[med-svn] [beagle] 01/02: Imported Upstream version 4.1~160727.86a+dfsg

Dylan Aïssi bob.dybian-guest at moszumanska.debian.org
Fri Sep 30 21:50:40 UTC 2016

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

bob.dybian-guest pushed a commit to branch master
in repository beagle.

commit 6f5d56fdbc37e82721f3abb0916111cc672cf874
Author: Dylan Aïssi <bob.dybian at gmail.com>
Date:   Thu Sep 29 23:33:01 2016 +0200

    Imported Upstream version 4.1~160727.86a+dfsg
 blbutil/Utilities.java     |   4 +-
 dag/MergeableDagLevel.java |   8 +--
 main/Main.java             |   6 +--
 sample/LSHapBaum.java      | 126 ++++++++++++++++++---------------------------
 vcf/VcfRecBuilder.java     | 118 ++++++++++++++++++++----------------------
 vcf/VcfWriter.java         |   2 +-
 6 files changed, 117 insertions(+), 147 deletions(-)

diff --git a/blbutil/Utilities.java b/blbutil/Utilities.java
index b62a575..44df554 100644
--- a/blbutil/Utilities.java
+++ b/blbutil/Utilities.java
@@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ public class Utilities {
      * @throws NullPointerException if {@code out == null}
-    public static void duoPrint(PrintWriter out, String s) {
+    public static void duoPrint(PrintWriter out, CharSequence s) {
@@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ public class Utilities {
      * @throws NullPointerException if {@code out == null}
-    public static void duoPrintln(PrintWriter out, String s) {
+    public static void duoPrintln(PrintWriter out, CharSequence s) {
diff --git a/dag/MergeableDagLevel.java b/dag/MergeableDagLevel.java
index 74c8f4e..0a1135a 100644
--- a/dag/MergeableDagLevel.java
+++ b/dag/MergeableDagLevel.java
@@ -166,16 +166,15 @@ public class MergeableDagLevel {
     private void fillArrays(HapsMarker data, float[] weights) {
         int parentNode = 0;
+        int nEdges = 0;
         for (int hap=0, n=data.nHaps(); hap<n; ++hap) {
             int symbol = data.allele(hap);
             float count = weights[hap];
             int edge = this.outEdges[symbol][parentNode];
             if (edge == -1) {
-                edge = symbol;
-                addEdge(parentNode, symbol, count, edge, hap);
+                addEdge(parentNode, symbol, count, nEdges++, hap);
             else {
-                assert edge == symbol;
                 assert edge==childNodes[edge];
                 int child = childNodes[edge];
                 this.counts[edge] += count;
@@ -183,6 +182,9 @@ public class MergeableDagLevel {
                 this.child2FirstHap[child] = hap;
+        if (nEdges < 0.75*nHaps) {
+            reduceEdgeArrayLengths(nEdges);
+        }
     private void fillArrays(MergeableDagLevel prevLevel, HapsMarker data,
diff --git a/main/Main.java b/main/Main.java
index 79b3dfc..30c0eb3 100644
--- a/main/Main.java
+++ b/main/Main.java
@@ -65,8 +65,8 @@ public class Main {
      * The program name and version.
-    public static final String program = "beagle.16Jun16.7e4.jar (version 4.1)";
-    public static final String command = "java -jar beagle.16Jun16.7e4.jar";
+    public static final String program = "beagle.27Jul16.86a.jar (version 4.1)";
+    public static final String command = "java -jar beagle.27Jul16.86a.jar";
      * The copyright string.
