[med-svn] [ruby-rgfa] 02/09: New upstream version 1.3

Sascha Steinbiss satta at debian.org
Mon Sep 26 21:25:19 UTC 2016

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

satta pushed a commit to branch master
in repository ruby-rgfa.

commit 95b8e41a6a556e6d81a7f8403f1e023ea55163d6
Author: Sascha Steinbiss <satta at debian.org>
Date:   Mon Sep 26 20:38:59 2016 +0000

    New upstream version 1.3
 .gitignore                                         |   2 +
 .travis.yml                                        |   4 +
 CHANGELOG                                          |  19 +++
 README.md                                          |  26 ++++-
 Rakefile                                           |  15 ++-
 bin/{gfadiff.rb => gfadiff}                        |   0
 bin/{rgfa-findcrisprs.rb => rgfa-findcrisprs}      |   0
 bin/{rgfa-mergelinear.rb => rgfa-mergelinear}      |   0
 bin/{rgfa-simdebruijn.rb => rgfa-simdebruijn}      |   0
 ...rgfa-cheatsheet-1.2.tex => rgfa-cheatsheet.tex} |  37 +++---
 lib/rgfa.rb                                        |   2 +-
 lib/rgfa/cigar.rb                                  |  11 +-
 lib/rgfa/field_parser.rb                           |   8 +-
 lib/rgfa/field_validator.rb                        |  14 +++
 lib/rgfa/line.rb                                   |   8 +-
 lib/rgfa/line/comment.rb                           |  13 +++
 lib/rgfa/line/containment.rb                       |  16 ++-
 lib/rgfa/line/link.rb                              | 127 ++++++++++-----------
 lib/rgfa/line/path.rb                              |  30 ++---
 lib/rgfa/line/segment.rb                           |   6 +-
 lib/rgfa/lines.rb                                  |   3 +
 lib/rgfa/links.rb                                  |   2 +-
 lib/rgfa/segment_ends_path.rb                      |   2 +
 pdfdoc/{cover.html => cover.html.erb}              |   2 +-
 rgfa.gemspec                                       |  12 +-
 test/test_rgfa_line_comment.rb                     |  13 +++
 test/test_rgfa_line_creators.rb                    |  10 ++
 test/test_rgfa_line_path.rb                        |   2 +-
 test/test_rgfa_line_segment.rb                     |  12 ++
 29 files changed, 259 insertions(+), 137 deletions(-)

diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index ec77918..c3eefd4 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -3,8 +3,10 @@ doc
diff --git a/.travis.yml b/.travis.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..736c079
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.travis.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+language: ruby
+  - 2.0
+  - 2.2
index 04c0812..c5100c2 100644
@@ -1,3 +1,22 @@
+== 1.3 ==
+major changes:
+- changes in GFA specification:
+-- P lines: cigars field is now overlaps
+-- comment lines
+-- forbid +, and -, in segment names
+- .rb suffix removed from bin/* scripts
+minor changes:
+- improved links terminology
+  (normal link -> canonical; reverse link/CIGAR -> complement)
+- definition of canonical link simplified
+== 1.2.1 ==
+- support new segment tags SH and UR
+- update cheatsheet
 == 1.2 ==
 - merge RGFATools into the main RGFA gem
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 60e527d..3dab85d 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 The Graphical Fragment Assembly (GFA) is a proposed format which allow
 to describe the product of sequence assembly.
 This gem implements the proposed specifications for the GFA format
-described under https://github.com/pmelsted/GFA-spec/blob/master/GFA-spec.md
+described under https://github.com/GFA-spec/GFA-spec/blob/master/GFA-spec.md
 as close as possible.
 The library allows to create a RGFA object from a file in the GFA format
@@ -12,20 +12,34 @@ elements (e.g. which links connect two segments) and to manipulate the
 graph (e.g. to eliminate a link or a segment or to duplicate a segment
 distributing the read counts evenly on the copies).
+## Installation
+The latest release of the gem can be installed from the rubygems repository
+```gem install rgfa```
+Alternatively this git repository can be cloned or the source code
+installed from a release archive, and then the gem created and installed
+```rake install```
 ## Usage
-After installation of the gem (rake install), the library can be included
-in the own scripts with require "rgfa". Additional functionality, which
+To use the library in your Ruby scripts, just require it as follows:
+```require "rgfa"```
+Additional functionality, which
 requires custom tags and additional conventions, is included in a separate
-part of the code named "RGFATools" and can be accessed with require "rgfatools".
+part of the code named {RGFATools} and can be accessed with:
+```require "rgfatools"```
 ## Documentation
 A cheatsheet is available as pdf under
 The full API documentation is available as pdf under
 or in HTML format (http://www.rubydoc.info/github/ggonnella/rgfa/master/RGFA).
