i+=1;
+      end
+      s[1] += 1
+      link << "\t#{s[0]}\t#{orient}"
+    end
+    link << "\t#{k-2}M"
+    links << link
+    logger.progress_log(:generate_graph, segments_added: i,
+                        links_added: links.size)
+  end
+segmentscount = i-1
+linkscount = links.size
+puts "H\tks:i:#{k}"
+logger.progress_init(:write_segments, "segments", segmentscount,
+                     "Output #{segmentscount} segments")
+segments.each do |km1mer, data|
+  puts "S\t#{data[0]}\t#{km1mer}\tKC:i:#{data[1]}"
+  logger.progress_log(:write_segments)
+logger.progress_init(:write_links, "links", linkscount,
+                     "Output #{linkscount} links")
+links.each do |link|
+  puts link
+  logger.progress_log(:write_links)
diff --git a/cheatsheet/rgfa-cheatsheet-1.2.tex b/cheatsheet/rgfa-cheatsheet-1.2.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e17ab77
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cheatsheet/rgfa-cheatsheet-1.2.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
+\rhead{\bfseries RGFA/RGFATools v.1.2 Cheatsheet (\thepage/\pageref{LastPage})
+\lfoot{\tiny \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Copyright (c) 2016, Giorgio Gonnella, ZBH, University of
+Hamburg, Germany. This document is under CC-BY-SA license.}
+\usepackage[top=1in, bottom=0.25in, left=0.1in, right=0.1in]{geometry}
+%  \large
+%  \textbf{RGFA: Cheatsheet
+%  (\refstepcounter{cstablecounter}\arabic{cstablecounter}/2)
+%  }\\
+\setlength{\textfloatsep}{0pt plus 0pt minus 0pt}
+\setlength{\intextsep}{0pt plus 0pt minus 0pt}
+\setlength{\floatsep}{0pt plus 0pt minus 0pt}
+  %\end{table}
+  \hline
+  Create graph & RGFA.new \\
+  \ldots from GFA file & RGFA.from\_file("filename")\\
+  \ldots from string & string.to\_rgfa \\
+  \ldots from string array (e.g.) & \verb/["H\tVN:i:1.0",/ \\
+    & \hspace{2.3mm}\verb/"S\tA\t*\tLN:i:1200"].to_rgfa/ \\
+  \hline
+  Write GFA to file & gfa.to\_file(filename) \\
+  Write GFA to standard output & puts gfa \\
+  Create deep copy & gfa.clone \\
+  Validate after manual edits & gfa.validate! \\
+  Output statistics (normal/compact) & puts gfa.info; puts gfa.info(true) \\
+  \hline
+  Turn off validations & gfa.turn\_off\_validations \\
+  Segments first & gfa.require\_segments\_first\_order \\
+  Enable progress logging & gfa.enable\_progress\_logging \\
+  \hline
+  Name of all segments & gfa.segment\_names \\
+  Name of all paths & gfa.path\_names \\
+  All segments, links, paths, etc & gfa.segments; gfa.links; gfa.paths; \ldots \\
+  Iterate over segments, links, etc & gfa.each\_segment \verb/{|s|...}/ \\
+  \hline
+  Find segment & gfa.segment(segment\_name) \\
+  \ldots exception if does not exist  & gfa.segment!(segment\_name) \\
+  \hline
+  Find path & gfa.path(path\_name) \textrm{(or: }path!\textrm{)} \\
+  All paths through segment & gfa.paths\_with(segment\_name) \\
+  \hline
+  Find link & gfa.link(\verb/[:S1,:E]/,\verb/[:S2,:B]/) \textrm{(or: }link!\textrm{)} \\
+  (or, if multiple may exist) & gfa.links\_between(\verb/[:S1,:E]/,\verb/[:S2,:B]/) \\
+  All links of segment end & gfa.links\_of(\verb/[:S1,:E]/) \\
+  (also segment instead of name) &
+  gfa.links\_of(\verb/[segment!(:S1),:E]/) \\
+  Target of all links & gfa.neighbours(\verb/[:S1,:E]/) \\
+  \hline
+  Find containment  & gfa.containment(container,~contained)\\
+                    & gfa.containment!(container,~contained)\\
+  (or, if multiple may exist)  & gfa.containments\_between(c\_ner,~c\_ned)\\
+  All containments for a segment & gfa.containing(contained)\\
+                                 & gfa.contained\_in(container)\\
+  \hline
+  Add line (examples)        & gfa << "H\verb/\t/VZ:i:1.0" \\
+                             & gfa << "S\verb/\t/a\verb/\t/*\verb/\t/LN:i:1200" \\
+  Rename segment or path & gfa.rename("old", "new") \\
+  \hline
+  Segment coverage & s.coverage\\
+  Segment coverage (more accurate) & s.coverage(unit\_length:~avreadlen)\\
+  Segment K-mer coverage & s.coverage(count\_tag:~:KC)\\
+  Segment length & s.length\\
+  Other end of a link & link.other\_end([s1,:E])\\
+  Other end of other end of link &
+  link.other\_end([s1,:E])\\
+  & \hspace{2.8cm}.revert\_end\_type\\
+  \hline
+  Read req.field/tag value & segment.from; segment.LN \\
+  \ldots raise if tag not available & segment.LN! \\
+  \ldots tag string & segment.field\_to\_s(:LN) \\
+  \hline
+  Set/create custom tag (ab, Z type) & segment.ab = "value" \\
+  \ldots of i or B/i type & s.ab = 12; \ \ \ s.ab = [1,2,3]\\
+  \ldots of f or B/f type & s.ab = 12.0; \ s.ab = [1.2,2.3,3.0] \\
+  \ldots of J type (hash/array) & s.ab = \{"a" => 12\}; s.ab = ["a","b",1] \\
+  \hline
+  \hline
+  Delete segment (and its links, etc) & gfa.rm("a") \\
+  Delete path & gfa.rm("path1") \\
+  Delete link/containment  & gfa.rm(gfa.link(\ldots)) \\
+  Delete all headers & gfa.rm(:headers) \\
+  Delete sequences (set all to \texttt{*}) & gfa.rm(:sequences) \\
+  \hline
+  \textit{(rm with a method)} &\\
+  Delete links of segment end & gfa.rm(\verb/:links_of,[:S1,"E]/) \\
+  Delete link targets  & gfa.rm(\verb/:neighbours,[:S1,"E]/) \\
+  Delete paths of segment & gfa.rm(\verb/:paths_with,:S1/) \\
+  Delete segments contained in s & gfa.rm(\verb/:contained_in,:s/) \\
+  Delete s1-E links except to s2-B & gfa.delete\_other\_links(\verb/[s1,:E],[s2,:B]/)\\
+  \hline
+  Content of headers field & gfa.header.xx \\
+  Replace header field content & gfa.set\_header\_field(:xx, 12, \\
+                               & \hspace{4.3cm})\\
+  Append to header field & gfa.set\_header\_field(:xx, 12,\\
+                               & \hspace{4.3cm}, existing: :add)\\
+  \hline
+  Sum of read counts & \verb/gfa.segments.map(&:RC).inject(:+)/ \\
+  Highest coverage & \verb/gfa.segments.map(&:coverage).max/ \\
+  Delete low coverage segments & \verb/gfa.rm(gfa.segments.select {|s|/ \\
+                               & \hspace{2.7cm}\verb/s.coverage < mincov })/ \\
+  Delete isolated segments & \verb/gfa.rm(gfa.segments.select {|s|/ \\
+                      & \hspace{1cm}\verb/gfa.connectivity(s) == [0,0] })/ \\
+  \hline
+  Muliply segment & gfa.multiply("A", 4) \\
+  Detect linear paths & gfa.linear\_paths \\
+  Detect and merge linear paths & gfa.merge\_linear\_paths \\
+  Compute connected components & gfa.connected\_components \\
+  Component of a segment & gfa.segment\_connected\_component(s) \\
+  Split components & gfa.split\_connected\_components \\
+  Number of dead ends & gfa.n\_dead\_ends \\
+  \hline
+  \textit{(with RGFATools only)} & \\
+  Muliply segment, distribute links & gfa.multiply("A", 4) \\
+  Compute copy numbers & gfa.compute\_copy\_numbers \\
+  Apply copy numbers & gfa.apply\_copy\_numbers \\
+  Orient invertible segments & gfa.randomly\_orient\_invertibles \\
+  Enforce mandatory links & gfa.enforce\_mandatory\_links \\
+  Remove p-bubbles & gfa.remove\_p\_bubbles \\
+  Remove small components & gfa.remove\_small\_components(minlen) \\
+  \hline
+  \textit{(Command line tools)} & \\
+  Compare two GFA files & gfadiff.rb 1.gfa 2.gfa \\
+  \ldots only segments and links & gfadiff.rb -s -l 1.gfa 2.gfa \\
+  \ldots output as ruby script & gfadiff.rb -script 1.gfa 2.gfa \\
+  Merge linear paths in graph & simplify.rb 2.gfa > 3.gfa \\
+  \hline
+  \textit{(Experimental command line tools)} & \\
+  Simulate de Bruijn graph & simulate\_debruijn.rb 27 gnm.fas > 1.gfa \\
+  \ldots and find CRISPRs candidates & find\_crisprs.rb 1.gfa \\
+  \hline
diff --git a/lib/rgfa.rb b/lib/rgfa.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bf87ccf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/rgfa.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,376 @@
+# (c) 2016, Giorgio Gonnella, ZBH, Uni-Hamburg <gonnella at zbh.uni-hamburg.de>
+# Main class of the RGFA library.
+# RGFA provides a representation of a GFA graph.
+# It supports creating a graph from scratch, input and output from/to file
+# or strings, as well as several operations on the graph.
+# The examples below show how to create a RGFA object from scratch or
+# from a GFA file, write the RGFA to file, output the string representation or
+# a statistics report, and control the validation level.
+# == Interacting with the graph
+# - {RGFA::Lines}: module with methods for finding, editing, iterating over,
+#   removing lines belonging to a RGFA instance. Specialized modules exist
+#   for each kind of line:
+#   - {RGFA::Headers}: accessing and creating header information is done
+#     using a single header line object ({headers RGFA#header})
+#   - {RGFA::Segments}
+#   - {RGFA::Links}
+#   - {RGFA::Containments}
+#   - {RGFA::Paths}
+# - {RGFA::Line}: most interaction with the GFA involve interacting with
+#   its record, i.e. instances of a subclass of this class. Subclasses:
+#   - {RGFA::Line::Header}
+#   - {RGFA::Line::Segment}
+#   - {RGFA::Line::Link}
+#   - {RGFA::Line::Containment}
+#   - {RGFA::Line::Path}
+# - Further modules contain methods useful for interacting with the graph
+#   - {RGFA::Connectivity} analysis of the connectivity of the graph
+#   - {RGFA::LinearPaths} finding and merging of linear paths
+#   - {RGFA::Multiplication} separation of the implicit instances of a repeat
+# - Additional functionality is provided by {RGFATools}
+# @example Creating an empty RGFA object
+#   gfa = RGFA.new
+# @example Parsing and writing GFA format
+#   gfa = RGFA.from_file(filename) # parse GFA file
+#   gfa.to_file(filename) # write to GFA file
+#   puts gfa # show GFA representation of RGFA object
+# @example Basic statistics report
+#   puts gfa.info # print report
+#   puts gfa.info(short = true) # compact format, in one line
+# @example Validation
+#   gfa = RGFA.from_file(filename, validate: 1) # default level is 2
+#   gfa.validate = 3 # change validation level
+#   gfa.turn_off_validations # equivalent to gfa.validate = 0
+#   gfa.validate! # run post-validations (e.g. check segment names in links)
+class RGFA
+require_relative "./rgfa/byte_array.rb"
+require_relative "./rgfa/cigar.rb"
+require_relative "./rgfa/connectivity.rb"
+require_relative "./rgfa/containments.rb"
+require_relative "./rgfa/field_array.rb"
+require_relative "./rgfa/field_parser.rb"
+require_relative "./rgfa/field_validator.rb"
+require_relative "./rgfa/field_writer.rb"
+require_relative "./rgfa/multiplication.rb"
+require_relative "./rgfa/headers.rb"
+require_relative "./rgfa/line.rb"
+require_relative "./rgfa/linear_paths.rb"
+require_relative "./rgfa/lines.rb"
+require_relative "./rgfa/links.rb"
+require_relative "./rgfa/logger.rb"
+require_relative "./rgfa/numeric_array.rb"
+require_relative "./rgfa/rgl.rb"
+require_relative "./rgfa/segment_ends_path.rb"
+require_relative "./rgfa/segment_info.rb"
+require_relative "./rgfa/segments.rb"
+require_relative "./rgfa/paths.rb"
+require_relative "./rgfa/sequence.rb"
+class RGFA
+  include RGFA::Lines
+  include RGFA::Headers
+  include RGFA::Segments
+  include RGFA::Links
+  include RGFA::Containments
+  include RGFA::Paths
+  include RGFA::LinearPaths
+  include RGFA::Connectivity
+  include RGFA::Multiplication
+  include RGFA::LoggerSupport
+  include RGFA::RGL
+  attr_accessor :validate
+  # @!macro validate
+  #   @param validate [Integer] (<i>defaults to: +2+</i>)
+  #     the validation level; see "Validation level" under
+  #     {RGFA::Line#initialize}.
+  def initialize(validate: 2)
+    @validate = validate
+    init_headers
+    @segments = {}
+    @links = []
+    @containments = []
+    @paths = {}
+    @segments_first_order = false
+    @progress = false
+    @default = {:count_tag => :RC, :unit_length => 1}
+    @extensions_enabled = false
+  end
+  # Require that the links, containments and paths referring
+  # to a segment are added after the segment. Default: do not
+  # require any particular ordering.
+  #
+  # @return [void]
+  def require_segments_first_order
+    @segments_first_order = true
+  end
+  # Set the validation level to 0.
+  # See "Validation level" under {RGFA::Line#initialize}.
+  # @return [void]
+  def turn_off_validations
+    @validate = 0
+  end
+  # List all names of segments in the graph
+  # @return [Array<Symbol>]
+  def segment_names
+    @segments.keys.compact
+  end
+  # List all names of path lines in the graph
+  # @return [Array<Symbol>]
+  def path_names
+    @paths.keys.compact
+  end
+  # Post-validation of the RGFA
+  # @return [void]
+  # @raise if validation fails
+  def validate!
+    validate_segment_references!
+    validate_path_links!
+    return nil
+  end
+  # Creates a string representation of RGFA conforming to the current
+  # specifications
+  # @return [String]
+  def to_s
+    s = ""
+    each_line {|line| s << line.to_s; s << "\n"}
+    return s
+  end
+  # Return the gfa itself
+  # @return [self]
+  def to_rgfa
+    self
+  end
+  # Create a copy of the RGFA instance.
+  # @return [RGFA]
+  def clone
+    cpy = to_s.to_rgfa(validate: 0)
+    cpy.validate = @validate
+    cpy.enable_progress_logging if @progress
+    cpy.require_segments_first_order if @segments_first_order
+    return cpy
+  end
+  # Populates a RGFA instance reading from file with specified +filename+
+  # @param [String] filename
+  # @raise if file cannot be opened for reading
+  # @return [self]
+  def read_file(filename)
+    if @progress
+      linecount = `wc -l #{filename}`.strip.split(" ")[0].to_i
+      progress_log_init(:read_file, "lines", linecount,
+                        "Parse file with #{linecount} lines")
+    end
+    File.foreach(filename) do |line|
+      self << line.chomp
+      progress_log(:read_file) if @progress
+    end
+    progress_log_end(:read_file) if @progress
+    validate! if @validate >= 1
+    self
+  end
+  # Creates a RGFA instance parsing the file with specified +filename+
+  # @param [String] filename
+  # @raise if file cannot be opened for reading
+  # @!macro validate
+  # @return [RGFA]
+  def self.from_file(filename, validate: 2)
+    gfa = RGFA.new(validate: validate)
+    gfa.read_file(filename)
+    return gfa
+  end
+  # Write RGFA to file with specified +filename+;
+  # overwrites it if it exists
+  # @param [String] filename
+  # @raise if file cannot be opened for writing
+  # @return [void]
+  def to_file(filename)
+    File.open(filename, "w") {|f| each_line {|l| f.puts l}}
+  end
+  # Output basic statistics about the graph's sequence and topology
+  # information.
+  #
+  # @param [boolean] short compact output as a single text line
+  #
+  # Compact output has the following keys:
+  # - +ns+: number of segments
+  # - +nl+: number of links
+  # - +cc+: number of connected components
+  # - +de+: number of dead ends
+  # - +tl+: total length of segment sequences
+  # - +50+: N50 segment sequence length
+  #
+  # Normal output outputs a table with the same information, plus some
+  # additional one: the length of the largest
+  # component, as well as the shortest and largest and 1st/2nd/3rd quartiles
+  # of segment sequence length.
+  #
+  # @return [String] sequence and topology information collected from the graph.
+  #
+  def info(short = false)
+    q, n50, tlen = lenstats
+    nde = n_dead_ends()
+    pde = "%.2f%%" % ((nde.to_f*100) / (segments.size*2))
+    cc = connected_components()
+    cc.map!{|c|c.map{|sn|segment!(sn).length!}.inject(:+)}
+    if short
+      return "ns=#{segments.size}\t"+
+             "nl=#{links.size}\t"+
+             "cc=#{cc.size}\t"+
+             "de=#{nde}\t"+
+             "tl=#{tlen}\t"+
+             "50=#{n50}"
+    end
+    retval = []
+    retval << "Segment count:               #{segments.size}"
+    retval << "Links count:                 #{links.size}"
+    retval << "Total length (bp):           #{tlen}"
+    retval << "Dead ends:                   #{nde}"
+    retval << "Percentage dead ends:        #{pde}"
+    retval << "Connected components:        #{cc.size}"
+    retval << "Largest component (bp):      #{cc.last}"
+    retval << "N50 (bp):                    #{n50}"
+    retval << "Shortest segment (bp):       #{q[0]}"
+    retval << "Lower quartile segment (bp): #{q[1]}"
+    retval << "Median segment (bp):         #{q[2]}"
+    retval << "Upper quartile segment (bp): #{q[3]}"
+    retval << "Longest segment (bp):        #{q[4]}"
+    return retval
+  end
+  # Counts the dead ends.
+  #
+  # Dead ends are here defined as segment ends without connections.
+  #
+  # @return [Integer] number of dead ends in the graph
+  #
+  def n_dead_ends
+    segments.inject(0) do |n,s|
+      [:E, :B].each {|e| n+= 1 if links_of([s.name, e]).empty?}
+      n
+    end
+  end
+  # Compare two RGFA instances.
+  # @return [Boolean] are the lines of the two instances equivalent?
+  def ==(other)
+    segments == other.segments and
+      links == other.links and
+      containments == other.containments and
+      headers == other.headers and
+      paths == other.paths
+  end
+  private
+  def lenstats
+    sln = segments.map(&:length!).sort
+    n = sln.size
+    tlen = sln.inject(:+)
+    n50 = nil
+    sum = 0
+    sln.reverse.each do |l|
+      sum += l
+      if sum >= tlen/2
+        n50 = l
+        break
+      end
+    end
+    q = [sln[0], sln[(n/4)-1], sln[(n/2)-1], sln[((n*3)/4)-1], sln[-1]]
+    return q, n50, tlen
+  end
+  # Checks that L, C and P refer to existing S.
+  # @return [void]
+  # @raise [RGFA::LineMissingError] if validation fails
+  def validate_segment_references!
+    @segments.values.each do |s|
+      if s.virtual?
+        raise RGFA::LineMissingError, "Segment #{s.name} does not exist\n"+
+            "References to #{s.name} were found in the following lines:\n"+
+              s.all_references.map(&:to_s).join("\n")
+      end
+    end
+    return nil
+  end
+  # Checks that P are supported by links.
+  # @return [void]
+  # @raise if validation fails
+  def validate_path_links!
+    @paths.values.each do |pt|
+      pt.links.each do |l, dir|
+        if l.virtual?
+          raise RGFA::LineMissingError, "Link: #{l.to_s}\n"+
+          "does not exist, but is required by the paths:\n"+
+          l.paths.map{|pt2, dir2|pt2.to_s}.join("\n")
+        end
+      end
+    end
+    return nil
+  end
+  def init_headers
+    @headers = RGFA::Line::Header.new([], validate: @validate)
+  end
+# Ruby core String class, with additional methods.
+class String
+  # Converts a +String+ into a +RGFA+ instance. Each line of the string is added
+  # separately to the gfa.
+  # @return [RGFA]
+  # @!macro validate
+  def to_rgfa(validate: 2)
+    gfa = RGFA.new(validate: validate)
+    split("\n").each {|line| gfa << line}
+    gfa.validate! if validate >= 1
+    return gfa
+  end
+# Ruby core Array class, with additional methods.
+class Array
+  # Converts an +Array+ of strings or RGFA::Line instances
+  # into a +RGFA+ instance.
+  # @return [RGFA]
+  # @!macro validate
+  def to_rgfa(validate: 2)
+    gfa = RGFA.new(validate: validate)
+    each {|line| gfa << line}
+    gfa.validate! if validate >= 1
+    return gfa
+  end
diff --git a/lib/rgfa/byte_array.rb b/lib/rgfa/byte_array.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8260927
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/rgfa/byte_array.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+require_relative "error.rb"
+# Array of positive integers <= 255;
+# representation of the data contained in an H field
+class RGFA::ByteArray < Array
+  # Validates the byte array content
+  # @raise [RGFA::ByteArray::ValueError] if any value is not a
+  #   positive integer <= 255
+  # @return [void]
+  def validate!
+    each do |x|
+      unless x.kind_of?(Integer) and (0..255).include?(x)
+        raise RGFA::ByteArray::ValueError,
+          "Value incompatible with byte array: #{x.inspect}\n"+
+          "in array: #{self.inspect}"
+      end
+    end
+    self.trust
+    return nil
+  end
+  # Returns self
+  # @return [RGFA::ByteArray] self
+  def to_byte_array
+    self
+  end
+  # GFA datatype H representation of the byte array
+  # @raise [RGFA::ByteArray::ValueError] if the
+  #   array is not a valid byte array
+  # @return [String]
+  def to_s
+    validate!
+    map do |elem|
+      str = elem.to_s(16).upcase
+      elem < 16 ? "0#{str}" : str
+    end.join
+  end
+# Exception raised if any value is not a positive integer <= 255
+class RGFA::ByteArray::ValueError < RGFA::Error; end
+# Exception raised if string is not a valid representation of byte array
+class RGFA::ByteArray::FormatError < RGFA::Error; end
+# Method to create a RGFA::ByteArray from an Array
+class Array
+  # Create a RGFA::ByteArray from an Array instance
+  # @return [RGFA::ByteArray] the byte array
+  def to_byte_array
+    RGFA::ByteArray.new(self)
+  end
+# Method to parse the string representation of a RGFA::ByteArray
+class String
+  # Convert a GFA string representation of a byte array to a byte array
+  # @return [RGFA::ByteArray] the byte array
+  # @raise [RGFA::ByteArray::FormatError] if the string size is not > 0
+  #   and even
+  def to_byte_array
+    if (size < 2) or (size % 2 == 1)
+      raise RGFA::ByteArray::FormatError,
+        "Invalid byte array string #{self}; "+
+        "each element must be represented by two letters [0-9A-F]"
+    end
+    scan(/..?/).map {|x|Integer(x,16)}.to_byte_array
+  end
diff --git a/lib/rgfa/cigar.rb b/lib/rgfa/cigar.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4d07b7a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/rgfa/cigar.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
+require_relative "error.rb"
+# Array of {RGFA::CIGAR::Operation CIGAR operations}.
+# Represents the contents of a CIGAR string.
+class RGFA::CIGAR < Array
+  # Compute the CIGAR for the segments in reverse direction.
+  #
+  # @example Reversing a CIGAR
+  #
+  #   RGFA::CIGAR.from_string("2M1D3M").reverse.to_s
+  #   # => "3M1I2M"
+  #
+  #   # S1 + S2 + 2M1D3M
+  #   #
+  #   # S1+  ACGACTGTGA
+  #   # S2+      CT-TGACGG
+  #   #
+  #   # S2-  CCGTCA-AG
+  #   # S1-     TCACAGTCGT
+  #   #
+  #   # S2 - S1 - 3M1I2M
+  #
+  # @return [RGFA::CIGAR] (empty if CIGAR string is *)
+  def reverse
+    super.map do |op|
+      if op.code == :I
+        op.code = :D
+      elsif op.code == :D
+        op.code = :I
+      end
+      op
+    end
+  end
+  # Parse a CIGAR string into an array of CIGAR operations.
+  #
+  # Each operation is represented by a {RGFA::CIGAR::Operation},
+  # i.e. a tuple of operation length and operation
+  # symbol (one of MIDNSHPX=).
+  #
+  # @return [RGFA::CIGAR] (empty if string is *)
+  # @raise [RGFA::CIGAR::ValueError] if the string is not a valid CIGAR string
+  def self.from_string(str)
+    a = RGFA::CIGAR.new
+    if str != "*"
+      raise RGFA::CIGAR::ValueError if str !~ /^([0-9]+[MIDNSHPX=])+$/
+      str.scan(/[0-9]+[MIDNSHPX=]/).each do |op|
+        len = op[0..-2].to_i
+        code = op[-1..-1].to_sym
+        a << RGFA::CIGAR::Operation.new(len, code)
+      end
+    end
+    return a
+  end
+  # String representation of the CIGAR
+  # @return [String] CIGAR string
+  def to_s
+    if empty?
+      return "*"
+    else
+      map(&:to_s).join
+    end
+  end
+  # Validate the instance
+  # @raise if any component of the CIGAR array is invalid.
+  # @return [void]
+  def validate!
+    any? do |op|
+      op.to_cigar_operation.validate!
+    end
+  end
+  # @return [RGFA::CIGAR] self
+  def to_cigar
+    self
+  end
+  # Create a copy
+  # @return [RGFA::CIGAR]
+  def clone
+    map{|x|x.clone}
+  end
+# Exception raised by invalid CIGAR string content
+class RGFA::CIGAR::ValueError < RGFA::Error; end
+# An operation in a CIGAR string
+class RGFA::CIGAR::Operation
+  attr_accessor :len
+  attr_accessor :code
+  CODE = [:M, :I, :D, :N, :S, :H, :P, :X, :"="]
+  # @param len [Integer] length of the operation
+  # @param code [RGFA::CIGAR::Operation::CODE] code of the operation
+  def initialize(len, code)
+    @len = len
+    @code = code
+  end
+  # The string representation of the operation
+  # @return [String]
+  def to_s
+    "#{len}#{code}"
+  end
+  # Compare two operations
+  # @return [Boolean]
+  def ==(other)
+    other.len == len and other.code == code
+  end
+  # Validate the operation
+  # @return [void]
+  # @raise [RGFA::CIGAR::ValueError] if the code is invalid or the length is not
+  #   an integer larger than zero
+  def validate!
+    if Integer(len) <= 0 or
+         !RGFA::CIGAR::Operation::CODE.include?(code)
+      raise RGFA::CIGAR::ValueError
+    end
+  end
+  # @return [RGFA::CIGAR::Operation] self
+  def to_cigar_operation
+    self
+  end
+class Array
+  # Create a {RGFA::CIGAR} instance from the content of the array.
+  # @return [RGFA::CIGAR]
+  def to_cigar
+    RGFA::CIGAR.new(self)
+  end
+  # Create a {RGFA::CIGAR::Operation} instance from the content of the array.
+  # @return [RGFA::CIGAR::Operation]
+  def to_cigar_operation
+    RGFA::CIGAR::Operation.new(Integer(self[0]), self[1].to_sym)
+  end
+class String
+  # Parse CIGAR string and return an array of CIGAR operations
+  # @return [RGFA::CIGAR] CIGAR operations (empty if string is "*")
+  # @raise [RGFA::CIGAR::ValueError] if the string is not a valid CIGAR string
+  def to_cigar
+    RGFA::CIGAR.from_string(self)
+  end
diff --git a/lib/rgfa/connectivity.rb b/lib/rgfa/connectivity.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..55a0368
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/rgfa/connectivity.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+# Methods which analyse the connectivity of the graph.
+module RGFA::Connectivity
+  require "set"
+  # Computes the connectivity of a segment from its number of links.
+  #
+  # @param segment [String|RGFA::Line::Segment] segment name or instance
+  #
+  # @return [Array<conn_symbol,conn_symbol>]
+  #  conn. symbols respectively of the :B and :E ends of +segment+.
+  #
+  # <b>Connectivity symbol:</b> (+conn_symbol+)
+  # - Let _n_ be the number of links to an end (+:B+ or +:E+) of a segment.
+  #   Then the connectivity symbol is +:M+ if <i>n > 1</i>, otherwise _n_.
+  #
+  def connectivity(segment)
+    connectivity_symbols(links_of([segment, :B]).size,
+                         links_of([segment, :E]).size)
+  end
+  # Does the removal of the link alone divide a component
+  # of the graph into two?
+  # @return [Boolean]
+  # @param link [RGFA::Line::Link] a link
+  def cut_link?(link)
+    return false if link.circular?
+    return true if links_of(link.from_end.invert_end_type).size == 0
+    return true if links_of(link.to_end.invert_end_type).size == 0
+    c = {}
+    [:from, :to].each do |et|
+      c[et] = Set.new
+      visited = Set.new
+      segend = link.send(:"#{et}_end")
+      visited << segend.name
+      visited << link.other_end(segend).name
+      traverse_component(segend, c[et], visited)
+    end
+    return c[:from] != c[:to]
+  end
+  # Does the removal of the segment and its links divide a
+  # component of the graph into two?
+  # @param segment [String, RGFA::Line::Segment] a segment name or instance
+  # @return [Boolean]
+  def cut_segment?(segment)
+    segment_name = segment.kind_of?(RGFA::Line) ? segment.name : segment
+    cn = connectivity(segment_name)
+    return false if [[0,0],[0,1],[1,0]].include?(cn)
+    start_points = []
+    [:B, :E].each do |et|
+      start_points += links_of([segment_name, et]).map do |l|
+        l.other_end([segment_name, et]).invert_end_type
+      end
+    end
+    cc = []
+    start_points.uniq.each do |start_point|
+      cc << Set.new
+      visited = Set.new
+      visited << segment_name
+      traverse_component(start_point, cc.last, visited)
+    end
+    return cc.any?{|c|c != cc[0]}
+  end
+  # Find the connected component of the graph in which a segment is included
+  # @return [Array<String>]
+  #   array of segment names
+  # @param segment [String, RGFA::Line::Segment] a segment name or instance
+  # @param visited [Set<String>] a set of segments to ignore during graph
+  #   traversal; all segments in the found component will be added to it
+  def segment_connected_component(segment, visited = Set.new)
+    segment_name = segment.kind_of?(RGFA::Line) ? segment.name : segment
+    visited << segment_name
+    c = [segment_name]
+    traverse_component([segment_name, :B], c, visited)
+    traverse_component([segment_name, :E], c, visited)
+    return c
+  end
+  # Find the connected components of the graph
+  # @return [Array<Array<String>>]
+  #   array of components, each an array of segment names
+  def connected_components
+    components = []
+    visited = Set.new
+    segment_names.each do |sn|
+      next if visited.include?(sn)
+      components << segment_connected_component(sn, visited)
+    end
+    return components
+  end
+  # Split connected components of the graph into single-component RGFAs
+  # @return [Array<RGFA>]
+  def split_connected_components
+    retval = []
+    ccs = connected_components
+    ccs.each do |cc|
+      gfa2 = self.clone
+      gfa2.rm(gfa2.segment_names - cc)
+      retval << gfa2
+    end
+    return retval
+  end
+  private
+  def traverse_component(segment_end, c, visited)
+    links_of(segment_end).each do |l|
+      oe = l.other_end(segment_end)
+      sn = oe.name
+      next if visited.include?(sn)
+      visited << sn
+      c << sn
+      traverse_component([sn, :B], c, visited)
+      traverse_component([sn, :E], c, visited)
+    end
+  end
+  def connectivity_symbols(n,m)
+    [connectivity_symbol(n), connectivity_symbol(m)]
+  end
+  def connectivity_symbol(n)
+    n > 1 ? :M : n
+  end
diff --git a/lib/rgfa/containments.rb b/lib/rgfa/containments.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..60f2430
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/rgfa/containments.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+require_relative "error"
+# Methods for the RGFA class, which allow to handle containments in the graph.
+module RGFA::Containments
+  def add_containment(gfa_line)
+    gfa_line = gfa_line.to_rgfa_line(validate: @validate)
+    @containments << gfa_line
+    [:from, :to].each do |dir|
+      segment_name = gfa_line.send(dir)
+      orient = gfa_line.send(:"#{dir}_orient")
+      if !@segments.has_key?(segment_name)
+        raise RGFA::LineMissingError if @segments_first_order
+        @segments[segment_name] =
+          RGFA::Line::Segment.new({:name => segment_name},
+                                  virtual: true)
+      end
+      s = @segments[segment_name]
+      s.containments[dir][orient] << gfa_line
+      gfa_line.send(:"#{dir}=", s)
+    end
+  end
+  protected :add_containment
+  # Delete a containment
+  #
+  # @param c [RGFA::Line::Containment] containment instance
+  # @return [RGFA] self
+  def delete_containment(c)
+    @containments.delete(c)
+    segment(c.from).containments[:from][c.from_orient].delete(c)
+    segment(c.to).containments[:to][c.to_orient].delete(c)
+  end
+  # All containments in the graph
+  # @return [Array<RGFA::Line::Containment>]
+  def containments
+    @containments
+  end
+  # Find containment lines whose +from+ segment name is +segment_name+
+  # @!macro segment_or_name
+  # @return [Array<RGFA::Line::Containment>]
+  def contained_in(s)
+    s = segment!(s)
+    s.containments[:from][:+] + s.containments[:from][:-]
+  end
+  # Find containment lines whose +to+ segment name is +segment_name+
+  # @return [Array<RGFA::Line::Containment>]
+  # @!macro segment_or_name
+  def containing(s)
+    s = segment!(s)
+    s.containments[:to][:+] + s.containments[:to][:-]
+  end
+  # Searches all containments of +contained+ in +container+.
+  # Returns a possibly empty array of containments.
+  #
+  # @return [Array<RGFA::Line::Containment>]
+  # @!macro [new] container_contained
+  #   @param container [RGFA::Line::Segment, Symbol] a segment instance or name
+  #   @param contained [RGFA::Line::Segment, Symbol] a segment instance or name
+  #
+  def containments_between(container, contained)
+    contained_in(container).select {|l| l.to.to_sym == contained.to_sym }
+  end
+  # Searches a containment of +contained+ in +container+.
+  # Returns the first containment found or nil if none found.
+  #
+  # @return [RGFA::Line::Containment, nil]
+  # @!macro container_contained
+  def containment(container, contained)
+    contained_in(container).each do |l|
+      if l.to.to_sym == contained.to_sym
+        return l
+      end
+    end
+    return nil
+  end
+  # Searches a containment of +contained+ in +container+.
+  # Raises an exception if no such containment was found.
+  #
+  # @return [RGFA::Line::Containment]
+  # @raise [RGFA::LineMissingError] if no such containment found
+  # @!macro container_contained
+  def containment!(container, contained)
+    c = containment(container, contained)
+    raise RGFA::LineMissingError, "No containment was found" if c.nil?
+    c
+  end
diff --git a/lib/rgfa/error.rb b/lib/rgfa/error.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3f12671
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/rgfa/error.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+# Parent class for library-specific errors
+class RGFA::Error < StandardError; end
diff --git a/lib/rgfa/field_array.rb b/lib/rgfa/field_array.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5b50d42
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/rgfa/field_array.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+# Array representing multiple values of the same tag in different header lines
+class RGFA::FieldArray < Array
+  attr_reader :datatype
+  # @param datatype [RGFA::Line::OPTFIELD_DATATYPE] the datatype to use
+  def initialize(datatype, data = [])
+    @datatype = datatype
+    super(data)
+  end
+  # Run a datatype-specific validation on each element of the array
+  # @param datatype [RGFA::Line::OPTFIELD_DATATYPE]
+  def validate_gfa_field!(datatype, fieldname=nil)
+    each.validate_gfa_field!(@datatype, fieldname)
+  end
+  # Default datatype, in this case :J
+  # @api private
+  def default_gfa_datatype
+    :J
+  end
+  # Representation of the field array as JSON array, with
+  # two additional values: the datatype and a zero byte as "signature".
+  # @param datatype [RGFA::Line::OPTFIELD_DATATYPE] (ignored, J is always used)
+  # @api private
+  def to_gfa_field(datatype: nil)
+    self << @datatype
+    self << "\0"
+    to_json
+  end
+  # Add a value to the array and validate
+  # @raise [RGFA::FieldArray::TypeMismatchError] if the type
+  #   of the new value does not correspond to the type of
+  #   existing values
+  # @param value [Object] the value to add
+  # @param type [RGFA::Line::OPTFIELD_DATATYPE, nil] the datatype to use;
+  #   if not +nil+, it will be checked that the specified datatype is the
+  #   same as for previous elements of the field array;
+  #   if +nil+, the value will be validated, according to the datatype
+  #   specified on field array creation
+  # @param fieldname [Symbol] the field name to use for error messages
+  #
+  def push_with_validation(value, type, fieldname=nil)
+    if type.nil?
+      value.validate_gfa_field!(@datatype, fieldname)
+    elsif type != @datatype
+      raise RGFA::FieldArray::TypeMismatchError,
+        "Datatype mismatch error for field #{fieldname}:\n"+
+        "value: #{value}\n"+
+        "existing datatype: #{@datatype};\n"+
+        "new datatype: #{type}"
+    end
+    self << value
+  end
+# Generic error associated with field arrays
+class RGFA::FieldArray::Error < RGFA::Error; end
+# Error raised when trying to add elements with a wrong datatype
+class RGFA::FieldArray::TypeMismatchError < RGFA::Error; end
+class Array
+  # Is this possibly a {RGFA::FieldArray} instance?
+  #
+  # (i.e. are the two last elements a datatype symbol
+  # and a zero byte?)
+  # @return [Boolean]
+  def rgfa_field_array?
+    self[-1] == "\0" and
+      RGFA::Line::OPTFIELD_DATATYPE.include?(self[-2].to_sym)
+  end
+  # Create a {RGFA::FieldArray} from an array
+  # @param datatype [RGFA::Line::OPTFIELD_DATATYPE, nil] the datatype to use
+  def to_rgfa_field_array(datatype=nil)
+    if self.rgfa_field_array?