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ public class Main {
     public static final String shortHelp = Main.program
             + Const.nl + Main.copyright
-            + Const.nl + "Enter \"java -jar beagle.16Jun16.7e4.jar\" for a "
+            + Const.nl + "Enter \"java -jar beagle.27Jul16.86a.jar\" for a "
             + "summary of command line " + "arguments.";
     private final Par par;
diff --git a/sample/LSHapBaum.java b/sample/LSHapBaum.java
index 09dea47..32890b7 100644
--- a/sample/LSHapBaum.java
+++ b/sample/LSHapBaum.java
@@ -42,15 +42,12 @@ public class LSHapBaum {
     private final float[] alleleProbs;
     private final float[][] fwdVal;
     private final float[] bwdVal;
-    private final float[] emBwdVal;
     private final int[] fwdValueIndex2Marker;
     private final RefHapSegs refHapSegs;
     private final float[][] fwdHapProbs;
     private final float[][] bwdHapProbs;
-    private float emBwdValuesSum = 0f;
     private int windowIndex = -9999;
     private int arrayIndex = -9999;
@@ -76,7 +73,6 @@ public class LSHapBaum {
         this.fwdValueIndex2Marker = new int[size];
         this.fwdVal = new float[size][n];
         this.bwdVal = new float[n];
-        this.emBwdVal = new float[n];
         this.refHapSegs = impData.refHapSegs();
         this.fwdHapProbs = new float[impData.nClusters()][];
@@ -101,10 +97,12 @@ public class LSHapBaum {
      * {@code hap < 0 || hap >= this.imputationData().targetHapPairs().nHaps()}
     public HapAlleleProbs randomHapSample(int hap) {
-        int nMarkers = impData.nClusters();
         Arrays.fill(alleleProbs, 0f);
-        setFwdValues(hap);
-        setInitBwdValue(hap);
+        int nMarkers = impData.nClusters();
+        windowIndex = 0;
+        arrayIndex = -1;
+        setForwardValues(0, nMarkers, hap);
+        Arrays.fill(bwdVal, 1.0f/n);
         setStateProbs(nMarkers-1, currentIndex());
         for (int m=nMarkers-2; m>=0; --m) {
             setBwdValue(m, hap);
@@ -123,72 +121,46 @@ public class LSHapBaum {
         return impData;
-    private void setFwdValues(int hap) {
-        int nMarkers = impData.nClusters();
-        windowIndex = 0;
-        arrayIndex = -1;
-        for (int m=0; m<nMarkers; ++m) {
-            float sum = 0f;
+    private void setForwardValues(int start, int end, int hap) {
+        float lastSum = 1.0f;
+        for (int m=start; m<end; ++m) {
             float probRec = impData.pRecomb(m);
+            float probNoRec = 1.0f - probRec;
+            float noErrProb = impData.noErrProb(m);
+            float errProb = impData.errProb(m);
+            float shift = probRec/n;
+            float scale = probNoRec/lastSum;
             int prev = currentIndex();
             int next = nextIndex();
+            float sum = 0.0f;
             fwdValueIndex2Marker[next] = m;
             int a = impData.targetAllele(m, hap);
             for (int h=0; h<n; ++h) {
-                int refAllele = impData.refAllele(m, h);
-                float em = (a == refAllele) ? impData.noErrProb(m) : impData.errProb(m);
-                float x = m==0 ? 1 : (probRec/n + (1-probRec)*fwdVal[prev][h]);
-                fwdVal[next][h] = em*x;
+                float em = (a == impData.refAllele(m, h)) ? noErrProb : errProb;
+                fwdVal[next][h] = m==0 ? em : em*(scale*fwdVal[prev][h] + shift);
                 sum += fwdVal[next][h];
-            scale(fwdVal[next], sum);
-        }
-    }
-    private static float sum(float[] fa) {
-        float sum = 0f;
-        for (float f : fa) {
-            sum += f;
-        }
-        return sum;
-    }
-    private static void scale(float[] fa, float divisor) {
-        for (int j=0; j<fa.length; ++j) {
-            fa[j] /= divisor;
-        }
-    }
-    private void setInitBwdValue(int hap) {
-        int m = impData.nClusters() - 1;
-        float f = 1f/n;
-        emBwdValuesSum = 0f;
-        int a = impData.targetAllele(m, hap);
-        for (int h=0; h<n; ++h) {
-            int refAllele = impData.refAllele(m, h);
-            float em = (a == refAllele) ? impData.noErrProb(m) : impData.errProb(m);
-            bwdVal[h] = f;
-            emBwdVal[h] = f*em;
