[med-svn] [ngsqctoolkit] 05/08: New upstream version 2.3.3

Andreas Tille tille at debian.org
Wed Dec 13 16:11:33 UTC 2017

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

tille pushed a commit to branch master
in repository ngsqctoolkit.

commit 18f35832212d705078530d0348728fca0d8e2822
Author: Andreas Tille <tille at debian.org>
Date:   Wed Dec 13 17:09:20 2017 +0100

    New upstream version 2.3.3
 Format-converter/FastqTo454.pl              |  227 ++
 Format-converter/FastqToFasta.pl            |   87 +
 Format-converter/SangerFastqToIlluFastq.pl  |   88 +
 Format-converter/SolexaFastqToIlluFastq.pl  |   89 +
 NGSQCToolkitv2.3.3_manual.pdf               |  Bin 0 -> 889689 bytes
 QC/454QC.pl                                 | 1572 ++++++++++++++
 QC/454QC_PE.pl                              | 1996 ++++++++++++++++++
 QC/454QC_PRLL.pl                            | 2021 ++++++++++++++++++
 QC/IlluQC.pl                                | 2328 +++++++++++++++++++++
 QC/IlluQC_PRLL.pl                           | 2994 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 QC/lib/454PEhtml.pl                         |  384 ++++
 QC/lib/454html.pl                           |  347 ++++
 QC/lib/Fonts/Dustismo_Sans.ttf              |  Bin 0 -> 63040 bytes
 QC/lib/Fonts/LucidaSansDemiBold.ttf         |  Bin 0 -> 317896 bytes
 QC/lib/Parallel/Changes                     |   36 +
 QC/lib/Parallel/ForkManager.pm              |  416 ++++
 QC/lib/Parallel/ForkManager/callback.pl     |   48 +
 QC/lib/Parallel/ForkManager/parallel_get.pl |   17 +
 QC/lib/Parallel/MANIFEST                    |    8 +
 QC/lib/Parallel/Makefile.PL                 |    7 +
 QC/lib/Parallel/TODO                        |    2 +
 QC/lib/Parallel/test.pl                     |   20 +
 QC/lib/html.pl                              |  470 +++++
 QC/lib/main.css                             |   46 +
 QC/lib/version                              |    1 +
 QC/lib/version~                             |    1 +
 Statistics/AvgQuality.pl                    |  108 +
 Statistics/N50Stat.pl                       |  172 ++
 Trimming/AmbiguityFiltering.pl              |  405 ++++
 Trimming/HomopolymerTrimming.pl             |  233 +++
 Trimming/TrimmingReads.pl                   |  446 ++++
 debian/changelog                            |    5 -
 debian/compat                               |    1 -
 debian/control                              |   26 -
 debian/copyright                            |   12 -
 debian/docs                                 |    1 -
 debian/install                              |    2 -
 debian/rules                                |   21 -
 debian/source/format                        |    1 -
 debian/upstream/metadata                    |   12 -
 debian/watch                                |    7 -
 41 files changed, 14569 insertions(+), 88 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Format-converter/FastqTo454.pl b/Format-converter/FastqTo454.pl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..386dd7f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Format-converter/FastqTo454.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,227 @@
+#! /usr/bin/perl
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use List::Util qw(sum min max);
+use Getopt::Long;
+use File::Basename;
+# Parameter variables
+my $file;
+my $helpAsked;
+my $outFolder = "";
+my $subVal;
+my $seqFormat = "a";		# 1: Sanger; 2: Solexa; 3: Illumina 1.3+; 4: Illumina 1.5+;
+			"i=s" => \$file,
+			"h|help" => \$helpAsked,
+			"o|outputFolder=s" => \$outFolder,
+			"v|fastqVariant=s" => \$seqFormat,
+		  );
+if(defined($helpAsked)) {
+	prtUsage();
+	exit;
+if(!defined($file)) {
+	prtError("No input files are provided");
+my ($fileName, $filePath) = fileparse($file);
+$outFolder = $filePath if($outFolder eq "");
+$outFolder .= "/" if($outFolder !~ /\/$/);
+if(! -e $outFolder) {
+	mkdir($outFolder) or die "Can not create output folder: $outFolder\n";
+if($seqFormat =~ /a/i) {
+	print "Checking FASTQ format: File $file...\n";
+	my $nLines = checkFastQFormat($file, 1);
+if($seqFormat == 1) {
+	$subVal = 33;
+	print "Input FASTQ file format: Sanger\n";
+if($seqFormat == 2) {
+	$subVal = 64;
+	print "Input FASTQ file format: Solexa\n";
+if($seqFormat == 3) {
+	$subVal = 64;
+	print "Input FASTQ file format: Illumina 1.3+\n";
+if($seqFormat == 4) {
+	$subVal = 64;
+	print "Input FASTQ file format: Illumina 1.5+\n";
+if($seqFormat == 5) {
+	$subVal = 33;
+	print "Input FASTQ file format: Illumina 1.8+\n";
+my $outFnaFile = $outFolder . $fileName . "_fna";
+my $outQualFile = $outFolder . $fileName . "_qual";
+open(I, "<$file") or die "Can not open file: $file\n";
+open(OF, ">$outFnaFile") or die "Can not open file: $outFnaFile\n";
+open(OQ, ">$outQualFile") or die "Can not open file: $outQualFile\n";
+while(my $line = <I>) {
+	chomp($line);
+	my $id = $line;
+	$id =~ s/^\@//;
+	print OF ">$id\n";
+	my $seq = <I>;
+	chomp $seq;
+	print OF formatSeq($seq), "\n";
+	<I>;
+	print OQ ">$id\n";
+	my $qualLine = <I>;
+	chomp($qualLine);
+	print OQ &IlluToPhred($qualLine), "\n";
+sub IlluToPhred {
+	my $qualLine = $_[0];
+	my $retQualLine = "";
+	my @ASCII = unpack("C*", $qualLine);
+	my @newASCII = ();
+	foreach my $val (@ASCII) {
+		my $newVal = $val - $subVal;
+		$retQualLine .= $newVal . " ";
+	}
+	chop $retQualLine;
+	return formatQualSeq($retQualLine);
+sub prtHelp {
+	print "\n$0 options:\n\n";
+	print "### Input reads (FASTQ) (Required)\n";
+	print "  -i <Illumina FASTQ read file>\n";
+	print "    Read file in Illumina FASTQ format\n";
+	print "\n";
+	print "### Other options [Optional]\n";
+	print "  -h | -help\n";
+	print "    Prints this help\n";
+	print "  -o | -outputFolder <Output folder name>\n";
+	print "    Output will be stored in the given folder\n";
+	print "    default: By default, files will be stored where the input file is\n";
+	print "  -v | -fastqVariant <FASTQ variant>\n";
+	print "    FASTQ variants:\n";
+	print "      1 = Sanger (Phred+33, 33 to 73)\n";
+	print "      2 = Solexa (Phred+64, 59 to 104)\n";
+	print "      3 = Illumina (1.3+) (Phred+64, 64 to 104)\n";
+	print "      4 = Illumina (1.5+) (Phred+64, 66 to 104)\n";
+	print "      5 = Illumina (1.8+) (Phred+33, 33 to 74)\n";
+	print "      A = Automatic detection of FASTQ variant\n";
+	print "    default: \"A\"\n";
+	print "\n";
+sub prtError {
+	my $msg = $_[0];
+	print STDERR "+======================================================================+\n";
+	printf STDERR "|%-70s|\n", "  Error:";
+	printf STDERR "|%-70s|\n", "       $msg";
+	print STDERR "+======================================================================+\n";
+	prtUsage();
+	exit;
+sub prtUsage {
+	print "\nUsage: perl $0 <options>\n";
+	prtHelp();
+sub formatSeq {
+	my $seq = $_[0];
+    my $newSeq = "";
+    my $ch = 60;
+    my $len = length $seq;
+    for(my $i=0; $i<$len; $i+=$ch) {
+        $newSeq .= substr($seq, $i, $ch) . "\n";
+    }
+    chomp($newSeq);         # To remove \n at the end of the whole sequence..
+    return $newSeq;
+sub formatQualSeq {
+	my $qualSeq = $_[0];
+	my $fQSeq = "";
+	my $ch = 60;
+	my $valCount = 0;
+	my @arr = split(/\s+/, $qualSeq);
+	for(my $i=0; $i<@arr; $i++) {
+		$valCount++;
+		if($valCount % $ch == 0) {
+			$fQSeq .= $arr[$i] . "\n";
+		}
+		else {
+			$fQSeq .= $arr[$i] . " ";
+		}
+	}
+	$fQSeq =~ s/\s+$//;
+	return $fQSeq;
+sub checkFastQFormat {				# Takes FASTQ file as an input and if the format is incorrect it will print error and exit, otherwise it will return the number of lines in the file.
+	my $file = $_[0];
+	my $isVariantIdntfcntOn = $_[1];
+	my $lines = 0;
+	open(F, "<$file") or die "Can not open file $file\n";
+	my $counter = 0;
+	my $minVal = 1000;
+	my $maxVal = 0;
+	while(my $line = <F>) {
+		$lines++;
+		$counter++;
+		next if($line =~ /^\n$/);
+		if($counter == 1 && $line !~ /^\@/) {
+			prtErrorExit("Invalid FASTQ file format.\n\t\tFile: $file");
+		}
+		if($counter == 3 && $line !~ /^\+/) {
+			prtErrorExit("Invalid FASTQ file format.\n\t\tFile: $file");
+		}
+		if($counter == 4 && $lines < 1000000) {
+			chomp $line;
+			my @ASCII = unpack("C*", $line);
+			$minVal = min(min(@ASCII), $minVal);
+			$maxVal = max(max(@ASCII), $maxVal);
+		}
+		if($counter == 4) {
+			$counter = 0;
+		}
+	}
+	close(F);
+	my $tseqFormat = 0;
+	if($minVal >= 33 && $minVal <= 73 && $maxVal >= 33 && $maxVal <= 73) {
+		$tseqFormat = 1;
+	}
+	elsif($minVal >= 66 && $minVal <= 105 && $maxVal >= 66 && $maxVal <= 105) {
+		$tseqFormat = 4;			# Illumina 1.5+
+	}
+	elsif($minVal >= 64 && $minVal <= 105 && $maxVal >= 64 && $maxVal <= 105) {
+		$tseqFormat = 3;			# Illumina 1.3+
+	}
+	elsif($minVal >= 59 && $minVal <= 105 && $maxVal >= 59 && $maxVal <= 105) {
+		$tseqFormat = 2;			# Solexa
+	}
+	elsif($minVal >= 33 && $minVal <= 74 && $maxVal >= 33 && $maxVal <= 74) {
+		$tseqFormat = 5;			# Illumina 1.8+
+	}
+	if($isVariantIdntfcntOn) {
+		$seqFormat = $tseqFormat;
+	}
+	else {
+		if($tseqFormat != $seqFormat) {
+			print STDERR "Warning: It seems the specified variant of FASTQ doesn't match the quality values in input FASTQ files.\n";
+		}
+	}
+	return $lines;
diff --git a/Format-converter/FastqToFasta.pl b/Format-converter/FastqToFasta.pl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c5451c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Format-converter/FastqToFasta.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+#! /usr/bin/perl
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use List::Util qw(sum min max);
+use Getopt::Long;
+use File::Basename;
+# Parameter variables
+my $file;
+my $helpAsked;
+my $outFile = "";
+			"i=s" => \$file,
+			"h|help" => \$helpAsked,
+			"o|outputFile=s" => \$outFile,
+		  );
+if(defined($helpAsked)) {
+	prtUsage();
+	exit;
+if(!defined($file)) {
+	prtError("No input files are provided");
+my ($fileName, $filePath) = fileparse($file);
+$outFile = $file . "_fasta" if($outFile eq "");
+open(I, "<$file") or die "Can not open file: $file\n";
+open(OF, ">$outFile") or die "Can not open file: $outFile\n";
+while(my $line = <I>) {
+	chomp($line);
+	my $id = $line;
+	$id =~ s/^\@//;
+	print OF ">$id\n";
+	my $seq = <I>;
+	print OF formatSeq($seq);
+	<I>;
+	<I>;
+sub prtHelp {
+	print "\n$0 options:\n\n";
+	print "### Input reads (FASTQ) (Required)\n";
+	print "  -i <FASTQ read file>\n";
+	print "    Read file in FASTQ format\n";
+	print "\n";
+	print "### Other options [Optional]\n";
+	print "  -h | -help\n";
+	print "    Prints this help\n";
+	print "  -o | -outputFile <Output file name>\n";
+	print "    Output will be stored in the given file\n";
+	print "    default: By default, file will be stored where the input file is\n";
+	print "\n";
+sub prtError {
+	my $msg = $_[0];
+	print STDERR "+======================================================================+\n";
+	printf STDERR "|%-70s|\n", "  Error:";
+	printf STDERR "|%-70s|\n", "       $msg";
+	print STDERR "+======================================================================+\n";
+	prtUsage();
+	exit;
+sub prtUsage {
+	print "\nUsage: perl $0 <options>\n";
+	prtHelp();
+sub formatSeq {
+	my $seq = $_[0];
+    my $newSeq = "";
+    my $ch = 60;
+    for(my $i=0; $i<length $seq; $i+=$ch) {
+        $newSeq .= substr($seq, $i, $ch) . "\n";
+    }
+    chomp($newSeq);         # To remove \n at the end of the whole sequence..
+    return $newSeq;
diff --git a/Format-converter/SangerFastqToIlluFastq.pl b/Format-converter/SangerFastqToIlluFastq.pl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ec95d9c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Format-converter/SangerFastqToIlluFastq.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+#! /usr/bin/perl
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use List::Util qw(sum min max);
+use Getopt::Long;
+use File::Basename;
+# Parameter variables
+my $file;
+my $helpAsked;
+my $outFile = "";
+			"i=s" => \$file,
+			"h|help" => \$helpAsked,
+			"o|outputFile=s" => \$outFile,
+		  );
+if(defined($helpAsked)) {
+	prtUsage();
+	exit;
+if(!defined($file)) {
+	prtError("No input files are provided");
+my ($fileName, $filePath) = fileparse($file);
+$outFile = $file . "_illu.fq" if($outFile eq "");
+open(I, "<$file") or die "Can not open file: $file\n";
+open(OF, ">$outFile") or die "Can not open file: $outFile\n";
+while(my $line = <I>) {
+	chomp($line);
+	my $id = $line;
+	$id =~ s/^\@//;
+	print OF "\@$id\n";
+	my $seq = <I>;
+	print OF "$seq";
+	<I>;
+	print OF "+\n";
+	my $qualLine = <I>;
+	chomp($qualLine);
+	print OF &IlluToSanger($qualLine), "\n";
+sub IlluToSanger {
+	my $qualLine = $_[0];
+	my @ASCII = unpack("C*", $qualLine);
+	my @newASCII = ();
+	foreach my $val (@ASCII) {
+		push(@newASCII, $val+31);
+	}
+	my $retQualLine = pack("C*", @newASCII);
+	return $retQualLine;
+sub prtHelp {
+	print "\n$0 options:\n\n";
+	print "### Input reads (FASTQ) (Required)\n";
+	print "  -i <Sanger FASTQ read file>\n";
+	print "    Read file in Sanger FASTQ format\n";
+	print "\n";
+	print "### Other options [Optional]\n";
+	print "  -h | -help\n";
+	print "    Prints this help\n";
+	print "  -o | -outputFile <Output file name>\n";
+	print "    Output will be stored in the given file\n";
+	print "    default: By default, file will be stored where the input file is\n";
+	print "\n";
+sub prtError {
+	my $msg = $_[0];
+	print STDERR "+======================================================================+\n";
+	printf STDERR "|%-70s|\n", "  Error:";
+	printf STDERR "|%-70s|\n", "       $msg";
+	print STDERR "+======================================================================+\n";
+	prtUsage();
+	exit;
+sub prtUsage {
+	print "\nUsage: perl $0 <options>\n";
+	prtHelp();
diff --git a/Format-converter/SolexaFastqToIlluFastq.pl b/Format-converter/SolexaFastqToIlluFastq.pl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..edaaffd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Format-converter/SolexaFastqToIlluFastq.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+#! /usr/bin/perl
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use List::Util qw(sum min max);
+use Getopt::Long;
+use File::Basename;
+# Parameter variables
+my $file;
+my $helpAsked;
+my $outFile = "";
+			"i=s" => \$file,
+			"h|help" => \$helpAsked,
+			"o|outputFile=s" => \$outFile,
+		  );
+if(defined($helpAsked)) {
+	prtUsage();
+	exit;
+if(!defined($file)) {
+	prtError("No input files are provided");
+my ($fileName, $filePath) = fileparse($file);
+$outFile = $file . "_illu.fq" if($outFile eq "");
+open(I, "<$file") or die "Can not open file: $file\n";
+open(OF, ">$outFile") or die "Can not open file: $outFile\n";
+while(my $line = <I>) {
+	chomp($line);
+	my $id = $line;
+	$id =~ s/^\@//;
+	print OF "\@$id\n";
+	my $seq = <I>;
+	print OF "$seq";
+	<I>;
+	print OF "+\n";
+	my $qualLine = <I>;
+	chomp($qualLine);
+	print OF &IlluToSanger($qualLine), "\n";
+sub IlluToSanger {
+	my $qualLine = $_[0];
+	my @ASCII = unpack("C*", $qualLine);
+	my @newASCII = ();
+	foreach my $val (@ASCII) {
+		my $Q = sprintf "%0.0f", 10 * log(1 + 10 ** (($val - 64) / 10.0)) / log(10);
+		push(@newASCII, $Q+64);
+	}
+	my $retQualLine = pack("C*", @newASCII);
+	return $retQualLine;
+sub prtHelp {
+	print "\n$0 options:\n\n";
+	print "### Input reads (FASTQ) (Required)\n";
+	print "  -i <Solexa FASTQ read file>\n";
+	print "    Read file in Solexa FASTQ format\n";
+	print "\n";
+	print "### Other options [Optional]\n";
+	print "  -h | -help\n";
+	print "    Prints this help\n";
+	print "  -o | -outputFile <Output file name>\n";
+	print "    Output will be stored in the given file\n";
+	print "    default: By default, file will be stored where the input file is\n";
+	print "\n";
+sub prtError {
+	my $msg = $_[0];
+	print STDERR "+======================================================================+\n";
+	printf STDERR "|%-70s|\n", "  Error:";
+	printf STDERR "|%-70s|\n", "       $msg";
+	print STDERR "+======================================================================+\n";
+	prtUsage();
+	exit;
+sub prtUsage {
+	print "\nUsage: perl $0 <options>\n";
+	prtHelp();
diff --git a/NGSQCToolkitv2.3.3_manual.pdf b/NGSQCToolkitv2.3.3_manual.pdf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..503c2a1
Binary files /dev/null and b/NGSQCToolkitv2.3.3_manual.pdf differ
diff --git a/QC/454QC.pl b/QC/454QC.pl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..260bba3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/QC/454QC.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,1572 @@
+#! /usr/bin/perl
+use File::Basename;
+#	my ($tmp, $path) = fileparse($0);
+#	push ( @INC,"$path/lib");
+#	#use lib "$path";
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use List::Util qw(sum min max);
+use Getopt::Long;
+use Cwd qw(abs_path);
+use IO::Zlib;
+use FindBin qw($RealBin);
+use lib "$RealBin/lib";
+require "454html.pl";
+eval {
+	require Parallel::ForkManager;
+	require String::Approx;
+	require GD::Graph::linespoints;
+	require GD::Graph::bars;
+	require GD::Graph::pie;
+	require GD::Text::Wrap;
+my $isGDMod = 1;
+if($@) {
+	my $errorText = join("", $@);
+	if($errorText =~ /Parallel/) {
+		print "Error:\n\tCan not find 'lib' folder with this perl program\n"; #module 'Parallel::ForkManager'\n";
+		print "\tCopy the 'lib' folder, provided with the toolkit, to the directory where this perl program is and try again\n\n";
+		exit;
+	}
+	elsif($errorText =~ /GD\/Graph\/linespoints/) {
+		print STDERR "Warning:\n\tCan not find module 'GD::Graph'\n";
+		print STDERR "\tGraphs for statistics will not be produced. \n\t\t\tOR \n\tInstall GD::Graph module and try again.\n\n";
+		$isGDMod = 0;
+	}
+	elsif($errorText =~ /String\/Approx/) {
+		print STDERR "Error:\n\tCan not find module 'String::Approx'\n";
+		print STDERR "\tInstall it and try again\n\n";
+		exit;
+	}
+# Setting parameters
+my $lowestValidLen = 100;
+my @files = ();
+my $noOfInp = 3;
+my $helpAsked;
+my $cutOffReadLen4HQ = 70;
+my $cutOffPhScore = 20;
+my $outFolder = "";
+my $isOnlyStat;
+my $statOutFmt = 1;
+my $noOfProcesses = 1;
+my $homoPolyLen = 0;
+my $priAdaLib;
+my $isLenFilterOn = 1;
+my @priAdaLibNames = ("Rapid Library (Standard)", "Paired End Library", "Amplicon PE Library", "Small RNA Library");
+my $priAdaFile;
+my @usrDefinedPriAda = ();
+my $outputDataFmt = "t";		# t/T: Text; g/G: Gzip.
+			"i=s{$noOfInp}" => \@files,
+			"h|help" => \$helpAsked,
+			"l|cutOffReadLen4HQ=f" => \$cutOffReadLen4HQ,
+			"n|homoPolyLen=i" => \$homoPolyLen,
+			"o|outputFolder=s" => \$outFolder,
+			"z|outputDataCompression=s" => \$outputDataFmt,
+			"t|statOutFmt=i" => \$statOutFmt,
+			"onlyStat" => \$isOnlyStat,
+			"p|processes=i" => \$noOfProcesses,
+			"s|cutOffQualScore=i" => \$cutOffPhScore,
+			"m|minLen=i" => \$lowestValidLen,
+			"f|lenFilter=s" => \$isLenFilterOn,
+		  );
+if(defined($helpAsked)) {
+	prtUsage();
+	exit;
+if(@files == 0) {
+	prtError("No input files are provided");
+my @tempFiles = ();
+prtError("Missing inputs for option -i") if((scalar @files)%$noOfInp != 0);
+for(my $i=0; $i<@files; $i+=$noOfInp) {
+	my $str = "$files[$i] $files[$i+1] $files[$i+2]";
+	if($files[$i+2] =~ /^-/) {
+		prtError("Missing inputs for option -i: at '-i $str'")
+	}
+	if($files[$i+2] =~ /^\d$/) {
+		if($files[$i+2] < 1 || $files[$i+2] > 4) {
+			prtError("Incorrect option for Primer/Adaptor library: at '-i $str'");
+		}
+	}
+	push(@tempFiles, $str);
+ at files = ();
+ at files = @tempFiles;
+if($cutOffReadLen4HQ < 0 || $cutOffReadLen4HQ > 100) {
+	prtError("Incorrect value for -l|cutOffReadLen4HQ option: at '-l $cutOffReadLen4HQ'");
+if($cutOffPhScore < 0 || $cutOffPhScore > 40) {
+	prtError("Incorrect value for -s|cutOffPhScore option: at '-s $cutOffPhScore'");
+if($statOutFmt < 1 || $statOutFmt > 2) {
+	prtError("Incorrect value for -statOutFmt: at '-statOutFmt $statOutFmt'");
+if($isLenFilterOn =~ /^N/i) {
+	$isLenFilterOn = 0;
+else {
+	$isLenFilterOn = 1;
+if($outputDataFmt !~ /^[tg]$/i) {
+	prtError("Incorrect value for -f|outputDataFmt option: at '-f $outputDataFmt'");
+my $pm = new Parallel::ForkManager($noOfProcesses);
+my $trimCount = 0;
+my $seqCount = 0;
+my $ttlSeqCount = 0;
+my $lt100 = 0;
+my $hQCount = 0;
+my $lQCount = 0;
+my $maxRawLen = 0;
+my $minRawLen = 1000000000000;
+my $avgRawLen = 0;
+my $maxHQLen = 0;
+my $minHQLen = 1000000000000;
+my $avgHQLen = 0;
+my @rawLen = ();
+my @hQLen = ();
+my $totalBases = 0;
+my $totalHQBases = 0;
+my $totalBasesAfterHQ = 0;
+my $totalHQBasesAfterHQ = 0;
+my $totalBasesFinal = 0;
+my $totalHQBasesFinal = 0;
+my $totalReadsFinal = 0;
+my $avgQual = 0;
+my $avgQualFinal = 0;
+my $totalValidReadsWithPriAda = 0;
+my $totalValidReadsNoPriAda = 0;
+my $substrlen = 20;						# For removePriAda
+my $mismLim = 1;						# For removePriAda
+my $fastaSeqId = "";
+my $fastaSeq = "";
+my $qualSeqId = "";
+my $qualSeq = "";
+my $prevFastaSeqId = "";
+my $indOfAnalysis = 0;
+my @lenDistrib = ();
+my $lenInterval = 40;
+my @qualDistrib = ();
+my $qualInterval = 1;
+my @gcDistrib = ();
+my $gcInterval = 5;
+my @charCount = ();
+my $font_spec = getFilePath($0) . "lib/Fonts/Dustismo_Sans.ttf";
+my $f = getFilePath($0) . "lib/Fonts/LucidaSansDemiBold.ttf";
+foreach my $inpData (@files) {
+	$indOfAnalysis++;
+my $pid = $pm->start and next;
+	$inpData =~ s/\\([A-Za-z_\.])/\/$1/g;		# To remove '\' from the path of windows file
+	my @iData = split(" ", $inpData);
+	my $seqFile = $iData[0];
+	my $qualFile = $iData[1];
+	$priAdaLib = $iData[2];
+	print "Analysis has been started for \"$seqFile\": Index: $indOfAnalysis\n";
+	if($priAdaLib =~ /^n$/i) {
+		undef $priAdaLib;
+	}
+	elsif($priAdaLib =~ /^\d$/) {
+		$priAdaLib = $priAdaLib - 1;
+	}
+	else {
+		$priAdaFile = $priAdaLib;
+		$priAdaLib = "u";
+		open(PRIADA, "<$priAdaFile") or die "Can not open the user-defined primer/adapter file: $priAdaFile\n";
+		@usrDefinedPriAda = <PRIADA>;
+		for(my $i=0; $i<$#usrDefinedPriAda; $i++) {
+			$usrDefinedPriAda[$i] =~ s/\s+//g;
+		}
+	}
+	my ($seqFileName, $filePath) = fileparse($seqFile);
+	my ($qualFileName) = fileparse($qualFile);
+	$outFolder = $filePath . "454QC_Filtered_files" if($outFolder eq "");
+	$outFolder .= "/" if($outFolder !~ /\/$/);
+	if(! -e $outFolder) {
+			mkdir($outFolder) or die "Can not create output folder: $outFolder\n";
+	}
+	my $outSeqFile = $outFolder . $seqFileName . "_filtered";
+	my $outQualFile = $outFolder . $qualFileName . "_filtered";
+	$outSeqFile .= ".gz" if($outputDataFmt =~ /g/i);
+	$outQualFile .= ".gz" if($outputDataFmt =~ /g/i);
+	my $statFile = $outFolder . $seqFileName . "_stat";
+	my $iH;
+	openFileGetHandle($seqFile, "r", \$iH);
+	*I = $iH;
+	my $qH;
+	openFileGetHandle($qualFile, "r", \$qH);
+	*Q = $qH;
+	if(!defined($isOnlyStat)) {
+		my $oiH;
+		openFileGetHandle($outSeqFile, "w", \$oiH);
+		*OI = $oiH;
+		my $oqH;
+		openFileGetHandle($outQualFile, "w", \$oqH);
+		*OQ = $oqH;
+	}
+	open(STAT, ">$statFile") or die "Can not open file: $statFile\n";
+	while(my $line = <I>) {
+		$ttlSeqCount++ if($line =~ /^>/);
+	}
+	close(I);
+	print "$indOfAnalysis: Number of reads processed: " . "0/$ttlSeqCount (0\%)...\n";
+	undef($iH);
+	openFileGetHandle($seqFile, "r", \$iH);
+	*I = $iH;
+	while(my $line = <I>) {
+		chomp $line;
+		my $qualLine = <Q>;
+		chomp($qualLine);
+		if($line =~ /^>/) {
+			$seqCount++;
+			$prevFastaSeqId = $fastaSeqId;
+			$fastaSeqId = $line;
+			$qualSeqId = $qualLine;
+			if($fastaSeqId ne $qualSeqId) {
+				print STDERR "Error: Read Id doesn't match in sequence and quality file for read number $seqCount in sequence file.\n";
+				exit(-1);
+			}
+			if($fastaSeq ne "") {
+				processSeq();
+			}
+			$fastaSeq = "";
+			$qualSeq = "";
+		}
+		else {
+			$fastaSeq .= $line;
+			$qualSeq .= $qualLine . " ";
+		}
+	}
+	if($fastaSeq ne "") {
+		$prevFastaSeqId = $fastaSeqId;
+		processSeq();
+	}
+	print "$indOfAnalysis: Number of reads processed: " . "$ttlSeqCount/$ttlSeqCount (100\%)...\n";
+	print "$indOfAnalysis: Analysis completed\n";
+	print "$indOfAnalysis: Printing Statistics...\n";
+	if($statOutFmt == 1) {
+		my $inde = " " x 1;
+		my $tmpPer = 0;
+		printf STAT "Parameters\n";
+		printf STAT "$inde %-40s %s  %s\n", "Input files ", $seqFile, $qualFile;
+		printf STAT "$inde %-40s %s\n", "Primer/Adaptor library", defined($priAdaLib)?(($priAdaLib ne "u")?$priAdaLibNames[$priAdaLib]:"User defined ($priAdaFile)"):"NA";
+		printf STAT "$inde %-40s %s\n", "Homopolymer trimming", "Off" if($homoPolyLen == 0);
+		printf STAT "$inde %-40s %s\n", "Homopolymer trimming", "On" if($homoPolyLen != 0);
+		printf STAT "$inde %-40s %s\n", "Length of the homopolymer to be removed", $homoPolyLen if($homoPolyLen != 0);
+		printf STAT "$inde %-40s %s\n", "Length filter", ($isLenFilterOn)?"On":"Off";
+		printf STAT "$inde %-40s %s\n", "Cut-off for minimum read length", $lowestValidLen if($isLenFilterOn);
+		printf STAT "$inde %-40s %s\n", "Cut-off read length for HQ", $cutOffReadLen4HQ."%";
+		printf STAT "$inde %-40s %s\n", "Cut-off quality score", $cutOffPhScore;
+		printf STAT "$inde %-40s %s\n", "Only statistics", defined($isOnlyStat)?"On":"Off";
+		printf STAT "$inde %-40s %s\n", "Number of processes", $noOfProcesses;
+		print STAT "\n\n";
+		print STAT "QC statistics\n";
+		printf STAT "$inde %-70s %s\n", "File name", $seqFileName;
+		printf STAT "$inde %-70s %d\n", "Total number of reads", $seqCount;
+		printf STAT "$inde %-70s %d\n", "Total number of trimmed reads containing homopolymer", $trimCount;
+		printf STAT "$inde %-70s %d\n", "Total number of trashed reads (<$lowestValidLen bp in length after trimming)", $lt100;
+		printf STAT "$inde %-70s %d\n", "Total number of low quality reads (excluding <$lowestValidLen reads)", $lQCount;
+		printf STAT "$inde %-70s %d\n", "Total number of HQ reads", $hQCount;
+		$tmpPer = sprintf "%0.2f", $hQCount/$seqCount*100;
+		printf STAT "$inde %-70s %s\n", "Percentage of HQ reads", $tmpPer."%";
+		printf STAT "$inde %-70s %.f\n", "Total number of bases", $totalBases;
+		printf STAT "$inde %-70s %.f\n", "Total number of bases in HQ reads", $totalBasesAfterHQ;
+		printf STAT "$inde %-70s %.f\n", "Total number of HQ bases in HQ reads", $totalHQBasesAfterHQ;
+		$tmpPer = sprintf "%0.2f", $totalHQBasesAfterHQ/$totalBasesAfterHQ*100;
+		printf STAT "$inde %-70s %s\n", "Percentage of HQ bases in HQ reads", $tmpPer."%";
+		if(defined($priAdaLib)) {
+			printf STAT "$inde %-70s %d\n", "Number of Primer/Adaptor trimmed reads", $totalValidReadsWithPriAda;
+		}
+		else {
+			printf STAT "$inde %-70s %s\n", "Number of Primer/Adaptor trimmed reads", "NA", "NA";
+		}
+		printf STAT "$inde %-70s %d\n", "Total number of HQ filtered reads", $totalReadsFinal;
+		$tmpPer = sprintf "%0.2f", $totalReadsFinal/$seqCount*100;
+		printf STAT "$inde %-70s %s\n", "Percentage of HQ filtered reads", $tmpPer."%";
+		print STAT "\n\n";
+		print STAT "Detailed QC statistics\n";
+		my @arr = (
+			["File name", $seqFileName, (fileparse($outSeqFile))[0]],
+			["Total number of reads", $seqCount, $totalReadsFinal],
+			["Minimum read length", $minRawLen, $minHQLen],
+			["Maximum read length", $maxRawLen, $maxHQLen],
+			["Average read length", (sprintf "%0.2f", $totalBases/$seqCount), (sprintf "%0.2f", $totalBasesFinal/$totalReadsFinal)],
+			["Median read length", calcMedian(@rawLen), calcMedian(@hQLen)],
+			["N25 length", calcN50(\@rawLen, 25), calcN50(\@hQLen, 25)],
+			["N50 length", calcN50(\@rawLen, 50), calcN50(\@hQLen, 50)],
+			["N75 length", calcN50(\@rawLen, 75), calcN50(\@hQLen, 75)],
+			["N90 length", calcN50(\@rawLen, 90), calcN50(\@hQLen, 90)],
+			["N95 length", calcN50(\@rawLen, 95), calcN50(\@hQLen, 95)],
+			["Total number of bases", $totalBases, $totalBasesFinal],
+			["Total number of HQ bases", $totalHQBases, $totalHQBasesFinal],
+			["Percentage of HQ bases", (sprintf "%0.2f", $totalHQBases/$totalBases*100)."%", (sprintf "%0.2f", $totalHQBasesFinal/$totalBasesFinal*100)."%"],
+			["Average quality score (Overall)", (sprintf "%0.2f", $avgQual/$seqCount), (sprintf "%0.2f", $avgQualFinal/$totalReadsFinal)],
+		);
+		for(my $i=0; $i<@arr; $i++) {
+			if(!defined($isOnlyStat)) {
+				printf STAT "$inde %-50s  %-20s  %s\n", $arr[$i][0], $arr[$i][1], $arr[$i][2];
+			}
+			else {
+				printf STAT "$inde %-50s  %s\n", $arr[$i][0], $arr[$i][1];				
+			}
+		}
+		print STAT "\n\n";
+	}
+	elsif($statOutFmt == 2) {
+		my $inde = " " x 1;
+		my $tmpPer = 0;
+		printf STAT "Parameters\n";
+		printf STAT "\t%s\t%s\t%s\n", "Input files ", $seqFile, $qualFile;
+		printf STAT "\t%s\t%s\n", "Primer/Adaptor library", defined($priAdaLib)?(($priAdaLib ne "u")?$priAdaLibNames[$priAdaLib]:"User defined ($priAdaFile)"):"NA";
+		printf STAT "\t%s\t%s\n", "Homopolymer trimming", "Off" if($homoPolyLen == 0);
+		printf STAT "\t%s\t%s\n", "Homopolymer trimming", "On" if($homoPolyLen != 0);
+		printf STAT "\t%s\t%s\n", "Length of the homopolymer to be removed", $homoPolyLen if($homoPolyLen != 0);
+		printf STAT "\t%s\t%s\n", "Length filter", ($isLenFilterOn)?"On":"Off";
+		printf STAT "\t%s\t%s\n", "Cut-off for minimum read length", $lowestValidLen if($isLenFilterOn);
+		printf STAT "\t%s\t%s\n", "Cut-off read length for HQ", $cutOffReadLen4HQ."%";
+		printf STAT "\t%s\t%s\n", "Cut-off quality score", $cutOffPhScore;
+		printf STAT "\t%s\t%s\n", "Only statistics", defined($isOnlyStat)?"On":"Off";
+		printf STAT "\t%s\t%s\n", "Number of processes", $noOfProcesses;
+		print STAT "\n\n";
+		print STAT "QC statistics\n";
+		printf STAT "\t%s\t%s\n", "File name", $seqFileName;
+		printf STAT "\t%s\t%d\n", "Total number of reads", $seqCount;
+		printf STAT "\t%s\t%d\n", "Total number of trimmed reads containing homopolymer", $trimCount;
+		printf STAT "\t%s\t%d\n", "Total number of trashed reads (<$lowestValidLen bp in length after trimming)", $lt100;
+		printf STAT "\t%s\t%d\n", "Total number of low quality reads (excluding <$lowestValidLen reads)", $lQCount;
+		printf STAT "\t%s\t%d\n", "Total number of HQ reads", $hQCount;
+		$tmpPer = sprintf "%0.2f", $hQCount/$seqCount*100;
+		printf STAT "\t%s\t%s\n", "Percentage of HQ reads", $tmpPer."%";
+		printf STAT "\t%s\t%.f\n", "Total number of bases", $totalBases;
+		printf STAT "\t%s\t%.f\n", "Total number of bases in HQ reads", $totalBasesAfterHQ;
+		printf STAT "\t%s\t%.f\n", "Total number of HQ bases in HQ reads", $totalHQBasesAfterHQ;
+		$tmpPer = sprintf "%0.2f", $totalHQBasesAfterHQ/$totalBasesAfterHQ*100;
+		printf STAT "\t%s\t%s\n", "Percentage of HQ bases in HQ reads", $tmpPer."%";
+		if(defined($priAdaLib)) {
+			printf STAT "\t%s\t%d\n", "Number of Primer/Adaptor trimmed reads", $totalValidReadsWithPriAda;
+		}
+		else {
+			printf STAT "\t%s\t%s\n", "Number of Primer/Adaptor trimmed reads", "NA", "NA";
+		}
+		printf STAT "\t%s\t%d\n", "Total number of HQ filtered reads", $totalReadsFinal;
+		$tmpPer = sprintf "%0.2f", $totalReadsFinal/$seqCount*100;
+		printf STAT "\t%s\t%s\n", "Percentage of HQ filtered reads", $tmpPer."%";
+		print STAT "\n\n";
+		print STAT "Detailed QC statistics\n";
+		my @arr = (
+			["File name", $seqFileName, (fileparse($outSeqFile))[0]],
+			["Total number of reads", $seqCount, $totalReadsFinal],
+			["Minimum read length", $minRawLen, $minHQLen],
+			["Maximum read length", $maxRawLen, $maxHQLen],
+			["Average read length", (sprintf "%0.2f", $totalBases/$seqCount), (sprintf "%0.2f", $totalBasesFinal/$totalReadsFinal)],
+			["Median read length", calcMedian(@rawLen), calcMedian(@hQLen)],
+			["N25 length", calcN50(\@rawLen, 25), calcN50(\@hQLen, 25)],
+			["N50 length", calcN50(\@rawLen, 50), calcN50(\@hQLen, 50)],
+			["N75 length", calcN50(\@rawLen, 75), calcN50(\@hQLen, 75)],
+			["N90 length", calcN50(\@rawLen, 90), calcN50(\@hQLen, 90)],
+			["N95 length", calcN50(\@rawLen, 95), calcN50(\@hQLen, 95)],
+			["Total number of bases", $totalBases, $totalBasesFinal],
+			["Total number of HQ bases", $totalHQBases, $totalHQBasesFinal],
+			["Percentage of HQ bases", (sprintf "%0.2f", $totalHQBases/$totalBases*100)."%", (sprintf "%0.2f", $totalHQBasesFinal/$totalBasesFinal*100)."%"],
+			["Average quality score (Overall)", (sprintf "%0.2f", $avgQual/$seqCount), (sprintf "%0.2f", $avgQualFinal/$totalReadsFinal)],
+		);
+		for(my $i=0; $i<@arr; $i++) {
+			if(!defined($isOnlyStat)) {
+				printf STAT "\t%s\t%s\t%s\n", $arr[$i][0], $arr[$i][1], $arr[$i][2];
+			}
+			else {
+				printf STAT "\t%s\t%s\n", $arr[$i][0], $arr[$i][1];				
+			}
+		}
+		print STAT "\n\n";		
+	}
+	my $lenDistF1 = getFileName($seqFile)."_lenDistribution.png";
+	my $qualDistF1 = getFileName($seqFile)."_qualDistribution.png";
+	my $sumPieF = getFileName($seqFile). "_summary.png";
+	my $gcDistF1 = getFileName($seqFile)."_gcDistribution.png";
+	my $baseCntF1 = getFileName($seqFile)."_baseCompostion.png";
+	my $c = 0;
+	my @lenLabels = ();
+	foreach my $arrRef (@lenDistrib) {
+		my $str = "";
+		foreach my $val (@{$arrRef}) {
+			if($c == 0) {
+				$str = "0-$lenInterval";
+			}
+			else {
+				$str = $lenInterval*$c . "-" . $lenInterval*($c+1);
+			}
+			$c++;
+			push(@lenLabels, $str);
+		}
+		last;
+	}
+	unshift(@lenDistrib, \@lenLabels);
+	if($isGDMod) {
+		drawLenDist(\@lenDistrib, $outFolder.$lenDistF1, getFileName($seqFile), 550, 350);
+	}
+	$c = 0;
+	my @qualLabels = ();
+	foreach my $arrRef (@qualDistrib) {
+		my $str = "";
+		foreach my $val (@{$arrRef}) {
+			if($c == 0) {
+				$str = "0";
+				$str .= "-$qualInterval" if($qualInterval>1);
+			}
+			else {
+				$str = $qualInterval*$c;
+				$str .=  "-" . $qualInterval*($c) if($qualInterval>1);
+			}
+			push(@qualLabels, $str);
+			$c++;
+		}
+		last;
+	}
+	unshift(@qualDistrib, \@qualLabels);
+	if($isGDMod) {
+		drawQualDist(\@qualDistrib, $outFolder.$qualDistF1, getFileName($seqFile), 650, 350);
+	}
+	my $trashedReads = $lt100;
+	my $trimmedHP = $trimCount;
+	my $trimmedPA = $totalValidReadsWithPriAda;
+	my $hQreadsExcptHP_PATrimmed = $totalReadsFinal - $trimmedHP - $trimmedPA;
+	my $lQreadsGT100 = $seqCount - $totalReadsFinal - $trashedReads;
+	my @summaryData = (["", "", "", "", ""], [$trashedReads, $trimmedHP, $trimmedPA, $hQreadsExcptHP_PATrimmed, $lQreadsGT100]);
+	if($isGDMod) {
+		drawSummaryPie(\@summaryData, $outFolder.$sumPieF, 520, 350);
+	}
+	$c=0;
+	my @gcLabel;
+	foreach my $ref (@gcDistrib) {
+		foreach my $val (@{$ref}) {
+			my $str = "";
+			if($c == 0) {
+				$str = "0-$gcInterval";
+			}
+			else {
+				$str = $gcInterval*$c . "-" . $gcInterval*($c+1);
+			}
+			$c++;
+			push(@gcLabel, $str);
+		}
+		last;
+	}
+	unshift(@gcDistrib, \@gcLabel);
+	if($isGDMod) {
+		drawGCDist(\@gcDistrib, $outFolder.$gcDistF1, getFileName($seqFile), 550, 350);
+	}
+	my @file1 = (["A", "T", "G", "C", "Non-ATGC"], $charCount[0]);
+	@file1 = (["A", "T", "G", "C", "Non-ATGC"], $charCount[0], $charCount[1]) if(!$isOnlyStat);
+	if($isGDMod) {
+		drawBaseComp(\@file1, $outFolder.$baseCntF1, getFileName($seqFile), 500, 300);
+	}
+	close(I);
+	close(Q);
+	close(OI);
+	close(OQ);
+	close(STAT);
+	my $iFol = getFilePath(abs_path($seqFile));
+	my $oFol = abs_path($outFolder) . "/";
+	my $inpFs = getFileName($seqFile);
+	$inpFs .= ":::::" . getFileName($qualFile);
+	my $htF = $oFol . "output_" . getFileName($seqFile);
+	$htF .= ".html";
+	my @fileNames4HTML;
+	@fileNames4HTML = ($outSeqFile, $outQualFile, $lenDistF1, $baseCntF1, $gcDistF1, $qualDistF1, $sumPieF);
+	htmlPrint(getFilePath(abs_path($0)), getFileName($0), $htF, $iFol, $isOnlyStat, $inpFs, $statFile, $oFol, \@fileNames4HTML);
+print "================================================================\n";
+print "Processing has been finished\n";
+print "Output files are generated in $outFolder\n" if($outFolder ne "");
+print "Output files are generated in the folder of input files\n" if($outFolder eq "");
+print "================================================================\n";
+sub openFileGetHandle {
+	my ($file, $rOrw, $ref) = @_;
+	if($file =~ /\.gz$/i) {
+		$$ref = new IO::Zlib;
+		$$ref->open("$file", "rb") or die "Can not open file $file" if($rOrw eq "r");
+		$$ref->open("$file", "wb") or die "Can not create file $file" if($rOrw eq "w");
+	}
+	else {
+		open($$ref, "<$file") or die "Can not open file $file" if($rOrw eq "r");
+		open($$ref, ">$file") or die "Can not create file $file" if($rOrw eq "w");
+	}
+sub processSeq {
+	$fastaSeq =~ s/\s//g;
+	my $len = length $fastaSeq;
+	$maxRawLen = max($maxRawLen, $len);
+	$minRawLen = min($minRawLen, $len);
+	push(@rawLen, $len);
+	$qualSeq =~ s/\s+$//;				# To remove the last space added in 'else' part;
+	my @tmpArr = getQualBases($qualSeq);
+	$totalBases += $tmpArr[0];
+	$totalHQBases += $tmpArr[1];
+	$avgQual += $tmpArr[2];
+	$lenDistrib[0][getIndex($len,$lenInterval)]++;
+	$qualDistrib[0][getIndex($tmpArr[2],$qualInterval)]++;
+	my $As = $fastaSeq =~ s/A/A/gi;
+	my $Ts = $fastaSeq =~ s/T/T/gi;
+	my $Gs = $fastaSeq =~ s/G/G/gi;
+	my $Cs = $fastaSeq =~ s/C/C/gi;
+	my $Ns = $len - $As - $Ts - $Gs - $Cs;
+	my $gcPercent = ($Gs + $Cs)/$len*100;
+	$gcDistrib[0][getIndex($gcPercent,$gcInterval)]++;
+	$charCount[0][0] += $As;
+	$charCount[0][1] += $Ts;
+	$charCount[0][2] += $Gs;
+	$charCount[0][3] += $Cs;
+	$charCount[0][4] += $Ns;
+	if(length $fastaSeq < $lowestValidLen && $isLenFilterOn) {
+		$lt100++;
+	}
+	else {
+		if($homoPolyLen != 0) {
+			if(hasPolyChar(\$fastaSeq)) {
+				$trimCount++;
+				if(length $fastaSeq >= $lowestValidLen || !$isLenFilterOn) {
+					$qualSeq = trimQualSeq($qualSeq, length $fastaSeq, -1);
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		if(length $fastaSeq < $lowestValidLen && $isLenFilterOn) {
+			$lt100++;
+		}
+		else {
+			if(isReadOfHQ($qualSeq)) {
+				$hQCount++;
+				$totalBasesAfterHQ += length $fastaSeq;
+				if(defined $priAdaLib) {
+					my $t=isWOPriAda(\$fastaSeq);
+					if($t > -1) {
+						$qualSeq = trimQualSeq($qualSeq, length $fastaSeq, $t);
+					}
+					if(length $fastaSeq < $lowestValidLen && $isLenFilterOn) {
+						$lt100++;
+					}
+					else {
+						my $len = length $fastaSeq;
+						$maxHQLen = max($maxHQLen, $len);
+						$minHQLen = min($minHQLen, $len);
+						$avgHQLen += $len;
+						push(@hQLen, $len);
+						$totalReadsFinal++;
+						@tmpArr = getQualBases($qualSeq);
+						$totalBasesFinal += $tmpArr[0];
+						$totalHQBasesFinal += $tmpArr[1];
+						$avgQualFinal += $tmpArr[2];
+						if(!defined($isOnlyStat)) {
+							$lenDistrib[1][getIndex($len,$lenInterval)]++;
+							$qualDistrib[1][getIndex($tmpArr[2],$qualInterval)]++;
+							my $As = $fastaSeq =~ s/A/A/gi;
+							my $Ts = $fastaSeq =~ s/T/T/gi;
+							my $Gs = $fastaSeq =~ s/G/G/gi;
+							my $Cs = $fastaSeq =~ s/C/C/gi;
+							my $Ns = $len - $As - $Ts - $Gs - $Cs;
+							my $gcPercent = ($len)?(($Gs + $Cs)/$len*100):0;
+							$gcDistrib[1][getIndex($gcPercent,$gcInterval)]++;
+							$charCount[1][0] += $As;
+							$charCount[1][1] += $Ts;
+							$charCount[1][2] += $Gs;
+							$charCount[1][3] += $Cs;
+							$charCount[1][4] += $Ns;
+							print OI "$prevFastaSeqId\n";
+							print OI formatSeq($fastaSeq), "\n";
+							print OQ "$prevFastaSeqId\n";
+							print OQ formatQualSeq($qualSeq), "\n";
+						}
+					}
+				}
+				else {
+					my $len = length $fastaSeq;
+					$maxHQLen = max($maxHQLen, $len);
+					$minHQLen = min($minHQLen, $len);
+					$avgHQLen += $len;
+					push(@hQLen, $len);
+					$totalReadsFinal++;
+					@tmpArr = getQualBases($qualSeq);
+					$totalBasesFinal += $tmpArr[0];
+					$totalHQBasesFinal += $tmpArr[1];
+					$avgQualFinal += $tmpArr[2];
+					if(!defined($isOnlyStat)) {
+						$lenDistrib[1][getIndex($len,$lenInterval)]++;
+						$qualDistrib[1][getIndex($tmpArr[2],$qualInterval)]++;
+						my $As = $fastaSeq =~ s/A/A/gi;
+						my $Ts = $fastaSeq =~ s/T/T/gi;
+						my $Gs = $fastaSeq =~ s/G/G/gi;
+						my $Cs = $fastaSeq =~ s/C/C/gi;
+						my $Ns = $len - $As - $Ts - $Gs - $Cs;
+						my $gcPercent = ($len)?(($Gs + $Cs)/$len*100):0;
+						$gcDistrib[1][getIndex($gcPercent,$gcInterval)]++;
+						$charCount[1][0] += $As;
+						$charCount[1][1] += $Ts;
+						$charCount[1][2] += $Gs;
+						$charCount[1][3] += $Cs;
+						$charCount[1][4] += $Ns;
+						print OI "$prevFastaSeqId\n";
+						print OI formatSeq($fastaSeq), "\n";
+						print OQ "$prevFastaSeqId\n";
+						print OQ formatQualSeq($qualSeq), "\n";
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			else {
+				$lQCount++;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	if($seqCount % (10000) == 0) {
+		my $tmpP = sprintf "%0.0f", ($seqCount/$ttlSeqCount*100);
+		print "$indOfAnalysis: Number of reads processed: " . $seqCount . "/$ttlSeqCount ($tmpP\%)...\n";
+	}
+sub getIndex {
+	my $up = $_[0];
+	my $down = $_[1];
+	my $inp = $up/$down;
+	return (sprintf "%0.0f", $up) if($down == 1);
+	my $index = int((sprintf "%0.2f", $inp)+0.99)-1;
+	$index = 0 if($index < 0);
+	return $index;
+sub calcN50 {
+	my @x = @{$_[0]};
+	my $n = $_[1];
+	@x=sort{$b<=>$a} @x;
+	my $total = sum(@x);
+	my ($count, $n50)=(0,0);
+	for (my $j=0; $j<@x; $j++){
+        $count+=$x[$j];
+        if(($count>=$total*$n/100)){
+            $n50=$x[$j];
+            last;
+        }
+	}
+	return $n50;
+sub calcMedian {
+	my @arr = @_;
+	my @sArr = sort{$a<=>$b} @arr;
+	my $arrLen = @arr;
+	my $median;
+	if($arrLen % 2 == 0) {
+		$median = ($sArr[$arrLen/2-1] + $sArr[$arrLen/2])/2;
+	}
+	else {
+		$median = $sArr[$arrLen/2];
+	}
+	return $median;
+sub formatSeq {
+	my $seq = $_[0];
+    my $newSeq = "";
+    my $ch = 60;
+    my $len = length $seq;
+    for(my $i=0; $i<$len; $i+=$ch) {
+        $newSeq .= substr($seq, $i, $ch) . "\n";
+    }
+    chomp($newSeq);         # To remove \n at the end of the whole sequence..