+      RGFA::FieldArray.new(self[-2].to_sym, self[0..-3])
+    elsif datatype.nil?
+      raise RGFA::FieldArray::Error, "no datatype specified"
+    else
+      RGFA::FieldArray.new(datatype, self)
+    end
+  end
diff --git a/lib/rgfa/field_parser.rb b/lib/rgfa/field_parser.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..14ef2dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/rgfa/field_parser.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+require "json"
+require_relative "byte_array"
+require_relative "numeric_array"
+require_relative "cigar"
+require_relative "error"
+require_relative "field_array"
+# Methods to parse the string representations of the GFA fields
+# @api private
+module RGFA::FieldParser
+  # Parse a string representation of a GFA field value
+  # @raise [RGFA::Error] if the value is not valid
+  # @param datatype [RGFA::Line::FIELD_DATATYPE]
+  def parse_gfa_field(datatype: nil,
+                      validate_strings: true,
+                      fieldname: nil,
+                      frozen: false)
+    case datatype
+    when :A, :Z, :seq
+      validate_gfa_field!(datatype, fieldname: fieldname) if validate_strings
+      self.freeze if frozen
+      return self
+    when :lbl, :orn
+      validate_gfa_field!(datatype, fieldname: fieldname) if validate_strings
+      return to_sym.freeze
+    when :i
+      return Integer(self)
+    when :pos
+      value = Integer(self)
+      raise RGFA::FieldParser::FormatError if value < 0
+      return value
+    when :f
+      return Float(self)
+    when :H
+      value = to_byte_array
+      value.freeze if frozen
+      return value
+    when :B
+      value = to_numeric_array
+      value.freeze if frozen
+      return value
+    when :J
+      value = JSON.parse(self)
+      # RGFA convention for array of fields
+      if value.kind_of?(Array) and value.rgfa_field_array?
+        value = value.to_rgfa_field_array
+      end
+      # no need to freeze, as any Hash or Array will be valid
+      return value
+    when :cig
+      value = to_cigar
+      value.freeze if frozen
+      return value
+    when :cgs
+      value = split(",").map do |c|
+        c = c.to_cigar
+        c.freeze if frozen
+        c
+      end
+      value.freeze if frozen
+      return value
+    when :lbs
+      value = split(",").map do |l|
+        o = l[-1].to_sym
+        l = l[0..-2]
+        if validate_strings
+          l.validate_gfa_field!(:lbl, fieldname: "#{fieldname} "+
+                               "(entire field content: #{self})" )
+        end
+        os = [l.to_sym, o].to_oriented_segment
+        os.freeze if frozen
+        os
+      end
+      value.freeze if frozen
+      return value
+    else
+      raise RGFA::FieldParser::UnknownDatatypeError,
+        "Datatype unknown: #{datatype.inspect}"
+    end
+  end
+  # Parses an optional field in the form tagname:datatype:value
+  # and parses the value according to the datatype
+  # @raise [RGFA::FieldParser::FormatError] if the string does not represent
+  #   an optional field
+  # @return [Array(Symbol, RGFA::Line::FIELD_DATATYPE, String)]
+  #   the parsed content of the field
+  def parse_gfa_optfield
+    if self =~ /^([A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9]):([AifZJHB]):(.+)$/
+      return $1.to_sym, $2.to_sym, $3
+    else
+      raise RGFA::FieldParser::FormatError,
+        "Expected optional field, found: #{self.inspect}"
+    end
+  end
+# Error raised if the field content has an invalid format
+class RGFA::FieldParser::FormatError < RGFA::Error; end
+# Error raised if an unknown datatype symbol is used
+class RGFA::FieldParser::UnknownDatatypeError < RGFA::Error; end
+class String
+  include RGFA::FieldParser
diff --git a/lib/rgfa/field_validator.rb b/lib/rgfa/field_validator.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3890e68
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/rgfa/field_validator.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,241 @@
+require_relative "field_parser"
+require_relative "line"
+# Methods to validate the string representations of the GFA fields data
+# @api private
+module RGFA::FieldValidator
+  # Validation regular expressions, derived from the GFA specification
+    :A => /^[!-~]$/,         # Printable character
+    :i => /^[-+]?[0-9]+$/,   # Signed integer
+    :f => /^[-+]?[0-9]*\.?[0-9]+([eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?$/,
+                           # Single-precision floating number
+    :Z => /^[ !-~]+$/,       # Printable string, including space
+    :J => /^[ !-~]+$/,       # JSON, excluding new-line and tab characters
+    :H => /^[0-9A-F]+$/,     # Byte array in the Hex format
+    :B => /^[cCsSiIf](,[-+]?[0-9]*\.?[0-9]+([eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?)+$/,
+                           # Integer or numeric array
+    :lbl => /^[!-)+-<>-~][!-~]*$/,       # segment/path label
+    :orn => /^\+|-$/,                    # segment orientation
+    :lbs => /^[!-)+-<>-~][!-~]*[+-](,[!-)+-<>-~][!-~]*[+-])+$/,
+                           # multiple labels with orientations, comma-sep
+    :seq => /^\*$|^[A-Za-z=.]+$/,          # nucleotide sequence
+    :pos => /^[0-9]*$/,                  # positive integer
+    :cig => /^(\*|(([0-9]+[MIDNSHPX=])+))$/, # CIGAR string
+    :cgs => /^(\*|(([0-9]+[MIDNSHPX=])+))(,(\*|(([0-9]+[MIDNSHPX=])+)))*$/,
+                                       # multiple CIGARs, comma-sep
+  }
+  # Validates the string according to the provided datatype
+  # @param datatype [RGFA::Line::FIELD_DATATYPE]
+  # @param fieldname [#to_s] Fieldname to use in the error msg
+  # @raise [RGFA::FieldParser::FormatError] if the string does not match
+  #   the regexp for the provided datatype
+  # @return [void]
+  # @api private
+  def validate_gfa_field!(datatype, fieldname=nil)
+    regexp = DATASTRING_VALIDATION_REGEXP[datatype]
+    raise RGFA::FieldParser::UnknownDatatypeError if regexp.nil?
+    if (regexp !~ self)
+      fieldname ||= "Value"
+      raise RGFA::FieldParser::FormatError,
+        "Wrong format for field #{fieldname}: \n"+
+        "Content: #{self.inspect}\n"+
+        "Datatype: #{datatype}\n"+
+        "Expected regex: #{regexp}\n"
+    end
+  end
+class String
+  include RGFA::FieldValidator
+class Object
+  # @!macro [new] validate_gfa_field
+  #   Validates the object according to the provided datatype
+  #   @param datatype [RGFA::Line::FIELD_DATATYPE]
+  #   @param fieldname [#to_s] Fieldname to use in the error msg
+  #   @raise [RGFA::FieldParser::FormatError] if the object type or content
+  #     is not compatible to the provided datatype
+  #   @return [void]
+  #   @api private
+  def validate_gfa_field!(datatype, fieldname=nil)
+    raise RGFA::FieldParser::FormatError,
+      "Wrong type (#{self.class}) for field #{fieldname}\n"+
+      "Content: #{self.inspect}\n"+
+      "Datatype: #{datatype}"
+  end
+class Symbol
+  # @!macro validate_gfa_field
+  def validate_gfa_field!(datatype, fieldname=nil)
+    if datatype != :lbl and datatype != :orn and datatype != :Z
+      raise RGFA::FieldParser::FormatError,
+        "Wrong type (#{self.class}) for field #{fieldname}\n"+
+        "Content: #{self.inspect}\n"+
+        "Datatype: #{datatype}"
+    end
+    self.to_s.validate_gfa_field!(datatype)
+  end
+class Hash
+  # @!macro validate_gfa_field
+  def validate_gfa_field!(datatype, fieldname=nil)
+    if datatype != :J
+      raise RGFA::FieldParser::FormatError,
+        "Wrong type (#{self.class}) for field #{fieldname}\n"+
+        "Content: #{self.inspect}\n"+
+        "Datatype: #{datatype}"
+    end
+  end
+class Array
+  # @!macro validate_gfa_field
+  def validate_gfa_field!(datatype, fieldname=nil)
+    begin
+      case datatype
+      when :J
+        return
+      when :Z
+        return
+      when :lbs
+        map!(&:to_oriented_segment).each(&:validate!)
+        return
+      when :cig
+        to_cigar.validate!
+        return
+      when :cgs
+        map(&:to_cigar).each(&:validate!)
+        return
+      when :B
+        to_numeric_array.validate!
+        return
+      when :H
+        to_byte_array.validate!
+        return
+      end
+    rescue => err
+      raise RGFA::FieldParser::FormatError,
+        "Invalid content for field #{fieldname}\n"+
+        "Content: #{self.inspect}\n"+
+        "Datatype: #{datatype}\n"+
+        "Error: #{err}"
+    end
+    raise RGFA::FieldParser::FormatError,
+        "Wrong type (#{self.class}) for field #{fieldname}\n"+
+        "Content: #{self.inspect}\n"+
+        "Datatype: #{datatype}"
+  end
+class RGFA::ByteArray
+  # @!macro validate_gfa_field
+  def validate_gfa_field!(datatype, fieldname=nil)
+    if datatype != :H
+      raise RGFA::FieldParser::FormatError,
+          "Wrong type (#{self.class}) for field #{fieldname}\n"+
+          "Content: #{self.inspect}\n"+
+          "Datatype: #{datatype}"
+    end
+    begin
+      validate!
+    rescue => err
+      raise RGFA::FieldParser::FormatError,
+        "Invalid content for field #{fieldname}\n"+
+        "Content: #{self.inspect}\n"+
+        "Datatype: #{datatype}\n"+
+        "Error: #{err}"
+    end
+  end
+class RGFA::CIGAR
+  # @!macro validate_gfa_field
+  def validate_gfa_field!(datatype, fieldname=nil)
+    if datatype != :cig
+      raise RGFA::FieldParser::FormatError,
+          "Wrong type (#{self.class}) for field #{fieldname}\n"+
+          "Content: #{self.inspect}\n"+
+          "Datatype: #{datatype}"
+    end
+    begin
+      validate!
+    rescue => err
+      raise RGFA::FieldParser::FormatError,
+        "Invalid content for field #{fieldname}\n"+
+        "Content: #{self.inspect}\n"+
+        "Datatype: #{datatype}\n"+
+        "Error: #{err}"
+    end
+  end
+class RGFA::NumericArray
+  # @!macro validate_gfa_field
+  def validate_gfa_field!(datatype, fieldname=nil)
+    if datatype != :B
+      raise RGFA::FieldParser::FormatError,
+          "Wrong type (#{self.class}) for field #{fieldname}\n"+
+          "Content: #{self.inspect}\n"+
+          "Datatype: #{datatype}"
+    end
+    begin
+      validate!
+    rescue => err
+      raise RGFA::FieldParser::FormatError,
+        "Invalid content for field #{fieldname}\n"+
+        "Content: #{self.inspect}\n"+
+        "Datatype: #{datatype}\n"+
+        "Error: #{err}"
+    end
+  end
+class Float
+  # @!macro validate_gfa_field
+  def validate_gfa_field!(datatype, fieldname=nil)
+    if datatype != :f and datatype != :Z
+      raise RGFA::FieldParser::FormatError,
+          "Wrong type (#{self.class}) for field #{fieldname}\n"+
+          "Content: #{self.inspect}\n"+
+          "Datatype: #{datatype}"
+    end
+  end
+class Fixnum
+  # @!macro validate_gfa_field
+  def validate_gfa_field!(datatype, fieldname=nil)
+    if (datatype == :pos and self < 0)
+      raise RGFA::FieldParser::FormatError,
+        "Invalid content for field #{fieldname}\n"+
+        "Content: #{self.inspect}\n"+
+        "Datatype: #{datatype}"
+    elsif ![:i, :f, :Z].include?(datatype)
+      raise RGFA::FieldParser::FormatError,
+          "Wrong type (#{self.class}) for field #{fieldname}\n"+
+          "Content: #{self.inspect}\n"+
+          "Datatype: #{datatype}"
+    end
+  end
+class RGFA::Line::Segment
+  # @!macro validate_gfa_field
+  def validate_gfa_field!(datatype, fieldname=nil)
+    if datatype != :lbl
+      raise RGFA::FieldParser::FormatError,
+          "Wrong type (#{self.class}) for field #{fieldname}\n"+
+          "Content: <RGFA::Segment:#{self.to_s}>\n"+
+          "Datatype: #{datatype}"
+    end
+  end
diff --git a/lib/rgfa/field_writer.rb b/lib/rgfa/field_writer.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d54c63b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/rgfa/field_writer.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+require "json"
+require_relative "byte_array"
+require_relative "numeric_array"
+require_relative "line"
+# Methods to convert ruby objects to the GFA string representations
+# @api private
+# The default conversion is implemented in this module, which is included in
+# Object; single classes may overwrite the following methods, if necessary:
+# - {#default_gfa_datatype}, which returns the symbol of the optional
+#   field GFA datatype to use, if none is specified
+#   (See RGFA::Line::FIELD_DATATYPE); the default is :Z
+# - {#to_gfa_field} should return a GFA string representation,
+#   eventually depending on the specified datatype; no validation is done;
+#   the default is #to_s
+module RGFA::FieldWriter
+  # @!macro [new] to_gfa_field
+  #   Representation of the data for GFA fields; this method
+  #   does not (in general) validate the string. The method
+  #   can be overwritten for a given class, and may take
+  #   the {#default_gfa_datatype} into consideration.
+  #   @return [String]
+  #   @api private
+  def to_gfa_field(datatype: nil); to_s; end
+  # Representation of the data as an optional field
+  # @param fieldname [Symbol] the tag name
+  # @param datatype [RGFA::Line::OPTFIELD_DATATYPE] (<i>defaults to: the value
+  #  returned by {#default_gfa_datatype}</i>)
+  # @api private
+  def to_gfa_optfield(fieldname, datatype: default_gfa_datatype)
+    return "#{fieldname}:#{datatype}:#{to_gfa_field(datatype: datatype)}"
+  end
+  # @!macro [new] gfa_datatype
+  #   Optional field GFA datatype to use, if none is provided
+  #   @return [RGFA::Line::FIELD_DATATYPE]
+  #   @api private
+  def default_gfa_datatype; :Z; end
+class Object
+  include RGFA::FieldWriter
+class Fixnum
+  # @!macro gfa_datatype
+  def default_gfa_datatype; :i; end
+class Float
+  # @!macro gfa_datatype
+  def default_gfa_datatype; :f; end
+class Hash
+  # @!macro to_gfa_field
+  def to_gfa_field(datatype: nil); to_json; end
+  # @!macro gfa_datatype
+  def default_gfa_datatype; :J; end
+class Array
+  # @!macro to_gfa_field
+  def to_gfa_field(datatype: default_gfa_datatype)
+    case datatype
+    when :B
+      to_numeric_array.to_s
+    when :J
+      to_json
+    when :cig
+      to_cigar.to_s
+    when :cgs
+      map{|cig|cig.to_cigar.to_s}.join(",")
+    when :lbs
+      map{|os|os.to_oriented_segment.to_s}.join(",")
+    when :H
+      to_byte_array.to_s
+    else
+      map(&:to_s).join(",")
+    end
+  end
+  # @!macro gfa_datatype
+  def default_gfa_datatype
+    (all?{|i|i.kind_of?(Integer)} or all?{|i|i.kind_of?(Float)}) ? :B : :J
+  end
+class RGFA::ByteArray
+  # @!macro gfa_datatype
+  def default_gfa_datatype; :H; end
+class RGFA::NumericArray
+  # @!macro gfa_datatype
+  def default_gfa_datatype; :B; end
+class RGFA::Line::Segment
+  # @!macro to_gfa_field
+  def to_gfa_field(datatype: nil); to_sym.to_s; end
diff --git a/lib/rgfa/headers.rb b/lib/rgfa/headers.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..15c0661
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/rgfa/headers.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+require_relative "error"
+require_relative "field_array"
+# Methods for accessing the GFA header information.
+# The GFA header is accessed using {#header RGFA#header},
+# which returns a {RGFA::Line::Header} object.
+# @example Accessing the header information
+#   rgfa.header.VN # => “1.0”
+#   rgfa.header.co = “This the header comment”
+#   rgfa.header.ni = 100
+#   rgfa.header.field_to_s(:ni) # => “ni:i:100”
+# == Multiple header lines defining the same tag
+# The specification does not explicitely forbid to have the same tag on
+# different lines. To represent this case, a "field array"
+# ({RGFA::FieldArray RGFA::FieldArray}) is used, which is an array of
+# instances of a tag, from different lines of the header.
+# @example Header with tags repeated on different lines (see {RGFA::FieldArray})
+#   rgfa.header.ni # => RGFA::FieldArray<[100,200] @datatype: :i>
+#   rgfa.header.ni[0] # 100
+#   rgfa.header.ni << 200 # “200” is also OK
+#   rgfa.header.ni.map!{|i|i-10}
+#   rgfa.header.ni = [100,200,300].to_rgfa_field_array
+# @example Adding instances of a tag (will go on different header lines)
+#   rgfa.header.add(:xx, 100) # => 100 # single i tag, if .xx did not exist yet
+#   rgfa.header.add(:xx, 100) # => RGFA::FieldArray<[100,100] @datatype: :i>
+#   rgfa.header.add(:xx, 100) # => RGFA::FieldArray<[100,100,100] @datatype :i>
+module RGFA::Headers
+  # @return [RGFA::Line::Header] an header line representing the entire header
+  #   information; if multiple header line were present, and they contain the
+  #   same tag, the tag value is represented by a {RGFA::FieldArray}
+  def header
+    @headers
+  end
+  # Header information in single-tag-lines.
+  #
+  # Returns an array of RGFA::Line::Header
+  # objects, each containing a single field of the header.
+  # @!macro readonly
+  #   @note Read-only! The returned array containes copies of the original
+  #     values, i.e.\ changes in the lines will not affect the RGFA object; to
+  #     update the values in the RGFA use the #header method.
+  # @return [Array<RGFA::Line::Header>]
+  # @api private
+  def headers
+    @headers.split
+  end
+  # Remove all information from the header.
+  # @return [RGFA] self
+  # @api private
+  def delete_headers
+    init_headers
+    return self
+  end
+  protected
+  # Add a GFA line to the header. This is useful for constructing the graph.
+  # For adding values to the header, see #header.
+  # @param gfa_line [String, RGFA::Line::Header] a string representing a valid
+  #   header line, or a RGFA header line object
+  def add_header(gfa_line)
+    gfa_line = gfa_line.to_rgfa_line(validate: @validate)
+    @headers.merge(gfa_line)
+  end
diff --git a/lib/rgfa/line.rb b/lib/rgfa/line.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..287d315
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/rgfa/line.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,721 @@
+require "set"
+# Generic representation of a record of a RGFA file.
+# @!macro [new] rgfa_line
+#   @note
+#     This class is usually not meant to be directly initialized by the user;
+#     initialize instead one of its child classes, which define the concrete
+#     different record types.
+class RGFA::Line
+  # Separator in the string representation of RGFA lines
+  SEPARATOR = "\t"
+  # List of allowed record_type values
+  RECORD_TYPES = [ :H, :S, :L, :C, :P ]
+  # Full name of the record types
+    :H => "header",
+    :S => "segment",
+    :L => "link",
+    :C => "containment",
+    :P => "path",
+  }
+  # A symbol representing a datatype for optional fields
+  OPTFIELD_DATATYPE = [:A, :i, :f, :Z, :J, :H, :B]
+  # A symbol representing a datatype for required fields
+  REQFIELD_DATATYPE = [:lbl, :orn, :lbs, :seq, :pos, :cig, :cgs]
+  # A symbol representing a valid datatype
+  # List of data types which are parsed only on access;
+  # all other are parsed when read.
+  DELAYED_PARSING_DATATYPES = [:cig, :cgs, :lbs, :H, :J, :B]
+  # Direction of a segment for links/containments
+  DIRECTION = [:from, :to]
+  # Orientation of segments in paths/links/containments
+  ORIENTATION = [:+, :-]
+  # @!macro rgfa_line
+  #
+  # @param data [Array<String>] the content of the line; if
+  #   an array of strings, this is interpreted as the splitted content
+  #   of a GFA file line; note: an hash
+  #   is also allowed, but this is for internal usage and shall be considered
+  #   private
+  # @param validate [Integer] see paragraph Validation
+  # @param virtual [Boolean] <i>(default: +false+)</i>
+  #   mark the line as virtual, i.e. not yet found in the GFA file;
+  #   e.g. a link is allowed to refer to a segment which is not
+  #   yet created; in this case a segment marked as virtual is created,
+  #   which is replaced by a non-virtual segment, when the segment
+  #   line is later found
+  #
+  # <b> Constants defined by subclasses </b>
+  #
+  # Subclasses of RGFA::Line _must_ define the following constants:
+  # - REQFIELDS [Array<Symbol>] required fields
+  # - PREDEFINED_OPTFIELDS [Array<Symbol>] predefined optional fields
+  # - DATATYPE [Hash{Symbol=>Symbol}]:
+  #   datatypes for the required fields and the predefined optional fields
+  #
+  # @raise [RGFA::Line::RequiredFieldMissingError]
+  #   if too less required fields are specified
+  # @raise [RGFA::Line::CustomOptfieldNameError]
+  #   if a non-predefined optional field uses upcase letters
+  # @raise [RGFA::Line::DuplicatedOptfieldNameError]
+  #   if an optional field tag name is used more than once
+  # @raise [RGFA::Line::PredefinedOptfieldTypeError]
+  #   if the type of a predefined optional field does not
+  #   respect the specified type.
+  #
+  # @return [RGFA::Line]
+  #
+  # <b>Validation levels</b>
+  #
+  # The default is 2, i.e. if a field content is changed, the user is
+  # responsible to call #validate_field!, if necessary.
+  #
+  # - 0: no validation
+  # - 1: the number of required fields must be correct; optional fields
+  #      cannot be duplicated; custom optional field names must be correct;
+  #      predefined optional fields must have the correct type; only some
+  #      fields are validated on initialization or first-time access to
+  #      the field content
+  # - 2: 1 + all fields are validated on initialization or first-time
+  #      access to the field content
+  # - 3: 2 + all fields are validated on initialization and record-specific
+  #      validations are run (e.g. compare segment LN tag and sequence lenght)
+  # - 4: 3 + all fields are validated on writing to string
+  # - 5: 4 + all fields are validated by get and set methods
+  #
+  def initialize(data, validate: 2, virtual: false)
+    unless self.class.const_defined?(:"RECORD_TYPE")
+      raise RuntimeError, "This class shall not be directly instantiated"
+    end
+    @validate = validate
+    @virtual = virtual
+    @datatype = {}
+    @data = {}
+    if data.kind_of?(Hash)
+      @data.merge!(data)
+    else
+      # normal initialization, data is an array of strings
+      initialize_required_fields(data)
+      initialize_optional_fields(data)
+      validate_record_type_specific_info! if @validate >= 3
+    end
+  end
+  # Select a subclass based on the record type
+  # @raise [RGFA::Line::UnknownRecordTypeError] if the record_type is not valid
+  # @return [Class] a subclass of RGFA::Line
+  def self.subclass(record_type)
+    case record_type.to_sym
+    when :H then RGFA::Line::Header
+    when :S then RGFA::Line::Segment
+    when :L then RGFA::Line::Link
+    when :C then RGFA::Line::Containment
+    when :P then RGFA::Line::Path
+    else
+      raise RGFA::Line::UnknownRecordTypeError,
+        "Record type unknown: '#{record_type}'"
+    end
+  end
+  # @return [Symbol] record type code
+  def record_type
+    self.class::RECORD_TYPE
+  end
+  # @return [Array<Symbol>] fields defined for this instance
+  def fieldnames
+    @data.keys
+  end
+  # @return [Array<Symbol>] name of the required fields
+  def required_fieldnames
+    self.class::REQFIELDS
+  end
+  # @return [Array<Symbol>] name of the optional fields
+  def optional_fieldnames
+    (@data.keys - self.class::REQFIELDS)
+  end
+  # Deep copy of a RGFA::Line instance.
+  # @return [RGFA::Line]
+  def clone
+    data_cpy = {}
+    @data.each_pair do |k, v|
+      if field_datatype(k) == :J
+        data_cpy[k] = JSON.parse(v.to_json)
+      elsif v.kind_of?(Array) or v.kind_of?(String)
+        data_cpy[k] = v.clone
+      else
+        data_cpy[k] = v
+      end
+    end
+    cpy = self.class.new(data_cpy, validate: @validate, virtual: @virtual)
+    cpy.instance_variable_set("@datatype", @datatype.clone)
+    return cpy
+  end
+  # Is the line virtual?
+  #
+  # Is this RGFA::Line a virtual line repreentation
+  # (i.e. a placeholder for an expected but not encountered yet line)?
+  # @api private
+  # @return [Boolean]
+  def virtual?
+    @virtual
+  end
+  # Make a virtual line real.
+  # @api private
+  # This is called when a line which is expected, and for which a virtual
+  # line has been created, is finally found. So the line is converted into
+  # a real line, by merging in the line information from the found line.
+  # @param real_line [RGFA::Line] the real line fou
+  def real!(real_line)
+    @virtual = false
+    real_line.data.each_pair do |k, v|
+      @data[k] = v
+    end
+  end
+  # @return [String] a string representation of self
+  def to_s
+    to_a.join(SEPARATOR)
+  end
+  # @return [Array<String>] an array of string representations of the fields
+  def to_a
+    a = [record_type]
+    required_fieldnames.each {|fn| a << field_to_s(fn, optfield: false)}
+    optional_fieldnames.each {|fn| a << field_to_s(fn, optfield: true)}
+    return a
+  end
+  # Returns the optional fields as an array of [fieldname, datatype, value]
+  # arrays.
+  # @return [Array<[Symbol, Symbol, Object]>]
+  def tags
+    retval = []
+    optional_fieldnames.each do |of|
+      retval << [of, get_datatype(of), get(of)]
+    end
+    return retval
+  end
+  # Remove an optional field from the line, if it exists;
+  #   do nothing if it does not
+  # @param fieldname [Symbol] the tag name of the optfield to remove
+  # @return [Object, nil] the deleted value or nil, if the field was not defined
+  def delete(fieldname)
+    if optional_fieldnames.include?(fieldname)
+      @datatype.delete(fieldname)
+      return @data.delete(fieldname)
+    else
+      return nil
+    end
+  end
+  # Raises an error if the content of the field does not correspond to
+  # the field type
+  #
+  # @param fieldname [Symbol] the tag name of the field to validate
+  # @raise [RGFA::FieldParser::FormatError] if the content of the field is
+  #   not valid, according to its required type
+  # @return [void]
+  def validate_field!(fieldname)
+    v = @data[fieldname]
+    t = field_or_default_datatype(fieldname, v)
+    v.validate_gfa_field!(t, fieldname)
+    return nil
+  end
+  # @!macro [new] field_to_s
+  #   Compute the string representation of a field.
+  #
+  #   @param fieldname [Symbol] the tag name of the field
+  #   @param optfield [Boolean] <i>(defaults to: +false+)</i>
+  #     return the tagname:datatype:value representation
+  #
+  # @raise [RGFA::Line::TagMissingError] if field is not defined
+  # @return [String] the string representation
+  def field_to_s(fieldname, optfield: false)
+    field = @data[fieldname]
+    raise RGFA::Line::TagMissingError,
+      "No value defined for tag #{fieldname}" if field.nil?
+    t = field_or_default_datatype(fieldname, field)
+    if !field.kind_of?(String)
+      field = field.to_gfa_field(datatype: t)
+    end
+    field.validate_gfa_field!(t, fieldname) if @validate >= 4
+    return optfield ? field.to_gfa_optfield(fieldname, datatype: t) : field
+  end
+  # Returns a symbol, which specifies the datatype of a field
+  #
+  # @param fieldname [Symbol] the tag name of the field
+  # @return [RGFA::Line::FIELD_DATATYPE] the datatype symbol
+  def get_datatype(fieldname)
+    field_or_default_datatype(fieldname, @data[fieldname])
+  end
+  # Set the datatype of a field.
+  #
+  # If an existing field datatype is changed, its content may become
+  # invalid (call #validate_field! if necessary).
+  #
+  # If the method is used for a required field or a predefined field,
+  # the line will use the specified datatype instead of the predefined
+  # one, resulting in a potentially invalid line.
+  #
+  # @param fieldname [Symbol] the field name (it is not required that
+  #   the field exists already)
+  # @param datatype [RGFA::Line::FIELD_DATATYPE] the datatype
+  # @raise [RGFA::Line::UnknownDatatype] if +datatype+ is not
+  #   a valid datatype for optional fields
+  # @return [RGFA::Line::FIELD_DATATYPE] the datatype
+  def set_datatype(fieldname, datatype)
+    unless OPTFIELD_DATATYPE.include?(datatype)
+      raise RGFA::Line::UnknownDatatype, "Unknown datatype: #{datatype}"
+    end
+    @datatype[fieldname] = datatype
+  end
+  # Set the value of a field.
+  #
+  # If a datatype for a new custom optional field is not set,
+  # the default for the value assigned to the field will be used
+  # (e.g. J for Hashes, i for Integer, etc).
+  #
+  # @param fieldname [Symbol] the name of the field to set
+  #   (required field, predefined optional field (uppercase) or custom optional
+  #   field name (lowercase))
+  # @raise [RGFA::Line::FieldnameError] if +fieldname+ is not a
+  #   valid predefined or custom optional name (and +validate[:tags]+)
+  # @return [Object] +value+
+  def set(fieldname, value)
+    if @data.has_key?(fieldname) or predefined_optional_fieldname?(fieldname)
+      return set_existing_field(fieldname, value)
+    elsif (@validate == 0) or valid_custom_optional_fieldname?(fieldname)
+      define_field_methods(fieldname)
+      if !@datatype[fieldname].nil?
+        return set_existing_field(fieldname, value)
+      elsif !value.nil?
+        @datatype[fieldname] = value.default_gfa_datatype
+        return @data[fieldname] = value
+      end
+    else
+      raise RGFA::Line::FieldnameError,
+        "#{fieldname} is not an existing or predefined field or a "+
+        "valid custom optional field"
+    end
+  end
+  # Get the value of a field
+  # @param fieldname [Symbol] name of the field
+  # @param frozen [Boolean] <i>defaults to: +false+</i> return a frozen value;
+  #   this guarantees that a validation will not be necessary on output
+  #   if the field value has not been changed using #set
+  # @return [Object,nil] value of the field
+  #   or +nil+ if field is not defined
+  def get(fieldname, frozen: false)
+    v = @data[fieldname]
+    if v.kind_of?(String)
+      t = field_datatype(fieldname)
+      if t != :Z and t != :seq
+        # value was not parsed or was set to a string by the user
+        return (@data[fieldname] = v.parse_gfa_field(datatype: t,
+                                                     validate_strings:
+                                                       @validate >= 2))
+      else
+         v.validate_gfa_field!(t, fieldname) if (@validate >= 5)
+      end
+    elsif !v.nil?
+      if (@validate >= 5)
+        t = field_datatype(fieldname)
+        v.validate_gfa_field!(t, fieldname)
+      end
+    end
+    return v
+  end
+  # Value of a field, raising an exception if it is not defined
+  # @param fieldname [Symbol] name of the field
+  # @raise [RGFA::Line::TagMissingError] if field is not defined
+  # @return [Object,nil] value of the field
+  def get!(fieldname)
+    v = get(fieldname)
+    raise RGFA::Line::TagMissingError,
+      "No value defined for tag #{fieldname}" if v.nil?
+    return v
+  end
+  # Methods are dynamically created for non-existing but valid optional
+  # field names. Methods for predefined optional fields and required fields
+  # are created dynamically for each subclass; methods for existing optional
+  # fields are created on instance initialization.
+  #
+  # ---
+  #  - (Object) <fieldname>(parse=true)
+  # The parsed content of a field. See also #get.
+  #
+  # <b>Parameters:</b>
+  #
+  # <b>Returns:</b>
+  # - (String, Hash, Array, Integer, Float) the parsed content of the field
+  # - (nil) if the field does not exist, but is a valid optional field name
+  #
+  # ---
+  #  - (Object) <fieldname>!(parse=true)
+  # The parsed content of a field, raising an exception if not available.
+  # See also #get!.
+  #
+  # <b>Returns:</b>
+  # - (String, Hash, Array, Integer, Float) the parsed content of the field
+  #
+  # <b>Raises:</b>
+  # - (RGFA::Line::TagMissingError) if the field does not exist
+  #
+  # ---
+  #
+  #  - (self) <fieldname>=(value)
+  # Sets the value of a required or optional
+  # field, or creates a new optional field if the fieldname is
+  # non-existing but valid. See also #set, #set_datatype.
+  #
+  # <b>Parameters:</b>
+  # - +*value*+ (String|Hash|Array|Integer|Float) value to set
+  #
+  # ---
+  #
+  def method_missing(m, *args, &block)
+    field_name, operation, state = split_method_name(m)
+    if ((operation == :get or operation == :get!) and args.size > 1) or
+       (operation == :set and args.size != 1)
+      raise ArgumentError, "wrong number of arguments"
+    end
+    case state
+    when :invalid
+      super
+    when :existing
+      case operation
+      when :get
+        if args[0] == false
+          field_to_s(field_name)
+        else
+          get(field_name)
+        end
+      when :get!
+        if args[0] == false
+          field_to_s!(field_name)
+        else
+          get!(field_name)
+        end
+      when :set
+        set_existing_field(field_name, args[0])
+        return nil
+      end
+    when :valid
+      case operation
+      when :get
+        return nil
+      when :get!
+        raise RGFA::Line::TagMissingError,
+          "No value defined for tag #{field_name}"
+      when :set
+        set(field_name, args[0])
+        return nil
+      end
+    end
+  end
+  # Redefines respond_to? to correctly handle dynamical methods.
+  # @see #method_missing
+  def respond_to?(m, include_all=false)
+    super || (split_method_name(m)[2] != :invalid)
+  end
+  # @return self
+  # @param validate [Boolean] ignored (compatibility reasons)
+  def to_rgfa_line(validate: nil)
+    self
+  end
+  # Equivalence check
+  # @return [Boolean] does the line has the same record type,
+  #   contains the same optional fields
+  #   and all required and optional fields contain the same field values?
+  # @see RGFA::Line::Link#==
+  def ==(o)
+    return self.to_sym == o.to_sym if o.kind_of?(Symbol)
+    return false if (o.record_type != self.record_type)
+    return false if o.data.keys.sort != data.keys.sort
+    o.data.each do |k, v|
+      if @data[k] != o.data[k]
+        if field_to_s(k) != o.field_to_s(k)
+          return false
+        end
+      end
+    end
+    return true
+  end
+  # Validate the RGFA::Line instance
+  # @raise [RGFA::FieldParser::FormatError] if any field content is not valid
+  # @return [void]
+  def validate!
+    fieldnames.each {|fieldname| validate_field!(fieldname) }
+    validate_record_type_specific_info!
+  end
+  protected
+  def data
+    @data
+  end
+  def datatype
+    @datatype
+  end
+  private
+  def n_required_fields
+    self.class::REQFIELDS.size
+  end
+  def field_datatype(fieldname)
+    @datatype.fetch(fieldname, self.class::DATATYPE[fieldname])
+  end
+  def field_or_default_datatype(fieldname, value)
+    t = field_datatype(fieldname)
+    if t.nil?
+      t = value.default_gfa_datatype
+      @datatype[fieldname] = t
+    end
+    return t
+  end
+  def init_field_value(n ,t, s)
+    if @validate >= 3
+      s = s.parse_gfa_field(datatype: t, validate_strings: true)
+    elsif !DELAYED_PARSING_DATATYPES.include?(t)
+      s = s.parse_gfa_field(datatype: t, validate_strings: false)
+    end
+    @data[n] = s
+  end
+  def set_existing_field(fieldname, value)
+    if value.nil?
+      @data.delete(fieldname)
+    else
+      if @validate >= 5
+        field_or_default_datatype(fieldname, value)
+        value.validate_gfa_field!(field_datatype(fieldname), fieldname)
+      end
+      @data[fieldname] = value
+    end
+  end
+  def initialize_required_fields(strings)
+    if (@validate >= 1) and (strings.size < n_required_fields)
+      raise RGFA::Line::RequiredFieldMissingError,
+        "#{n_required_fields} required fields expected, "+
+        "#{strings.size}) found\n#{strings.inspect}"
+    end
+    n_required_fields.times do |i|
+      n = self.class::REQFIELDS[i]
+      init_field_value(n, self.class::DATATYPE[n], strings[i])
+    end
+  end
+  def valid_custom_optional_fieldname?(fieldname)
+    /^[a-z][a-z0-9]$/ =~ fieldname
+  end
+  def validate_custom_optional_fieldname!(fieldname)
+    if not valid_custom_optional_fieldname?(fieldname)
+      raise RGFA::Line::CustomOptfieldNameError,
+        "#{fieldname} is not a valid custom optional field name"
+    end
+  end
+  def predefined_optional_fieldname?(fieldname)
+    self.class::PREDEFINED_OPTFIELDS.include?(fieldname)
+  end
+  def initialize_optional_fields(strings)
+    n_required_fields.upto(strings.size-1) do |i|
+      n, t, s = strings[i].parse_gfa_optfield
+      if (@validate > 0)
+        if @data.has_key?(n)
+          raise RGFA::Line::DuplicatedOptfieldNameError,
+            "Optional field #{n} found multiple times"
+        elsif predefined_optional_fieldname?(n)
+          unless t == self.class::DATATYPE[n]
+            raise RGFA::Line::PredefinedOptfieldTypeError,
+              "Optional field #{n} must be of type "+
+              "#{self.class::DATATYPE[n]}, #{t} found"
+          end
+        elsif not valid_custom_optional_fieldname?(n)
+            raise RGFA::Line::CustomOptfieldNameError,
+              "Custom-defined optional "+
+              "fields must be lower case; found: #{n}"
+        else
+          @datatype[n] = t
+        end
+      else
+        (@datatype[n] = t) if !field_datatype(t)
+      end
+      init_field_value(n, t, s)
+    end
+  end
+  def split_method_name(m)
+    if @data.has_key?(m)
+      return m, :get, :existing
+    else
+      case m[-1]
+      when "!"
+        var = :get!
+        m = m[0..-2].to_sym
+      when "="
+        var = :set
+        m = m[0..-2].to_sym
+      else
+        var = :get
+      end
+      if @data.has_key?(m)
+        state = :existing
+      elsif self.class::PREDEFINED_OPTFIELDS.include?(m) or
+          valid_custom_optional_fieldname?(m)
+        state = :valid
+      else
+        state = :invalid
+      end
+      return m, var, state
+    end
+  end
+  def validate_record_type_specific_info!