-            emBwdValuesSum += emBwdVal[h];
+            lastSum = sum;
     private void setBwdValue(int m, int hap) {
-        float bwdValuesSum = 0f;
-        float probRec = impData.pRecomb(m + 1);
-        float commonTerm = emBwdValuesSum*probRec/n;
+        int mP1 = m + 1;
+        float probRec = impData.pRecomb(mP1);
+        float probNoRec = 1.0f - probRec;
+        float noErrProb = impData.noErrProb(mP1);
+        float errProb = impData.errProb(mP1);
+        float sum = 0f;
+        int al = impData.targetAllele(mP1, hap);
         for (int h=0; h<n; ++h) {
-            bwdVal[h] = commonTerm + (1-probRec)*emBwdVal[h];
-            bwdValuesSum += bwdVal[h];
+            float em = (al==impData.refAllele(mP1, h)? noErrProb : errProb);
+            bwdVal[h] *= em;
+            sum += bwdVal[h];
-        int a = impData.targetAllele(m, hap);
-        emBwdValuesSum = 0f;
+        float scale = probNoRec/sum;
+        float shift = probRec/n;
         for (int h=0; h<n; ++h) {
-            bwdVal[h] /= bwdValuesSum; // normalize first
-            int refAllele = impData.refAllele(m, h);
-            float em = (a == refAllele) ? impData.noErrProb(m) : impData.errProb(m);
-            emBwdVal[h] = em*bwdVal[h];
-            emBwdValuesSum += emBwdVal[h];
+            bwdVal[h] = scale*bwdVal[h] + shift;
@@ -200,12 +172,27 @@ public class LSHapBaum {
             fwdHapProbs[m][refHapSegs.seq(m+1, h)] += stateProbs;
             bwdHapProbs[m][refHapSegs.seq(m, h)] += stateProbs;
-        scale(fwdHapProbs[m], sum(fwdHapProbs[m]));
-        scale(bwdHapProbs[m], sum(bwdHapProbs[m]));
+        float sum = sum(fwdHapProbs[m]);
+        scale(fwdHapProbs[m], sum);
+        scale(bwdHapProbs[m], sum);
+    }
+    private static float sum(float[] fa) {
+        float sum = 0f;
+        for (float f : fa) {
+            sum += f;
+        }
+        return sum;
+    }
+    private static void scale(float[] fa, float divisor) {
+        for (int j=0; j<fa.length; ++j) {
+            fa[j] /= divisor;
+        }
     private static float threshold(int nSeq) {
-        return 0.5f/nSeq;
+        return Math.min(0.005f, 1.0f/nSeq);
     private void setAlleleProbs(float[] alleleProbs) {
@@ -299,22 +286,7 @@ public class LSHapBaum {
             arrayIndex = windowIndex;
             int start = fwdValueIndex2Marker[arrayIndex] + 1;
             int end = start + ( fwdVal.length - (arrayIndex + 1) );
-            for (int m=start; m<end; ++m) {
-                float sum = 0f;
-                float probRec = impData.pRecomb(m);
-                int prev = currentIndex();
-                int next = nextIndex();
-                fwdValueIndex2Marker[next] = m;
-                int a = impData.targetAllele(m, hap);
-                for (int h=0; h<n; ++h) {
-                    int refAllele = impData.refAllele(m, h);
-                    float em = (a == refAllele) ? impData.noErrProb(m) : impData.errProb(m);
-                    float x = (probRec/n + (1-probRec)*fwdVal[prev][h]); // since m>0
-                    fwdVal[next][h] = em*x;
-                    sum += fwdVal[next][h];
-                }
-                scale(fwdVal[next], sum);
-            }
+            setForwardValues(start, end, hap);
             return arrayIndex;
         else {
diff --git a/vcf/VcfRecBuilder.java b/vcf/VcfRecBuilder.java
index e2356cc..889604b 100644
--- a/vcf/VcfRecBuilder.java
+++ b/vcf/VcfRecBuilder.java
@@ -45,10 +45,10 @@ public final class VcfRecBuilder {
     public static final int DEFAULT_INIT_SIZE = 50;
-    private static final MathContext mc2 = new MathContext(2);
+    private static final MathContext MC2 = new MathContext(2);
     private static final BigDecimal ONE = new BigDecimal(1.0);
-    private static final String[] dsProbs = dsProbs();
-    private static final String[] r2Probs = r2Probs(dsProbs);
+    private static final String[] DS_VALS = dsProbs();
+    private static final String[] R2_VALS = r2Probs(DS_VALS);
     private final StringBuilder sb;
     private final R2Estimator r2Est;
@@ -164,63 +164,78 @@ public final class VcfRecBuilder {
      * Adds the FORMAT field for a sample to the VCF record for the current
-     * marker.