 The main class of the library is {RGFA}, which is a good starting point
diff --git a/Rakefile b/Rakefile
index 40ba406..0822714 100644
--- a/Rakefile
+++ b/Rakefile
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 require "rake/testtask"
 Rake::TestTask.new do |t|
   t.libs << 'test'
@@ -36,14 +36,21 @@ begin
 rescue LoadError
-desc "Create cheatsheet"
-task :cs do
-  system("latexmk cheatsheet/rgfa-cheatsheet-#$rgfaversion.tex "+
+desc "Typeset cheatsheet"
+task :cheatsheet do
+  system("echo #$rgfaversion > cheatsheet/version")
+  system("latexmk cheatsheet/rgfa-cheatsheet.tex "+
          "-pdf -outdir=cheatsheet")
+  system("mv cheatsheet/rgfa-cheatsheet.pdf"+
+         "   cheatsheet/rgfa-cheatsheet-#$rgfaversion.pdf")
 desc "Create a PDF documentation"
 task :pdf do
+  require "erb"
+  File.open("pdfdoc/cover.html", "w") do |f|
+    f.puts ERB.new(IO.read("pdfdoc/cover.html.erb")).result(binding)
+  end
   system("yard2.0 --one-file -o pdfdoc")
   system("wkhtmltopdf cover pdfdoc/cover.html "+
                      "toc "+
diff --git a/bin/gfadiff.rb b/bin/gfadiff
similarity index 100%
rename from bin/gfadiff.rb
rename to bin/gfadiff
diff --git a/bin/rgfa-findcrisprs.rb b/bin/rgfa-findcrisprs
similarity index 100%
rename from bin/rgfa-findcrisprs.rb
rename to bin/rgfa-findcrisprs
diff --git a/bin/rgfa-mergelinear.rb b/bin/rgfa-mergelinear
similarity index 100%
rename from bin/rgfa-mergelinear.rb
rename to bin/rgfa-mergelinear
diff --git a/bin/rgfa-simdebruijn.rb b/bin/rgfa-simdebruijn
similarity index 100%
rename from bin/rgfa-simdebruijn.rb
rename to bin/rgfa-simdebruijn
diff --git a/cheatsheet/rgfa-cheatsheet-1.2.tex b/cheatsheet/rgfa-cheatsheet.tex
similarity index 84%
rename from cheatsheet/rgfa-cheatsheet-1.2.tex
rename to cheatsheet/rgfa-cheatsheet.tex
index e17ab77..d1f299f 100644
--- a/cheatsheet/rgfa-cheatsheet-1.2.tex
+++ b/cheatsheet/rgfa-cheatsheet.tex
@@ -3,12 +3,15 @@
-\rhead{\bfseries RGFA/RGFATools v.1.2 Cheatsheet (\thepage/\pageref{LastPage})
+\rhead{\bfseries RGFA \RGFAver Cheatsheet (\thepage/\pageref{LastPage})
 \lfoot{\tiny \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Copyright (c) 2016, Giorgio Gonnella, ZBH, University of
 Hamburg, Germany. This document is under CC-BY-SA license.}
@@ -54,17 +57,16 @@ Hamburg, Germany. This document is under CC-BY-SA license.}
   Write GFA to file & gfa.to\_file(filename) \\
   Write GFA to standard output & puts gfa \\
   Create deep copy & gfa.clone \\
-  Validate after manual edits & gfa.validate! \\
   Output statistics (normal/compact) & puts gfa.info; puts gfa.info(true) \\
   Turn off validations & gfa.turn\_off\_validations \\
-  Segments first & gfa.require\_segments\_first\_order \\
+  Validate line references & gfa.validate! \\
   Enable progress logging & gfa.enable\_progress\_logging \\
   Name of all segments & gfa.segment\_names \\
   Name of all paths & gfa.path\_names \\
   All segments, links, paths, etc & gfa.segments; gfa.links; gfa.paths; \ldots \\
-  Iterate over segments, links, etc & gfa.each\_segment \verb/{|s|...}/ \\
+  Iterate over segments, links, etc & gfa.segments.each \verb/{|s|...}/ \\
   Find segment & gfa.segment(segment\_name) \\
   \ldots exception if does not exist  & gfa.segment!(segment\_name) \\
@@ -87,7 +89,7 @@ Hamburg, Germany. This document is under CC-BY-SA license.}
   Add line (examples)        & gfa << "H\verb/\t/VZ:i:1.0" \\
                              & gfa << "S\verb/\t/a\verb/\t/*\verb/\t/LN:i:1200" \\
-  Rename segment or path & gfa.rename("old", "new") \\
+  Rename segment or path & gfa.rename(:old, :new) \\
   Segment coverage & s.coverage\\
   Segment coverage (more accurate) & s.coverage(unit\_length:~avreadlen)\\
@@ -129,11 +131,8 @@ Hamburg, Germany. This document is under CC-BY-SA license.}
   Delete segments contained in s & gfa.rm(\verb/:contained_in,:s/) \\
   Delete s1-E links except to s2-B & gfa.delete\_other\_links(\verb/[s1,:E],[s2,:B]/)\\
-  Content of headers field & gfa.header.xx \\
-  Replace header field content & gfa.set\_header\_field(:xx, 12, \\