+  end
+  #
+  # Define field methods for a single field
+  #
+  def define_field_methods(fieldname)
+    define_singleton_method(fieldname) do
+      get(fieldname)
+    end
+    define_singleton_method :"#{fieldname}!" do
+      get!(fieldname)
+    end
+    define_singleton_method :"#{fieldname}=" do |value|
+      set_existing_field(fieldname, value)
+    end
+  end
+  #
+  # This avoids calls to method_missing for fields which are already defined
+  #
+  def self.define_field_methods!
+    (self::REQFIELDS+self::PREDEFINED_OPTFIELDS).each do |fieldname|
+      define_method(fieldname) do
+        get(fieldname)
+      end
+      define_method :"#{fieldname}!" do
+        get!(fieldname)
+      end
+      define_method :"#{fieldname}=" do |value|
+        set_existing_field(fieldname, value)
+      end
+    end
+  end
+  private_class_method :define_field_methods!
+# Error raised if the record_type is not one of RGFA::Line::RECORD_TYPES
+class RGFA::Line::UnknownRecordTypeError      < RGFA::Error;     end
+# Error raised if an invalid datatype symbol is found
+class RGFA::Line::UnknownDatatype             < RGFA::Error;     end
+# Error raised if an invalid fieldname symbol is found
+class RGFA::Line::FieldnameError              < RGFA::Error;     end
+# Error raised if optional tag is not present
+class RGFA::Line::TagMissingError             < RGFA::Error; end
+# Error raised if too less required fields are specified.
+class RGFA::Line::RequiredFieldMissingError   < RGFA::Error; end
+# Error raised if a non-predefined optional field uses upcase
+# letters.
+class RGFA::Line::CustomOptfieldNameError     < RGFA::Error; end
+# Error raised if an optional field tag name is used more than once.
+class RGFA::Line::DuplicatedOptfieldNameError < RGFA::Error; end
+# Error raised if the type of a predefined optional field does not
+# respect the specified type.
+class RGFA::Line::PredefinedOptfieldTypeError < RGFA::Error;     end
+# Require the child classes
+require_relative "line/header.rb"
+require_relative "line/segment.rb"
+require_relative "line/path.rb"
+require_relative "line/link.rb"
+require_relative "line/containment.rb"
+# Extensions to the String core class.
+class String
+  # Parses a line of a RGFA file and creates an object of the correct
+  #   record type child class of {RGFA::Line}
+  # @return [subclass of RGFA::Line]
+  # @raise [RGFA::Error] if the fields do not comply to the RGFA specification
+  # @param validate [Integer] <i>(defaults to: 2)</i>
+  #   see RGFA::Line#initialize
+  def to_rgfa_line(validate: 2)
+    split(RGFA::Line::SEPARATOR).to_rgfa_line(validate: validate)
+  end
+# Extensions to the Array core class.
+class Array
+  # Parses an array containing the fields of a RGFA file line and creates an
+  # object of the correct record type child class of {RGFA::Line}
+  # @note
+  #  This method modifies the content of the array; if you still
+  #  need the array, you must create a copy before calling it
+  # @return [subclass of RGFA::Line]
+  # @raise [RGFA::Error] if the fields do not comply to the RGFA specification
+  # @param validate [Integer] <i>(defaults to: 2)</i>
+  #   see RGFA::Line#initialize
+  def to_rgfa_line(validate: 2)
+    RGFA::Line.subclass(shift).new(self, validate: validate)
+  end
diff --git a/lib/rgfa/line/containment.rb b/lib/rgfa/line/containment.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..df57a41
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/rgfa/line/containment.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+# A containment line of a RGFA file
+class RGFA::Line::Containment < RGFA::Line
+  REQFIELDS = [:from, :from_orient, :to, :to_orient, :pos, :overlap]
+     :from => :lbl,
+     :from_orient => :orn,
+     :to => :lbl,
+     :to_orient => :orn,
+     :pos => :pos,
+     :overlap => :cig,
+     :MQ => :i,
+     :NM => :i,
+  }
+  define_field_methods!
+  # @return [RGFA::OrientedSegment] the oriented segment represented by the
+  #   from/from_orient fields
+  def oriented_from
+    [from, from_orient].to_oriented_segment
+  end
+  # @return [RGFA::OrientedSegment] the oriented segment represented by the
+  #   to/to_orient fields
+  def oriented_to
+    [to, to_orient].to_oriented_segment
+  end
+  # The from segment name, in both cases where from is a segment name (Symbol)
+  # or a segment (RGFA::Line::Segment)
+  # @return [Symbol]
+  def from_name
+    from.to_sym
+  end
+  # The to segment name, in both cases where to is a segment name (Symbol)
+  # or a segment (RGFA::Line::Segment)
+  # @return [Symbol]
+  def to_name
+    to.to_sym
+  end
+  # @return [Integer,nil] the rightmost 0-based coordinate of the contained
+  #   sequence in the container; nil if the overlap is unspecified
+  def rpos
+    return nil if overlap.empty?
+    rpos = pos
+    overlap.each do |op|
+      if [:M, :D].include?(op.code)
+        rpos += op.len
+      end
+    end
+    return rpos
+  end
+  # Returns true if the containment is normal, false otherwise
+  #
+  # <b> Definition of normal containment </b>
+  #
+  # Each containment has an equivalent reverse containment.
+  # Consider a containment of B (length:8) in A (length:100) at position 9 of A
+  # with a cigar 1M1I2M3D4M (i.e. rpos = 19).
+  #
+  #   A+ B+ 1M1I2M3D4M 9 == A- B- 4M3D2M1I1M 80
+  #   A+ B- 1M1I2M3D4M 9 == A- B+ 4M3D2M1I1M 80
+  #   A- B+ 1M1I2M3D4M 9 == A+ B- 4M3D2M1I1M 80
+  #   A- B- 1M1I2M3D4M 9 == A+ B+ 4M3D2M1I1M 80
+  #
+  # Pos in the reverse is equal to the length of A minus the right pos
+  # of B before reversing.
+  #
+  # We require here that A != B as A == B makes no sense for containments.
+  # Thus it is always possible to express the containment using a positive
+  # from orientation.
+  #
+  # For this reason the normality is simply defined as + from orientation.
+  #
+  # @return [Boolean]
+  #
+  def normal?
+    from_orient == :+
+  end
diff --git a/lib/rgfa/line/header.rb b/lib/rgfa/line/header.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6741101
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/rgfa/line/header.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+# A header line of a RGFA file
+# For examples on how to set the header data, see {RGFA::Headers}.
+# @see RGFA::Line
+class RGFA::Line::Header < RGFA::Line
+    :VN => :Z
+  }
+  define_field_methods!
+  # Set a header value (multi-value compatible).
+  #
+  # If a field does not exist yet, set it to value. If it exists and it is a
+  # {RGFA::FieldArray}, add the value to the field array. If it exists and it
+  # is not a field array, create a field array with the previous value and
+  # the new one
+  # @param fieldname [Symbol]
+  # @param value [Object]
+  # @param datatype [RGFA::Line::OPTFIELD_DATATYPE, nil] the datatype to use;
+  #   the default is to determine the datatype according to the value or the
+  #   previous values present int the field
+  def add(fieldname, value, datatype=nil)
+    fieldname = fieldname.to_sym
+    prev = get(fieldname)
+    if prev.nil?
+      set_datatype(fieldname, datatype) if datatype
+      set(fieldname, value)
+      return self
+    elsif !prev.kind_of?(RGFA::FieldArray)
+      prev = RGFA::FieldArray.new(get_datatype(fieldname), [prev])
+      set_datatype(fieldname, :J)
+      set(fieldname,prev)
+    end
+    prev.push_with_validation(value, datatype, fieldname)
+    return self
+  end
+  # Array of optional tags data.
+  #
+  # Returns the optional fields as an array of [fieldname, datatype, value]
+  # arrays. If a field is a FieldArray, this is splitted into multiple fields
+  # with the same fieldname.
+  # @return [Array<(Symbol, Symbol, Object)>]
+  # @api private
+  def tags
+    retval = []
+    optional_fieldnames.each do |of|
+      value = get(of)
+      if value.kind_of?(RGFA::FieldArray)
+        value.each do |elem|
+          retval << [of, value.datatype, elem]
+        end
+      else
+        retval << [of, get_datatype(of), value]
+      end
+    end
+    return retval
+  end
+  # Split the header line into single-tag lines.
+  #
+  # If a tag is a FieldArray, this is splitted into multiple fields
+  # with the same fieldname.
+  # @return [Array<RGFA::Line::Header>]
+  # @api private
+  def split
+    tags.map do |tagname, datatype, value|
+      h = RGFA::Line::Header.new([], validate: @validate)
+      h.set_datatype(tagname, datatype)
+      h.set(tagname, value)
+      h
+    end
+  end
+  # Merge an additional {RGFA::Line::Header} line into this header line.
+  # @param gfa_line [RGFA::Line::Header] the header line to merge
+  # @return [self]
+  # @api private
+  def merge(gfa_line)
+    gfa_line.optional_fieldnames.each do |of|
+      add(of, gfa_line.get(of), gfa_line.get_datatype(of))
+    end
+    self
+  end
diff --git a/lib/rgfa/line/link.rb b/lib/rgfa/line/link.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8796fef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/rgfa/line/link.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,379 @@
+# A link connects two segments, or a segment to itself.
+class RGFA::Line::Link < RGFA::Line
+  REQFIELDS = [:from, :from_orient, :to, :to_orient, :overlap]
+     :from => :lbl,
+     :from_orient => :orn,
+     :to => :lbl,
+     :to_orient => :orn,
+     :overlap => :cig,
+     :MQ => :i,
+     :NM => :i,
+     :RC => :i,
+     :FC => :i,
+     :KC => :i,
+  }
+  define_field_methods!
+  # The other segment of a link
+  # @param segment [RGFA::Line::Segment, Symbol] segment name or instance
+  # @raise [RGFA::LineMissingError]
+  #   if segment is not involved in the link
+  # @return [Symbol] the name of the other segment of the link
+  #   if circular, then +segment+
+  def other(segment)
+    segment_name =
+      (segment.kind_of?(RGFA::Line::Segment) ? segment.name : segment.to_sym)
+    if segment_name == from.to_sym
+      to
+    elsif segment_name == to.to_sym
+      from
+    else
+      raise RGFA::LineMissingError,
+        "Link #{self} does not involve segment #{segment_name}"
+    end
+  end
+  # @return [Boolean] is the from and to segments are equal
+  def circular?
+    from.to_sym == to.to_sym
+  end
+  # @return [Boolean] is the from and to segments are equal
+  def circular_same_end?
+    from_end == to_end
+  end
+  # @return [RGFA::OrientedSegment] the oriented segment represented by the
+  #   from/from_orient fields
+  def oriented_from
+    [from, from_orient].to_oriented_segment
+  end
+  # @return [RGFA::OrientedSegment] the oriented segment represented by the
+  #   to/to_orient fields
+  def oriented_to
+    [to, to_orient].to_oriented_segment
+  end
+  # @return [RGFA::SegmentEnd] the segment end represented by the
+  #   from/from_orient fields
+  def from_end
+    [from, from_orient == :+ ? :E : :B].to_segment_end
+  end
+  # @return [RGFA::SegmentEnd] the segment end represented by the
+  #   to/to_orient fields
+  def to_end
+    [to, to_orient == :+ ? :B : :E].to_segment_end
+  end
+  # Signature of the segment ends, for debugging
+  # @api private
+  def segment_ends_s
+    [from_end.to_s, to_end.to_s].join("---")
+  end
+  # @param segment_end [RGFA::SegmentEnd] one of the two segment ends
+  #   of the link
+  # @return [RGFA::SegmentEnd] the other segment end
+  #
+  # @raise [ArgumentError] if segment_end is not a valid segment end
+  #   representation
+  # @raise [RuntimeError] if segment_end is not a segment end of the link
+  def other_end(segment_end)
+    segment_end = segment_end.to_segment_end
+    if (from_end == segment_end)
+      return to_end
+    elsif (to_end == segment_end)
+      return from_end
+    else
+      raise "Segment end '#{segment_end.inspect}' not found\n"+
+            "(from=#{from_end.inspect};to=#{to_end.inspect})"
+    end
+  end
+  # The from segment name, in both cases where from is a segment name (Symbol)
+  # or a segment (RGFA::Line::Segment)
+  # @return [Symbol]
+  def from_name
+    from.to_sym
+  end
+  # The to segment name, in both cases where to is a segment name (Symbol)
+  # or a segment (RGFA::Line::Segment)
+  # @return [Symbol]
+  def to_name
+    to.to_sym
+  end
+  # Returns true if the link is normal, false otherwise
+  #
+  # == Definition of normal link
+  #
+  # Each link has an equivalent reverse link. Consider a link of A to B
+  # with a overlap 1M1I2M:
+  #
+  #   from+ to to+ (1M1I2M) == to- to from- (2M1D1M)
+  #   from- to to- (1M1I2M) == to+ to from+ (2M1D1M)
+  #   from+ to to- (1M1I2M) == to+ to from- (2M1D1M)
+  #   from- to to+ (1M1I2M) == to- to from+ (2M1D1M)
+  #
+  # Consider also the special case, where from == to and the overlap is not
+  # specified, or equal to its reverse:
+  #
+  #   from+ to from+ (*) == from- to from- (*) # left has a +; right has no +
+  #   from- to from- (*) == from+ to from+ (*) # left has no +; right has a +
+  #   from+ to from- (*) == from+ to from- (*) # left == right
+  #   from- to from+ (*) == from- to from+ (*) # left == right
+  #
+  # Thus we define a link as normal if:
+  # - from < to (lexicographical comparison of segments)
+  # - from == to and overlap.to_s < reverse_overlap.to_s
+  # - from == to, overlap == reverse_overlap and at least one orientation is +
+  #
+  # @return [Boolean]
+  #
+  def normal?
+    if from_name < to_name
+      return true
+    elsif from_name > to_name
+      return false
+    else
+      overlap_s = overlap.to_s
+      reverse_overlap_s = reverse_overlap.to_s
+      if overlap_s < reverse_overlap_s
+        return true
+      elsif overlap_s > reverse_overlap_s
+        return false
+      else
+        return [from_orient, to_orient].include?(:+)
+      end
+    end
+  end
+  # Returns the unchanged link if the link is normal,
+  # otherwise reverses the link and returns it.
+  #
+  # @note The path references are not corrected by this method; therefore
+  #   the method shall be used before the link is embedded in a graph.
+  #
+  # @return [RGFA::Line::Link] self
+  def normalize!
+    reverse! if !normal?
+  end
+  # Creates a link with both strands of the sequences inverted.
+  # The CIGAR operations (order/type) are inverted as well.
+  # Optional fields are left unchanged.
+  #
+  # @note The path references are not copied to the reverse link.
+  #
+  # @note This method shall be overridden if custom optional fields
+  #   are defined, which have a ``reverse'' operation which determines
+  #   their value in the equivalent but reverse link.
+  #
+  # @return [RGFA::Line::Link] the inverted link.
+  def reverse
+    l = self.clone
+    l.from = to
+    l.from_orient = (to_orient == :+ ? :- : :+)
+    l.to = from
+    l.to_orient = (from_orient == :+ ? :- : :+)
+    l.overlap = reverse_overlap
+    l
+  end
+  # Reverses the link inplace, i.e. sets:
+  #   from = to
+  #   from_orient = other_orient(to_orient)
+  #   to = from
+  #   to_orient = other_orient(from_orient)
+  #   overlap = reverse_overlap.
+  #
+  # The optional fields are left unchanged.
+  #
+  # @note The path references are not reversed by this method; therefore
+  #   the method shall be used before the link is embedded in a graph.
+  #
+  # @note This method shall be overridden if custom optional fields
+  #   are defined, which have a ``reverse'' operation which determines
+  #   their value in the equivalent but reverse link.
+  #
+  # @return [RGFA::Line::Link] self
+  def reverse!
+    tmp = self.from
+    self.from = self.to
+    self.to = tmp
+    tmp = self.from_orient
+    self.from_orient = (self.to_orient == :+) ? :- : :+
+    self.to_orient = (tmp == :+) ? :- : :+
+    self.overlap = self.reverse_overlap
+    return self
+  end
+  # Paths for which the link is required.
+  #
+  # The return value is an empty array
+  # if the link is not embedded in a graph.
+  #
+  # Otherwise, an array of tuples path/boolean is returned.
+  # The boolean value tells
+  # if the link is used in direct (true) or reverse direction (false)
+  # in the path.
+  # @return [Array<Array<(RGFA::Line::Path, Boolean)>>]
+  def paths
+    @paths ||= []
+    @paths
+  end
+  # Compute the overlap when the strand of both sequences is inverted.
+  #
+  # @return [RGFA::CIGAR]
+  def reverse_overlap
+    self.overlap.reverse
+  end
+  #
+  # Compares two links and determine their equivalence.
+  # Thereby, optional fields are not considered.
+  #
+  # @note Inverting the strand of both links and reversing
+  #   the CIGAR operations (order/type), one obtains a
+  #   reverse but equivalent link.
+  #
+  # @param other [RGFA::Line::Link] a link
+  # @return [Boolean] are self and other equivalent?
+  # @see #==
+  # @see #same?
+  # @see #reverse?
+  def eql?(other)
+    same?(other) or reverse?(other)
+  end
+  # Compares the optional fields of two links.
+  #
+  # @note This method shall be overridden if custom optional fields
+  #   are defined, which have a ``reverse'' operation which determines
+  #   their value in the equivalent but reverse link.
+  #
+  # @param other [RGFA::Line::Link] a link
+  # @return [Boolean] are self and other equivalent?
+  # @see #==
+  def eql_optional?(other)
+    (self.optional_fieldnames.sort == other.optional_fieldnames.sort) and
+      optional_fieldnames.each {|fn| self.get(fn) == other.get(fn)}
+  end
+  # Compares two links and determine their equivalence.
+  # Optional fields must have the same content.
+  #
+  # @note Inverting the strand of both links and reversing
+  #   the CIGAR operations (order/type), one obtains an equivalent
+  #   link.
+  #
+  # @param other [RGFA::Line::Link] a link
+  # @return [Boolean] are self and other equivalent?
+  # @see #eql?
+  # @see #eql_optional?
+  #def ==(other)
+  #  eql?(other) and eql_optional?(other)
+  #end
+  # Compares two links and determine their equivalence.
+  # Thereby, optional fields are not considered.
+  #
+  # @param other [RGFA::Line::Link] a link
+  # @return [Boolean] are self and other equivalent?
+  # @see #eql?
+  # @see #reverse?
+  # @see #==
+  def same?(other)
+    (from_end == other.from_end and
+      to_end == other.to_end and
+      overlap == other.overlap)
+  end
+  # Compares the reverse of the link to another link
+  # and determine their equivalence.
+  # Thereby, optional fields are not considered.
+  #
+  # @param other [RGFA::Line::Link] the other link
+  # @return [Boolean] are the reverse of self and other equivalent?
+  # @see #eql?
+  # @see #same?
+  # @see #==
+  def reverse?(other)
+    (from_end == other.to_end and
+      to_end == other.from_end and
+      overlap == other.reverse_overlap)
+  end
+  # Computes an hash for including a link in an Hash tables,
+  # so that the hash of a link and its reverse is the same.
+  # Thereby, optional fields are not considered.
+  # @see #eql?
+  def hash
+    from_end.hash + to_end.hash + overlap.hash + reverse_overlap.to_s.hash
+  end
+  # Compares a link and optionally the reverse link,
+  # with two oriented_segments and optionally an overlap.
+  # @param [RGFA::OrientedSegment] other_oriented_from
+  # @param [RGFA::OrientedSegment] other_oriented_to
+  # @param equivalent [Boolean] shall the reverse link also be considered?
+  # @param [RGFA::CIGAR] other_overlap compared only if not empty
+  # @return [Boolean] does the link or, if +equivalent+,
+  #   the reverse link go from the first
+  #   oriented segment to the second with an overlap equal to the provided one
+  #   (if not empty)?
+  def compatible?(other_oriented_from, other_oriented_to, other_overlap = [],
+                  equivalent = true)
+    other_overlap = other_overlap.to_cigar
+    is_direct = compatible_direct?(other_oriented_from, other_oriented_to,
+                                   other_overlap)
+    if is_direct
+      return true
+    elsif equivalent
+      return compatible_reverse?(other_oriented_from, other_oriented_to,
+                          other_overlap)
+    else
+      return false
+    end
+  end
+  # Compares a link with two oriented segments and optionally an overlap.
+  # @param [RGFA::OrientedSegment] other_oriented_from
+  # @param [RGFA::OrientedSegment] other_oriented_to
+  # @param [RGFA::CIGAR] other_overlap compared only if not empty
+  # @return [Boolean] does the link go from the first
+  #   oriented segment to the second with an overlap equal to the provided one
+  #   (if not empty)?
+  def compatible_direct?(other_oriented_from, other_oriented_to,
+                         other_overlap = [])
+    (oriented_from == other_oriented_from and
+     oriented_to == other_oriented_to) and
+     (overlap.empty? or other_overlap.empty? or (overlap == other_overlap))
+  end
+  # Compares the reverse link with two oriented segments and optionally an
+  # overlap.
+  # @param [RGFA::OrientedSegment] other_oriented_from
+  # @param [RGFA::OrientedSegment] other_oriented_to
+  # @param [RGFA::CIGAR] other_overlap compared only if not empty
+  # @return [Boolean] does the reverse link go from the first
+  #   oriented segment to the second with an overlap equal to the provided one
+  #   (if not empty)?
+  def compatible_reverse?(other_oriented_from, other_oriented_to,
+                          other_overlap = [])
+    (oriented_to == other_oriented_from.invert_orient and
+     oriented_from == other_oriented_to.invert_orient) and
+     (overlap.empty? or other_overlap.empty? or (overlap == other_overlap))
+  end
diff --git a/lib/rgfa/line/path.rb b/lib/rgfa/line/path.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9ae9c5f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/rgfa/line/path.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+# A path line of a RGFA file
+class RGFA::Line::Path < RGFA::Line
+  REQFIELDS = [:path_name, :segment_names, :cigars]
+    :path_name => :lbl,
+    :segment_names => :lbs,
+    :cigars => :cgs,
+  }
+  define_field_methods!
+  # @note The field names are derived from the RGFA specification at:
+  #   https://github.com/pmelsted/RGFA-spec/blob/master/RGFA-spec.md#path-line
+  #   and were made all downcase with _ separating words;
+  #   the cigar and segment_name regexps and name were changed to better
+  #   implement what written in the commentaries of the specification
+  #   (i.e. name pluralized and regexp changed to a comma-separated list
+  #   for segment_name of segment names and orientations and for cigar of
+  #   CIGAR strings);
+  # @return [Symbol] name of the path as symbol
+  def to_sym
+    name.to_sym
+  end
+  # Is the path circular? In this case the number of CIGARs must be
+  # equal to the number of segments.
+  # @return [Boolean]
+  def circular?
+    self.cigars.size == self.segment_names.size
+  end
+  # Is the path linear? This is the case when the number of CIGARs
+  # is equal to the number of segments minus 1, or the CIGARs are
+  # represented by a single "*".
+  def linear?
+    !circular?
+  end
+  # Are the cigars a single "*"? This is a compact representation of
+  # a linear path where all CIGARs are "*"
+  # @return [Boolean]
+  def undef_cigars?
+    self.cigars.size == 1 and self.cigars[0].empty?
+  end
+  # The links to which the path refers; it can be an empty array
+  # (e.g. from a line which is not embedded in a graph);
+  # the boolean is true if the equivalent reverse link is used.
+  # @return [Array<RGFA::Line::Link, Boolean>]
+  def links
+    @links ||= []
+    @links
+  end
+  # computes the list of links which are required to support
+  # the path
+  # @return [Array<[RGFA::OrientedSegment, RGFA::OrientedSegment, RGFA::Cigar]>]
+  #   an array, which elements are 3-tuples (from oriented segment,
+  #   to oriented segment, cigar)
+  def required_links
+    has_undef_cigars = self.undef_cigars?
+    retval = []
+    self.segment_names.size.times do |i|
+      j = i+1
+      if j == self.segment_names.size
+        circular? ? j = 0 : break
+      end
+      cigar = has_undef_cigars ? [] : self.cigars[i]
+      retval << [self.segment_names[i], self.segment_names[j], cigar]
+    end
+    retval
+  end
+  private
+  def validate_lists_size!
+    n_cigars = self.cigars.size
+    n_segments = self.segment_names.size
+    if n_cigars == n_segments - 1
+      # case 1: linear path
+      return true
+    elsif n_cigars == 1 and self.cigars[0].empty?
+      # case 2: linear path, single "*" to represent cigars which are all "*"
+      return true
+    elsif n_cigars == n_segments
+      # case 3: circular path
+    else
+      raise RGFA::Line::Path::ListLengthsError,
+        "Path has #{n_segments} oriented segments, "+
+        "but #{n_cigars} CIGARs"
+    end
+  end
+  def validate_record_type_specific_info!
+    validate_lists_size!
+  end
+# Error raised if number of segments and cigars are not consistent
+class RGFA::Line::Path::ListLengthsError < RGFA::Error; end
diff --git a/lib/rgfa/line/segment.rb b/lib/rgfa/line/segment.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1b59226
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/rgfa/line/segment.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,207 @@
+# A segment line of a RGFA file
+class RGFA::Line::Segment < RGFA::Line
+  REQFIELDS = [:name, :sequence]
+    :name => :lbl,
+    :sequence => :seq,
+    :LN => :i,
+    :RC => :i,
+    :FC => :i,
+    :KC => :i
+  }
+  define_field_methods!
+  attr_writer :links, :containments, :paths
+  # References to the links in which the segment is involved.
+  #
+  # @!macro references_table
+  #   The references are in four arrays which are
+  #   accessed from a nested hash table. The first key is
+  #   the direction (from or to), the second is the orientation
+  #   (+ or -).
+  #
+  # @example
+  #   segment.links[:from][:+]
+  #
+  # @return [Hash{RGFA::Line::DIRECTION => Hash{RGFA::Line::ORIENTATION => Array<RGFA::Line::Link>}}]
+  def links
+    @links ||= {:from => {:+ => [], :- => []},
+                :to   => {:+ => [], :- => []}}
+    @links
+  end
+  # References to the containments in which the segment is involved.
+  # @!macro references_table
+  #
+  # @example
+  #   segment.containments[:from][:+]
+  #
+  # @return [Hash{RGFA::Line::DIRECTION => Hash{RGFA::Line::ORIENTATION => Array<RGFA::Line::Containment>}}]
+  def containments
+    @containments ||= {:from => {:+ => [], :- => []},
+                       :to   => {:+ => [], :- => []}}
+    @containments
+  end
+  # References to the containments in which the segment is involved.
+  #
+  # The references are in two arrays which are
+  # accessed from a hash table. The key is the orientation
+  # (+ or -).
+  #
+  # @example
+  #   segment.paths[:+]
+  #
+  # @return [Hash{RGFA::Line::ORIENTATION => Array<RGFA::Line::Path>}]
+  def paths
+    @paths ||= {:+ => [], :- => []}
+    @paths
+  end
+  # All containments where a segment is involved.
+  # @!macro this_is_a_copy
+  #   @note the list shall be considered read-only, as this
+  #     is a copy of the original arrays of references, concatenated
+  #     to each other.
+  def all_containments
+    l = self.containments
+    l[:from][:+] + l[:from][:-] + l[:to][:+] + l[:to][:-]
+  end
+  # All links where the segment is involved.
+  # @!macro this_is_a_copy
+  def all_links
+    l = self.links
+    l[:from][:+] + l[:from][:-] + l[:to][:+] + l[:to][:-]
+  end
+  # All links and containments where the segment is involved.
+  # @!macro this_is_a_copy
+  def all_connections
+    all_links + all_containments
+  end
+  # All paths where the segment is involved.
+  # @!macro this_is_a_copy
+  def all_paths
+    pt = self.paths
+    pt[:+] + pt[:-]
+  end
+  # All paths, links and containments where the segment is involved.
+  # @!macro this_is_a_copy
+  def all_references
+    all_connections + all_paths
+  end
+  # @raise [RGFA::Line::Segment::InconsistentLengthError]
+  #    if sequence length and LN tag are not consistent.
+  def validate_length!
+    if sequence != "*" and optional_fieldnames.include?(:LN)
+      if self.LN != sequence.length
+        raise RGFA::Line::Segment::InconsistentLengthError,
+          "Length in LN tag (#{self.LN}) "+
+          "is different from length of sequence field (#{sequence.length})"
+      end
+    end
+  end
+  # @!macro [new] length
+  #   @return [Integer] value of LN tag, if segment has LN tag
+  #   @return [Integer] sequence length if no LN and sequence not "*"
+  # @return [nil] if sequence is "*"
+  # @see #length!
+  def length
+    if self.LN
+      self.LN
+    elsif sequence != "*"
+      sequence.length
+    else
+      nil
+    end
+  end
+  # @!macro length
+  # @!macro [new] length_needed
+  #   @raise [RGFA::Line::Segment::UndefinedLengthError] if not an LN tag and
+  #     the sequence is "*"
+  # @see #length
+  def length!
+    l = self.length()
+    raise RGFA::Line::Segment::UndefinedLengthError,
+      "No length information available" if l.nil?
+    return l
+  end
+  # @!macro [new] coverage
+  #   The coverage computed from a count_tag.
+  #   If unit_length is provided then: count/(length-unit_length+1),
+  #   otherwise: count/length.
+  #   The latter is a good approximation if length >>> unit_length.
+  #   @param [Symbol] count_tag <i>(defaults to +:RC+)</i>
+  #     integer tag storing the count, usually :KC, :RC or :FC
+  #   @param [Integer] unit_length the (average) length of a read (for
+  #     :RC), fragment (for :FC) or k-mer (for :KC)
+  #   @return [Integer] coverage, if count_tag and length are defined
+  # @return [nil] otherwise
+  # @see #coverage!
+  def coverage(count_tag: :RC, unit_length: 1)
+    if optional_fieldnames.include?(count_tag) and self.length
+      return (self.get(count_tag).to_f)/(self.length-unit_length+1)
+    else
+      return nil
+    end
+  end
+  # @see #coverage
+  # @!macro coverage
+  # @raise [RGFA::Line::TagMissingError] if segment does not have count_tag
+  # @!macro length_needed
+  def coverage!(count_tag: :RC, unit_length: 1)
+    c = coverage(count_tag: count_tag, unit_length: unit_length)
+    if c.nil?
+      self.length!
+      raise RGFA::Line::TagMissingError,
+        "Tag #{count_tag} undefined for segment #{name}"
+    else
+      return c
+    end
+  end
+  # @return string representation of the segment
+  # @param [Boolean] without_sequence if +true+, output "*" instead of sequence
+  def to_s(without_sequence: false)
+    if !without_sequence
+      return super()
+    else
+      saved = self.sequence
+      self.sequence = "*"
+      retval = super()
+      self.sequence = saved
+      return retval
+    end
+  end
+  # @return [Symbol] name of the segment as symbol
+  def to_sym
+    name.to_sym
+  end
+  private
+  def validate_record_type_specific_info!
+    validate_length!
+  end
+# Error raised if length of segment cannot be computed
+class RGFA::Line::Segment::UndefinedLengthError < RGFA::Error; end
+# Error raised if length of segment and LN are not consistent
+class RGFA::Line::Segment::InconsistentLengthError < RGFA::Error; end
diff --git a/lib/rgfa/linear_paths.rb b/lib/rgfa/linear_paths.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d3c2588
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/rgfa/linear_paths.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,285 @@
+require_relative "segment_ends_path"
+# Methods for the RGFA class, which allow to find and merge linear paths.
+module RGFA::LinearPaths
+  require "set"
+  #
+  # Find a path without branches.
+  #
+  # The path must
+  # include +segment+ and excludes segments in +exclude+.
+  # Any segment used in the returned path will be added to +exclude+
+  #
+  # @param s [String|RGFA::Line::Segment] a segment name or instance
+  # @param exclude [Set<String>] a set of segment names to exclude from the path
+  # @return [Array<RGFA::SegmentEnd>]
+  #
+  def linear_path(s, exclude = Set.new)
+    s = s.to_sym
+    cs = connectivity(s)
+    segpath = RGFA::SegmentEndsPath.new()
+    [:B, :E].each_with_index do |et, i|
+      if cs[i] == 1
+        exclude << s
+        segpath.pop
+        segpath += traverse_linear_path(RGFA::SegmentEnd.new([s, et]), exclude)
+      end
+    end
+    return (segpath.size < 2) ? nil : segpath
+  end
+  # Find all unbranched paths in the graph.
+  #
+  # @return [Array<Array<RGFA::SegmentEnd>>]
+  def linear_paths
+    exclude = Set.new
+    retval = []
+    segnames = segment_names
+    progress_log_init(:linear_paths, "segments", segnames.size,
+      "Detect linear paths (#{segnames.size} segments)")  if @progress
+    segnames.each do |sn|
+      progress_log(:linear_paths) if @progress
+      next if exclude.include?(sn)
+      retval << linear_path(sn, exclude)
+    end
+    progress_log_end(:linear_paths)
+    return retval.compact
+  end
+  # Merge a linear path, i.e. a path of segments without extra-branches
+  # @!macro [new] merge_lim
+  #   Limitations: all containments und paths involving merged segments are
+  #   deleted.
+  #
+  # @param segpath [Array<RGFA::SegmentEnd>] a linear path, such as that
+  #   retrieved by {#linear_path}
+  # @!macro [new] merge_options
+  #   @param options [Hash] optional keyword arguments
+  #   @option options [String, :short, nil] :merged_name (nil)
+  #     if nil, the merged_name is automatically computed; if :short,
+  #     a name is computed starting with "merged1" and calling next until
+  #     an available name is founf; if String, the name to use
+  #   @option options [Boolean] :cut_counts (false)
+  #     if true, total count in merged segment m, composed of segments
+  #     s of set S is multiplied by the factor Sum(|s in S|)/|m|
+  #
+  # @return [RGFA] self
+  # @see #merge_linear_paths
+  def merge_linear_path(segpath, **options)
+    return if segpath.size < 2
+    segpath.map!{|se|se.to_segment_end}
+    if segpath[1..-2].any? {|sn,et| connectivity(sn) != [1,1]}
+      raise ArgumentError, "The specified path is not linear"
+    end
+    merged, first_reversed, last_reversed =
+      create_merged_segment(segpath, options)
+    self << merged
+    link_merged(merged.name, segpath.first.to_segment_end.invert_end_type,
+                first_reversed)
+    link_merged(merged.name, segpath.last, last_reversed)
+    segpath.each do |sn_et|
+      delete_segment(sn_et.segment)
+      progress_log(:merge_linear_paths, 0.05) if @progress
+    end
+    self
+  end
+  # Merge all linear paths in the graph, i.e.
+  # paths of segments without extra-branches
+  # @!macro merge_lim
+  # @!macro merge_options
+  #
+  # @return [RGFA] self
+  def merge_linear_paths(**options)
+    paths = linear_paths
+    psize = paths.flatten.size / 2
+    progress_log_init(:merge_linear_paths, "segments", psize,
+      "Merge #{paths.size} linear paths (#{psize} segments)") if @progress
+    paths.each do |path|
+      merge_linear_path(path, **options)
+    end
+    progress_log_end(:merge_linear_paths)
+    self
+  end
+  private
+  # Traverse the links, starting from the segment +from+ :E end if
+  # +traverse_from_E_end+ is true, or :B end otherwise.
+  #
+  # If any segment after +from+ is found whose name is included in +exclude+
+  # the traversing is interrupted. The +exclude+ set is updated, so that
+  # circular paths are avoided.
+  #
+  # *Arguments*:
+  #   - +from+ -> first segment
+  #   - +traverse_from_E_end+ -> if true, start from E end, otherwise from B end
+  #   - +exclude+ -> Set of names of already visited segments
+  #
+  # *Side Effects*:
+  #   - Any element added to the returned list is also added to +exclude+
+  #
+  # *Returns*:
+  #   - An array of segment names of the unbranched path.
+  #     If +from+ is not an element of an unbranched path then [].
+  #     Otherwise the first (and possibly only) element is +from+.
+  #     All elements in the index range 1..-2 are :internal.
+  def traverse_linear_path(segment_end, exclude)
+    list = RGFA::SegmentEndsPath.new()
+    current = segment_end
+    loop do
+      after  = links_of(current)
+      before = links_of(current.to_segment_end.invert_end_type)
+      cs = connectivity_symbols(before.size, after.size)
+      if cs == [1,1] or list.empty?
+        list << current
+        exclude << current.name
+        l = after.first
+        current = l.other_end(current).invert_end_type
+        break if exclude.include?(current.name)
+      elsif cs[0] == 1
+        list << current
+        exclude << current.name
+        break
+      else
+        break
+      end
+    end
+    return segment_end.end_type == :B ? list.reverse : list
+  end
+  def sum_of_counts(segpath, multfactor = 1)
+    retval = {}
+    segs = segpath.map {|sn,et|segment!(sn)}
+    [:KC, :RC, :FC].each do |count_tag|
+      segs.each do |s|
+        if s.optional_fieldnames.include?(count_tag)
+          retval[count_tag] ||= 0
+          retval[count_tag] += s.get(count_tag)
+        end
+      end
+      if retval[count_tag]
+        retval[count_tag] = (retval[count_tag] * multfactor).to_i
+      end
+    end
+    return retval
+  end
+  def reverse_segment_name(name, separator)
+    name.to_s.split(separator).map do |part|
+      openp = part[0] == "("
+      part = part[1..-1] if openp
+      closep = part[-1] == ")"
+      part = part[0..-2] if closep
+      part = (part[-1] == "^") ? part[0..-2] : part+"^"
+      part += ")" if openp
+      part = "(#{part}" if closep
+      part
+    end.reverse.join(separator)
+  end
+  def reverse_pos_array(pos_array, lastpos)
+    return nil if pos_array.nil? or lastpos.nil?
+    pos_array.map {|pos| lastpos - pos + 1}.reverse
+  end
+  def add_segment_to_merged(merged, segment, reversed, cut, init, options)
+    s = (reversed ? segment.sequence.rc[cut..-1] : segment.sequence[cut..-1])
+    if init
+      merged.sequence = s
+      merged.name = (options[:merged_name].nil? ?