+    return $newSeq;
+sub formatQualSeq {
+	my $qualSeq = $_[0];
+	my $fQSeq = "";
+	my $ch = 60;
+	my $valCount = 0;
+	my @arr = split(/\s+/, $qualSeq);
+	for(my $i=0; $i<@arr; $i++) {
+		$valCount++;
+		if($valCount % $ch == 0) {
+			$fQSeq .= $arr[$i] . "\n";
+		}
+		else {
+			$fQSeq .= $arr[$i] . " ";
+		}
+	}
+	$fQSeq =~ s/\s+$//;
+	return $fQSeq;
+sub hasPolyChar {
+	my $seqRef = $_[0];
+	my $flag = 0;
+	if($$seqRef =~ s/(A{$homoPolyLen,}).*//i) {
+		$flag = 1;
+	}
+	if($$seqRef =~ s/(T{$homoPolyLen,}).*//i) {
+		$flag = 1;
+	}
+	if($$seqRef =~ s/(G{$homoPolyLen,}).*//i) {
+		$flag = 1;
+	}
+	if($$seqRef =~ s/(C{$homoPolyLen,}).*//i) {
+		$flag = 1;
+	}
+	return $flag;
+sub trimQualSeq {
+	my $qualSeq = $_[0];
+	my $seqLen = $_[1];
+	my $priAdaStart = $_[2];
+	my $trimmedQualSeq;
+	if($priAdaStart != -1) {
+		if($priAdaStart < 50) {
+			my $t = $seqLen-1;
+			$qualSeq =~ /((\d{1,2}\s+){$t}\d{1,2})$/;
+			$trimmedQualSeq = $1;
+		}
+		else {
+			$qualSeq =~ /^((\d{1,2}\s+){$seqLen})/;
+			$trimmedQualSeq = $1;
+		}
+	}
+	else {
+		$qualSeq =~ /^((\d{1,2}\s+){$seqLen})/;
+		$trimmedQualSeq = $1;
+	}
+	$trimmedQualSeq =~ s/\s+$//;
+	return $trimmedQualSeq;
+sub isReadOfHQ {	# Criteria for HQ is greater than or equal to 70% of bases have phred score > 20
+	my $read = $_[0];
+	my $validBaseCount = 0;
+	my @ASCII = split(/\s+/, $read);
+	my $readLen = scalar @ASCII;
+	my $cutOffLen = sprintf("%0.0f", $readLen * $cutOffReadLen4HQ / 100);	# 70% length of read length is calculated.
+	foreach my $val (@ASCII) {
+		if($val >= $cutOffPhScore) {
+			$validBaseCount++;
+		}
+	}
+	if($validBaseCount >= $cutOffLen) {
+		$totalHQBasesAfterHQ += $validBaseCount;
+		return 1;				# Return true.
+	}
+	else {
+		return 0;				# Return false.
+	}
+sub getQualBases {			# This will return an array. 1) Total bases 2) HQ bases 3) Average quality
+	my $read = $_[0];
+	my $qualSum = 0;
+	my @retArr = ();
+	my $validBaseCount = 0;
+	my @ASCII = split(/\s+/, $read);
+	my $readLen = scalar @ASCII;
+	foreach my $val (@ASCII) {
+		$qualSum += $val;
+		if($val >= $cutOffPhScore) {
+			$validBaseCount++;
+		}
+	}
+	$retArr[0] = $readLen;
+	$retArr[1] = $validBaseCount;
+	$retArr[2] = ($readLen)?(sprintf "%0.2f", $qualSum/$readLen):0;
+	return @retArr;
+sub prtError {
+	my $msg = $_[0];
+	print STDERR "+======================================================================+\n";
+	printf STDERR "|%-70s|\n", "  Error:";
+	printf STDERR "|%-70s|\n", "       $msg";
+	print STDERR "+======================================================================+\n";
+	prtUsage();
+	exit;
+sub prtHelp {
+	print "\n$0 options:\n\n";
+	print "### Input reads (FASTA format; .fna and .qual files) (Required)\n";
+	print "  -i <Read file> <Quality file> <Primer/Adaptor library>\n";
+	print "    Read and quality file in FASTA format with primer/adaptor library\n";
+	print "    User may choose from the provided primer/adaptor library or can give a file containing primer/adaptor sequences, one per line\n";
+	print "    Multiple libraries can be given using multiple '-i' options\n";
+	print "      For eg.: -i read1.fna read1.qual 3 -i read2.fna read2.qual 2\n\n";
+	print "    Primer/Adaptor libraries:\n";
+	my $c = 1;
+	foreach my $lib (@priAdaLibNames) {
+		print "      $c = $lib\n";
+		$c++;
+	}
+	print "      N = Do not filter for Primer/Adaptor\n";
+	print "      <File> = File for user defined primer/adaptor sequences, one per line\n";
+	print "\n";
+	print "### Other options [Optional]\n";
+	print "  -h | -help\n";
+	print "    Prints this help\n";
+	print "--------------------------------- QC Options ---------------------------------\n";
+	print "  -l | -cutOffReadLen4HQ <Real number, 0 to 100>\n";
+	print "    The cut-off value for percentage of read length that should be of given quality\n";
+	print "    default: 70\n";
+	print "  -s | -cutOffQualScore <Integer, 0 to 40>\n";
+	print "    The cut-off value for PHRED quality score for high-quality filtering\n";
+	print "    default: 20\n";
+	print "  -n | -homoPolyLen <Integer>\n";
+	print "    Minimum length of the homopolymer to be trimmed (0: to skip the homopolymer trimming)\n";
+	print "      For eg.: -n 8, will trim the right end of read from the homopolymer of at least 8 bases long\n";
+	print "    default: 0 (homopolymer trimming is off)\n";
+	print "  -m | -minLen <Integer>\n";
+	print "    Filter sequences shorter than the given minimum length\n";
+	print "    default: 100\n";
+	print "  -f | -lenFilter <Y/N>\n";
+	print "    Are sequences to be filtered on the basis of length: (Y)es or (N)o\n";
+	print "    default: Y\n";
+	print "----------------------------- Processing Options -----------------------------\n";
+	print "  -p | -processes <Integer>\n";
+	print "    Number of processes to be used\n";
+	print "    default: 1\n";
+	print "  -onlyStat\n";
+	print "    Outputs only statistics without filtered data output\n";
+	print "------------------------------- Output Options -------------------------------\n";
+	print "  -t | -statOutFmt <Integer>\n";
+	print "    Output format for statistics\n";
+	print "    Formats:\n";
+	print "      1 = formatted text\n";
+	print "      2 = tab delimited\n";
+	print "    default: 1\n";
+	print "  -o | -outputFolder <Output folder name/path>\n";
+	print "    Output will be stored in the given folder\n";
+	print "    default: By default, output folder (454QC_Filtered_files) will be generated where the input files are\n";
+	print "  -z | -outputDataCompression <Character>\n";
+	print "    Output format for HQ filtered data\n";
+	print "    Formats:\n";
+	print "      t = text FASTA files\n";
+	print "      g = gzip compressed files\n";
+	print "    default: t\n";
+	print "\n";
+sub prtUsage {
+	print "\nUsage: perl $0 <options>\n";
+	prtHelp();
+sub getFileName {	# This sub takes a path of a file and returns just its name after separating the path from it.
+	my $path = $_[0];
+	my $name = "";
+	$path =~ /([^\/]+)$/;
+	$name = $1;
+	return $name;	
+sub getFilePath {
+	my $name = $_[0];
+	my $path = "";
+	if($name =~ /\//) {
+		$name =~ /(.+)\//;
+		$path = $1 . "/";
+	}
+	else {
+		$path = "./";
+	}
+	return $path;
+sub drawBaseComp {
+	my $dataRef = $_[0];
+	my $fileNameWPath = $_[1];
+	my $fileName = $_[2];
+	my $width = $_[3];
+	my $height = $_[4];
+	my $mygraph = GD::Graph::bars->new($width, $height);
+	$mygraph->set( 
+		y_label => 'Count',
+		y_min_value => 0,
+		box_axis => 0,
+		line_width => 3,
+		transparent => 0,
+		dclrs => [ qw(lred dgreen) ],
+		legend_placement	=> 'BR',
+		x_label_position	=> 1/2,
+		long_ticks			=> 1,
+		fgclr               => '#dddddd',
+		l_margin 			=> 60,
+		r_margin 			=> 60,
+		b_margin			=> 50,
+		t_margin			=> 50,
+		show_values         => 1,
+		bar_spacing         => 1,
+		values_vertical 	=> 1,
+	) or warn $mygraph->error;
+	if(!defined($isOnlyStat)) {
+		$mygraph->set_legend( $fileName, $fileName."_filtered");
+	}
+	else {
+		$mygraph->set_legend( $fileName);
+	}
+    $mygraph->set_y_label_font($font_spec, 12);
+    $mygraph->set_x_label_font($font_spec, 12);
+    $mygraph->set_y_axis_font($font_spec, 10);
+    $mygraph->set_x_axis_font($font_spec, 8);
+    $mygraph->set_title_font($f, 11);
+    $mygraph->set_legend_font($f, 8);
+    $mygraph->set_values_font($f, 6);
+	my $myImage = $mygraph->plot($dataRef);
+	my $black = $myImage->colorAllocate(0,0,0);			# To set the color for the next time printing on the image.
+	my $lred = $myImage->colorAllocate(255,0,0);	
+	my $dgreen = $myImage->colorAllocate(0,127,0);
+	my $dblue = $myImage->colorAllocate(0,0,127);
+	my $sum1 = sum(@{$$dataRef[1]});
+	my $sum2 = sum(@{$$dataRef[2]});
+	my $wrapbox = GD::Text::Wrap->new( $myImage,
+	        line_space  => 4,
+	        text        => "Base composition for $fileName",
+	        color		=> $dblue,
+	);
+	$wrapbox->set(align => 'center', width => $width);
+	$wrapbox->set_font($f, 11);
+	$wrapbox->draw(0,0);
+	$wrapbox = GD::Text::Wrap->new( $myImage,
+	        line_space  => 4,
+	        text        => "A (" . (sprintf "%0.2f", @{$$dataRef[1]}[0]/$sum1*100) . "\%)",
+	        color		=> $black,
+	);
+	$wrapbox->set(align => 'left', width => 300);
+	$wrapbox->set_font($f, 8);
+	$wrapbox->draw($width/2-220,$height-35);
+	$wrapbox = GD::Text::Wrap->new( $myImage,
+	        line_space  => 4,
+	        text        => "T (" . (sprintf "%0.2f", @{$$dataRef[1]}[1]/$sum1*100) . "\%)",
+	        color		=> $black,
+	);
+	$wrapbox->set(align => 'left', width => 300);
+	$wrapbox->set_font($f, 8);
+	$wrapbox->draw($width/2-130,$height-35);
+	$wrapbox = GD::Text::Wrap->new( $myImage,
+	        line_space  => 4,
+	        text        => "G (" . (sprintf "%0.2f", @{$$dataRef[1]}[2]/$sum1*100) . "\%)",
+	        color		=> $black,
+	);
+	$wrapbox->set(align => 'left', width => 300);
+	$wrapbox->set_font($f, 8);
+	$wrapbox->draw($width/2-40,$height-35);
+	$wrapbox = GD::Text::Wrap->new( $myImage,
+	        line_space  => 4,
+	        text        => "C (" . (sprintf "%0.2f", @{$$dataRef[1]}[3]/$sum1*100) . "\%)",
+	        color		=> $black,
+	);
+	$wrapbox->set(align => 'left', width => 300);
+	$wrapbox->set_font($f, 8);
+	$wrapbox->draw($width/2+50,$height-35);
+	$wrapbox = GD::Text::Wrap->new( $myImage,
+	        line_space  => 4,
+	        text        => "Non-ATGC (" . (sprintf "%0.2f", @{$$dataRef[1]}[4]/$sum1*100) . "\%)",
+	        color		=> $black,
+	);
+	$wrapbox->set(align => 'left', width => 300);
+	$wrapbox->set_font($f, 8);
+	$wrapbox->draw($width/2+140,$height-35);
+	my $startRectX = $width/2-230;
+	my $startRectY = $height-35;
+	$myImage->filledRectangle($startRectX,$startRectY,$startRectX+8,$startRectY+8,$lred);
+	$myImage->rectangle($startRectX,$startRectY,$startRectX+8,$startRectY+8,$black);
+	$startRectX = $width/2-140;
+	$myImage->filledRectangle($startRectX,$startRectY,$startRectX+8,$startRectY+8,$lred);
+	$myImage->rectangle($startRectX,$startRectY,$startRectX+8,$startRectY+8,$black);
+	$startRectX = $width/2-50;
+	$myImage->filledRectangle($startRectX,$startRectY,$startRectX+8,$startRectY+8,$lred);
+	$myImage->rectangle($startRectX,$startRectY,$startRectX+8,$startRectY+8,$black);
+	$startRectX = $width/2+40;
+	$myImage->filledRectangle($startRectX,$startRectY,$startRectX+8,$startRectY+8,$lred);
+	$myImage->rectangle($startRectX,$startRectY,$startRectX+8,$startRectY+8,$black);
+	$startRectX = $width/2+130;
+	$myImage->filledRectangle($startRectX,$startRectY,$startRectX+8,$startRectY+8,$lred);
+	$myImage->rectangle($startRectX,$startRectY,$startRectX+8,$startRectY+8,$black);
+	if(!$isOnlyStat) {
+		$wrapbox = GD::Text::Wrap->new( $myImage,
+		        line_space  => 4,
+		        text        => "A (" . (sprintf "%0.2f", @{$$dataRef[2]}[0]/$sum2*100) . "\%)",
+		        color		=> $black,
+		);
+		$wrapbox->set(align => 'left', width => 300);
+		$wrapbox->set_font($f, 8);
+		$wrapbox->draw($width/2-220,$height-20);
+		$wrapbox = GD::Text::Wrap->new( $myImage,
+		        line_space  => 4,
+		        text        => "T (" . (sprintf "%0.2f", @{$$dataRef[2]}[1]/$sum2*100) . "\%)",
+		        color		=> $black,
+		);
+		$wrapbox->set(align => 'left', width => 300);
+		$wrapbox->set_font($f, 8);
+		$wrapbox->draw($width/2-130,$height-20);
+		$wrapbox = GD::Text::Wrap->new( $myImage,
+		        line_space  => 4,
+		        text        => "G (" . (sprintf "%0.2f", @{$$dataRef[2]}[2]/$sum2*100) . "\%)",
+		        color		=> $black,
+		);
+		$wrapbox->set(align => 'left', width => 300);
+		$wrapbox->set_font($f, 8);
+		$wrapbox->draw($width/2-40,$height-20);
+		$wrapbox = GD::Text::Wrap->new( $myImage,
+		        line_space  => 4,
+		        text        => "C (" . (sprintf "%0.2f", @{$$dataRef[2]}[3]/$sum2*100) . "\%)",
+		        color		=> $black,
+		);
+		$wrapbox->set(align => 'left', width => 300);
+		$wrapbox->set_font($f, 8);
+		$wrapbox->draw($width/2+50,$height-20);
+		$wrapbox = GD::Text::Wrap->new( $myImage,
+		        line_space  => 4,
+		        text        => "Non-ATGC (" . (sprintf "%0.2f", @{$$dataRef[2]}[4]/$sum2*100) . "\%)",
+		        color		=> $black,
+		);
+		$wrapbox->set(align => 'left', width => 300);
+		$wrapbox->set_font($f, 8);
+		$wrapbox->draw($width/2+140,$height-20);
+		$startRectX = $width/2-230;
+		$startRectY = $height-20;
+		$myImage->filledRectangle($startRectX,$startRectY,$startRectX+8,$startRectY+8,$dgreen);
+		$myImage->rectangle($startRectX,$startRectY,$startRectX+8,$startRectY+8,$black);
+		$startRectX = $width/2-140;
+		$myImage->filledRectangle($startRectX,$startRectY,$startRectX+8,$startRectY+8,$dgreen);
+		$myImage->rectangle($startRectX,$startRectY,$startRectX+8,$startRectY+8,$black);
+		$startRectX = $width/2-50;
+		$myImage->filledRectangle($startRectX,$startRectY,$startRectX+8,$startRectY+8,$dgreen);
+		$myImage->rectangle($startRectX,$startRectY,$startRectX+8,$startRectY+8,$black);
+		$startRectX = $width/2+40;
+		$myImage->filledRectangle($startRectX,$startRectY,$startRectX+8,$startRectY+8,$dgreen);
+		$myImage->rectangle($startRectX,$startRectY,$startRectX+8,$startRectY+8,$black);
+		$startRectX = $width/2+130;
+		$myImage->filledRectangle($startRectX,$startRectY,$startRectX+8,$startRectY+8,$dgreen);
+		$myImage->rectangle($startRectX,$startRectY,$startRectX+8,$startRectY+8,$black);
+	}
+	open(IMG, ">$fileNameWPath") or print STDERR "Error:\n\tCan not create image file: $fileNameWPath\n";
+	binmode IMG;
+	print IMG $myImage->png;
+	close(IMG);
+sub drawGCDist {
+	my $dataRef = $_[0];
+	my $fileNameWPath = $_[1];
+	my $fileName = $_[2];
+	my $width = $_[3];
+	my $height = $_[4];
+	my $mygraph = GD::Graph::linespoints->new($width, $height);
+	$mygraph->set( 
+		x_label => '% GC content',
+		y_label => 'Number of reads',
+		title => "GC content distribution for $fileName",
+		y_min_value => 0,
+		box_axis => 0,
+		line_width => 3,
+		transparent => 0,
+		markers				=> [1],
+		marker_size			=> 3,
+		dclrs => [ qw(lred dgreen) ],
+		x_labels_vertical	=> 1,
+		legend_placement	=> 'BR',
+		x_labels_vertical	=> 1,
+		x_label_position	=> 1/2,
+		long_ticks			=> 1,
+		fgclr               => '#dddddd',
+	) or warn $mygraph->error;
+	if(!defined($isOnlyStat)) {
+		$mygraph->set_legend( $fileName, $fileName."_filtered");
+	}
+	else {
+		$mygraph->set_legend( $fileName);
+	}
+    $mygraph->set_y_label_font($font_spec, 12);
+    $mygraph->set_x_label_font($font_spec, 12);
+    $mygraph->set_y_axis_font($font_spec, 10);
+    $mygraph->set_x_axis_font($font_spec, 8);
+    $mygraph->set_title_font($f, 11);
+    $mygraph->set_legend_font($f, 8);
+	my $myImage = $mygraph->plot($dataRef);
+	open(IMG, ">$fileNameWPath") or print STDERR "Error:\n\tCan not create image file: $fileNameWPath\n";
+	binmode IMG;
+	print IMG $myImage->png;
+	close(IMG);
+sub drawSummaryPie {
+	my $dataRef = $_[0];
+	my $fileNameWPath = $_[1];
+	my $width = $_[2];
+	my $height = $_[3];
+	my $mygraph = new GD::Graph::pie($width, $height);
+	$mygraph->set( 
+		title => "Summary of quality check and filtering",
+		axislabelclr => 'black',
+		pie_height => 40,
+		l_margin => 15,
+		r_margin => 15,
+		b_margin => 50,
+		start_angle => -10,
+		dclrs => [ qw(lred cyan lyellow lgreen purple) ],
+		transparent => 0,
+	) or warn $mygraph->error;
+    $mygraph->set_label_font($f, 8);
+    $mygraph->set_value_font(['verdana', 'arial'],14);
+    $mygraph->set_title_font($f, 11);
+	my $myImage = $mygraph->plot($dataRef);
+	my $black = $myImage->colorAllocate(0,0,0);			# To set the color for the next time printing on the image.
+	my $lred = $myImage->colorAllocate(255,0,0);	
+	my $lyellow = $myImage->colorAllocate(255,255,0);	
+	my $lgreen = $myImage->colorAllocate(0,255,0);
+	my $cyan = $myImage->colorAllocate(0,255,255);
+	my $purple = $myImage->colorAllocate(191,0,191);
+	my $sum = sum(@{$$dataRef[1]});
+	my $wrapbox = GD::Text::Wrap->new( $myImage,
+	        line_space  => 4,
+	        text        => (sprintf "Trashed reads (shorter than $lowestValidLen bp) (%0.2f", @{$$dataRef[1]}[0]/$sum*100) . "\%)",
+	        color		=> $black,
+	);
+	$wrapbox->set(align => 'left', width => 300);
+	$wrapbox->set_font($f, 8);
+	$wrapbox->draw(20,$height-45);
+	$wrapbox = GD::Text::Wrap->new( $myImage,
+	        line_space  => 4,
+	        text        => (sprintf "Homopolymer trimmed reads (%0.2f", @{$$dataRef[1]}[1]/$sum*100) . "\%)",
+	        color		=> $black,
+	);
+	$wrapbox->set(align => 'left', width => 300);
+	$wrapbox->set_font($f, 8);
+	$wrapbox->draw($width/2+40,$height-45);
+	$wrapbox = GD::Text::Wrap->new( $myImage,
+	        line_space  => 4,
+	        text        => (sprintf "Trashed reads (low quality reads) (%0.2f", @{$$dataRef[1]}[4]/$sum*100) . "\%)",
+	        color		=> $black,
+	);
+	$wrapbox->set(align => 'left', width => 300);
+	$wrapbox->set_font($f, 8);
+	$wrapbox->draw(20,$height-30);
+	$wrapbox = GD::Text::Wrap->new( $myImage,
+	        line_space  => 4,
+	        text        => (sprintf "Primer/Adaptor trimmed reads (%0.2f", @{$$dataRef[1]}[2]/$sum*100) . "\%)",
+	        color		=> $black,
+	);
+	$wrapbox->set(align => 'left', width => 300);
+	$wrapbox->set_font($f, 8);
+	$wrapbox->draw($width/2+40,$height-30);
+	$wrapbox = GD::Text::Wrap->new( $myImage,
+	        line_space  => 4,
+	        text        => (sprintf "High quality reads other than homopolymer and primer/adaptor trimmed (%0.2f", @{$$dataRef[1]}[3]/$sum*100) . "\%)",
+	        color		=> $black,
+	);
+	$wrapbox->set(align => 'left', width => 500);
+	$wrapbox->set_font($f, 8);
+	$wrapbox->draw(20,$height-15);
+	my $startRectX1 = 10;
+	my $startRectX2 = $width/2+30;
+	my $startRectY = $height-45;
+	$myImage->filledRectangle($startRectX1,$startRectY,$startRectX1+8,$startRectY+8,$lred);
+	$myImage->rectangle($startRectX1,$startRectY,$startRectX1+8,$startRectY+8,$black);
+	$myImage->filledRectangle($startRectX2,$startRectY,$startRectX2+8,$startRectY+8,$cyan);
+	$myImage->rectangle($startRectX2,$startRectY,$startRectX2+8,$startRectY+8,$black);
+	$startRectY += 15;
+	$myImage->filledRectangle($startRectX1,$startRectY,$startRectX1+8,$startRectY+8,$purple);
+	$myImage->rectangle($startRectX1,$startRectY,$startRectX1+8,$startRectY+8,$black);
+	$myImage->filledRectangle($startRectX2,$startRectY,$startRectX2+8,$startRectY+8,$lyellow);
+	$myImage->rectangle($startRectX2,$startRectY,$startRectX2+8,$startRectY+8,$black);
+	$startRectY += 15;
+	$myImage->filledRectangle($startRectX1,$startRectY,$startRectX1+8,$startRectY+8,$lgreen);
+	$myImage->rectangle($startRectX1,$startRectY,$startRectX1+8,$startRectY+8,$black);
+	open(IMG, ">$fileNameWPath") or print STDERR "Error:\n\tCan not create image file: $fileNameWPath\n";
+	binmode IMG;
+	print IMG $myImage->png;
+	close(IMG);
+sub drawQualDist {
+	my $dataRef = $_[0];
+	my $fileNameWPath = $_[1];
+	my $fileName = $_[2];
+	my $width = $_[3];
+	my $height = $_[4];
+	my $mygraph = GD::Graph::bars->new($width, $height);
+	$mygraph->set( 
+		x_label => 'Average phred quality score',
+		y_label => 'Number of reads',
+		title => "Quality distribution for $fileName",
+		y_min_value => 0,
+		box_axis => 0,
+		line_width => 3,
+		transparent => 0,
+		dclrs => [ qw(lred dgreen) ],
+		legend_placement	=> 'BR',
+		x_label_position	=> 1/2,
+		long_ticks			=> 1,
+		fgclr               => '#dddddd',
+		bar_spacing         => 1,
+	) or warn $mygraph->error;
+	if(!defined($isOnlyStat)) {
+		$mygraph->set_legend( $fileName, $fileName."_filtered");
+	}
+	else {
+		$mygraph->set_legend( $fileName);
+	}
+    $mygraph->set_y_label_font($font_spec, 12);
+    $mygraph->set_x_label_font($font_spec, 12);
+    $mygraph->set_y_axis_font($font_spec, 10);
+    $mygraph->set_x_axis_font($font_spec, 8);
+    $mygraph->set_title_font($f, 11);
+    $mygraph->set_legend_font($f, 8);
+	my $myImage = $mygraph->plot($dataRef);
+	open(IMG, ">$fileNameWPath") or print STDERR "Error:\n\tCan not create image file: $fileNameWPath\n";
+	binmode IMG;
+	print IMG $myImage->png;
+	close(IMG);
+sub drawLenDist {
+	my $dataRef = $_[0];
+	my $fileNameWPath = $_[1];
+	my $fileName = $_[2];
+	my $width = $_[3];
+	my $height = $_[4];
+	my $mygraph = GD::Graph::bars->new($width, $height);
+	$mygraph->set( 
+		x_label => 'Read length (bp)',
+		y_label => 'Number of reads',
+		title => "Length distribution for $fileName",
+		y_min_value => 0,
+		box_axis => 0,
+		line_width => 3,
+		transparent => 0,
+		dclrs => [ qw(lred dgreen) ],
+		legend_placement	=> 'BR',
+		x_labels_vertical	=> 1,
+		x_label_position	=> 1/2,
+		long_ticks			=> 1,
+		fgclr               => '#dddddd',
+		bar_spacing         => 1,
+	) or warn $mygraph->error;
+	if(!defined($isOnlyStat)) {
+		$mygraph->set_legend( $fileName, $fileName."_filtered");
+	}
+	else {
+		$mygraph->set_legend( $fileName);
+	}
+    $mygraph->set_y_label_font($font_spec, 12);
+    $mygraph->set_x_label_font($font_spec, 12);
+    $mygraph->set_y_axis_font($font_spec, 10);
+    $mygraph->set_x_axis_font($font_spec, 9);
+    $mygraph->set_title_font($f, 11);
+    $mygraph->set_legend_font($f, 8);
+	my $myImage = $mygraph->plot($dataRef);
+	open(IMG, ">$fileNameWPath") or print STDERR "Error:\n\tCan not create image file: $fileNameWPath\n";
+	binmode IMG;
+	print IMG $myImage->png;
+	close(IMG);
+sub isWOPriAda {
+	my $seq = $_[0];
+	chomp($$seq);
+	my @rapid = (
+	);
+	my @arrPE = (
+	);
+	my @arrAmplicon = (
+	);
+	my @arrsmRna = (
+	);
+	my @priAdas = (\@rapid, \@arrPE, \@arrAmplicon, \@arrsmRna);
+	my %checkedPriStr = ();	# The 20 bp from start and end are stored in this hash as key. So that next time when another pri/ada seq
+	my @priAdaSeqs = ();
+	if($priAdaLib eq "u") {
+		@priAdaSeqs = @usrDefinedPriAda;
+	}
+	else {
+		@priAdaSeqs = @{$priAdas[$priAdaLib]};
+	}
+	my @stat = ();
+	my $priInd = 0;
+	my $priAdaStart = 1;
+	my $isMatched = 0;
+	foreach my $priAda (@priAdaSeqs) {
+		$priAdaStart = findSeq($priAda, $$seq, \%checkedPriStr);
+		if($priAdaStart) {
+			if($priAdaStart < 50) {
+				$$seq = substr($$seq, $priAdaStart+$substrlen, length($$seq)-($priAdaStart+$substrlen));	
+			}
+			else {
+				$$seq = substr($$seq, 0, $priAdaStart);
+			}
+			$isMatched = 1;
+			last;
+		}
+	}
+	if($isMatched) {
+		$totalValidReadsWithPriAda++;
+		return $priAdaStart;
+	}
+	else {
+		$totalValidReadsNoPriAda++;
+		return -1;
+	}
+sub findSeq {
+	my $pri = $_[0];
+	my $seq = $_[1];
+	my $hashRef = $_[2];
+	my $subsl = $substrlen;
+	$subsl = length $pri if(length($pri) < $substrlen);
+	my $spri = substr($pri, 0, $subsl);
+	my $epri = substr($pri, (length $pri) - $subsl, $subsl);
+	my $sseq = substr($seq, 0, 50);
+	my $tmpInd = (length $seq) - 50;
+	$tmpInd = 0 if($tmpInd < 0);
+	my $eseq = substr($seq, $tmpInd, 50);
+	my $ans;
+	if(!defined($$hashRef{$spri})) {
+		my @catches = String::Approx::amatch($spri, ['I0 D0 S1'], $sseq);
+		if(@catches != 0) {
+			return findStart($sseq, $spri);
+		}
+		@catches = String::Approx::amatch($spri, ['I0 D0 S1'], $eseq);
+		if(@catches != 0) {
+			return findStart($eseq, $spri) + length($seq) - 50;
+		}
+		$$hashRef{$spri} = 1;
+	}
+	if(!defined($$hashRef{$epri})) {
+		my @catches = String::Approx::amatch($epri, ['I0 D0 S1'], $sseq);
+		if(@catches != 0) {
+			return findStart($sseq, $epri);
+		}
+		@catches = String::Approx::amatch($epri, ['I0 D0 S1'], $eseq);
+		if(@catches != 0) {
+			return findStart($eseq, $epri) + length($seq) - 50;
+		}
+		$$hashRef{$epri} = 1;
+	}
+	return 0;
+use re qw(eval);
+use vars qw($matchStart);
+sub findStart {
+   my $pattern;
+   local $_;
+   ($_, $pattern) = @_;
+   $pattern = fuzzy_pattern($pattern, $mismLim);
+   my @results;
+   local $matchStart;
+   my $instrumentedPattern = qr/(?{ $matchStart = pos() })$pattern/;
+   while (/$instrumentedPattern/g) {
+      my $nextStart = pos();
+      return $matchStart;
+      push @results, "[$matchStart..$nextStart)";
+      pos() = $matchStart+1;
+   }
+sub fuzzy_pattern {
+   my ($original_pattern, $mismatches_allowed) = @_;
+   $mismatches_allowed >= 0
+      or die "Number of mismatches must be greater than or equal to zero\n";
+   my $new_pattern = make_approximate($original_pattern, $mismatches_allowed);
+   return qr/$new_pattern/;
+sub make_approximate {
+   my ($pattern, $mismatches_allowed) = @_;
+   if ($mismatches_allowed == 0) { return $pattern }
+   elsif (length($pattern) <= $mismatches_allowed)
+      { $pattern =~ tr/ACTG/./; return $pattern }
+   else {
+      my ($first, $rest) = $pattern =~ /^(.)(.*)/;
+      my $after_match = make_approximate($rest, $mismatches_allowed);
+      if ($first =~ /[ACGT]/) {
+         my $after_miss = make_approximate($rest, $mismatches_allowed-1);
+         return "(?:$first$after_match|.$after_miss)";
+      }
+      else { return "$first$after_match" }
+   }
diff --git a/QC/454QC_PE.pl b/QC/454QC_PE.pl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3e55c4a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/QC/454QC_PE.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,1996 @@
+#! /usr/bin/perl
+use File::Basename;
+#	my ($tmp, $path) = fileparse($0);
+#	push ( @INC,"$path/lib");
+#	#use lib "$path";
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use List::Util qw(sum min max);
+use Getopt::Long;
+use Cwd qw(abs_path);
+use IO::Zlib;
+use FindBin qw($RealBin);
+use lib "$RealBin/lib";
+require "454PEhtml.pl";
+eval {
+	require Parallel::ForkManager;
+	require String::Approx;
+	require GD::Graph::linespoints;
+	require GD::Graph::bars;
+	require GD::Graph::pie;
+	require GD::Text::Wrap;
+my $isGDMod = 1;
+if($@) {
+	my $errorText = join("", $@);
+	if($errorText =~ /Parallel/) {
+		print "Error:\n\tCan not find 'lib' folder with this perl program\n"; #module 'Parallel::ForkManager'\n";
+		print "\tCopy the 'lib' folder, provided with the toolkit, to the directory where this perl program is and try again\n\n";
+		exit;
+	}
+	elsif($errorText =~ /GD\/Graph\/linespoints/) {
+		print STDERR "Warning:\n\tCan not find module 'GD::Graph'\n";
+		print STDERR "\tGraphs for statistics will not be produced. \n\t\t\tOR \n\tInstall GD::Graph module and try again.\n\n";
+		$isGDMod = 0;
+	}
+	elsif($errorText =~ /String\/Approx/) {
+		print STDERR "Error:\n\tCan not find module 'String::Approx'\n";
+		print STDERR "\tInstall it and try again\n\n";
+		exit;
+	}
+# Setting parameters
+my $lowestValidLen = 50;
+my @files = ();
+my $noOfInp = 3;
+my $helpAsked;
+my $cutOffReadLen4HQ = 70;
+my $cutOffPhScore = 20;
+my $outFolder = "";
+my $isOnlyStat;
+my $statOutFmt = 1;
+my $noOfProcesses = 1;
+my $homoPolyLen = 0;
+my $priAdaLib;
+my $isLenFilterOn = 1;
+my @priAdaLibNames = ("Rapid Library (Standard)", "Paired End Library", "Amplicon PE Library", "Small RNA Library");
+my $priAdaFile;
+my @usrDefinedPriAda = ();
+my $outputDataFmt = "t";		# t/T: Text; g/G: Gzip.