-                               & \hspace{4.3cm})\\
-  Append to header field & gfa.set\_header\_field(:xx, 12,\\
-                               & \hspace{4.3cm}, existing: :add)\\
+  Access headers field & gfa.header.xx \\
+  Add new header field & gfa.header.add(:xx, 12)\\
   Sum of read counts & \verb/gfa.segments.map(&:RC).inject(:+)/ \\
   Highest coverage & \verb/gfa.segments.map(&:coverage).max/ \\
@@ -150,7 +149,7 @@ Hamburg, Germany. This document is under CC-BY-SA license.}
   Split components & gfa.split\_connected\_components \\
   Number of dead ends & gfa.n\_dead\_ends \\
-  \textit{(with RGFATools only)} & \\
+  \textit{(require "rgfatools")} & \\
   Muliply segment, distribute links & gfa.multiply("A", 4) \\
   Compute copy numbers & gfa.compute\_copy\_numbers \\
   Apply copy numbers & gfa.apply\_copy\_numbers \\
@@ -160,14 +159,14 @@ Hamburg, Germany. This document is under CC-BY-SA license.}
   Remove small components & gfa.remove\_small\_components(minlen) \\
   \textit{(Command line tools)} & \\
-  Compare two GFA files & gfadiff.rb 1.gfa 2.gfa \\
-  \ldots only segments and links & gfadiff.rb -s -l 1.gfa 2.gfa \\
-  \ldots output as ruby script & gfadiff.rb -script 1.gfa 2.gfa \\
-  Merge linear paths in graph & simplify.rb 2.gfa > 3.gfa \\
-  \hline
-  \textit{(Experimental command line tools)} & \\
-  Simulate de Bruijn graph & simulate\_debruijn.rb 27 gnm.fas > 1.gfa \\
-  \ldots and find CRISPRs candidates & find\_crisprs.rb 1.gfa \\
+  Compare two GFA files & gfadiff 1.gfa 2.gfa \\
+  \ldots only segments and links & gfadiff -s -l 1.gfa 2.gfa \\
+  \ldots output as ruby script & gfadiff -script 1.gfa 2.gfa \\
+  Merge linear paths in graph & rgfa-mergelinear 2.gfa > 3.gfa \\
+  \hline
+  \textit{(Case studies CLI tools)} & \\
+  Simulate de Bruijn graph & rgfa-simdebruijn 27 gnm.fas > 1.gfa \\
+  \ldots and find CRISPRs candidates & rgfa-findcrisprs 1.gfa \\
diff --git a/lib/rgfa.rb b/lib/rgfa.rb
index bf87ccf..013b944 100644
--- a/lib/rgfa.rb
+++ b/lib/rgfa.rb
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
 #   removing lines belonging to a RGFA instance. Specialized modules exist
 #   for each kind of line:
 #   - {RGFA::Headers}: accessing and creating header information is done
-#     using a single header line object ({headers RGFA#header})
+#     using a single header line object ({#header RGFA#header})
 #   - {RGFA::Segments}
 #   - {RGFA::Links}
 #   - {RGFA::Containments}
diff --git a/lib/rgfa/cigar.rb b/lib/rgfa/cigar.rb
index 4d07b7a..250ead0 100644
--- a/lib/rgfa/cigar.rb
+++ b/lib/rgfa/cigar.rb
@@ -4,11 +4,11 @@ require_relative "error.rb"
 # Represents the contents of a CIGAR string.
 class RGFA::CIGAR < Array
-  # Compute the CIGAR for the segments in reverse direction.
+  # Compute the CIGAR for the segments when these are switched.
-  # @example Reversing a CIGAR
+  # @example Computing the complement CIGAR
-  #   RGFA::CIGAR.from_string("2M1D3M").reverse.to_s
+  #   RGFA::CIGAR.from_string("2M1D3M").complement.to_s
   #   # => "3M1I2M"
   #   # S1 + S2 + 2M1D3M
@@ -22,8 +22,8 @@ class RGFA::CIGAR < Array
   #   # S2 - S1 - 3M1I2M
   # @return [RGFA::CIGAR] (empty if CIGAR string is *)
-  def reverse
-    super.map do |op|
+  def complement
+    reverse.map do |op|
       if op.code == :I
         op.code = :D
       elsif op.code == :D
@@ -94,6 +94,7 @@ class RGFA::CIGAR::Operation
   attr_accessor :len
   attr_accessor :code
+  # CIGAR operation code
   CODE = [:M, :I, :D, :N, :S, :H, :P, :X, :"="]
   # @param len [Integer] length of the operation
diff --git a/lib/rgfa/field_parser.rb b/lib/rgfa/field_parser.rb
index 14ef2dc..605eb0c 100644
--- a/lib/rgfa/field_parser.rb
+++ b/lib/rgfa/field_parser.rb
@@ -19,11 +19,17 @@ module RGFA::FieldParser
                       fieldname: nil,
                       frozen: false)
     case datatype
+    when :cmt
+      return self
     when :A, :Z, :seq
       validate_gfa_field!(datatype, fieldname: fieldname) if validate_strings
       self.freeze if frozen
       return self
-    when :lbl, :orn
+    when :lbl
+      validate_segment_name!