+                     segment.name : options[:merged_name])
+      merged.LN = segment.LN
+    else
+      (segment.sequence == "*") ? (merged.sequence = "*")
+                                : (merged.sequence += s)
+      if options[:merged_name].nil?
+        merged.name = "#{merged.name}_#{segment.name}"
+      end
+      if merged.LN
+        segment.LN ? merged.LN += (segment.LN - cut)
+                   : merged.LN = nil
+      end
+    end
+  end
+  def create_merged_segment(segpath, options)
+    merged = segment!(segpath.first.first).clone
+    total_cut = 0
+    a = segpath.first
+    first_reversed = (a.end_type == :B)
+    last_reversed = nil
+    if options[:merged_name] == :short
+      forbidden = (segment_names + path_names)
+      options[:merged_name] = "merged1"
+      while forbidden.include?(options[:merged_name])
+        options[:merged_name] = options[:merged_name].next
+      end
+    end
+    add_segment_to_merged(merged, segment(a.segment), first_reversed, 0, true,
+                          options)
+    progress_log(:merge_linear_paths, 0.95) if @progress
+    (segpath.size-1).times do |i|
+      b = segpath[i+1].to_segment_end.invert_end_type
+      l = link!(a, b)
+      if l.overlap == []
+        cut = 0
+      elsif l.overlap.all?{|op|[:M, :"="].include?(op.code)}
+        cut = l.overlap.map(&:len).inject(:+)
+      else
+        raise ArgumentError,
+          "Merging is only allowed if all operations are M/="
+      end
+      total_cut += cut
+      last_reversed = (b[1] == :E)
+      add_segment_to_merged(merged, segment(b.segment), last_reversed, cut,
+                            false, options)
+      a = b.to_segment_end.invert_end_type
+      if @progress
+        progress_log(:merge_linear_paths, 0.95)
+      end
+    end
+    if merged.sequence != "*"
+      if merged.LN.nil?
+        merged.LN = merged.sequence.length
+      elsif @validate and merged.LN != merged.sequence.length
+        raise RGFA::Line::Segment::InconsistentLengthError,
+              "Computed sequence length #{merged.sequence.length} "+
+              "and computed LN #{merged.LN} differ"
+      end
+    end
+    if merged.LN.nil?
+      [:KC, :RC, :FC].each {|count_tag| merged.set(count_tag, nil)}
+    else
+      sum_of_counts(segpath, (options[:cut_counts] ?
+                              merged.LN.to_f / (total_cut+merged.LN) : 1)).
+          each do |count_tag, count|
+        merged.set(count_tag, count)
+      end
+    end
+    return merged, first_reversed, last_reversed
+  end
+  def link_merged(merged_name, segment_end, reversed)
+    links_of(segment_end).each do |l|
+      l2 = l.clone
+      if l2.to == segment_end.first
+        l2.to = merged_name
+        if reversed
+          l2.to_orient = RGFA::OrientedSegment.invert(l2.to_orient)
+        end
+      else
+        l2.from = merged_name
+        if reversed
+          l2.from_orient = RGFA::OrientedSegment.invert(l2.from_orient)
+        end
+      end
+      self << l2
+    end
+  end
diff --git a/lib/rgfa/lines.rb b/lib/rgfa/lines.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8a719f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/rgfa/lines.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
+require_relative "error"
+# Methods for the RGFA class, which allow to handle lines of multiple types.
+module RGFA::Lines
+  # Add a line to a RGFA
+  #
+  # @overload <<(gfa_line_string)
+  #   @param [String] gfa_line_string representation of a RGFA line
+  # @overload <<(gfa_line)
+  #   @param [RGFA::Line] gfa_line instance of a subclass of RGFA::Line
+  # @raise [RGFA::DuplicatedLabelError] if multiple segment or path lines
+  #   with the same name are added
+  # @return [RGFA] self
+  def <<(gfa_line)
+    gfa_line = gfa_line.to_rgfa_line(validate: @validate)
+    rt = gfa_line.record_type
+    case rt
+    when :H
+      add_header(gfa_line)
+    when :S
+      add_segment(gfa_line)
+    when :L
+      add_link(gfa_line)
+    when :C
+      add_containment(gfa_line)
+    when :P
+      add_path(gfa_line)
+    else
+      raise # this never happens, as already catched by gfa_line init
+    end
+    return self
+  end
+  # Delete elements from the RGFA graph
+  # @overload rm(segment)
+  #   @param segment [String, RGFA::Line::Segment] segment name or instance
+  # @overload rm(path)
+  #   @param path [String, RGFA::Line::Segment] path name or instance
+  # @overload rm(link)
+  #   @param link [RGFA::Line::Link] link
+  # @overload rm(containment)
+  #   @param link [RGFA::Line::Containment] containment
+  # @overload rm(:headers)
+  #   Remove all headers
+  # @overload rm(array)
+  #   Calls {#rm} using each element of the array as argument
+  #   @param array [Array]
+  # @overload rm(method_name, *args)
+  #   Call a method of RGFA instance, then {#rm} for each returned value
+  #   @param method_name [Symbol] method to call
+  #   @param args arguments of the method
+  # @return [RGFA] self
+  def rm(x, *args)
+    if x.kind_of?(RGFA::Line)
+      raise ArgumentError,
+        "One argument required if first RGFA::Line" if !args.empty?
+      case x.record_type
+      when :H then raise ArgumentError, "Cannot remove single header lines"
+      when :S then delete_segment(x)
+      when :P then delete_path(x)
+      when :L then delete_link(x)
+      when :C then delete_containment(x)
+      end
+    elsif x.kind_of?(Symbol)
+      if @segments.has_key?(x)
+        if !args.empty?
+          raise ArgumentError, "One arguments required if first segment name"
+        end
+        delete_segment(x)
+      elsif @paths.has_key?(x)
+        if !args.empty?
+          raise ArgumentError, "One argument required if first path name"
+        end
+        delete_path(x)
+      elsif x == :headers
+        if !args.empty?
+          raise ArgumentError, "One argument required if first :headers"
+        end
+        delete_headers
+      else
+        if respond_to?(x)
+          rm(send(x, *args))
+        else
+          raise ArgumentError, "Cannot remove #{x.inspect}"
+        end
+      end
+    elsif x.kind_of?(String)
+      rm(x.to_sym, *args)
+    elsif x.kind_of?(Array)
+      x.each {|elem| rm(elem, *args)}
+    elsif x.nil?
+      return self
+    else
+      raise ArgumentError, "Cannot remove #{x.inspect}"
+    end
+    return self
+  end
+  # Rename a segment or a path
+  #
+  # @param old_name [String] the name of the segment or path to rename
+  # @param new_name [String] the new name for the segment or path
+  #
+  # @raise[RGFA::DuplicatedLabelError]
+  #   if +new_name+ is already a segment or path name
+  # @return [RGFA] self
+  def rename(old_name, new_name)
+    old_name = old_name.to_sym
+    new_name = new_name.to_sym
+    s = segment(old_name)
+    pt = nil
+    if s.nil?
+      pt = path(old_name)
+      if pt.nil?
+        raise RGFA::LineMissingError,
+          "#{old_name} is not a path or segment name"
+      end
+    end
+    if segment(new_name) or path(new_name)
+      raise RGFA::DuplicatedLabelError,
+        "#{new_name} is already a path or segment name"
+    end
+    if s
+      s.name = new_name
+      @segments.delete(old_name)
+      @segments[new_name] = s
+    else
+      pt.path_name = new_name
+      @paths.delete(old_name)
+      @paths[new_name] = pt
+    end
+    self
+  end
+  private
+  def lines
+    headers + segments + links + containments + paths
+  end
+  def each_line(&block)
+    lines.each(&block)
+  end
+# Exception raised if a label for segment or path is duplicated
+class RGFA::DuplicatedLabelError < RGFA::Error; end
+# The error raised by banged line finders if no line respecting the criteria
+# exist in the RGFA
+class RGFA::LineMissingError < RGFA::Error; end
diff --git a/lib/rgfa/links.rb b/lib/rgfa/links.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..824b75f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/rgfa/links.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,242 @@
+require_relative "error"
+# Methods for the RGFA class, which allow to handle links in the graph.
+module RGFA::Links
+  def add_link(gfa_line)
+    gfa_line = gfa_line.to_rgfa_line(validate: @validate)
+    gfa_line.normalize!
+    l = nil
+    if segment(gfa_line.from) and segment(gfa_line.to)
+      l = link_from_to(gfa_line.oriented_from,
+                       gfa_line.oriented_to,
+                       gfa_line.overlap)
+    end
+    if l.nil?
+      @links << gfa_line
+      [:from, :to].each do |dir|
+        segment_name = gfa_line.send(dir).to_sym
+        orient = gfa_line.send(:"#{dir}_orient").to_sym
+        if !@segments.has_key?(segment_name)
+          raise RGFA::LineMissingError if @segments_first_order
+          @segments[segment_name] =
+            RGFA::Line::Segment.new({:name => segment_name},
+                                    virtual: true)
+        end
+        @segments[segment_name].links[dir][orient] << gfa_line
+        gfa_line.send(:"#{dir}=", @segments[segment_name])
+      end
+    elsif l.virtual?
+      l.real!(gfa_line)
+    else
+      return
+    end
+  end
+  protected :add_link
+  # Deletes a link and all paths depending on it
+  #
+  # @param l [RGFA::Line::Link] link instance
+  # @return [RGFA] self
+  def delete_link(l)
+    @links.delete(l)
+    segment(l.from).links[:from][l.from_orient].delete(l)
+    segment(l.to).links[:to][l.to_orient].delete(l)
+    l.paths.each {|pt, orient| delete_path(pt)}
+  end
+  # Remove all links of a segment end end except that to the other specified
+  # segment end.
+  # @param segment_end [RGFA::SegmentEnd] the segment end
+  # @param other_end [RGFA::SegmentEnd] the other segment end
+  # @param conserve_components [Boolean] <i>(defaults to: +false+)</i>
+  #   Do not remove links if removing them breaks the graph into unconnected
+  #   components.
+  # @return [RGFA] self
+  def delete_other_links(segment_end, other_end, conserve_components: false)
+    other_end = other_end.to_segment_end
+    links_of(segment_end).each do |l|
+      if l.other_end(segment_end) != other_end
+        if !conserve_components or !cut_link?(l)
+          delete_link(l)
+        end
+      end
+    end
+  end
+  # All links of the graph
+  # @return [Array<RGFA::Line::Link>]
+  def links
+    @links
+  end
+  # Finds links of the specified end of segment.
+  #
+  # @param [RGFA::SegmentEnd] segment_end a segment end
+  #
+  # @return [Array<RGFA::Line::Link>] if segment_end[1] == :E,
+  #   links from sn with from_orient + and to sn with to_orient -
+  # @return [Array<RGFA::Line::Link>] if segment_end[1] == :B,
+  #   links to sn with to_orient + and from sn with from_orient -
+  #
+  # @note to add or remove links, use the appropriate methods;
+  #   adding or removing links from the returned array will not work
+  def links_of(segment_end)
+    segment_end = segment_end.to_segment_end
+    s = segment!(segment_end.segment)
+    o = segment_end.end_type == :E ? [:+,:-] : [:-,:+]
+    s.links[:from][o[0]] + s.links[:to][o[1]]
+  end
+  # Finds segment ends connected to the specified segment end.
+  #
+  # @param [RGFA::SegmentEnd] segment_end a segment end
+  #
+  # @return [Array<RGFA::SegmentEnd>>] segment ends connected by links
+  #   to +segment_end+
+  def neighbours(segment_end)
+    links_of(segment_end).map {|l| l.other_end(segment_end) }
+  end
+  # Searches all links between +segment_end1+ and +segment_end2+
+  #
+  # @!macro [new] two_segment_ends
+  #   @param segment_end1 [RGFA::SegmentEnd] a segment end
+  #   @param segment_end2 [RGFA::SegmentEnd] a segment end
+  # @return [Array<RGFA::Line::Link>] (possibly empty)
+  def links_between(segment_end1, segment_end2)
+    segment_end1 = segment_end1.to_segment_end
+    segment_end2 = segment_end2.to_segment_end
+    links_of(segment_end1).select do |l|
+      l.other_end(segment_end1) == segment_end2
+    end
+  end
+  # @!macro [new] link
+  #   Searches a link between +segment_end1+ and +segment_end2+
+  #   @!macro two_segment_ends
+  #   @return [RGFA::Line::Link] the first link found
+  # @return [nil] if no link is found.
+  def link(segment_end1, segment_end2)
+    segment_end1 = segment_end1.to_segment_end
+    segment_end2 = segment_end2.to_segment_end
+    links_of(segment_end1).each do |l|
+      return l if l.other_end(segment_end1) == segment_end2
+    end
+    return nil
+  end
+  # @!macro link
+  # @raise [RGFA::LineMissingError] if no link is found.
+  def link!(segment_end1, segment_end2)
+    l = link(segment_end1, segment_end2)
+    raise RGFA::LineMissingError,
+      "No link was found: "+
+          "#{segment_end1.to_s} -- "+
+          "#{segment_end2.to_s}" if l.nil?
+    l
+  end
+  # Find links from the segment in the specified orientation
+  # (or the equivalent links, i.e. to the segment in opposite orientation).
+  #
+  # @param [RGFA::OrientedSegment] oriented_segment a segment with orientation
+  # @param equivalent [Boolean] return also equivalent links.
+  # @return [Array<RGFA::Line::Link>]
+  # @note to add or remove links, use the appropriate methods;
+  #   adding or removing links from the returned array will not work
+  def links_from(oriented_segment, equivalent = true)
+    oriented_segment = oriented_segment.to_oriented_segment
+    s = segment!(oriented_segment.segment)
+    retval = s.links[:from][oriented_segment.orient]
+    if equivalent
+      retval + s.links[:to][oriented_segment.orient_inverted]
+    else
+      retval
+    end
+  end
+  # Find links to the segment in the specified orientation
+  # (or the equivalent links, i.e. from the segment in opposite orientation).
+  #
+  # @param [RGFA::OrientedSegment] oriented_segment a segment with orientation
+  # @param equivalent [Boolean] return also equivalent links.
+  # @return [Array<RGFA::Line::Link>]
+  # @note to add or remove links, use the appropriate methods;
+  #   adding or removing links from the returned array will not work
+  def links_to(oriented_segment, equivalent = true)
+    oriented_segment = oriented_segment.to_oriented_segment
+    s = segment!(oriented_segment.segment)
+    retval = s.links[:to][oriented_segment.orient]
+    if equivalent
+      retval + s.links[:from][oriented_segment.orient_inverted]
+    else
+      retval
+    end
+  end
+  # Search all links from a segment S1 in a given orientation
+  # to another segment S2 in a given, or the equivalent
+  # links from S2 to S1 with inverted orientations.
+  #
+  # @param [RGFA::OrientedSegment] oriented_segment1 a segment with orientation
+  # @param [RGFA::OrientedSegment] oriented_segment2 a segment with orientation
+  # @param [RGFA::CIGAR] cigar shall match if not empty/undef
+  # @param equivalent [Boolean] return also equivalent links.
+  # @return [Array<RGFA::Line::Link>]
+  # @note to add or remove links, use the appropriate methods;
+  #   adding or removing links from the returned array will not work
+  def links_from_to(oriented_segment1, oriented_segment2,
+                    cigar = [], equivalent = true)
+    oriented_segment1 = oriented_segment1.to_oriented_segment
+    oriented_segment2 = oriented_segment2.to_oriented_segment
+    links_from(oriented_segment1, equivalent).select do |l|
+      l.compatible?(oriented_segment1, oriented_segment2, cigar, equivalent)
+    end
+  end
+  # Search the link from a segment S1 in a given orientation
+  # to another segment S2 in a given, or the equivalent
+  # link from S2 to S1 with inverted orientations.
+  #
+  # @param [RGFA::OrientedSegment] oriented_segment1 a segment with orientation
+  # @param [RGFA::OrientedSegment] oriented_segment2 a segment with orientation
+  # @param [RGFA::CIGAR] cigar shall match if not empty/undef
+  # @param equivalent [Boolean] return also equivalent links.
+  # @return [RGFA::Line::Link] the first link found
+  # @return [nil] if no link is found.
+  def link_from_to(oriented_segment1, oriented_segment2,
+                   cigar = [], equivalent = true)
+    oriented_segment1 = oriented_segment1.to_oriented_segment
+    oriented_segment2 = oriented_segment2.to_oriented_segment
+    links_from(oriented_segment1, equivalent).select do |l|
+      return l if l.compatible?(oriented_segment1, oriented_segment2,
+                                cigar, equivalent)
+    end
+    return nil
+  end
+  # Search the link from a segment S1 in a given orientation
+  # to another segment S2 in a given, or the equivalent
+  # link from S2 to S1 with inverted orientations.
+  #
+  # @param [RGFA::OrientedSegment] oriented_segment1 a segment with orientation
+  # @param [RGFA::OrientedSegment] oriented_segment2 a segment with orientation
+  # @param [RGFA::CIGAR] cigar shall match if not empty/undef
+  # @param equivalent [Boolean] return also equivalent links.
+  # @return [RGFA::Line::Link] the first link found
+  # @raise [RGFA::LineMissingError] if no link is found.
+  def link_from_to!(oriented_segment1, oriented_segment2,
+                    cigar = [], equivalent = true)
+    l = link_from_to(oriented_segment1, oriented_segment2,
+                     cigar, equivalent)
+    raise RGFA::LineMissingError,
+      "No link was found: "+
+          "#{oriented_segment1.join(":")} -> "+
+          "#{oriented_segment2.join(":")}" if l.nil?
+    l
+  end
diff --git a/lib/rgfa/logger.rb b/lib/rgfa/logger.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7ba2304
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/rgfa/logger.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
+# This class allows to output a message to the log file or STDERR and
+# to keep track of the progress of a method which takes long time to complete.
+# @api private
+class RGFA::Logger
+  # Information about the progress of a computation
+  ProgressData = Struct.new(:counter, :units, :partsize,
+                            :lastpart, :total, :starttime,
+                            :strlen)
+  # Create a Logger instance
+  #
+  # @param channel [#puts]
+  #    where to output (default: STDERR)
+  # @param prefix [String]
+  #   output prefix (default: "#")
+  # @param verbose_level [Integer]
+  #   0: no logging; >0: the higher, the more logging
+  # @return [RGFA::Logger]
+  def initialize(verbose_level: 1, channel: STDERR, prefix: "#")
+    @progress = false
+    if !verbose_level.kind_of?(Integer)
+      raise ArgumentError, "verbose_level must be an Integer"
+    end
+    if !channel.respond_to?(:puts)
+      raise TypeError, "channel must provide a puts method"
+    end
+    @channel = channel
+    @pfx = prefix
+    @verbose_level = verbose_level
+    @data = {}
+  end
+  # Output a message
+  #
+  # @param msg [String] message to output
+  # @param min_verbose_level [Integer]
+  # @return [void]
+  def log(msg, min_verbose_level=1)
+    @channel.puts "#@pfx #{msg}" if @verbose_level >= min_verbose_level
+    return nil
+  end
+  # Enable output from the Logger instance
+  #
+  # @param part [Float]
+  #  - part = 0      => output at every call of {RGFA::Logger.progress_log}
+  #  - 0 < part < 1  => output once per part of the total progress
+  #                     (e.g. 0.001 = log every 0.1% progress)
+  #  - part = 1      => output only total elapsed time
+  # @return [void]
+  def enable_progress(part: 0.1)
+    if part < 0 or part > 1
+      raise ArgumentError, "part must be in range [0..1]"
+    end
+    @progress = true
+    @part = part
+    @channel.puts "#@pfx Progress logging enabled" if @verbose_level > 0
+    return nil
+  end
+  # Disable progress logging
+  # @return [void]
+  def disable_progress
+    @progress = false
+    @channel.puts "#@pfx Progress logging disabled" if @verbose_level > 0
+    return nil
+  end
+  # @!macro progress_init
+  #   Initialize progress logging for a computation
+  #   @param symbol [Symbol] a symbol assigned to the computation
+  #   @param units [String] a string with the name of the units, in plural
+  #   @param total [Integer] total number of units
+  #   @param initmsg [String] an optional message to output at the beginning
+  # @return [void]
+  def progress_init(symbol, units, total, initmsg = nil)
+    return nil if !@progress or total == 0
+    str = "#@pfx 0.0% #{units} processed"
+    @data[symbol] = ProgressData.new(0, units, (@part*total).to_i, 1, total,
+                                     Time.now, str.size)
+    @channel.puts "#@pfx #{initmsg}" if initmsg
+    @channel.print str if @part != 1
+    return nil
+  end
+  # @!macro [new] progress_log
+  #   Updates progress logging for a computation
+  #   @!macro [new] prlog
+  #     @param symbol [Symbol] the symbol assigned to the computation at
+  #       init time
+  #     @param keyargs [Hash] additional units to display, with their current
+  #       value (e.g. segments_processed: 10000)
+  #   @param progress [Integer] how many units were processed
+  # @return [void]
+  def progress_log(symbol, progress=1, **keyargs)
+    return nil if !@progress or @part == 1
+    data = @data[symbol]
+    return nil if data.nil?
+    data.counter += progress
+    if data.counter == data.total
+      progress_end(symbol)
+    elsif data.partsize == 0 or
+        (data.counter / data.partsize).to_i > data.lastpart
+      return nil if data.partsize == 0 and @part > 0
+        # this means total is very small
+      data.lastpart = data.counter / data.partsize if data.partsize > 0
+      done = data.counter.to_f / data.total
+      t = Time.now - data.starttime
+      eta = (t / done) - t
+      tstr= ("Elapsed: %02dh %02dmin %02ds" % [t/3600, t/60%60, t%60])
+      etastr = ("ETA: %02dh %02dmin %02ds" % [eta/3600, eta/60%60, eta%60])
+      donestr = "%.1f" % (done*100)
+      keystr = ""
+      keyargs.each {|k,v| keystr << "; #{k}: #{v}"}
+      str = "#@pfx #{donestr}% #{data.units} processed "+
+              "[#{tstr}; #{etastr}#{keystr}]"
+      if str.size > data.strlen
+        data.strlen = str.size
+        spacediff = ""
+      else
+        spacediff = " "*(data.strlen-str.size)
+      end
+      @channel.print "\r#{str}#{spacediff}"
+      @channel.flush
+    end
+    return nil
+  end
+  # @!macro [new] progress_end
+  #   Completes progress logging for a computation
+  #   @!macro prlog
+  # @return [void]
+  def progress_end(symbol, **keyargs)
+    return if !@progress
+    data = @data[symbol]
+    return if data.nil?
+    t = Time.now - data.starttime
+    tstr= ("Elapsed time: %02dh %02dmin %02ds" % [t/3600, t/60%60, t%60])
+    quantity = @part == 1 ? data.total.to_s : "100.0%"
+    keystr = ""
+    keyargs.each {|k,v| keystr << "; #{k}: #{v}"}
+    str = "#@pfx #{quantity} #{data.units} processed [#{tstr}#{keystr}]"
+    spacediff = " "*([data.strlen - str.size,0].max)
+    @channel.print "\r" if @part != 1
+    @channel.puts "#{str}#{spacediff}"
+    @channel.flush
+    @data.delete(symbol)
+    return nil
+  end
+# Progress logging related-methods for RGFA class
+module RGFA::LoggerSupport
+  # Activate logging of progress
+  # @return [RGFA] self
+  def enable_progress_logging(part: 0.1, channel: STDERR)
+    @progress = RGFA::Logger.new(channel: channel)
+    @progress.enable_progress(part: part)
+    return self
+  end
+  # @!macro progress_init
+  # @return [RGFA] self
+  # @api private
+  def progress_log_init(symbol, units, total, initmsg = nil)
+    @progress.progress_init(symbol, units, total, initmsg) if @progress
+    return self
+  end
+  # @!macro progress_log
+  # @return [RGFA] self
+  # @api private
+  def progress_log(symbol, progress=1, **keyargs)
+    @progress.progress_log(symbol, progress) if @progress
+    return self
+  end
+  # @!macro progress_end
+  # @return [RGFA] self
+  # @api private
+  def progress_log_end(symbol, **keyargs)
+    @progress.progress_end(symbol) if @progress
+    return self
+  end
diff --git a/lib/rgfa/multiplication.rb b/lib/rgfa/multiplication.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ccf7237
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/rgfa/multiplication.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
+require_relative "error.rb"
+# Method for the RGFA class, which allow to split a segment into
+# multiple copies.
+module RGFA::Multiplication
+  # Create multiple copies of a segment.
+  #
+  # == Automatic computation of the copy names
+  #
+  # - Can be overridden, by providing an array of copy names.
+  # - First, it is checked if the name of the original segment ends with a
+  #   relevant
+  #   string, i.e. a lower case letter (for +:lowcase+), an upper case letter
+  #   (for +:upcase+), a digit (for +:number+), or the string +"_copy"+
+  #   plus one or more optional digits (for +:copy+).
+  # - If so, it is assumed, it was already a copy, and it is not
+  #   altered.
+  # - If not, then +a+ (for +:lowcase+), +A+ (for +:upcase+), +1+ (for
+  #   +:number+), +_copy+ (for +:copy+) is appended to the string.
+  # - Then, in all
+  #   cases, next (*) is called on the string, until a valid, non-existant name
+  #   is found for each of the segment copies
+  # - (*) = except for +:copy+, where
+  #   for the first copy no digit is present, but for the following is,
+  #   i.e. the segment names will be +:copy+, +:copy2+, +:copy3+, etc.
+  #
+  # @param [Integer] factor multiplication factor; if 0, delete the segment;
+  #   if 1; do nothing; if > 1; number of copies to create
+  # @param segment [String, RGFA::Line::Segment] segment name or instance
+  # @param [:lowcase, :upcase, :number, :copy, Array<String>] copy_names
+  #   <i>(Defaults to: +:lowcase+)</i>
+  #   Array of names for the copies of the segment,
+  #   or a symbol, which defines a system to compute the names from the name of
+  #   the original segment. See "automatic computation of the copy names".
+  # @param [Boolean] conserve_components <i>(Defaults to: +true+)</i>
+  #   If factor == 0 (i.e. deletion), delete segment only if
+  #   {#cut_segment?}(segment) is +false+.
+  #
+  # @return [RGFA] self
+  def multiply(segment, factor, copy_names: :lowcase,
+               conserve_components: true)
+    segment_name = segment.kind_of?(RGFA::Line) ? segment.name : segment
+    if factor < 2
+      return self if factor == 1
+      return self if cut_segment?(segment_name) and conserve_components
+      return delete_segment(segment_name)
+    end
+    s = segment!(segment_name)
+    divide_segment_and_connection_counts(s, factor)
+    copy_names = compute_copy_names(copy_names, segment_name, factor)
+    copy_names.each {|cn| clone_segment_and_connections(s, cn)}
+    return self
+  end
+  private
+  def compute_copy_names(copy_names, segment_name, factor)
+    return nil if factor < 2
+    accepted = [:lowcase, :upcase, :number, :copy]
+    if copy_names.kind_of?(Array)
+      return copy_names
+    elsif !accepted.include?(copy_names)
+      raise ArgumentError,
+        "copy_names shall be an array of names or one of: "+
+        accepted.inspect
+    end
+    retval = []
+    next_name = segment_name.to_s
+    case copy_names
+    when :lowcase
+      if next_name =~ /^.*[a-z]$/
+        next_name = next_name.next
+      else
+        next_name += "b"
+      end
+    when :upcase
+      if next_name =~ /^.*[A-Z]$/
+        next_name = next_name.next
+      else
+        next_name += "B"
+      end
+    when :number
+      if next_name =~ /^.*[0-9]$/
+        next_name = next_name.next
+      else
+        next_name += "2"
+      end
+    when :copy
+      if next_name =~ /^.*_copy(\d*)$/
+        next_name += "1" if $1 == ""
+        next_name = next_name.next
+        copy_names = :number
+      else
+        next_name += "_copy"
+      end
+    end
+    while retval.size < (factor-1)
+      while retval.include?(next_name) or
+            @segments.has_key?(next_name.to_sym) or
+            @paths.has_key?(next_name.to_sym)
+        if copy_names == :copy
+          next_name += "1"
+          copy_names = :number
+        end
+        next_name = next_name.next
+      end
+      retval << next_name
+    end
+    return retval
+  end
+  def divide_counts(gfa_line, factor)
+    [:KC, :RC, :FC].each do |count_tag|
+      if gfa_line.optional_fieldnames.include?(count_tag)
+        value = (gfa_line.get(count_tag).to_f / factor)
+        gfa_line.set(count_tag, value.to_i)
+      end
+    end
+  end
+  def divide_segment_and_connection_counts(segment, factor)
+    divide_counts(segment, factor)
+    [:links,:containments].each do |rt|
+      [:from,:to].each do |dir|
+        [:+, :-].each do |o|
+          segment.send(rt)[dir][o].each do |l|
+            # circular link counts shall be divided only ones
+            next if dir == :to and l.from == l.to
+            divide_counts(l, factor)
+          end
+        end
+      end
+    end
+  end
+  def clone_segment_and_connections(segment, clone_name)
+    cpy = segment.clone
+    cpy.name = clone_name
+    self << cpy
+    [:links,:containments].each do |rt|
+      [:from,:to].each do |dir|
+        [:+, :-].each do |o|
+          segment.send(rt)[dir][o].each do |l|
+            lc = l.clone
+            lc.set(dir, clone_name)
+            self << lc
+          end
+        end
+      end
+    end
+  end
diff --git a/lib/rgfa/numeric_array.rb b/lib/rgfa/numeric_array.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a8cdaa4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/rgfa/numeric_array.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
+require_relative "error"
+# A numeric array representable using the data type B of the GFA specification
+class RGFA::NumericArray < Array
+  # Subtypes for signed integers, from the smallest to the largest
+  # Subtypes for unsigned integers, from the smallest to the largest
+  # Subtypes for integers
+  # Subtypes for floats
+  FLOAT_SUBTYPE = ["f"]
+  # Subtypes
+  # Number of bits of unsigned integer subtypes
+  SUBTYPE_BITS = {"c" => 8, "s" => 16, "i" => 32}
+  # Range for integer subtypes
+      INT_SUBTYPE.map do |subtype|
+        [
+         subtype,
+         if subtype == subtype.upcase
+           0..((2**SUBTYPE_BITS[subtype.downcase])-1)
+         else
+           (-(2**(SUBTYPE_BITS[subtype]-1)))..((2**(SUBTYPE_BITS[subtype]-1))-1)
+         end
+        ]
+      end
+    ]
+  # Validate the numeric array
+  #
+  # @raise [RGFA::NumericArray::ValueError] if the array is not valid
+  def validate!
+    compute_subtype
+  end
+  # Computes the subtype of the array from its content.
+  #
+  # If all elements are float, then the computed subtype is "f".
+  # If all elements are integer, the smallest possible numeric subtype
+  # is computed; thereby,
+  # if all elements are non-negative, an unsigned subtype is selected,
+  # otherwise a signed subtype.
+  # In all other cases an exception is raised.
+  #
+  # @raise [RGFA::NumericArray::ValueError] if the array is not a valid numeric
+  #   array
+  # @return [RGFA::NumericArray::SUBTYPE]
+  def compute_subtype
+    if all? {|f|f.kind_of?(Float)}
+      return "f"
+    else
+      e_max = nil
+      e_min = nil
+      each do |e|
+        if !e.kind_of?(Integer)
+          raise RGFA::NumericArray::ValueError,
+            "NumericArray does not contain homogenous numeric values\n"+
+            "Content: #{inspect}"
+        end
+        e_max = e if e_max.nil? or e > e_max
+        e_min = e if e_min.nil? or e < e_min
+      end
+      return RGFA::NumericArray.integer_type(e_min..e_max)
+    end
+  end
+  # Computes the subtype for integers in a given range.
+  #
+  # If all elements are non-negative, an unsigned subtype is selected,
+  # otherwise a signed subtype.
+  #
+  # @param range [Range] the integer range
+  #
+  # @raise [RGFA::NumericArray::ValueError] if the integer range is outside
+  #   all subtype ranges
+  #
+  # @return [RGFA::NumericArray::INT_SUBTYPE] subtype code
+  def self.integer_type(range)
+    if range.min < 0
+      SIGNED_INT_SUBTYPE.each do |st|
+        st_range = RGFA::NumericArray::SUBTYPE_RANGE[st]
+        if st_range.include?(range.min) and st_range.include?(range.max)
+          return st
+        end
+      end
+    else
+      UNSIGNED_INT_SUBTYPE.each do |st|
+        return st if range.max < RGFA::NumericArray::SUBTYPE_RANGE[st].max
+      end
+    end
+    raise RGFA::NumericArray::ValueError,
+      "NumericArray: values are outside of all integer subtype ranges\n"+
+      "Content: #{inspect}"
+  end
+  # Return self
+  # @param validate [Boolean] <i>(default: +false+)</i>
+  #   if +true+, validate the range of the numeric values, according
+  #   to the array subtype
+  # @raise [RGFA::NumericArray::ValueError] if validate is set and
+  #   any value is not compatible with the subtype
+  # @return [RGFA::NumericArray]
+  def to_numeric_array(validate: false)
+    validate! if validate
+    self
+  end
+  # GFA datatype B representation of the numeric array
+  # @raise [RGFA::NumericArray::ValueError] if the array
+  #   if not a valid numeric array
+  # @return [String]
+  def to_s
+    subtype = compute_subtype
+    "#{subtype},#{join(",")}"
+  end
+# Exception raised if a value in a numeric array is not compatible
+# with the selected subtype
+class RGFA::NumericArray::ValueError < RGFA::Error; end
+# Exception raised if an invalid subtype code is found
+class RGFA::NumericArray::TypeError < RGFA::Error; end
+# Method to create a numeric array from an array
+class Array
+  # Create a numeric array from an Array instance
+  # @param validate [Boolean] <i>(default: +true+)</i>
+  #   if +true+, validate the range of the numeric values, according
+  #   to the array subtype
+  # @raise [RGFA::NumericArray::ValueError] if validate is set and
+  #   any value is not compatible with the subtype
+  # @return [RGFA::NumericArray] the numeric array
+  def to_numeric_array(validate: true)
+    na = RGFA::NumericArray.new(self)
+    na.validate! if validate
+    na
+  end
+# Method to create a numeric array from a string
+class String
+  # Create a numeric array from a string
+  # @param validate [Boolean] <i>(default: +true+)</i>
+  #   if +true+, validate the range of the numeric values, according
+  #   to the array subtype
+  # @raise [RGFA::NumericArray::ValueError] if validate is set and
+  #   any value is not compatible with the subtype
+  # @raise [RGFA::NumericArray::TypeError] if the subtype code is invalid
+  # @return [RGFA::NumericArray] the numeric array
+  def to_numeric_array(validate: true)
+    elems = split(",")
+    subtype = elems.shift
+    integer = (subtype != "f")
+    if integer
+      range = RGFA::NumericArray::SUBTYPE_RANGE[subtype]
+    elsif !RGFA::NumericArray::SUBTYPE.include?(subtype)
+      raise RGFA::NumericArray::TypeError, "Subtype #{subtype} unknown"
+    end
+    elems.map do |e|
+      begin
+        if integer
+          e = Integer(e)
+          if validate and not range.include?(e)
+            raise "NumericArray: "+
+                  "value is outside of subtype #{subtype} range\n"+
+                  "Value: #{e}\n"+
+                  "Range: #{range.inspect}\n"+
+                  "Content: #{inspect}"
+          end
+          e
+        else
+          Float(e)
+        end
+      rescue => msg
+        raise RGFA::NumericArray::ValueError, msg
+      end
+    end
+  end
diff --git a/lib/rgfa/paths.rb b/lib/rgfa/paths.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..95b488b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/rgfa/paths.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+require_relative "error"
+# Methods for the RGFA class, which allow to handle paths in the graph.
+module RGFA::Paths
+  def add_path(gfa_line)
+    gfa_line = gfa_line.to_rgfa_line(validate: @validate)
+    if @segments.has_key?(gfa_line.path_name)
+      raise RGFA::DuplicatedLabelError,
+        "Error when adding line: #{gfa_line}\n"+
+        "a segment already exists with the name: #{gfa_line.path_name}\n"+
+        "Segment: #{@segments[gfa_line.path_name]}"
+    elsif @paths.has_key?(gfa_line.path_name)
+      raise RGFA::DuplicatedLabelError,
+        "Error when adding line: #{gfa_line}\n"+
+        "a path already exists with the name: #{gfa_line.path_name}\n"+
+        "Path: #{@paths[gfa_line.path_name]}"
+    else
+      @paths[gfa_line.path_name] = gfa_line
+      gfa_line.required_links.each do |from,to,cigar|
+        l = nil
+        if segment(from.segment) and segment(to.segment)
+          l = link_from_to(from, to, cigar)
+        end
+        if l.nil?
+          v = RGFA::Line::Link.new({:from => from.segment,
+                                    :from_orient => from.orient,
+                                    :to => to.segment,
+                                    :to_orient => to.orient,
+                                    :overlap => cigar},
+                                   virtual: true)
+          if @segments_first_order
+            raise RGFA::LineMissingError, "Path: #{gfa_line}\n"+
+              "requires a non-existing link:\n"+
+              "#{v}"
+          end
+          add_link(v)
+          l = v
+        end
+        direct = l.compatible_direct?(from, to, cigar)
+        gfa_line.links << [l, direct]
+        l.paths << [gfa_line, direct]
+      end
+      gfa_line.segment_names.each do |sn_with_o|
+        sn_with_o[0] = segment(sn_with_o[0])
+        sn_with_o[0].paths[sn_with_o[1]] << gfa_line
+      end
+    end
+  end
+  protected :add_path
+  # Delete a path from the RGFA graph
+  # @return [RGFA] self
+  # @param pt [String, RGFA::Line::Path] path name or instance
+  def delete_path(pt)
+    pt = path!(pt)
+    pt.segment_names.each {|sn, o| segment!(sn).paths[o].delete(pt)}
+    pt.links.each {|l, dir| l.paths.delete([pt, dir])}
+    @paths.delete(pt.path_name)
+    return self
+  end
+  # All path lines of the graph
+  # @return [Array<RGFA::Line::Path>]
+  def paths
+    @paths.values
+  end
+  # @!macro [new] path
+  #   Searches the path with name equal to +pt+.
+  #   @param pt [String, RGFA::Line::Path] a path or path name
+  #   @return [RGFA::Line::Path] if a path is found
+  # @return [nil] if no such path exists in the RGFA instance
+  #
+  def path(pt)
+    return pt if pt.kind_of?(RGFA::Line)
+    @paths[pt.to_sym]
+  end
+  # @!macro path
+  # @raise [RGFA::LineMissingError] if no such path exists in the RGFA instance
+  def path!(pt)
+    pt = path(pt)
+    raise RGFA::LineMissingError, "No path has name #{pt}" if pt.nil?