-     * @param gtProbs the posterior genotype probabilities
+     * marker.  If the specified posterior genotype probabilities do not
+     * sum to 1.0, the specified array will normalized to sum to 1.0.
+     * @param gtypeProbs the posterior genotype probabilities
      * @throws IllegalArgumentException if
      * {@code gtProbs.length != this.marker().nGenotypes()}
+     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if any element of the specified
+     * array is not a finite non-negative number
      * @throws IllegalStateException if {@code this.marker() == null}
      * @throws NullPointerException if {@code gtProbs == null}
-    public void addSampleData(double[] gtProbs) {
-        initializeFieldsAndCheckParameters(gtProbs);
-        this.gtProbs[0] = gtProbs[0];
-        gt3Probs[0] = gtProbs[0];
-        double maxProb = gtProbs[0];
-        double sum = gtProbs[0];
-        int gt = 1;
-        for (int a2=1; a2<nAlleles; ++a2) {
+    public void addSampleData(double[] gtypeProbs) {
+        if (marker==null) {
+            throw new IllegalStateException();
+        }
+        Arrays.fill(gt3Probs, 0.0);
+        Arrays.fill(dose, 0.0);
+        int maxGt = maxIndex(gtypeProbs, nGenotypes);
+        int gt = 0;
+        for (int a2=0; a2<nAlleles; ++a2) {
             for (int a1=0; a1<=a2; ++a1) {
-                double gtProb = gtProbs[gt];
+                double gtProb = gtypeProbs[gt];
                 if (gtProb < 0) {
                     throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.valueOf(gtProb));
-                this.gtProbs[gt] = gtProb;
-                sum += gtProb;
+                gtProbs[gt] = gtProb;
                 dose[a1] += gtProb;
                 dose[a2] += gtProb;
-                gt3Probs[(a1==0) ? 1 : 2] += gtProb;
-                if (gtProb > maxProb) {
+                if (a2==0) {
+                    gt3Probs[0] += gtProb;
+                }
+                else {
+                    gt3Probs[(a1==0) ? 1 : 2] += gtProb;
+                }
+                if (gt==maxGt) {
                     allele1 = a1;
                     allele2 = a2;
-                    maxProb = gtProb;
-        if (Math.abs(sum - 1.0) > 1e-6) {
-            throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.valueOf(sum));
-        }
-    private void initializeFieldsAndCheckParameters(double[] gtProbs) {
-        if (marker==null) {
-            throw new IllegalStateException();
+    private int maxIndex(double[] da, int expLength) {
+        if (da.length != expLength) {
+            throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.valueOf(da.length));
+        }
+        int maxIndex = 0;
+        double sum = 0;
+        for (int j=0; j<da.length; ++j) {
+            if (da[j] < 0 || Double.isFinite(da[j])==false) {
+                throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.valueOf(da[j]));
+            }
+            sum += da[j];
+            if (da[j] > da[maxIndex]) {
+                maxIndex = j;
+            }
-        if (gtProbs.length != nGenotypes) {
-            throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.valueOf(gtProbs.length));
+        if (sum != 1.0) {
+            for (int j=0; j<da.length; ++j) {
+                da[j] /= sum;
+            }
-        Arrays.fill(gt3Probs, 0.0);
-        Arrays.fill(dose, 0.0);
-        allele1 = 0;
-        allele2 = 0;
+        return maxIndex;
      * Adds the FORMAT field for a sample to the VCF record for the current
-     * marker.
+     * marker.   If either of the specified posterior allele probabilities
+     * does not sum to 1.0, it will be normalized to sum to 1.0.