+      validate_gfa_field!(datatype, fieldname: fieldname) if validate_strings
+      return to_sym.freeze
+    when :orn
       validate_gfa_field!(datatype, fieldname: fieldname) if validate_strings
       return to_sym.freeze
     when :i
diff --git a/lib/rgfa/field_validator.rb b/lib/rgfa/field_validator.rb
index 3890e68..fe3c430 100644
--- a/lib/rgfa/field_validator.rb
+++ b/lib/rgfa/field_validator.rb
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ module RGFA::FieldValidator
     :cig => /^(\*|(([0-9]+[MIDNSHPX=])+))$/, # CIGAR string
     :cgs => /^(\*|(([0-9]+[MIDNSHPX=])+))(,(\*|(([0-9]+[MIDNSHPX=])+)))*$/,
                                        # multiple CIGARs, comma-sep
+    :cmt => /.*/, # content of comment line, everything is allowed
   # Validates the string according to the provided datatype
@@ -49,6 +50,19 @@ module RGFA::FieldValidator
+  # Validates segment names, to check that they do not contain + or -
+  # followed by comma
+  # @raise [RGFA::FieldParser::FormatError] if the segment name is invalid
+  # @return [void]
+  # @api private
+  def validate_segment_name!
+    if self =~ /.*[+-],.*/
+      raise RGFA::FieldParser::FormatError,
+      "Segment names are not allowed to contain +/- followed by comma "+
+      "(found: #{self})"
+    end
+  end
 class String
diff --git a/lib/rgfa/line.rb b/lib/rgfa/line.rb
index 287d315..f2cca91 100644
--- a/lib/rgfa/line.rb
+++ b/lib/rgfa/line.rb
@@ -126,6 +126,7 @@ class RGFA::Line
     when :L then RGFA::Line::Link
     when :C then RGFA::Line::Containment
     when :P then RGFA::Line::Path
+    when :"#" then RGFA::Line::Comment
       raise RGFA::Line::UnknownRecordTypeError,
         "Record type unknown: '#{record_type}'"
@@ -684,6 +685,7 @@ require_relative "line/segment.rb"
 require_relative "line/path.rb"
 require_relative "line/link.rb"
 require_relative "line/containment.rb"
+require_relative "line/comment.rb"
 # Extensions to the String core class.
@@ -696,7 +698,11 @@ class String
   # @param validate [Integer] <i>(defaults to: 2)</i>
   #   see RGFA::Line#initialize
   def to_rgfa_line(validate: 2)
-    split(RGFA::Line::SEPARATOR).to_rgfa_line(validate: validate)
+    if self[0] == "#"
+      return RGFA::Line::Comment.new([self[1..-1]], validate: 0)
+    else
+      split(RGFA::Line::SEPARATOR).to_rgfa_line(validate: validate)
+    end
diff --git a/lib/rgfa/line/comment.rb b/lib/rgfa/line/comment.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f3eb5dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/rgfa/line/comment.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+# A comment line of a RGFA file
+class RGFA::Line::Comment < RGFA::Line
+  RECORD_TYPE = :"#"
+  REQFIELDS = [:content]
+    :content => :cmt,
+  }
+  define_field_methods!
diff --git a/lib/rgfa/line/containment.rb b/lib/rgfa/line/containment.rb
index df57a41..01f7dea 100644
--- a/lib/rgfa/line/containment.rb
+++ b/lib/rgfa/line/containment.rb
@@ -56,11 +56,15 @@ class RGFA::Line::Containment < RGFA::Line
     return rpos
-  # Returns true if the containment is normal, false otherwise
+  # Returns true if the containment is canonical, false otherwise
-  # <b> Definition of normal containment </b>
+  # == Definition of canonical containment
-  # Each containment has an equivalent reverse containment.
+  # A containment is canonical if the from orientation is +
+  #
+  # === Details
+  #
+  # Each containment has an equivalent complement containment.
   # Consider a containment of B (length:8) in A (length:100) at position 9 of A
   # with a cigar 1M1I2M3D4M (i.e. rpos = 19).
@@ -69,18 +73,18 @@ class RGFA::Line::Containment < RGFA::Line
   #   A- B+ 1M1I2M3D4M 9 == A+ B- 4M3D2M1I1M 80
   #   A- B- 1M1I2M3D4M 9 == A+ B+ 4M3D2M1I1M 80
-  # Pos in the reverse is equal to the length of A minus the right pos
+  # Pos in the complement is equal to the length of A minus the right pos
   # of B before reversing.
   # We require here that A != B as A == B makes no sense for containments.
   # Thus it is always possible to express the containment using a positive
   # from orientation.
-  # For this reason the normality is simply defined as + from orientation.
+  # For this reason the canon is simply defined as + from orientation.
   # @return [Boolean]
-  def normal?