+    pt
+  end
+  # @return [Array<RGFA::Line::Path>] paths whose +segment_names+ include the
+  #   specified segment.
+  # @!macro [new] segment_or_name
+  #   @param s [RGFA::Line::Segment, Symbol] a segment instance or name
+  def paths_with(s)
+    segment!(s).all_paths
+  end
diff --git a/lib/rgfa/rgl.rb b/lib/rgfa/rgl.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..936f7a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/rgfa/rgl.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,194 @@
+  require "rgl/adjacency"
+  require "rgl/implicit"
+  require_relative "error"
+  #
+  # Conversion to RGL graphs
+  #
+  module RGFA::RGL
+    # Creates an RGL graph.
+    #
+    # @param oriented [Boolean] (defaults to: <i>+true+</i>) may the graph
+    #   contain links of segments in different orientation?
+    # @return [RGL::ImplicitGraph] an rgl implicit directed graph
+    def to_rgl(oriented: true)
+      if oriented
+        to_rgl_oriented
+      else
+        to_rgl_unoriented
+      end
+    end
+    # Creates an RGL graph, including links orientations.
+    #
+    # @return [RGL::ImplicitGraph] an rgl implicit directed graph;
+    #   where vertices are [RGFA::Segment, orientation] pairs
+    #   (instances of the RGFA::OrientedSegment subclass of Array)
+    def to_rgl_oriented
+      RGL::ImplicitGraph.new do |g|
+        g.vertex_iterator do |block|
+          self.each_segment do |segment|
+            [:+, :-].each do |orient|
+              block.call([segment, orient].to_oriented_segment)
+            end
+          end
+        end
+        g.adjacent_iterator do |oriented_segment, block|
+          s = segment(oriented_segment.segment)
+          o = oriented_segment.orient
+          s.links[:from][o].each do |l|
+            os = [segment(l.to), l.to_orient].to_oriented_segment
+            block.call(os)
+          end
+          o = oriented_segment.invert_orient
+          s.links[:to][o].each do |l|
+            os = [segment(l.from), l.from_orient].to_oriented_segment
+            block.call(os.invert_orient)
+          end
+        end
+        g.directed = true
+      end
+    end
+    # Creates an RGL graph, assuming that all links orientations
+    # are "+".
+    #
+    # @raise [RGFA::RGL::ValueError] if the graph contains any link where
+    #   from_orient or to_orient is :-
+    # @return [RGL::ImplicitGraph] an rgl implicit directed graph;
+    #   where vertices are RGFA::Segment objects
+    def to_rgl_unoriented
+      RGL::ImplicitGraph.new do |g|
+        g.vertex_iterator {|block| self.each_segment {|s| block.call(s)}}
+        g.adjacent_iterator do |s, bl|
+          s = segment(s)
+          s.links[:from][:+].each do |l|
+            if l.to_orient == :-
+              raise RGFA::RGL::ValueError,
+                "Graph contains links with segments in reverse orientations"
+            end
+            bl.call(segment(l.to))
+          end
+          if s.links[:from][:-].size > 0
+            raise RGFA::RGL::ValueError,
+              "Graph contains links with segments in reverse orientations"
+          end
+        end
+        g.directed = true
+      end
+    end
+    def self.included(base)
+      base.extend(ClassMethods)
+    end
+    module ClassMethods
+      # @param g [RGL::ImplicitGraph, RGL::DirectedAdjacencyGraph] an RGL graph.
+      #
+      # @!macro[new] from_rgl
+      #   <b>Accepted vertex formats</b>:
+      #
+      #   - RGFA::OrientedSegment, or Array which can be converted to it;
+      #     where the first element is a <i>segment specifier</i> (see below)
+      #   - <i>segment specifier</i> alone: the orientation is assumed to be :+
+      #
+      #   The <i>segment specifier</i> can be:
+      #   - RGFA::Segment instance
+      #   - String, segment representation (e.g. "S\tsegment\t*")
+      #   - String, valid segment name (e.g. "segment")
+      #
+      #   @raise [RGFA::RGL::InvalidFormatError] if the graph cannot be
+      #     converted
+      #
+      #   @return [RGFA] a new RGFA instance
+      def from_rgl(g)
+        gfa = RGFA.new
+        if not (g.respond_to?(:each_vertex) and
+                g.respond_to?(:each_edge))
+          raise RGFA::RGL::InvalidFormatError,
+            "#{g} is not a valid RGL graph"
+        end
+        if not g.directed?
+          raise RGFA::RGL::InvalidFormatError,
+            "#{g} is not a directed graph"
+        end
+        g.each_vertex {|v| add_segment_if_new(gfa, v)}
+        g.each_edge do |s, t|
+          gfa << RGFA::Line::Link.new(segment_name_and_orient(s) +
+                                      segment_name_and_orient(t) +
+                                      ["*"])
+        end
+        gfa
+      end
+      private
+      def add_segment_if_new(gfa, v)
+        # RGFA::OrientedSegment or GFA::GraphVertex
+        v = v.segment if v.respond_to?(:segment)
+        if v.kind_of?(Symbol)
+          # segment name as symbol
+          return if gfa.segment_names.include?(v)
+          v = RGFA::Line::Segment.new([v.to_s, "*"])
+        elsif v.kind_of?(String)
+          a = v.split("\t")
+          if a[0] == "S"
+            # string representation of segment
+            return if gfa.segment_names.include?(a[1].to_sym)
+            v = RGFA::Line::Segment.new(a[1..-1])
+          else
+            # segment name as string
+            return if gfa.segment_names.include?(v.to_sym)
+            v = RGFA::Line::Segment.new([v, "*"])
+          end
+        end
+        return if gfa.segment_names.include?(v.name)
+        gfa << v
+      end
+      def segment_name_and_orient(s)
+        # default orientation
+        o = s.respond_to?(:orient) ? s.orient.to_s : "+"
+        # RGFA::Line::Segment (also embedded in RGFA::OrientedSegment)
+        if s.respond_to?(:name)
+          s = s.name.to_s
+        elsif s.respond_to?(:segment)
+          # GFA::GraphVertex
+          s = s.segment.to_s
+        elsif s.respond_to?(:split)
+          a = s.split("\t")
+          s = a[1] if a[0] == "S"
+        else
+          s = s.to_s
+        end
+        return s, o
+      end
+    end
+  end
+  module RGL::Graph
+    # @!macro from_rgl
+    def to_rgfa
+      RGFA.from_rgl(self)
+    end
+  end
+  # Exception raised if conversion is impossible due to unexpected values
+  class RGFA::RGL::ValueError < RGFA::Error; end
+  # Exception raised if conversion is impossible due to general format problems
+  class RGFA::RGL::InvalidFormatError < RGFA::Error; end
+rescue LoadError
+  module RGFA::RGL
+  end
diff --git a/lib/rgfa/segment_ends_path.rb b/lib/rgfa/segment_ends_path.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d06dd2b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/rgfa/segment_ends_path.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+# An array containing {RGFA::SegmentEnd} elements, which defines a path
+# in the graph
+class RGFA::SegmentEndsPath < Array
+  def reverse
+    super.map {|segment_end| segment_end.to_segment_end.invert_end_type}
+  end
diff --git a/lib/rgfa/segment_info.rb b/lib/rgfa/segment_info.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..757b672
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/rgfa/segment_info.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
+require_relative "error"
+# A segment or segment name plus an additional boolean attribute
+# This class shall not be initialized directly.
+# @api private
+class RGFA::SegmentInfo < Array
+  # Check that the elements of the array are compatible with the definition.
+  #
+  # @!macro [new] segment_info_validation_errors
+  #   @raise [RGFA::SegmentInfo::InvalidSizeError] if size is not 2
+  #   @raise [RGFA::SegmentInfo::InvalidAttributeError] if second element
+  #     is not a valid info
+  # @return [void]
+  def validate!
+    if size != 2
+      raise RGFA::SegmentInfo::InvalidSizeError,
+        "Wrong n of elements, 2 expected (#{inspect})"
+    end
+    if !self.class::ATTR.include?(self[1])
+      raise RGFA::SegmentInfo::InvalidAttributeError,
+        "Invalid attribute (#{self[1].inspect})"
+    end
+    return nil
+  end
+  # @return [Symbol, RGFA::Line::Segment] the segment instance or name
+  def segment
+    self[0]
+  end
+  # Set the segment
+  # @param value [Symbol, RGFA::Line::Segment] the segment instance or name
+  # @return Symbol, RGFA::Line::Segment] +value+
+  def segment=(value)
+    self[0]=value
+  end
+  # @return [Symbol] the segment name
+  def name
+    self[0].kind_of?(RGFA::Line::Segment) ? self[0].name : self[0].to_sym
+  end
+  # @return [Symbol] the attribute
+  def attribute
+    self[1]
+  end
+  # Set the attribute
+  # @param value [Symbol] the attribute
+  # @return [Symbol] +value+
+  def attribute=(value)
+    self[1]=(value)
+  end
+  # @return [Symbol] the other possible value of the attribute
+  def attribute_inverted
+    self.class::ATTR[self.class::ATTR[0] == self[1] ? 1 : 0]
+  end
+  # @return [RGFA::SegmentInfo] same segment, inverted attribute
+  def invert_attribute
+    self.class.new([self[0], self.attribute_inverted])
+  end
+  # @param [Symbol] attribute an attribute value
+  # @return [Symbol] the other attribute value
+  def self.invert(attribute)
+    i = self::ATTR.index(attribute.to_sym)
+    if i.nil?
+      raise RGFA::SegmentInfo::InvalidAttributeError,
+        "Invalid attribute (#{self[1].inspect})"
+    end
+    return self::ATTR[i-1]
+  end
+  # @return [String] name of the segment and attribute
+  def to_s
+    "#{name}#{attribute}"
+  end
+  # @return [Symbol] name of the segment and attribute
+  def to_sym
+    to_s.to_sym
+  end
+  # Compare the segment names and attributes of two instances
+  #
+  # @param [RGFA::SegmentInfo] other the other instance
+  # @return [Boolean]
+  def ==(other)
+    to_s == other.to_segment_info(self.class).to_s
+  end
+  # Compare the segment names and attributes of two instances
+  #
+  # @param [RGFA::SegmentInfo] other the other instance
+  # @return [Boolean]
+  def <=>(other)
+    to_s <=> other.to_segment_info(self.class).to_s
+  end
+# Error raised if the size of the array is wrong
+class RGFA::SegmentInfo::InvalidSizeError < RGFA::Error; end
+# Error raised if an unknown value for attribute is used
+class RGFA::SegmentInfo::InvalidAttributeError < RGFA::Error; end
+# A representation of a segment end
+class RGFA::SegmentEnd < RGFA::SegmentInfo
+  # Segment end type (begin or end)
+  alias_method :end_type, :attribute
+  alias_method :end_type=, :attribute=
+  alias_method :invert_end_type, :invert_attribute
+  alias_method :end_type_inverted, :attribute_inverted
+# A segment plus orientation
+class RGFA::OrientedSegment < RGFA::SegmentInfo
+  # Segment orientation
+  ATTR = [ ORIENT_FWD = :+, ORIENT_REV = :- ]
+  alias_method :orient, :attribute
+  alias_method :orient=, :attribute=
+  alias_method :invert_orient, :invert_attribute
+  alias_method :orient_inverted, :attribute_inverted
+class Array
+  # Create and validate a segment end from an array
+  # @!macro segment_info_validation_errors
+  # @return [RGFA::SegmentEnd]
+  def to_segment_end
+    to_segment_info(RGFA::SegmentEnd)
+  end
+  # Create and validate a segment end from an array
+  # @!macro segment_info_validation_errors
+  # @return [RGFA::OrientedSegment]
+  def to_oriented_segment
+    to_segment_info(RGFA::OrientedSegment)
+  end
+  protected
+  def to_segment_info(subclass)
+    return self if self.kind_of?(subclass)
+    # support converting from gfa gem GraphVertex objects:
+    if respond_to?(:segment) and respond_to?(:orient)
+      return RGFA::OrientedSegment.new([segment.to_sym, orient.to_sym])
+    end
+    se = subclass.new(map {|e| e.kind_of?(String) ? e.to_sym : e})
+    se.validate!
+    return se
+  end
diff --git a/lib/rgfa/segments.rb b/lib/rgfa/segments.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1743561
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/rgfa/segments.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+require_relative "error"
+# Methods for the RGFA class, which allow to handle segments in the graph.
+module RGFA::Segments
+  def add_segment(gfa_line)
+    gfa_line = gfa_line.to_rgfa_line(validate: @validate)
+    segment_name = gfa_line.name
+    if @paths.has_key?(segment_name)
+      raise RGFA::DuplicatedLabelError,
+        "Error when adding line: #{gfa_line}\n"+
+        "a path already exists with the name: #{segment_name}\n"+
+        "Path: #{@paths[segment_name]}"
+    elsif @segments.has_key?(segment_name)
+      if @segments[segment_name].virtual?
+        @segments[segment_name].real!(gfa_line)
+      else
+        raise RGFA::DuplicatedLabelError,
+          "Error when adding line: #{gfa_line}\n"+
+          "a segment already exists with the name: #{segment_name}\n"+
+          "Segment: #{@segments[segment_name]}"
+      end
+    else
+      @segments[segment_name] = gfa_line
+    end
+  end
+  protected :add_segment
+  # Delete a segment from the RGFA graph
+  # @return [RGFA] self
+  # @param s [String, RGFA::Line::Segment] segment name or instance
+  def delete_segment(s, cascade=true)
+    s = segment!(s)
+    if cascade
+      connected_segments(s).each {|cs| unconnect_segments(s, cs)}
+      [:+, :-].each do |o|
+        s.paths[o].each {|pt| delete_path(pt)}
+      end
+    end
+    @segments.delete(s.name)
+    return self
+  end
+  # All segment lines of the graph
+  # @return [Array<RGFA::Line::Segment>]
+  def segments
+    @segments.values
+  end
+  # @!macro [new] segment
+  #   Searches the segment with name equal to +segment_name+.
+  #   @param s [String, RGFA::Line::Segment] a segment or segment name
+  #   @return [RGFA::Line::Segment] if a segment is found
+  # @return [nil] if no such segment exists in the RGFA instance
+  #
+  def segment(s)
+    return s if s.kind_of?(RGFA::Line)
+    @segments[s.to_sym]
+  end
+  # @!macro segment
+  # @raise [RGFA::LineMissingError] if no such segment exists
+  def segment!(s)
+    seg = segment(s)
+    if seg.nil?
+      raise RGFA::LineMissingError, "No segment has name #{s}"+
+             "#{segment_names.size < 10 ?
+               "\nSegment names: "+segment_names.inspect : ''}"
+    end
+    seg
+  end
+  # @return [Array<String>] list of names of segments connected to +segment+
+  #   by links or containments
+  def connected_segments(segment)
+    (neighbours([segment, :B]).map{|s, e| s} +
+      neighbours([segment, :E]).map{|s, e| s} +
+        contained_in(segment).map{|c| c.to} +
+          containing(segment).map{|c| c.from}).uniq
+  end
+  # Delete all links/containments involving two segments
+  # @return [RGFA] self
+  # @param segment1 [String, RGFA::Line::Segment] segment 1 name or instance
+  # @param segment2 [String, RGFA::Line::Segment] segment 2 name or instance
+  def unconnect_segments(segment1, segment2)
+    containments_between(segment1, segment2).each {|c| delete_containment(c)}
+    containments_between(segment2, segment1).each {|c| delete_containment(c)}
+    [[:B, :E], [:B, :B], [:E, :B], [:E, :E]].each do |end1, end2|
+      links_between([segment1, end1], [segment2, end2]).each do |l|
+        delete_link(l)
+      end
+    end
+    return self
+  end
diff --git a/lib/rgfa/sequence.rb b/lib/rgfa/sequence.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b5bf830
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/rgfa/sequence.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+# Extensions of the String class to handle nucleotidic sequences
+module RGFA::Sequence
+  # Computes the reverse complement of a nucleotidic sequence
+  #
+  # @return [String] reverse complement, without newlines and spaces
+  # @return [String] "*" if string is "*"
+  #
+  # @param tolerant [Boolean] <i>(defaults to: +false+)</i>
+  #   if true, anything non-sequence is complemented to itself
+  # @param rnasequence [Boolean] <i>(defaults to: +false+)</i>
+  #   if true, any A and a is complemented into u and U; otherwise
+  #   it is so, only if an U is found; otherwise DNA is assumed
+  #
+  # @raise [RuntimeError] if not +tolerant+ and chars are found for which
+  #   no Watson-Crick complement is defined
+  # @raise [RuntimeError] if sequence contains both U and T
+  #
+  # @example
+  #  "ACTG".rc  # => "CAGT"
+  #  "acGT".rc  # => "ACgt"
+  # @example Undefined sequence is represented by "*":
+  #  "*".rc     # => "*"
+  # @example Extended IUPAC Alphabet:
+  #  "ARBN".rc  # => "NVYT"
+  # @example Usage with RNA sequences:
+  #  "ACUG".rc                    # => "CAGU"
+  #  "ACG".rc(rnasequence: true)  # => "CGU"
+  #  "ACUT".rc                    # (raises RuntimeError, both U and T)
+  def rc(tolerant: false, rnasequence: false)
+    return "*" if self == "*"
+    retval = each_char.map do |c|
+      if c == "U" or c == "u"
+        rnasequence = true
+      elsif rnasequence and (c == "T" or c == "t")
+        raise "String contains both U/u and T/t"
+      end
+      wcc = WCC.fetch(c, tolerant ? c : nil)
+      raise "#{self}: no Watson-Crick complement for #{c}" if wcc.nil?
+      wcc
+    end.reverse.join
+    if rnasequence
+      retval.tr!("tT","uU")
+    end
+    retval
+  end
+  # Watson-Crick Complements
+  WCC = {"a"=>"t","t"=>"a","A"=>"T","T"=>"A",
+         "c"=>"g","g"=>"c","C"=>"G","G"=>"C",
+         "b"=>"v","B"=>"V","v"=>"b","V"=>"B",
+         "h"=>"d","H"=>"D","d"=>"h","D"=>"H",
+         "R"=>"Y","Y"=>"R","r"=>"y","y"=>"r",
+         "K"=>"M","M"=>"K","k"=>"m","m"=>"k",
+         "S"=>"S","s"=>"s","w"=>"w","W"=>"W",
+         "n"=>"n","N"=>"N","u"=>"a","U"=>"A",
+         "-"=>"-","."=>".","="=>"=",
+         " "=>"","\n"=>""}
+class String
+  include RGFA::Sequence
diff --git a/lib/rgfatools.rb b/lib/rgfatools.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..332a72a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/rgfatools.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+require "rgfa"
+# Module defining additional methods for the RGFA class.
+# RGFATools is an extension to the RGFA library, which allow to perform further
+# operations. Thereby additional conventions are required, with respect to the
+# GFA specification, which are compatible with it.
+# The methods defined here allow, e.g., to randomly orient a segment which has
+# the same connections on both sides, to compute copy numbers and multiply or
+# delete segments according to them, to distribute the links of copies after
+# multipling a segment, or to eliminate edges in the graph which are
+# incompatible with an hamiltonian path.
+# Custom optional fields are defined, such as "cn" for the copy number of a
+# segment, "or" for the original segment(s) of a duplicated or merged segment,
+# "mp" for the starting position of original segments in a merged segment, "rp"
+# for the position of possible inversions due to arbitrary orientation of some
+# segments by the program.
+# Furthermore a convention for the naming of the segments is introduced, which
+# gives a special meaning to the characters "_^()".
+# @developer
+#   In the main file is only the method redefinition infrastructure
+#   (private methods). The public methods are in the included modules.
+module RGFATools
+require_relative "rgfatools/artifacts"
+require_relative "rgfatools/copy_number"
+require_relative "rgfatools/invertible_segments"
+require_relative "rgfatools/multiplication"
+require_relative "rgfatools/superfluous_links"
+require_relative "rgfatools/linear_paths"
+require_relative "rgfatools/p_bubbles"
+module RGFATools
+  include RGFATools::Artifacts
+  include RGFATools::CopyNumber
+  include RGFATools::InvertibleSegments
+  include RGFATools::Multiplication
+  include RGFATools::SuperfluousLinks
+  include RGFATools::LinearPaths
+  include RGFATools::PBubbles
+  private
+  def self.included(klass)
+    included_modules.each do |included_module|
+      if included_module.const_defined?("Redefined")
+        self.redefine_methods(included_module::Redefined, klass)
+      end
+      if included_module.const_defined?("ClassMethods")
+        klass.extend(included_module::ClassMethods)
+      end
+    end
+  end
+  def self.redefine_methods(redefined_methods, klass)
+    klass.class_eval do
+      redefined_methods.each do |redefined_method|
+        was_private = klass.private_instance_methods.include?(redefined_method)
+        public redefined_method
+        alias_method :"#{redefined_method}_without_rgfatools", redefined_method
+        alias_method redefined_method, :"#{redefined_method}_with_rgfatools"
+        if was_private
+          private redefined_method,
+                  :"#{redefined_method}_without_rgfatools",
+                  :"#{redefined_method}_with_rgfatools"
+        end
+      end
+    end
+  end
+  ProgramName = "RGFATools"
+  def add_program_name_to_header
+    set_header_field(:pn, RGFATools::ProgramName)
+  end
+class RGFA
+  include RGFATools
+  # Enable {RGFATools} extensions of RGFA methods
+  # @return [void]
+  def enable_extensions
+    @extensions_enabled = true
+  end
+  # Disable {RGFATools} extensions of RGFA methods
+  # @return [void]
+  def disable_extensions
+    @extensions_enabled = false
+  end
diff --git a/lib/rgfatools/artifacts.rb b/lib/rgfatools/artifacts.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..073d0d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/rgfatools/artifacts.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+# Methods which edit the graph components without traversal
+module RGFATools::Artifacts
+  # Remove connected components whose sum of lengths of the segments
+  # is under a specified value.
+  # @param minlen [Integer] the minimum length
+  # @return [RGFA] self
+  def remove_small_components(minlen)
+    rm(connected_components.select {|cc|
+      cc.map{|sn|segment(sn).length}.reduce(:+) < minlen })
+    self
+  end
+  # Remove end segments, whose sequence length is under a specified value.
+  # @param minlen [Integer] the minimum length
+  # @return [RGFA] self
+  def remove_dead_ends(minlen)
+    segments.each do |s|
+      c = connectivity(s)
+      rm(s) if s.length < minlen and
+        (c[0] == 0 or c[1] == 0) and
+          !cut_segment?(s)
+    end
+    self
+  end
diff --git a/lib/rgfatools/copy_number.rb b/lib/rgfatools/copy_number.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a24801c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/rgfatools/copy_number.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+# Methods which edit the graph components without traversal
+module RGFATools::CopyNumber
+  # Sets the count tag to use as default by coverage computations
+  # <i>(defaults to: +:RC+)</i>.
+  #
+  # @return [RGFA] self
+  # @param tag [Symbol] the tag to use
+  def set_default_count_tag(tag)
+    @default[:count_tag] = tag
+    return self
+  end
+  # Sets the unit length (k-mer size, average read lenght or average fragment
+  # length) to use for coverage computation
+  # <i>(defaults to: 1)</i>.
+  #
+  # @param unit_length [Integer] the unit length to use
+  # @return [RGFA] self
+  def set_count_unit_length(unit_length)
+    @default[:unit_length] = unit_length
+    return self
+  end
+  # Delete segments which have a coverage under a specified value.
+  #
+  # @param mincov [Integer] the minimum coverage
+  # @!macro [new] count_tag
+  #   @param count_tag [Symbol] <i>(defaults to: +:RC+ or the value set by
+  #     {#set_default_count_tag})</i> the count tag to use for coverage
+  #     computation
+  # @!macro [new] unit_length
+  #   @param unit_length [Integer] <i>(defaults to: 1 or the value set by
+  #     {#set_count_unit_length})</i> the unit length to use for coverage
+  #     computation
+  #
+  # @return [RGFA] self
+  def delete_low_coverage_segments(mincov,
+                                   count_tag: @default[:count_tag],
+                                   unit_length: @default[:unit_length])
+    segments.map do |s|
+      cov = s.coverage(count_tag: count_tag,
+                       unit_length: unit_length)
+      cov < mincov ? s.name : nil
+    end.compact.each do |sn|
+      delete_segment(sn)
+    end
+    self
+  end
+  # @param mincov [Integer] <i>(defaults to: 1/4 of +single_copy_coverage+)</i>
+  #   the minimum coverage, cn for segments under this value is set to 0
+  # @param single_copy_coverage [Integer]
+  #   the coverage that shall be considered to be single copy
+  # @param cn_tag [Symbol] <i>(defaults to: +:cn+)</i>
+  #   the tag to use for storing the copy number
+  # @!macro count_tag
+  # @!macro unit_length
+  # @return [RGFA] self
+  def compute_copy_numbers(single_copy_coverage,
+                           mincov: single_copy_coverage * 0.25,
+                           count_tag: @default[:count_tag],
+                           cn_tag: :cn,
+                           unit_length: @default[:unit_length])
+    segments.each do |s|
+      cov = s.coverage!(count_tag: count_tag, unit_length: unit_length).to_f
+      if cov < mincov
+        cn = 0
+      elsif cov < single_copy_coverage
+        cn = 1
+      else
+        cn = (cov / single_copy_coverage).round
+      end
+      s.set(cn_tag, cn)
+    end
+    self
+  end
+  # Applies the computed copy number to a segment
+  # @!macro [new] apply_copy_number
+  #   @return [RGFA] self
+  #   @param [:lowcase, :upcase, :number, :copy] copy_names_suffix
+  #     <i>(Defaults to: +:lowcase+)</i>
+  #     Symbol representing a system to compute the names from the name of
+  #     the original segment. See "Automatic computation of the copy names"
+  #     in #multiply_extended.
+  #   @param count_tag [Symbol] tag to use for storing the copy number
+  #     (default: cn)
+  #   @param distribute [Symbol] distribution policy, see #multiply_extended
+  #   @param origin_tag [Symbol] tag to use for storing the origin (default: or)
+  #   @param conserve_components [Boolean] when factor is 0,
+  #     do not remove segments if doing so increases the number of components
+  #     in the graph (default: true)
+  # @param segment [RGFA::Line::Segment, Symbol] segment or segment name
+  def apply_copy_number(segment, count_tag: :cn,
+                        distribute: :auto,
+                        copy_names_suffix: :lowcase, origin_tag: :or,
+                        conserve_components: true)
+    s, sn = segment_and_segment_name(segment)
+    factor = s.get!(count_tag)
+    multiply_extended(sn, factor,
+             distribute: distribute,
+             copy_names: copy_names_suffix,
+             conserve_components: conserve_components,
+             origin_tag: origin_tag)
+    self
+  end
+  # Applies the computed copy number to all segments
+  # @!macro apply_copy_number
+  def apply_copy_numbers(count_tag: :cn, distribute: :auto,
+                         copy_names_suffix: :lowcase, origin_tag: :or,
+                         conserve_components: true)
+    segments.sort_by{|s|s.get!(count_tag)}.each do |s|
+      multiply_extended(s.name, s.get(count_tag),
+               distribute: distribute,
+               copy_names: copy_names_suffix,
+               conserve_components: conserve_components,
+               origin_tag: origin_tag)
+    end
+    self
+  end
diff --git a/lib/rgfatools/invertible_segments.rb b/lib/rgfatools/invertible_segments.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7f02cfe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/rgfatools/invertible_segments.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+# Methods which edit the graph components without traversal
+module RGFATools::InvertibleSegments
+  # Selects a random orientation for all invertible segments
+  # @return [RGFA] self
+  def randomly_orient_invertibles
+    segment_names.each do |sn|
+      if segment_same_links_both_ends?(sn)
+        randomly_orient_proven_invertible_segment(sn)
+      end
+    end
+    self
+  end
+  # Selects a random orientation for an invertible segment
+  # @return [RGFA] self
+  # @!macro segment_param
+  def randomly_orient_invertible(segment)
+    segment_name = segment.kind_of?(RGFA::Line) ? segment.name : segment
+    if !segment_same_links_both_ends?(segment_name)
+      raise "Only segments with links to the same or equivalent segments "+
+              "at both ends can be randomly oriented"
+    end
+    randomly_orient_proven_invertible_segment(segment_name)
+    self
+  end
+  private
+  def randomly_orient_proven_invertible_segment(segment_name)
+    parts = partitioned_links_of([segment_name, :E])
+    if parts.size == 2
+      tokeep1_other_end = parts[0][0].other_end([segment_name, :E])
+      tokeep2_other_end = parts[1][0].other_end([segment_name, :E])
+    elsif parts.size == 1 and parts[0].size == 2
+      tokeep1_other_end = parts[0][0].other_end([segment_name, :E])
+      tokeep2_other_end = parts[0][1].other_end([segment_name, :E])
+    else
+      return
+    end
+    return if links_of(tokeep1_other_end).size < 2
+    return if links_of(tokeep2_other_end).size < 2
+    delete_other_links([segment_name, :E], tokeep1_other_end)
+    delete_other_links([segment_name, :B], tokeep2_other_end)
+    annotate_random_orientation(segment_name)
+  end
+  def link_targets_for_cmp(segment_end)
+    links_of(segment_end).map {|l| l.other_end(segment_end).join}
+  end
+  def segment_same_links_both_ends?(segment_name)
+    e_links = link_targets_for_cmp([segment_name, :E])
+    b_links = link_targets_for_cmp([segment_name, :B])
+    return e_links == b_links
+  end
+  def segment_signature(segment_end)
+    s = segment!(segment_end[0])
+    link_targets_for_cmp(segment_end).join(",")+"\t"+
+    link_targets_for_cmp(segment_end.invert_end_type).join(",")+"\t"+
+    [:or].map do |field|
+      s.send(field)
+    end.join("\t")
+  end
+  def partitioned_links_of(segment_end)
+    links_of(segment_end).group_by do |l|
+      other_end = l.other_end(segment_end)
+      sig = segment_signature(other_end)
+      sig
+    end.map {|sig, par| par}
+  end
+  def annotate_random_orientation(segment_name)
+    segment = segment!(segment_name)
+    n = segment.name.to_s.split("_")
+    pairs = 0
+    pos = [1, segment.LN]
+    if segment.or
+      o = segment.or.to_s.split(",")
+      if o.size > 2
+        while o.last == o.first + "^" or o.last + "^" == o.first
+          pairs += 1
+          o.pop
+          o.shift
+        end
+      end
+      if segment.mp
+        pos = [segment.mp[pairs*2], segment.mp[-1-pairs*2]]
+      end
+    end
+    rn = segment.rn
+    rn ||= []
+    rn += pos
+    segment.rn = rn
+    n[pairs] = "(" + n[pairs]
+    n[-1-pairs] = n[-1-pairs] + ")"
+    rename(segment.name, n.join("_"))
+  end
diff --git a/lib/rgfatools/linear_paths.rb b/lib/rgfatools/linear_paths.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bb70f65
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/rgfatools/linear_paths.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
+# Methods for the RGFA class, which involve a traversal of the graph following
+# links
+module RGFATools::LinearPaths
+  # @!method merge_linear_path(segpath, **options)
+  #   Merge a linear path, i.e. a path of segments without extra-branches.
+  #   @!macro [new] merge_more
+  #     Extends the RGFA method, with additional functionality:
+  #     - +name+: the name of the merged segment is set to the name of the
+  #       single segments joined by underscore (+_+). If a name already
+  #       contained an underscore, it is splitted before merging. Whenever a
+  #       segment is reversed complemented, its name (or the name of all its
+  #       components) is suffixed with a +^+; if the last letter was already
+  #       +^+, it is removed; if it contained +_+ the name is splitted, the
+  #       elements reversed and joined back using +_+; round parentheses are
+  #       removed from the name before processing and added back after it.
+  #     - +:or+: keeps track of the origin of the merged segment; the
+  #       origin tag is set to an array of :or or name
+  #       (if no :or available) tags of the segment which have been merged;
+  #       the character +^+ is assigned the same meaning as in +name+
+  #     - +:rn+: tag used to store possible inversion positions and
+  #       it is updated by this method; i.e. it is passed from the single
+  #       segments to the merged segment, and the coordinates updated
+  #     - +:mp+: tag used to store the position of the
+  #       single segments in the merged segment; it is created or updated by
+  #       this method
+  #     Note that the extensions to the original method will only be run
+  #     if either #enable_extensions has been called on RGFA object
+  #     or the enable_tracking parameter is set..
+  #     After calling #enable_extensions, you may still obtain the original
+  #     behaviour by setting the disable_tracking parameter.
+  #   @!macro merge_more
+  #
+  #   @!macro [new] merge_lim
+  #
+  #     Limitations: all containments und paths involving merged segments are
+  #     deleted.
+  #   @!macro merge_lim
+  #
+  #   @param segpath [Array<RGFA::SegmentEnd>] a linear path, such as that
+  #     retrieved by #linear_path (see RGFA API documentation)
+  #   @!macro [new] merge_options
+  #     @param options [Hash] optional keyword arguments
+  #     @option options [String, :short, nil] :merged_name (nil)
+  #       if nil, the merged_name is automatically computed; if :short,
+  #       a name is computed starting with "merged1" and calling next until
+  #       an available name is founf; if String, the name to use
+  #     @option options [Boolean] :cut_counts (false)
+  #       if true, total count in merged segment m, composed of segments
+  #       s of set S is multiplied by the factor Sum(|s in S|)/|m|
+  #     @option options [Boolean] :enable_tracking (false)
+  #       if true, the extended method with RGFATools is called,
+  #       no matter if RGFA#enable_extensions was called.
+  #     @option options [Boolean] :disable_tracking (false)
+  #       if true, the original method of RGFA without RGFATools is called,
+  #       no matter if RGFA#enable_extensions was called.
+  #   @!macro merge_options
+  #
+  #   @return [RGFA] self
+  #   @see #merge_linear_paths
+  # @!method merge_linear_paths(**options)
+  #   Merge all linear paths in the graph, i.e.
+  #   paths of segments without extra-branches
+  #   @!macro merge_more
+  #   @!macro merge_lim
+  #   @!macro merge_options
+  #
+  #   @return [RGFA] self
+  private
+  Redefined = [:add_segment_to_merged]
+  def reverse_segment_name(name, separator)
+    name.to_s.split(separator).map do |part|
+      openp = part[0] == "("
+      part = part[1..-1] if openp
+      closep = part[-1] == ")"
+      part = part[0..-2] if closep
+      part = (part[-1] == "^") ? part[0..-2] : part+"^"
+      part += ")" if openp
+      part = "(#{part}" if closep
+      part
+    end.reverse.join(separator)
+  end
+  def reverse_pos_array(pos_array, lastpos)
+    return nil if pos_array.nil? or lastpos.nil?
+    pos_array.map {|pos| lastpos - pos + 1}.reverse
+  end
+  def add_segment_to_merged_with_rgfatools(merged, segment, reversed, cut, init,
+                                          options)
+    if !options[:enable_tracking] and
+        (options[:disable_tracking] or !@extensions_enabled)
+      return add_segment_to_merged_without_rgfatools(merged, segment, reversed,
+                                                    cut, init, options)
+    end
+    s = (reversed ? segment.sequence.rc[cut..-1] : segment.sequence[cut..-1])
+    n = (reversed ? reverse_segment_name(segment.name, "_") : segment.name.to_s)
+    rn = (reversed ? reverse_pos_array(segment.rn, segment.LN) : segment.rn)
+    mp = (reversed ? reverse_pos_array(segment.mp, segment.LN) : segment.mp)
+    mp = [1, segment.LN] if mp.nil? and segment.LN
+    if segment.or.nil?
+      o = n
+    else
+      o = (reversed ? reverse_segment_name(segment.or, ",") : segment.or)
+    end
+    if init
+      merged.sequence = s
+      merged.name = options[:merged_name].nil? ? n : options[:merged_name]
+      merged.LN = segment.LN
+      merged.rn = rn
+      merged.or = o
+      merged.mp = mp
+    else
+      (segment.sequence == "*") ? (merged.sequence = "*")
+                                : (merged.sequence += s)
+      merged.name = "#{merged.name}_#{n}" if options[:merged_name].nil?
+      if merged.LN
+        if rn
+          rn = rn.map {|pos| pos - cut + merged.LN}
+          merged.rn = merged.rn.nil? ? rn : merged.rn + rn
+        end
+        if mp and merged.mp
+          merged.mp += mp.map {|pos| pos - cut + merged.LN}
+        end
+        segment.LN ? merged.LN += (segment.LN - cut)
+                   : merged.LN = nil
+      else
+        merged.mp = nil
+      end
+      merged.or = merged.or.nil? ? o : "#{merged.or},#{o}"
+    end
+  end
diff --git a/lib/rgfatools/multiplication.rb b/lib/rgfatools/multiplication.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..17e070a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/rgfatools/multiplication.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,194 @@
+# Methods which edit the graph components without traversal
+module RGFATools::Multiplication
+  # Allowed values for the links_distribution_policy option
+  LINKS_DISTRIBUTION_POLICY = [:off, :auto, :equal, :E, :B]
+  # @overload multiply(segment, factor, copy_names: :lowcase, distribute: :auto, conserve_components: true, origin_tag: :or)
+  # Create multiple copies of a segment.
+  #
+  # Complements the multiply method of gfatools with additional functionality.
+  # These extensions are used only after #enable_extensions is called on the
+  # RGFA object. After that, you may still call the original method
+  # using #multiply_without_rgfatools.
+  #
+  # For more information on the additional functionality, see
+  # #multiply_extended.
+  #
+  # @return [RGFA] self
+  def multiply_with_rgfatools(segment, factor,
+                       copy_names: :lowcase,
+                       distribute: :auto,
+                       conserve_components: true,
+                       origin_tag: :or)
+    if !@extensions_enabled
+      return multiply_without_rgfatools(segment, factor,
+                       copy_names: copy_names,
+                       conserve_components: conserve_components)
+    else
+      multiply_extended(segment, factor,
+                       copy_names: copy_names,
+                       distribute: distribute,
+                       conserve_components: conserve_components,
+                       origin_tag: origin_tag)
+    end
+  end
+  # Create multiple copies of a segment.
+  #
+  # Complements the multiply method of gfatools with additional functionality.
+  # To always run the additional functionality when multiply is called,
+  # use RGFA#enable_extensions.