+my $linker;
+my $linkerR;
+			"i=s{$noOfInp}" => \@files,
+			"h|help" => \$helpAsked,
+			"l|cutOffReadLen4HQ=f" => \$cutOffReadLen4HQ,
+			"n|homoPolyLen=i" => \$homoPolyLen,
+			"o|outputFolder=s" => \$outFolder,
+			"z|outputDataCompression=s" => \$outputDataFmt,
+			"t|statOutFmt=i" => \$statOutFmt,
+			"onlyStat" => \$isOnlyStat,
+			"p|processes=i" => \$noOfProcesses,
+			"s|cutOffQualScore=i" => \$cutOffPhScore,
+			"m|minLen=i" => \$lowestValidLen,
+			"f|lenFilter=s" => \$isLenFilterOn,
+			"linker=s" => \$linkerF,
+		  );
+if(defined($helpAsked)) {
+	prtUsage();
+	exit;
+if(@files == 0) {
+	prtError("No input files are provided");
+my @tempFiles = ();
+prtError("Missing inputs for option -i") if((scalar @files)%$noOfInp != 0);
+for(my $i=0; $i<@files; $i+=$noOfInp) {
+	my $str = "$files[$i] $files[$i+1] $files[$i+2]";
+	if($files[$i+2] =~ /^-/) {
+		prtError("Missing inputs for option -i: at '-i $str'")
+	}
+	if($files[$i+2] =~ /^\d$/) {
+		if($files[$i+2] < 1 || $files[$i+2] > 4) {
+			prtError("Incorrect option for Primer/Adaptor library: at '-i $str'");
+		}
+	}
+	push(@tempFiles, $str);
+ at files = ();
+ at files = @tempFiles;
+if($cutOffReadLen4HQ < 0 || $cutOffReadLen4HQ > 100) {
+	prtError("Incorrect value for -l|cutOffReadLen4HQ option: at '-l $cutOffReadLen4HQ'");
+if($cutOffPhScore < 0 || $cutOffPhScore > 40) {
+	prtError("Incorrect value for -s|cutOffPhScore option: at '-s $cutOffPhScore'");
+if($statOutFmt < 1 || $statOutFmt > 2) {
+	prtError("Incorrect value for -statOutFmt: at '-statOutFmt $statOutFmt'");
+if($isLenFilterOn =~ /^N/i) {
+	$isLenFilterOn = 0;
+else {
+	$isLenFilterOn = 1;
+if($outputDataFmt !~ /^[tg]$/i) {
+	prtError("Incorrect value for -f|outputDataFmt option: at '-f $outputDataFmt'");
+my $tmpLinker = $linkerF;
+$tmpLinker =~ tr/ATGCatgc/TACGtacg/;
+$tmpLinker = reverse $tmpLinker;
+if($linkerF ne $tmpLinker) {
+	$linkerR = $tmpLinker;
+my $pm = new Parallel::ForkManager($noOfProcesses);
+my $trimCount = 0;
+my @trimCountPE = (0, 0, 0);
+my $seqCount = 0;
+my $seqCountPE = 0;
+my $ttlSeqCount = 0;
+my $lt100 = 0;
+my @lt100PE = (0, 0, 0);
+my $hQCount = 0;
+my @hQCountPE = (0, 0, 0);
+my $lQCount = 0;
+my @lQCountPE = (0, 0, 0);
+my $maxRawLen = 0;
+my $minRawLen = 1000000000000;
+my @maxRawLenPE = (0, 0);
+my @minRawLenPE = (1000000000000, 1000000000000);
+my $avgRawLen = 0;
+my $maxHQLen = 0;
+my $minHQLen = 1000000000000;
+my $avgHQLen = 0;
+my @rawLen = ();
+my @rawLenPE = ();
+my @hQLen = ();
+my $totalBases = 0;
+my $totalHQBases = 0;
+my @totalBasesPE = (0, 0, 0);
+my @totalHQBasesPE = (0, 0, 0);
+my $totalBasesUPOri = 0;
+my $totalBasesAfterHQ = 0;
+my @totalBasesAfterHQPE = (0, 0, 0);
+my $totalHQBasesAfterHQ = 0;
+my @totalHQBasesAfterHQPE = (0, 0, 0);
+my $totalBasesFinal = 0;
+my $totalHQBasesFinal = 0;
+my $totalReadsFinal = 0;
+my @totalReadsFinalPE = (0, 0, 0);
+my @totalReadsFinalUP = (0, 0);
+my $avgQual = 0;
+my @avgQualPE = (0, 0);
+my $avgQualFinal = 0;
+my $totalValidReadsWithPriAda = 0;
+my @totalValidReadsWithPriAdaPE = (0, 0, 0);
+my $totalValidReadsNoPriAda = 0;
+my $substrlen = 20;						# For removePriAda
+my $mismLim = 1;						# For removePriAda
+my $fastaSeqId = "";
+my $fastaSeq = "";
+my $qualSeqId = "";
+my $qualSeq = "";
+my $prevFastaSeqId = "";
+my $indOfAnalysis = 0;
+my @lenDistrib = ();
+my $lenInterval = 40;
+my @qualDistrib = ();
+my $qualInterval = 1;
+my @gcDistrib = ();
+my $gcInterval = 5;
+my @charCount = ();
+my @charCountPE = ();
+my $font_spec = getFilePath($0) . "lib/Fonts/Dustismo_Sans.ttf";
+my $f = getFilePath($0) . "lib/Fonts/LucidaSansDemiBold.ttf";
+foreach my $inpData (@files) {
+	$indOfAnalysis++;
+my $pid = $pm->start and next;
+	$inpData =~ s/\\([A-Za-z_\.])/\/$1/g;		# To remove '\' from the path of windows file
+	my @iData = split(" ", $inpData);
+	my $seqFile = $iData[0];
+	my $qualFile = $iData[1];
+	$priAdaLib = $iData[2];
+	print "Analysis has been started for \"$seqFile\": Index: $indOfAnalysis\n";
+	if($priAdaLib =~ /^n$/i) {
+		undef $priAdaLib;
+	}
+	elsif($priAdaLib =~ /^\d$/) {
+		$priAdaLib = $priAdaLib - 1;
+	}
+	else {
+		$priAdaFile = $priAdaLib;
+		$priAdaLib = "u";
+		open(PRIADA, "<$priAdaFile") or die "Can not open the user-defined primer/adapter file: $priAdaFile\n";
+		@usrDefinedPriAda = <PRIADA>;
+		for(my $i=0; $i<$#usrDefinedPriAda; $i++) {
+			$usrDefinedPriAda[$i] =~ s/\s+//g;
+		}
+	}
+	my ($seqFileName, $filePath) = fileparse($seqFile);
+	my ($qualFileName) = fileparse($qualFile);
+	$outFolder = $filePath . "454QC_Filtered_files" if($outFolder eq "");
+	$outFolder .= "/" if($outFolder !~ /\/$/);
+	if(! -e $outFolder) {
+			mkdir($outFolder) or die "Can not create output folder: $outFolder\n";
+	}
+	my $outSeqFile = $outFolder . $seqFileName . "_filtered";
+	my $outQualFile = $outFolder . $qualFileName . "_filtered";
+	$outSeqFile .= ".gz" if($outputDataFmt =~ /g/i);
+	$outQualFile .= ".gz" if($outputDataFmt =~ /g/i);
+	my $statFile = $outFolder . $seqFileName . "_stat";
+	my $iH;
+	openFileGetHandle($seqFile, "r", \$iH);
+	*I = $iH;
+	my $qH;
+	openFileGetHandle($qualFile, "r", \$qH);
+	*Q = $qH;
+	if(!defined($isOnlyStat)) {
+		my $oiH;
+		openFileGetHandle($outSeqFile, "w", \$oiH);
+		*OI = $oiH;
+		my $oqH;
+		openFileGetHandle($outQualFile, "w", \$oqH);
+		*OQ = $oqH;
+	}
+	open(STAT, ">$statFile") or die "Can not open file: $statFile\n";
+	while(my $line = <I>) {
+		$ttlSeqCount++ if($line =~ /^>/);
+	}
+	close(I);
+	print "$indOfAnalysis: Number of reads processed: " . "0/$ttlSeqCount (0\%)...\n";
+	undef($iH);
+	openFileGetHandle($seqFile, "r", \$iH);
+	*I = $iH;
+	while(my $line = <I>) {
+		chomp $line;
+		my $qualLine = <Q>;
+		chomp($qualLine);
+		if($line =~ /^>/) {
+			$prevFastaSeqId = $fastaSeqId;
+			$fastaSeqId = $line;
+			$qualSeqId = $qualLine;
+			if($fastaSeqId ne $qualSeqId) {
+				print STDERR "Error: Read Id doesn't match in sequence and quality file for read number $seqCount in sequence file.\n";
+				exit(-1);
+			}
+			if($fastaSeq ne "") {
+				processSeq();
+			}
+			$fastaSeq = "";
+			$qualSeq = "";
+		}
+		else {
+			$fastaSeq .= $line;
+			$qualSeq .= $qualLine . " ";
+		}
+	}
+	if($fastaSeq ne "") {
+		$prevFastaSeqId = $fastaSeqId;
+		processSeq();
+	}
+	print "$indOfAnalysis: Number of reads processed: " . "$ttlSeqCount/$ttlSeqCount (100\%)...\n";
+	print "$indOfAnalysis: Analysis completed\n";
+	print "$indOfAnalysis: Printing Statistics...\n";
+	if($statOutFmt == 1) {
+		my $inde = " " x 1;
+		my ($tmpPer, $tmpPer2, $tmpPer3);
+		printf STAT "Parameters\n";
+		printf STAT "$inde %-40s %s  %s\n", "Input files ", $seqFile, $qualFile;
+		printf STAT "$inde %-40s %s\n", "Primer/Adaptor library", defined($priAdaLib)?(($priAdaLib ne "u")?$priAdaLibNames[$priAdaLib]:"User defined ($priAdaFile)"):"NA";
+		printf STAT "$inde %-40s %s\n", "Linker sequence", (($linkerR)?"(+)5'$linkerF 3'/ (-)5'$linkerR 3'":"(+)5'$linkerF 3' / (-)5'$linkerF 3'");
+		printf STAT "$inde %-40s %s\n", "Homopolymer trimming", "Off" if($homoPolyLen == 0);
+		printf STAT "$inde %-40s %s\n", "Homopolymer trimming", "On" if($homoPolyLen != 0);
+		printf STAT "$inde %-40s %s\n", "Length of the homopolymer to be removed", $homoPolyLen if($homoPolyLen != 0);
+		printf STAT "$inde %-40s %s\n", "Length filter", ($isLenFilterOn)?"On":"Off";
+		printf STAT "$inde %-40s %s\n", "Cut-off for minimum read length", $lowestValidLen if($isLenFilterOn);
+		printf STAT "$inde %-40s %s\n", "Cut-off read length for HQ", $cutOffReadLen4HQ."%";
+		printf STAT "$inde %-40s %s\n", "Cut-off quality score", $cutOffPhScore;
+		printf STAT "$inde %-40s %s\n", "Only statistics", defined($isOnlyStat)?"On":"Off";
+		printf STAT "$inde %-40s %s\n", "Number of processes", $noOfProcesses;
+		print STAT "\n\n";
+		print STAT "QC statistics\n";
+		printf STAT "$inde %-70s %s\n", "File name", $seqFileName;
+		printf STAT "$inde %-70s %d\n", "Total number of reads", $seqCount+$seqCountPE;
+		print STAT "\n";
+		printf STAT "$inde %-70s %-13s %s\n", "QC analysis of Paired reads:", "Paired", "(Read1 / Read2)";
+		printf STAT "$inde %-70s %-13d (%d / %d)\n", "Total number of Paired reads", $seqCountPE, $seqCountPE, $seqCountPE;
+		printf STAT "$inde %-70s %-13d (%d / %d)\n", "Total number of trimmed reads containing homopolymer", $trimCountPE[2], $trimCountPE[0], $trimCountPE[1];
+		printf STAT "$inde %-70s %-13d (%d / %d)\n", "Total number of trashed reads (<$lowestValidLen bp in length after trimming)", $lt100PE[2], $lt100PE[0], $lt100PE[1];
+		printf STAT "$inde %-70s %-13d (%d / %d)\n", "Total number of low quality reads (excluding <$lowestValidLen reads)", $lQCountPE[2], $lQCountPE[0], $lQCountPE[1];
+		printf STAT "$inde %-70s %-13d (%d / %d)\n", "Total number of HQ reads", $hQCountPE[2], $hQCountPE[0], $hQCountPE[1];
+		$tmpPer = ($seqCountPE)?(sprintf "%0.2f", $hQCountPE[2]/$seqCountPE*100):"0";
+		$tmpPer2 = ($seqCountPE)?(sprintf "%0.2f", $hQCountPE[0]/$seqCountPE*100):"0";
+		$tmpPer3 = ($seqCountPE)?(sprintf "%0.2f", $hQCountPE[1]/$seqCountPE*100):"0";
+		printf STAT "$inde %-70s %-13s (%s / %s)\n", "Percentage of HQ reads", $tmpPer."%", $tmpPer2."%", $tmpPer3."%";
+		printf STAT "$inde %-70s %-13.f (%.f / %.f)\n", "Total number of bases", $totalBasesPE[2], $totalBasesPE[0], $totalBasesPE[1];
+		printf STAT "$inde %-70s %-13.f (%.f / %.f)\n", "Total number of bases in HQ reads", $totalBasesAfterHQPE[2], $totalBasesAfterHQPE[0], $totalBasesAfterHQPE[1];
+		printf STAT "$inde %-70s %-13.f (%.f / %.f)\n", "Total number of HQ bases in HQ reads", $totalHQBasesAfterHQPE[2], $totalHQBasesAfterHQPE[0], $totalHQBasesAfterHQPE[1];
+		$tmpPer = ($totalBasesAfterHQPE[2])?(sprintf "%0.2f", $totalHQBasesAfterHQPE[2]/$totalBasesAfterHQPE[2]*100):"0";
+		$tmpPer2 = ($totalBasesAfterHQPE[2])?(sprintf "%0.2f", $totalHQBasesAfterHQPE[0]/$totalBasesAfterHQPE[0]*100):"0";
+		$tmpPer3 = ($totalBasesAfterHQPE[2])?(sprintf "%0.2f", $totalHQBasesAfterHQPE[1]/$totalBasesAfterHQPE[1]*100):"0";
+		printf STAT "$inde %-70s %-13s (%s / %s)\n", "Percentage of HQ bases in HQ reads", $tmpPer."%", $tmpPer2."%", $tmpPer3."%";
+		if(defined($priAdaLib)) {
+			printf STAT "$inde %-70s %-13d (%d / %d)\n", "Number of Primer/Adaptor trimmed reads", $totalValidReadsWithPriAdaPE[2], $totalValidReadsWithPriAdaPE[0], $totalValidReadsWithPriAdaPE[1];
+		}
+		else {
+			printf STAT "$inde %-70s %-13s (%s / %s)\n", "Number of Primer/Adaptor trimmed reads", "NA", "NA", "NA";
+		}
+		printf STAT "$inde %-70s %-13d (%d / %d)\n", "Total number of HQ filtered reads", $totalReadsFinalPE[2], $totalReadsFinalPE[0], $totalReadsFinalPE[1];
+		$tmpPer = ($seqCountPE)?(sprintf "%0.2f", $totalReadsFinalPE[2]/$seqCountPE*100):"0";
+		$tmpPer2 = ($seqCountPE)?(sprintf "%0.2f", $totalReadsFinalPE[0]/$seqCountPE*100):"0";
+		$tmpPer3 = ($seqCountPE)?(sprintf "%0.2f", $totalReadsFinalPE[1]/$seqCountPE*100):"0";
+		printf STAT "$inde %-70s %-13s (%s / %s)\n", "Percentage of HQ filtered reads", $tmpPer."%", $tmpPer2."%", $tmpPer3."%";
+		printf STAT "$inde %-70s %d\n", "Total number of HQ filtered reads (Unpaired)", $totalReadsFinalUP[0];
+		$tmpPer = ($seqCountPE)?(sprintf "%0.2f", $totalReadsFinalUP[0]/$seqCountPE*100):"0";
+		printf STAT "$inde %-70s %s\n", "Percentage of HQ filtered reads (Unpaired)", $tmpPer."%";
+		print STAT "\n";
+		printf STAT "$inde %-70s %-13s\n", "QC analysis of Unpaired (UPOri*) reads:", "Total";
+		printf STAT "$inde %-70s %-13d\n", "Total number of Unpaired reads", $seqCount;
+		printf STAT "$inde %-70s %-13d\n", "Total number of trimmed reads containing homopolymer", $trimCount;
+		printf STAT "$inde %-70s %-13d\n", "Total number of trashed reads (<$lowestValidLen bp in length after trimming)", $lt100;
+		printf STAT "$inde %-70s %-13d\n", "Total number of low quality reads (excluding <$lowestValidLen reads)", $lQCount;
+		printf STAT "$inde %-70s %-13d\n", "Total number of HQ reads", $hQCount;
+		$tmpPer = sprintf "%0.2f", $hQCount/$seqCount*100;
+		printf STAT "$inde %-70s %-13s\n", "Percentage of HQ reads", $tmpPer."%";
+		printf STAT "$inde %-70s %-13.f\n", "Total number of bases", $totalBasesUPOri;
+		printf STAT "$inde %-70s %-13.f\n", "Total number of bases in HQ reads", $totalBasesAfterHQ;
+		printf STAT "$inde %-70s %-13.f\n", "Total number of HQ bases in HQ reads", $totalHQBasesAfterHQ;
+		$tmpPer = sprintf "%0.2f", $totalHQBasesAfterHQ/$totalBasesAfterHQ*100;
+		printf STAT "$inde %-70s %-13s\n", "Percentage of HQ bases in HQ reads", $tmpPer."%";
+		if(defined($priAdaLib)) {
+			printf STAT "$inde %-70s %-13d\n", "Number of Primer/Adaptor trimmed reads", $totalValidReadsWithPriAda;
+		}
+		else {
+			printf STAT "$inde %-70s %-13s\n", "Number of Primer/Adaptor trimmed reads", "NA";
+		}
+		printf STAT "$inde %-70s %-13d\n", "Total number of HQ filtered reads (Unpaired)", $totalReadsFinal;
+		$tmpPer = sprintf "%0.2f", $totalReadsFinal/$seqCount*100;
+		printf STAT "$inde %-70s %-13s\n", "Percentage of HQ filtered reads (Unpaired)", $tmpPer."%";
+		print STAT ("-"x100)."\n";
+		$tmpPer = sprintf "%0.2f", $totalReadsFinalPE[2]/($seqCount+$seqCountPE)*100;
+		$tmpPer2 = sprintf "%0.2f", $totalReadsFinalUP[0]/($seqCount+$seqCountPE)*100;
+		$tmpPer3 = sprintf "%0.2f", $totalReadsFinal/($seqCount+$seqCountPE)*100;
+		printf STAT "$inde %-70s %-13d (%s)\n", "Number of HQ filtered reads (Paired)", $totalReadsFinalPE[2], $tmpPer."%";
+		printf STAT "$inde %-70s %-13d (%s)\n", "Number of HQ filtered reads (UPPair*)", $totalReadsFinalUP[0], $tmpPer2."%";
+		printf STAT "$inde %-70s %-13d (%s)\n", "Number of HQ filtered reads (UPOri*)", $totalReadsFinal, $tmpPer3."%";
+		print STAT ("-"x100)."\n";
+		$tmpPer = sprintf "%0.2f", ($totalReadsFinalPE[2]+$totalReadsFinalUP[0]+$totalReadsFinal)/($seqCount+$seqCountPE)*100;
+		printf STAT "$inde %-70s %-13d (%s)\n", "Total number of HQ filtered reads", ($totalReadsFinalPE[2]+$totalReadsFinalUP[0]+$totalReadsFinal), $tmpPer."%";
+		print STAT "\n";
+		print STAT "* UPOri: Unpaired reads (i.e. reads without linker sequence) found in the input file\n";
+		print STAT "  UPPair: One of the paired reads which passed QC\n";
+		print STAT "\n\n";
+######### Adding the statistics of PE, UPPair and UPOri reads
+		$seqCount = $seqCount + $seqCountPE;
+		$totalReadsFinal = $totalReadsFinalPE[2]+$totalReadsFinalUP[0]+$totalReadsFinal;
+######### Done adding
+		print STAT "Detailed QC statistics\n";
+		my @arr = (
+			["File name", $seqFileName, (fileparse($outSeqFile))[0]],
+			["Total number of reads", $seqCount, $totalReadsFinal],
+			["Minimum read length", $minRawLen, $minHQLen],
+			["Maximum read length", $maxRawLen, $maxHQLen],
+			["Average read length", (sprintf "%0.2f", $totalBases/$seqCount), (sprintf "%0.2f", $totalBasesFinal/$totalReadsFinal)],
+			["Median read length", calcMedian(@rawLen), calcMedian(@hQLen)],
+			["N25 length", calcN50(\@rawLen, 25), calcN50(\@hQLen, 25)],
+			["N50 length", calcN50(\@rawLen, 50), calcN50(\@hQLen, 50)],
+			["N75 length", calcN50(\@rawLen, 75), calcN50(\@hQLen, 75)],
+			["N90 length", calcN50(\@rawLen, 90), calcN50(\@hQLen, 90)],
+			["N95 length", calcN50(\@rawLen, 95), calcN50(\@hQLen, 95)],
+			["Total number of bases", $totalBases, $totalBasesFinal],
+			["Total number of HQ bases", $totalHQBases, $totalHQBasesFinal],
+			["Percentage of HQ bases", (sprintf "%0.2f", $totalHQBases/$totalBases*100)."%", (sprintf "%0.2f", $totalHQBasesFinal/$totalBasesFinal*100)."%"],
+			["Average quality score (Overall)", (sprintf "%0.2f", $avgQual/$seqCount), (sprintf "%0.2f", $avgQualFinal/$totalReadsFinal)],
+		);
+		for(my $i=0; $i<@arr; $i++) {
+			if(!defined($isOnlyStat)) {
+				printf STAT "$inde %-50s  %-20s  %s\n", $arr[$i][0], $arr[$i][1], $arr[$i][2];
+			}
+			else {
+				printf STAT "$inde %-50s  %s\n", $arr[$i][0], $arr[$i][1];				
+			}
+		}
+		print STAT "\n\n";
+######### Subtracting the values back
+		$seqCount = $seqCount - $seqCountPE;
+		$totalReadsFinal = $totalReadsFinal-$totalReadsFinalPE[2]-$totalReadsFinalUP[0];
+######### Done
+	}
+	elsif($statOutFmt == 2) {
+		my ($tmpPer, $tmpPer2, $tmpPer3);
+		printf STAT "Parameters\n";
+		printf STAT "\t%s\t%s\t%s\n", "Input files ", $seqFile, $qualFile;
+		printf STAT "\t%s\t%s\n", "Primer/Adaptor library", defined($priAdaLib)?(($priAdaLib ne "u")?$priAdaLibNames[$priAdaLib]:"User defined ($priAdaFile)"):"NA";
+		printf STAT "\t%s\t%s\n", "Linker sequence", (($linkerR)?"(+)5'$linkerF 3'/ (-)5'$linkerR 3'":"(+)5'$linkerF 3' / (-)5'$linkerF 3'");
+		printf STAT "\t%s\t%s\n", "Homopolymer trimming", "Off" if($homoPolyLen == 0);
+		printf STAT "\t%s\t%s\n", "Homopolymer trimming", "On" if($homoPolyLen != 0);
+		printf STAT "\t%s\t%s\n", "Length of the homopolymer to be removed", $homoPolyLen if($homoPolyLen != 0);
+		printf STAT "\t%s\t%s\n", "Length filter", ($isLenFilterOn)?"On":"Off";
+		printf STAT "\t%s\t%s\n", "Cut-off for minimum read length", $lowestValidLen if($isLenFilterOn);
+		printf STAT "\t%s\t%s\n", "Cut-off read length for HQ", $cutOffReadLen4HQ."%";
+		printf STAT "\t%s\t%s\n", "Cut-off quality score", $cutOffPhScore;
+		printf STAT "\t%s\t%s\n", "Only statistics", defined($isOnlyStat)?"On":"Off";
+		printf STAT "\t%s\t%s\n", "Number of processes", $noOfProcesses;
+		print STAT "\n\n";
+		print STAT "QC statistics\n";
+		printf STAT "\t%s\t%s\n", "File name", $seqFileName;
+		printf STAT "\t%s\t%d\n", "Total number of reads", $seqCount+$seqCountPE;
+		print STAT "\n";
+		printf STAT "\t%s\t%s\t%s\n", "QC analysis of Paired reads:", "Paired", "(Read1 / Read2)";
+		printf STAT "\t%s\t%d\t(%d / %d)\n", "Total number of Paired reads", $seqCountPE, $seqCountPE, $seqCountPE;
+		printf STAT "\t%s\t%d\t(%d / %d)\n", "Total number of trimmed reads containing homopolymer", $trimCountPE[2], $trimCountPE[0], $trimCountPE[1];
+		printf STAT "\t%s\t%d\t(%d / %d)\n", "Total number of trashed reads (<$lowestValidLen bp in length after trimming)", $lt100PE[2], $lt100PE[0], $lt100PE[1];
+		printf STAT "\t%s\t%d\t(%d / %d)\n", "Total number of low quality reads (excluding <$lowestValidLen reads)", $lQCountPE[2], $lQCountPE[0], $lQCountPE[1];
+		printf STAT "\t%s\t%d\t(%d / %d)\n", "Total number of HQ reads", $hQCountPE[2], $hQCountPE[0], $hQCountPE[1];
+		$tmpPer = ($seqCountPE)?(sprintf "%0.2f", $hQCountPE[2]/$seqCountPE*100):"0";
+		$tmpPer2 = ($seqCountPE)?(sprintf "%0.2f", $hQCountPE[0]/$seqCountPE*100):"0";
+		$tmpPer3 = ($seqCountPE)?(sprintf "%0.2f", $hQCountPE[1]/$seqCountPE*100):"0";
+		printf STAT "\t%s\t%s\t(%s / %s)\n", "Percentage of HQ reads", $tmpPer."%", $tmpPer2."%", $tmpPer3."%";
+		printf STAT "\t%s\t%.f\t(%.f / %.f)\n", "Total number of bases", $totalBasesPE[2], $totalBasesPE[0], $totalBasesPE[1];
+		printf STAT "\t%s\t%.f\t(%.f / %.f)\n", "Total number of bases in HQ reads", $totalBasesAfterHQPE[2], $totalBasesAfterHQPE[0], $totalBasesAfterHQPE[1];
+		printf STAT "\t%s\t%.f\t(%.f / %.f)\n", "Total number of HQ bases in HQ reads", $totalHQBasesAfterHQPE[2], $totalHQBasesAfterHQPE[0], $totalHQBasesAfterHQPE[1];
+		$tmpPer = ($totalBasesAfterHQPE[2])?(sprintf "%0.2f", $totalHQBasesAfterHQPE[2]/$totalBasesAfterHQPE[2]*100):"0";
+		$tmpPer2 = ($totalBasesAfterHQPE[2])?(sprintf "%0.2f", $totalHQBasesAfterHQPE[0]/$totalBasesAfterHQPE[0]*100):"0";
+		$tmpPer3 = ($totalBasesAfterHQPE[2])?(sprintf "%0.2f", $totalHQBasesAfterHQPE[1]/$totalBasesAfterHQPE[1]*100):"0";
+		printf STAT "\t%s\t%s\t(%s / %s)\n", "Percentage of HQ bases in HQ reads", $tmpPer."%", $tmpPer2."%", $tmpPer3."%";
+		if(defined($priAdaLib)) {
+			printf STAT "\t%s\t%d\t(%d / %d)\n", "Number of Primer/Adaptor trimmed reads", $totalValidReadsWithPriAdaPE[2], $totalValidReadsWithPriAdaPE[0], $totalValidReadsWithPriAdaPE[1];
+		}
+		else {
+			printf STAT "\t%s\t%s\t(%s / %s)\n", "Number of Primer/Adaptor trimmed reads", "NA", "NA", "NA";
+		}
+		printf STAT "\t%s\t%d\t(%d / %d)\n", "Total number of HQ filtered reads", $totalReadsFinalPE[2], $totalReadsFinalPE[0], $totalReadsFinalPE[1];
+		$tmpPer = ($seqCountPE)?(sprintf "%0.2f", $totalReadsFinalPE[2]/$seqCountPE*100):"0";
+		$tmpPer2 = ($seqCountPE)?(sprintf "%0.2f", $totalReadsFinalPE[0]/$seqCountPE*100):"0";
+		$tmpPer3 = ($seqCountPE)?(sprintf "%0.2f", $totalReadsFinalPE[1]/$seqCountPE*100):"0";
+		printf STAT "\t%s\t%s\t(%s / %s)\n", "Percentage of HQ filtered reads", $tmpPer."%", $tmpPer2."%", $tmpPer3."%";
+		printf STAT "\t%s\t%d\n", "Total number of HQ filtered reads (Unpaired)", $totalReadsFinalUP[0];
+		$tmpPer = ($seqCountPE)?(sprintf "%0.2f", $totalReadsFinalUP[0]/$seqCountPE*100):"0";
+		printf STAT "\t%s\t%s\n", "Percentage of HQ filtered reads (Unpaired)", $tmpPer."%";
+		print STAT "\n";
+		printf STAT "\t%s\t%s\n", "QC analysis of Unpaired (UPOri*) reads:", "Total";
+		printf STAT "\t%s\t%d\n", "Total number of Unpaired reads", $seqCount;
+		printf STAT "\t%s\t%d\n", "Total number of trimmed reads containing homopolymer", $trimCount;
+		printf STAT "\t%s\t%d\n", "Total number of trashed reads (<$lowestValidLen bp in length after trimming)", $lt100;
+		printf STAT "\t%s\t%d\n", "Total number of low quality reads (excluding <$lowestValidLen reads)", $lQCount;
+		printf STAT "\t%s\t%d\n", "Total number of HQ reads", $hQCount;
+		$tmpPer = sprintf "%0.2f", $hQCount/$seqCount*100;
+		printf STAT "\t%s\t%s\n", "Percentage of HQ reads", $tmpPer."%";
+		printf STAT "\t%s\t%.f\n", "Total number of bases", $totalBasesUPOri;
+		printf STAT "\t%s\t%.f\n", "Total number of bases in HQ reads", $totalBasesAfterHQ;
+		printf STAT "\t%s\t%.f\n", "Total number of HQ bases in HQ reads", $totalHQBasesAfterHQ;
+		$tmpPer = sprintf "%0.2f", $totalHQBasesAfterHQ/$totalBasesAfterHQ*100;
+		printf STAT "\t%s\t%s\n", "Percentage of HQ bases in HQ reads", $tmpPer."%";
+		if(defined($priAdaLib)) {
+			printf STAT "\t%s\t%d\n", "Number of Primer/Adaptor trimmed reads", $totalValidReadsWithPriAda;
+		}
+		else {
+			printf STAT "\t%s\t%s\n", "Number of Primer/Adaptor trimmed reads", "NA";
+		}
+		printf STAT "\t%s\t%d\n", "Total number of HQ filtered reads (Unpaired)", $totalReadsFinal;
+		$tmpPer = sprintf "%0.2f", $totalReadsFinal/$seqCount*100;
+		printf STAT "\t%s\t%s\n", "Percentage of HQ filtered reads (Unpaired)", $tmpPer."%";
+		print STAT ("-"x100)."\n";
+		$tmpPer = sprintf "%0.2f", $totalReadsFinalPE[2]/($seqCount+$seqCountPE)*100;
+		$tmpPer2 = sprintf "%0.2f", $totalReadsFinalUP[0]/($seqCount+$seqCountPE)*100;
+		$tmpPer3 = sprintf "%0.2f", $totalReadsFinal/($seqCount+$seqCountPE)*100;
+		printf STAT "\t%s\t%d\t(%s)\n", "Number of HQ filtered reads (Paired)", $totalReadsFinalPE[2], $tmpPer."%";
+		printf STAT "\t%s\t%d\t(%s)\n", "Number of HQ filtered reads (UPPair*)", $totalReadsFinalUP[0], $tmpPer2."%";
+		printf STAT "\t%s\t%d\t(%s)\n", "Number of HQ filtered reads (UPOri*)", $totalReadsFinal, $tmpPer3."%";
+		print STAT ("-"x100)."\n";
+		$tmpPer = sprintf "%0.2f", ($totalReadsFinalPE[2]+$totalReadsFinalUP[0]+$totalReadsFinal)/($seqCount+$seqCountPE)*100;
+		printf STAT "\t%s\t%d\t(%s)\n", "Total number of HQ filtered reads", ($totalReadsFinalPE[2]+$totalReadsFinalUP[0]+$totalReadsFinal), $tmpPer."%";
+		print STAT "\n";
+		print STAT "* UPOri: Unpaired reads (i.e. reads without linker sequence) found in the input file\n";
+		print STAT "  UPPair: One of the paired reads which passed QC\n";
+		print STAT "\n\n";
+######### Adding the statistics of PE, UPPair and UPOri reads
+		$seqCount = $seqCount + $seqCountPE;
+		$totalReadsFinal = $totalReadsFinalPE[2]+$totalReadsFinalUP[0]+$totalReadsFinal;
+######### Done adding
+		print STAT "Detailed QC statistics\n";
+		my @arr = (
+			["File name", $seqFileName, (fileparse($outSeqFile))[0]],
+			["Total number of reads", $seqCount, $totalReadsFinal],
+			["Minimum read length", $minRawLen, $minHQLen],
+			["Maximum read length", $maxRawLen, $maxHQLen],
+			["Average read length", (sprintf "%0.2f", $totalBases/$seqCount), (sprintf "%0.2f", $totalBasesFinal/$totalReadsFinal)],
+			["Median read length", calcMedian(@rawLen), calcMedian(@hQLen)],
+			["N25 length", calcN50(\@rawLen, 25), calcN50(\@hQLen, 25)],
+			["N50 length", calcN50(\@rawLen, 50), calcN50(\@hQLen, 50)],
+			["N75 length", calcN50(\@rawLen, 75), calcN50(\@hQLen, 75)],
+			["N90 length", calcN50(\@rawLen, 90), calcN50(\@hQLen, 90)],
+			["N95 length", calcN50(\@rawLen, 95), calcN50(\@hQLen, 95)],
+			["Total number of bases", $totalBases, $totalBasesFinal],
+			["Total number of HQ bases", $totalHQBases, $totalHQBasesFinal],
+			["Percentage of HQ bases", (sprintf "%0.2f", $totalHQBases/$totalBases*100)."%", (sprintf "%0.2f", $totalHQBasesFinal/$totalBasesFinal*100)."%"],
+			["Average quality score (Overall)", (sprintf "%0.2f", $avgQual/$seqCount), (sprintf "%0.2f", $avgQualFinal/$totalReadsFinal)],
+		);
+		for(my $i=0; $i<@arr; $i++) {
+			if(!defined($isOnlyStat)) {
+				printf STAT "\t%s\t%s\t%s\n", $arr[$i][0], $arr[$i][1], $arr[$i][2];
+			}
+			else {
+				printf STAT "\t%s\t%s\n", $arr[$i][0], $arr[$i][1];				
+			}
+		}
+		print STAT "\n\n";		
+######### Subtracting the values back
+		$seqCount = $seqCount - $seqCountPE;
+		$totalReadsFinal = $totalReadsFinal-$totalReadsFinalPE[2]-$totalReadsFinalUP[0];
+######### Done
+	}
+	my $lenDistF1 = getFileName($seqFile)."_lenDistribution.png";
+	my $qualDistF1 = getFileName($seqFile)."_qualDistribution.png";
+	my $sumPieFPE = getFileName($seqFile). "_PE_summary.png";
+	my $sumPieF = getFileName($seqFile). "_UP_summary.png";
+	my $gcDistF1 = getFileName($seqFile)."_gcDistribution.png";
+	my $baseCntF1 = getFileName($seqFile)."_baseCompostion.png";
+	my $c = 0;
+	my @lenLabels = ();
+	foreach my $arrRef (@lenDistrib) {
+		my $str = "";
+		foreach my $val (@{$arrRef}) {
+			if($c == 0) {
+				$str = "0-$lenInterval";
+			}
+			else {
+				$str = $lenInterval*$c . "-" . $lenInterval*($c+1);
+			}
+			$c++;
+			push(@lenLabels, $str);
+		}
+		last;
+	}
+	unshift(@lenDistrib, \@lenLabels);
+	if($isGDMod) {
+		drawLenDist(\@lenDistrib, $outFolder.$lenDistF1, getFileName($seqFile), 550, 350);
+	}
+	$c = 0;
+	my @qualLabels = ();
+	foreach my $arrRef (@qualDistrib) {
+		my $str = "";
+		foreach my $val (@{$arrRef}) {
+			if($c == 0) {
+				$str = "0";
+				$str .= "-$qualInterval" if($qualInterval>1);
+			}
+			else {
+				$str = $qualInterval*$c;
+				$str .=  "-" . $qualInterval*($c) if($qualInterval>1);
+			}
+			push(@qualLabels, $str);
+			$c++;
+		}
+		last;
+	}
+	unshift(@qualDistrib, \@qualLabels);
+	if($isGDMod) {
+		drawQualDist(\@qualDistrib, $outFolder.$qualDistF1, getFileName($seqFile), 650, 350);
+	}
+	my $trashedReads = $lt100PE[2];
+	my $trimmedHP = $trimCountPE[2];
+	my $trimmedPA = $totalValidReadsWithPriAdaPE[2];
+	my $hQreadsExcptHP_PATrimmed = $totalReadsFinalPE[2] - $trimmedHP - $trimmedPA;
+	my $UPPairCount = $totalReadsFinalUP[0];
+	my $lQreadsGT100 = $seqCountPE - $totalReadsFinalPE[2] - $trashedReads - $UPPairCount;
+	my @summaryData = (["", "", "", "", "", ""], [$trashedReads, $trimmedHP, $trimmedPA, $hQreadsExcptHP_PATrimmed, $lQreadsGT100, $UPPairCount]);
+	if($isGDMod) {
+		drawSummaryPiePE(\@summaryData, $outFolder.$sumPieFPE, 520, 350);
+	}
+	$trashedReads = $lt100;
+	$trimmedHP = $trimCount;
+	$trimmedPA = $totalValidReadsWithPriAda;
+	$hQreadsExcptHP_PATrimmed = $totalReadsFinal - $trimmedHP - $trimmedPA;
+	$lQreadsGT100 = $seqCount - $totalReadsFinal - $trashedReads;
+	@summaryData = (["", "", "", "", ""], [$trashedReads, $trimmedHP, $trimmedPA, $hQreadsExcptHP_PATrimmed, $lQreadsGT100]);
+	if($isGDMod) {
+		drawSummaryPie(\@summaryData, $outFolder.$sumPieF, 520, 350);
+	}
+	$c=0;
+	my @gcLabel;
+	foreach my $ref (@gcDistrib) {
+		foreach my $val (@{$ref}) {
+			my $str = "";
+			if($c == 0) {
+				$str = "0-$gcInterval";
+			}
+			else {
+				$str = $gcInterval*$c . "-" . $gcInterval*($c+1);
+			}
+			$c++;
+			push(@gcLabel, $str);
+		}
+		last;
+	}
+	unshift(@gcDistrib, \@gcLabel);
+	if($isGDMod) {
+		drawGCDist(\@gcDistrib, $outFolder.$gcDistF1, getFileName($seqFile), 550, 350);
+	}
+	my @file1 = (["A", "T", "G", "C", "Non-ATGC"], $charCount[0]);
+	@file1 = (["A", "T", "G", "C", "Non-ATGC"], $charCount[0], $charCount[1]) if(!$isOnlyStat);
+	if($isGDMod) {
+		drawBaseComp(\@file1, $outFolder.$baseCntF1, getFileName($seqFile), 500, 300);
+	}
+	close(I);
+	close(Q);
+	close(OI);
+	close(OQ);
+	close(STAT);
+	my $iFol = getFilePath(abs_path($seqFile));
+	my $oFol = abs_path($outFolder) . "/";
+	my $inpFs = getFileName($seqFile);
+	$inpFs .= ":::::" . getFileName($qualFile);
+	my $htF = $oFol . "output_" . getFileName($seqFile);
+	$htF .= ".html";
+	my @fileNames4HTML;
+	@fileNames4HTML = ($outSeqFile, $outQualFile, $lenDistF1, $baseCntF1, $gcDistF1, $qualDistF1, $sumPieFPE, $sumPieF);
+	htmlPrint(getFilePath(abs_path($0)), getFileName($0), $htF, $iFol, $isOnlyStat, $inpFs, $statFile, $oFol, \@fileNames4HTML);
+print "================================================================\n";
+print "Processing has been finished\n";
+print "Output files are generated in $outFolder\n" if($outFolder ne "");
+print "Output files are generated in the folder of input files\n" if($outFolder eq "");
+print "================================================================\n";
+sub openFileGetHandle {
+	my ($file, $rOrw, $ref) = @_;
+	if($file =~ /\.gz$/i) {
+		$$ref = new IO::Zlib;
+		$$ref->open("$file", "rb") or die "Can not open file $file" if($rOrw eq "r");
+		$$ref->open("$file", "wb") or die "Can not create file $file" if($rOrw eq "w");
+	}
+	else {
+		open($$ref, "<$file") or die "Can not open file $file" if($rOrw eq "r");
+		open($$ref, ">$file") or die "Can not create file $file" if($rOrw eq "w");
+	}
+sub splitPEReads {
+	my ($seq, $qual, $id) = @_;
+	my $len = length $seq;
+	$linker = $linkerF;
+	if($linkerR) {
+		$linker = $linkerR if($seq =~ /$linkerR/);
+	}
+	my @seqs = split(/$linker/, $seq);
+	my ($fRead, $rRead, $fQual, $rQual, $lQual);
+	my $readStatus = 0;			# 0: Paired 1: Forward only 2: Reverse only
+	if(@seqs == 1) {