+  def canonical?
     from_orient == :+
diff --git a/lib/rgfa/line/link.rb b/lib/rgfa/line/link.rb
index 8796fef..e437c48 100644
--- a/lib/rgfa/line/link.rb
+++ b/lib/rgfa/line/link.rb
@@ -112,108 +112,99 @@ class RGFA::Line::Link < RGFA::Line
-  # Returns true if the link is normal, false otherwise
+  # Returns true if the link is canonical, false otherwise
-  # == Definition of normal link
+  # == Definition of canonical link
-  # Each link has an equivalent reverse link. Consider a link of A to B
-  # with a overlap 1M1I2M:
+  # A link if canonical if:
+  # - from != to and from < to (lexicographically); or
+  # - from == to and at least one of from_orient or to_orient is +
-  #   from+ to to+ (1M1I2M) == to- to from- (2M1D1M)
-  #   from- to to- (1M1I2M) == to+ to from+ (2M1D1M)
-  #   from+ to to- (1M1I2M) == to+ to from- (2M1D1M)
-  #   from- to to+ (1M1I2M) == to- to from+ (2M1D1M)
+  # === Details
-  # Consider also the special case, where from == to and the overlap is not
-  # specified, or equal to its reverse:
+  # In the special case in which from == to (== s) we have the
+  # following equivalences:
-  #   from+ to from+ (*) == from- to from- (*) # left has a +; right has no +
-  #   from- to from- (*) == from+ to from+ (*) # left has no +; right has a +
-  #   from+ to from- (*) == from+ to from- (*) # left == right
-  #   from- to from+ (*) == from- to from+ (*) # left == right
+  #   s + s + == s - s -
+  #   s - s - == s + s + (same as previous case)
+  #   s + s - == s + s - (equivalent to itself)
+  #   s - s + == s - s + (equivalent to itself)
-  # Thus we define a link as normal if:
-  # - from < to (lexicographical comparison of segments)
-  # - from == to and overlap.to_s < reverse_overlap.to_s
-  # - from == to, overlap == reverse_overlap and at least one orientation is +
+  # Considering the values on the left, the first one can be taken as
+  # canonical, the second not, because it can be transformed in the first
+  # one; the other two values are canonical, as they are only equivalent
+  # to themselves.
   # @return [Boolean]
-  def normal?
+  def canonical?
     if from_name < to_name
       return true
     elsif from_name > to_name
       return false
-      overlap_s = overlap.to_s
-      reverse_overlap_s = reverse_overlap.to_s
-      if overlap_s < reverse_overlap_s
-        return true
-      elsif overlap_s > reverse_overlap_s
-        return false
-      else
-        return [from_orient, to_orient].include?(:+)
-      end
+      return [from_orient, to_orient].include?(:+)
-  # Returns the unchanged link if the link is normal,
-  # otherwise reverses the link and returns it.
+  # Returns the unchanged link if the link is canonical,
+  # otherwise complements the link and returns it.
   # @note The path references are not corrected by this method; therefore
   #   the method shall be used before the link is embedded in a graph.
   # @return [RGFA::Line::Link] self
-  def normalize!
-    reverse! if !normal?
+  def canonicize!
+    complement! if !canonical?
-  # Creates a link with both strands of the sequences inverted.
+  # Creates the equivalent link with from/to inverted.
+  #
   # The CIGAR operations (order/type) are inverted as well.
   # Optional fields are left unchanged.
-  # @note The path references are not copied to the reverse link.
+  # @note The path references are not copied to the complement link.
   # @note This method shall be overridden if custom optional fields
-  #   are defined, which have a ``reverse'' operation which determines
-  #   their value in the equivalent but reverse link.
+  #   are defined, which have a ``complementation'' operation which determines
+  #   their value in the equivalent complement link.
   # @return [RGFA::Line::Link] the inverted link.
-  def reverse
+  def complement
     l = self.clone
     l.from = to
     l.from_orient = (to_orient == :+ ? :- : :+)
     l.to = from
     l.to_orient = (from_orient == :+ ? :- : :+)
-    l.overlap = reverse_overlap
+    l.overlap = complement_overlap
-  # Reverses the link inplace, i.e. sets:
+  # Complements the link inplace, i.e. sets:
   #   from = to
   #   from_orient = other_orient(to_orient)
   #   to = from
   #   to_orient = other_orient(from_orient)
-  #   overlap = reverse_overlap.
+  #   overlap = complement_overlap.
   # The optional fields are left unchanged.
-  # @note The path references are not reversed by this method; therefore
+  # @note The path references are not complemented by this method; therefore
   #   the method shall be used before the link is embedded in a graph.
   # @note This method shall be overridden if custom optional fields
-  #   are defined, which have a ``reverse'' operation which determines
-  #   their value in the equivalent but reverse link.
+  #   are defined, which have a ``complementation'' operation which determines
+  #   their value in the complement link.
   # @return [RGFA::Line::Link] self
-  def reverse!
+  def complement!
     tmp = self.from
     self.from = self.to
     self.to = tmp
     tmp = self.from_orient
     self.from_orient = (self.to_orient == :+) ? :- : :+
     self.to_orient = (tmp == :+) ? :- : :+
-    self.overlap = self.reverse_overlap
+    self.overlap = self.complement_overlap
     return self
@@ -224,7 +215,7 @@ class RGFA::Line::Link < RGFA::Line
   # Otherwise, an array of tuples path/boolean is returned.
   # The boolean value tells
-  # if the link is used in direct (true) or reverse direction (false)
+  # if the link is used (true) or its complement (false)
   # in the path.
   # @return [Array<Array<(RGFA::Line::Path, Boolean)>>]
   def paths
@@ -235,8 +226,8 @@ class RGFA::Line::Link < RGFA::Line
   # Compute the overlap when the strand of both sequences is inverted.
   # @return [RGFA::CIGAR]
-  def reverse_overlap
-    self.overlap.reverse
+  def complement_overlap
+    self.overlap.to_cigar.complement
@@ -244,23 +235,23 @@ class RGFA::Line::Link < RGFA::Line
   # Thereby, optional fields are not considered.
   # @note Inverting the strand of both links and reversing
-  #   the CIGAR operations (order/type), one obtains a
-  #   reverse but equivalent link.