+  #
+  # @!macro [new] copynames_text
+  #
+  #   <b>Automatic computation of the copy names:</b>
+  #
+  #   - First, itis checked if the name of the original segment ends with a
+  #     relevant
+  #     string, i.e. a lower case letter (for +:lowcase+), an upper case letter
+  #     (for +:upcase+), a digit (for +:number+), or the string +"_copy"+
+  #     plus one or more optional digits (for +:copy+).
+  #   - If so, it is assumed, it was already a copy, and it is not
+  #     altered.
+  #   - If not, then +a+ (for +:lowcase+), +A+ (for +:upcase+), +1+ (for
+  #     +:number+), +_copy+ (for +:copy+) is appended to the string.
+  #   - Then, in all
+  #     cases, next (*) is called on the string, until a valid, non-existant
+  #     name is found for each of the segment copies
+  #   - (*) = except for +:copy+, where
+  #     for the first copy no digit is present, but for the following is,
+  #     i.e. the segment names will be +:copy+, +:copy2+, +:copy3+, etc.
+  # - Can be overridden, by providing an array of copy names.
+  #
+  # @!macro [new] ldp_text
+  #
+  #   <b>Links distribution policy</b>
+  #
+  #   Depending on the value of the option +distribute+, an end
+  #   is eventually selected for distribution of the links.
+  #
+  #   - +:off+: no distribution performed
+  #   - +:E+: links of the E end are distributed
+  #   - +:B+: links of the B end are distributed
+  #   - +:equal+: select an end for which the number of links is equal to
+  #     +factor+, if any; if both, then the E end is selected
+  #   - +:auto+: automatically select E or B, trying to maximize the number of
+  #     links which can be deleted
+  #
+  # @param [Integer] factor multiplication factor; if 0, delete the segment;
+  #   if 1; do nothing; if > 1; number of copies to create
+  # @!macro [new] segment_param
+  #   @param segment [String, RGFA::Line::Segment] segment name or instance
+  # @param [:lowcase, :upcase, :number, :copy, Array<String>] copy_names
+  #   <i>(Defaults to: +:lowcase+)</i>
+  #   Array of names for the copies of the segment,
+  #   or a symbol, which defines a system to compute the names from the name of
+  #   the original segment. See "Automatic computation of the copy names".
+  # @!macro [new] conserve_components
+  #   @param [Boolean] conserve_components <i>(Defaults to: +true+)</i>
+  #     If factor == 0 (i.e. deletion), delete segment only if
+  #     #cut_segment?(segment) is +false+ (see RGFA API).
+  # @!macro [new] ldp_param
+  #   @param distribute
+  #     [RGFATools::Multiplication::LINKS_DISTRIBUTION_POLICY]
+  #     <i>(Defaults to: +:auto+)</i>
+  #     Determines if and for which end of the segment, links are distributed
+  #     among the copies. See "Links distribution policy".
+  # @!macro [new] origin_tag
+  #   @param origin_tag [Symbol] <i>(Defaults to: +:or+)</i>
+  #     Name of the custom tag to use for storing origin information.
+  #
+  # @return [RGFA] self
+  def multiply_extended(segment, factor,
+                       copy_names: :lowcase,
+                       distribute: :auto,
+                       conserve_components: true,
+                       origin_tag: :or)
+    s, sn = segment_and_segment_name(segment)
+    s.set(origin_tag, sn) if !s.get(origin_tag)
+    copy_names = compute_copy_names(copy_names, sn, factor)
+    multiply_without_rgfatools(sn, factor,
+                               copy_names: copy_names,
+                               conserve_components: conserve_components)
+    distribute_links(distribute, sn, copy_names, factor)
+    return self
+  end
+  private
+  Redefined = [:multiply]
+  def select_distribute_end(links_distribution_policy, segment_name, factor)
+    accepted = RGFATools::Multiplication::LINKS_DISTRIBUTION_POLICY
+    if !accepted.include?(links_distribution_policy)
+      raise "Unknown links distribution policy #{links_distribution_policy}, "+
+        "accepted values are: "+
+        accepted.inspect
+    end
+    return nil if links_distribution_policy == :off
+    if [:B, :E].include?(links_distribution_policy)
+      return links_distribution_policy
+    end
+    esize = links_of([segment_name, :E]).size
+    bsize = links_of([segment_name, :B]).size
+    auto_select_distribute_end(factor, bsize, esize,
+                               links_distribution_policy == :equal)
+  end
+  # (keep separate for testing)
+  def auto_select_distribute_end(factor, bsize, esize, equal_only)
+    if esize == factor
+      return :E
+    elsif bsize == factor
+      return :B
+    elsif equal_only
+      return nil
+    elsif esize < 2
+      return (bsize < 2) ? nil : :B
+    elsif bsize < 2
+      return :E
+    elsif esize < factor
+      return ((bsize <= esize) ? :E :
+        ((bsize < factor) ? :B : :E))
+    elsif bsize < factor
+      return :B
+    else
+      return ((bsize <= esize) ? :B : :E)
+    end
+  end
+  def distribute_links(links_distribution_policy, segment_name,
+                       copy_names, factor)
+    return if factor < 2
+    end_type = select_distribute_end(links_distribution_policy,
+                                     segment_name, factor)
+    return nil if end_type.nil?
+    et_links = links_of([segment_name, end_type])
+    diff = [et_links.size - factor, 0].max
+    links_signatures = et_links.map do |l|
+      l.other_end([segment_name, end_type]).join
+    end
+    ([segment_name]+copy_names).each_with_index do |sn, i|
+      links_of([sn, end_type]).each do |l|
+        l_sig = l.other_end([sn, end_type]).join
+        to_save = links_signatures[i..i+diff].to_a
+        delete_link(l) unless to_save.include?(l_sig)
+      end
+    end
+  end
+  def segment_and_segment_name(segment_or_segment_name)
+    if segment_or_segment_name.kind_of?(RGFA::Line)
+      s = segment_or_segment_name
+      sn = segment_or_segment_name.name
+    else
+      sn = segment_or_segment_name.to_sym
+      s = segment(sn)
+    end
+    return s, sn
+  end
diff --git a/lib/rgfatools/p_bubbles.rb b/lib/rgfatools/p_bubbles.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..af1f173
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/rgfatools/p_bubbles.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+# Methods for the RGFA class, which involve a traversal of the graph following
+# links
+module RGFATools::PBubbles
+  require "set"
+  # Removes all p-bubbles in the graph
+  # @return [RGFA] self
+  def remove_p_bubbles
+    visited = Set.new
+    segment_names.each do |sn|
+      next if visited.include?(sn)
+      if connectivity(sn) == [1,1]
+        s1 = neighbours([sn, :B])[0]
+        s2 = neighbours([sn, :E])[0]
+        n1 = neighbours(s1).sort
+        n2 = neighbours(s2).sort
+        n1.each {|se| visited << se[0].name}
+        if n1 == n2.map{|se| se.invert_end_type}
+          remove_proven_p_bubble(s1, s2, n1)
+        end
+      end
+    end
+    return self
+  end
+  # Removes a p-bubble between segment_end1 and segment_end2
+  # @param [RGFA::SegmentEnd] segment_end1 a segment end
+  # @param [RGFA::SegmentEnd] segment_end2 another segment end
+  # @!macro [new] count_tag
+  #   @param count_tag [Symbol] <i>(defaults to: +:RC+ or the value set by
+  #     {#set_default_count_tag})</i> the count tag to use for coverage
+  #     computation
+  # @!macro [new] unit_length
+  #   @param unit_length [Integer] <i>(defaults to: 1 or the value set by
+  #     {#set_count_unit_length})</i> the unit length to use for coverage
+  #     computation
+  # @return [RGFA] self
+  #
+  def remove_p_bubble(segment_end1, segment_end2,
+                      count_tag: @default[:count_tag],
+                      unit_length: @default[:unit_length])
+    n1 = neighbours(segment_end1).sort
+    n2 = neighbours(segment_end2).sort
+    raise if n1 != n2.map{|se| se.invert_end_type}
+    raise if n1.any? {|se| connectivity(se[0]) != [1,1]}
+    remove_proven_p_bubble(segment_end1, segment_end2, n1,
+                           count_tag: count_tag,
+                           unit_length: unit_length)
+    return self
+  end
+  private
+  def remove_proven_p_bubble(segment_end1, segment_end2, alternatives,
+                             count_tag: @default[:count_tag],
+                             unit_length: @default[:unit_length])
+    coverages = alternatives.map{|s|segment!(s[0]).coverage(
+      count_tag: count_tag, unit_length: unit_length)}
+    alternatives.delete_at(coverages.index(coverages.max))
+    alternatives.each {|s| delete_segment(s[0])}
+  end
diff --git a/lib/rgfatools/superfluous_links.rb b/lib/rgfatools/superfluous_links.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8e256ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/rgfatools/superfluous_links.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+# Methods which edit the graph components without traversal
+module RGFATools::SuperfluousLinks
+  # Remove superfluous links in the presence of mandatory links
+  # for a single segment
+  # @return [RGFA] self
+  # @!macro segment_param
+  # @!macro [new] conserve_components_links
+  #   @param [Boolean] conserve_components <i>(Defaults to: +true+)</i>
+  #     delete links only if #cut_link?(link) is +false+ (see RGFA API).
+  def enforce_segment_mandatory_links(segment, conserve_components: true)
+    sn = segment_and_segment_name(segment)[1]
+    se = {}
+    l = {}
+    [:B, :E].each do |et|
+      se[et] = [sn, et]
+      l[et] = links_of(se[et])
+    end
+    cs = connectivity_symbols(l[:B].size, l[:E].size)
+    if cs == [1, 1]
+      oe = {}
+      [:B, :E].each {|et| oe[et] = l[et][0].other_end(se[et])}
+      return if oe[:B] == oe[:E]
+      [:B, :E].each {|et| delete_other_links(oe[et], se[et],
+                                    conserve_components: conserve_components)}
+    else
+      i = cs.index(1)
+      return if i.nil?
+      et = [:B, :E][i]
+      oe = l[et][0].other_end(se[et])
+      delete_other_links(oe, se[et], conserve_components: conserve_components)
+    end
+    self
+  end
+  # Remove superfluous links in the presence of mandatory links
+  # in the entire graph
+  # @!macro conserve_components_links
+  # @return [RGFA] self
+  def enforce_all_mandatory_links(conserve_components: true)
+    segment_names.each {|sn| enforce_segment_mandatory_links(sn,
+                               conserve_components: conserve_components)}
+    self
+  end
+  # Remove links of segment to itself
+  # @!macro segment_param
+  # @return [RGFA] self
+  def remove_self_link(segment)
+    segment_name = segment.kind_of?(RGFA::Line) ? segment.name : segment
+    unconnect_segments(segment_name, segment_name)
+    self
+  end
+  # Remove all links of segments to themselves
+  # @return [RGFA] self
+  def remove_self_links
+    segment_names.each {|sn| remove_self_link(sn)}
+    self
+  end
diff --git a/pdfdoc/cover.css b/pdfdoc/cover.css
new file mode 100644
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+<div class="page">
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+  <h3>Giorgio Gonnella</h3>
+  <h1>RGFA library - API documentation</h1>
+  <h2>Version 1.1</h2>
diff --git a/pdfdoc/print.css b/pdfdoc/print.css
new file mode 100644
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+h1 {page-break-before: always;}
+h2 {page-break-after: avoid;}
diff --git a/rgfa.gemspec b/rgfa.gemspec
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e15ecf3
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+++ b/rgfa.gemspec
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+Gem::Specification.new do |s|
+  s.name = 'rgfa'
+  s.version = '1.2'
+  s.date = '2016-09-20'
+  s.summary = 'Parse, edit and write GFA-format graphs in Ruby'
+  s.description = <<-EOF
+    The Graphical Fragment Assembly (GFA) is a proposed format which allow
+    to describe the product of sequence assembly.
+    This gem implements the proposed specifications for the GFA format
+    described under https://github.com/pmelsted/GFA-spec/blob/master/GFA-spec.md
+    as close as possible.
+    The library allows to create an RGFA object from a file in the GFA format
+    or from scratch, to enumerate the graph elements (segments, links,
+    containments, paths and header lines), to traverse the graph (by
+    traversing all links outgoing from or incoming to a segment), to search for
+    elements (e.g. which links connect two segments) and to manipulate the
+    graph (e.g. to eliminate a link or a segment or to duplicate a segment
+    distributing the read counts evenly on the copies).
+  EOF
+  s.author = 'Giorgio Gonnella'
+  s.email = 'gonnella at zbh.uni-hamburg.de'
+  s.files = [
+              'lib/rgfa.rb',
+              'lib/rgfa/byte_array.rb',
+              'lib/rgfa/cigar.rb',
+              'lib/rgfa/connectivity.rb',
+              'lib/rgfa/containments.rb',
+              'lib/rgfa/error.rb',
+              'lib/rgfa/field_array.rb',
+              'lib/rgfa/field_writer.rb',
+              'lib/rgfa/field_parser.rb',
+              'lib/rgfa/field_validator.rb',
+              'lib/rgfa/headers.rb',
+              'lib/rgfa/line/containment.rb',
+              'lib/rgfa/line/header.rb',
+              'lib/rgfa/line/link.rb',
+              'lib/rgfa/line/path.rb',
+              'lib/rgfa/line/segment.rb',
+              'lib/rgfa/line.rb',
+              'lib/rgfa/linear_paths.rb',
+              'lib/rgfa/lines.rb',
+              'lib/rgfa/links.rb',
+              'lib/rgfa/logger.rb',
+              'lib/rgfa/multiplication.rb',
+              'lib/rgfa/numeric_array.rb',
+              'lib/rgfa/paths.rb',
+              'lib/rgfa/rgl.rb',
+              'lib/rgfa/segment_ends_path.rb',
+              'lib/rgfa/segment_info.rb',
+              'lib/rgfa/segments.rb',
+              'lib/rgfa/sequence.rb',
+              'lib/rgfatools.rb',
+              'lib/rgfatools/artifacts.rb',
+              'lib/rgfatools/copy_number.rb',
+              'lib/rgfatools/invertible_segments.rb',
+              'lib/rgfatools/multiplication.rb',
+              'lib/rgfatools/superfluous_links.rb',
+              'lib/rgfatools/linear_paths.rb',
+              'lib/rgfatools/p_bubbles.rb',
+              'bin/gfadiff.rb',
+              'bin/rgfa-mergelinear.rb',
+              'bin/rgfa-simdebruijn.rb',
+              'bin/rgfa-findcrisprs.rb',
+            ]
+  s.homepage = 'http://github.com/ggonnella/rgfa'
+  s.license = 'CC-BY-SA'
+  s.required_ruby_version = '>= 2.0'
diff --git a/test/test_rgfa.rb b/test/test_rgfa.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3aa9785
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/test_rgfa.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+require_relative "../lib/rgfa.rb"
+require "test/unit"
+require "tempfile"
+class TestRGFA < Test::Unit::TestCase
+  def test_initialize
+    assert_nothing_raised { RGFA.new }
+    gfa = RGFA.new
+    assert_equal(RGFA, gfa.class)
+  end
+  def test_segment_names
+    gfa = RGFA.new
+    assert_equal([], gfa.segment_names)
+    gfa << "S\t1\t*"
+    gfa << "S\t2\t*"
+    assert_equal([:"1", :"2"], gfa.segment_names)
+    gfa.delete_segment("1")
+    assert_equal([:"2"], gfa.segment_names)
+  end
+  def test_path_names
+    gfa = RGFA.new
+    assert_equal([], gfa.path_names)
+    gfa << "P\t3\t1+,4-\t*"
+    assert_equal([:"3"], gfa.path_names)
+    gfa.delete_path("3")
+    assert_equal([], gfa.path_names)
+  end
+  def test_validate!
+    gfa = RGFA.new
+    gfa << "S\t1\t*"
+    assert_nothing_raised { gfa.validate! }
+    gfa << "L\t1\t+\t2\t-\t*"
+    assert_raise(RGFA::LineMissingError) { gfa.validate! }
+    gfa << "S\t2\t*"
+    assert_nothing_raised { gfa.validate! }
+    gfa << "P\t3\t1+,4-\t*"
+    assert_raise(RGFA::LineMissingError) { gfa.validate! }
+    gfa << "S\t4\t*"
+    assert_raise(RGFA::LineMissingError) { gfa.validate! }
+    gfa << "L\t4\t+\t1\t-\t*"
+    assert_nothing_raised { gfa.validate! }
+  end
+  def test_to_s
+    lines = ["H\tVN:Z:1.0","S\t1\t*","S\t2\t*","S\t3\t*",
+     "L\t1\t+\t2\t-\t*","C\t1\t+\t3\t-\t12\t*","P\t4\t1+,2-\t*"]
+    gfa = RGFA.new
+    lines.each {|l| gfa << l}
+    assert_equal(lines.join("\n")+"\n", gfa.to_s)
+  end
+  def test_to_rgfa
+    gfa = RGFA.new
+    gfa2 = gfa.to_rgfa
+    assert(gfa2)
+    assert_equal(RGFA, gfa2.class)
+  end
+  def test_from_file
+    filename = "test/testdata/example1.gfa"
+    gfa = RGFA.from_file(filename)
+    assert(gfa)
+    assert_equal(IO.read(filename), gfa.to_s)
+  end
+  def test_to_file
+    filename = "test/testdata/example1.gfa"
+    gfa = RGFA.from_file(filename)
+    tmp = Tempfile.new("example1")
+    gfa.to_file(tmp.path)
+    tmp.rewind
+    assert_equal(IO.read(filename), IO.read(tmp))
+  end
+  def test_string_to_rgfa
+    lines = ["H\tVN:Z:1.0","S\t1\t*","S\t2\t*","S\t3\t*",
+     "L\t1\t+\t2\t-\t*","C\t1\t+\t3\t-\t12\t*","P\t4\t1+,2-\t*"]
+    gfa1 = RGFA.new
+    lines.each {|l| gfa1 << l}
+    gfa2 = lines.join("\n").to_rgfa
+    assert(gfa2)
+    assert_equal(RGFA, gfa2.class)
+    assert_equal(gfa1.to_s, gfa2.to_s)
+  end
+  def test_array_to_rgfa
+    lines = ["H\tVN:Z:1.0","S\t1\t*","S\t2\t*","S\t3\t*",
+     "L\t1\t+\t2\t-\t*","C\t1\t+\t3\t-\t12\t*","P\t4\t1+,2-\t*"]
+    gfa1 = RGFA.new
+    lines.each {|l| gfa1 << l}
+    gfa2 = lines.to_rgfa
+    assert(gfa2)
+    assert_equal(RGFA, gfa2.class)
+    assert_equal(gfa1.to_s, gfa2.to_s)
+  end
diff --git a/test/test_rgfa_byte_array.rb b/test/test_rgfa_byte_array.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a96161f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/test_rgfa_byte_array.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+require_relative "../lib/rgfa.rb"
+require "test/unit"
+class TestRGFAByteArray < Test::Unit::TestCase
+  def test_byte_array_creation
+    a, b = nil
+    assert_nothing_raised { a = RGFA::ByteArray.new([1,2,3,4,5]) }
+    assert_nothing_raised { b = [1,2,3,4,5].to_byte_array }
+    assert_equal(a, b)
+  end
+  def test_byte_array_validation
+    a = nil
+    assert_nothing_raised { a = RGFA::ByteArray.new([1,2,3,4,5]) }
+    assert_nothing_raised { a.validate! }
+    assert_nothing_raised { a = RGFA::ByteArray.new([1,2,3,4,356]) }
+    assert_raises(RGFA::ByteArray::ValueError) { a.validate! }
+  end
+  def test_from_string
+    a = nil
+    assert_nothing_raised { a = "12ACF4AA601C1F".to_byte_array }
+    b = [18, 172, 244, 170, 96, 28, 31].to_byte_array
+    assert_equal(b, a)
+    assert_raises(RGFA::ByteArray::FormatError) {
+      a = "12ACF4AA601C1".to_byte_array }
+    assert_raises(RGFA::ByteArray::FormatError) {
+      a = "".to_byte_array }
+    assert_raises(ArgumentError) { a = "12ACG4AA601C1F".to_byte_array }
+  end
+  def test_to_string
+    a = [18, 172, 244, 170, 96, 28, 31].to_byte_array
+    b = "12ACF4AA601C1F"
+    assert_equal(b, a.to_s)
+    a = [18, 172, 280, 170, 96, 28, 31].to_byte_array
+    assert_raises(RGFA::ByteArray::ValueError) { a.to_s }
+  end
diff --git a/test/test_rgfa_cigar.rb b/test/test_rgfa_cigar.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..973b50b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/test_rgfa_cigar.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+require_relative "../lib/rgfa.rb"
+require "test/unit"
+class TestRGFACigar < Test::Unit::TestCase
+  def test_from_string_nonempty
+    assert_equal(RGFA::CIGAR.new([
+      RGFA::CIGAR::Operation.new(12,:M),
+      RGFA::CIGAR::Operation.new(1,:D),
+      RGFA::CIGAR::Operation.new(2,:I)]),"12M1D2I".to_cigar)
+  end
+  def test_from_string_empty
+    assert_equal([],"*".to_cigar)
+  end
+  def test_from_string_invalid
+    assert_raises(RGFA::CIGAR::ValueError){"12x1D2I".to_cigar}
+  end
+  def test_to_s_nonempty
+    assert_equal("12M1D2I",
+      RGFA::CIGAR.new([
+      RGFA::CIGAR::Operation.new(12,:M),
+      RGFA::CIGAR::Operation.new(1,:D),
+      RGFA::CIGAR::Operation.new(2,:I)]).to_s)
+  end
+  def test_to_s_empty
+    assert_equal("*", RGFA::CIGAR.new([]).to_s)
+  end
diff --git a/test/test_rgfa_edit.rb b/test/test_rgfa_edit.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bd83dea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/test_rgfa_edit.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+require_relative "../lib/rgfa.rb"
+require "test/unit"
+class TestRGFAEdit < Test::Unit::TestCase
+  def test_rename
+    gfa = ["S\t0\t*", "S\t1\t*", "S\t2\t*", "L\t0\t+\t2\t-\t12M",
+    "C\t1\t+\t0\t+\t12\t12M", "P\t4\t2+,0-\t12M"].to_rgfa
+    gfa.rename("0", "X")
+    assert_equal([:"X", :"1", :"2"].sort, gfa.segment_names.sort)
+    assert_equal("L\tX\t+\t2\t-\t12M", gfa.links[0].to_s)
+    assert_equal("C\t1\t+\tX\t+\t12\t12M", gfa.containments[0].to_s)
+    assert_equal("P\t4\t2+,X-\t12M", gfa.paths[0].to_s)
+    assert_raises(RGFA::LineMissingError){gfa.links_of(["0", :E])}
+    assert_equal("L\tX\t+\t2\t-\t12M", gfa.links_of(["X", :E])[0].to_s)
+    assert_equal("C\t1\t+\tX\t+\t12\t12M", gfa.contained_in("1")[0].to_s)
+    assert_raises(RGFA::LineMissingError){gfa.containing("0")}
+    assert_equal("C\t1\t+\tX\t+\t12\t12M", gfa.containing("X")[0].to_s)
+    assert_raises(RGFA::LineMissingError){gfa.paths_with("0")}
+    assert_equal("P\t4\t2+,X-\t12M", gfa.paths_with("X")[0].to_s)
+  end
+  def test_multiply_segment
+    gfa = RGFA.new
+    gfa << "H\tVN:Z:1.0"
+    s = ["S\t0\t*\tRC:i:600",
+         "S\t1\t*\tRC:i:6000",
+         "S\t2\t*\tRC:i:60000"]
+    l = "L\t1\t+\t2\t+\t12M"
+    c = "C\t1\t+\t0\t+\t12\t12M"
+    p = "P\t3\t2+,0-\t12M"
+    (s + [l,c,p]).each {|line| gfa << line }
+    assert_equal(s, gfa.segments.map(&:to_s))
+    assert_equal([l], gfa.links.select{|n|!n.virtual?}.map(&:to_s))
+    assert_equal([c], gfa.containments.map(&:to_s))
+    assert_equal(l, gfa.link(["1", :E], ["2", :B]).to_s)
+    assert_equal(c, gfa.containment("1", "0").to_s)
+    assert_raises(RGFA::LineMissingError){gfa.link(["1a", :E], ["2", :B])}
+    assert_raises(RGFA::LineMissingError){gfa.containment("5", "0")}
+    assert_equal(6000, gfa.segment("1").RC)
+    gfa.multiply("1", 2)
+    assert_equal(l, gfa.link(["1", :E], ["2", :B]).to_s)
+    assert_equal(c, gfa.containment("1", "0").to_s)
+    assert_not_equal(nil, gfa.link(["1b", :E], ["2", :B]))
+    assert_not_equal(nil, gfa.containment("1b", "0"))
+    assert_equal(3000, gfa.segment("1").RC)
+    assert_equal(3000, gfa.segment("1b").RC)
+    gfa.multiply("1b", 3 , copy_names:["6","7"])
+    assert_equal(l, gfa.link(["1", :E], ["2", :B]).to_s)
+    assert_not_equal(nil, gfa.link(["1b", :E], ["2", :B]))
+    assert_not_equal(nil, gfa.link(["6", :E], ["2", :B]))
+    assert_not_equal(nil, gfa.link(["7", :E], ["2", :B]))
+    assert_not_equal(nil, gfa.containment("1b", "0"))
+    assert_not_equal(nil, gfa.containment("6", "0"))
+    assert_not_equal(nil, gfa.containment("7", "0"))
+    assert_equal(3000, gfa.segment("1").RC)
+    assert_equal(1000, gfa.segment("1b").RC)
+    assert_equal(1000, gfa.segment("6").RC)
+    assert_equal(1000, gfa.segment("7").RC)
+  end
+  def test_multiply_segment_copy_names
+    gfa = ["H\tVN:Z:1.0",
+           "S\t1\t*\tRC:i:600",
+           "S\t1b\t*\tRC:i:6000",
+           "S\t2\t*\tRC:i:60000",
+           "S\t3\t*\tRC:i:60000"].to_rgfa
+    gfa.multiply("2", 2, copy_names: :upcase)
+    assert_nothing_raised {gfa.segment!("2B")}
+    gfa.multiply("2", 2, copy_names: :upcase)
+    assert_nothing_raised {gfa.segment!("2C")}
+    gfa.multiply("2", 2, copy_names: :copy)
+    assert_nothing_raised {gfa.segment!("2_copy")}
+    gfa.multiply("2", 2, copy_names: :copy)
+    assert_nothing_raised {gfa.segment!("2_copy2")}
+    gfa.multiply("2", 2, copy_names: :copy)
+    assert_nothing_raised {gfa.segment!("2_copy3")}
+    gfa.multiply("2_copy", 2, copy_names: :copy)
+    assert_nothing_raised {gfa.segment!("2_copy4")}
+    gfa.multiply("2_copy4", 2, copy_names: :copy)
+    assert_nothing_raised {gfa.segment!("2_copy5")}
+    gfa.multiply("2", 2, copy_names: :number)
+    assert_nothing_raised {gfa.segment!("4")}
+    gfa.multiply("1b", 2)
+    assert_nothing_raised {gfa.segment!("1c")}
+    gfa.multiply("1b", 2, copy_names: :number)
+    assert_nothing_raised {gfa.segment!("1b2")}
+    gfa.multiply("1b", 2, copy_names: :copy)
+    assert_nothing_raised {gfa.segment!("1b_copy")}
+    gfa.multiply("1b_copy", 2, copy_names: :lowcase)
+    assert_nothing_raised {gfa.segment!("1b_copz")}
+    gfa.multiply("1b_copy", 2, copy_names: :upcase)
+    assert_nothing_raised {gfa.segment!("1b_copyB")}
+  end
diff --git a/test/test_rgfa_field_parser.rb b/test/test_rgfa_field_parser.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f9decda
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/test_rgfa_field_parser.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+require_relative "../lib/rgfa.rb"
+require "test/unit"
+class TestRGFAFieldParser < Test::Unit::TestCase
+  def test_parse_gfa_opfield
+    o = "AA:i:1"
+    assert_equal([:AA,:i,"1"], o.parse_gfa_optfield)
+    assert_raise(RGFA::FieldParser::FormatError) do
+      "1A:A:A".parse_gfa_optfield
+    end
+    assert_raise(RGFA::FieldParser::FormatError) do
+      "_A:A:A".parse_gfa_optfield
+    end
+    assert_raise(RGFA::FieldParser::FormatError) do
+      "A:A:A".parse_gfa_optfield
+    end
+    assert_raise(RGFA::FieldParser::FormatError) do
+      "AAA:A:A".parse_gfa_optfield
+    end
+    assert_raise(RGFA::FieldParser::FormatError) {"AA:C:1".parse_gfa_optfield}
+    assert_raise(RGFA::FieldParser::FormatError) {"AA:AA:1".parse_gfa_optfield}
+    assert_raise(RGFA::FieldParser::FormatError) {"AA:a:1".parse_gfa_optfield}
+  end
+  def test_parse_gfa_field_A
+    assert_equal("1", "1".parse_gfa_field(datatype: :A))
+  end
+  def test_parse_gfa_field_i
+    assert_equal(12, "12".parse_gfa_field(datatype: :i))
+  end
+  def test_parse_gfa_field_f
+    assert_equal(1.2, "1.2".parse_gfa_field(datatype: :f))
+  end
+  def test_parse_gfa_field_Z
+    assert_equal("1.2", "1.2".parse_gfa_field(datatype: :Z))
+  end
+  def test_parse_gfa_field_H
+    assert_equal([26], "1A".parse_gfa_field(datatype: :H))
+  end
+  def test_parse_gfa_field_B
+    assert_equal([12,12,12], "c,12,12,12".parse_gfa_field(datatype: :B))
+    assert_equal([1.2,1.2,1.2], "f,1.2,1.2,1.2".parse_gfa_field(datatype: :B))
+  end
+  def test_parse_gfa_field_J
+    assert_equal({"1" => 2}, "{\"1\":2}".parse_gfa_field(datatype: :J))
+  end
diff --git a/test/test_rgfa_field_validator.rb b/test/test_rgfa_field_validator.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ec021f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/test_rgfa_field_validator.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+require_relative "../lib/rgfa.rb"
+require "test/unit"
+class TestRGFAFieldValidator < Test::Unit::TestCase
+  def test_field_gfa_field_validate_i
+    assert_nothing_raised { "1".validate_gfa_field!(:i) }
+    assert_nothing_raised { "12".validate_gfa_field!(:i) }
+    assert_nothing_raised { "-12".validate_gfa_field!(:i) }
+    assert_raise(RGFA::FieldParser::FormatError) {"1A".validate_gfa_field!(:i)}
+    assert_raise(RGFA::FieldParser::FormatError) {"A1".validate_gfa_field!(:i)}
+    assert_raise(RGFA::FieldParser::FormatError) {"2.1".validate_gfa_field!(:i)}
+  end
+  def test_field_gfa_field_validate_A
+    assert_nothing_raised { "A".validate_gfa_field!(:A) }
+    assert_raise(RGFA::FieldParser::FormatError) {"AA".validate_gfa_field!(:A)}
+  end
+  def test_field_gfa_field_validate_f
+    assert_nothing_raised { "-12.1".validate_gfa_field!(:f) }
+    assert_nothing_raised { "-12.1E-2".validate_gfa_field!(:f) }
+    assert_raise(RGFA::FieldParser::FormatError) do
+      "2.1X".validate_gfa_field!(:f)
+    end
+  end
+  def test_field_gfa_field_validate_Z
+    assert_nothing_raised { "-12.1E-2".validate_gfa_field!(:Z) }
+  end
+  def test_field_gfa_field_validate_H
+    assert_nothing_raised { "0A12121EFF".validate_gfa_field!(:H) }
+    assert_raise(RGFA::FieldParser::FormatError) do
+      "21X1".validate_gfa_field!(:H)
+    end
+  end
+  def test_field_gfa_field_validate_B
+    assert_nothing_raised { "i,12,-5".validate_gfa_field!(:B) }
+    assert_raise(RGFA::FieldParser::FormatError) do
+      "C,X1".validate_gfa_field!(:B)
+    end
+    assert_raise(RGFA::FieldParser::FormatError) do
+      "f.1.1".validate_gfa_field!(:B)
+    end
+  end
+  def test_field_gfa_field_validate_J
+    assert_nothing_raised {"{\"1\":2}".validate_gfa_field!(:J) }
+    assert_raise(RGFA::FieldParser::FormatError) do
+      "1\t2".validate_gfa_field!(:J)
+    end
+  end
diff --git a/test/test_rgfa_field_writer.rb b/test/test_rgfa_field_writer.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..da8c421
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/test_rgfa_field_writer.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+require_relative "../lib/rgfa.rb"
+require "test/unit"
+class TestRGFAFieldWriter < Test::Unit::TestCase
+  def test_field_writer_i
+    assert_equal("13", 13.to_gfa_field)
+  end
+  def test_field_writer_f
+    assert_equal("1.3", 1.3.to_gfa_field)
+  end
+  def test_field_writer_Z
+    assert_equal("1B", "1B".to_gfa_field)
+  end
+  def test_field_writer_H
+    assert_equal("0D0D0D", [13,13,13].to_byte_array.to_gfa_field)
+    assert_raise(RGFA::ByteArray::ValueError) do
+      [13,13,1.3].to_byte_array.to_gfa_field
+    end
+    assert_raise(RGFA::ByteArray::ValueError) do
+      [13,13,350].to_byte_array.to_gfa_field
+    end
+  end
+  def test_field_writer_B
+    assert_equal("C,13,13,13", [13,13,13].to_gfa_field)
+    assert_equal("f,1.3,1.3,1.3", [1.3,1.3,1.3].to_gfa_field)
+    assert_raise(RGFA::NumericArray::ValueError) do
+      [13,1.3,1.3].to_gfa_field(datatype: :B)
+    end
+  end
+  def test_field_writer_J
+    assert_equal("[\"A\",12]", ["A", 12].to_gfa_field)
+    assert_equal("{\"A\":12}", {"A" => 12}.to_gfa_field)
+  end
+  def test_field_writer_as_optfield
+    assert_equal("AA:i:13", 13.to_gfa_optfield(:AA))
+  end
diff --git a/test/test_rgfa_line.rb b/test/test_rgfa_line.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c144ff4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/test_rgfa_line.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,199 @@
+require_relative "../lib/rgfa.rb"
+require "test/unit"
+class TestRGFALine < Test::Unit::TestCase
+  def test_initialize_not_enough_required
+    assert_nothing_raised do
+      RGFA::Line::Segment.new(["1","*"])
+    end
+    assert_raise(RGFA::Line::RequiredFieldMissingError) do
+      RGFA::Line::Segment.new(["1"])
+    end
+  end
+  def test_initialize_too_many_required
+    assert_raise(RGFA::FieldParser::FormatError) do
+      RGFA::Line::Segment.new(["1","*","*"])
+    end
+  end
+  def test_initialize_predefined_optfield_wrong_type
+    assert_nothing_raised do
+      RGFA::Line::Header.new(["VN:Z:1"])
+    end
+    assert_raise(RGFA::Line::PredefinedOptfieldTypeError) do
+      RGFA::Line::Header.new(["VN:i:1"])
+    end
+  end
+  def test_initialize_wrong_optfield_format
+    assert_raise(RGFA::FieldParser::FormatError) do
+      RGFA::Line::Header.new(["VN i:1"])
+    end
+  end
+  def test_initialize_reqfield_type_error
+    assert_raise(RGFA::FieldParser::FormatError) do
+      RGFA::Line::Segment.new(["1\t1","*","*"])
+    end
+  end
+  def test_initialize_optfield_type_error
+    assert_raise(ArgumentError) do
+      RGFA::Line::Header.new(["zz:i:1A"])
+    end
+  end
+  def test_initialize_duplicate_optfield
+    assert_raise(RGFA::Line::DuplicatedOptfieldNameError) do
+      RGFA::Line::Header.new(["zz:i:1","zz:i:2"])
+    end
+    assert_raise(RGFA::Line::DuplicatedOptfieldNameError) do
+      RGFA::Line::Header.new(["zz:i:1", "VN:Z:1", "zz:i:2"])
+    end
+  end
+  def test_initialize_custom_optfield
+    assert_raise(RGFA::Line::CustomOptfieldNameError) do
+      RGFA::Line::Header.new(["ZZ:Z:1"])
+    end
+  end
+  def test_clone
+    l = "H\tVN:Z:1.0".to_rgfa_line
+    l1 = l
+    l2 = l.clone
+    assert_equal(RGFA::Line::Header, l.class)
+    assert_equal(RGFA::Line::Header, l2.class)
+    l2.VN="2.0"
+    assert_equal("2.0", l2.VN)
+    assert_equal("1.0", l.VN)
+    l1.VN="2.0"
+    assert_equal("2.0", l.VN)
+  end
+  def test_respond_to
+    l = RGFA::Line::Link.new(["1","+","2","-","*","zz:Z:yes","KC:i:100"])
+    # record_type
+    assert(l.respond_to?(:record_type))
+    # reqfields
+    assert(l.respond_to?(:from))
+    assert(l.respond_to?(:from=))
+    # predefined optfields
+    assert(l.respond_to?(:KC))
+    assert(l.respond_to?(:KC!))
+    assert(l.respond_to?(:KC=))
+    # custom optfields
+    assert(l.respond_to?(:zz))
+    assert(l.respond_to?(:zz!))
+    assert(l.respond_to?(:zz=))
+    # not-yet-existing optfields
+    assert(l.respond_to?(:aa))
+    assert(l.respond_to?(:aa!))
+    assert(l.respond_to?(:aa=))
+  end
+  def test_record_type
+    l = RGFA::Line::Header.new(["xx:i:13","VN:Z:HI"])
+    assert_equal(:H, l.record_type)
+    assert_raise(NoMethodError) { l.record_type = "S" }
+  end
+  def test_field_getters_required_fields
+    l = RGFA::Line::Segment.new(["12","*","xx:i:13","KC:i:10"])
+    assert_equal(:"12", l.name)
+    assert_raise(NoMethodError) { l.zzz }
+  end
+  def test_field_getters_existing_optional_fields
+    l = RGFA::Line::Segment.new(["12","*","xx:i:13","KC:i:10"])
+    assert_equal(:xx, l.fieldnames[2])
+    assert_equal(:xx, l.optional_fieldnames[0])
+    assert_equal("13", l.field_to_s(:xx))
+    assert_equal(13, l.xx)
+    assert_equal(13, l.xx!)