+		$fRead = $seqs[0];
+		$readStatus = 1;
+	}
+	elsif(@seqs == 2) {
+		if(!$seqs[1]) {
+			$fRead = $seqs[0];
+			$readStatus = 1;
+		}
+		elsif(!$seqs[0]) {
+			$fRead = $seqs[1];
+			$readStatus = 2;
+		}
+		else {
+			$fRead = $seqs[0];
+			$rRead = $seqs[1];
+			$readStatus = 0;
+		}
+	}
+	elsif(@seqs == 3) {
+		if(!$seqs[0] && !$seqs[1]) {
+			$fRead = $seqs[2];
+			$readStatus = 2;
+		}
+		else {
+			$fRead = $seqs[0];
+			$rRead = $seqs[2];
+			$readStatus = 0;
+		}
+	}
+	else {
+		print "There is some problem with the linker sequence found in the read: $id\n";
+		return;
+	}
+	if($readStatus == 0) {
+		my $fLen = length $fRead;
+		my $rLen = length $rRead;
+		my $lLen = $len - $fLen - $rLen;
+		my ($t1, $t2);
+		($fQual, $t1, $lQual, $t2, $rQual) = $qual =~ /^((\d{1,2}\s+){$fLen})((\d{1,2}\s+){$lLen})((\d{1,2}\s+){$rLen})$/;
+	}
+	elsif($readStatus == 1) {
+		my $fLen = length $fRead;
+		my $lLen = $len - $fLen;
+		if($lLen == 0) {
+			$fQual = $qual;
+		}
+		else {
+			($fQual, $lQual) = $qual =~ /^((\d{1,2}\s+){$fLen})((\d{1,2}\s+){$lLen})$/;
+		}
+	}
+	elsif($readStatus == 2) {
+		my $fLen = length $fRead;
+		my $lLen = $len - $fLen;
+		($lQual, $fQual) = $qual =~ /^((\d{1,2}\s+){$lLen})((\d{1,2}\s+){$fLen})$/;
+	}
+	$fQual =~ s/\s+$// if($fQual);
+	$rQual =~ s/\s+$// if($rQual);
+	$lQual =~ s/\s+$// if($lQual);
+	my $linkerCount = $seq =~ /$linker/gi;
+	return ($readStatus, $fRead, $fQual, $linkerCount, $lQual, $rRead, $rQual);
+sub doQC {
+	my ($read, $qual) = @_;
+	my $len = length $read;
+	my ($basesAfterHQ);
+	my $qcStatus = 1;   # 0: Failed QC (Read trashed), 1: Passed QC
+	my $lenFltrStatus = 1;	# 1: Passed length filter
+	my $homoStatus = 0;	# 0: absent homopolymer, 1: trimmed homopolymer
+	my $primStatus = 0;	# 0: absent contam, 1: trimmed contam
+	my $hqStatus = -1;	# 0: low quality read, 1: high quality read, -1: default (that means QC could not reach upto HQ filtering due to previous trashing in length filter)
+	my $validBases = 0;
+	if($len < $lowestValidLen && $isLenFilterOn) {
+		$lenFltrStatus = 0;
+		$qcStatus = 0;
+	}
+	else {
+		if($homoPolyLen != 0) {
+			if(hasPolyChar(\$read)) {
+				$homoStatus = 1;
+				$len = length $read;
+				if($len >= $lowestValidLen || !$isLenFilterOn) {
+					$qual = trimQualSeq($qual, $len, -1);
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		if($len < $lowestValidLen && $isLenFilterOn) {
+			$lenFltrStatus = 0;
+			$qcStatus = 0;
+		}
+		else {
+			$validBases = isReadOfHQ($qual);
+			if($validBases) {
+				$hqStatus = 1;
+				$basesAfterHQ = $len;
+				if(defined $priAdaLib) {
+					my $t=isWOPriAda(\$read);
+					$len = length $read;
+					if($t > -1) {
+						$qual = trimQualSeq($qual, $len, $t);
+						$primStatus = 1;
+					}
+					if(length $fastaSeq < $lowestValidLen && $isLenFilterOn) {
+						$lenFltrStatus = 0;
+						$qcStatus = 0;
+					}
+					else {
+					}
+				}
+				else {
+				}
+			}
+			else {
+				$hqStatus = 0;
+				$qcStatus = 0;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	return ($read, $qual, $qcStatus, $lenFltrStatus, $primStatus, $homoStatus, $hqStatus, $basesAfterHQ, $validBases);
+sub processSeq {
+	$fastaSeq =~ s/\s//g;
+	my ($readStatus, $fRead, $fQual, $linkerCount, $lQual, $rRead, $rQual) = splitPEReads($fastaSeq, $qualSeq, $prevFastaSeqId);
+	my $len = length $fastaSeq;
+##########Calculating statistics for Input Data
+	$maxRawLen = max($maxRawLen, $len);
+	$minRawLen = min($minRawLen, $len);
+	push(@rawLen, $len);
+	$qualSeq =~ s/\s+$//;				# To remove the last space added in 'else' part;
+	my @tmpArr = getQualBases($qualSeq);
+	$totalBases += $tmpArr[0];
+	$totalHQBases += $tmpArr[1];
+	$avgQual += $tmpArr[2];
+	$lenDistrib[0][getIndex($len,$lenInterval)]++;
+	$qualDistrib[0][getIndex($tmpArr[2],$qualInterval)]++;
+	my $As = $fastaSeq =~ s/A/A/gi;
+	my $Ts = $fastaSeq =~ s/T/T/gi;
+	my $Gs = $fastaSeq =~ s/G/G/gi;
+	my $Cs = $fastaSeq =~ s/C/C/gi;
+	my $Ns = $len - $As - $Ts - $Gs - $Cs;
+	my $gcPercent = ($Gs + $Cs)/$len*100;
+	$gcDistrib[0][getIndex($gcPercent,$gcInterval)]++;
+	$charCount[0][0] += $As;
+	$charCount[0][1] += $Ts;
+	$charCount[0][2] += $Gs;
+	$charCount[0][3] += $Cs;
+	$charCount[0][4] += $Ns;
+#########Done calculating stat
+	my ($readOut, $qualOut);
+	my $outReadType = 0; # 0: Paired, 1: Unpaired
+	if($readStatus == 0) {
+		my @fReadQC = doQC($fRead, $fQual);			#($read, $qual, $qcStatus, $lenFltrStatus, $homoStatus, $hqStatus)
+		my @rReadQC = doQC($rRead, $rQual);			#($read, $qual, $qcStatus, $lenFltrStatus, $homoStatus, $hqStatus)
+		my $fLen = length $fRead;
+		my $rLen = length $rRead;
+		$seqCountPE++;
+		$lt100PE[0]++ if($fReadQC[3] == 0);
+		$lt100PE[1]++ if($rReadQC[3] == 0);
+		$lt100PE[2]++ if($fReadQC[3] == 0 && $rReadQC[3] == 0);
+		$totalValidReadsWithPriAdaPE[0]++ if($fReadQC[4] == 1);
+		$totalValidReadsWithPriAdaPE[1]++ if($rReadQC[4] == 1);
+		$totalValidReadsWithPriAdaPE[2]++ if($fReadQC[4] == 1 && $rReadQC[4] == 1);
+		$trimCountPE[0]++ if($fReadQC[5] == 1);
+		$trimCountPE[1]++ if($rReadQC[5] == 1);
+		$trimCountPE[2]++ if($fReadQC[5] == 1 && $rReadQC[5] == 1);
+		$lQCountPE[0]++ if($fReadQC[6] == 0);
+		$lQCountPE[1]++ if($rReadQC[6] == 0);
+		$lQCountPE[2]++ if($fReadQC[6] == 0 && $rReadQC[6] == 0);
+		$hQCountPE[0]++ if($fReadQC[6] == 1);
+		$hQCountPE[1]++ if($rReadQC[6] == 1);
+		$hQCountPE[2]++ if($fReadQC[6] == 1 && $rReadQC[6] == 1);
+		$totalBasesPE[0] += $fLen;
+		$totalBasesPE[1] += $rLen;
+		$totalBasesPE[2] += $fLen + $rLen;
+		$totalBasesAfterHQPE[0] += $fReadQC[7] if($fReadQC[6] == 1);
+		$totalBasesAfterHQPE[1] += $rReadQC[7] if($rReadQC[6] == 1);
+		$totalBasesAfterHQPE[2] += $fReadQC[7]+$rReadQC[7] if($fReadQC[6] == 1 && $rReadQC[6] == 1);
+		$totalHQBasesAfterHQPE[0] += $fReadQC[8] if($fReadQC[6] == 1);
+		$totalHQBasesAfterHQPE[1] += $rReadQC[8] if($rReadQC[6] == 1);
+		$totalHQBasesAfterHQPE[2] += $fReadQC[8]+$rReadQC[8] if($fReadQC[6] == 1 && $rReadQC[6] == 1);
+		$totalReadsFinalPE[0]++ if($fReadQC[2] == 1);
+		$totalReadsFinalPE[1]++ if($rReadQC[2] == 1);
+		$totalReadsFinalPE[2]++ if($fReadQC[2] == 1 && $rReadQC[2] == 1);
+		if($fReadQC[2] == 1 && $rReadQC[2] == 0) {
+			$totalReadsFinalUP[0]++;
+			$readOut = $fReadQC[0];
+			$qualOut = $fReadQC[1];
+			$outReadType = 1;
+		}
+		elsif($fReadQC[2] == 0 && $rReadQC[2] == 1) {
+			$totalReadsFinalUP[0]++;
+			$readOut = $rReadQC[0];
+			$qualOut = $rReadQC[1];
+			$outReadType = 1;
+		}
+		elsif($fReadQC[2] && $rReadQC[2]) {
+			$readOut = $fReadQC[0] . ($linker x $linkerCount) . $rReadQC[0];
+			$qualOut = $fReadQC[1] . " " . $lQual . " " . $rReadQC[1];
+		}
+	}
+	else {
+		my @fReadQC = doQC($fRead, $fQual);			#($read, $qual, $qcStatus, $lenFltrStatus, $homoStatus, $hqStatus)
+		my $fLen = length $fRead;
+		$seqCount++;
+		$lt100++ if($fReadQC[3] == 0);
+		$totalValidReadsWithPriAda++ if($fReadQC[4] == 1);
+		$trimCount++ if($fReadQC[5] == 1);
+		$lQCount++ if($fReadQC[6] == 0);
+		$hQCount++ if($fReadQC[6] == 1);
+		$totalBasesUPOri += $fLen;
+		$totalBasesAfterHQ += $fReadQC[7] if($fReadQC[6] == 1);
+		$totalHQBasesAfterHQ += $fReadQC[8] if($fReadQC[6] == 1);
+		$totalReadsFinal++ if($fReadQC[2] == 1);
+		if($fReadQC[2]) {
+			$readOut = $fReadQC[0];
+			$qualOut = $fReadQC[1];
+			$outReadType = 1;
+		}
+	}
+	if(defined($readOut)) {
+##########Calculating statistics for Output Data
+		$len = length $readOut;
+		$maxHQLen = max($maxHQLen, $len);
+		$minHQLen = min($minHQLen, $len);
+		push(@hQLen, $len);
+		$qualOut =~ s/\s+$//;				# To remove the last space, if present;
+		my @tmpArr = getQualBases($qualOut);
+		$totalBasesFinal += $tmpArr[0];
+		$totalHQBasesFinal += $tmpArr[1];
+		$avgQualFinal += $tmpArr[2];
+		if(!defined($isOnlyStat)) {
+			$lenDistrib[1][getIndex($len,$lenInterval)]++;
+			$qualDistrib[1][getIndex($tmpArr[2],$qualInterval)]++;
+			my $As = $readOut =~ s/A/A/gi;
+			my $Ts = $readOut =~ s/T/T/gi;
+			my $Gs = $readOut =~ s/G/G/gi;
+			my $Cs = $readOut =~ s/C/C/gi;
+			my $Ns = $len - $As - $Ts - $Gs - $Cs;
+			my $gcPercent = ($len)?(($Gs + $Cs)/$len*100):0;
+			$gcDistrib[1][getIndex($gcPercent,$gcInterval)]++;
+			$charCount[1][0] += $As;
+			$charCount[1][1] += $Ts;
+			$charCount[1][2] += $Gs;
+			$charCount[1][3] += $Cs;
+			$charCount[1][4] += $Ns;
+			print OI "$prevFastaSeqId\n";
+			print OI formatSeq($readOut), "\n";
+			print OQ "$prevFastaSeqId\n";
+			print OQ formatQualSeq($qualOut), "\n";
+		}
+#########Done calculating stat
+	}
+	if(($seqCount+$seqCountPE) % (10000) == 0) {
+		my $tmpP = sprintf "%0.0f", (($seqCount+$seqCountPE)/$ttlSeqCount*100);
+		print "$indOfAnalysis: Number of reads processed: " . ($seqCount+$seqCountPE) . "/$ttlSeqCount ($tmpP\%)...\n";
+	}
+	return;
+sub getIndex {
+	my $up = $_[0];
+	my $down = $_[1];
+	my $inp = $up/$down;
+	return (sprintf "%0.0f", $up) if($down == 1);
+	my $index = int((sprintf "%0.2f", $inp)+0.99)-1;
+	$index = 0 if($index < 0);
+	return $index;
+sub calcN50 {
+	my @x = @{$_[0]};
+	my $n = $_[1];
+	@x=sort{$b<=>$a} @x;
+	my $total = sum(@x);
+	my ($count, $n50)=(0,0);
+	for (my $j=0; $j<@x; $j++){
+        $count+=$x[$j];
+        if(($count>=$total*$n/100)){
+            $n50=$x[$j];
+            last;
+        }
+	}
+	return $n50;
+sub calcMedian {
+	my @arr = @_;
+	my @sArr = sort{$a<=>$b} @arr;
+	my $arrLen = @arr;
+	my $median;
+	if($arrLen % 2 == 0) {
+		$median = ($sArr[$arrLen/2-1] + $sArr[$arrLen/2])/2;
+	}
+	else {
+		$median = $sArr[$arrLen/2];
+	}
+	return $median;
+sub formatSeq {
+	my $seq = $_[0];
+    my $newSeq = "";
+    my $ch = 60;
+    my $len = length $seq;
+    for(my $i=0; $i<$len; $i+=$ch) {
+        $newSeq .= substr($seq, $i, $ch) . "\n";
+    }
+    chomp($newSeq);         # To remove \n at the end of the whole sequence..
+    return $newSeq;
+sub formatQualSeq {
+	my $qualSeq = $_[0];
+	my $fQSeq = "";
+	my $ch = 60;
+	my $valCount = 0;
+	my @arr = split(/\s+/, $qualSeq);
+	for(my $i=0; $i<@arr; $i++) {
+		$valCount++;
+		if($valCount % $ch == 0) {
+			$fQSeq .= $arr[$i] . "\n";
+		}
+		else {
+			$fQSeq .= $arr[$i] . " ";
+		}
+	}
+	$fQSeq =~ s/\s+$//;
+	return $fQSeq;
+sub hasPolyChar {
+	my $seqRef = $_[0];
+	my $flag = 0;
+	if($$seqRef =~ s/(A{$homoPolyLen,}).*//i) {
+		$flag = 1;
+	}
+	if($$seqRef =~ s/(T{$homoPolyLen,}).*//i) {
+		$flag = 1;
+	}
+	if($$seqRef =~ s/(G{$homoPolyLen,}).*//i) {
+		$flag = 1;
+	}
+	if($$seqRef =~ s/(C{$homoPolyLen,}).*//i) {
+		$flag = 1;
+	}
+	return $flag;
+sub trimQualSeq {
+	my $qualSeq = $_[0];
+	my $seqLen = $_[1];
+	my $priAdaStart = $_[2];
+	my $trimmedQualSeq;
+	if($priAdaStart != -1) {
+		if($priAdaStart < 50) {
+			my $t = $seqLen-1;
+			$qualSeq =~ /((\d{1,2}\s+){$t}\d{1,2})$/;
+			$trimmedQualSeq = $1;
+		}
+		else {
+			$qualSeq =~ /^((\d{1,2}\s+){$seqLen})/;
+			$trimmedQualSeq = $1;
+		}
+	}
+	else {
+		$qualSeq =~ /^((\d{1,2}\s+){$seqLen})/;
+		$trimmedQualSeq = $1;
+	}
+	$trimmedQualSeq =~ s/\s+$//;
+	return $trimmedQualSeq;
+sub isReadOfHQ {	# Criteria for HQ is greater than or equal to 70% of bases have phred score > 20
+	my $read = $_[0];
+	my $validBaseCount = 0;
+	my @ASCII = split(/\s+/, $read);
+	my $readLen = scalar @ASCII;
+	my $cutOffLen = sprintf("%0.0f", $readLen * $cutOffReadLen4HQ / 100);	# 70% length of read length is calculated.
+	foreach my $val (@ASCII) {
+		if($val >= $cutOffPhScore) {
+			$validBaseCount++;
+		}
+	}
+	if($validBaseCount >= $cutOffLen) {
+		return $validBaseCount;				# Return true.
+	}
+	else {
+		return 0;				# Return false.
+	}
+sub getQualBases {			# This will return an array. 1) Total bases 2) HQ bases 3) Average quality
+	my $read = $_[0];
+	my $qualSum = 0;
+	my @retArr = ();
+	my $validBaseCount = 0;
+	my @ASCII = split(/\s+/, $read);
+	my $readLen = scalar @ASCII;
+	foreach my $val (@ASCII) {
+		$qualSum += $val;
+		if($val >= $cutOffPhScore) {
+			$validBaseCount++;
+		}
+	}
+	$retArr[0] = $readLen;
+	$retArr[1] = $validBaseCount;
+	$retArr[2] = ($readLen)?(sprintf "%0.2f", $qualSum/$readLen):0;
+	return @retArr;
+sub prtError {
+	my $msg = $_[0];
+	print STDERR "+======================================================================+\n";
+	printf STDERR "|%-70s|\n", "  Error:";
+	printf STDERR "|%-70s|\n", "       $msg";
+	print STDERR "+======================================================================+\n";
+	prtUsage();
+	exit;
+sub prtHelp {
+	print "\n$0 options:\n\n";
+	print "### Input reads (FASTA format; .fna and .qual files) (Required)\n";
+	print "  -i <Read file> <Quality file> <Primer/Adaptor library>\n";
+	print "    Read and quality file in FASTA format with primer/adaptor library\n";
+	print "    User may choose from the provided primer/adaptor library or can give a file containing primer/adaptor sequences, one per line\n";
+	print "    Multiple libraries can be given using multiple '-i' options\n";
+	print "      For eg.: -i read1.fna read1.qual 3 -i read2.fna read2.qual 2\n\n";
+	print "    Primer/Adaptor libraries:\n";
+	my $c = 1;
+	foreach my $lib (@priAdaLibNames) {
+		print "      $c = $lib\n";
+		$c++;
+	}
+	print "      N = Do not filter for Primer/Adaptor\n";
+	print "      <File> = File for user defined primer/adaptor sequences, one per line\n";
+	print "\n";
+	print "### Other options [Optional]\n";
+	print "  -h | -help\n";
+	print "    Prints this help\n";
+	print "--------------------------------- QC Options ---------------------------------\n";
+	print "  -l | -cutOffReadLen4HQ <Real number, 0 to 100>\n";
+	print "    The cut-off value for percentage of read length that should be of given quality\n";
+	print "    default: 70\n";
+	print "  -s | -cutOffQualScore <Integer, 0 to 40>\n";
+	print "    The cut-off value for PHRED quality score for high-quality filtering\n";
+	print "    default: 20\n";
+	print "  -n | -homoPolyLen <Integer>\n";
+	print "    Minimum length of the homopolymer to be trimmed (0: to skip the homopolymer trimming)\n";
+	print "      For eg.: -n 8, will trim the right end of read from the homopolymer of at least 8 bases long\n";
+	print "    default: 0 (homopolymer trimming is off)\n";
+	print "  -m | -minLen <Integer>\n";
+	print "    Filter sequences shorter than the given minimum length\n";
+	print "    default: 100\n";
+	print "  -f | -lenFilter <Y/N>\n";
+	print "    Are sequences to be filtered on the basis of length: (Y)es or (N)o\n";
+	print "    default: Y\n";
+	print "  -linker <Linker Sequence>\n";
+	print "    Linker sequence used while preparing the paired-end library for sequencing using Roche 454\n";
+	print "----------------------------- Processing Options -----------------------------\n";
+	print "  -p | -processes <Integer>\n";
+	print "    Number of processes to be used\n";
+	print "    default: 1\n";
+	print "  -onlyStat\n";
+	print "    Outputs only statistics without filtered data output\n";
+	print "------------------------------- Output Options -------------------------------\n";
+	print "  -t | -statOutFmt <Integer>\n";
+	print "    Output format for statistics\n";
+	print "    Formats:\n";
+	print "      1 = formatted text\n";
+	print "      2 = tab delimited\n";
+	print "    default: 1\n";
+	print "  -o | -outputFolder <Output folder name/path>\n";
+	print "    Output will be stored in the given folder\n";
+	print "    default: By default, output folder (454QC_Filtered_files) will be generated where the input files are\n";
+	print "  -z | -outputDataCompression <Character>\n";
+	print "    Output format for HQ filtered data\n";
+	print "    Formats:\n";
+	print "      t = text FASTA files\n";
+	print "      g = gzip compressed files\n";
+	print "    default: t\n";
+	print "\n";
+sub prtUsage {
+	print "\nUsage: perl $0 <options>\n";
+	prtHelp();
+sub getFileName {	# This sub takes a path of a file and returns just its name after separating the path from it.
+	my $path = $_[0];
+	my $name = "";
+	$path =~ /([^\/]+)$/;
+	$name = $1;
+	return $name;	
+sub getFilePath {
+	my $name = $_[0];
+	my $path = "";
+	if($name =~ /\//) {
+		$name =~ /(.+)\//;
+		$path = $1 . "/";
+	}
+	else {
+		$path = "./";
+	}
+	return $path;
+sub drawBaseComp {
+	my $dataRef = $_[0];
+	my $fileNameWPath = $_[1];
+	my $fileName = $_[2];
+	my $width = $_[3];
+	my $height = $_[4];
+	my $mygraph = GD::Graph::bars->new($width, $height);
+	$mygraph->set( 
+		y_label => 'Count',
+		y_min_value => 0,
+		box_axis => 0,
+		line_width => 3,
+		transparent => 0,
+		dclrs => [ qw(lred dgreen) ],
+		legend_placement	=> 'BR',
+		x_label_position	=> 1/2,
+		long_ticks			=> 1,
+		fgclr               => '#dddddd',
+		l_margin 			=> 60,
+		r_margin 			=> 60,
+		b_margin			=> 50,
+		t_margin			=> 50,
+		show_values         => 1,
+		bar_spacing         => 1,
+		values_vertical 	=> 1,
+	) or warn $mygraph->error;
+	if(!defined($isOnlyStat)) {
+		$mygraph->set_legend( $fileName, $fileName."_filtered");
+	}
+	else {
+		$mygraph->set_legend( $fileName);
+	}
+    $mygraph->set_y_label_font($font_spec, 12);
+    $mygraph->set_x_label_font($font_spec, 12);
+    $mygraph->set_y_axis_font($font_spec, 10);
+    $mygraph->set_x_axis_font($font_spec, 8);
+    $mygraph->set_title_font($f, 11);
+    $mygraph->set_legend_font($f, 8);
+    $mygraph->set_values_font($f, 6);
+	my $myImage = $mygraph->plot($dataRef);
+	my $black = $myImage->colorAllocate(0,0,0);			# To set the color for the next time printing on the image.
+	my $lred = $myImage->colorAllocate(255,0,0);	
+	my $dgreen = $myImage->colorAllocate(0,127,0);
+	my $dblue = $myImage->colorAllocate(0,0,127);
+	my $sum1 = sum(@{$$dataRef[1]});
+	my $sum2 = sum(@{$$dataRef[2]});
+	my $wrapbox = GD::Text::Wrap->new( $myImage,
+	        line_space  => 4,
+	        text        => "Base composition for $fileName",
+	        color		=> $dblue,
+	);
+	$wrapbox->set(align => 'center', width => $width);
+	$wrapbox->set_font($f, 11);
+	$wrapbox->draw(0,0);
+	$wrapbox = GD::Text::Wrap->new( $myImage,
+	        line_space  => 4,
+	        text        => "A (" . (sprintf "%0.2f", @{$$dataRef[1]}[0]/$sum1*100) . "\%)",
+	        color		=> $black,
+	);
+	$wrapbox->set(align => 'left', width => 300);
+	$wrapbox->set_font($f, 8);
+	$wrapbox->draw($width/2-220,$height-35);
+	$wrapbox = GD::Text::Wrap->new( $myImage,
+	        line_space  => 4,
+	        text        => "T (" . (sprintf "%0.2f", @{$$dataRef[1]}[1]/$sum1*100) . "\%)",
+	        color		=> $black,
+	);
+	$wrapbox->set(align => 'left', width => 300);
+	$wrapbox->set_font($f, 8);
+	$wrapbox->draw($width/2-130,$height-35);
+	$wrapbox = GD::Text::Wrap->new( $myImage,
+	        line_space  => 4,
+	        text        => "G (" . (sprintf "%0.2f", @{$$dataRef[1]}[2]/$sum1*100) . "\%)",
+	        color		=> $black,
+	);
+	$wrapbox->set(align => 'left', width => 300);
+	$wrapbox->set_font($f, 8);
+	$wrapbox->draw($width/2-40,$height-35);
+	$wrapbox = GD::Text::Wrap->new( $myImage,
+	        line_space  => 4,
+	        text        => "C (" . (sprintf "%0.2f", @{$$dataRef[1]}[3]/$sum1*100) . "\%)",
+	        color		=> $black,
+	);
+	$wrapbox->set(align => 'left', width => 300);
+	$wrapbox->set_font($f, 8);
+	$wrapbox->draw($width/2+50,$height-35);
+	$wrapbox = GD::Text::Wrap->new( $myImage,
+	        line_space  => 4,
+	        text        => "Non-ATGC (" . (sprintf "%0.2f", @{$$dataRef[1]}[4]/$sum1*100) . "\%)",
+	        color		=> $black,
+	);
+	$wrapbox->set(align => 'left', width => 300);
+	$wrapbox->set_font($f, 8);
+	$wrapbox->draw($width/2+140,$height-35);
+	my $startRectX = $width/2-230;
+	my $startRectY = $height-35;
+	$myImage->filledRectangle($startRectX,$startRectY,$startRectX+8,$startRectY+8,$lred);
+	$myImage->rectangle($startRectX,$startRectY,$startRectX+8,$startRectY+8,$black);
+	$startRectX = $width/2-140;
+	$myImage->filledRectangle($startRectX,$startRectY,$startRectX+8,$startRectY+8,$lred);
+	$myImage->rectangle($startRectX,$startRectY,$startRectX+8,$startRectY+8,$black);
+	$startRectX = $width/2-50;
+	$myImage->filledRectangle($startRectX,$startRectY,$startRectX+8,$startRectY+8,$lred);
+	$myImage->rectangle($startRectX,$startRectY,$startRectX+8,$startRectY+8,$black);
+	$startRectX = $width/2+40;
+	$myImage->filledRectangle($startRectX,$startRectY,$startRectX+8,$startRectY+8,$lred);
+	$myImage->rectangle($startRectX,$startRectY,$startRectX+8,$startRectY+8,$black);
+	$startRectX = $width/2+130;
+	$myImage->filledRectangle($startRectX,$startRectY,$startRectX+8,$startRectY+8,$lred);
+	$myImage->rectangle($startRectX,$startRectY,$startRectX+8,$startRectY+8,$black);
+	if(!$isOnlyStat) {
+		$wrapbox = GD::Text::Wrap->new( $myImage,
+		        line_space  => 4,
+		        text        => "A (" . (sprintf "%0.2f", @{$$dataRef[2]}[0]/$sum2*100) . "\%)",
+		        color		=> $black,
+		);
+		$wrapbox->set(align => 'left', width => 300);
+		$wrapbox->set_font($f, 8);
+		$wrapbox->draw($width/2-220,$height-20);
+		$wrapbox = GD::Text::Wrap->new( $myImage,
+		        line_space  => 4,
+		        text        => "T (" . (sprintf "%0.2f", @{$$dataRef[2]}[1]/$sum2*100) . "\%)",
+		        color		=> $black,
+		);
+		$wrapbox->set(align => 'left', width => 300);
+		$wrapbox->set_font($f, 8);
+		$wrapbox->draw($width/2-130,$height-20);
+		$wrapbox = GD::Text::Wrap->new( $myImage,
+		        line_space  => 4,
+		        text        => "G (" . (sprintf "%0.2f", @{$$dataRef[2]}[2]/$sum2*100) . "\%)",
+		        color		=> $black,
+		);
+		$wrapbox->set(align => 'left', width => 300);
+		$wrapbox->set_font($f, 8);
+		$wrapbox->draw($width/2-40,$height-20);
+		$wrapbox = GD::Text::Wrap->new( $myImage,
+		        line_space  => 4,
+		        text        => "C (" . (sprintf "%0.2f", @{$$dataRef[2]}[3]/$sum2*100) . "\%)",
+		        color		=> $black,
+		);
+		$wrapbox->set(align => 'left', width => 300);
+		$wrapbox->set_font($f, 8);
+		$wrapbox->draw($width/2+50,$height-20);
+		$wrapbox = GD::Text::Wrap->new( $myImage,
+		        line_space  => 4,
+		        text        => "Non-ATGC (" . (sprintf "%0.2f", @{$$dataRef[2]}[4]/$sum2*100) . "\%)",
+		        color		=> $black,
+		);
+		$wrapbox->set(align => 'left', width => 300);
+		$wrapbox->set_font($f, 8);
+		$wrapbox->draw($width/2+140,$height-20);
+		$startRectX = $width/2-230;
+		$startRectY = $height-20;
+		$myImage->filledRectangle($startRectX,$startRectY,$startRectX+8,$startRectY+8,$dgreen);
+		$myImage->rectangle($startRectX,$startRectY,$startRectX+8,$startRectY+8,$black);
+		$startRectX = $width/2-140;
+		$myImage->filledRectangle($startRectX,$startRectY,$startRectX+8,$startRectY+8,$dgreen);
+		$myImage->rectangle($startRectX,$startRectY,$startRectX+8,$startRectY+8,$black);
+		$startRectX = $width/2-50;
+		$myImage->filledRectangle($startRectX,$startRectY,$startRectX+8,$startRectY+8,$dgreen);
+		$myImage->rectangle($startRectX,$startRectY,$startRectX+8,$startRectY+8,$black);
+		$startRectX = $width/2+40;
+		$myImage->filledRectangle($startRectX,$startRectY,$startRectX+8,$startRectY+8,$dgreen);
+		$myImage->rectangle($startRectX,$startRectY,$startRectX+8,$startRectY+8,$black);
+		$startRectX = $width/2+130;
+		$myImage->filledRectangle($startRectX,$startRectY,$startRectX+8,$startRectY+8,$dgreen);
+		$myImage->rectangle($startRectX,$startRectY,$startRectX+8,$startRectY+8,$black);
+	}
+	open(IMG, ">$fileNameWPath") or print STDERR "Error:\n\tCan not create image file: $fileNameWPath\n";
+	binmode IMG;
+	print IMG $myImage->png;
+	close(IMG);
+sub drawGCDist {
+	my $dataRef = $_[0];
+	my $fileNameWPath = $_[1];
+	my $fileName = $_[2];
+	my $width = $_[3];
+	my $height = $_[4];
+	my $mygraph = GD::Graph::linespoints->new($width, $height);
+	$mygraph->set( 
+		x_label => '% GC content',
+		y_label => 'Number of reads',
+		title => "GC content distribution for $fileName",
+		y_min_value => 0,
+		box_axis => 0,
+		line_width => 3,
+		transparent => 0,
+		markers				=> [1],
+		marker_size			=> 3,
+		dclrs => [ qw(lred dgreen) ],
+		x_labels_vertical	=> 1,
+		legend_placement	=> 'BR',
+		x_labels_vertical	=> 1,
+		x_label_position	=> 1/2,
+		long_ticks			=> 1,
+		fgclr               => '#dddddd',
+	) or warn $mygraph->error;
+	if(!defined($isOnlyStat)) {
+		$mygraph->set_legend( $fileName, $fileName."_filtered");
+	}
+	else {
+		$mygraph->set_legend( $fileName);
+	}
+    $mygraph->set_y_label_font($font_spec, 12);
+    $mygraph->set_x_label_font($font_spec, 12);
+    $mygraph->set_y_axis_font($font_spec, 10);
+    $mygraph->set_x_axis_font($font_spec, 8);
+    $mygraph->set_title_font($f, 11);
+    $mygraph->set_legend_font($f, 8);
+	my $myImage = $mygraph->plot($dataRef);
+	open(IMG, ">$fileNameWPath") or print STDERR "Error:\n\tCan not create image file: $fileNameWPath\n";
+	binmode IMG;
+	print IMG $myImage->png;
+	close(IMG);
+sub drawSummaryPiePE {
+	my $dataRef = $_[0];
+	my $fileNameWPath = $_[1];
+	my $width = $_[2];
+	my $height = $_[3];
+	my $mygraph = new GD::Graph::pie($width, $height+15);
+	$mygraph->set( 
+		title => "Summary of quality check and filtering of Paired reads",
+		axislabelclr => 'black',
+		pie_height => 40,
+		l_margin => 15,
+		r_margin => 15,
+		b_margin => 70,
+		start_angle => -10,
+		dclrs => [ qw(lred cyan lyellow lgreen purple dblue) ],
+		transparent => 0,
+	) or warn $mygraph->error;
+    $mygraph->set_label_font($f, 8);
+    $mygraph->set_value_font(['verdana', 'arial'],14);
+    $mygraph->set_title_font($f, 11);
+	my $myImage = $mygraph->plot($dataRef);
+	my $black = $myImage->colorAllocate(0,0,0);			# To set the color for the next time printing on the image.
+	my $lred = $myImage->colorAllocate(255,0,0);	
+	my $lyellow = $myImage->colorAllocate(255,255,0);	
+	my $lgreen = $myImage->colorAllocate(0,255,0);
+	my $cyan = $myImage->colorAllocate(0,255,255);
+	my $purple = $myImage->colorAllocate(191,0,191);
+	my $dblue = $myImage->colorAllocate(0,0,127);
+	my $sum = sum(@{$$dataRef[1]});
+	my $wrapbox = GD::Text::Wrap->new( $myImage,
+	        line_space  => 4,
+	        text        => (sprintf "Trashed reads (shorter than $lowestValidLen bp) (%0.2f", @{$$dataRef[1]}[0]/$sum*100) . "\%)",
+	        color		=> $black,
+	);
+	$wrapbox->set(align => 'left', width => 300);
+	$wrapbox->set_font($f, 8);
+	$wrapbox->draw(20,$height-45);
+	$wrapbox = GD::Text::Wrap->new( $myImage,
+	        line_space  => 4,
+	        text        => (sprintf "Homopolymer trimmed reads (%0.2f", @{$$dataRef[1]}[1]/$sum*100) . "\%)",
+	        color		=> $black,
+	);
+	$wrapbox->set(align => 'left', width => 300);
+	$wrapbox->set_font($f, 8);
+	$wrapbox->draw($width/2+40,$height-45);
+	$wrapbox = GD::Text::Wrap->new( $myImage,
+	        line_space  => 4,
+	        text        => (sprintf "Trashed reads (low quality reads) (%0.2f", @{$$dataRef[1]}[4]/$sum*100) . "\%)",
+	        color		=> $black,
+	);
+	$wrapbox->set(align => 'left', width => 300);
+	$wrapbox->set_font($f, 8);
+	$wrapbox->draw(20,$height-30);
+	$wrapbox = GD::Text::Wrap->new( $myImage,
+	        line_space  => 4,
+	        text        => (sprintf "Primer/Adaptor trimmed reads (%0.2f", @{$$dataRef[1]}[2]/$sum*100) . "\%)",
+	        color		=> $black,
+	);
+	$wrapbox->set(align => 'left', width => 300);
+	$wrapbox->set_font($f, 8);
+	$wrapbox->draw($width/2+40,$height-30);
+	$wrapbox = GD::Text::Wrap->new( $myImage,
+	        line_space  => 4,
+	        text        => (sprintf "High quality reads other than homopolymer and primer/adaptor trimmed (%0.2f", @{$$dataRef[1]}[3]/$sum*100) . "\%)",
+	        color		=> $black,
+	);
+	$wrapbox->set(align => 'left', width => 500);
+	$wrapbox->set_font($f, 8);
+	$wrapbox->draw(20,$height-15);
+	$wrapbox = GD::Text::Wrap->new( $myImage,
+	        line_space  => 4,
+	        text        => (sprintf "Unpaired reads (one of the paired reads which passed QC) (%0.2f", @{$$dataRef[1]}[5]/$sum*100) . "\%)",
+	        color		=> $black,
+	);
+	$wrapbox->set(align => 'left', width => 500);
+	$wrapbox->set_font($f, 8);
+	$wrapbox->draw(20,$height);
+	my $startRectX1 = 10;
+	my $startRectX2 = $width/2+30;
+	my $startRectY = $height-45;
+	$myImage->filledRectangle($startRectX1,$startRectY,$startRectX1+8,$startRectY+8,$lred);
+	$myImage->rectangle($startRectX1,$startRectY,$startRectX1+8,$startRectY+8,$black);
+	$myImage->filledRectangle($startRectX2,$startRectY,$startRectX2+8,$startRectY+8,$cyan);
+	$myImage->rectangle($startRectX2,$startRectY,$startRectX2+8,$startRectY+8,$black);
+	$startRectY += 15;
+	$myImage->filledRectangle($startRectX1,$startRectY,$startRectX1+8,$startRectY+8,$purple);
+	$myImage->rectangle($startRectX1,$startRectY,$startRectX1+8,$startRectY+8,$black);
+	$myImage->filledRectangle($startRectX2,$startRectY,$startRectX2+8,$startRectY+8,$lyellow);
+	$myImage->rectangle($startRectX2,$startRectY,$startRectX2+8,$startRectY+8,$black);
+	$startRectY += 15;
+	$myImage->filledRectangle($startRectX1,$startRectY,$startRectX1+8,$startRectY+8,$lgreen);
+	$myImage->rectangle($startRectX1,$startRectY,$startRectX1+8,$startRectY+8,$black);
+	$startRectY += 15;
+	$myImage->filledRectangle($startRectX1,$startRectY,$startRectX1+8,$startRectY+8,$dblue);
+	$myImage->rectangle($startRectX1,$startRectY,$startRectX1+8,$startRectY+8,$black);
+	open(IMG, ">$fileNameWPath") or print STDERR "Error:\n\tCan not create image file: $fileNameWPath\n";
+	binmode IMG;
+	print IMG $myImage->png;
+	close(IMG);
+sub drawSummaryPie {
+	my $dataRef = $_[0];
+	my $fileNameWPath = $_[1];
+	my $width = $_[2];
+	my $height = $_[3];
+	my $mygraph = new GD::Graph::pie($width, $height);
+	$mygraph->set( 
+		title => "Summary of quality check and filtering of Unpaired (UPOri) reads",
+		axislabelclr => 'black',
+		pie_height => 40,
+		l_margin => 15,
+		r_margin => 15,
+		b_margin => 50,
+		start_angle => -10,
+		dclrs => [ qw(lred cyan lyellow lgreen purple) ],
+		transparent => 0,
+	) or warn $mygraph->error;
+    $mygraph->set_label_font($f, 8);
+    $mygraph->set_value_font(['verdana', 'arial'],14);
+    $mygraph->set_title_font($f, 11);
+	my $myImage = $mygraph->plot($dataRef);
+	my $black = $myImage->colorAllocate(0,0,0);			# To set the color for the next time printing on the image.