+  #   the CIGAR operations (order/type), one obtains an
+  #   equivalent complement link.
   # @param other [RGFA::Line::Link] a link
   # @return [Boolean] are self and other equivalent?
   # @see #==
   # @see #same?
-  # @see #reverse?
+  # @see #complement?
   def eql?(other)
-    same?(other) or reverse?(other)
+    same?(other) or complement?(other)
   # Compares the optional fields of two links.
   # @note This method shall be overridden if custom optional fields
-  #   are defined, which have a ``reverse'' operation which determines
-  #   their value in the equivalent but reverse link.
+  #   are defined, which have a ``complementation'' operation which determines
+  #   their value in the equivalent but complement link.
   # @param other [RGFA::Line::Link] a link
   # @return [Boolean] are self and other equivalent?
@@ -291,7 +282,7 @@ class RGFA::Line::Link < RGFA::Line
   # @param other [RGFA::Line::Link] a link
   # @return [Boolean] are self and other equivalent?
   # @see #eql?
-  # @see #reverse?
+  # @see #complement?
   # @see #==
   def same?(other)
     (from_end == other.from_end and
@@ -299,37 +290,37 @@ class RGFA::Line::Link < RGFA::Line
       overlap == other.overlap)
-  # Compares the reverse of the link to another link
+  # Compares the link to the complement of another link
   # and determine their equivalence.
   # Thereby, optional fields are not considered.
   # @param other [RGFA::Line::Link] the other link
-  # @return [Boolean] are the reverse of self and other equivalent?
+  # @return [Boolean] are self and the complement of other equivalent?
   # @see #eql?
   # @see #same?
   # @see #==
-  def reverse?(other)
+  def complement?(other)
     (from_end == other.to_end and
       to_end == other.from_end and
-      overlap == other.reverse_overlap)
+      overlap == other.complement_overlap)
   # Computes an hash for including a link in an Hash tables,
-  # so that the hash of a link and its reverse is the same.
+  # so that the hash of a link and its complement is the same.
   # Thereby, optional fields are not considered.
   # @see #eql?
   def hash
-    from_end.hash + to_end.hash + overlap.hash + reverse_overlap.to_s.hash
+    from_end.hash + to_end.hash + overlap.hash + complement_overlap.to_s.hash
-  # Compares a link and optionally the reverse link,
+  # Compares a link and optionally the complement link,
   # with two oriented_segments and optionally an overlap.
   # @param [RGFA::OrientedSegment] other_oriented_from
   # @param [RGFA::OrientedSegment] other_oriented_to
-  # @param equivalent [Boolean] shall the reverse link also be considered?
+  # @param equivalent [Boolean] shall the complement link also be considered?
   # @param [RGFA::CIGAR] other_overlap compared only if not empty
   # @return [Boolean] does the link or, if +equivalent+,
-  #   the reverse link go from the first
+  #   the complement link go from the first
   #   oriented segment to the second with an overlap equal to the provided one
   #   (if not empty)?
   def compatible?(other_oriented_from, other_oriented_to, other_overlap = [],
@@ -340,7 +331,7 @@ class RGFA::Line::Link < RGFA::Line
     if is_direct
       return true
     elsif equivalent
-      return compatible_reverse?(other_oriented_from, other_oriented_to,
+      return compatible_complement?(other_oriented_from, other_oriented_to,
       return false
@@ -361,15 +352,15 @@ class RGFA::Line::Link < RGFA::Line
      (overlap.empty? or other_overlap.empty? or (overlap == other_overlap))
-  # Compares the reverse link with two oriented segments and optionally an
+  # Compares the complement link with two oriented segments and optionally an
   # overlap.
   # @param [RGFA::OrientedSegment] other_oriented_from
   # @param [RGFA::OrientedSegment] other_oriented_to
   # @param [RGFA::CIGAR] other_overlap compared only if not empty
-  # @return [Boolean] does the reverse link go from the first
+  # @return [Boolean] does the complement link go from the first
   #   oriented segment to the second with an overlap equal to the provided one
   #   (if not empty)?
-  def compatible_reverse?(other_oriented_from, other_oriented_to,
+  def compatible_complement?(other_oriented_from, other_oriented_to,
                           other_overlap = [])
     (oriented_to == other_oriented_from.invert_orient and
      oriented_from == other_oriented_to.invert_orient) and
diff --git a/lib/rgfa/line/path.rb b/lib/rgfa/line/path.rb
index 9ae9c5f..dc25904 100644
--- a/lib/rgfa/line/path.rb
+++ b/lib/rgfa/line/path.rb
@@ -2,12 +2,12 @@
 class RGFA::Line::Path < RGFA::Line
-  REQFIELDS = [:path_name, :segment_names, :cigars]
+  REQFIELDS = [:path_name, :segment_names, :overlaps]
     :path_name => :lbl,
     :segment_names => :lbs,
-    :cigars => :cgs,
+    :overlaps => :cgs,
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ class RGFA::Line::Path < RGFA::Line
   # equal to the number of segments.
   # @return [Boolean]
   def circular?