      * @param alProbs1 the posterior allele probabilities for the individual's
      * first allele
      * @param alProbs2 the posterior allele probabilities for the individual's
@@ -229,6 +244,8 @@ public final class VcfRecBuilder {
      * {@code alProbs1.length != this.marker().nAlleles()}
      * @throws IllegalArgumentException if
      * {@code alProbs2.length != this.marker().nAlleles()}
+     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if any element of the specified
+     * array is not a finite non-negative number
      * @throws IllegalStateException if {@code this.marker() == null}
      * @throws NullPointerException if
      * {@code alProbs1 == null || alProbs2 == null}
@@ -237,9 +254,9 @@ public final class VcfRecBuilder {
         if (marker==null) {
             throw new IllegalStateException();
-        allele1 = maxIndexAndParameterCheck(alProbs1);
-        allele2 = maxIndexAndParameterCheck(alProbs2);
         Arrays.fill(gt3Probs, 0.0);
+        allele1 = maxIndex(alProbs1, nAlleles);
+        allele2 = maxIndex(alProbs2, nAlleles);
         dose[0] = alProbs1[0] + alProbs2[0];
         gtProbs[0] = alProbs1[0] * alProbs2[0];
         gt3Probs[0] = gtProbs[0];
@@ -261,27 +278,6 @@ public final class VcfRecBuilder {
-    private int maxIndexAndParameterCheck(double[] da) {
-        if (da.length != nAlleles) {
-            throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.valueOf(da.length));
-        }
-        int maxIndex = 0;
-        double sum = 0;
-        for (int j=0; j<da.length; ++j) {
-            if (da[j] < 0) {
-                throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.valueOf(da[j]));
-            }
-            sum += da[j];
-            if (da[j] > da[maxIndex]) {
-                maxIndex = j;
-            }
-        }
-        if (Math.abs(sum - 1.0) > 1e-6) {
-            throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.valueOf(sum));
-        }
-        return maxIndex;
-    }
     private void addToCumAlleleProbs(double[] dose) {
         for (int j=0; j<dose.length; ++j) {
             cumAlleleProbs[j] += dose[j];
@@ -296,13 +292,13 @@ public final class VcfRecBuilder {
         if (printDS) {
             for (int j=1; j<nAlleles; ++j) {
                 sb.append( (j==1) ? Const.colon : Const.comma );
-                sb.append(dsProbs[(int) Math.rint(100*dose[j])]);
+                sb.append(DS_VALS[(int) Math.rint(100*dose[j])]);
         if (printGP) {
             for (int j=0; j<gtProbs.length; ++j) {
                 sb.append(j==0? Const.colon : Const.comma);
-                sb.append(dsProbs[(int) Math.rint(100*gtProbs[j])]);
+                sb.append(DS_VALS[(int) Math.rint(100*gtProbs[j])]);
@@ -337,9 +333,9 @@ public final class VcfRecBuilder {
     private void printInfo(PrintWriter out, boolean isImputed) {
         if (printDS || printGP) {
-            out.print(r2Probs[(int) Math.rint(100*r2Est.allelicR2())]);
+            out.print(R2_VALS[(int) Math.rint(100*r2Est.allelicR2())]);
-            out.print(r2Probs[(int) Math.rint(100*r2Est.doseR2())]);
+            out.print(R2_VALS[(int) Math.rint(100*r2Est.doseR2())]);
             for (int j=1; j<nAlleles; ++j) {
                 out.print( (j==1) ? ";AF=" : Const.comma);
@@ -394,10 +390,10 @@ public final class VcfRecBuilder {
     private static String formatProb(double p) {
         if (p>=0 && p <= 0.5) {
-            return new BigDecimal(p).round(mc2).toString();
+            return new BigDecimal(p).round(MC2).toString();
         else if (p <= 1.0) {
-            return new BigDecimal(p-1.0).round(mc2).add(ONE).toString();
+            return new BigDecimal(p-1.0).round(MC2).add(ONE).toString();
         else {
             throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.valueOf(p));
diff --git a/vcf/VcfWriter.java b/vcf/VcfWriter.java
index 31a1639..b410514 100644
--- a/vcf/VcfWriter.java
+++ b/vcf/VcfWriter.java
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ public final class VcfWriter {
     private static final String dr2Info = "##INFO=<ID=DR2,Number=1,Type=Float,"
             + "Description=\"Dosage R-Squared: estimated squared correlation between "
             + "estimated REF dose [P(RA) + 2*P(RR)] and true REF dose\">";
-    private static final String impInfo = "##INFO=<ID=IMP,Number=1,Type=Flag,"
+    private static final String impInfo = "##INFO=<ID=IMP,Number=0,Type=Flag,"
             + "Description=\"Imputed marker\">";
     private static final String gtFormat = "##FORMAT=<ID=GT,Number=1,Type=String,"

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