+	my $lred = $myImage->colorAllocate(255,0,0);	
+	my $lyellow = $myImage->colorAllocate(255,255,0);	
+	my $lgreen = $myImage->colorAllocate(0,255,0);
+	my $cyan = $myImage->colorAllocate(0,255,255);
+	my $purple = $myImage->colorAllocate(191,0,191);
+	my $sum = sum(@{$$dataRef[1]});
+	my $wrapbox = GD::Text::Wrap->new( $myImage,
+	        line_space  => 4,
+	        text        => (sprintf "Trashed reads (shorter than $lowestValidLen bp) (%0.2f", @{$$dataRef[1]}[0]/$sum*100) . "\%)",
+	        color		=> $black,
+	);
+	$wrapbox->set(align => 'left', width => 300);
+	$wrapbox->set_font($f, 8);
+	$wrapbox->draw(20,$height-45);
+	$wrapbox = GD::Text::Wrap->new( $myImage,
+	        line_space  => 4,
+	        text        => (sprintf "Homopolymer trimmed reads (%0.2f", @{$$dataRef[1]}[1]/$sum*100) . "\%)",
+	        color		=> $black,
+	);
+	$wrapbox->set(align => 'left', width => 300);
+	$wrapbox->set_font($f, 8);
+	$wrapbox->draw($width/2+40,$height-45);
+	$wrapbox = GD::Text::Wrap->new( $myImage,
+	        line_space  => 4,
+	        text        => (sprintf "Trashed reads (low quality reads) (%0.2f", @{$$dataRef[1]}[4]/$sum*100) . "\%)",
+	        color		=> $black,
+	);
+	$wrapbox->set(align => 'left', width => 300);
+	$wrapbox->set_font($f, 8);
+	$wrapbox->draw(20,$height-30);
+	$wrapbox = GD::Text::Wrap->new( $myImage,
+	        line_space  => 4,
+	        text        => (sprintf "Primer/Adaptor trimmed reads (%0.2f", @{$$dataRef[1]}[2]/$sum*100) . "\%)",
+	        color		=> $black,
+	);
+	$wrapbox->set(align => 'left', width => 300);
+	$wrapbox->set_font($f, 8);
+	$wrapbox->draw($width/2+40,$height-30);
+	$wrapbox = GD::Text::Wrap->new( $myImage,
+	        line_space  => 4,
+	        text        => (sprintf "High quality reads other than homopolymer and primer/adaptor trimmed (%0.2f", @{$$dataRef[1]}[3]/$sum*100) . "\%)",
+	        color		=> $black,
+	);
+	$wrapbox->set(align => 'left', width => 500);
+	$wrapbox->set_font($f, 8);
+	$wrapbox->draw(20,$height-15);
+	my $startRectX1 = 10;
+	my $startRectX2 = $width/2+30;
+	my $startRectY = $height-45;
+	$myImage->filledRectangle($startRectX1,$startRectY,$startRectX1+8,$startRectY+8,$lred);
+	$myImage->rectangle($startRectX1,$startRectY,$startRectX1+8,$startRectY+8,$black);
+	$myImage->filledRectangle($startRectX2,$startRectY,$startRectX2+8,$startRectY+8,$cyan);
+	$myImage->rectangle($startRectX2,$startRectY,$startRectX2+8,$startRectY+8,$black);
+	$startRectY += 15;
+	$myImage->filledRectangle($startRectX1,$startRectY,$startRectX1+8,$startRectY+8,$purple);
+	$myImage->rectangle($startRectX1,$startRectY,$startRectX1+8,$startRectY+8,$black);
+	$myImage->filledRectangle($startRectX2,$startRectY,$startRectX2+8,$startRectY+8,$lyellow);
+	$myImage->rectangle($startRectX2,$startRectY,$startRectX2+8,$startRectY+8,$black);
+	$startRectY += 15;
+	$myImage->filledRectangle($startRectX1,$startRectY,$startRectX1+8,$startRectY+8,$lgreen);
+	$myImage->rectangle($startRectX1,$startRectY,$startRectX1+8,$startRectY+8,$black);
+	open(IMG, ">$fileNameWPath") or print STDERR "Error:\n\tCan not create image file: $fileNameWPath\n";
+	binmode IMG;
+	print IMG $myImage->png;
+	close(IMG);
+sub drawQualDist {
+	my $dataRef = $_[0];
+	my $fileNameWPath = $_[1];
+	my $fileName = $_[2];
+	my $width = $_[3];
+	my $height = $_[4];
+	my $mygraph = GD::Graph::bars->new($width, $height);
+	$mygraph->set( 
+		x_label => 'Average phred quality score',
+		y_label => 'Number of reads',
+		title => "Quality distribution for $fileName",
+		y_min_value => 0,
+		box_axis => 0,
+		line_width => 3,
+		transparent => 0,
+		dclrs => [ qw(lred dgreen) ],
+		legend_placement	=> 'BR',
+		x_label_position	=> 1/2,
+		long_ticks			=> 1,
+		fgclr               => '#dddddd',
+		bar_spacing         => 1,
+	) or warn $mygraph->error;
+	if(!defined($isOnlyStat)) {
+		$mygraph->set_legend( $fileName, $fileName."_filtered");
+	}
+	else {
+		$mygraph->set_legend( $fileName);
+	}
+    $mygraph->set_y_label_font($font_spec, 12);
+    $mygraph->set_x_label_font($font_spec, 12);
+    $mygraph->set_y_axis_font($font_spec, 10);
+    $mygraph->set_x_axis_font($font_spec, 8);
+    $mygraph->set_title_font($f, 11);
+    $mygraph->set_legend_font($f, 8);
+	my $myImage = $mygraph->plot($dataRef);
+	open(IMG, ">$fileNameWPath") or print STDERR "Error:\n\tCan not create image file: $fileNameWPath\n";
+	binmode IMG;
+	print IMG $myImage->png;
+	close(IMG);
+sub drawLenDist {
+	my $dataRef = $_[0];
+	my $fileNameWPath = $_[1];
+	my $fileName = $_[2];
+	my $width = $_[3];
+	my $height = $_[4];
+	my $mygraph = GD::Graph::bars->new($width, $height);
+	$mygraph->set( 
+		x_label => 'Read length (bp)',
+		y_label => 'Number of reads',
+		title => "Length distribution for $fileName",
+		y_min_value => 0,
+		box_axis => 0,
+		line_width => 3,
+		transparent => 0,
+		dclrs => [ qw(lred dgreen) ],
+		legend_placement	=> 'BR',
+		x_labels_vertical	=> 1,
+		x_label_position	=> 1/2,
+		long_ticks			=> 1,
+		fgclr               => '#dddddd',
+		bar_spacing         => 1,
+	) or warn $mygraph->error;
+	if(!defined($isOnlyStat)) {
+		$mygraph->set_legend( $fileName, $fileName."_filtered");
+	}
+	else {
+		$mygraph->set_legend( $fileName);
+	}
+    $mygraph->set_y_label_font($font_spec, 12);
+    $mygraph->set_x_label_font($font_spec, 12);
+    $mygraph->set_y_axis_font($font_spec, 10);
+    $mygraph->set_x_axis_font($font_spec, 9);
+    $mygraph->set_title_font($f, 11);
+    $mygraph->set_legend_font($f, 8);
+	my $myImage = $mygraph->plot($dataRef);
+	open(IMG, ">$fileNameWPath") or print STDERR "Error:\n\tCan not create image file: $fileNameWPath\n";
+	binmode IMG;
+	print IMG $myImage->png;
+	close(IMG);
+sub isWOPriAda {
+	my $seq = $_[0];
+	chomp($$seq);
+	my @rapid = (
+	);
+	my @arrPE = (
+	);
+	my @arrAmplicon = (
+	);
+	my @arrsmRna = (
+	);
+	my @priAdas = (\@rapid, \@arrPE, \@arrAmplicon, \@arrsmRna);
+	my %checkedPriStr = ();	# The 20 bp from start and end are stored in this hash as key. So that next time when another pri/ada seq
+	my @priAdaSeqs = ();
+	if($priAdaLib eq "u") {
+		@priAdaSeqs = @usrDefinedPriAda;
+	}
+	else {
+		@priAdaSeqs = @{$priAdas[$priAdaLib]};
+	}
+	my $priInd = 0;
+	my $priAdaStart = 1;
+	my $isMatched = 0;
+	foreach my $priAda (@priAdaSeqs) {
+		$priAdaStart = findSeq($priAda, $$seq, \%checkedPriStr);
+		if($priAdaStart) {
+			if($priAdaStart < 50) {
+				$$seq = substr($$seq, $priAdaStart+$substrlen, length($$seq)-($priAdaStart+$substrlen));	
+			}
+			else {
+				$$seq = substr($$seq, 0, $priAdaStart);
+			}
+			$isMatched = 1;
+			last;
+		}
+	}
+	if($isMatched) {
+		return $priAdaStart;
+	}
+	else {
+		return -1;
+	}
+sub findSeq {
+	my $pri = $_[0];
+	my $seq = $_[1];
+	my $hashRef = $_[2];
+	my $subsl = $substrlen;
+	$subsl = length $pri if(length($pri) < $substrlen);
+	my $spri = substr($pri, 0, $subsl);
+	my $epri = substr($pri, (length $pri) - $subsl, $subsl);
+	my $sseq = substr($seq, 0, 50);
+	my $tmpInd = (length $seq) - 50;
+	$tmpInd = 0 if($tmpInd < 0);
+	my $eseq = substr($seq, $tmpInd, 50);
+	my $ans;
+	if(!defined($$hashRef{$spri})) {
+		my @catches = String::Approx::amatch($spri, ['I0 D0 S1'], $sseq);
+		if(@catches != 0) {
+			return findStart($sseq, $spri);
+		}
+		@catches = String::Approx::amatch($spri, ['I0 D0 S1'], $eseq);
+		if(@catches != 0) {
+			return findStart($eseq, $spri) + length($seq) - 50;
+		}
+		$$hashRef{$spri} = 1;
+	}
+	if(!defined($$hashRef{$epri})) {
+		my @catches = String::Approx::amatch($epri, ['I0 D0 S1'], $sseq);
+		if(@catches != 0) {
+			return findStart($sseq, $epri);
+		}
+		@catches = String::Approx::amatch($epri, ['I0 D0 S1'], $eseq);
+		if(@catches != 0) {
+			return findStart($eseq, $epri) + length($seq) - 50;
+		}
+		$$hashRef{$epri} = 1;
+	}
+	return 0;
+use re qw(eval);
+use vars qw($matchStart);
+sub findStart {
+   my $pattern;
+   local $_;
+   ($_, $pattern) = @_;
+   $pattern = fuzzy_pattern($pattern, $mismLim);
+   my @results;
+   local $matchStart;
+   my $instrumentedPattern = qr/(?{ $matchStart = pos() })$pattern/;
+   while (/$instrumentedPattern/g) {
+      my $nextStart = pos();
+      return $matchStart;
+      push @results, "[$matchStart..$nextStart)";
+      pos() = $matchStart+1;
+   }
+sub fuzzy_pattern {
+   my ($original_pattern, $mismatches_allowed) = @_;
+   $mismatches_allowed >= 0
+      or die "Number of mismatches must be greater than or equal to zero\n";
+   my $new_pattern = make_approximate($original_pattern, $mismatches_allowed);
+   return qr/$new_pattern/;
+sub make_approximate {
+   my ($pattern, $mismatches_allowed) = @_;
+   if ($mismatches_allowed == 0) { return $pattern }
+   elsif (length($pattern) <= $mismatches_allowed)
+      { $pattern =~ tr/ACTG/./; return $pattern }
+   else {
+      my ($first, $rest) = $pattern =~ /^(.)(.*)/;
+      my $after_match = make_approximate($rest, $mismatches_allowed);
+      if ($first =~ /[ACGT]/) {
+         my $after_miss = make_approximate($rest, $mismatches_allowed-1);
+         return "(?:$first$after_match|.$after_miss)";
+      }
+      else { return "$first$after_match" }
+   }
diff --git a/QC/454QC_PRLL.pl b/QC/454QC_PRLL.pl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7653f66
--- /dev/null
+++ b/QC/454QC_PRLL.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,2021 @@
+#! /usr/bin/perl
+use File::Basename;
+#	my ($tmp, $path) = fileparse($0);
+#	push ( @INC,"$path/lib");
+#	#use lib "$path";
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use List::Util qw(sum min max);
+use Getopt::Long;
+use Cwd qw(abs_path);
+use IO::Zlib;
+use FindBin qw($RealBin);
+use lib "$RealBin/lib";
+require "454html.pl";
+use threads('yield');
+use File::Path;
+use Thread::Queue;
+my $DataQueue;
+my $ProcessingQueue;
+my $thr;
+eval {
+	require Parallel::ForkManager;
+	require String::Approx;
+	require GD::Graph::linespoints;
+	require GD::Graph::bars;
+	require GD::Graph::pie;
+	require GD::Text::Wrap;
+my $isGDMod = 1;
+if($@) {
+	my $errorText = join("", $@);
+	if($errorText =~ /Parallel/) {
+		print "Error:\n\tCan not find 'lib' folder with this perl program\n"; #module 'Parallel::ForkManager'\n";
+		print "\tCopy the 'lib' folder, provided with the toolkit, to the directory where this perl program is and try again\n\n";
+		exit;
+	}
+	elsif($errorText =~ /GD\/Graph\/linespoints/) {
+		print STDERR "Warning:\n\tCan not find module 'GD::Graph'\n";
+		print STDERR "\tGraphs for statistics will not be produced. \n\t\t\tOR \n\tInstall GD::Graph module and try again.\n\n";
+		$isGDMod = 0;
+	}
+	elsif($errorText =~ /String\/Approx/) {
+		print "Error:\n\tCan not find module 'String::Approx'\n";
+		print "\tInstall it and try again\n\n";
+		exit;
+	}
+# Setting parameters
+my $lowestValidLen = 100;
+my @files = ();
+my $noOfInp = 3;
+my $helpAsked;
+my $cutOffReadLen4HQ = 70;
+my $cutOffPhScore = 20;
+my $outFolder = "";
+my $isOnlyStat;
+my $statOutFmt = 1;
+my $noOfProcesses = 1;
+my $homoPolyLen = 0;
+my $priAdaLib;
+my $isLenFilterOn = 1;
+my @priAdaLibNames = ("Rapid Library (Standard)", "Paired End Library", "Amplicon PE Library", "Small RNA Library");
+my $priAdaFile;
+my @usrDefinedPriAda = ();
+my $outputDataFmt = "t";		# t/T: Text; g/G: Gzip.
+			"i=s{$noOfInp}" => \@files,
+			"h|help" => \$helpAsked,
+			"l|cutOffReadLen4HQ=f" => \$cutOffReadLen4HQ,
+			"n|homoPolyLen=i" => \$homoPolyLen,
+			"o|outputFolder=s" => \$outFolder,
+			"z|outputDataCompression=s" => \$outputDataFmt,
+			"t|statOutFmt=i" => \$statOutFmt,
+			"onlyStat" => \$isOnlyStat,
+			"c|cpus=i" => \$noOfProcesses,
+			"s|cutOffQualScore=i" => \$cutOffPhScore,
+			"m|minLen=i" => \$lowestValidLen,
+			"f|lenFilter=s" => \$isLenFilterOn,
+		  );
+if(defined($helpAsked)) {
+	prtUsage();
+	exit;
+if(@files == 0) {
+	prtError("No input files are provided");
+my @tempFiles = ();
+prtError("Missing inputs for option -i") if((scalar @files)%$noOfInp != 0);
+for(my $i=0; $i<@files; $i+=$noOfInp) {
+	my $str = "$files[$i] $files[$i+1] $files[$i+2]";
+	if($files[$i+2] =~ /^-/) {
+		prtError("Missing inputs for option -i: at '-i $str'")
+	}
+	if($files[$i+2] =~ /^\d$/) {
+		if($files[$i+2] < 1 || $files[$i+2] > 4) {
+			prtError("Incorrect option for Primer/Adaptor library: at '-i $str'");
+		}
+	}
+	push(@tempFiles, $str);
+ at files = ();
+ at files = @tempFiles;
+if($cutOffReadLen4HQ < 0 || $cutOffReadLen4HQ > 100) {
+	prtError("Incorrect value for -l|cutOffReadLen4HQ option: at '-l $cutOffReadLen4HQ'");
+if($cutOffPhScore < 0 || $cutOffPhScore > 40) {
+	prtError("Incorrect value for -s|cutOffPhScore option: at '-s $cutOffPhScore'");
+if($statOutFmt < 1 || $statOutFmt > 2) {
+	prtError("Incorrect value for -statOutFmt: at '-statOutFmt $statOutFmt'");
+if($isLenFilterOn =~ /^N/i) {
+	$isLenFilterOn = 0;
+else {
+	$isLenFilterOn = 1;
+if($outputDataFmt !~ /^[tg]$/i) {
+	prtError("Incorrect value for -f|outputDataFmt option: at '-f $outputDataFmt'");
+#my $pm = new Parallel::ForkManager($noOfProcesses);
+my $seqCount = 0;
+my $substrlen = 20;						# For removePriAda
+my $mismLim = 1;						# For removePriAda
+my $trimCount = 0;
+my $lt100 = 0;
+my $hQCount = 0;
+my $lQCount = 0;
+my $maxRawLen = 0;
+my $minRawLen = 1000000000000;
+#my $avgRawLen = 0;
+my $maxHQLen = 0;
+my $minHQLen = 1000000000000;
+my $avgHQLen = 0;
+my @rawLen = ();
+my @hQLen = ();
+my $totalBases = 0;
+my $totalHQBases = 0;
+my $totalBasesAfterHQ = 0;
+my $totalHQBasesAfterHQ = 0;
+my $totalBasesFinal = 0;
+my $totalHQBasesFinal = 0;
+my $totalReadsFinal = 0;
+my $avgQual = 0;
+my $avgQualFinal = 0;
+my $totalValidReadsWithPriAda = 0;
+my $totalValidReadsNoPriAda = 0;
+my @lenDistrib = ();
+my $lenInterval = 40;
+my @qualDistrib = ();
+my $qualInterval = 1;
+my @gcDistrib = ();
+my $gcInterval = 5;
+my @charCount = ();
+my $cmaxRawLen = 0;
+my $cminRawLen = 1000000000000;
+my @crawLen = ();
+my $ctotalBases = 0;
+my $ctotalHQBases = 0;
+my $cavgQual = 0;
+my $clt100 = 0;
+my $ctrimCount = 0;
+my $chQCount = 0;
+my $ctotalBasesAfterHQ = 0;
+my $cmaxHQLen = 0;
+my $cminHQLen = 1000000000000;
+my $cavgHQLen = 0;
+my @chQLen = ();
+my $ctotalReadsFinal = 0;
+my $ctotalBasesFinal = 0;
+my $ctotalHQBasesFinal = 0;
+my $cavgQualFinal = 0;
+my $clQCount = 0;
+my $ctotalHQBasesAfterHQ = 0;
+my $ctotalValidReadsWithPriAda = 0;
+my $ctotalValidReadsNoPriAda = 0;
+my @clenDistrib = ();
+my @cqualDistrib = ();
+my @cgcDistrib = ();
+my @ccharCount = ();
+my $fastaSeqId = "";
+my $fastaSeq = "";
+my $qualSeqId = "";
+my $qualSeq = "";
+my $prevFastaSeqId = "";
+my $indOfAnalysis = 0;
+my $uniqFolder = "";
+my $isInpGzip = 0;
+my @idArr = ();
+my @seqArr = ();
+my @qualArr = ();
+my $font_spec = getFilePath($0) . "lib/Fonts/Dustismo_Sans.ttf";
+my $f = getFilePath($0) . "lib/Fonts/LucidaSansDemiBold.ttf";
+my $c=0;
+foreach my $inpData (@files) {
+	$indOfAnalysis++;
+#my $pid = $pm->start and next;
+	$fastaSeqId = "";
+	$fastaSeq = "";
+	$qualSeqId = "";
+	$qualSeq = "";
+	$seqCount = 0;
+	$trimCount = 0;
+	$lt100 = 0;
+	$hQCount = 0;
+	$lQCount = 0;
+	$maxRawLen = 0;
+	$minRawLen = 1000000000000;
+	$maxHQLen = 0;
+	$minHQLen = 1000000000000;
+	$avgHQLen = 0;
+	@rawLen = ();
+	@hQLen = ();
+	$totalBases = 0;
+	$totalHQBases = 0;
+	$totalBasesAfterHQ = 0;
+	$totalHQBasesAfterHQ = 0;
+	$totalBasesFinal = 0;
+	$totalHQBasesFinal = 0;
+	$totalReadsFinal = 0;
+	$avgQual = 0;
+	$avgQualFinal = 0;
+	$totalValidReadsWithPriAda = 0;
+	$totalValidReadsNoPriAda = 0;
+	@lenDistrib = ();
+	@qualDistrib = ();
+	@gcDistrib = ();
+	@charCount = ();
+	@idArr = ();
+	@seqArr = ();
+	@qualArr = ();
+	$inpData =~ s/\\([A-Za-z_\.])/\/$1/g;		# To remove '\' from the path of windows file
+	my @iData = split(" ", $inpData);
+	my $seqFile = $iData[0];
+	my $qualFile = $iData[1];
+	if($seqFile =~ /\.gz$/i || $qualFile =~ /\.gz$/i) {
+		$isInpGzip = 1;
+	}
+	$priAdaLib = $iData[2];
+	print "Analysis has been started for \"$seqFile\": Index: $indOfAnalysis\n";
+	if($priAdaLib =~ /^n$/i) {
+		undef $priAdaLib;
+	}
+	elsif($priAdaLib =~ /^\d$/) {
+		$priAdaLib = $priAdaLib - 1;
+	}
+	else {
+		$priAdaFile = $priAdaLib;
+		$priAdaLib = "u";
+		open(PRIADA, "<$priAdaFile") or die "Can not open the user-defined primer/adapter file: $priAdaFile\n";
+		@usrDefinedPriAda = <PRIADA>;
+		for(my $i=0; $i<$#usrDefinedPriAda; $i++) {
+			$usrDefinedPriAda[$i] =~ s/\s+//g;
+		}
+	}
+	my ($seqFileName, $filePath) = fileparse($seqFile);
+	my ($qualFileName) = fileparse($qualFile);
+	$outFolder = $filePath . "454QC_Filtered_files" if($outFolder eq "");
+	$outFolder .= "/" if($outFolder !~ /\/$/);
+	if(! -e $outFolder) {
+			mkdir($outFolder) or die "Can not create output folder: $outFolder\n";
+	}
+	my $outSeqFile = $outFolder . $seqFileName . "_filtered";
+	my $outQualFile = $outFolder . $qualFileName . "_filtered";
+	$outSeqFile .= ".gz" if($outputDataFmt =~ /g/i);
+	$outQualFile .= ".gz" if($outputDataFmt =~ /g/i);
+	my $statFile = $outFolder . $seqFileName . "_stat";
+    $DataQueue = Thread::Queue->new();
+    unlink($outSeqFile) if(-e $outSeqFile);
+    unlink($outQualFile) if(-e $outQualFile);
+    $thr = threads->create(sub {
+        while (my $DataElement = $DataQueue->dequeue()) {
+        	$DataElement =~ s/([sq]$)//;
+        	my $readType = $1;
+			my $outH;
+			openFileGetHandle($outSeqFile, "a", \$outH) if($readType eq "s");
+			openFileGetHandle($outQualFile, "a", \$outH) if($readType eq "q");
+			*OOO = $outH;
+			print OOO "$DataElement";
+			close(OOO);
+        }
+    });
+    $ProcessingQueue = Thread::Queue->new();
+	my $iH;
+	openFileGetHandle($seqFile, "r", \$iH);
+	*I = $iH;
+		do {
+			$uniqFolder = "";
+			for(my $i=0; $i<5; $i++) {
+				$uniqFolder .= int(rand(10));
+			}
+			$uniqFolder = $outFolder . $uniqFolder;
+		}
+		while(-e $uniqFolder);
+		mkdir($uniqFolder) or die "Can not create folder for temporary files\n";
+	open(STAT, ">$statFile") or die "Can not open file: $statFile\n";
+	while(my $line = <I>) {
+		$seqCount++ if($line =~ /^>/);
+	}
+	close(I);
+	if($seqFile =~ /\.gz$/i || $qualFile =~ /\.gz$/i) {
+		my @fileNames = ($seqFile, $qualFile);
+		my $thRef = threads->create('readDivideGzip', @fileNames);
+		threading4Processing();
+		$thRef->join();
+		print "$indOfAnalysis: Number of reads processed: " . $seqCount . "/$seqCount (100\%)...\n";
+	}
+	else {
+		print "$indOfAnalysis: Number of reads processed: " . "0/$seqCount (0\%)...\n";
+		undef $iH;
+		openFileGetHandle($seqFile, "r", \$iH);
+		*I = $iH;
+		my $qH;
+		openFileGetHandle($qualFile, "r", \$qH);
+		*Q = $qH;
+		my @thArr = ();
+		my $noOfSeqPerThread = int(($seqCount-1)/$noOfProcesses); #20000;
+		my $roughSeqCounter = 0;
+		my $sCounter = 0;
+		my $jobCounter = 0;
+		my $ttlJobCounter = 0;
+		my $fileEOF = 0;
+		while(1) {
+			$jobCounter = 0;
+			for(my $i=0; $i<$noOfProcesses; $i++) {
+				$jobCounter++;
+				$ttlJobCounter++;
+				for(my $j=0; $j<$noOfSeqPerThread;) {
+					my $line = <I>;
+					chomp $line;
+					my $qualLine = <Q>;
+					chomp($qualLine);
+					if($line =~ /^>/) {
+						$sCounter++;
+						$prevFastaSeqId = $fastaSeqId;
+						$fastaSeqId = $line;
+						$qualSeqId = $qualLine;
+						if($fastaSeqId ne $qualSeqId) {
+							print "Error: Read Id doesn't match in sequence and quality file for read number $seqCount in sequence file.\n";
+							exit(-1);
+						}
+						if($fastaSeq ne "") {
+							push(@idArr, $prevFastaSeqId);
+							push(@seqArr, $fastaSeq);
+							push(@qualArr, $qualSeq);
+							$j++;
+							if($j == $noOfSeqPerThread) {
+								my $id = sprintf "%05s", $ttlJobCounter;
+								my @refArr = (\@idArr, \@seqArr, \@qualArr, $id);
+								$thArr[$i] = threads->create('passSeq', @refArr);
+								@idArr = ();
+								@seqArr = ();
+								@qualArr = ();
+							}
+						}
+						$fastaSeq = "";
+						$qualSeq = "";
+						if($sCounter == $seqCount) {
+							$jobCounter-- if((scalar @idArr) != 0);
+							$ttlJobCounter-- if((scalar @idArr) != 0);		#This is not commented because this is used to create part files. 
+							$fileEOF = 1;
+							last OUTERLOOP;
+						}
+					}
+					else {
+						$fastaSeq .= $line;
+						$qualSeq .= $qualLine . " ";
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			my @tmpArr = ();
+			for(my $i=0; $i<$jobCounter; $i++) {
+		        my $refArr = $thArr[$i]->join;
+		        &updateData(@{$refArr});
+		        $roughSeqCounter += $noOfSeqPerThread;
+		        if($roughSeqCounter%$noOfSeqPerThread == 0) {
+					my $tmpP = sprintf "%0.0f", ($roughSeqCounter/$seqCount*100);
+					print "$indOfAnalysis: Number of reads processed: " . $roughSeqCounter . "/$seqCount ($tmpP\%)...\n";
+		        }
+			}
+			last if($fileEOF);
+		}
+		while(my $line = <I>) {
+			my $qualLine = <Q>;
+			chomp $line;
+			chomp($qualLine);
+			$fastaSeq .= $line;
+			$qualSeq .= $qualLine . " ";
+		}
+			$ttlJobCounter++;
+			my $id = sprintf "%05s", $ttlJobCounter;
+			$prevFastaSeqId = $fastaSeqId;
+			push(@idArr, $prevFastaSeqId);
+			push(@seqArr, $fastaSeq);
+			push(@qualArr, $qualSeq);
+			my @refArr = (\@idArr, \@seqArr, \@qualArr, $id);
+			#my $thId = threads->create('passSeq', @refArr);
+			#my $refRefArr = $thId->join; #passSeq(@refArr);
+			my $refRefArr = passSeq(@refArr);
+			&updateData(@{$refRefArr});
+		close(I);
+		close(Q);
+		print "$indOfAnalysis: Number of reads processed: " . $seqCount . "/$seqCount (100\%)...\n";
+	}
+	if(!defined($isOnlyStat)) {
+		my ($sHndl, $qHndl);
+			openFileGetHandle($outSeqFile, "w", \$sHndl);
+			openFileGetHandle($outQualFile, "w", \$qHndl);
+			*OOS = $sHndl;
+			*OOQ = $qHndl;
+		print "$indOfAnalysis: Printing filtered data...\n";
+		opendir(DIR, $uniqFolder);
+		my @partFiles = readdir(DIR);
+		@partFiles = sort @partFiles;
+		foreach my $pFile (@partFiles) {
+			next if($pFile =~ /\./);
+			my $npFile = "$uniqFolder/$pFile";
+			open(P, "<$npFile") or die "Can not open part file\n";
+			while(<P>) {
+				print OOS if($pFile =~ /seq[^\n]+out/);
+				print OOQ if($pFile =~ /qual[^\n]+out/);
+			}
+			close(P);
+		}
+		closedir(DIR);
+		close(OOS);
+		close(OOQ);
+	}	
+	print "$indOfAnalysis: Analysis completed\n";
+	print "$indOfAnalysis: Printing Statistics...\n";
+	if($statOutFmt == 1) {
+		my $inde = " " x 1;
+		my $tmpPer = 0;
+		printf STAT "Parameters\n";
+		printf STAT "$inde %-40s %s  %s\n", "Input files ", $seqFile, $qualFile;
+		printf STAT "$inde %-40s %s\n", "Primer/Adaptor library", defined($priAdaLib)?(($priAdaLib ne "u")?$priAdaLibNames[$priAdaLib]:"User defined ($priAdaFile)"):"NA";
+		printf STAT "$inde %-40s %s\n", "Homopolymer trimming", "Off" if($homoPolyLen == 0);
+		printf STAT "$inde %-40s %s\n", "Homopolymer trimming", "On" if($homoPolyLen != 0);
+		printf STAT "$inde %-40s %s\n", "Length of the homopolymer to be removed", $homoPolyLen if($homoPolyLen != 0);
+		printf STAT "$inde %-40s %s\n", "Length filter", ($isLenFilterOn)?"On":"Off";
+		printf STAT "$inde %-40s %s\n", "Cut-off for minimum read length", $lowestValidLen if($isLenFilterOn);
+		printf STAT "$inde %-40s %s\n", "Cut-off read length for HQ", $cutOffReadLen4HQ."%";
+		printf STAT "$inde %-40s %s\n", "Cut-off quality score", $cutOffPhScore;
+		printf STAT "$inde %-40s %s\n", "Only statistics", defined($isOnlyStat)?"On":"Off";
+		printf STAT "$inde %-40s %s\n", "Number of CPUs", $noOfProcesses;
+		print STAT "\n\n";
+		print STAT "QC statistics\n";
+		printf STAT "$inde %-70s %s\n", "File name", $seqFileName;
+		printf STAT "$inde %-70s %d\n", "Total number of reads", $seqCount;
+		printf STAT "$inde %-70s %d\n", "Total number of trimmed reads containing homopolymer", $trimCount;
+		printf STAT "$inde %-70s %d\n", "Total number of trashed reads (<$lowestValidLen bp in length after trimming)", $lt100;
+		printf STAT "$inde %-70s %d\n", "Total number of low quality reads (excluding <$lowestValidLen reads)", $lQCount;
+		printf STAT "$inde %-70s %d\n", "Total number of HQ reads", $hQCount;
+		$tmpPer = sprintf "%0.2f", $hQCount/$seqCount*100;
+		printf STAT "$inde %-70s %s\n", "Percentage of HQ reads", $tmpPer."%";
+		printf STAT "$inde %-70s %.f\n", "Total number of bases", $totalBases;
+		printf STAT "$inde %-70s %.f\n", "Total number of bases in HQ reads", $totalBasesAfterHQ;
+		printf STAT "$inde %-70s %.f\n", "Total number of HQ bases in HQ reads", $totalHQBasesAfterHQ;
+		$tmpPer = sprintf "%0.2f", $totalHQBasesAfterHQ/$totalBasesAfterHQ*100;
+		printf STAT "$inde %-70s %s\n", "Percentage of HQ bases in HQ reads", $tmpPer."%";
+		if(defined($priAdaLib)) {
+			printf STAT "$inde %-70s %d\n", "Number of Primer/Adaptor trimmed reads", $totalValidReadsWithPriAda;
+		}
+		else {
+			printf STAT "$inde %-70s %s\n", "Number of Primer/Adaptor trimmed reads", "NA", "NA";
+		}
+		printf STAT "$inde %-70s %d\n", "Total number of HQ filtered reads", $totalReadsFinal;
+		$tmpPer = sprintf "%0.2f", $totalReadsFinal/$seqCount*100;
+		printf STAT "$inde %-70s %s\n", "Percentage of HQ filtered reads", $tmpPer."%";
+		print STAT "\n\n";
+		print STAT "Detailed QC statistics\n";
+		my @arr = (
+			["File name", $seqFileName, (fileparse($outSeqFile))[0]],
+			["Total number of reads", $seqCount, $totalReadsFinal],
+			["Minimum read length", $minRawLen, $minHQLen],
+			["Maximum read length", $maxRawLen, $maxHQLen],
+			["Average read length", (sprintf "%0.2f", $totalBases/$seqCount), (sprintf "%0.2f", $totalBasesFinal/$totalReadsFinal)],
+			["Median read length", calcMedian(@rawLen), calcMedian(@hQLen)],
+			["N25 length", calcN50(\@rawLen, 25), calcN50(\@hQLen, 25)],
+			["N50 length", calcN50(\@rawLen, 50), calcN50(\@hQLen, 50)],
+			["N75 length", calcN50(\@rawLen, 75), calcN50(\@hQLen, 75)],
+			["N90 length", calcN50(\@rawLen, 90), calcN50(\@hQLen, 90)],
+			["N95 length", calcN50(\@rawLen, 95), calcN50(\@hQLen, 95)],
+			["Total number of bases", $totalBases, $totalBasesFinal],
+			["Total number of HQ bases", $totalHQBases, $totalHQBasesFinal],
+			["Percentage of HQ bases", (sprintf "%0.2f", $totalHQBases/$totalBases*100)."%", (sprintf "%0.2f", $totalHQBasesFinal/$totalBasesFinal*100)."%"],
+			["Average quality score (Overall)", (sprintf "%0.2f", $avgQual/$seqCount), (sprintf "%0.2f", $avgQualFinal/$totalReadsFinal)],
+		);
+		for(my $i=0; $i<@arr; $i++) {
+			if(!defined($isOnlyStat)) {
+				printf STAT "$inde %-50s  %-20s  %s\n", $arr[$i][0], $arr[$i][1], $arr[$i][2];
+			}
+			else {
+				printf STAT "$inde %-50s  %s\n", $arr[$i][0], $arr[$i][1];				
+			}
+		}
+		print STAT "\n\n";
+	}
+	elsif($statOutFmt == 2) {
+		my $inde = " " x 1;
+		my $tmpPer = 0;
+		printf STAT "Parameters\n";
+		printf STAT "\t%s\t%s\t%s\n", "Input files ", $seqFile, $qualFile;
+		printf STAT "\t%s\t%s\n", "Primer/Adaptor library", defined($priAdaLib)?(($priAdaLib ne "u")?$priAdaLibNames[$priAdaLib]:"User defined ($priAdaFile)"):"NA";
+		printf STAT "\t%s\t%s\n", "Homopolymer trimming", "Off" if($homoPolyLen == 0);
+		printf STAT "\t%s\t%s\n", "Homopolymer trimming", "On" if($homoPolyLen != 0);
+		printf STAT "\t%s\t%s\n", "Length of the homopolymer to be removed", $homoPolyLen if($homoPolyLen != 0);
+		printf STAT "\t%s\t%s\n", "Length of the homopolymer to be removed", $homoPolyLen;
+		printf STAT "\t%s\t%s\n", "Length filter", ($isLenFilterOn)?"On":"Off";
+		printf STAT "\t%s\t%s\n", "Cut-off for minimum read length", $lowestValidLen if($isLenFilterOn);
+		printf STAT "\t%s\t%s\n", "Cut-off read length for HQ", $cutOffReadLen4HQ."%";
+		printf STAT "\t%s\t%s\n", "Cut-off quality score", $cutOffPhScore;
+		printf STAT "\t%s\t%s\n", "Only statistics", defined($isOnlyStat)?"On":"Off";
+		printf STAT "\t%s\t%s\n", "Number of CPUs", $noOfProcesses;
+		print STAT "\n\n";
+		print STAT "QC statistics\n";
+		printf STAT "\t%s\t%s\n", "File name", $seqFileName;
+		printf STAT "\t%s\t%d\n", "Total number of reads", $seqCount;
+		printf STAT "\t%s\t%d\n", "Total number of trimmed reads containing homopolymer", $trimCount;
+		printf STAT "\t%s\t%d\n", "Total number of trashed reads (<$lowestValidLen bp in length after trimming)", $lt100;
+		printf STAT "\t%s\t%d\n", "Total number of low quality reads (excluding <$lowestValidLen reads)", $lQCount;
+		printf STAT "\t%s\t%d\n", "Total number of HQ reads", $hQCount;
+		$tmpPer = sprintf "%0.2f", $hQCount/$seqCount*100;
+		printf STAT "\t%s\t%s\n", "Percentage of HQ reads", $tmpPer."%";
+		printf STAT "\t%s\t%.f\n", "Total number of bases", $totalBases;
+		printf STAT "\t%s\t%.f\n", "Total number of bases in HQ reads", $totalBasesAfterHQ;
+		printf STAT "\t%s\t%.f\n", "Total number of HQ bases in HQ reads", $totalHQBasesAfterHQ;
+		$tmpPer = sprintf "%0.2f", $totalHQBasesAfterHQ/$totalBasesAfterHQ*100;
+		printf STAT "\t%s\t%s\n", "Percentage of HQ bases in HQ reads", $tmpPer."%";
+		if(defined($priAdaLib)) {
+			printf STAT "\t%s\t%d\n", "Number of Primer/Adaptor trimmed reads", $totalValidReadsWithPriAda;
+		}
+		else {
+			printf STAT "\t%s\t%s\n", "Number of Primer/Adaptor trimmed reads", "NA", "NA";
+		}
+		printf STAT "\t%s\t%d\n", "Total number of HQ filtered reads", $totalReadsFinal;
+		$tmpPer = sprintf "%0.2f", $totalReadsFinal/$seqCount*100;
+		printf STAT "\t%s\t%s\n", "Percentage of HQ filtered reads", $tmpPer."%";
+		print STAT "\n\n";
+		print STAT "Detailed QC statistics\n";
+		my @arr = (
+			["File name", $seqFileName, (fileparse($outSeqFile))[0]],
+			["Total number of reads", $seqCount, $totalReadsFinal],
+			["Minimum read length", $minRawLen, $minHQLen],
+			["Maximum read length", $maxRawLen, $maxHQLen],
+			["Average read length", (sprintf "%0.2f", $totalBases/$seqCount), (sprintf "%0.2f", $totalBasesFinal/$totalReadsFinal)],
+			["Median read length", calcMedian(@rawLen), calcMedian(@hQLen)],
+			["N25 length", calcN50(\@rawLen, 25), calcN50(\@hQLen, 25)],
+			["N50 length", calcN50(\@rawLen, 50), calcN50(\@hQLen, 50)],
+			["N75 length", calcN50(\@rawLen, 75), calcN50(\@hQLen, 75)],
+			["N90 length", calcN50(\@rawLen, 90), calcN50(\@hQLen, 90)],
+			["N95 length", calcN50(\@rawLen, 95), calcN50(\@hQLen, 95)],
+			["Total number of bases", $totalBases, $totalBasesFinal],
+			["Total number of HQ bases", $totalHQBases, $totalHQBasesFinal],
+			["Percentage of HQ bases", (sprintf "%0.2f", $totalHQBases/$totalBases*100)."%", (sprintf "%0.2f", $totalHQBasesFinal/$totalBasesFinal*100)."%"],
+			["Average quality score (Overall)", (sprintf "%0.2f", $avgQual/$seqCount), (sprintf "%0.2f", $avgQualFinal/$totalReadsFinal)],
+		);
+		for(my $i=0; $i<@arr; $i++) {
+			if(!defined($isOnlyStat)) {
+				printf STAT "\t%s\t%s\t%s\n", $arr[$i][0], $arr[$i][1], $arr[$i][2];
+			}
+			else {
+				printf STAT "\t%s\t%s\n", $arr[$i][0], $arr[$i][1];				
+			}
+		}
+		print STAT "\n\n";		
+	}
+	my $lenDistF1 = getFileName($seqFile)."_lenDistribution.png";
+	my $qualDistF1 = getFileName($seqFile)."_qualDistribution.png";
+	my $sumPieF = getFileName($seqFile). "_summary.png";
+	my $gcDistF1 = getFileName($seqFile)."_gcDistribution.png";
+	my $baseCntF1 = getFileName($seqFile)."_baseCompostion.png";
+	my $c = 0;
+	my @lenLabels = ();
+	foreach my $arrRef (@lenDistrib) {
+		my $str = "";
+		foreach my $val (@{$arrRef}) {
+			if($c == 0) {
+				$str = "0-$lenInterval";
+			}
+			else {
+				$str = $lenInterval*$c . "-" . $lenInterval*($c+1);
+			}
+			$c++;
+			push(@lenLabels, $str);
+		}
+		last;
+	}
+	unshift(@lenDistrib, \@lenLabels);
+	if($isGDMod) {
+		drawLenDist(\@lenDistrib, $outFolder.$lenDistF1, getFileName($seqFile), 550, 350);
+	}
+	$c = 0;
+	my @qualLabels = ();
+	foreach my $arrRef (@qualDistrib) {
+		my $str = "";
+		foreach my $val (@{$arrRef}) {
+			if($c == 0) {
+				$str = "0";
+				$str .= "-$qualInterval" if($qualInterval>1);
+			}
+			else {
+				$str = $qualInterval*$c;
+				$str .=  "-" . $qualInterval*($c) if($qualInterval>1);
+			}
+			push(@qualLabels, $str);
+			$c++;
+		}
+		last;
+	}
+	unshift(@qualDistrib, \@qualLabels);
+	if($isGDMod) {
+		drawQualDist(\@qualDistrib, $outFolder.$qualDistF1, getFileName($seqFile), 650, 350);
+	}
+	my $trashedReads = $lt100;
+	my $trimmedHP = $trimCount;
+	my $trimmedPA = $totalValidReadsWithPriAda;
+	my $hQreadsExcptHP_PATrimmed = $totalReadsFinal - $trimmedHP - $trimmedPA;
+	my $lQreadsGT100 = $seqCount - $totalReadsFinal - $trashedReads;
+	my @summaryData = (["", "", "", "", ""], [$trashedReads, $trimmedHP, $trimmedPA, $hQreadsExcptHP_PATrimmed, $lQreadsGT100]);
+	if($isGDMod) {
+		drawSummaryPie(\@summaryData, $outFolder.$sumPieF, 520, 350);
+	}
+	$c=0;
+	my @gcLabel;
+	foreach my $ref (@gcDistrib) {
+		foreach my $val (@{$ref}) {
+			my $str = "";
+			if($c == 0) {
+				$str = "0-$gcInterval";
+			}
+			else {
+				$str = $gcInterval*$c . "-" . $gcInterval*($c+1);
+			}
+			$c++;
+			push(@gcLabel, $str);
+		}
+		last;
+	}
+	unshift(@gcDistrib, \@gcLabel);
+	if($isGDMod) {
+		drawGCDist(\@gcDistrib, $outFolder.$gcDistF1, getFileName($seqFile), 550, 350);
+	}
+	my @file1 = (["A", "T", "G", "C", "Non-ATGC"], $charCount[0]);
+	@file1 = (["A", "T", "G", "C", "Non-ATGC"], $charCount[0], $charCount[1]) if(!$isOnlyStat);
+	if($isGDMod) {
+		drawBaseComp(\@file1, $outFolder.getFileName($seqFile)."_baseCompostion.png", getFileName($seqFile), 500, 300);
+	}
+	close(STAT);
+	my $iFol = getFilePath(abs_path($seqFile));
+	my $oFol = abs_path($outFolder) . "/";
+	my $inpFs = getFileName($seqFile);
+	$inpFs .= ":::::" . getFileName($qualFile);
+	my $htF = $oFol . "output_" . getFileName($seqFile);
+	$htF .= ".html";
+	my @fileNames4HTML;
+	@fileNames4HTML = ($outSeqFile, $outQualFile, $lenDistF1, $baseCntF1, $gcDistF1, $qualDistF1, $sumPieF);
+	htmlPrint(getFilePath(abs_path($0)), getFileName($0), $htF, $iFol, $isOnlyStat, $inpFs, $statFile, $oFol, \@fileNames4HTML);
+    $DataQueue->enqueue(undef);
+    $thr->join();
+	rmtree($uniqFolder, 0, 0);
+print "================================================================\n";
+print "Processing has been finished\n";
+print "Output files are generated in $outFolder\n" if($outFolder ne "");
+print "Output files are generated in the folder of input files\n" if($outFolder eq "");
+print "================================================================\n";
+sub openFileGetHandle {
+	my ($file, $rOrw, $ref) = @_;
+	if($file =~ /\.gz$/i) {
+		$$ref = new IO::Zlib;
+		$$ref->open("$file", "rb") or die "Can not open file $file" if($rOrw eq "r");
+		$$ref->open("$file", "wb") or die "Can not create file $file" if($rOrw eq "w");
+		$$ref->open("$file", "ab") or die "Can not open-append file $file" if($rOrw eq "a");
+	}
+	else {
+		open($$ref, "<$file") or die "Can not open file $file" if($rOrw eq "r");
+		open($$ref, ">$file") or die "Can not create file $file" if($rOrw eq "w");
+		open($$ref, ">>$file") or die "Can not open-append file $file" if($rOrw eq "a");
+	}
+sub updateData() {
+	my @arr = @_;
+	$maxRawLen = max($maxRawLen, $arr[0]);
+	$minRawLen = min($minRawLen, $arr[1]);
+	push(@rawLen, @{$arr[2]});
+	$totalBases += $arr[3];
+	$totalHQBases += $arr[4];
+	$avgQual += $arr[5];
+	$lt100 += $arr[6];
+	$trimCount += $arr[7];
+	$hQCount += $arr[8];
+	$totalBasesAfterHQ += $arr[9];
+	$maxHQLen = max($maxHQLen, $arr[10]);
+	$minHQLen = min($minHQLen, $arr[11]);
+	$avgHQLen += $arr[12];
+	push(@hQLen, @{$arr[13]});
+	$totalReadsFinal += $arr[14];
+	$totalBasesFinal += $arr[15];
+	$totalHQBasesFinal += $arr[16];
+	$avgQualFinal += $arr[17];
+	$lQCount += $arr[18];
+	$totalHQBasesAfterHQ += $arr[19];
+	$totalValidReadsWithPriAda += $arr[20];
+	$totalValidReadsNoPriAda += $arr[21];
+	addTwoArrays($arr[22], \@lenDistrib);
+	addTwoArrays($arr[23], \@qualDistrib);
+	addTwoArrays($arr[24], \@gcDistrib);
+	addTwoArrays($arr[25], \@charCount);
+sub resetVariables() {
+	$cmaxRawLen = 0;
+	$cminRawLen = 1000000000000;
+	@crawLen = ();
+	$ctotalBases = 0;
+	$ctotalHQBases = 0;
+	$cavgQual = 0;
+	$clt100 = 0;
+	$ctrimCount = 0;
+	$chQCount = 0;
+	$ctotalBasesAfterHQ = 0;
+	$cmaxHQLen = 0;
+	$cminHQLen = 1000000000000;
+	$cavgHQLen = 0;
+	@chQLen = ();
+	$ctotalReadsFinal = 0;
+	$ctotalBasesFinal = 0;
+	$ctotalHQBasesFinal = 0;
+	$cavgQualFinal = 0;
+	$clQCount = 0;
+	$ctotalHQBasesAfterHQ = 0;
+	$ctotalValidReadsWithPriAda = 0;
+	$ctotalValidReadsNoPriAda = 0;	
+	@clenDistrib = ();
+	@cqualDistrib = ();
+	@cgcDistrib = ();
+	@ccharCount = ();
+sub readDivideGzip {
+	my ($seqFile, $qualFile) = @_;
+	my $chunkCounter = 0;
+	my $sCounter = 0;
+	my $fileEOF = 0;
+	my ($seqH, $qualH, $id);
+	my $isFileOpen = 0;
+	my $iH;
+	openFileGetHandle($seqFile, "r", \$iH);
+	my $qH;
+	openFileGetHandle($qualFile, "r", \$qH);
+	my $noOfSeqPerThread = int(($seqCount-1)/$noOfProcesses); #20000;
+	while(1) {
+		for(my $i=0; $i<$noOfProcesses; $i++) {
+			$chunkCounter++;
+			$id = sprintf "%05s", $chunkCounter;
+			undef $seqH;
+			openFileGetHandle("$uniqFolder/part_seq_$id", "w", \$seqH);
+			undef $qualH;
+			openFileGetHandle("$uniqFolder/part_qual_$id", "w", \$qualH);
+			$isFileOpen = 1;
+			for(my $j=0; $j<$noOfSeqPerThread;) {
+				my $line = <$iH>;
+				chomp $line;
+				my $qualLine = <$qH>;
+				chomp($qualLine);
+				if($line =~ /^>/) {
+					$sCounter++;
+					$prevFastaSeqId = $fastaSeqId;
+					$fastaSeqId = $line;
+					$qualSeqId = $qualLine;
+					if($fastaSeqId ne $qualSeqId) {
+						print "Error: Read Id doesn't match in sequence and quality file for read number $seqCount in sequence file.\n";
+						exit(-1);
+					}
+					if($fastaSeq ne "") {
+						print $seqH "$prevFastaSeqId\n";
+						print $seqH "$fastaSeq\n";
+						print $qualH "$prevFastaSeqId\n";
+						print $qualH "$qualSeq\n";
+						$j++;
+						if($j == $noOfSeqPerThread) {
+							close($seqH);
+							close($qualH);
+							$ProcessingQueue->enqueue("$uniqFolder/part_seq_$id"."\t"."$uniqFolder/part_qual_$id");
+							$isFileOpen = 0;
+						}
+					}
+					$fastaSeq = "";
+					$qualSeq = "";
+					if($sCounter == $seqCount) {
+						$chunkCounter-- if((scalar @idArr) != 0);		#This is not commented because this is used to create part files. 