-    self.cigars.size == self.segment_names.size
+    self.overlaps.size == self.segment_names.size
   # Is the path linear? This is the case when the number of CIGARs
@@ -40,11 +40,11 @@ class RGFA::Line::Path < RGFA::Line
-  # Are the cigars a single "*"? This is a compact representation of
+  # Are the overlaps a single "*"? This is a compact representation of
   # a linear path where all CIGARs are "*"
   # @return [Boolean]
-  def undef_cigars?
-    self.cigars.size == 1 and self.cigars[0].empty?
+  def undef_overlaps?
+    self.overlaps.size == 1 and self.overlaps[0].empty?
   # The links to which the path refers; it can be an empty array
@@ -62,14 +62,14 @@ class RGFA::Line::Path < RGFA::Line
   #   an array, which elements are 3-tuples (from oriented segment,
   #   to oriented segment, cigar)
   def required_links
-    has_undef_cigars = self.undef_cigars?
+    has_undef_overlaps = self.undef_overlaps?
     retval = []
     self.segment_names.size.times do |i|
       j = i+1
       if j == self.segment_names.size
         circular? ? j = 0 : break
-      cigar = has_undef_cigars ? [] : self.cigars[i]
+      cigar = has_undef_overlaps ? [] : self.overlaps[i]
       retval << [self.segment_names[i], self.segment_names[j], cigar]
@@ -78,20 +78,20 @@ class RGFA::Line::Path < RGFA::Line
   def validate_lists_size!
-    n_cigars = self.cigars.size
+    n_overlaps = self.overlaps.size
     n_segments = self.segment_names.size
-    if n_cigars == n_segments - 1
+    if n_overlaps == n_segments - 1
       # case 1: linear path
       return true
-    elsif n_cigars == 1 and self.cigars[0].empty?
-      # case 2: linear path, single "*" to represent cigars which are all "*"
+    elsif n_overlaps == 1 and self.overlaps[0].empty?
+      # case 2: linear path, single "*" to represent overlaps which are all "*"
       return true
-    elsif n_cigars == n_segments
+    elsif n_overlaps == n_segments
       # case 3: circular path
       raise RGFA::Line::Path::ListLengthsError,
         "Path has #{n_segments} oriented segments, "+
-        "but #{n_cigars} CIGARs"
+        "but #{n_overlaps} overlaps"
@@ -102,5 +102,5 @@ class RGFA::Line::Path < RGFA::Line
-# Error raised if number of segments and cigars are not consistent
+# Error raised if number of segments and overlaps are not consistent
 class RGFA::Line::Path::ListLengthsError < RGFA::Error; end
diff --git a/lib/rgfa/line/segment.rb b/lib/rgfa/line/segment.rb
index 1b59226..dc3deda 100644
--- a/lib/rgfa/line/segment.rb
+++ b/lib/rgfa/line/segment.rb
@@ -3,14 +3,16 @@ class RGFA::Line::Segment < RGFA::Line
   REQFIELDS = [:name, :sequence]
     :name => :lbl,
     :sequence => :seq,
     :LN => :i,
     :RC => :i,
     :FC => :i,
-    :KC => :i
+    :KC => :i,
+    :SH => :H,
+    :UR => :Z
diff --git a/lib/rgfa/lines.rb b/lib/rgfa/lines.rb
index 8a719f8..4cbd172 100644
--- a/lib/rgfa/lines.rb
+++ b/lib/rgfa/lines.rb
@@ -28,6 +28,9 @@ module RGFA::Lines
     when :P
+    when :"#"
+      # do nothing, as the spec says these shall be ignored
+      # maybe we want to store them and output them again in a future version
       raise # this never happens, as already catched by gfa_line init
diff --git a/lib/rgfa/links.rb b/lib/rgfa/links.rb
index 824b75f..28b4962 100644
--- a/lib/rgfa/links.rb
+++ b/lib/rgfa/links.rb
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ module RGFA::Links
   def add_link(gfa_line)
     gfa_line = gfa_line.to_rgfa_line(validate: @validate)
-    gfa_line.normalize!