+    assert_equal("10", l.field_to_s(:KC))
+    assert_equal(10, l.KC)
+    assert_equal(10, l.KC!)
+  end
+  def test_field_getters_not_existing_optional_fields
+    l = RGFA::Line::Header.new(["xx:i:13","VN:Z:HI"])
+    assert_equal(nil, l.zz)
+    assert_raise(RGFA::Line::TagMissingError) { l.zz! }
+  end
+  def test_field_setters_required_fields
+    l = RGFA::Line::Segment.new(["12","*","xx:i:13","KC:i:1200"])
+    assert_raise(RGFA::FieldParser::FormatError) { l.name = "A\t1";
+                                                   l.validate_field!(:name) }
+    l.name = "14"
+    assert_equal(:"14", l.name)
+  end
+  def test_field_setters_existing_optional_fields
+    l = RGFA::Line::Header.new(["xx:i:13","VN:Z:HI"], validate: 5)
+    assert_equal(13, l.xx)
+    l.xx = 15
+    assert_equal(15, l.xx)
+    assert_raise(RGFA::FieldParser::FormatError) { l.xx = "1A" }
+    assert_nothing_raised { l.set_datatype(:xx, :Z); l.xx = "1A" }
+    assert_equal("HI", l.VN)
+    l.VN = "HO"
+    assert_equal("HO", l.VN)
+  end
+  def test_field_setters_not_existing_optional_fields
+    l = RGFA::Line::Header.new(["xx:i:13","VN:Z:HI"])
+    assert_nothing_raised { l.zz="1" }
+    assert_equal("1", l.zz)
+    assert_equal(:"Z", l.zz.default_gfa_datatype)
+    assert_nothing_raised { l.zi=1 }
+    assert_equal(1, l.zi)
+    assert_equal(:"i", l.zi.default_gfa_datatype)
+    assert_nothing_raised { l.zf=1.0 }
+    assert_equal(1.0, l.zf)
+    assert_equal(:"f", l.zf.default_gfa_datatype)
+    assert_nothing_raised { l.bf=[1.0,1.0] }
+    assert_equal([1.0,1.0], l.bf)
+    assert_equal(:"B", l.bf.default_gfa_datatype)
+    assert_nothing_raised { l.bi=[1.0,1.0] }
+    assert_equal([1,1], l.bi)
+    assert_equal(:"B", l.bi.default_gfa_datatype)
+    assert_nothing_raised { l.ba=[1.0,1] }
+    assert_equal([1.0,1], l.ba)
+    assert_equal(:"J", l.ba.default_gfa_datatype)
+    assert_nothing_raised { l.bh={:a => 1.0, :b => 1} }
+    assert_equal({"a"=>1.0,"b"=>1}, l.to_s.to_rgfa_line.bh)
+    assert_equal(:"J", l.bh.default_gfa_datatype)
+    assert_raise(NoMethodError) { l.zzz="1" }
+  end
+  def test_add_optfield
+    l = RGFA::Line::Header.new(["xx:i:13","VN:Z:HI"])
+    assert_equal(nil, l.xy)
+    l.set(:xy, "HI")
+    assert_equal("HI", l.xy)
+  end
+  def test_to_s
+    fields = ["xx:i:13","VN:Z:HI"]
+    l = RGFA::Line::Header.new(fields.clone)
+    assert_equal((["H"]+fields).join("\t"),l.to_s)
+  end
+  def test_unknown_record_type
+    assert_raise(RGFA::Line::UnknownRecordTypeError) {"Z\txxx".to_rgfa_line}
+  end
+  def test_to_rgfa_line
+    str = "H\tVN:Z:1.0"
+    l = str.to_rgfa_line
+    assert_equal(RGFA::Line::Header, l.class)
+    assert_equal(RGFA::Line::Header, l.to_rgfa_line.class)
+    assert_equal(str, l.to_rgfa_line.to_s)
+    assert_equal(l, l.to_rgfa_line)
+  end
diff --git a/test/test_rgfa_line_containment.rb b/test/test_rgfa_line_containment.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..55d6415
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/test_rgfa_line_containment.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+require_relative "../lib/rgfa.rb"
+require "test/unit"
+class TestRGFALineContainment < Test::Unit::TestCase
+  def test_from_string
+    fields=["C","1","+","2","-","12","12M","MQ:i:1232","NM:i:3","ab:Z:abcd"]
+    str=fields.join("\t")
+    assert_nothing_raised { str.to_rgfa_line }
+    assert_equal(RGFA::Line::Containment, str.to_rgfa_line.class)
+    assert_equal(fields[0].to_sym, str.to_rgfa_line.record_type)
+    assert_equal(fields[1].to_sym, str.to_rgfa_line.from)
+    assert_equal(fields[2].to_sym, str.to_rgfa_line.from_orient)
+    assert_equal(fields[3].to_sym, str.to_rgfa_line.to)
+    assert_equal(fields[4].to_sym, str.to_rgfa_line.to_orient)
+    assert_equal(12, str.to_rgfa_line.pos)
+    assert_equal([RGFA::CIGAR::Operation.new(12,:M)], str.to_rgfa_line.overlap)
+    assert_equal(1232, str.to_rgfa_line.MQ)
+    assert_equal(3, str.to_rgfa_line.NM)
+    assert_equal("abcd", str.to_rgfa_line.ab)
+    assert_raises(RGFA::FieldParser::FormatError) { (str+"\tH1").to_rgfa_line }
+    assert_raises(RGFA::Line::RequiredFieldMissingError) { "C\tH".to_rgfa_line }
+    assert_raises(RGFA::FieldParser::FormatError) do
+      f=fields.dup; f[2]="x"; f.join("\t").to_rgfa_line(validate: 3)
+    end
+    assert_raises(RGFA::FieldParser::FormatError) do
+      f=fields.dup; f[4]="x"; f.join("\t").to_rgfa_line(validate: 3)
+    end
+    assert_raises(ArgumentError) do
+      f=fields.dup; f[5]="x"; f.join("\t").to_rgfa_line(validate: 3)
+    end
+    assert_raises(RGFA::CIGAR::ValueError) do
+      f=fields.dup; f[6]="x"; f.join("\t").to_rgfa_line(validate: 3)
+    end
+    assert_raises(RGFA::Line::PredefinedOptfieldTypeError) do
+      f=fields.dup; f[7]="MQ:Z:1232"; f.join("\t").to_rgfa_line(validate: 3)
+    end
+    assert_raises(RGFA::Line::PredefinedOptfieldTypeError) do
+      f=fields.dup; f[8]="NM:Z:1232"; f.join("\t").to_rgfa_line(validate: 3)
+    end
+  end
diff --git a/test/test_rgfa_line_creators.rb b/test/test_rgfa_line_creators.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4fd61f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/test_rgfa_line_creators.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+require_relative "../lib/rgfa.rb"
+require "test/unit"
+class TestRGFALineCreators < Test::Unit::TestCase
+  def test_add_headers
+    gfa = RGFA.new
+    h = "H\tVN:Z:1.0"
+    assert_nothing_raised { gfa << h }
+    assert_equal([h], gfa.headers.map(&:to_s))
+  end
+  def test_add_segments
+    gfa = RGFA.new
+    s1 = "S\t1\t*".to_rgfa_line
+    s2 = "S\t2\t*".to_rgfa_line
+    assert_nothing_raised { gfa << s1 }
+    assert_nothing_raised { gfa << s2 }
+    assert_equal([s1, s2], gfa.segments)
+    assert_equal([:"1", :"2"], gfa.segment_names)
+    assert_equal(s1, gfa.segment("1"))
+    assert_equal(nil, gfa.segment("0"))
+    assert_nothing_raised { gfa.segment!("1") }
+    assert_raises(RGFA::LineMissingError) { gfa.segment!("0") }
+    assert_raises(RGFA::DuplicatedLabelError) { gfa << s2 }
+  end
+  def test_add_links
+    s1 = "S\t1\t*"
+    s2 = "S\t2\t*"
+    l1 = "L\t1\t+\t2\t+\t12M".to_rgfa_line
+    l2 = "L\t1\t+\t3\t+\t12M"
+    gfa = RGFA.new
+    gfa << s1
+    gfa << s2
+    assert_nothing_raised { gfa << l1 }
+    assert_equal([l1], gfa.links)
+    assert_equal(l1, gfa.link(["1", :E], ["2", :B]))
+    assert_equal(l1, gfa.link(["2", :B], ["1", :E]))
+    assert_equal(nil, gfa.link(["2", :E], ["1", :B]))
+    assert_nothing_raised {gfa.link!(["1", :E], ["2", :B])}
+    assert_raises(RGFA::LineMissingError) {gfa.link!(["2", :E], ["1", :B])}
+    assert_nothing_raised { gfa << l2 }
+  end
+  def test_add_containments
+    s1 = "S\t1\t*"
+    s2 = "S\t2\t*"
+    c1 = "C\t1\t+\t2\t+\t12\t12M".to_rgfa_line
+    c2 = "C\t1\t+\t3\t+\t12\t12M"
+    gfa = RGFA.new
+    gfa << s1
+    gfa << s2
+    assert_nothing_raised { gfa << c1 }
+    assert_equal([c1], gfa.containments)
+    assert_equal(c1, gfa.containment("1", "2"))
+    assert_nothing_raised {gfa.containment!("1",  "2")}
+    assert_raises(RGFA::LineMissingError) {gfa.containment!("2", "1")}
+    assert_nothing_raised { gfa << c2 }
+  end
+  def test_add_paths
+    s1 = "S\t1\t*"
+    s2 = "S\t2\t*"
+    p1 = "P\t4\t1+,2+\t122M".to_rgfa_line
+    p2 = "P\t1\t1+,2+\t122M"
+    p3 = "P\t5\t1+,2+,3+\t122M,120M"
+    gfa = RGFA.new
+    gfa << s1
+    gfa << s2
+    assert_nothing_raised { gfa << p1 }
+    assert_equal([p1], gfa.paths)
+    assert_equal([:"4"], gfa.path_names)
+    assert_equal(p1, gfa.path("4"))
+    assert_equal(nil, gfa.path("5"))
+    assert_nothing_raised {gfa.path!("4")}
+    assert_raises(RGFA::LineMissingError) {gfa.path!("5")}
+    assert_raises(RGFA::DuplicatedLabelError) { gfa << p2 }
+    assert_nothing_raised { gfa << p3 }
+  end
+  def test_segments_first_order
+    s1 = "S\t1\t*"
+    s2 = "S\t2\t*"
+    l1 = "L\t1\t+\t2\t+\t122M"
+    l2 = "L\t1\t+\t3\t+\t122M"
+    c1 = "C\t1\t+\t2\t+\t12\t12M"
+    c2 = "C\t1\t+\t3\t+\t12\t12M"
+    p1 = "P\t4\t1+,2+\t122M"
+    p2 = "P\t1\t1+,2+\t122M"
+    p3 = "P\t5\t1+,3+\t122M"
+    gfa = RGFA.new
+    gfa.require_segments_first_order
+    gfa << s1
+    gfa << s2
+    assert_nothing_raised { gfa << l1 }
+    assert_raises(RGFA::LineMissingError) { gfa << l2 }
+    assert_nothing_raised { gfa << c1 }
+    assert_raises(RGFA::LineMissingError) { gfa << c2 }
+    assert_nothing_raised { gfa << p1 }
+    assert_raises(RGFA::DuplicatedLabelError) { gfa << p2 }
+    assert_raises(RGFA::LineMissingError) { gfa << p3 }
+  end
+  def test_header_add
+    gfa = RGFA.new
+    gfa << "H\tVN:Z:1.0"
+    gfa << "H\taa:i:12\tab:Z:test1"
+    gfa << "H\tac:Z:test2"
+    gfa.header.add(:aa, 15)
+    assert_equal(
+      [
+        "H\tVN:Z:1.0",
+        "H\taa:i:12",
+        "H\taa:i:15",
+        "H\tab:Z:test1",
+        "H\tac:Z:test2",
+      ],
+      gfa.headers.map(&:to_s).sort)
+    gfa.header.add(:aa, 16)
+    assert_equal(
+      [
+        "H\tVN:Z:1.0",
+        "H\taa:i:12",
+        "H\taa:i:15",
+        "H\taa:i:16",
+        "H\tab:Z:test1",
+        "H\tac:Z:test2",
+      ],
+      gfa.headers.map(&:to_s).sort)
+    gfa.header.delete(:aa)
+    gfa.header.aa = 26
+    assert_equal(
+      [
+        "H\tVN:Z:1.0",
+        "H\taa:i:26",
+        "H\tab:Z:test1",
+        "H\tac:Z:test2",
+      ],
+      gfa.headers.map(&:to_s).sort)
+  end
diff --git a/test/test_rgfa_line_destructors.rb b/test/test_rgfa_line_destructors.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0d4b960
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/test_rgfa_line_destructors.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+require_relative "../lib/rgfa.rb"
+require "test/unit"
+class TestRGFALineDestructors < Test::Unit::TestCase
+  def test_delete_headers
+    gfa = RGFA.new
+    gfa << "H\tVN:Z:1.0"
+    assert_equal(["H\tVN:Z:1.0"], gfa.headers.map(&:to_s))
+    gfa.delete_headers
+    assert_equal([], gfa.headers)
+    gfa = RGFA.new
+    gfa << "H\tVN:Z:1.0"
+    gfa.rm(:headers)
+    assert_equal([], gfa.headers)
+  end
+  def test_delete_links
+    gfa = RGFA.new
+    s = ["S\t0\t*", "S\t1\t*", "S\t2\t*"]
+    l = "L\t1\t+\t2\t+\t12M"
+    c = "C\t1\t+\t0\t+\t12\t12M"
+    (s + [l,c]).each {|line| gfa << line }
+    assert_equal([l], gfa.links.map(&:to_s))
+    assert_equal(l, gfa.link(["1", :E], ["2", :B]).to_s)
+    gfa.delete_link(gfa.link_from_to(["1", "+"], ["2", "+"]))
+    assert_equal([], gfa.links)
+    assert_equal(nil, gfa.link(["1", :E], ["2", :B]))
+    assert_equal([c], gfa.containments.map(&:to_s))
+    assert_equal(c, gfa.containment("1", "0").to_s)
+    gfa << l
+    assert_not_equal([], gfa.links)
+    gfa.rm(gfa.link_from_to(["1","+"],["2","+"]))
+    assert_equal([], gfa.links)
+  end
+  def test_delete_containments
+    gfa = RGFA.new
+    s = ["S\t0\t*", "S\t1\t*", "S\t2\t*"]
+    l = "L\t1\t+\t2\t+\t12M"
+    c = "C\t1\t+\t0\t+\t12\t12M"
+    (s + [l,c]).each {|line| gfa << line }
+    gfa.delete_containment(gfa.containment("1", "0"))
+    assert_equal([], gfa.containments)
+    assert_equal(nil, gfa.containment("1", "0"))
+    gfa << c
+    assert_not_equal([], gfa.containments)
+    assert_equal(c, gfa.containment("1", "0").to_s)
+    gfa.rm(gfa.containment("1", "0"))
+    assert_equal([], gfa.containments)
+  end
+  def test_unconnect_segments
+    gfa = RGFA.new
+    s = ["S\t0\t*", "S\t1\t*", "S\t2\t*"]
+    l = "L\t1\t+\t2\t+\t12M"
+    c = "C\t1\t+\t0\t+\t12\t12M"
+    (s + [l,c]).each {|line| gfa << line }
+    gfa.unconnect_segments("0", "1")
+    gfa.unconnect_segments("2", "1")
+    assert_equal([], gfa.containments)
+    assert_equal([], gfa.links)
+  end
+  def test_delete_segment
+    gfa = RGFA.new
+    gfa << "H\tVN:Z:1.0"
+    s = ["S\t0\t*", "S\t1\t*", "S\t2\t*"]
+    l = "L\t1\t+\t2\t+\t12M"
+    c = "C\t1\t+\t0\t+\t12\t12M"
+    p = "P\t4\t2+,0-\t12M"
+    (s + [l,c,p]).each {|line| gfa << line }
+    assert_equal(s, gfa.segments.map(&:to_s))
+    assert_equal([:"0", :"1", :"2"], gfa.segment_names)
+    assert_equal([l], gfa.links.select{|n|!n.virtual?}.map(&:to_s))
+    assert_equal([c], gfa.containments.map(&:to_s))
+    assert_equal([p], gfa.paths.map(&:to_s))
+    assert_equal([:"4"], gfa.path_names)
+    gfa.delete_segment("0")
+    assert_equal([s[1],s[2]], gfa.segments.map(&:to_s))
+    assert_equal([:"1", :"2"], gfa.segment_names)
+    assert_equal([l], gfa.links.select{|n|!n.virtual?}.map(&:to_s))
+    assert_equal([], gfa.containments.map(&:to_s))
+    assert_equal([], gfa.paths.map(&:to_s))
+    assert_equal([], gfa.path_names)
+    gfa.delete_segment("1")
+    assert_equal([s[2]], gfa.segments.map(&:to_s))
+    assert_equal([], gfa.links)
+    gfa.rm("2")
+    assert_equal([], gfa.segments)
+  end
diff --git a/test/test_rgfa_line_getters.rb b/test/test_rgfa_line_getters.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..47a61b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/test_rgfa_line_getters.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,246 @@
+require_relative "../lib/rgfa.rb"
+require "test/unit"
+class TestRGFALineGetters < Test::Unit::TestCase
+  def test_headers
+    h = ["H\tVN:Z:1.0"]
+    assert_equal(h, h.to_rgfa.headers.map(&:to_s))
+  end
+  def test_each_header
+    h1 = ["H\tVN:Z:1.0"]
+    h2 = []
+    gfa = h1.to_rgfa
+    gfa.headers.each {|h| h2 << h.to_s}
+    assert_equal(h1, h2)
+  end
+  def test_segments
+    s = ["S\t1\t*","S\t2\t*"]
+    gfa = s.to_rgfa
+    assert_equal(s, gfa.segments.map(&:to_s))
+    gfa.delete_segment("1")
+    assert_equal([s[1]], gfa.segments.map(&:to_s))
+  end
+  def test_each_segment
+    s1 = ["S\t1\t*","S\t2\t*"]
+    s2 = []
+    gfa = s1.to_rgfa
+    gfa.segments.each {|s| s2 << s.to_s}
+    assert_equal(s1, s2)
+    gfa.delete_segment("1")
+    s2 = []
+    gfa.segments.each {|s| s2 << s.to_s}
+    assert_equal([s1[1]], s2)
+  end
+  def test_links
+    s = ["S\t1\t*","S\t2\t*", "S\t3\t*"]
+    l = ["L\t1\t+\t2\t+\t12M", "L\t1\t+\t3\t+\t12M"]
+    gfa = (s+l).to_rgfa
+    assert_equal(l, gfa.links.map(&:to_s))
+    gfa.unconnect_segments("1","2")
+    assert_equal([l[1]], gfa.links.map(&:to_s))
+  end
+  def test_each_link
+    s = ["S\t1\t*","S\t2\t*", "S\t3\t*"]
+    l1 = ["L\t1\t+\t2\t+\t12M", "L\t1\t+\t3\t+\t12M"]
+    gfa = (s+l1).to_rgfa
+    l2 = []
+    gfa.links.each {|l| l2 << l.to_s}
+    assert_equal(l1, l2)
+    gfa.unconnect_segments("1","2")
+    l2 = []
+    gfa.links.each {|l| l2 << l.to_s}
+    assert_equal([l1[1]],l2)
+  end
+  def test_containments
+    s = ["S\t1\t*","S\t2\t*", "S\t3\t*"]
+    c = ["C\t1\t+\t2\t+\t12\t12M", "C\t1\t+\t3\t+\t12\t12M"]
+    gfa = (s+c).to_rgfa
+    assert_equal(c, gfa.containments.map(&:to_s))
+    gfa.unconnect_segments("1","2")
+    assert_equal([c[1]], gfa.containments.map(&:to_s))
+  end
+  def test_each_containment
+    s = ["S\t1\t*","S\t2\t*", "S\t3\t*"]
+    c1 = ["C\t1\t+\t2\t+\t12\t12M", "C\t1\t+\t3\t+\t12\t12M"]
+    gfa = (s+c1).to_rgfa
+    c2 = []
+    gfa.containments.each {|c| c2 << c.to_s}
+    assert_equal(c1, c2)
+    gfa.unconnect_segments("1","2")
+    c2 = []
+    gfa.containments.each {|c| c2 << c.to_s}
+    assert_equal([c1[1]], c2)
+  end
+  def test_paths
+    s = ["S\t1\t*","S\t2\t*", "S\t3\t*"]
+    l = ["L\t1\t+\t2\t+\t122M", "L\t1\t+\t3\t+\t120M"]
+    pt = ["P\t4\t1+,2+\t122M", "P\t5\t1+,3+\t120M"]
+    gfa = (s+l+pt).to_rgfa
+    assert_equal(pt, gfa.paths.map(&:to_s))
+    gfa.delete_path("4")
+    assert_equal([pt[1]], gfa.paths.map(&:to_s))
+  end
+  def test_each_path
+    s = ["S\t1\t*","S\t2\t*", "S\t3\t*"]
+    l = ["L\t1\t+\t2\t+\t122M", "L\t1\t+\t3\t+\t120M"]
+    pt1 = ["P\t4\t1+,2+\t122M", "P\t5\t1+,3+\t120M"]
+    gfa = (s+l+pt1).to_rgfa
+    pt2 = []
+    gfa.paths.each {|pt| pt2 << pt.to_s}
+    assert_equal(pt1, pt2)
+    gfa.delete_path("4")
+    pt2 = []
+    gfa.paths.each {|pt| pt2 << pt.to_s}
+    assert_equal([pt1[1]], pt2)
+  end
+  def test_segment
+    s = ["S\t1\t*","S\t2\t*"]
+    gfa = s.to_rgfa
+    assert_equal(s[0],gfa.segment("1").to_s)
+    assert_equal(s[0],gfa.segment!("1").to_s)
+    assert_equal(nil,gfa.segment("0"))
+    assert_raises(RGFA::LineMissingError) {gfa.segment!("0").to_s}
+  end
+  def test_path
+    s = ["S\t1\t*","S\t2\t*", "S\t3\t*"]
+    l = ["L\t1\t+\t2\t+\t122M", "L\t1\t+\t3\t+\t120M"]
+    pt = ["P\t4\t1+,2+\t122M", "P\t5\t1+,3+\t120M"]
+    gfa = (s+l+pt).to_rgfa
+    assert_equal(pt[0],gfa.path("4").to_s)
+    assert_equal(pt[0],gfa.path!("4").to_s)
+    assert_equal(nil,gfa.path("6"))
+    assert_raises(RGFA::LineMissingError) {gfa.path!("6").to_s}
+  end
+  def test_paths_with_segment
+    gfa = RGFA.new
+    s = (0..3).map{|i| "S\t#{i}\t*".to_rgfa_line}
+    p = "P\t4\t2+,0-\t*"
+    (s + [p]).each {|line| gfa << line }
+    assert_equal([p], gfa.paths_with("0").map(&:to_s))
+    assert_equal([p], gfa.paths_with("2").map(&:to_s))
+    assert_equal([], gfa.paths_with("1").map(&:to_s))
+  end
+  def test_containing
+    gfa = RGFA.new
+    (0..2).each{|i| gfa << "S\t#{i}\t*"}
+    c = "C\t1\t+\t0\t+\t0\t*"
+    gfa << c
+    assert_equal([c], gfa.containing("0").map(&:to_s))
+    assert_equal([],  gfa.containing("1"))
+    assert_equal([],  gfa.containing("2"))
+  end
+  def test_contained_in
+    gfa = RGFA.new
+    (0..2).each{|i| gfa << "S\t#{i}\t*"}
+    c = "C\t1\t+\t0\t+\t0\t*"
+    gfa << c
+    assert_equal([],  gfa.contained_in("0"))
+    assert_equal([c], gfa.contained_in("1").map(&:to_s))
+    assert_equal([],  gfa.contained_in("2"))
+  end
+  def test_containments_between
+    gfa = RGFA.new
+    (0..2).each{|i| gfa << "S\t#{i}\t*"}
+    c1 = "C\t1\t+\t0\t+\t0\t*"
+    c2 = "C\t1\t+\t0\t+\t12\t*"
+    gfa << c1
+    gfa << c2
+    assert_equal([], gfa.containments_between("0", "1"))
+    assert_equal([c1,c2], gfa.containments_between("1", "0").map(&:to_s))
+  end
+  def test_containment
+    gfa = RGFA.new
+    (0..2).each{|i| gfa << "S\t#{i}\t*"}
+    c1 = "C\t1\t+\t0\t+\t0\t*"
+    c2 = "C\t1\t+\t0\t+\t12\t*"
+    gfa << c1
+    gfa << c2
+    assert_equal(nil, gfa.containment("0", "1"))
+    assert_raises(RGFA::LineMissingError) {gfa.containment!("0", "1")}
+    assert_equal(c1, gfa.containment("1", "0").to_s)
+    assert_equal(c1, gfa.containment!("1", "0").to_s)
+  end
+  def test_links_of
+    gfa = RGFA.new
+    (0..3).each{|i| gfa << "S\t#{i}\t*"}
+    l0 = "L\t1\t+\t2\t+\t*"; gfa << l0
+    l1 = "L\t0\t+\t1\t+\t*"; gfa << l1
+    l2 = "L\t1\t+\t3\t+\t*"; gfa << l2
+    assert_equal([],         gfa.links_of(["0", :B]).map(&:to_s))
+    assert_equal([l1],       gfa.links_of(["0", :E]).map(&:to_s))
+    assert_equal([l1],       gfa.links_of(["1", :B]).map(&:to_s))
+    assert_equal([l0,l2],    gfa.links_of(["1", :E]).map(&:to_s))
+    assert_equal([l0],       gfa.links_of(["2", :B]).map(&:to_s))
+    assert_equal([],         gfa.links_of(["2", :E]).map(&:to_s))
+    assert_equal([l2],       gfa.links_of(["3", :B]).map(&:to_s))
+    assert_equal([],         gfa.links_of(["3", :E]).map(&:to_s))
+    gfa = RGFA.new
+    (0..3).each{|i| gfa << "S\t#{i}\t*"}
+    l0 = "L\t1\t+\t2\t-\t*"; gfa << l0
+    l1 = "L\t0\t+\t1\t-\t*"; gfa << l1
+    l2 = "L\t1\t-\t3\t+\t*"; gfa << l2
+    assert_equal([],         gfa.links_of(["0", :B]).map(&:to_s))
+    assert_equal([l1],       gfa.links_of(["0", :E]).map(&:to_s))
+    assert_equal([l2],       gfa.links_of(["1", :B]).map(&:to_s))
+    assert_equal([l0,l1],    gfa.links_of(["1", :E]).map(&:to_s))
+    assert_equal([],         gfa.links_of(["2", :B]).map(&:to_s))
+    assert_equal([l0],       gfa.links_of(["2", :E]).map(&:to_s))
+    assert_equal([l2],       gfa.links_of(["3", :B]).map(&:to_s))
+    assert_equal([],         gfa.links_of(["3", :E]).map(&:to_s))
+  end
+  def test_links_between
+    gfa = RGFA.new
+    (0..3).each{|i| gfa << "S\t#{i}\t*"}
+    l0 = "L\t1\t+\t2\t+\t11M1D3M"; gfa << l0
+    l1 = "L\t1\t+\t2\t+\t10M2D3M"; gfa << l1
+    l2 = "L\t1\t+\t3\t+\t*"; gfa << l2
+    assert_equal([l0, l1], gfa.links_between(["1", :E], ["2", :B]).map(&:to_s))
+    assert_equal([], gfa.links_between(["1", :E], ["2", :E]).map(&:to_s))
+  end
+  def test_link
+    gfa = RGFA.new
+    (0..3).each{|i| gfa << "S\t#{i}\t*"}
+    l0 = "L\t1\t+\t2\t+\t11M1D3M"; gfa << l0
+    l1 = "L\t1\t+\t2\t+\t10M2D3M"; gfa << l1
+    l2 = "L\t1\t+\t3\t+\t*"; gfa << l2
+    assert_equal(l0, gfa.link(["1", :E], ["2", :B]).to_s)
+    assert_equal(l0, gfa.link!(["1", :E], ["2", :B]).to_s)
+    assert_equal(nil, gfa.link(["1", :E], ["2", :E]))
+    assert_raise(RGFA::LineMissingError) { gfa.link!(["1", :E], ["2", :E]) }
+  end
+  def test_header_tags
+    gfa = RGFA.new
+    gfa << "H\tVN:Z:1.0"
+    gfa << "H\taa:i:12\tab:Z:test1"
+    gfa << "H\taa:i:15"
+    gfa << "H\tac:Z:test2"
+    assert_equal([[:VN, :Z, "1.0"],
+                 [:aa, :i, 12],
+                 [:aa, :i, 15],
+                 [:ab, :Z, "test1"],
+                 [:ac, :Z, "test2"]].sort,
+                 gfa.header.tags.sort)
+  end
diff --git a/test/test_rgfa_line_header.rb b/test/test_rgfa_line_header.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..25b3d2b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/test_rgfa_line_header.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+require_relative "../lib/rgfa.rb"
+require "test/unit"
+class TestRGFALineHeader < Test::Unit::TestCase
+  def test_from_string
+    assert_nothing_raised { "H\tVN:Z:1.0".to_rgfa_line }
+    assert_equal(RGFA::Line::Header, "H\tVN:Z:1.0".to_rgfa_line.class)
+    assert_raises(RGFA::FieldParser::FormatError) do
+      "H\tH2\tVN:Z:1.0".to_rgfa_line
+    end
+    assert_raises(RGFA::Line::PredefinedOptfieldTypeError) do
+      "H\tVN:i:1.0".to_rgfa_line
+    end
+  end
diff --git a/test/test_rgfa_line_link.rb b/test/test_rgfa_line_link.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..702cc8f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/test_rgfa_line_link.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+require_relative "../lib/rgfa.rb"
+require "test/unit"
+class TestRGFALineLink < Test::Unit::TestCase
+  def test_from_string
+    fields=["L","1","+","2","-","12M","RC:i:1232","NM:i:3","ab:Z:abcd",
+            "FC:i:2321","KC:i:1212","MQ:i:40"]
+    str=fields.join("\t")
+    assert_nothing_raised { str.to_rgfa_line }
+    assert_equal(RGFA::Line::Link, str.to_rgfa_line.class)
+    assert_equal(fields[0].to_sym, str.to_rgfa_line.record_type)
+    assert_equal(fields[1].to_sym, str.to_rgfa_line.from)
+    assert_equal(fields[2].to_sym, str.to_rgfa_line.from_orient)
+    assert_equal(fields[3].to_sym, str.to_rgfa_line.to)
+    assert_equal(fields[4].to_sym, str.to_rgfa_line.to_orient)
+    assert_equal([RGFA::CIGAR::Operation.new(12,:M)], str.to_rgfa_line.overlap)
+    assert_equal(1232, str.to_rgfa_line.RC)
+    assert_equal(3, str.to_rgfa_line.NM)
+    assert_equal(2321, str.to_rgfa_line.FC)
+    assert_equal(1212, str.to_rgfa_line.KC)
+    assert_equal(40, str.to_rgfa_line.MQ)
+    assert_equal("abcd", str.to_rgfa_line.ab)
+    assert_raises(RGFA::FieldParser::FormatError) { (str+"\tH1").to_rgfa_line }
+    assert_raises(RGFA::Line::RequiredFieldMissingError) { "L\tH".to_rgfa_line }
+    assert_raises(RGFA::FieldParser::FormatError) do
+      f=fields.dup; f[2]="x"; f.join("\t").to_rgfa_line(validate: 3)
+    end
+    assert_raises(RGFA::FieldParser::FormatError) do
+      f=fields.dup; f[4]="x"; f.join("\t").to_rgfa_line(validate: 3)
+    end
+    assert_raises(RGFA::CIGAR::ValueError) do
+      f=fields.dup; f[5]="x"; f.join("\t").to_rgfa_line(validate: 3)
+    end
+    assert_raises(RGFA::Line::PredefinedOptfieldTypeError) do
+      f=fields.dup; f[6]="RC:Z:1232"; f.join("\t").to_rgfa_line(validate: 3)
+    end
+    assert_raises(RGFA::Line::PredefinedOptfieldTypeError) do
+      f=fields.dup; f[7]="NM:Z:1232"; f.join("\t").to_rgfa_line(validate: 3)
+    end
+  end
diff --git a/test/test_rgfa_line_path.rb b/test/test_rgfa_line_path.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..beb8ee9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/test_rgfa_line_path.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+require_relative "../lib/rgfa.rb"
+require "test/unit"
+class TestRGFALinePath < Test::Unit::TestCase
+  def test_from_string
+    fields=["P","4","1+,2-,3+","9M2I3D1M,12M","ab:Z:abcd"]
+    str=fields.join("\t")
+    assert_nothing_raised { str.to_rgfa_line }
+    assert_equal(RGFA::Line::Path, str.to_rgfa_line.class)
+    assert_equal(fields[0].to_sym, str.to_rgfa_line.record_type)
+    assert_equal(fields[1].to_sym, str.to_rgfa_line.path_name)
+    assert_equal([[:"1",:"+"],[:"2",:"-"],[:"3",:"+"]],
+                 str.to_rgfa_line.segment_names)
+    assert_equal([[RGFA::CIGAR::Operation.new(9,:M),
+                   RGFA::CIGAR::Operation.new(2,:I),
+                   RGFA::CIGAR::Operation.new(3,:D),
+                   RGFA::CIGAR::Operation.new(1,:M)],
+                  [RGFA::CIGAR::Operation.new(12,:M)]],
+                 str.to_rgfa_line.cigars)
+    assert_equal("abcd", str.to_rgfa_line.ab)
+    assert_raises(RGFA::FieldParser::FormatError) { (str+"\tH1").to_rgfa_line }
+    assert_raises(RGFA::Line::RequiredFieldMissingError) { "P\tH".to_rgfa_line }
+    assert_raises(RGFA::FieldParser::FormatError) do
+      f=fields.dup; f[2]="1,2,3"; f.join("\t").to_rgfa_line(validate: 3)
+    end
+    assert_raises(RGFA::Line::Path::ListLengthsError) do
+      f=fields.dup; f[2]="1+"; f.join("\t").to_rgfa_line(validate: 3)
+    end
+    assert_nothing_raised do
+      f=fields.dup; f[3]="*,*"; f.join("\t").to_rgfa_line(validate: 3)
+    end
+    assert_nothing_raised do
+      f=fields.dup; f[3]="9M2I3D1M,12M,12M"; f.join("\t").
+        to_rgfa_line(validate: 3)
+    end
+    assert_nothing_raised do
+      f=fields.dup; f[3]="*"; f.join("\t").to_rgfa_line(validate: 3)
+    end
+    assert_raises(RGFA::CIGAR::ValueError) do
+      f=fields.dup; f[3]="12,12"; f.join("\t").to_rgfa_line(validate: 3)
+    end
+    assert_raises(RGFA::CIGAR::ValueError) do
+      f=fields.dup; f[3]="12M|12M"; f.join("\t").to_rgfa_line(validate: 3)
+    end
+  end
diff --git a/test/test_rgfa_line_segment.rb b/test/test_rgfa_line_segment.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1c21888
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/test_rgfa_line_segment.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+require_relative "../lib/rgfa.rb"
+require "test/unit"
+class TestRGFALineSegment < Test::Unit::TestCase
+  def test_from_string
+    fields=["S","1","ACGTCACANNN","RC:i:1232","LN:i:11","ab:Z:abcd",
+            "FC:i:2321","KC:i:1212"]
+    str=fields.join("\t")
+    assert_nothing_raised { str.to_rgfa_line }
+    assert_equal(RGFA::Line::Segment, str.to_rgfa_line.class)
+    assert_equal(fields[0].to_sym, str.to_rgfa_line.record_type)
+    assert_equal(fields[1].to_sym, str.to_rgfa_line.name)
+    assert_equal(fields[2], str.to_rgfa_line.sequence)
+    assert_equal(1232, str.to_rgfa_line.RC)
+    assert_equal(11, str.to_rgfa_line.LN)
+    assert_equal(2321, str.to_rgfa_line.FC)
+    assert_equal(1212, str.to_rgfa_line.KC)
+    assert_equal("abcd", str.to_rgfa_line.ab)
+    assert_raises(RGFA::FieldParser::FormatError) { (str+"\tH1").to_rgfa_line }
+    assert_raises(RGFA::Line::RequiredFieldMissingError) { "S\tH".to_rgfa_line }
+    assert_raises(RGFA::FieldParser::FormatError) do
+      f=fields.dup; f[2]="!@#?"; f.join("\t").to_rgfa_line(validate: 3)
+    end
+    assert_raises(RGFA::Line::PredefinedOptfieldTypeError) do
+      f=fields.dup; f[3]="RC:Z:1232"; f.join("\t").to_rgfa_line
+    end
+    f=["S","2","ACGTCACANNN","LN:i:3"]
+    assert_raises(RGFA::Line::Segment::InconsistentLengthError) do
+      f.join("\t").to_rgfa_line(validate: 3)
+    end
+    f=["S","2","ACGTCACANNN","LN:i:11"]
+    assert_nothing_raised { f.join("\t").to_rgfa_line }
+    f=["S","2","*","LN:i:3"]
+    assert_nothing_raised { f.join("\t").to_rgfa_line }
+  end
+  def test_coverage
+    l = "S\t0\t*\tRC:i:600\tLN:i:100".to_rgfa_line
+    assert_equal(6, l.coverage)
+    assert_equal(6, l.coverage!)
+    l = "S\t0\t*\tRC:i:600".to_rgfa_line
+    assert_equal(nil, l.coverage)
+    assert_raises(RGFA::Line::Segment::UndefinedLengthError) {l.coverage!}
+    l = "S\t0\t*\tLN:i:100".to_rgfa_line
+    assert_equal(nil, l.coverage)
+    assert_raises(RGFA::Line::TagMissingError) {l.coverage!}
+    l = "S\t0\t*\tFC:i:600\tLN:i:100".to_rgfa_line
+    assert_equal(nil, l.coverage)
+    assert_raises(RGFA::Line::TagMissingError) {l.coverage!}
+    assert_equal(6, l.coverage(count_tag: :FC))
+    assert_equal(6, l.coverage!(count_tag: :FC))
+  end
+  def test_other_orientation
+    assert_equal(:+, RGFA::OrientedSegment.invert("-"))
+    assert_equal(:-, RGFA::OrientedSegment.invert("+"))
+    assert_equal(:-, RGFA::OrientedSegment.invert(:+))
+    assert_raises(RGFA::SegmentInfo::InvalidAttributeError) do
+      RGFA::OrientedSegment.invert("x")
+    end
+  end
diff --git a/test/test_rgfa_segment_references.rb b/test/test_rgfa_segment_references.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2503d51
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/test_rgfa_segment_references.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+require_relative "../lib/rgfa.rb"
+require "test/unit"
+class TestRGFASegmentReferences < Test::Unit::TestCase
+  def test_link_other
+    l = "L\t1\t+\t2\t-\t*".to_rgfa_line
+    assert_equal(:"2", l.other(:"1"))
+    assert_equal(:"1", l.other(:"2"))
+    assert_raise(RGFA::LineMissingError){l.other(:"0")}
+  end
+  def test_link_circular
+    l = "L\t1\t+\t2\t-\t*".to_rgfa_line
+    assert_equal(false, l.circular?)