+						$fileEOF = 1;
+						last OUTERLOOP;
+					}
+				}
+				else {
+					$fastaSeq .= $line;
+					$qualSeq .= $qualLine . " ";
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		last if($fileEOF);
+	}
+	while(my $line = <$iH>) {
+		my $qualLine = <$qH>;
+		chomp $line;
+		chomp($qualLine);
+		$fastaSeq .= $line;
+		$qualSeq .= $qualLine . " ";
+	}
+		if(! $isFileOpen) {
+			$chunkCounter++;
+			$id = sprintf "%05s", $chunkCounter;
+			undef $seqH;
+			openFileGetHandle("$uniqFolder/part_seq_$id", "w", \$seqH);
+			undef $qualH;
+			openFileGetHandle("$uniqFolder/part_qual_$id", "w", \$qualH);
+		}
+		$prevFastaSeqId = $fastaSeqId;
+		print $seqH "$prevFastaSeqId\n";
+		print $seqH "$fastaSeq\n";
+		print $qualH "$prevFastaSeqId\n";
+		print $qualH "$qualSeq\n";
+		close($seqH);
+		close($qualH);
+		$ProcessingQueue->enqueue("$uniqFolder/part_seq_$id"."\t"."$uniqFolder/part_qual_$id");
+	close($iH);
+	close($qH);
+	$ProcessingQueue->enqueue(undef);
+sub fireMyJob {
+	my $lineCount = $_[0];
+	my $fileName = $ProcessingQueue->dequeue();
+	return undef if(!defined($fileName));
+	my ($file1, $file2) = split(/\t/, $fileName);
+	my @idArr = ();
+	my @seqArr = ();
+	my @qualArr = ();
+	open(CHKS, "<$file1") or die "Can't open chunk file containing input reads for processing: $file1\n";
+	open(CHKQ, "<$file2") or die "Can't open chunk file containing input quality for processing: $file2\n";
+	while(my $id = <CHKS>) {
+		<CHKQ>;
+		chomp $id;
+		my $seq = <CHKS>;
+		my $qual = <CHKQ>;
+		chomp $seq;
+		chomp $qual;
+		push(@idArr, $id);
+		push(@seqArr, $seq);
+		push(@qualArr, $qual);
+		$$lineCount++;
+	}
+	close(CHKS);
+	close(CHKQ);
+	my ($id) = $file1=~/(\d+)$/;			
+	my @reads = (\@idArr, \@seqArr, \@qualArr, $id);
+	my $thRef = threads->create('passSeq', @reads);
+	return $thRef;
+sub threading4Processing {
+	my @thArr = ();
+	my $done = 0;
+	my $processedSeqCount = 0;
+	my $roughSeqCounter = 0;
+	my $sCounter = 0;
+	my $jobCounter = 0;
+	my $ttlJobCounter = 0;
+	my $fileEOF = 0;
+	while(1) {
+		if($processedSeqCount % 10000 == 0) {
+			my $tmpP = sprintf "%0.0f", ($processedSeqCount/$seqCount*100);
+			print "$indOfAnalysis: Number of reads processed: " . $processedSeqCount . "/$seqCount ($tmpP\%)...\n";
+		}
+		my $i;
+		for($i=0; $i<$noOfProcesses; $i++) {
+			my $thRef = fireMyJob(\$processedSeqCount);
+			if(!defined($thRef)) {
+				$done = 1;
+				last;
+			}
+			$thArr[$i] = $thRef;
+		}
+		for(my $j=0; $j<$i; $j++) {
+	        my $refArr = $thArr[$j]->join;
+	        &updateData(@{$refArr});
+		}
+		last if($done);
+	}
+sub passSeq {
+	yield;
+	my ($idArrRef, $seqArrRef, $qualArrRef, $id) = @_;
+	resetVariables();
+	open(PSEQ, ">$uniqFolder/part_seq_$id"."_out") or die "Can not open part_seq_$id"."_out file\n";
+	open(PQUAL, ">$uniqFolder/part_qual_$id"."_out") or die "Can not open part_qual_$id"."_out file\n";
+	$c++;
+	my @idArr = ();
+	my @seqArr = ();
+	my @qualArr = ();
+	for(my $i=0; $i<@{$idArrRef}; $i++) {
+		processSeq($$idArrRef[$i], $$seqArrRef[$i], $$qualArrRef[$i]);
+	}
+	close(PSEQ);
+	close(PQUAL);
+	my @retArrRef = ($cmaxRawLen, $cminRawLen, \@crawLen, $ctotalBases, $ctotalHQBases, $cavgQual, $clt100, $ctrimCount, $chQCount, $ctotalBasesAfterHQ, $cmaxHQLen, $cminHQLen, $cavgHQLen, \@chQLen, $ctotalReadsFinal, $ctotalBasesFinal, $ctotalHQBasesFinal, $cavgQualFinal, $clQCount, $ctotalHQBasesAfterHQ, $ctotalValidReadsWithPriAda, $ctotalValidReadsNoPriAda, \@clenDistrib, \@cqualDistrib, \@cgcDistrib, \@ccharCount);
+	return \@retArrRef;
+sub processSeq {
+	my ($prevFastaSeqId, $fastaSeq, $qualSeq) = @_;
+	$fastaSeq =~ s/\s//g;
+	my $len = length $fastaSeq;
+	$cmaxRawLen = max($cmaxRawLen, $len);
+	$cminRawLen = min($cminRawLen, $len);
+	push(@crawLen, $len);
+	$qualSeq =~ s/\s+$//;				# To remove the last space added in 'else' part;
+	my @tmpArr = getQualBases($qualSeq);
+	$ctotalBases += $tmpArr[0];
+	$ctotalHQBases += $tmpArr[1];
+	$cavgQual += $tmpArr[2];
+	$clenDistrib[0][getIndex($len,$lenInterval)]++;
+	$cqualDistrib[0][getIndex($tmpArr[2],$qualInterval)]++;
+	my $As = $fastaSeq =~ s/A/A/gi;
+	my $Ts = $fastaSeq =~ s/T/T/gi;
+	my $Gs = $fastaSeq =~ s/G/G/gi;
+	my $Cs = $fastaSeq =~ s/C/C/gi;
+	my $Ns = $len - $As - $Ts - $Gs - $Cs;
+	my $gcPercent = ($Gs + $Cs)/$len*100;
+	$cgcDistrib[0][getIndex($gcPercent,$gcInterval)]++;
+	$ccharCount[0][0] += $As;
+	$ccharCount[0][1] += $Ts;
+	$ccharCount[0][2] += $Gs;
+	$ccharCount[0][3] += $Cs;
+	$ccharCount[0][4] += $Ns;
+	if(length $fastaSeq < $lowestValidLen && $isLenFilterOn) {
+		$clt100++;
+	}
+	else {
+		if($homoPolyLen != 0) {
+			if(hasPolyChar(\$fastaSeq)) {
+				$ctrimCount++;
+				if(length $fastaSeq >= $lowestValidLen || !$isLenFilterOn) {
+					$qualSeq = trimQualSeq($qualSeq, length $fastaSeq, -1);
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		if(length $fastaSeq < $lowestValidLen && $isLenFilterOn) {
+			$clt100++;
+		}
+		else {
+			if(isReadOfHQ($qualSeq)) {
+				$chQCount++;
+				$ctotalBasesAfterHQ += length $fastaSeq;
+				if(defined $priAdaLib) {
+					my $t=isWOPriAda(\$fastaSeq);
+					if($t > -1) {
+						$qualSeq = trimQualSeq($qualSeq, length $fastaSeq, $t);
+					}
+					if(length $fastaSeq < $lowestValidLen && $isLenFilterOn) {
+						$clt100++;
+					}
+					else {
+						my $len = length $fastaSeq;
+						$cmaxHQLen = max($cmaxHQLen, $len);
+						$cminHQLen = min($cminHQLen, $len);
+						$cavgHQLen += $len;
+						push(@chQLen, $len);
+						$ctotalReadsFinal++;
+						@tmpArr = getQualBases($qualSeq);
+						$ctotalBasesFinal += $tmpArr[0];
+						$ctotalHQBasesFinal += $tmpArr[1];
+						$cavgQualFinal += $tmpArr[2];
+						if(!defined($isOnlyStat)) {
+							$clenDistrib[1][getIndex($len,$lenInterval)]++;
+							$cqualDistrib[1][getIndex($tmpArr[2],$qualInterval)]++;
+							my $As = $fastaSeq =~ s/A/A/gi;
+							my $Ts = $fastaSeq =~ s/T/T/gi;
+							my $Gs = $fastaSeq =~ s/G/G/gi;
+							my $Cs = $fastaSeq =~ s/C/C/gi;
+							my $Ns = $len - $As - $Ts - $Gs - $Cs;
+							my $gcPercent = ($len)?(($Gs + $Cs)/$len*100):0;
+							$cgcDistrib[1][getIndex($gcPercent,$gcInterval)]++;
+							$ccharCount[1][0] += $As;
+							$ccharCount[1][1] += $Ts;
+							$ccharCount[1][2] += $Gs;
+							$ccharCount[1][3] += $Cs;
+							$ccharCount[1][4] += $Ns;
+							print PSEQ "$prevFastaSeqId\n";
+							print PSEQ formatSeq($fastaSeq), "\n";
+							print PQUAL "$prevFastaSeqId\n";
+							print PQUAL formatQualSeq($qualSeq), "\n";
+						}
+					}
+				}
+				else {
+					my $len = length $fastaSeq;
+					$cmaxHQLen = max($cmaxHQLen, $len);
+					$cminHQLen = min($cminHQLen, $len);
+					$cavgHQLen += $len;
+					push(@chQLen, $len);
+					$ctotalReadsFinal++;
+					@tmpArr = getQualBases($qualSeq);
+					$ctotalBasesFinal += $tmpArr[0];
+					$ctotalHQBasesFinal += $tmpArr[1];
+					$cavgQualFinal += $tmpArr[2];
+					if(!defined($isOnlyStat)) {
+						$clenDistrib[1][getIndex($len,$lenInterval)]++;
+						$cqualDistrib[1][getIndex($tmpArr[2],$qualInterval)]++;
+						my $As = $fastaSeq =~ s/A/A/gi;
+						my $Ts = $fastaSeq =~ s/T/T/gi;
+						my $Gs = $fastaSeq =~ s/G/G/gi;
+						my $Cs = $fastaSeq =~ s/C/C/gi;
+						my $Ns = $len - $As - $Ts - $Gs - $Cs;
+						my $gcPercent = ($Gs + $Cs)/$len*100;
+						$cgcDistrib[1][getIndex($gcPercent,$gcInterval)]++;
+						$ccharCount[1][0] += $As;
+						$ccharCount[1][1] += $Ts;
+						$ccharCount[1][2] += $Gs;
+						$ccharCount[1][3] += $Cs;
+						$ccharCount[1][4] += $Ns;
+						print PSEQ "$prevFastaSeqId\n";
+						print PSEQ formatSeq($fastaSeq), "\n";
+						print PQUAL "$prevFastaSeqId\n";
+						print PQUAL formatQualSeq($qualSeq), "\n";
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			else {
+				$clQCount++;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+sub getIndex {
+	my $up = $_[0];
+	my $down = $_[1];
+	my $inp = $up/$down;
+	return (sprintf "%0.0f", $up) if($down == 1);
+	my $index = int((sprintf "%0.2f", $inp)+0.99)-1;
+	$index = 0 if($index < 0);
+	return $index;
+sub addTwoArrays {
+	my $arr1Ref = $_[0];
+	my $arr2Ref = $_[1];
+    my $c=0;
+    my $i=0;
+    foreach my $arrRef (@{$arr1Ref}) {
+    	$c=0;
+	    foreach my $val (@{$arrRef}) {
+	    	@{$$arr2Ref[$i]}[$c] += $val if($val);
+	    	@{$$arr2Ref[$i]}[$c] = 0 if(!defined(@{$$arr2Ref[$i]}[$c]));
+	    	$c++;
+	    }
+    	$i++
+    }
+sub calcN50 {
+	my @x = @{$_[0]};
+	my $n = $_[1];
+	@x=sort{$b<=>$a} @x;
+	my $total = sum(@x);
+	my ($count, $n50)=(0,0);
+	for (my $j=0; $j<@x; $j++){
+        $count+=$x[$j];
+        if(($count>=$total*$n/100)){
+            $n50=$x[$j];
+            last;
+        }
+	}
+	return $n50;
+sub calcMedian {
+	my @arr = @_;
+	my @sArr = sort{$a<=>$b} @arr;
+	my $arrLen = @arr;
+	my $median;
+	if($arrLen % 2 == 0) {
+		$median = ($sArr[$arrLen/2-1] + $sArr[$arrLen/2])/2;
+	}
+	else {
+		$median = $sArr[$arrLen/2];
+	}
+	return $median;
+sub formatSeq {
+	my $seq = $_[0];
+    my $newSeq = "";
+    my $ch = 60;
+    for(my $i=0; $i<length $seq; $i+=$ch) {
+        $newSeq .= substr($seq, $i, $ch) . "\n";
+    }
+    chomp($newSeq);         # To remove \n at the end of the whole sequence..
+    return $newSeq;
+sub formatQualSeq {
+	my $qualSeq = $_[0];
+	my $fQSeq = "";
+	my $ch = 60;
+	my $valCount = 0;
+	my @arr = split(" ", $qualSeq);
+	for(my $i=0; $i<@arr; $i++) {
+		$valCount++;
+		if($valCount % $ch == 0) {
+			$fQSeq .= $arr[$i] . "\n";
+		}
+		else {
+			$fQSeq .= $arr[$i] . " ";
+		}
+	}
+	$fQSeq =~ s/\s+$//;
+	return $fQSeq;
+sub hasPolyChar {
+	my $seqRef = $_[0];
+	my $flag = 0;
+	if($$seqRef =~ s/(A{$homoPolyLen,}).*//i) {
+		$flag = 1;
+	}
+	if($$seqRef =~ s/(T{$homoPolyLen,}).*//i) {
+		$flag = 1;
+	}
+	if($$seqRef =~ s/(G{$homoPolyLen,}).*//i) {
+		$flag = 1;
+	}
+	if($$seqRef =~ s/(C{$homoPolyLen,}).*//i) {
+		$flag = 1;
+	}
+	return $flag;
+sub trimQualSeq {
+	my $qualSeq = $_[0];
+	my $seqLen = $_[1];
+	my $priAdaStart = $_[2];
+	my $trimmedQualSeq;
+	if($priAdaStart != -1) {
+		if($priAdaStart < 50) {
+			my $t = $seqLen-1;
+			$qualSeq =~ /((\d{1,2}\s+){$t}\d{1,2})$/;
+			$trimmedQualSeq = $1;
+		}
+		else {
+			$qualSeq =~ /^((\d{1,2}\s+){$seqLen})/;
+			$trimmedQualSeq = $1;
+		}
+	}
+	else {
+		$qualSeq =~ /^((\d{1,2}\s+){$seqLen})/;
+		$trimmedQualSeq = $1;
+	}
+	$trimmedQualSeq =~ s/\s+$//;
+	return $trimmedQualSeq;
+sub isReadOfHQ {	# Criteria for HQ is greater than or equal to 70% of bases have phred score > 20
+	my $read = $_[0];
+	my $validBaseCount = 0;
+	my @ASCII = split(/\s+/, $read);
+	my $readLen = scalar @ASCII;
+	my $cutOffLen = sprintf("%0.0f", $readLen * $cutOffReadLen4HQ / 100);	# 70% length of read length is calculated.
+	foreach my $val (@ASCII) {
+		if($val >= $cutOffPhScore) {
+			$validBaseCount++;
+		}
+	}
+	if($validBaseCount >= $cutOffLen) {
+		$ctotalHQBasesAfterHQ += $validBaseCount;
+		return 1;				# Return true.
+	}
+	else {
+		return 0;				# Return false.
+	}
+sub getQualBases {			# This will return an array. 1) Total bases 2) HQ bases 3) Average quality
+	my $read = $_[0];
+	my $qualSum = 0;
+	my @retArr = ();
+	my $validBaseCount = 0;
+	my @ASCII = split(/\s+/, $read);
+	my $readLen = scalar @ASCII;
+	foreach my $val (@ASCII) {
+		$qualSum += $val;
+		if($val >= $cutOffPhScore) {
+			$validBaseCount++;
+		}
+	}
+	$retArr[0] = $readLen;
+	$retArr[1] = $validBaseCount;
+	$retArr[2] = ($readLen)?(sprintf "%0.2f", $qualSum/$readLen):0;
+	return @retArr;
+sub prtError {
+	my $msg = $_[0];
+	print STDERR "+======================================================================+\n";
+	printf STDERR "|%-70s|\n", "  Error:";
+	printf STDERR "|%-70s|\n", "       $msg";
+	print STDERR "+======================================================================+\n";
+	prtUsage();
+	exit;
+sub getFileName {	# This sub takes a path of a file and returns just its name after separating the path from it.
+	my $path = $_[0];
+	my $name = "";
+	$path =~ /([^\/]+)$/;
+	$name = $1;
+	return $name;	
+sub getFilePath {
+	my $name = $_[0];
+	my $path = "";
+	if($name =~ /\//) {
+		$name =~ /(.+)\//;
+		$path = $1 . "/";
+	}
+	else {
+		$path = "./";
+	}
+	return $path;
+sub drawBaseComp {
+	my $dataRef = $_[0];
+	my $fileNameWPath = $_[1];
+	my $fileName = $_[2];
+	my $width = $_[3];
+	my $height = $_[4];
+	my $mygraph = GD::Graph::bars->new($width, $height);
+	$mygraph->set( 
+		y_label => 'Count',
+		y_min_value => 0,
+		box_axis => 0,
+		line_width => 3,
+		transparent => 0,
+		dclrs => [ qw(lred dgreen) ],
+		legend_placement	=> 'BR',
+		x_label_position	=> 1/2,
+		long_ticks			=> 1,
+		fgclr               => '#dddddd',
+		l_margin 			=> 60,
+		r_margin 			=> 60,
+		b_margin			=> 50,
+		t_margin			=> 50,
+		show_values         => 1,
+		bar_spacing         => 1,
+		values_vertical 	=> 1,
+	) or warn $mygraph->error;
+	if(!defined($isOnlyStat)) {
+		$mygraph->set_legend( $fileName, $fileName."_filtered");
+	}
+	else {
+		$mygraph->set_legend( $fileName);
+	}
+    $mygraph->set_y_label_font($font_spec, 12);
+    $mygraph->set_x_label_font($font_spec, 12);
+    $mygraph->set_y_axis_font($font_spec, 10);
+    $mygraph->set_x_axis_font($font_spec, 8);
+    $mygraph->set_title_font($f, 11);
+    $mygraph->set_legend_font($f, 8);
+    $mygraph->set_values_font($f, 6);
+	my $myImage = $mygraph->plot($dataRef);
+	my $black = $myImage->colorAllocate(0,0,0);			# To set the color for the next time printing on the image.
+	my $lred = $myImage->colorAllocate(255,0,0);	
+	my $dgreen = $myImage->colorAllocate(0,127,0);
+	my $dblue = $myImage->colorAllocate(0,0,127);
+	my $sum1 = sum(@{$$dataRef[1]});
+	my $sum2 = sum(@{$$dataRef[2]});
+	my $wrapbox = GD::Text::Wrap->new( $myImage,
+	        line_space  => 4,
+	        text        => "Base composition for $fileName",
+	        color		=> $dblue,
+	);
+	$wrapbox->set(align => 'center', width => $width);
+	$wrapbox->set_font($f, 11);
+	$wrapbox->draw(0,0);
+	$wrapbox = GD::Text::Wrap->new( $myImage,
+	        line_space  => 4,
+	        text        => "A (" . (sprintf "%0.2f", @{$$dataRef[1]}[0]/$sum1*100) . "\%)",
+	        color		=> $black,
+	);
+	$wrapbox->set(align => 'left', width => 300);
+	$wrapbox->set_font($f, 8);
+	$wrapbox->draw($width/2-220,$height-35);
+	$wrapbox = GD::Text::Wrap->new( $myImage,
+	        line_space  => 4,
+	        text        => "T (" . (sprintf "%0.2f", @{$$dataRef[1]}[1]/$sum1*100) . "\%)",
+	        color		=> $black,
+	);
+	$wrapbox->set(align => 'left', width => 300);
+	$wrapbox->set_font($f, 8);
+	$wrapbox->draw($width/2-130,$height-35);
+	$wrapbox = GD::Text::Wrap->new( $myImage,
+	        line_space  => 4,
+	        text        => "G (" . (sprintf "%0.2f", @{$$dataRef[1]}[2]/$sum1*100) . "\%)",
+	        color		=> $black,
+	);
+	$wrapbox->set(align => 'left', width => 300);
+	$wrapbox->set_font($f, 8);
+	$wrapbox->draw($width/2-40,$height-35);
+	$wrapbox = GD::Text::Wrap->new( $myImage,
+	        line_space  => 4,
+	        text        => "C (" . (sprintf "%0.2f", @{$$dataRef[1]}[3]/$sum1*100) . "\%)",
+	        color		=> $black,
+	);
+	$wrapbox->set(align => 'left', width => 300);
+	$wrapbox->set_font($f, 8);
+	$wrapbox->draw($width/2+50,$height-35);
+	$wrapbox = GD::Text::Wrap->new( $myImage,
+	        line_space  => 4,
+	        text        => "Non-ATGC (" . (sprintf "%0.2f", @{$$dataRef[1]}[4]/$sum1*100) . "\%)",
+	        color		=> $black,
+	);
+	$wrapbox->set(align => 'left', width => 300);
+	$wrapbox->set_font($f, 8);
+	$wrapbox->draw($width/2+140,$height-35);
+	my $startRectX = $width/2-230;
+	my $startRectY = $height-35;
+	$myImage->filledRectangle($startRectX,$startRectY,$startRectX+8,$startRectY+8,$lred);
+	$myImage->rectangle($startRectX,$startRectY,$startRectX+8,$startRectY+8,$black);
+	$startRectX = $width/2-140;
+	$myImage->filledRectangle($startRectX,$startRectY,$startRectX+8,$startRectY+8,$lred);
+	$myImage->rectangle($startRectX,$startRectY,$startRectX+8,$startRectY+8,$black);
+	$startRectX = $width/2-50;
+	$myImage->filledRectangle($startRectX,$startRectY,$startRectX+8,$startRectY+8,$lred);
+	$myImage->rectangle($startRectX,$startRectY,$startRectX+8,$startRectY+8,$black);
+	$startRectX = $width/2+40;
+	$myImage->filledRectangle($startRectX,$startRectY,$startRectX+8,$startRectY+8,$lred);
+	$myImage->rectangle($startRectX,$startRectY,$startRectX+8,$startRectY+8,$black);
+	$startRectX = $width/2+130;
+	$myImage->filledRectangle($startRectX,$startRectY,$startRectX+8,$startRectY+8,$lred);
+	$myImage->rectangle($startRectX,$startRectY,$startRectX+8,$startRectY+8,$black);
+	if(!$isOnlyStat) {
+		$wrapbox = GD::Text::Wrap->new( $myImage,
+		        line_space  => 4,
+		        text        => "A (" . (sprintf "%0.2f", @{$$dataRef[2]}[0]/$sum2*100) . "\%)",
+		        color		=> $black,
+		);
+		$wrapbox->set(align => 'left', width => 300);
+		$wrapbox->set_font($f, 8);
+		$wrapbox->draw($width/2-220,$height-20);
+		$wrapbox = GD::Text::Wrap->new( $myImage,
+		        line_space  => 4,
+		        text        => "T (" . (sprintf "%0.2f", @{$$dataRef[2]}[1]/$sum2*100) . "\%)",
+		        color		=> $black,
+		);
+		$wrapbox->set(align => 'left', width => 300);
+		$wrapbox->set_font($f, 8);
+		$wrapbox->draw($width/2-130,$height-20);
+		$wrapbox = GD::Text::Wrap->new( $myImage,
+		        line_space  => 4,
+		        text        => "G (" . (sprintf "%0.2f", @{$$dataRef[2]}[2]/$sum2*100) . "\%)",
+		        color		=> $black,
+		);
+		$wrapbox->set(align => 'left', width => 300);
+		$wrapbox->set_font($f, 8);
+		$wrapbox->draw($width/2-40,$height-20);
+		$wrapbox = GD::Text::Wrap->new( $myImage,
+		        line_space  => 4,
+		        text        => "C (" . (sprintf "%0.2f", @{$$dataRef[2]}[3]/$sum2*100) . "\%)",
+		        color		=> $black,
+		);
+		$wrapbox->set(align => 'left', width => 300);
+		$wrapbox->set_font($f, 8);
+		$wrapbox->draw($width/2+50,$height-20);
+		$wrapbox = GD::Text::Wrap->new( $myImage,
+		        line_space  => 4,
+		        text        => "Non-ATGC (" . (sprintf "%0.2f", @{$$dataRef[2]}[4]/$sum2*100) . "\%)",
+		        color		=> $black,
+		);
+		$wrapbox->set(align => 'left', width => 300);
+		$wrapbox->set_font($f, 8);
+		$wrapbox->draw($width/2+140,$height-20);
+		$startRectX = $width/2-230;
+		$startRectY = $height-20;
+		$myImage->filledRectangle($startRectX,$startRectY,$startRectX+8,$startRectY+8,$dgreen);
+		$myImage->rectangle($startRectX,$startRectY,$startRectX+8,$startRectY+8,$black);
+		$startRectX = $width/2-140;
+		$myImage->filledRectangle($startRectX,$startRectY,$startRectX+8,$startRectY+8,$dgreen);
+		$myImage->rectangle($startRectX,$startRectY,$startRectX+8,$startRectY+8,$black);
+		$startRectX = $width/2-50;
+		$myImage->filledRectangle($startRectX,$startRectY,$startRectX+8,$startRectY+8,$dgreen);
+		$myImage->rectangle($startRectX,$startRectY,$startRectX+8,$startRectY+8,$black);
+		$startRectX = $width/2+40;
+		$myImage->filledRectangle($startRectX,$startRectY,$startRectX+8,$startRectY+8,$dgreen);
+		$myImage->rectangle($startRectX,$startRectY,$startRectX+8,$startRectY+8,$black);
+		$startRectX = $width/2+130;
+		$myImage->filledRectangle($startRectX,$startRectY,$startRectX+8,$startRectY+8,$dgreen);
+		$myImage->rectangle($startRectX,$startRectY,$startRectX+8,$startRectY+8,$black);
+	}
+	open(IMG, ">$fileNameWPath") or print STDERR "Error:\n\tCan not create image file: $fileNameWPath\n";
+	binmode IMG;
+	print IMG $myImage->png;
+	close(IMG);
+sub drawGCDist {
+	my $dataRef = $_[0];
+	my $fileNameWPath = $_[1];
+	my $fileName = $_[2];
+	my $width = $_[3];
+	my $height = $_[4];
+	my $mygraph = GD::Graph::linespoints->new($width, $height);
+	$mygraph->set(
+		x_label => '% GC content',
+		y_label => 'Number of reads',
+		title => "GC content distribution for $fileName",
+		y_min_value => 0,
+		box_axis => 0,
+		line_width => 3,
+		transparent => 0,
+		markers				=> [1],
+		marker_size			=> 3,
+		dclrs => [ qw(lred dgreen) ],
+		x_labels_vertical	=> 1,
+		legend_placement	=> 'BR',
+		x_labels_vertical	=> 1,
+		x_label_position	=> 1/2,
+		long_ticks			=> 1,
+		fgclr               => '#dddddd',
+	) or warn $mygraph->error;
+	if(!defined($isOnlyStat)) {
+		$mygraph->set_legend( $fileName, $fileName."_filtered");
+	}
+	else {
+		$mygraph->set_legend( $fileName);
+	}
+    $mygraph->set_y_label_font($font_spec, 12);
+    $mygraph->set_x_label_font($font_spec, 12);
+    $mygraph->set_y_axis_font($font_spec, 10);
+    $mygraph->set_x_axis_font($font_spec, 8);
+    $mygraph->set_title_font($f, 11);
+    $mygraph->set_legend_font($f, 8);
+	my $myImage = $mygraph->plot($dataRef);
+	open(IMG, ">$fileNameWPath") or print STDERR "Error:\n\tCan not create image file: $fileNameWPath\n";
+	binmode IMG;
+	print IMG $myImage->png;
+	close(IMG);
+sub drawSummaryPie {
+	my $dataRef = $_[0];
+	my $fileNameWPath = $_[1];
+	my $width = $_[2];
+	my $height = $_[3];
+	my $mygraph = new GD::Graph::pie($width, $height);
+	$mygraph->set( 
+		title => "Summary of quality check and filtering",
+		axislabelclr => 'black',
+		pie_height => 40,
+		l_margin => 15,
+		r_margin => 15,
+		b_margin => 50,
+		start_angle => -10,
+		dclrs => [ qw(lred cyan lyellow lgreen purple) ],
+		transparent => 0,
+	) or warn $mygraph->error;
+    $mygraph->set_label_font($f, 8);
+    $mygraph->set_value_font(['verdana', 'arial'],14);
+    $mygraph->set_title_font($f, 11);
+	my $myImage = $mygraph->plot($dataRef);
+	my $black = $myImage->colorAllocate(0,0,0);			# To set the color for the next time printing on the image.