+    gfa_line.canonicize!
     l = nil
     if segment(gfa_line.from) and segment(gfa_line.to)
       l = link_from_to(gfa_line.oriented_from,
diff --git a/lib/rgfa/segment_ends_path.rb b/lib/rgfa/segment_ends_path.rb
index d06dd2b..4871836 100644
--- a/lib/rgfa/segment_ends_path.rb
+++ b/lib/rgfa/segment_ends_path.rb
@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
 # An array containing {RGFA::SegmentEnd} elements, which defines a path
 # in the graph
 class RGFA::SegmentEndsPath < Array
+  # Create a reverse direction path
+  # @return [RGFA::SegmentEndsPath]
   def reverse
     super.map {|segment_end| segment_end.to_segment_end.invert_end_type}
diff --git a/pdfdoc/cover.html b/pdfdoc/cover.html.erb
similarity index 87%
rename from pdfdoc/cover.html
rename to pdfdoc/cover.html.erb
index 1a8d244..fe53daa 100644
--- a/pdfdoc/cover.html
+++ b/pdfdoc/cover.html.erb
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
 <div class="page-middle-inner">
   <h3>Giorgio Gonnella</h3>
   <h1>RGFA library - API documentation</h1>
-  <h2>Version 1.1</h2>
+  <h2>Version <%=$rgfaversion%> </h2>
diff --git a/rgfa.gemspec b/rgfa.gemspec
index e15ecf3..3efe4dd 100644
--- a/rgfa.gemspec
+++ b/rgfa.gemspec
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 Gem::Specification.new do |s|
   s.name = 'rgfa'
-  s.version = '1.2'
-  s.date = '2016-09-20'
+  s.version = '1.3'
+  s.date = '2016-09-26'
   s.summary = 'Parse, edit and write GFA-format graphs in Ruby'
   s.description = <<-EOF
     The Graphical Fragment Assembly (GFA) is a proposed format which allow
@@ -57,10 +57,10 @@ Gem::Specification.new do |s|
-              'bin/gfadiff.rb',
-              'bin/rgfa-mergelinear.rb',
-              'bin/rgfa-simdebruijn.rb',
-              'bin/rgfa-findcrisprs.rb',
+              'bin/gfadiff',
+              'bin/rgfa-mergelinear',
+              'bin/rgfa-simdebruijn',
+              'bin/rgfa-findcrisprs',
   s.homepage = 'http://github.com/ggonnella/rgfa'
   s.license = 'CC-BY-SA'
diff --git a/test/test_rgfa_line_comment.rb b/test/test_rgfa_line_comment.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e365358
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/test_rgfa_line_comment.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+require_relative "../lib/rgfa.rb"
+require "test/unit"
+class TestRGFALineComment < Test::Unit::TestCase
+  def test_from_string
+    str = "#this is a comment"
+    l = str.to_rgfa_line
+    assert_equal(RGFA::Line::Comment, l.class)
+    assert_equal(str[1..-1], l.content)
+  end
diff --git a/test/test_rgfa_line_creators.rb b/test/test_rgfa_line_creators.rb
index 4fd61f6..05c19d9 100644
--- a/test/test_rgfa_line_creators.rb
+++ b/test/test_rgfa_line_creators.rb
@@ -10,6 +10,16 @@ class TestRGFALineCreators < Test::Unit::TestCase
     assert_equal([h], gfa.headers.map(&:to_s))
+  def test_add_comments
+    gfa = RGFA.new
+    c1 = "#this is a comment"
+    c2 = "# this is also a comment"
+    c3 = "#and \tthis too!"
+    assert_nothing_raised { gfa << c1 }
+    assert_nothing_raised { gfa << c2 }
+    assert_nothing_raised { gfa << c3 }
+  end
   def test_add_segments
     gfa = RGFA.new
     s1 = "S\t1\t*".to_rgfa_line
diff --git a/test/test_rgfa_line_path.rb b/test/test_rgfa_line_path.rb
index beb8ee9..772c22b 100644
--- a/test/test_rgfa_line_path.rb
+++ b/test/test_rgfa_line_path.rb
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ class TestRGFALinePath < Test::Unit::TestCase
-                 str.to_rgfa_line.cigars)
+                 str.to_rgfa_line.overlaps)
     assert_equal("abcd", str.to_rgfa_line.ab)
     assert_raises(RGFA::FieldParser::FormatError) { (str+"\tH1").to_rgfa_line }
     assert_raises(RGFA::Line::RequiredFieldMissingError) { "P\tH".to_rgfa_line }
diff --git a/test/test_rgfa_line_segment.rb b/test/test_rgfa_line_segment.rb
index 1c21888..a0b186c 100644
--- a/test/test_rgfa_line_segment.rb
+++ b/test/test_rgfa_line_segment.rb
@@ -35,6 +35,18 @@ class TestRGFALineSegment < Test::Unit::TestCase
     assert_nothing_raised { f.join("\t").to_rgfa_line }
+  def test_forbidden_segment_names
+    assert_nothing_raised { "S\tA+B\t*".to_rgfa_line }
+    assert_nothing_raised { "S\tA-B\t*".to_rgfa_line }
+    assert_nothing_raised { "S\tA,B\t*".to_rgfa_line }
+    assert_raises(RGFA::FieldParser::FormatError) do
+      "S\tA+,B\t*".to_rgfa_line
+    end
+    assert_raises(RGFA::FieldParser::FormatError) do
+      "S\tA-,B\t*".to_rgfa_line
+    end
+  end
   def test_coverage
     l = "S\t0\t*\tRC:i:600\tLN:i:100".to_rgfa_line
     assert_equal(6, l.coverage)

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