+    l = "L\t1\t+\t1\t-\t*".to_rgfa_line
+    assert_equal(true, l.circular?)
+  end
diff --git a/test/test_rgfa_sequence.rb b/test/test_rgfa_sequence.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..91d8bd7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/test_rgfa_sequence.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+require_relative "../lib/rgfa.rb"
+require "test/unit"
+class TestRGFASequence < Test::Unit::TestCase
+  def test_rc
+    assert_equal("gcatcgatcgt","acgatcgatgc".rc)
+    assert_equal("gCaTCgatcgt","acgatcGAtGc".rc)
+    assert_equal("gcatcnatcgt","acgatngatgc".rc)
+    assert_equal("gcatcYatcgt","acgatRgatgc".rc)
+    assert_raises(RuntimeError){"acgatUgatgc".rc}
+    assert_equal("gcaucgaucgu","acgaucgaugc".rc)
+    assert_equal("===.",".===".rc)
+    assert_raises(RuntimeError){"acgatXgatgc".rc}
+    assert_equal("*","*".rc)
+    assert_raises(RuntimeError){"**".rc}
+  end
diff --git a/test/test_rgfa_traverse.rb b/test/test_rgfa_traverse.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6976cd9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/test_rgfa_traverse.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+require_relative "../lib/rgfa.rb"
+require "test/unit"
+class TestRGFATraverse < Test::Unit::TestCase
+  def test_linear_path_merging
+    s = ["S\t0\tACGA",
+         "S\t1\tACGA",
+         "S\t2\tACGA",
+         "S\t3\tACGA"]
+    l = ["L\t0\t+\t1\t+\t1M",
+         "L\t1\t+\t2\t-\t1M",
+         "L\t2\t+\t3\t+\t1M"]
+    gfa = RGFA.new
+    gfa << "H\tVN:Z:1.0"
+    (s + l).each {|line| gfa << line }
+    assert_raises(ArgumentError) do
+      gfa.merge_linear_path([["0", :E],["1", :E],["2", :B],["3", :E]])
+    end
+    s = ["S\t0\tACGA",
+         "S\t1\tACGA",
+         "S\t2\tACGT",
+         "S\t3\tTCGA"]
+    l = ["L\t0\t+\t1\t+\t1M",
+         "L\t1\t+\t2\t-\t1M",
+         "L\t2\t-\t3\t+\t1M"]
+    gfa = RGFA.new
+    gfa << "H\tVN:Z:1.0"
+    (s + l).each {|line| gfa << line }
+    assert_nothing_raised do
+      gfa.merge_linear_path([["0", :E],["1", :E],["2", :B],["3", :E]])
+    end
+    assert_raises(RGFA::LineMissingError) {gfa.segment!("0")}
+    assert_raises(RGFA::LineMissingError) {gfa.segment!("1")}
+    assert_raises(RGFA::LineMissingError) {gfa.segment!("2")}
+    assert_raises(RGFA::LineMissingError) {gfa.segment!("3")}
+    assert_nothing_raised {gfa.segment!("0_1_2_3")}
+    assert_equal([], gfa.links)
+    assert_equal("ACGACGACGTCGA", gfa.segment("0_1_2_3").sequence)
+  end
+  def test_linear_path_merge_all
+    s = ["S\t0\t*",
+         "S\t1\t*",
+         "S\t2\t*",
+         "S\t3\t*"]
+    l = ["L\t0\t+\t1\t+\t1M",
+         "L\t1\t+\t2\t-\t1M",
+         "L\t2\t-\t3\t+\t1M"]
+    gfa = RGFA.new
+    gfa << "H\tVN:Z:1.0"
+    (s + l).each {|line| gfa << line }
+    gfa.merge_linear_paths
+    assert_nothing_raised { gfa.merge_linear_paths }
+    assert_equal([:"0_1_2_3"], gfa.segment_names)
+    assert_equal(1, gfa.segments.size)
+    assert_equal([], gfa.links)
+    s = ["S\t0\t*",
+         "S\t1\t*",
+         "S\t2\t*",
+         "S\t3\t*"]
+    l = ["L\t0\t+\t1\t+\t1M",
+         "L\t0\t+\t2\t+\t1M",
+         "L\t1\t+\t2\t-\t1M",
+         "L\t2\t-\t3\t+\t1M"].map(&:to_rgfa_line)
+    gfa = RGFA.new
+    gfa << "H\tVN:Z:1.0"
+    (s + l).each {|line| gfa << line }
+    assert_nothing_raised { gfa.merge_linear_paths }
+    assert_equal(3, gfa.segments.size)
+    assert_equal([:"0",:"3",:"1_2"], gfa.segments.map(&:name))
+    s = ["S\t0\t*",
+         "S\t1\t*",
+         "S\t2\t*",
+         "S\t3\t*"]
+    l = ["L\t0\t+\t1\t+\t1M",
+         "L\t0\t+\t2\t+\t1M",
+         "L\t1\t+\t2\t+\t1M",
+         "L\t2\t+\t3\t+\t1M"].map(&:to_rgfa_line)
+    gfa = RGFA.new
+    gfa << "H\tVN:Z:1.0"
+    (s + l).each {|line| gfa << line }
+    assert_nothing_raised { gfa.merge_linear_paths }
+    assert_equal(3, gfa.segments.size)
+    assert_equal([:"0", :"1", :"2_3"], gfa.segments.map(&:name))
+  end
+  def test_linear_path_merge_example1
+    gfa = RGFA.from_file("test/testdata/example1.gfa")
+    assert_equal([%w[18 19 1],
+                  %w[11 9 12],
+                  %w[22 16 20 21 23]],
+                 gfa.linear_paths.map{|sp|sp.map{|sn,et|sn.to_sym.to_s}})
+  end
diff --git a/test/test_rgfatools.rb b/test/test_rgfatools.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aef0047
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/test_rgfatools.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+require_relative "../lib/rgfatools.rb"
+require "test/unit"
+class TestRGFATools < Test::Unit::TestCase
+  def test_basics
+    assert_nothing_raised { RGFA.new }
+    assert_nothing_raised { RGFA.included_modules.include?(RGFATools) }
+  end
diff --git a/test/test_rgfatools_artifacts.rb b/test/test_rgfatools_artifacts.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8460018
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/test_rgfatools_artifacts.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+require_relative "../lib/rgfatools.rb"
+require "test/unit"
+class TestRGFAToolsArtifacts < Test::Unit::TestCase
+  def test_remove_small_components
+    g = RGFA.from_file("test/testdata/two_components.gfa")
+    assert_equal(2, g.connected_components.size)
+    g.remove_small_components(1000)
+    assert_equal(2, g.connected_components.size)
+    g.remove_small_components(3000)
+    assert_equal(1, g.connected_components.size)
+    g.remove_small_components(10000)
+    assert_equal(0, g.connected_components.size)
+  end
+  def test_remove_dead_ends
+    g = RGFA.from_file("test/testdata/dead_ends.gfa")
+    assert_equal(6, g.segments.size)
+    g.remove_dead_ends(100)
+    assert_equal(6, g.segments.size)
+    g.remove_dead_ends(1500)
+    assert_equal(5, g.segments.size)
+    g.remove_dead_ends(1500)
+    assert_equal(5, g.segments.size)
+    g.remove_dead_ends(150000)
+    assert_equal(3, g.segments.size)
+    g.remove_dead_ends(150000)
+    assert_equal(2, g.segments.size)
+    g.remove_dead_ends(1500000)
+    assert_equal(0, g.segments.size)
+  end
diff --git a/test/test_rgfatools_copy_number.rb b/test/test_rgfatools_copy_number.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a88c61a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/test_rgfatools_copy_number.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+require_relative "../lib/rgfatools.rb"
+require "test/unit"
+class TestRGFAToolsCopyNumber < Test::Unit::TestCase
+  def test_delete_low_coverage_segments
+    gfa = ["S\t0\t*\tRC:i:600\tLN:i:100",
+           "S\t1\t*\tRC:i:6000\tLN:i:100",
+           "S\t2\t*\tRC:i:60000\tLN:i:100"].to_rgfa
+    assert_equal([:"0",:"1",:"2"], gfa.segment_names)
+    gfa.delete_low_coverage_segments(10)
+    assert_equal([:"1",:"2"], gfa.segment_names)
+    gfa.delete_low_coverage_segments(100)
+    assert_equal([:"2"], gfa.segment_names)
+    gfa.delete_low_coverage_segments(1000)
+    assert_equal([], gfa.segment_names)
+  end
+  def test_compute_copy_numbers
+    gfa = ["S\t0\t*\tRC:i:10\tLN:i:100",
+           "S\t1\t*\tRC:i:1000\tLN:i:100",
+           "S\t2\t*\tRC:i:2000\tLN:i:100",
+           "S\t3\t*\tRC:i:3000\tLN:i:100"].to_rgfa
+    assert_nothing_raised { gfa.compute_copy_numbers(9) }
+    assert_equal(0, gfa.segment!("0").cn)
+    assert_equal(1, gfa.segment!("1").cn)
+    assert_equal(2, gfa.segment!("2").cn)
+    assert_equal(3, gfa.segment!("3").cn)
+  end
+  def test_apply_copy_number
+    gfa = ["S\t0\t*\tRC:i:10\tLN:i:100",
+           "S\t1\t*\tRC:i:1000\tLN:i:100",
+           "S\t2\t*\tRC:i:2000\tLN:i:100",
+           "S\t3\t*\tRC:i:3000\tLN:i:100"].to_rgfa
+    assert_equal([:"0",:"1",:"2",:"3"], gfa.segment_names)
+    gfa.compute_copy_numbers(9)
+    gfa.apply_copy_numbers
+    assert_equal([:"1",:"2",:"3",:"2b",:"3b",:"3c"], gfa.segment_names)
+    gfa.compute_copy_numbers(9)
+    assert(gfa.segments.map(&:cn).all?{|cn|cn == 1})
+  end
diff --git a/test/test_rgfatools_linear_paths.rb b/test/test_rgfatools_linear_paths.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2bb9f0f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/test_rgfatools_linear_paths.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+require_relative "../lib/rgfatools.rb"
+require "test/unit"
+class TestRGFAToolsLinearPaths < Test::Unit::TestCase
+  def test_linear_path_merging
+    s = ["S\t0\tACGA",
+         "S\t1\tACGA",
+         "S\t2\tACGA",
+         "S\t3\tACGA"]
+    l = ["L\t0\t+\t1\t+\t1M",
+         "L\t1\t+\t2\t-\t1M",
+         "L\t2\t-\t3\t+\t1M"]
+    gfa = RGFA.new
+    (s + l).each {|line| gfa << line }
+    gfa.merge_linear_path([["0", :E],["1", :E],["2", :B],["3", :E]],
+                          enable_tracking: true)
+    assert_nothing_raised {gfa.segment!("0_1_2^_3")}
+    assert_equal("ACGACGACGTCGA", gfa.segment("0_1_2^_3").sequence)
+    gfa = RGFA.new
+    gfa.enable_extensions
+    (s + l).each {|line| gfa << line }
+    gfa.merge_linear_path([["0", :E],["1", :E],["2", :B],["3", :E]])
+    assert_nothing_raised {gfa.segment!("0_1_2^_3")}
+    assert_equal("ACGACGACGTCGA", gfa.segment("0_1_2^_3").sequence)
+  end
+  def test_linear_path_merge_all
+    s = ["S\t0\t*",
+         "S\t1\t*",
+         "S\t2\t*",
+         "S\t3\t*"]
+    l = ["L\t0\t+\t1\t+\t1M",
+         "L\t1\t+\t2\t-\t1M",
+         "L\t2\t-\t3\t+\t1M"]
+    gfa = RGFA.new
+    gfa.enable_extensions
+    (s + l).each {|line| gfa << line }
+    gfa.merge_linear_paths
+    assert_equal([:"0_1_2^_3"], gfa.segment_names)
+    l = ["L\t0\t+\t1\t+\t1M",
+         "L\t0\t+\t2\t+\t1M",
+         "L\t1\t+\t2\t-\t1M",
+         "L\t2\t-\t3\t+\t1M"].map(&:to_rgfa_line)
+    gfa = RGFA.new
+    gfa.enable_extensions
+    (s + l).each {|line| gfa << line }
+    gfa.merge_linear_paths
+    assert_equal([:"0",:"3",:"1_2^"], gfa.segments.map(&:name))
+  end
diff --git a/test/test_rgfatools_multiplication.rb b/test/test_rgfatools_multiplication.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1f318ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/test_rgfatools_multiplication.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
+require_relative "../lib/rgfatools.rb"
+require "test/unit"
+class TestRGFAToolsMuliplication < Test::Unit::TestCase
+  def test_links_distribution_l1_m2
+    g1 = RGFA.from_file("test/testdata/links_distri.l1.gfa")
+    g2 = RGFA.from_file("test/testdata/links_distri.l1.m2.gfa")
+    assert_not_equal(g2.segment_names.sort,g1.segment_names.sort)
+    assert_not_equal(g2.links.map(&:to_s).sort, g1.links.map(&:to_s).sort)
+    g1.multiply_extended(:"1", 2)
+    assert_equal(g2.segment_names.sort,g1.segment_names.sort)
+    assert_equal(g2.links.map(&:to_s).sort, g1.links.map(&:to_s).sort)
+  end
+  def test_enable_extensions
+    g1 = RGFA.from_file("test/testdata/links_distri.l1.gfa")
+    g2 = RGFA.from_file("test/testdata/links_distri.l1.m2.gfa")
+    g1.enable_extensions
+    g2.enable_extensions
+    assert_not_equal(g2.segment_names.sort,g1.segment_names.sort)
+    assert_not_equal(g2.links.map(&:to_s).sort, g1.links.map(&:to_s).sort)
+    g1.multiply(:"1", 2)
+    assert_equal(g2.segment_names.sort,g1.segment_names.sort)
+    assert_equal(g2.links.map(&:to_s).sort, g1.links.map(&:to_s).sort)
+  end
+  def test_links_distribution_l2_m2
+    g1 = RGFA.from_file("test/testdata/links_distri.l2.gfa")
+    g2 = RGFA.from_file("test/testdata/links_distri.l2.m2.gfa")
+    assert_not_equal(g2.segment_names.sort,g1.segment_names.sort)
+    assert_not_equal(g2.links.map(&:to_s).sort, g1.links.map(&:to_s).sort)
+    g1.multiply_extended(:"1", 2)
+    assert_equal(g2.segment_names.sort,g1.segment_names.sort)
+    assert_equal(g2.links.map(&:to_s).sort, g1.links.map(&:to_s).sort)
+  end
+  def test_no_links_distribution_l2_m2
+    g1 = RGFA.from_file("test/testdata/links_distri.l2.gfa")
+    g2 = RGFA.from_file("test/testdata/links_distri.l2.m2.no_ld.gfa")
+    assert_not_equal(g2.segment_names.sort,g1.segment_names.sort)
+    assert_not_equal(g2.links.map(&:to_s).sort, g1.links.map(&:to_s).sort)
+    g1.multiply_extended(:"1", 2, distribute: :off)
+    assert_equal(g2.segment_names.sort,g1.segment_names.sort)
+    assert_equal(g2.links.map(&:to_s).sort, g1.links.map(&:to_s).sort)
+  end
+  def test_links_distribution_l2_m3
+    g1 = RGFA.from_file("test/testdata/links_distri.l2.gfa")
+    g2 = RGFA.from_file("test/testdata/links_distri.l2.m3.gfa")
+    assert_not_equal(g2.segment_names.sort,g1.segment_names.sort)
+    assert_not_equal(g2.links.map(&:to_s).sort, g1.links.map(&:to_s).sort)
+    g1.multiply_extended(:"1", 3)
+    assert_equal(g2.segment_names.sort,g1.segment_names.sort)
+    assert_equal(g2.links.map(&:to_s).sort, g1.links.map(&:to_s).sort)
+  end
+  def test_no_links_distribution_l2_m3
+    g1 = RGFA.from_file("test/testdata/links_distri.l2.gfa")
+    g2 = RGFA.from_file("test/testdata/links_distri.l2.m3.no_ld.gfa")
+    assert_not_equal(g2.segment_names.sort,g1.segment_names.sort)
+    assert_not_equal(g2.links.map(&:to_s).sort, g1.links.map(&:to_s).sort)
+    g1.multiply_extended(:"1", 3, distribute: :off)
+    assert_equal(g2.segment_names.sort,g1.segment_names.sort)
+    assert_equal(g2.links.map(&:to_s).sort, g1.links.map(&:to_s).sort)
+  end
+  def test_links_distribution_l3_m2
+    g1 = RGFA.from_file("test/testdata/links_distri.l3.gfa")
+    g2 = RGFA.from_file("test/testdata/links_distri.l3.m2.gfa")
+    assert_not_equal(g2.segment_names.sort,g1.segment_names.sort)
+    assert_not_equal(g2.links.map(&:to_s).sort, g1.links.map(&:to_s).sort)
+    g1.multiply_extended(:"1", 2)
+    assert_equal(g2.segment_names.sort,g1.segment_names.sort)
+    assert_equal(g2.links.map(&:to_s).sort, g1.links.map(&:to_s).sort)
+  end
+  def test_no_links_distribution_l3_m2
+    g1 = RGFA.from_file("test/testdata/links_distri.l3.gfa")
+    g2 = RGFA.from_file("test/testdata/links_distri.l3.m2.no_ld.gfa")
+    assert_not_equal(g2.segment_names.sort,g1.segment_names.sort)
+    assert_not_equal(g2.links.map(&:to_s).sort, g1.links.map(&:to_s).sort)
+    g1.multiply_extended(:"1", 2, distribute: :off)
+    assert_equal(g2.segment_names.sort,g1.segment_names.sort)
+    assert_equal(g2.links.map(&:to_s).sort, g1.links.map(&:to_s).sort)
+  end
+  def test_muliply_without_rgfatools
+    g1 = RGFA.from_file("test/testdata/links_distri.l3.gfa")
+    g2 = RGFA.from_file("test/testdata/links_distri.l3.m2.no_ld.gfa")
+    assert_not_equal(g2.segment_names.sort,g1.segment_names.sort)
+    assert_not_equal(g2.links.map(&:to_s).sort, g1.links.map(&:to_s).sort)
+    g1.multiply(:"1", 2)
+    assert_equal(g2.segment_names.sort,g1.segment_names.sort)
+    assert_equal(g2.links.map(&:to_s).sort, g1.links.map(&:to_s).sort)
+  end
+  def test_distribution_policy_equal_with_equal
+    g1 = RGFA.from_file("test/testdata/links_distri.l2.gfa")
+    g2 = RGFA.from_file("test/testdata/links_distri.l2.m2.gfa")
+    assert_not_equal(g2.segment_names.sort,g1.segment_names.sort)
+    assert_not_equal(g2.links.map(&:to_s).sort, g1.links.map(&:to_s).sort)
+    g1.multiply_extended(:"1", 2, distribute: :equal)
+    assert_equal(g2.segment_names.sort,g1.segment_names.sort)
+    assert_equal(g2.links.map(&:to_s).sort, g1.links.map(&:to_s).sort)
+  end
+  def test_distribution_policy_equal_with_not_equal
+    g1 = RGFA.from_file("test/testdata/links_distri.l3.gfa")
+    g2 = RGFA.from_file("test/testdata/links_distri.l3.m2.no_ld.gfa")
+    assert_not_equal(g2.segment_names.sort,g1.segment_names.sort)
+    assert_not_equal(g2.links.map(&:to_s).sort, g1.links.map(&:to_s).sort)
+    g1.multiply_extended(:"1", 2, distribute: :equal)
+    assert_equal(g2.segment_names.sort,g1.segment_names.sort)
+    assert_equal(g2.links.map(&:to_s).sort, g1.links.map(&:to_s).sort)
+  end
+  def test_distribution_policy_B
+    g1 = RGFA.from_file("test/testdata/links_distri.l2.gfa")
+    g2 = RGFA.from_file("test/testdata/links_distri.l2.m2.no_ld.gfa")
+    assert_not_equal(g2.segment_names.sort,g1.segment_names.sort)
+    assert_not_equal(g2.links.map(&:to_s).sort, g1.links.map(&:to_s).sort)
+    g1.multiply_extended(:"1", 2, distribute: :B)
+    assert_equal(g2.segment_names.sort,g1.segment_names.sort)
+    assert_equal(g2.links.map(&:to_s).sort, g1.links.map(&:to_s).sort)
+  end
+  def test_distribution_policy_E
+    g1 = RGFA.from_file("test/testdata/links_distri.l2.gfa")
+    g2 = RGFA.from_file("test/testdata/links_distri.l2.m2.gfa")
+    assert_not_equal(g2.segment_names.sort,g1.segment_names.sort)
+    assert_not_equal(g2.links.map(&:to_s).sort, g1.links.map(&:to_s).sort)
+    g1.multiply_extended(:"1", 2, distribute: :E)
+    assert_equal(g2.segment_names.sort,g1.segment_names.sort)
+    assert_equal(g2.links.map(&:to_s).sort, g1.links.map(&:to_s).sort)
+  end
+  def test_auto_select_distribute_end_lB_eq_lE
+    g = RGFA.new
+    # lB == lE == 1
+    assert_equal(nil, g.send(:auto_select_distribute_end, 4, 1, 1, false))
+    # lB == lE == factor
+    assert_equal(:E, g.send(:auto_select_distribute_end, 4, 4, 4, false))
+    # lB == lE; </> factor
+    assert_equal(:E, g.send(:auto_select_distribute_end, 4, 2, 2, false))
+    assert_equal(:B, g.send(:auto_select_distribute_end, 4, 6, 6, false))
+  end
+  def test_auto_select_distribute_end_l_1
+    g = RGFA.new
+    # lB or lE == 1, other </==/> factor
+    assert_equal(:B, g.send(:auto_select_distribute_end, 4, 2, 1, false))
+    assert_equal(:B, g.send(:auto_select_distribute_end, 4, 4, 1, false))
+    assert_equal(:B, g.send(:auto_select_distribute_end, 4, 6, 1, false))
+    assert_equal(:E, g.send(:auto_select_distribute_end, 4, 1, 2, false))
+    assert_equal(:E, g.send(:auto_select_distribute_end, 4, 1, 4, false))
+    assert_equal(:E, g.send(:auto_select_distribute_end, 4, 1, 6, false))
+  end
+  def test_auto_select_distribute_end_eq_factor
+    g = RGFA.new
+    # one =, one > factor
+    assert_equal(:B, g.send(:auto_select_distribute_end, 4, 4, 5, false))
+    assert_equal(:E, g.send(:auto_select_distribute_end, 4, 5, 4, false))
+    # one =, one < factor
+    assert_equal(:B, g.send(:auto_select_distribute_end, 4, 4, 3, false))
+    assert_equal(:E, g.send(:auto_select_distribute_end, 4, 3, 4, false))
+  end
+  def test_auto_select_distribute_end_diff_factor
+    g = RGFA.new
+    # both > 1; both < factor
+    assert_equal(:B, g.send(:auto_select_distribute_end, 4, 3, 2, false))
+    assert_equal(:E, g.send(:auto_select_distribute_end, 4, 2, 3, false))
+    # both > 1; both > factor
+    assert_equal(:B, g.send(:auto_select_distribute_end, 4, 5, 6, false))
+    assert_equal(:E, g.send(:auto_select_distribute_end, 4, 6, 5, false))
+    # both > 1; one <, one > factor
+    assert_equal(:B, g.send(:auto_select_distribute_end, 4, 3, 5, false))
+    assert_equal(:E, g.send(:auto_select_distribute_end, 4, 5, 3, false))
+  end
diff --git a/test/testdata/dead_ends.gfa b/test/testdata/dead_ends.gfa
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..751cd15
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/testdata/dead_ends.gfa
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+H	VN:Z:1.0
+S	1	*	LN:i:1000000
+S	2	*	LN:i:1000000
+S	3	*	LN:i:100000
+S	3b	*	LN:i:100000
+S	4	*	LN:i:10000
+S	4b	*	LN:i:1000
+L	1	+	2	+	*
+L	2	+	3	+	*
+L	2	+	3b	+	*
+L	3	+	4	+	*
+L	3	+	4b	+	*
diff --git a/test/testdata/example1.gfa b/test/testdata/example1.gfa
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cfdf6ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/testdata/example1.gfa
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+H	VN:Z:1.0
+S	1	*	LN:i:6871	RC:i:2200067
+S	10	*	LN:i:251	RC:i:82006
+S	11	*	LN:i:208	RC:i:39533
+S	12	*	LN:i:186	RC:i:34457
+S	16	*	LN:i:157	RC:i:15334
+S	18	*	LN:i:145	RC:i:55632
+S	19	*	LN:i:134	RC:i:49274
+S	2	*	LN:i:4589	RC:i:6428225
+S	20	*	LN:i:134	RC:i:20521
+S	21	*	LN:i:133	RC:i:28174
+S	22	*	LN:i:132	RC:i:17846
+S	23	*	LN:i:132	RC:i:24658
+S	24	*	LN:i:107	RC:i:22256
+S	3	*	LN:i:2044	RC:i:2727166
+S	4	*	LN:i:1744	RC:i:1729157
+S	5	*	LN:i:1378	RC:i:1071246
+S	6	*	LN:i:1356	RC:i:422793
+S	7	*	LN:i:920	RC:i:630822
+S	8	*	LN:i:876	RC:i:794734
+S	9	*	LN:i:255	RC:i:40589
+L	1	+	2	+	*
+L	1	-	19	-	*
+L	10	+	3	-	*
+L	10	-	4	+	*
+L	11	-	6	-	*
+L	11	+	9	-	*
+L	12	+	9	+	*
+L	12	-	18	+	*
+L	16	+	20	+	*
+L	16	-	22	-	*
+L	18	+	19	+	*
+L	18	-	23	+	*
+L	2	+	5	+	*
+L	2	+	5	-	*
+L	2	-	8	+	*
+L	20	+	21	+	*
+L	21	+	23	-	*
+L	22	-	6	-	*
+L	24	+	7	+	*
+L	24	-	7	+	*
+L	3	+	4	-	*
+L	3	-	6	+	*
+L	3	-	8	-	*
+L	4	-	7	-	*
diff --git a/test/testdata/example_from_spec.gfa b/test/testdata/example_from_spec.gfa
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d819013
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/testdata/example_from_spec.gfa
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+H	VN:Z:1.0
+H	ul:Z:https://github.com/pmelsted/GFA-spec/blob/master/GFA-spec.md#example
+L	11	+	12	-	4M
+L	12	-	13	+	5M
+L	11	+	13	+	3M
+P	14	11+,12-,13+	4M,5M
diff --git a/test/testdata/example_from_spec.path14.seq b/test/testdata/example_from_spec.path14.seq
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..65069d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/testdata/example_from_spec.path14.seq
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/test/testdata/example_from_spec2.gfa b/test/testdata/example_from_spec2.gfa
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e65684e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/testdata/example_from_spec2.gfa
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+H	VN:Z:1.0
+H ul:Z:https://github.com/pmelsted/GFA-spec/blob/master/GFA-spec.md#first-update-on-gfa
+L	1	+	2	+	5M
+L	3	+	2	+	0M
+L	3	+	4	-	1M1D2M1S
+L	4	-	5	+	0M
+C	5	+	6	+	2	4M
diff --git a/test/testdata/links_distri.l1.gfa b/test/testdata/links_distri.l1.gfa
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b3cf637
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/testdata/links_distri.l1.gfa
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+H	VN:Z:1.0
+S	1	*
+S	2	*
+L	1	+	2	+	*
diff --git a/test/testdata/links_distri.l1.m2.gfa b/test/testdata/links_distri.l1.m2.gfa
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5471921
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/testdata/links_distri.l1.m2.gfa
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+H	VN:Z:1.0
+S	1	*
+S	1b	*
+S	2	*
+L	1	+	2	+	*
+L	1b	+	2	+	*
diff --git a/test/testdata/links_distri.l2.gfa b/test/testdata/links_distri.l2.gfa
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..00a9d08
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/testdata/links_distri.l2.gfa
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+H	VN:Z:1.0
+S	1	*
+S	2a	*
+S	2b	*
+L	1	+	2a	+	*
+L	1	+	2b	+	*
diff --git a/test/testdata/links_distri.l2.m2.gfa b/test/testdata/links_distri.l2.m2.gfa
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..81a1d4c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/testdata/links_distri.l2.m2.gfa
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+H	VN:Z:1.0
+S	1	*	or:Z:1
+S	1b	*	or:Z:1
+S	2a	*
+S	2b	*
+L	1	+	2a	+	*
+L	1b	+	2b	+	*
diff --git a/test/testdata/links_distri.l2.m2.no_ld.gfa b/test/testdata/links_distri.l2.m2.no_ld.gfa
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5174f53
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/testdata/links_distri.l2.m2.no_ld.gfa
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+H	VN:Z:1.0
+S	1	*
+S	2a	*
+S	2b	*
+S	1b	*
+L	1	+	2a	+	*
+L	1	+	2b	+	*
+L	1b	+	2a	+	*
+L	1b	+	2b	+	*
diff --git a/test/testdata/links_distri.l2.m3.gfa b/test/testdata/links_distri.l2.m3.gfa
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..346131b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/testdata/links_distri.l2.m3.gfa
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+H	VN:Z:1.0
+S	1	*	or:Z:1
+S	2a	*
+S	2b	*
+S	1b	*	or:Z:1
+S	1c	*	or:Z:1
+L	1	+	2a	+	*
+L	1b	+	2b	+	*
diff --git a/test/testdata/links_distri.l2.m3.no_ld.gfa b/test/testdata/links_distri.l2.m3.no_ld.gfa
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fff5b38
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/testdata/links_distri.l2.m3.no_ld.gfa
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+H	VN:Z:1.0
+S	1	*
+S	2a	*
+S	2b	*
+S	1b	*
+S	1c	*
+L	1	+	2a	+	*
+L	1	+	2b	+	*
+L	1b	+	2a	+	*
+L	1b	+	2b	+	*
+L	1c	+	2a	+	*
+L	1c	+	2b	+	*
diff --git a/test/testdata/links_distri.l3.gfa b/test/testdata/links_distri.l3.gfa
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6a8ae7a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/testdata/links_distri.l3.gfa
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+H	VN:Z:1.0
+S	1	*
+S	2a	*
+S	2b	*
+S	2c	*
+L	1	+	2a	+	*
+L	1	+	2b	+	*
+L	1	+	2c	+	*
diff --git a/test/testdata/links_distri.l3.m2.gfa b/test/testdata/links_distri.l3.m2.gfa
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fa70cc2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/testdata/links_distri.l3.m2.gfa
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+H	VN:Z:1.0
+S	1	*	or:Z:1
+S	2a	*
+S	2b	*
+S	2c	*
+S	1b	*	or:Z:1
+L	1	+	2a	+	*
+L	1	+	2b	+	*
+L	1b	+	2b	+	*
+L	1b	+	2c	+	*
diff --git a/test/testdata/links_distri.l3.m2.no_ld.gfa b/test/testdata/links_distri.l3.m2.no_ld.gfa
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a8e2774
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/testdata/links_distri.l3.m2.no_ld.gfa
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+H	VN:Z:1.0
+S	1	*
+S	2a	*
+S	2b	*
+S	2c	*
+S	1b	*
+L	1	+	2a	+	*
+L	1	+	2b	+	*
+L	1	+	2c	+	*
+L	1b	+	2a	+	*
+L	1b	+	2b	+	*
+L	1b	+	2c	+	*
diff --git a/test/testdata/loop.gfa b/test/testdata/loop.gfa
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1fa6e88
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/testdata/loop.gfa
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+H	VN:Z:1.0
+H	ul:Z:https://github.com/sjackman/assembly-graph/raw/master/loop.gfa
+S	1	AAA
+S	2	ACG
+S	3	CAT
+S	4	TTT
+L	1	+	1	+	2M
+L	2	+	2	-	2M
+L	3	-	3	+	2M
+L	4	-	4	-	2M
diff --git a/test/testdata/sample.gfa b/test/testdata/sample.gfa
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ff9c477
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/testdata/sample.gfa
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+H	VN:Z:1.0
+H	ul:Z:https://github.com/sjackman/assembly-graph/blob/master/sample.gfa
+L	1	+	2	+	5M
+L	3	+	2	+	0M
+L	3	+	4	-	1M1D2M1S
+L	4	-	5	+	0M
diff --git a/test/testdata/spec_q1.gfa b/test/testdata/spec_q1.gfa
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3dfec1b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/testdata/spec_q1.gfa
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+H	VN:Z:1.0
+L	1	+	2	+	0M
+P	A	1+,2+	0M
+P	B	1+,2+	0M	st:i:4	en:i:3
+P	C	1+	*	st:i:5
+P	D	2+	*	st:i:2	en:i:5
diff --git a/test/testdata/spec_q2.gfa b/test/testdata/spec_q2.gfa
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..48dee55
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/testdata/spec_q2.gfa
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+H	VN:Z:1.0
+H	ul:Z:https://github.com/pmelsted/GFA-spec/issues/23
+H	co:Z:modified: the final "," of circular was eliminated
+L	1	+	2	+	2M
+L	2	+	1	+	2M
+P	linear	1+,2+	2M
+P	circular	1+,2+	2M,2M
diff --git a/test/testdata/spec_q2.path_circular.seq b/test/testdata/spec_q2.path_circular.seq
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bc4533e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/testdata/spec_q2.path_circular.seq
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/test/testdata/spec_q2.path_linear.seq b/test/testdata/spec_q2.path_linear.seq
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3bc7a6f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/testdata/spec_q2.path_linear.seq
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/test/testdata/spec_q3.gfa b/test/testdata/spec_q3.gfa
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..353ae78
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/testdata/spec_q3.gfa
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+H	VN:Z:1.0
+H	ul:Z:https://github.com/pmelsted/GFA-spec/issues/23#issuecomment-166806423
+H	co:Z:is_this_okay is OK and shall be interpreted as a linear path
+L	1	+	2	+	2M
+L	2	+	3	+	2M
+L	3	+	1	+	2M
+P	linear_path	1+,2+,3+	*,*
+P	circular_path	1+,2+,3+	*,*,*
+P	more_than_circular	1+,2+,3+,1+	*,*,0M
+P	is_this_okay	1+,2+,3+	*
diff --git a/test/testdata/spec_q4.gfa b/test/testdata/spec_q4.gfa
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7969297
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/testdata/spec_q4.gfa
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+H	VN:Z:1.0
+H	ul:Z:https://github.com/pmelsted/GFA-spec/issues/23#issuecomment-172869000
+H	co:Z:similar to spec_q3
+H	co:Z:more_than_circular should be invalid, 3+/1+/0M is not supported by a link
+L	1	+	2	+	2M
+L	2	+	3	+	2M
+L	3	+	1	+	2M
+P	linear_path	1+,2+,3+	*,*
+P	circular_path	1+,2+,3+	*,*,*
+P	more_than_circular	1+,2+,3+,1+	*,*,0M
+P	is_this_okay	1+,2+,3+	*
diff --git a/test/testdata/spec_q4.path_more_than_circular.seq b/test/testdata/spec_q4.path_more_than_circular.seq
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c4f6e83
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/testdata/spec_q4.path_more_than_circular.seq
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/test/testdata/spec_q5.gfa b/test/testdata/spec_q5.gfa
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..268a4bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/testdata/spec_q5.gfa
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+H	ul:Z:https://github.com/pmelsted/GFA-spec/issues/8
+H	co:Z:the last 3 links are equivalent to the first 3
+S	read0	*	LN:i:5500
+S	read1	*	LN:i:4000
+S	read2	*	LN:i:5500
+L	read0	+	read1	-	2000M
+L	read1	-	read2	+	3000M
+L	read0	+	read2	+	1000M
+L	read1	+	read0	-	2000M
+L	read2	-	read1	+	3000M
+L	read2	-	read0	-	1000M
diff --git a/test/testdata/spec_q6.gfa b/test/testdata/spec_q6.gfa
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5c1c867
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/testdata/spec_q6.gfa
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+S	0	GAT	TN:Z:Human
+S	1	CCC	TN:Z:Mouse
+S	2	TAC	TN:Z:Human,Mouse
+S	3	A	TN:Z:Human
+S	4	TTA	TN:Z:Mouse
+L	0	+	2	+	0M	TN:Z:Human
+L	1	+	2	+	0M	TN:Z:Mouse
+L	2	+	3	+	0M	TN:Z:Human
+L	2	+	4	+	0M	TN:Z:Mouse
diff --git a/test/testdata/spec_q7.gfa b/test/testdata/spec_q7.gfa
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..26d1955
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/testdata/spec_q7.gfa
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+H	VN:Z:1.0
+H	ul:Z:https://github.com/pmelsted/GFA-spec/issues/7#issuecomment-219685552
+S	11	ACCTT	PG:J:{"Human":[{"target":"chr1","pos":1500,"strand":true}],"Mouse":[{"target":"chr2","pos":2000,"strand":false}],"ecoli":[{"target":"chr1","pos":2000,"strand":false},{"target":"chr1","pos":3000,"strand"=true}]}
+L	11	+	12	-	4M
+L	12	-	13	+	5M
+L	11	+	13	+	3M
+P	14	11+,12-,13+	4M,5M
diff --git a/test/testdata/two_components.gfa b/test/testdata/two_components.gfa
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4d9df58
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/testdata/two_components.gfa
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+H	VN:Z:1.0
+S	1	*	LN:i:1000
+S	2	*	LN:i:1000
+S	3	*	LN:i:1000
+S	4	*	LN:i:1000
+S	5	*	LN:i:1000
+S	6	*	LN:i:1000
+L	1	+	2	+	*
+L	1	+	3	+	*
+L	1	+	4	+	*
+L	5	+	6	+	*

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-med/ruby-rgfa.git

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