+	my $lred = $myImage->colorAllocate(255,0,0);	
+	my $lyellow = $myImage->colorAllocate(255,255,0);	
+	my $lgreen = $myImage->colorAllocate(0,255,0);
+	my $cyan = $myImage->colorAllocate(0,255,255);
+	my $purple = $myImage->colorAllocate(191,0,191);
+	my $sum = sum(@{$$dataRef[1]});
+	my $wrapbox = GD::Text::Wrap->new( $myImage,
+	        line_space  => 4,
+	        text        => (sprintf "Trashed reads (shorter than $lowestValidLen bp) (%0.2f", @{$$dataRef[1]}[0]/$sum*100) . "\%)",
+	        color		=> $black,
+	);
+	$wrapbox->set(align => 'left', width => 300);
+	$wrapbox->set_font($f, 8);
+	$wrapbox->draw(20,$height-45);
+	$wrapbox = GD::Text::Wrap->new( $myImage,
+	        line_space  => 4,
+	        text        => (sprintf "Homopolymer trimmed reads (%0.2f", @{$$dataRef[1]}[1]/$sum*100) . "\%)",
+	        color		=> $black,
+	);
+	$wrapbox->set(align => 'left', width => 300);
+	$wrapbox->set_font($f, 8);
+	$wrapbox->draw($width/2+40,$height-45);
+	$wrapbox = GD::Text::Wrap->new( $myImage,
+	        line_space  => 4,
+	        text        => (sprintf "Trashed reads (low quality reads) (%0.2f", @{$$dataRef[1]}[4]/$sum*100) . "\%)",
+	        color		=> $black,
+	);
+	$wrapbox->set(align => 'left', width => 300);
+	$wrapbox->set_font($f, 8);
+	$wrapbox->draw(20,$height-30);
+	$wrapbox = GD::Text::Wrap->new( $myImage,
+	        line_space  => 4,
+	        text        => (sprintf "Primer/Adaptor trimmed reads (%0.2f", @{$$dataRef[1]}[2]/$sum*100) . "\%)",
+	        color		=> $black,
+	);
+	$wrapbox->set(align => 'left', width => 300);
+	$wrapbox->set_font($f, 8);
+	$wrapbox->draw($width/2+40,$height-30);
+	$wrapbox = GD::Text::Wrap->new( $myImage,
+	        line_space  => 4,
+	        text        => (sprintf "High quality reads other than homopolymer and primer/adaptor trimmed (%0.2f", @{$$dataRef[1]}[3]/$sum*100) . "\%)",
+	        color		=> $black,
+	);
+	$wrapbox->set(align => 'left', width => 500);
+	$wrapbox->set_font($f, 8);
+	$wrapbox->draw(20,$height-15);
+	my $startRectX1 = 10;
+	my $startRectX2 = $width/2+30;
+	my $startRectY = $height-45;
+	$myImage->filledRectangle($startRectX1,$startRectY,$startRectX1+8,$startRectY+8,$lred);
+	$myImage->rectangle($startRectX1,$startRectY,$startRectX1+8,$startRectY+8,$black);
+	$myImage->filledRectangle($startRectX2,$startRectY,$startRectX2+8,$startRectY+8,$cyan);
+	$myImage->rectangle($startRectX2,$startRectY,$startRectX2+8,$startRectY+8,$black);
+	$startRectY += 15;
+	$myImage->filledRectangle($startRectX1,$startRectY,$startRectX1+8,$startRectY+8,$purple);
+	$myImage->rectangle($startRectX1,$startRectY,$startRectX1+8,$startRectY+8,$black);
+	$myImage->filledRectangle($startRectX2,$startRectY,$startRectX2+8,$startRectY+8,$lyellow);
+	$myImage->rectangle($startRectX2,$startRectY,$startRectX2+8,$startRectY+8,$black);
+	$startRectY += 15;
+	$myImage->filledRectangle($startRectX1,$startRectY,$startRectX1+8,$startRectY+8,$lgreen);
+	$myImage->rectangle($startRectX1,$startRectY,$startRectX1+8,$startRectY+8,$black);
+	open(IMG, ">$fileNameWPath") or print STDERR "Error:\n\tCan not create image file: $fileNameWPath\n";
+	binmode IMG;
+	print IMG $myImage->png;
+	close(IMG);
+sub drawQualDist {
+	my $dataRef = $_[0];
+	my $fileNameWPath = $_[1];
+	my $fileName = $_[2];
+	my $width = $_[3];
+	my $height = $_[4];
+	my $mygraph = GD::Graph::bars->new($width, $height);
+	$mygraph->set( 
+		x_label => 'Average phred quality score',
+		y_label => 'Number of reads',
+		title => "Quality distribution for $fileName",
+		y_min_value => 0,
+		box_axis => 0,
+		line_width => 3,
+		transparent => 0,
+		dclrs => [ qw(lred dgreen) ],
+		legend_placement	=> 'BR',
+		x_label_position	=> 1/2,
+		long_ticks			=> 1,
+		fgclr               => '#dddddd',
+		bar_spacing         => 1,
+	) or warn $mygraph->error;
+	if(!defined($isOnlyStat)) {
+		$mygraph->set_legend( $fileName, $fileName."_filtered");
+	}
+	else {
+		$mygraph->set_legend( $fileName);
+	}
+    $mygraph->set_y_label_font($font_spec, 12);
+    $mygraph->set_x_label_font($font_spec, 12);
+    $mygraph->set_y_axis_font($font_spec, 10);
+    $mygraph->set_x_axis_font($font_spec, 8);
+    $mygraph->set_title_font($f, 11);
+    $mygraph->set_legend_font($f, 8);
+	my $myImage = $mygraph->plot($dataRef);
+	open(IMG, ">$fileNameWPath") or print STDERR "Error:\n\tCan not create image file: $fileNameWPath\n";
+	binmode IMG;
+	print IMG $myImage->png;
+	close(IMG);
+sub drawLenDist {
+	my $dataRef = $_[0];
+	my $fileNameWPath = $_[1];
+	my $fileName = $_[2];
+	my $width = $_[3];
+	my $height = $_[4];
+	my $mygraph = GD::Graph::bars->new($width, $height);
+	$mygraph->set( 
+		x_label => 'Read length (bp)',
+		y_label => 'Number of reads',
+		title => "Length distribution for $fileName",
+		y_min_value => 0,
+		box_axis => 0,
+		line_width => 3,
+		transparent => 0,
+		dclrs => [ qw(lred dgreen) ],
+		legend_placement	=> 'BR',
+		x_labels_vertical	=> 1,
+		x_label_position	=> 1/2,
+		long_ticks			=> 1,
+		fgclr               => '#dddddd',
+		bar_spacing         => 1,
+	) or warn $mygraph->error;
+	if(!defined($isOnlyStat)) {
+		$mygraph->set_legend( $fileName, $fileName."_filtered");
+	}
+	else {
+		$mygraph->set_legend( $fileName);
+	}
+    $mygraph->set_y_label_font($font_spec, 12);
+    $mygraph->set_x_label_font($font_spec, 12);
+    $mygraph->set_y_axis_font($font_spec, 10);
+    $mygraph->set_x_axis_font($font_spec, 9);
+    $mygraph->set_title_font($f, 11);
+    $mygraph->set_legend_font($f, 8);
+	my $myImage = $mygraph->plot($dataRef);
+	open(IMG, ">$fileNameWPath") or print STDERR "Error:\n\tCan not create image file: $fileNameWPath\n";
+	binmode IMG;
+	print IMG $myImage->png;
+	close(IMG);
+sub prtHelp {
+	print "\n$0 options:\n\n";
+	print "### Input reads (FASTA format; .fna and .qual files) (Required)\n";
+	print "  -i <Read file> <Quality file> <Primer/Adaptor library>\n";
+	print "    Read and quality file in FASTA format with primer/adaptor library\n";
+	print "    User may choose from the provided primer/adaptor library or can give a file containing primer/adaptor sequences, one per line\n";
+	print "    Multiple libraries can be given using multiple '-i' options\n";
+	print "      For eg.: -i read1.fna read1.qual 3 -i read2.fna read2.qual 2\n\n";
+	print "    Primer/Adaptor libraries:\n";
+	my $c = 1;
+	foreach my $lib (@priAdaLibNames) {
+		print "      $c = $lib\n";
+		$c++;
+	}
+	print "      N = Do not filter for Primer/Adaptor\n";
+	print "      <File> = File for user defined primer/adaptor sequences, one per line\n";
+	print "\n";
+	print "### Other options [Optional]\n";
+	print "  -h | -help\n";
+	print "    Prints this help\n";
+	print "--------------------------------- QC Options ---------------------------------\n";
+	print "  -l | -cutOffReadLen4HQ <Real number, 0 to 100>\n";
+	print "    The cut-off value for percentage of read length that should be of given quality\n";
+	print "    default: 70\n";
+	print "  -s | -cutOffQualScore <Integer, 0 to 40>\n";
+	print "    The cut-off value for PHRED quality score for high-quality filtering\n";
+	print "    default: 20\n";
+	print "  -n | -homoPolyLen <Integer>\n";
+	print "    Minimum length of the homopolymer to be trimmed (0: to skip the homopolymer trimming)\n";
+	print "      For eg.: -n 8, will trim the right end of read from the homopolymer of at least 8 bases long\n";
+	print "    default: 0 (homopolymer trimming is off)\n";
+	print "  -m | -minLen <Integer>\n";
+	print "    Filter sequences shorter than the given minimum length\n";
+	print "    default: 100\n";
+	print "  -f | -lenFilter <Y/N>\n";
+	print "    Are sequences to be filtered on the basis of length: (Y)es or (N)o\n";
+	print "    default: Y\n";
+	print "----------------------------- Processing Options -----------------------------\n";
+	print "  -c | -cpus <Integer>\n";
+	print "    Number of CPUs to be used\n";
+	print "    default: 1\n";
+	print "  -onlyStat\n";
+	print "    Outputs only statistics without filtered data output\n";
+	print "------------------------------- Output Options -------------------------------\n";
+	print "  -t | -statOutFmt <Integer>\n";
+	print "    Output format for statistics\n";
+	print "    Formats:\n";
+	print "      1 = formatted text\n";
+	print "      2 = tab delimited\n";
+	print "    default: 1\n";
+	print "  -o | -outputFolder <Output folder name/path>\n";
+	print "    Output will be stored in the given folder\n";
+	print "    default: By default, output folder (454QC_Filtered_files) will be generated where the input files are\n";
+	print "  -z | -outputDataCompression <Character>\n";
+	print "    Output format for HQ filtered data\n";
+	print "    Formats:\n";
+	print "      t = text FASTA files\n";
+	print "      g = gzip compressed files\n";
+	print "    default: t\n";
+	print "\n";
+sub prtUsage {
+	print "\nUsage: perl $0 <options>\n";
+	prtHelp();
+sub isWOPriAda {
+	my $seq = $_[0];
+	chomp($$seq);
+	my @rapid = (
+	);
+	my @arrPE = (
+	);
+	my @arrAmplicon = (
+	);
+	my @arrsmRna = (
+	);
+	my @priAdas = (\@rapid, \@arrPE, \@arrAmplicon, \@arrsmRna);
+	my %checkedPriStr = ();	# The 20 bp from start and end are stored in this hash as key. So that next time when another pri/ada seq
+	my @priAdaSeqs = ();
+	if($priAdaLib eq "u") {
+		@priAdaSeqs = @usrDefinedPriAda;
+	}
+	else {
+		@priAdaSeqs = @{$priAdas[$priAdaLib]};
+	}
+	my @stat = ();
+	my $priInd = 0;
+	my $priAdaStart = 1;
+	my $isMatched = 0;
+	foreach my $priAda (@priAdaSeqs) {
+		$priAdaStart = findSeq($priAda, $$seq, \%checkedPriStr);
+		if($priAdaStart) {
+			if($priAdaStart < 50) {
+				$$seq = substr($$seq, $priAdaStart+$substrlen, length($$seq)-($priAdaStart+$substrlen));	
+			}
+			else {
+				$$seq = substr($$seq, 0, $priAdaStart);
+			}
+			$isMatched = 1;
+			last;
+		}
+	}
+	if($isMatched) {
+		$ctotalValidReadsWithPriAda++;
+		return $priAdaStart;
+	}
+	else {
+		$ctotalValidReadsNoPriAda++;
+		return -1;
+	}
+sub findSeq {
+	my $pri = $_[0];
+	my $seq = $_[1];
+	my $hashRef = $_[2];
+	my $subsl = $substrlen;
+	$subsl = length $pri if(length($pri) < $substrlen);
+	my $spri = substr($pri, 0, $subsl);
+	my $epri = substr($pri, (length $pri) - $subsl, $subsl);
+	my $sseq = substr($seq, 0, 50);
+	my $tmpInd = (length $seq) - 50;
+	$tmpInd = 0 if($tmpInd < 0);
+	my $eseq = substr($seq, $tmpInd, 50);
+	my $ans;
+	if(!defined($$hashRef{$spri})) {
+		my @catches = String::Approx::amatch($spri, ['I0 D0 S1'], $sseq);
+		if(@catches != 0) {
+			return findStart($sseq, $spri);
+		}
+		@catches = String::Approx::amatch($spri, ['I0 D0 S1'], $eseq);
+		if(@catches != 0) {
+			return findStart($eseq, $spri) + length($seq) - 50;
+		}
+		$$hashRef{$spri} = 1;
+	}
+	if(!defined($$hashRef{$epri})) {
+		my @catches = String::Approx::amatch($epri, ['I0 D0 S1'], $sseq);
+		if(@catches != 0) {
+			return findStart($sseq, $epri);
+		}
+		@catches = String::Approx::amatch($epri, ['I0 D0 S1'], $eseq);
+		if(@catches != 0) {
+			return findStart($eseq, $epri) + length($seq) - 50;
+		}
+		$$hashRef{$epri} = 1;
+	}
+	return 0;
+use re qw(eval);
+use vars qw($matchStart);
+sub findStart {
+   my $pattern;
+   local $_;
+   ($_, $pattern) = @_;
+   $pattern = fuzzy_pattern($pattern, $mismLim);
+   my @results;
+   local $matchStart;
+   my $instrumentedPattern = qr/(?{ $matchStart = pos() })$pattern/;
+   while (/$instrumentedPattern/g) {
+      my $nextStart = pos();
+      return $matchStart;
+      push @results, "[$matchStart..$nextStart)";
+      pos() = $matchStart+1;
+   }
+sub fuzzy_pattern {
+   my ($original_pattern, $mismatches_allowed) = @_;
+   $mismatches_allowed >= 0
+      or die "Number of mismatches must be greater than or equal to zero\n";
+   my $new_pattern = make_approximate($original_pattern, $mismatches_allowed);
+   return qr/$new_pattern/;
+sub make_approximate {
+   my ($pattern, $mismatches_allowed) = @_;
+   if ($mismatches_allowed == 0) { return $pattern }
+   elsif (length($pattern) <= $mismatches_allowed)
+      { $pattern =~ tr/ACTG/./; return $pattern }
+   else {
+      my ($first, $rest) = $pattern =~ /^(.)(.*)/;
+      my $after_match = make_approximate($rest, $mismatches_allowed);
+      if ($first =~ /[ACGT]/) {
+         my $after_miss = make_approximate($rest, $mismatches_allowed-1);
+         return "(?:$first$after_match|.$after_miss)";
+      }
+      else { return "$first$after_match" }
+   }
diff --git a/QC/IlluQC.pl b/QC/IlluQC.pl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d8cfb0b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/QC/IlluQC.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,2328 @@
+#! /usr/bin/perl
+use File::Basename;
+#	my ($tmp, $path) = fileparse($0);
+#	push ( @INC,"$path/lib");
+#	#use lib "$path";
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Getopt::Long;
+use List::Util qw(sum min max);
+use Cwd qw(abs_path);
+use IO::Zlib;
+use FindBin qw($RealBin);
+use lib "$RealBin/lib";
+require "html.pl";
+eval {
+	require Parallel::ForkManager;
+	require String::Approx;
+	require GD::Graph::linespoints;
+	require GD::Graph::bars;
+	require GD::Graph::pie;
+	require GD::Text::Wrap;
+my $isGDMod = 1;
+if($@) {
+	my $errorText = join("", $@);
+	if($errorText =~ /Parallel/) {
+		print "Error:\n\tCan not find 'lib' folder with this perl program\n"; #module 'Parallel::ForkManager'\n";
+		print "\tCopy the 'lib' folder, provided with the toolkit, to the directory where this perl program is and try again\n\n";
+		exit;
+	}
+	elsif($errorText =~ /GD\/Graph\/linespoints/) {
+		print STDERR "Warning:\n\tCan not find module 'GD::Graph'\n";
+		print STDERR "\tGraphs for statistics will not be produced. \n\t\t\tOR \n\tInstall GD::Graph module and try again.\n\n";
+		$isGDMod = 0;
+	}
+	elsif($errorText =~ /String\/Approx/) {
+		print STDERR "Error:\n\tCan not find module 'String::Approx'\n";
+		print STDERR "\tInstall it and try again\n\n";
+		exit;
+	}
+# Stat variables.
+my @totalBases = (0, 0);
+my @totalHQBases = (0, 0);	### This is for HQ reads, does not include NO_VEC stat.
+my @totalBasesAfterHQ = (0, 0);
+my @totalHQBasesAfterHQ = (0, 0);
+my @totalBasesFinal = (0, 0);
+my @totalHQBasesFinal = (0, 0);
+my @totalReadsAfterHQ = (0, 0);	### This is for HQ reads, does not include NO_VEC stat.
+my @totalReads = (0, 0);
+my @totalValidReadsNoPriAda = (0, 0);
+my @totalValidReadsWithPriAda = (0, 0);
+my @minLen = (1000, 1000, 1000, 1000);
+my @maxLen = (0, 0, 0, 0);
+my @positionSpecificBaseCount = ();
+my @positionSpecificBaseCountHQ = ();	#### This is for final output reads only... Which may include NO_VEC according to the user input.
+my @positionSpecificBaseCountWithRanges = ();
+my @positionSpecificBaseCountHQWithRanges = ();
+my @totalReadsFinal = ();
+my @fileName = ();
+my @outFileName = ();
+my @readsWithN = (0, 0, 0, 0);
+my @totalNs = (0, 0, 0, 0);
+my @totalTrimmedReads = (0, 0);
+my @priAdaLibNames = ("Genomic DNA/Chip-seq Library", "Paired End DNA Library", "DpnII gene expression Library", "NlaIII gene expression Library", "Small RNA Library", "Multiplexing DNA Library");
+my $nLines = 0;
+my $seqFormat = 0;		# 1: Sanger; 2: Solexa; 3: Illumina 1.3+; 4: Illumina 1.5+;
+my $subVal = 0;			# 33: Sanger; 64: Illumina
+my @qualDistribRaw = ();
+my @qualDistribFinal = ();
+my $qualDistribInterval = 1;
+my @qualLabel = ();
+my @gcDistribRaw = ();
+my @gcDistribFinal = ();
+my $gcDistribInterval = 5;
+my @gcLabel = ();
+my @baseCountRaw = ();
+my @baseCountFinal = ();
+my @charCountRaw = ();
+my @charCountFinal = ();
+#my @monoRepeat = ();				### Poly A, Poly T, Poly G, Poly C
+#my @diRepeat = ();
+#my @triRepeat = ();
+#my @tetraRepeat = ();
+my $font_spec = getFilePath($0) . "lib/Fonts/Dustismo_Sans.ttf";
+my $f = getFilePath($0) . "lib/Fonts/LucidaSansDemiBold.ttf";
+# Misc variables.
+my $isPairedEnd = 0;
+my $outFolder = "";
+my $substrlen = 20;						# For removePriAda
+my $mismLim = 1;						# For removePriAda
+my $indOfAnalysis = 0;
+# Parameter variables.
+my @peFiles = ();
+my @seFiles = ();
+my @allFiles = ();
+my $noOfInp4PE = 4;
+my $noOfInp4SE = 3;
+my $isOnlyStat;
+my $priAdaLib = "";
+my $cutOffReadLen4HQ = 70;
+my $cutOffPhScore = 20;
+#my $trimAfterUnknownCall;
+my $noOfProcesses = 1;
+my $helpAsked;
+my $statOutFmt = 1;			# 1: Text format; 2: Tab-delimited format.
+my $priAdaFile;
+my @usrDefinedPriAda = ();
+my $outputDataFmt = "t";		# t/T: Text; g/G: Gzip.
+			"pe=s{$noOfInp4PE}" => \@peFiles,
+			"se=s{$noOfInp4SE}" => \@seFiles,
+			"h|help" => \$helpAsked,
+			"l|cutOffReadLen4HQ=f" => \$cutOffReadLen4HQ,
+			"o|outputFolder=s" => \$outFolder,
+			"z|outputDataCompression=s" => \$outputDataFmt,
+			"t|statOutFmt=i" => \$statOutFmt,
+			"onlyStat" => \$isOnlyStat,
+			"p|processes=i" => \$noOfProcesses,
+			"s|cutOffQualScore=i" => \$cutOffPhScore,
+		  );
+if($helpAsked) {
+	prtUsage();
+	exit;
+if(@peFiles == 0 && @seFiles == 0) {
+	prtError("No input files are provided");
+# Validating inputs
+my @tempFiles = ();
+prtError("Missing inputs for paired-end files") if((scalar @peFiles)%$noOfInp4PE != 0);
+for(my $i=0; $i<@peFiles; $i+=$noOfInp4PE) {
+	my $str = "$peFiles[$i] $peFiles[$i+1] $peFiles[$i+2] $peFiles[$i+3]";
+	if($peFiles[$i+2] =~ /^-/) {
+		prtError("Missing inputs for paired-end files: at '-pe $str'")
+	}
+	if($peFiles[$i+2] =~ /^\d$/) {
+		if($peFiles[$i+2] < 1 || $peFiles[$i+2] > 6) {
+			prtError("Incorrect option for Primer/Adaptor library: at '-pe $str'");
+		}
+	}
+	if($peFiles[$i+3] =~ /^-/) {
+		prtError("Missing inputs for paired-end files: at '-pe $str'")
+	}
+	if($peFiles[$i+3] !~ /\d/ && $peFiles[$i+3] !~ /a/i) {
+		prtError("Incorrect option for FASTQ variant: at '-pe $str'")
+	}
+	if($peFiles[$i+3] !~ /a/i) {
+		if($peFiles[$i+3] < 1 || $peFiles[$i+3] > 5) {
+			prtError("Incorrect option for FASTQ variant: at '-pe $str'");
+		}
+	}
+	push(@tempFiles, $str);
+ at peFiles = ();
+ at peFiles = @tempFiles;
+ at tempFiles = ();
+prtError("Missing inputs for single-end files") if((scalar @seFiles)%$noOfInp4SE != 0);
+for(my $i=0; $i<@seFiles; $i+=$noOfInp4SE) {
+	my $str = "$seFiles[$i] $seFiles[$i+1] $seFiles[$i+2]";
+	if($seFiles[$i+1] =~ /^-/) {
+		prtError("Missing inputs for single-end files: at '-se $str'")
+	}
+	if($seFiles[$i+1] =~ /^\d$/i) {
+		if($seFiles[$i+1] < 1 || $seFiles[$i+1] > 6) {
+			prtError("Incorrect option for Primer/Adaptor library: at '-se $str'");
+		}
+	}
+	if($seFiles[$i+2] =~ /^-/) {
+		prtError("Missing inputs for single-end files: at '-se $str'")
+	}
+	if($seFiles[$i+2] !~ /\d/ && $seFiles[$i+2] !~ /a/i) {
+		prtError("Incorrect option for FASTQ variant: at '-se $str'")
+	}
+	if($seFiles[$i+2] !~ /a/i) {
+		if($seFiles[$i+2] < 1 || $seFiles[$i+2] > 5) {
+			prtError("Incorrect option for FASTQ variant: at '-se $str'");
+		}
+	}
+	push(@tempFiles, $str);
+ at seFiles = ();
+ at seFiles = @tempFiles;
+ at tempFiles = ();
+if($cutOffReadLen4HQ < 0 || $cutOffReadLen4HQ > 100) {
+	prtError("Incorrect value for -l|cutOffReadLen4HQ option: at '-l $cutOffReadLen4HQ'");
+if($statOutFmt < 1 || $statOutFmt > 2) {
+	prtError("Incorrect value for -statOutFmt: at '-statOutFmt $statOutFmt'");
+if($outputDataFmt !~ /^[tg]$/i) {
+	prtError("Incorrect value for -f|outputDataFmt option: at '-f $outputDataFmt'");
+my $pm = new Parallel::ForkManager($noOfProcesses);
+ at allFiles = (@peFiles, @seFiles);
+my $pid;
+foreach my $file (@allFiles) {
+	@totalBases = (0, 0);
+	@totalHQBases = (0, 0);
+	@totalBasesAfterHQ = (0, 0);
+	@totalHQBasesAfterHQ = (0, 0);
+	@totalBasesFinal = (0, 0);
+	@totalHQBasesFinal = (0, 0);
+	@totalReadsAfterHQ = (0, 0);
+	@totalReads = (0, 0);
+	@totalValidReadsNoPriAda = (0, 0);
+	@totalValidReadsWithPriAda = (0, 0);
+	@minLen = (1000, 1000, 1000, 1000);
+	@maxLen = (0, 0, 0, 0);
+	@positionSpecificBaseCount = ();
+	@positionSpecificBaseCountHQ = ();
+	@positionSpecificBaseCountWithRanges = ();
+	@positionSpecificBaseCountHQWithRanges = ();
+	@totalReadsFinal = ();
+	@fileName = ();
+ 	@outFileName = ();
+	@readsWithN = (0, 0, 0, 0);
+	@totalNs = (0, 0, 0, 0);
+	@totalTrimmedReads = (0, 0);
+	@qualDistribRaw = ();
+	@qualDistribFinal = ();
+	@qualLabel = ();
+	@gcDistribRaw = ();
+	@gcDistribFinal = ();
+	@gcLabel = ();
+	@charCountRaw = ();
+	@charCountFinal = ();
+	$priAdaFile = "";
+	@usrDefinedPriAda = ();
+	$file =~ s/\\([A-Za-z_\.])/\/$1/g;		# To remove '\' from the path of windows file
+	$isPairedEnd = 0;
+	my @inpData = split(/\s+/, $file);
+	if($inpData[$#inpData-1] =~ /^n$/i) {
+		undef $priAdaLib;
+	}
+	elsif($inpData[$#inpData-1] =~ /^\d$/) {
+		$priAdaLib = $inpData[$#inpData-1] - 1;
+	}
+	else {
+		$priAdaLib = "u";
+		$priAdaFile = $inpData[$#inpData-1];
+		open(PRIADA, "<$priAdaFile") or die "Can not open the user-defined primer/adapter file: $priAdaFile\n";
+		@usrDefinedPriAda = <PRIADA>;
+		for(my $i=0; $i<=$#usrDefinedPriAda; $i++) {
+			$usrDefinedPriAda[$i] =~ s/\s+//g;
+		}
+	}
+	$seqFormat = $inpData[$#inpData];
+	$indOfAnalysis++;
+$pid = $pm->start and next;
+	print "Analysis has been started for \"$file\": Index: $indOfAnalysis\n";
+	my $statFile = "";
+	my $outFile1;
+	my $outFile2;
+	my $unPaired;
+	my $outFile;
+	if((scalar @inpData) == $noOfInp4PE) {
+		@fileName = ($inpData[0], $inpData[1]);
+		$outFolder = getFilePath($fileName[0]) . "IlluQC_Filtered_files" if($outFolder eq "");
+		$outFolder .= "/" if($outFolder !~ /\/$/);
+		if(! -e $outFolder) {
+				mkdir($outFolder) or die "Can not create output folder: $outFolder\n";
+		}
+		$outFile1 = $outFolder . getFileName($fileName[0]) . "_filtered";
+		$outFile2 = $outFolder . getFileName($fileName[1]) . "_filtered";
+		$outFile1 .= ".gz" if($outputDataFmt =~ /g/i);
+		$outFile2 .= ".gz" if($outputDataFmt =~ /g/i);
+		$statFile = $outFolder . getFileName($fileName[0]) . "_" . getFileName($fileName[1]) . "_stat";
+		$outFileName[0] = $outFile1;
+		$outFileName[1] = $outFile2;
+		if($seqFormat =~ /a/i) {
+			print "$indOfAnalysis: Checking FASTQ format: File $fileName[0]...\n";
+			$nLines = checkFastQFormat($fileName[0], 1);
+			print "$indOfAnalysis: Checking FASTQ format: File $fileName[1]...\n";
+			if($nLines != checkFastQFormat($fileName[1], 1)) {
+				prtErrorExit("Number of reads in paired end files are not same.\n\t\tFiles: $fileName[0], $fileName[1]");
+			}
+			if($seqFormat == 1) {
+				$subVal = 33;
+				print "$indOfAnalysis: Input FASTQ file format: Sanger\n";
+			}
+			if($seqFormat == 2) {
+				$subVal = 64;
+				print "$indOfAnalysis: Input FASTQ file format: Solexa\n";
+			}
+			if($seqFormat == 3) {
+				$subVal = 64;
+				print "$indOfAnalysis: Input FASTQ file format: Illumina 1.3+\n";
+			}
+			if($seqFormat == 4) {
+				$subVal = 64;
+				print "$indOfAnalysis: Input FASTQ file format: Illumina 1.5+\n";
+			}
+			if($seqFormat == 5) {
+				$subVal = 33;
+				print "$indOfAnalysis: Input FASTQ file format: Illumina 1.8+\n";
+			}
+		}
+		else {
+			$nLines = checkFastQFormat($fileName[0], 0);
+			if($nLines != checkFastQFormat($fileName[1], 0)) {
+				prtErrorExit("Number of reads in paired end files are not same.\n\t\tFiles: $fileName[0], $fileName[1]");
+			}
+			if($seqFormat == 1 || $seqFormat == 5) {
+				$subVal = 33;
+			}
+			else {
+				$subVal = 64;
+			}
+		}
+		print "$indOfAnalysis: Processing input files...\n";
+		$unPaired = getFilePath($outFile1) . getFileName($fileName[0]) . "_" . getFileName($fileName[1]) . "_unPaired_HQReads";
+		$unPaired .= ".gz" if($outputDataFmt =~ /g/i);
+		my $t = sprintf("%0.0f", $nLines/4);
+		print "$indOfAnalysis: Number of reads processed: " . "0/$t (0\%)...\n";
+		processPairedEndFiles($fileName[0], $fileName[1], $outFile1, $outFile2, $unPaired);
+		print "$indOfAnalysis: Number of reads processed: " . "$totalReads[0]/$totalReads[0] (100\%)...\n";
+		if(!defined($isOnlyStat)) {
+		}
+		$isPairedEnd = 1;
+	}
+	else {
+		$fileName[0] = $inpData[0]; #$arg;
+		$outFolder = getFilePath($fileName[0]) . "IlluQC_Filtered_files" if($outFolder eq "");
+		$outFolder .= "/" if($outFolder !~ /\/$/);
+		if(! -e $outFolder) {
+			if(!defined($isOnlyStat)) {
+				mkdir($outFolder) or die "Can not create output folder: $outFolder\n";
+			}
+		}
+		$outFile = $outFolder . getFileName($fileName[0]) . "_filtered";
+		$outFile .= ".gz" if($outputDataFmt =~ /g/i);
+		$outFileName[0] = $outFile;
+		$statFile = $outFolder . getFileName($fileName[0]) . "_stat";
+		if($seqFormat =~ /a/i) {
+			print "$indOfAnalysis: Checking FASTQ format: File $fileName[0]...\n";
+			$nLines = checkFastQFormat($fileName[0], 1);
+			if($seqFormat == 1) {
+				$subVal = 33;
+				print "$indOfAnalysis: Input FASTQ file format: Sanger\n";
+			}
+			if($seqFormat == 2) {
+				$subVal = 64;
+				print "$indOfAnalysis: Input FASTQ file format: Solexa\n";
+			}
+			if($seqFormat == 3) {
+				$subVal = 64;
+				print "$indOfAnalysis: Input FASTQ file format: Illumina 1.3+\n";
+			}
+			if($seqFormat == 4) {
+				$subVal = 64;
+				print "$indOfAnalysis: Input FASTQ file format: Illumina 1.5+\n";
+			}
+			if($seqFormat == 5) {
+				$subVal = 33;
+				print "$indOfAnalysis: Input FASTQ file format: Illumina 1.8+\n";
+			}
+		}
+		else {
+			$nLines = checkFastQFormat($fileName[0], 0);
+			if($seqFormat == 1 || $seqFormat == 5) {
+				$subVal = 33;
+			}
+			else {
+				$subVal = 64;
+			}
+		}
+		print "$indOfAnalysis: Processing input files...\n";
+		my $t = sprintf("%0.0f", $nLines/4);
+		print "$indOfAnalysis: Number of reads processed: " . "0/$t (0\%)...\n";
+		processSingleEndFiles($fileName[0], $outFile);
+		print "$indOfAnalysis: Number of reads processed: " . "$totalReads[0]/$totalReads[0] (100\%)...\n";
+		if(!defined($isOnlyStat)) {
+		}
+		$isPairedEnd = 0;
+	}
+	print "$indOfAnalysis: Analysis completed\n";
+	print "$indOfAnalysis: Printing Statistics...\n";
+	my $qualDistF1 = getFileName($fileName[0])."_qualDistribution.png";
+	my $qualDistF2 = getFileName($fileName[1])."_qualDistribution.png" if($isPairedEnd);
+	my $sumPieF;
+	$sumPieF = getFileName($fileName[0]). "_summary.png";
+	$sumPieF = getFileName($fileName[0]). "_" . getFileName($fileName[1]) ."_summary.png" if($isPairedEnd);
+	my $gcDistF1 = getFileName($fileName[0])."_gcDistribution.png";
+	my $gcDistF2 = getFileName($fileName[1])."_gcDistribution.png" if($isPairedEnd);
+	my $baseCntF1 = getFileName($fileName[0])."_baseCompostion.png";
+	my $baseCntF2 = getFileName($fileName[1])."_baseCompostion.png" if($isPairedEnd);
+	my $avgQF1 = getFileName($fileName[0]) . "_avgQual.png";
+	my $avgQF2 = getFileName($fileName[1]) . "_avgQual.png" if($isPairedEnd);
+	my $QRangeRawF1 = getFileName($fileName[0]) . "_QualRangePerBase.png";
+	my $QRangeFilteredF1 = getFileName($outFileName[0]) . "_QualRangePerBase.png" if(!defined($isOnlyStat));
+	my $QRangeF1 = "$QRangeRawF1";
+	$QRangeF1 .= ":::$QRangeFilteredF1" if(!defined($isOnlyStat));
+	my $QRangeF2;
+	if($isPairedEnd) {
+		my $QRangeRawF2 = getFileName($fileName[1]) . "_QualRangePerBase.png";
+		my $QRangeFilteredF2 = getFileName($outFileName[1]) . "_QualRangePerBase.png" if(!defined($isOnlyStat));
+		$QRangeF2 = "$QRangeRawF2";
+		$QRangeF2 .= ":::$QRangeFilteredF2" if(!defined($isOnlyStat));
+	}
+	my $c=0;
+	foreach my $ref (@qualDistribRaw) {
+		my $str = "";
+		foreach my $val (@{$ref}) {
+			if($c == 0) {
+				$str = "0";
+				$str .= "-$qualDistribInterval" if($qualDistribInterval>1);
+			}
+			else {
+				$str = $qualDistribInterval*$c;
+				$str .=  "-" . $qualDistribInterval*($c+1) if($qualDistribInterval>1);
+			}
+			$c++;
+			push(@qualLabel, $str);
+		}
+		last;
+	}
+	my @file1 = (\@qualLabel, $qualDistribRaw[0]);
+	my @file2 = (\@qualLabel, $qualDistribRaw[1]) if($isPairedEnd);
+	if(!$isOnlyStat) {
+		push(@file1, $qualDistribFinal[0]);
+		push(@file2, $qualDistribFinal[1]) if($isPairedEnd);;
+	}
+	if($isGDMod) {
+		drawQualDist(\@file1, $outFolder.$qualDistF1, getFileName($fileName[0]), 650, 350);
+		drawQualDist(\@file2, $outFolder.$qualDistF2, getFileName($fileName[1]), 650, 300) if($isPairedEnd);
+	}
+	my $readsWPriAda = $totalReadsAfterHQ[0] - $totalReadsFinal[0];		# For Paired end, different number of contaminated sequences will be filtered in both the files. And we have to report total reads contaminated including both end files.
+	my $readsLowQual = $totalReads[0] - $readsWPriAda - $totalReadsFinal[0];
+	@file1 = (["", "", ""], [$readsWPriAda, $totalReadsFinal[0], $readsLowQual]);
+	if($isGDMod) {
+		drawSummaryPie(\@file1, $outFolder.$sumPieF, 500, 350);
+	}
+	$c=0;
+	foreach my $ref (@gcDistribRaw) {
+		foreach my $val (@{$ref}) {
+			my $str = "";
+			if($c == 0) {
+				$str = "0-$gcDistribInterval";
+			}
+			else {
+				$str = $gcDistribInterval*$c . "-" . $gcDistribInterval*($c+1);
+			}
+			$c++;
+			push(@gcLabel, $str);
+		}
+		last;
+	}
+	@file1 = (\@gcLabel, $gcDistribRaw[0]);
+	@file2 = (\@gcLabel, $gcDistribRaw[1]) if($isPairedEnd);
+	if(!$isOnlyStat) {
+		push(@file1, $gcDistribFinal[0]);
+		push(@file2, $gcDistribFinal[1]) if($isPairedEnd);
+	}
+	if($isGDMod) {
+		drawGCDist(\@file1, $outFolder.$gcDistF1, getFileName($fileName[0]), 550, 350);
+		drawGCDist(\@file2, $outFolder.$gcDistF2, getFileName($fileName[1]), 550, 350) if($isPairedEnd);
+	}
+	@file1 = (["A", "T", "G", "C", "Non-ATGC"], $charCountRaw[0]);
+	@file2 = (["A", "T", "G", "C", "Non-ATGC"], $charCountRaw[1]) if($isPairedEnd);
+	if(!$isOnlyStat) {
+		@file1 = (["A", "T", "G", "C", "Non-ATGC"], $charCountRaw[0], $charCountFinal[0]);
+		@file2 = (["A", "T", "G", "C", "Non-ATGC"], $charCountRaw[1], $charCountFinal[1]) if($isPairedEnd);
+	}
+	if($isGDMod) {
+		drawBaseComp(\@file1, $outFolder.$baseCntF1, getFileName($fileName[0]), 500, 300);
+		drawBaseComp(\@file2, $outFolder.$baseCntF2, getFileName($fileName[1]), 500, 300) if($isPairedEnd);
+	}
+	open(STAT, ">$statFile") or die "Can not create statistics file $statFile\n";
+	printStat(*STAT) if($statOutFmt == 1);
+	printStatTab(*STAT) if($statOutFmt == 2);
+	close(STAT);
+	my $iFol = getFilePath(abs_path($fileName[0]));
+	my $oFol = abs_path($outFolder) . "/";
+	my $inpFs = getFileName($fileName[0]);
+	my $seqFormatName;
+	$inpFs .= ":::::" . getFileName($fileName[1]) if($isPairedEnd);
+	my $htF = $oFol . "output_" . getFileName($fileName[0]);
+	$htF .= "_" . getFileName($fileName[1]) if($isPairedEnd);
+	$htF .= ".html";
+	if($seqFormat == 1) {
+		$seqFormatName = "Sanger";
+	}
+	elsif($seqFormat == 2) {
+		$seqFormatName = "Solexa";
+	}
+	elsif($seqFormat == 3) {
+		$seqFormatName = "Illumina 1.3+";
+	}
+	elsif($seqFormat == 4) {
+		$seqFormatName = "Illumina 1.5+";
+	}
+	my @fileNames4HTML;
+	@fileNames4HTML = ($outFile, $avgQF1, $baseCntF1, $gcDistF1, $qualDistF1, $sumPieF, $QRangeF1);
+	@fileNames4HTML = ($outFile1, $outFile2, $unPaired, $avgQF1, $avgQF2, $baseCntF1, $baseCntF2, $gcDistF1, $gcDistF2, $qualDistF1, $qualDistF2, $sumPieF, $QRangeF1, $QRangeF2) if($isPairedEnd);
+	htmlPrint(getFilePath(abs_path($0)), getFileName($0), $htF, $iFol, $isPairedEnd, $isOnlyStat, $inpFs, $seqFormatName, $statFile, $oFol, \@fileNames4HTML);
+	$pm->finish;
+print "================================================================\n";
+print "Processing has been finished\n";
+print "Output files are generated in $outFolder\n" if($outFolder ne "");
+print "Output files are generated in the folder of input files\n" if($outFolder eq "");
+print "================================================================\n";
+sub openFileGetHandle {
+	my ($file, $rOrw) = @_;
+	my $fh;
+	if($file =~ /\.gz$/i) {
+		$fh = new IO::Zlib;
+		$fh->open("$file", "rb") or die "Can not open file $file" if($rOrw eq "r");
+		$fh->open("$file", "wb") or die "Can not create file $file" if($rOrw eq "w");
+	}
+	else {
+		open($fh, "<$file") or die "Can not open file $file" if($rOrw eq "r");
+		open($fh, ">$file") or die "Can not create file $file" if($rOrw eq "w");
+	}
+	return $fh;
+sub processPairedEndFiles {
+	my $file1 = $_[0];
+	my $file2 = $_[1];
+	my $outFile1 = $_[2];
+	my $outFile2 = $_[3];
+	my $unPaired = $_[4];
+	$totalReads[0] = sprintf("%0.0f", $nLines/4);
+	$totalReads[1] = sprintf("%0.0f", $nLines/4);
+	my $fH1 = openFileGetHandle($file1, "r");
+	*F1 = $fH1;
+	my $fH2 = openFileGetHandle($file2, "r");
+	*F2 = $fH2;
+	if(!defined($isOnlyStat)) {
+		my $ofH1 = openFileGetHandle($outFile1, "w");
+		*OF1 = $ofH1;
+		my $ofH2 = openFileGetHandle($outFile2, "w");
+		*OF2 = $ofH2;
+		my $ofupH = openFileGetHandle($unPaired, "w");
+		*OFUP = $ofupH;
+	}
+	my $isEOF = 1;
+	if($nLines/4 > 0) {
+		$isEOF = 0;
+	}
+	my $lineCount = 0;
+	while(!$isEOF) {
+		my @fRead = ();
+		my @rRead = ();
+		for(my $i=0; $i<4; $i++) {
+			$fRead[$i] = <F1>;
+			$rRead[$i] = <F2>;
+		}
+		last if($fRead[0]=~ /^\n$/);
+		last if($rRead[0]=~ /^\n$/);
+		chomp(my $fQualLine = $fRead[3]);
+		chomp(my $rQualLine = $rRead[3]);
+		chomp(my $fSeqLine = $fRead[1]);
+		chomp(my $rSeqLine = $rRead[1]);
+		my $fNs = getNoOfNs($fSeqLine);
+		my $rNs = getNoOfNs($rSeqLine);
+		$totalNs[0] += $fNs;
+		$totalNs[1] += $rNs;
+		if($fNs) {
+			$readsWithN[0]++;
+		}
+		if($rNs) {
+			$readsWithN[1]++;
+		}
+		my @qualArr = ();
+		my $isFReadOfHQ = isReadOfHQ($fQualLine, 0, \@qualArr);
+		my $isRReadOfHQ = isReadOfHQ($rQualLine, 1, \@qualArr);
+		my $fSeqLineLen = length $fSeqLine;
+		my $rSeqLineLen = length $rSeqLine;
+		my @ASCII = unpack("C*", $fQualLine);
+		my $fAvgQual = sprintf "%.0f", (sum(@ASCII)/$fSeqLineLen);
+		my @rASCII = unpack("C*", $rQualLine);
+		my $rAvgQual = sprintf "%.0f", (sum(@rASCII)/$rSeqLineLen);
+		$fAvgQual -= $subVal;
+		$rAvgQual -= $subVal;
+		$qualDistribRaw[0][getIndex($fAvgQual,$qualDistribInterval)]++;
+		$qualDistribRaw[1][getIndex($rAvgQual,$qualDistribInterval)]++;
+		my $fAs = $fSeqLine =~ s/A/A/gi;
+		my $fTs = $fSeqLine =~ s/T/T/gi;
+		my $fGs = $fSeqLine =~ s/G/G/gi;
+		my $fCs = $fSeqLine =~ s/C/C/gi;
+		my $fgcPercent = ($fGs + $fCs)/$fSeqLineLen*100; 
+		$charCountRaw[0][0] += $fAs;
+		$charCountRaw[0][1] += $fTs;
+		$charCountRaw[0][2] += $fGs;
+		$charCountRaw[0][3] += $fCs;
+		$charCountRaw[0][4] += $fNs;
+		my $rAs = $rSeqLine =~ s/A/A/gi;
+		my $rTs = $rSeqLine =~ s/T/T/gi;
+		my $rGs = $rSeqLine =~ s/G/G/gi;
+		my $rCs = $rSeqLine =~ s/C/C/gi;
+		my $rgcPercent = ($rGs + $rCs)/$rSeqLineLen*100;
+		$charCountRaw[1][0] += $rAs;
+		$charCountRaw[1][1] += $rTs;
+		$charCountRaw[1][2] += $rGs;
+		$charCountRaw[1][3] += $rCs;
+		$charCountRaw[1][4] += $rNs; 
+		$gcDistribRaw[0][getIndex($fgcPercent,$gcDistribInterval)]++;
+		$gcDistribRaw[1][getIndex($rgcPercent,$gcDistribInterval)]++;
+		if($isFReadOfHQ && $isRReadOfHQ) {
+			$totalReadsAfterHQ[0]++;
+			$totalReadsAfterHQ[1]++;
+			$totalBasesAfterHQ[0] += $fSeqLineLen;
+			$totalBasesAfterHQ[1] += $rSeqLineLen;
+			$totalHQBasesAfterHQ[0] += $isFReadOfHQ;
+			$totalHQBasesAfterHQ[1] += $isRReadOfHQ;
+			if(defined($priAdaLib)) {
+				my $isFWOPriAda = isWOPriAda($fSeqLine, 0, 1);
+				my $isRWOPriAda = isWOPriAda($rSeqLine, 1, 1);
+				if($isFWOPriAda && $isRWOPriAda) {
+					$totalReadsFinal[0]++;
+					$totalReadsFinal[1]++;
+					$totalBasesFinal[0] += $fSeqLineLen;
+					$totalBasesFinal[1] += $rSeqLineLen;
+					$totalHQBasesFinal[0] += $isFReadOfHQ;
+					$totalHQBasesFinal[1] += $isRReadOfHQ;
+					$minLen[2] = $fSeqLineLen if($minLen[2] > $fSeqLineLen);
+					$maxLen[2] = $fSeqLineLen if($maxLen[2] < $fSeqLineLen);
+					$minLen[3] = $rSeqLineLen if($minLen[3] > $rSeqLineLen);
+					$maxLen[3] = $rSeqLineLen if($maxLen[3] < $rSeqLineLen);
+					$totalNs[2] += $fNs;
+					$totalNs[3] += $rNs;
+					if($fNs) {
+						$readsWithN[2]++;
+					}
+					if($rNs) {
+						$readsWithN[3]++;
+					}
+					for(my $x=0; $x<@qualArr; $x++) {
+						my @row = @{$qualArr[$x]};
+						for(my $y=0; $y<@row; $y++) {
+							$positionSpecificBaseCountHQ[$x][$y] += $qualArr[$x][$y];
+							my $ind = int($qualArr[$x][$y]/10);
+							$ind-- if($qualArr[$x][$y]%10 == 0 && $qualArr[$x][$y] != 0);
+							$positionSpecificBaseCountHQWithRanges[$x][$y][$ind]++;
+						}
+					}
+					if(!defined($isOnlyStat)) {
+						$qualDistribFinal[0][getIndex($fAvgQual,$qualDistribInterval)]++;
+						$qualDistribFinal[1][getIndex($rAvgQual,$qualDistribInterval)]++;
+						$gcDistribFinal[0][getIndex($fgcPercent,$gcDistribInterval)]++;
+						$gcDistribFinal[1][getIndex($rgcPercent,$gcDistribInterval)]++;
+						$charCountFinal[0][0] += $fAs;
+						$charCountFinal[0][1] += $fTs;
+						$charCountFinal[0][2] += $fGs;
+						$charCountFinal[0][3] += $fCs;
+						$charCountFinal[0][4] += $fNs;
+						$charCountFinal[1][0] += $rAs;
+						$charCountFinal[1][1] += $rTs;
+						$charCountFinal[1][2] += $rGs;
+						$charCountFinal[1][3] += $rCs;
+						$charCountFinal[1][4] += $rNs; 
+						print OF1 @fRead;
+						print OF2 @rRead;
+					}
+				}
+				else {
+					if(!defined($isOnlyStat)) {
+						if($isFWOPriAda) {
+							print OFUP @fRead;
+						}
+						elsif($isRWOPriAda) {
+							print OFUP @rRead;
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			else {
+				$totalReadsFinal[0]++;
+				$totalReadsFinal[1]++;
+				$totalBasesFinal[0] += $fSeqLineLen;
+				$totalBasesFinal[1] += $rSeqLineLen;
+				$totalHQBasesFinal[0] += $isFReadOfHQ;
+				$totalHQBasesFinal[1] += $isRReadOfHQ;
+				$minLen[2] = $fSeqLineLen if($minLen[2] > $fSeqLineLen);
+				$maxLen[2] = $fSeqLineLen if($maxLen[2] < $fSeqLineLen);
+				$minLen[3] = $rSeqLineLen if($minLen[3] > $rSeqLineLen);
+				$maxLen[3] = $rSeqLineLen if($maxLen[3] < $rSeqLineLen);
+				$totalNs[2] += $fNs;
+				$totalNs[3] += $rNs;
+				if($fNs) {
+					$readsWithN[2]++;
+				}
+				if($rNs) {
+					$readsWithN[3]++;
+				}
+				for(my $x=0; $x<@qualArr; $x++) {
+					my @row = @{$qualArr[$x]};
+					for(my $y=0; $y<@row; $y++) {
+						$positionSpecificBaseCountHQ[$x][$y] += $qualArr[$x][$y];
+						my $ind = int($qualArr[$x][$y]/10);
+						$ind-- if($qualArr[$x][$y]%10 == 0 && $qualArr[$x][$y] != 0);
+						$positionSpecificBaseCountHQWithRanges[$x][$y][$ind]++;
+					}
+				}				
+				if(!defined($isOnlyStat)) {
+					$qualDistribFinal[0][getIndex($fAvgQual,$qualDistribInterval)]++;
+					$qualDistribFinal[1][getIndex($rAvgQual,$qualDistribInterval)]++;
+					$gcDistribFinal[0][getIndex($fgcPercent,$gcDistribInterval)]++;
+					$gcDistribFinal[1][getIndex($rgcPercent,$gcDistribInterval)]++;
+					$charCountFinal[0][0] += $fAs;
+					$charCountFinal[0][1] += $fTs;
+					$charCountFinal[0][2] += $fGs;
+					$charCountFinal[0][3] += $fCs;
+					$charCountFinal[0][4] += $fNs;
+					$charCountFinal[1][0] += $rAs;
+					$charCountFinal[1][1] += $rTs;
+					$charCountFinal[1][2] += $rGs;
+					$charCountFinal[1][3] += $rCs;
+					$charCountFinal[1][4] += $rNs; 
+					print OF1 @fRead;
+					print OF2 @rRead;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		else {
+			if(!defined($isOnlyStat)) {
+				if($isFReadOfHQ) {
+					my $isFWOPriAda = 1;
+					$isFWOPriAda = isWOPriAda($fSeqLine, 0, 0) if(defined($priAdaLib));
+					if($isFWOPriAda) {
+						print OFUP @fRead;
+					}
+				}
+				elsif($isRReadOfHQ) {
+					my $isRWOPriAda = 1;
+					$isRWOPriAda = isWOPriAda($rSeqLine, 1, 0) if(defined($priAdaLib));
+					if($isRWOPriAda) {
+						print OFUP @rRead;
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		$lineCount += 4;
+		if($lineCount >= $nLines) {
+			$isEOF = 1;
+		}
+		if($lineCount % (100000*4) == 0) {
+			my $tmpP = sprintf "%0.0f", ($lineCount/4/$totalReads[0]*100);
+			print "$indOfAnalysis: Number of reads processed: " . $lineCount/4 . "/$totalReads[0] ($tmpP\%)...\n";
+		}
+	}
+	close(OFUP);
+	close(OF2);
+	close(OF1);
+	close(F2);
+	close(F1);
+sub processSingleEndFiles {
+	my $file = $_[0];
+	my $outFile = $_[1];
+	$totalReads[0] = sprintf("%0.0f", $nLines/4);
+	my $fH = openFileGetHandle($file, "r");
+	*F = $fH;
+	if(!defined($isOnlyStat)) {
+		my $ofH = openFileGetHandle($outFile, "w");
+		*OF = $ofH;
+	}
+	my $isEOF = 1;
+	if($nLines/4 > 0) {
+		$isEOF = 0;
+	}
+	my $lineCount = 0;
+	while(!$isEOF) {
+		my @fRead = ();
+		for(my $i=0; $i<4; $i++) {
+			$fRead[$i] = <F>;
+		}
+		last if($fRead[0]=~ /^\n$/);
+		chomp(my $fQualLine = $fRead[3]);
+		chomp(my $fSeqLine = $fRead[1]);
+		my $fNs = getNoOfNs($fSeqLine);
+		$totalNs[0] += $fNs;
+		if($fNs) {
+			$readsWithN[0]++;
+		}
+		my @qualArr = ();
+		my $isFReadOfHQ = isReadOfHQ($fQualLine, 0, \@qualArr);
+		my $fSeqLineLen = length $fSeqLine;
+		my @ASCII = unpack("C*", $fQualLine);
+		my $fAvgQual = sprintf "%.0f", (sum(@ASCII)/$fSeqLineLen);
+		$fAvgQual -= $subVal;
+		$qualDistribRaw[0][getIndex($fAvgQual,$qualDistribInterval)]++;
+		my $fAs = $fSeqLine =~ s/A/A/gi;
+		my $fTs = $fSeqLine =~ s/T/T/gi;
+		my $fGs = $fSeqLine =~ s/G/G/gi;
+		my $fCs = $fSeqLine =~ s/C/C/gi;
+		my $fgcPercent = ($fGs + $fCs)/$fSeqLineLen*100; 
+		$charCountRaw[0][0] += $fAs;
+		$charCountRaw[0][1] += $fTs;
+		$charCountRaw[0][2] += $fGs;
+		$charCountRaw[0][3] += $fCs;
+		$charCountRaw[0][4] += $fNs;
+		$gcDistribRaw[0][getIndex($fgcPercent,$gcDistribInterval)]++;
+		if($isFReadOfHQ) {
+			$totalReadsAfterHQ[0]++;
+			$totalBasesAfterHQ[0] += $fSeqLineLen;
+			$totalHQBasesAfterHQ[0] += $isFReadOfHQ;
+			if(defined($priAdaLib)) {
+				if(isWOPriAda($fSeqLine, 0, 1)) {
+					$totalReadsFinal[0]++;
+					$totalBasesFinal[0] += $fSeqLineLen;
+					$totalHQBasesFinal[0] += $isFReadOfHQ;
+					$minLen[1] = $fSeqLineLen if($minLen[1] > $fSeqLineLen);
+					$maxLen[1] = $fSeqLineLen if($maxLen[1] < $fSeqLineLen);
+					$totalNs[1] += $fNs;
+					if($fNs) {
+						$readsWithN[1]++;
+					}
+					for(my $x=0; $x<@qualArr; $x++) {
+						my @row = @{$qualArr[$x]};
+						for(my $y=0; $y<@row; $y++) {
+							$positionSpecificBaseCountHQ[$x][$y] += $qualArr[$x][$y];
+							my $ind = int($qualArr[$x][$y]/10);
+							$ind-- if($qualArr[$x][$y]%10 == 0 && $qualArr[$x][$y] != 0);
+							$positionSpecificBaseCountHQWithRanges[$x][$y][$ind]++;
+						}
+					}				
+					if(!defined($isOnlyStat)) {
+						$qualDistribFinal[0][getIndex($fAvgQual,$qualDistribInterval)]++;
+						$gcDistribFinal[0][getIndex($fgcPercent,$gcDistribInterval)]++;
+						$charCountFinal[0][0] += $fAs;
+						$charCountFinal[0][1] += $fTs;
+						$charCountFinal[0][2] += $fGs;
+						$charCountFinal[0][3] += $fCs;
+						$charCountFinal[0][4] += $fNs;
+						print OF @fRead;
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			else {
+				$totalReadsFinal[0]++;
+				$totalBasesFinal[0] += $fSeqLineLen;
+				$totalHQBasesFinal[0] += $isFReadOfHQ;
+				$minLen[1] = $fSeqLineLen if($minLen[1] > $fSeqLineLen);
+				$maxLen[1] = $fSeqLineLen if($maxLen[1] < $fSeqLineLen);
+				$totalNs[1] += $fNs;
+				if($fNs) {
+					$readsWithN[1]++;
+				}
+				for(my $x=0; $x<@qualArr; $x++) {
+					my @row = @{$qualArr[$x]};
+					for(my $y=0; $y<@row; $y++) {
+						$positionSpecificBaseCountHQ[$x][$y] += $qualArr[$x][$y];
+						my $ind = int($qualArr[$x][$y]/10);
+						$ind-- if($qualArr[$x][$y]%10 == 0 && $qualArr[$x][$y] != 0);
+						$positionSpecificBaseCountHQWithRanges[$x][$y][$ind]++;
+					}
+				}
+				if(!defined($isOnlyStat)) {
+					$qualDistribFinal[0][getIndex($fAvgQual,$qualDistribInterval)]++;
+					$gcDistribFinal[0][getIndex($fgcPercent,$gcDistribInterval)]++;
+					$charCountFinal[0][0] += $fAs;
+					$charCountFinal[0][1] += $fTs;
+					$charCountFinal[0][2] += $fGs;
+					$charCountFinal[0][3] += $fCs;
+					$charCountFinal[0][4] += $fNs;
+					print OF @fRead;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		else {
+		}
+		$lineCount += 4;
+		if($lineCount >= $nLines) {
+			$isEOF = 1;
+		}
+		if($lineCount % (100000*4) == 0) {
+			my $tmpP = sprintf "%0.0f", ($lineCount/4/$totalReads[0]*100);
+			print "$indOfAnalysis: Number of reads processed: " . $lineCount/4 . "/$totalReads[0] ($tmpP\%)...\n";
+		}
+	}
+	close(OF);
+	close(F);
+sub checkFastQFormat {				# Takes FASTQ file as an input and if the format is incorrect it will print error and exit, otherwise it will return the number of lines in the file.
+	my $file = $_[0];
+	my $isVariantIdntfcntOn = $_[1];
+	my $lines = 0;
+	my $fH = openFileGetHandle($file, "r");
+	*F = $fH;
+	my $counter = 0;
+	my $minVal = 1000;
+	my $maxVal = 0;
+	while(my $line = <F>) {
+		$lines++;
+		$counter++;
+		next if($line =~ /^\n$/);
+		if($counter == 1 && $line !~ /^\@/) {
+			prtErrorExit("Invalid FASTQ file format.\n\t\tFile: $file");
+		}
+		if($counter == 3 && $line !~ /^\+/) {
+			prtErrorExit("Invalid FASTQ file format.\n\t\tFile: $file");
+		}
+		if($counter == 4 && $lines < 1000000) {
+			chomp $line;
+			my @ASCII = unpack("C*", $line);
+			$minVal = min(min(@ASCII), $minVal);
+			$maxVal = max(max(@ASCII), $maxVal);
+		}
+		if($counter == 4) {
+			$counter = 0;
+		}
+	}
+	close(F);
+	my $tseqFormat = 0;
+	if($minVal >= 33 && $minVal <= 73 && $maxVal >= 33 && $maxVal <= 73) {
+		$tseqFormat = 1;
+	}
+	elsif($minVal >= 66 && $minVal <= 105 && $maxVal >= 66 && $maxVal <= 105) {
+		$tseqFormat = 4;			# Illumina 1.5+
+	}
+	elsif($minVal >= 64 && $minVal <= 105 && $maxVal >= 64 && $maxVal <= 105) {
+		$tseqFormat = 3;			# Illumina 1.3+
+	}
+	elsif($minVal >= 59 && $minVal <= 105 && $maxVal >= 59 && $maxVal <= 105) {
+		$tseqFormat = 2;			# Solexa
+	}
+	elsif($minVal >= 33 && $minVal <= 74 && $maxVal >= 33 && $maxVal <= 74) {
+		$tseqFormat = 5;			# Illumina 1.8+
+	}
+	if($isVariantIdntfcntOn) {
+		$seqFormat = $tseqFormat;
+	}
+	else {
+		if($tseqFormat != $seqFormat) {
+			print STDERR "Warning: It seems the specified variant of FASTQ doesn't match the quality values in input FASTQ files.\n";
+		}
+	}
+	return $lines;
+sub getFilePath {
+	my $name = $_[0];
+	my $path = "";
+	if($name =~ /\//) {
+		$name =~ /(.+)\//;
+		$path = $1 . "/";
+	}
+	else {
+		$path = "./";
+	}
+	return $path;
+sub getFileName {	# This sub takes a path of a file and returns just its name after separating the path from it.
+	my $path = $_[0];
+	my $name = "";
+	$path =~ /([^\/]+)$/;
+	$name = $1;
+	return $name;	
+sub prtErrorExit {
+	my $errmsg = $_[0];
+	print STDERR "Error:\t", $errmsg, "\n";
+	exit;
+sub isReadOfHQ {	# Criteria for HQ is greater than or equal to 70% of bases have phred score >= 20
+	my $read = $_[0];
+	my $v0Or1 = $_[1];		# 0 will be for forward reads and 1 for reverse reads.
+	my $arrRef = $_[2];
+	my $readLen = length $read;
+	$minLen[$v0Or1] = $readLen if($minLen[$v0Or1] > $readLen);
+	$maxLen[$v0Or1] = $readLen if($maxLen[$v0Or1] < $readLen);
+	my $cutOffLen = sprintf("%0.0f", $readLen * $cutOffReadLen4HQ / 100);	# 70% length of read length is calculated.
+	my $validBaseCount = 0;
+	my @ASCII = unpack("C*", $read);
+	my $c = 0;
+	foreach my $val (@ASCII) {
+		$val -= $subVal;
+		$positionSpecificBaseCount[$v0Or1][$c] += $val;
+		my $ind = int($val/10);
+		$ind-- if($val%10 == 0 && $val != 0);
+		$positionSpecificBaseCountWithRanges[$v0Or1][$c][$ind]++;
+		$$arrRef[$v0Or1][$c] = $val;
+		if($val >= $cutOffPhScore) {
+			$validBaseCount++;
+		}
+		$c++;
+	}
+	$totalBases[$v0Or1] += $readLen;
+	$totalHQBases[$v0Or1] += $validBaseCount;
+	if($validBaseCount >= $cutOffLen) {
+		return $validBaseCount;				# Return true.
+	}
+	else {
+		return 0;				# Return false.
+	}
+sub qualGraph {				### Use this just for final graph generation...
+	my $file = $_[0];
+	my $v0Or1 = $_[1];		# 0 will be for forward reads and 1 for reverse reads.
+	my $arrRef = $_[2];
+	my $flag = 0;
+	my $fH = openFileGetHandle($file, "r");
+	*F = $fH;
+	while(my $read = <F>) {
+		chomp($read);
+		$flag++;
+		if($flag%4 == 0) {			# To obtain the quality value line.
+			my @ASCII = ();
+			@ASCII = unpack("C*", $read);
+			my $c=0;
+			foreach my $val (@ASCII) {
+				$val -= $subVal;
+				$$arrRef[$v0Or1][$c] += $val;
+				$c++;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	close(F);
+sub isWOPriAda {
+	my $seq = $_[0];
+	my $v0Or1 = $_[1];
+	my $isCountStatOn = $_[2];
+	chomp($seq);
+	my @arrGenomic = (
+	);
+	my @arrPE = (
+	);
+	my @arrDpnII = (
+	);
+	my @arrNlaIII = (
+	);
+	my @arrsmRNA = (
+	);
+	my @arrmulPlex = (
+	);
+	my @priAdas = (\@arrGenomic, \@arrPE, \@arrDpnII, \@arrNlaIII, \@arrsmRNA, \@arrmulPlex);
+	my %checkedPriStr = ();	# The 20 bp from start and end are stored in this hash as key. So that next time when another pri/ada seq
+	my @priAdaSeqs = ();
+	if($priAdaLib eq "u") {
+		@priAdaSeqs = @usrDefinedPriAda;
+	}
+	else {
+		@priAdaSeqs = @{$priAdas[$priAdaLib]};
+	}
+	my @stat = ();
+	my $priInd = 0;
+	my $isMatched = 0;
+	foreach my $priAda (@priAdaSeqs) {
+		if(findSeq($priAda, $seq, \%checkedPriStr)) {
+			$isMatched = 1;
+			last;
+		}
+	}
+	if($isMatched) {
+		$totalValidReadsWithPriAda[$v0Or1]++ if($isCountStatOn);
+		return 0;
+	}
+	else {
+		$totalValidReadsNoPriAda[$v0Or1]++ if($isCountStatOn);
+		return 1;
+	}
+sub findSeq {
+	my $pri = $_[0];
+	my $seq = $_[1];
+	my $hashRef = $_[2];
+	my $spri = substr($pri, 0, $substrlen);
+	my $tmpInd = (length $pri) - $substrlen;
+	$tmpInd = 0 if($tmpInd < 0);
+	my $epri = substr($pri, $tmpInd, $substrlen);
+	my $ans;
+	if(!defined($$hashRef{$spri})) {
+		my @catches = String::Approx::amatch($spri, ['I0 D0 S1'], $seq);
+		if(@catches != 0) {
+			return 1;
+		}
+		$$hashRef{$spri} = 1;
+	}
+	if(!defined($$hashRef{$epri})) {
+		my @catches = String::Approx::amatch($epri, ['I0 D0 S1'], $seq);
+		if(@catches != 0) {
+			return 1;
+		}
+		$$hashRef{$epri} = 1;
+	}
+	return 0;
+sub prtHelp {
+	print "\n$0 options:\n\n";
+	print "### Input reads (FASTQ) options (Atleast one option is required)\n";
+	print "  -pe <Forward reads file> <Reverse reads file> <Primer/Adaptor library> <FASTQ variant>\n";
+	print "    Paired-end read files (FASTQ) with primer/adaptor library and FASTQ variant\n";
+	print "    User may choose from the provided primer/adaptor library or can give a file containing primer/adaptor sequences, one per line\n";
+	print "    Multiple libraries can be given using multiple '-pe' options\n";
+	print "      For eg.: -pe r1.fq r2.fq 3 1 -pe t1.fq t2.fq 2 A\n\n";
+	print "  -se <Reads file> <Primer/Adaptor library> <FASTQ variant>\n";
+	print "    Single-end read file (FASTQ) with primer/adaptor library and FASTQ variant\n";
+	print "    Multiple libraries can be given using multiple '-se' options\n";
+	print "      For eg.: -se r1.fq 3 2 -se t2.fq 2 2\n\n";
+	print "    Primer/Adaptor libraries:\n";
+	my $c = 1;
+	foreach my $lib (@priAdaLibNames) {
+		print "      $c = $lib\n";
+		$c++;
+	}
+	print "      N = Do not filter for Primer/Adaptor\n";
+	print "      <File> = File for user defined primer/adaptor sequences, one per line\n";
+	print "\n";
+	print "    FASTQ variants:\n";
+	print "      1 = Sanger (Phred+33, 33 to 73)\n";
+	print "      2 = Solexa (Phred+64, 59 to 104)\n";
+	print "      3 = Illumina (1.3+) (Phred+64, 64 to 104)\n";
+	print "      4 = Illumina (1.5+) (Phred+64, 66 to 104)\n";
+	print "      5 = Illumina (1.8+) (Phred+33, 33 to 74)\n";
+	print "      A = Automatic detection of FASTQ variant\n";
+	print "\n";
+	print "### Other options [Optional]\n";
+	print "  -h | -help\n";
+	print "    Prints this help\n";
+	print "--------------------------------- QC Options ---------------------------------\n";
+	print "  -l | -cutOffReadLen4HQ <Real number, 0 to 100>\n";
+	print "    The cut-off value for percentage of read length that should be of given quality\n";
+	print "    default: 70\n";
+	print "  -s | -cutOffQualScore <Integer, 0 to 40>\n";
+	print "    The cut-off value for PHRED quality score for high-quality filtering\n";
+	print "    default: 20\n";
+	print "----------------------------- Processing Options -----------------------------\n";
+	print "  -p | -processes <Integer>\n";
+	print "    Number of processes to be used\n";
+	print "    default: 1\n";
+	print "  -onlyStat\n";
+	print "    Outputs only statistics without filtered data output\n";
+	print "------------------------------- Output Options -------------------------------\n";
+	print "  -t | -statOutFmt <Integer>\n";
+	print "    Output format for statistics\n";
+	print "    Formats:\n";
+	print "      1 = formatted text\n";
+	print "      2 = tab delimited\n";
+	print "    default: 1\n";
+	print "  -o | -outputFolder <Output folder name/path>\n";
+	print "    Output will be stored in the given folder\n";
+	print "    default: By default, output folder (IlluQC_Filtered_files) will be generated where the input files are\n";
+	print "  -z | -outputDataCompression <Character>\n";
+	print "    Output format for HQ filtered data\n";
+	print "    Formats:\n";
+	print "      t = text FASTQ files\n";
+	print "      g = gzip compressed files\n";
+	print "    default: t\n";
+	print "\n";
+sub prtUsage {
+	print "\nUsage: perl $0 <options>\n";
+	prtHelp();
+sub prtError {
+	my $msg = $_[0];
+	print STDERR "+======================================================================+\n";
+	printf STDERR "|%-70s|\n", "  Error:";
+	printf STDERR "|%-70s|\n", "       $msg";
+	print STDERR "+======================================================================+\n";
+	prtUsage();
+	exit;
+sub getNoOfNs {			# This takes sequence and returns the number of N/. (unknown base call).
+	my $seq = $_[0];
+	my $count = 0;
+	while($seq =~ /[N\.]/g) {
+		$count++;
+	}
+	return $count;
+sub getIndex {
+	my $up = $_[0];
+	my $down = $_[1];
+	my $inp = $up/$down;
+	return (sprintf "%0.0f", $up) if($down == 1);
+	my $index = int((sprintf "%0.2f", $inp)+0.99)-1;
+	$index = 0 if($index < 0);
+	return $index;
+sub drawBaseComp {
+	my $dataRef = $_[0];
+	my $fileNameWPath = $_[1];
+	my $fileName = $_[2];
+	my $width = $_[3];
+	my $height = $_[4];
+	my $mygraph = GD::Graph::bars->new($width, $height);
+	$mygraph->set( 
+		y_label => 'Count',
+		y_min_value => 0,
+		box_axis => 0,
+		line_width => 3,
+		transparent => 0,
+		dclrs => [ qw(lred dgreen) ],
+		legend_placement	=> 'BR',
+		x_label_position	=> 1/2,
+		long_ticks			=> 1,
+		fgclr               => '#dddddd',
+		l_margin 			=> 60,
+		r_margin 			=> 60,
+		b_margin			=> 50,
+		t_margin			=> 50,
+		show_values         => 1,
+		bar_spacing         => 1,
+		values_vertical 	=> 1,
+	) or warn $mygraph->error;
+	if(!defined($isOnlyStat)) {
+		$mygraph->set_legend( $fileName, $fileName."_filtered");
+	}
+	else {
+		$mygraph->set_legend( $fileName);
+	}
+    $mygraph->set_y_label_font($font_spec, 12);
+    $mygraph->set_x_label_font($font_spec, 12);
+    $mygraph->set_y_axis_font($font_spec, 10);
+    $mygraph->set_x_axis_font($font_spec, 8);
+    $mygraph->set_title_font($f, 11);
+    $mygraph->set_legend_font($f, 8);
+    $mygraph->set_values_font($f, 6);
+	my $myImage = $mygraph->plot($dataRef);
+	my $black = $myImage->colorAllocate(0,0,0);			# To set the color for the next time printing on the image.
+	my $lred = $myImage->colorAllocate(255,0,0);	
+	my $dgreen = $myImage->colorAllocate(0,127,0);
+	my $dblue = $myImage->colorAllocate(0,0,127);
+	my $sum1 = sum(@{$$dataRef[1]});
+	my $sum2 = sum(@{$$dataRef[2]});
+	my $wrapbox = GD::Text::Wrap->new( $myImage,
+	        line_space  => 4,
+	        text        => "Base composition for $fileName",
+	        color		=> $dblue,
+	);
+	$wrapbox->set(align => 'center', width => $width);
+	$wrapbox->set_font($f, 11);
+	$wrapbox->draw(0,0);
+	$wrapbox = GD::Text::Wrap->new( $myImage,
+	        line_space  => 4,
+	        text        => "A (" . (sprintf "%0.2f", @{$$dataRef[1]}[0]/$sum1*100) . "\%)",
+	        color		=> $black,
+	);
+	$wrapbox->set(align => 'left', width => 300);
+	$wrapbox->set_font($f, 8);
+	$wrapbox->draw($width/2-220,$height-35);
+	$wrapbox = GD::Text::Wrap->new( $myImage,
+	        line_space  => 4,
+	        text        => "T (" . (sprintf "%0.2f", @{$$dataRef[1]}[1]/$sum1*100) . "\%)",
+	        color		=> $black,
+	);
+	$wrapbox->set(align => 'left', width => 300);
+	$wrapbox->set_font($f, 8);
+	$wrapbox->draw($width/2-130,$height-35);
+	$wrapbox = GD::Text::Wrap->new( $myImage,
+	        line_space  => 4,
+	        text        => "G (" . (sprintf "%0.2f", @{$$dataRef[1]}[2]/$sum1*100) . "\%)",
+	        color		=> $black,
+	);
+	$wrapbox->set(align => 'left', width => 300);
+	$wrapbox->set_font($f, 8);
+	$wrapbox->draw($width/2-40,$height-35);
+	$wrapbox = GD::Text::Wrap->new( $myImage,
+	        line_space  => 4,
+	        text        => "C (" . (sprintf "%0.2f", @{$$dataRef[1]}[3]/$sum1*100) . "\%)",
+	        color		=> $black,
+	);
+	$wrapbox->set(align => 'left', width => 300);
+	$wrapbox->set_font($f, 8);
+	$wrapbox->draw($width/2+50,$height-35);
+	$wrapbox = GD::Text::Wrap->new( $myImage,
+	        line_space  => 4,
+	        text        => "Non-ATGC (" . (sprintf "%0.2f", @{$$dataRef[1]}[4]/$sum1*100) . "\%)",
+	        color		=> $black,
+	);
+	$wrapbox->set(align => 'left', width => 300);
+	$wrapbox->set_font($f, 8);
+	$wrapbox->draw($width/2+140,$height-35);
+	my $startRectX = $width/2-230;
+	my $startRectY = $height-35;
+	$myImage->filledRectangle($startRectX,$startRectY,$startRectX+8,$startRectY+8,$lred);
+	$myImage->rectangle($startRectX,$startRectY,$startRectX+8,$startRectY+8,$black);
+	$startRectX = $width/2-140;
+	$myImage->filledRectangle($startRectX,$startRectY,$startRectX+8,$startRectY+8,$lred);
+	$myImage->rectangle($startRectX,$startRectY,$startRectX+8,$startRectY+8,$black);
+	$startRectX = $width/2-50;
+	$myImage->filledRectangle($startRectX,$startRectY,$startRectX+8,$startRectY+8,$lred);
+	$myImage->rectangle($startRectX,$startRectY,$startRectX+8,$startRectY+8,$black);
+	$startRectX = $width/2+40;
+	$myImage->filledRectangle($startRectX,$startRectY,$startRectX+8,$startRectY+8,$lred);
+	$myImage->rectangle($startRectX,$startRectY,$startRectX+8,$startRectY+8,$black);
+	$startRectX = $width/2+130;
+	$myImage->filledRectangle($startRectX,$startRectY,$startRectX+8,$startRectY+8,$lred);
+	$myImage->rectangle($startRectX,$startRectY,$startRectX+8,$startRectY+8,$black);
+	if(!$isOnlyStat) {
+		$wrapbox = GD::Text::Wrap->new( $myImage,
+		        line_space  => 4,
+		        text        => "A (" . (sprintf "%0.2f", @{$$dataRef[2]}[0]/$sum2*100) . "\%)",
+		        color		=> $black,
+		);
+		$wrapbox->set(align => 'left', width => 300);
+		$wrapbox->set_font($f, 8);
+		$wrapbox->draw($width/2-220,$height-20);
+		$wrapbox = GD::Text::Wrap->new( $myImage,
+		        line_space  => 4,
+		        text        => "T (" . (sprintf "%0.2f", @{$$dataRef[2]}[1]/$sum2*100) . "\%)",
+		        color		=> $black,
+		);
+		$wrapbox->set(align => 'left', width => 300);
+		$wrapbox->set_font($f, 8);
+		$wrapbox->draw($width/2-130,$height-20);
+		$wrapbox = GD::Text::Wrap->new( $myImage,
+		        line_space  => 4,
+		        text        => "G (" . (sprintf "%0.2f", @{$$dataRef[2]}[2]/$sum2*100) . "\%)",
+		        color		=> $black,
+		);
+		$wrapbox->set(align => 'left', width => 300);
+		$wrapbox->set_font($f, 8);
+		$wrapbox->draw($width/2-40,$height-20);
+		$wrapbox = GD::Text::Wrap->new( $myImage,
+		        line_space  => 4,
+		        text        => "C (" . (sprintf "%0.2f", @{$$dataRef[2]}[3]/$sum2*100) . "\%)",
+		        color		=> $black,
+		);
+		$wrapbox->set(align => 'left', width => 300);
+		$wrapbox->set_font($f, 8);
+		$wrapbox->draw($width/2+50,$height-20);
+		$wrapbox = GD::Text::Wrap->new( $myImage,
+		        line_space  => 4,
+		        text        => "Non-ATGC (" . (sprintf "%0.2f", @{$$dataRef[2]}[4]/$sum2*100) . "\%)",
+		        color		=> $black,
+		);
+		$wrapbox->set(align => 'left', width => 300);
+		$wrapbox->set_font($f, 8);
+		$wrapbox->draw($width/2+140,$height-20);
+		$startRectX = $width/2-230;
+		$startRectY = $height-20;
+		$myImage->filledRectangle($startRectX,$startRectY,$startRectX+8,$startRectY+8,$dgreen);
+		$myImage->rectangle($startRectX,$startRectY,$startRectX+8,$startRectY+8,$black);
+		$startRectX = $width/2-140;
+		$myImage->filledRectangle($startRectX,$startRectY,$startRectX+8,$startRectY+8,$dgreen);
+		$myImage->rectangle($startRectX,$startRectY,$startRectX+8,$startRectY+8,$black);
+		$startRectX = $width/2-50;
+		$myImage->filledRectangle($startRectX,$startRectY,$startRectX+8,$startRectY+8,$dgreen);
+		$myImage->rectangle($startRectX,$startRectY,$startRectX+8,$startRectY+8,$black);
+		$startRectX = $width/2+40;
+		$myImage->filledRectangle($startRectX,$startRectY,$startRectX+8,$startRectY+8,$dgreen);
+		$myImage->rectangle($startRectX,$startRectY,$startRectX+8,$startRectY+8,$black);
+		$startRectX = $width/2+130;
+		$myImage->filledRectangle($startRectX,$startRectY,$startRectX+8,$startRectY+8,$dgreen);
+		$myImage->rectangle($startRectX,$startRectY,$startRectX+8,$startRectY+8,$black);
+	}
+	open(I, ">$fileNameWPath") or print STDERR "Error:\n\tCan not create image file: $fileNameWPath\n";
+	binmode I;
+	print I $myImage->png;
+	close(I);
+sub drawGCDist {
+	my $dataRef = $_[0];
+	my $fileNameWPath = $_[1];
+	my $fileName = $_[2];
+	my $width = $_[3];
+	my $height = $_[4];
+	my $mygraph = GD::Graph::linespoints->new($width, $height);
+	$mygraph->set( 
+		x_label => '% GC content',
+		y_label => 'Number of reads',
+		title => "GC content distribution for $fileName",
+		y_min_value => 0,
+		box_axis => 0,
+		line_width => 3,
+		transparent => 0,
+		markers				=> [1],
+		marker_size			=> 3,
+		dclrs => [ qw(lred dgreen) ],
+		legend_placement	=> 'BR',
+		x_label_position	=> 1/2,
+		x_labels_vertical	=> 1,
+		long_ticks			=> 1,
+		fgclr               => '#dddddd',
+	) or warn $mygraph->error;
+	if(!defined($isOnlyStat)) {
+		$mygraph->set_legend( $fileName, $fileName."_filtered");
+	}
+	else {
+		$mygraph->set_legend( $fileName, "a");
+	}
+    $mygraph->set_y_label_font($font_spec, 12);
+    $mygraph->set_x_label_font($font_spec, 12);
+    $mygraph->set_y_axis_font($font_spec, 10);
+    $mygraph->set_x_axis_font($font_spec, 8);
+    $mygraph->set_title_font($f, 11);
+    $mygraph->set_legend_font($f, 8);
+	my $myImage = $mygraph->plot($dataRef);
+	open(I, ">$fileNameWPath") or print STDERR "Error:\n\tCan not create image file: $fileNameWPath\n";
+	binmode I;
+	print I $myImage->png;
+	close(I);
+sub drawSummaryPie {
+	my $dataRef = $_[0];
+	my $fileNameWPath = $_[1];
+	my $width = $_[2];
+	my $height = $_[3];
+	my $mygraph = new GD::Graph::pie($width, $height);
+	$mygraph->set( 
+		title => "Summary of quality check and filtering",
+		axislabelclr => 'black',
+		pie_height => 40,
+		l_margin => 15,
+		r_margin => 15,
+		b_margin => 50,
+		start_angle => 45,
+		dclrs => [ qw(lyellow lgreen lred) ],
+		transparent => 0,
+	) or warn $mygraph->error;
+    $mygraph->set_label_font($f, 8);
+    $mygraph->set_value_font(['verdana', 'arial'],14);
+    $mygraph->set_title_font($f, 11);
+	my $myImage = $mygraph->plot($dataRef);
+	my $black = $myImage->colorAllocate(0,0,0);			# To set the color for the next time printing on the image.
+	my $red = $myImage->colorAllocate(255,0,0);	
+	my $yellow = $myImage->colorAllocate(255,255,0);	
+	my $green = $myImage->colorAllocate(0,255,0);
+	my $sum = sum(@{$$dataRef[1]});
+	my $wrapbox = GD::Text::Wrap->new( $myImage,
+	        line_space  => 4,
+	        text        => (sprintf "Primer/Adaptor contaminated reads (%0.02f", @{$$dataRef[1]}[0]/$sum*100) . "\%)",
+	        color		=> $black,
+	);
+	$wrapbox->set(align => 'left', width => 300);
+	$wrapbox->set_font($f, 8);
+	$wrapbox->draw($width/2-100,$height-45);
+	$wrapbox = GD::Text::Wrap->new( $myImage,
+	        line_space  => 4,
+	        text        => (sprintf "High quality filtered reads (%0.02f", @{$$dataRef[1]}[1]/$sum*100) . "\%)",
+	        color		=> $black,
+	);
+	$wrapbox->set(align => 'left', width => 300);
+	$wrapbox->set_font($f, 8);
+	$wrapbox->draw($width/2-100,$height-30);
+	$wrapbox = GD::Text::Wrap->new( $myImage,
+	        line_space  => 4,
+	        text        => (sprintf "Low quality reads (%0.02f", @{$$dataRef[1]}[2]/$sum*100) . "\%)",
+	        color		=> $black,
+	);
+	$wrapbox->set(align => 'left', width => 300);
+	$wrapbox->set_font($f, 8);
+	$wrapbox->draw($width/2-100,$height-15);
+	my $startRectX = $width/2-120;
+	my $startRectY = $height-45;
+	$myImage->filledRectangle($startRectX,$startRectY,$startRectX+8,$startRectY+8,$yellow);
+	$myImage->rectangle($startRectX,$startRectY,$startRectX+8,$startRectY+8,$black);
+	$startRectY += 15;
+	$myImage->filledRectangle($startRectX,$startRectY,$startRectX+8,$startRectY+8,$green);
+	$myImage->rectangle($startRectX,$startRectY,$startRectX+8,$startRectY+8,$black);
+	$startRectY += 15;
+	$myImage->filledRectangle($startRectX,$startRectY,$startRectX+8,$startRectY+8,$red);
+	$myImage->rectangle($startRectX,$startRectY,$startRectX+8,$startRectY+8,$black);
+	open(I, ">$fileNameWPath") or print STDERR "Error:\n\tCan not create image file: $fileNameWPath\n";
+	binmode I;
+	print I $myImage->png;
+	close(I);
+sub drawQualDist {
+	my $dataRef = $_[0];
+	my $fileNameWPath = $_[1];
+	my $fileName = $_[2];
+	my $width = $_[3];
+	my $height = $_[4];
+	my $mygraph = GD::Graph::bars->new($width, $height);
+	$mygraph->set( 
+		x_label => 'Average phred quality score',
+		y_label => 'Number of reads',
+		title => "Quality distribution for $fileName",
+		y_min_value => 0,
+		box_axis => 0,
+		line_width => 3,
+		transparent => 0,
+		dclrs => [ qw(lred dgreen) ],
+		legend_placement	=> 'BR',
+		x_label_position	=> 1/2,
+		long_ticks			=> 1,
+		fgclr               => '#dddddd',
+		bar_spacing         => 1,
+	) or warn $mygraph->error;
+	if(!defined($isOnlyStat)) {
+		$mygraph->set_legend( $fileName, $fileName."_filtered");
+	}
+	else {
+		$mygraph->set_legend( $fileName);
+	}
+    $mygraph->set_y_label_font($font_spec, 12);
+    $mygraph->set_x_label_font($font_spec, 12);
+    $mygraph->set_y_axis_font($font_spec, 10);
+    $mygraph->set_x_axis_font($font_spec, 8);
+    $mygraph->set_title_font($f, 11);
+    $mygraph->set_legend_font($f, 8);
+	my $myImage = $mygraph->plot($dataRef);
+	open(I, ">$fileNameWPath") or print STDERR "Error:\n\tCan not create image file: $fileNameWPath\n";
+	binmode I;
+	print I $myImage->png;
+	close(I);
+sub drawGraph {
+	my @data = @{$_[0]};
+	my $fileNameWPath = $_[1];
+	my $fileName = $_[2];
+	open(I, ">$fileNameWPath") or print STDERR "Error:\n\tCan not create image file: $fileNameWPath\n";
+	binmode I;
+	my $y_min = 0;
+	my $y_max = 0;
+	for(my $i=1; $i<@data; $i++) {
+		$y_max = max($y_max, max(@{$data[$i]}));
+	}
+	$y_max = (sprintf "%0.0f",($y_max/5)) * 5 + 5;
+	my $height = sprintf "%0.0f", $y_max * 300 / 45;
+	my $width = sprintf "%0.0f", scalar @{$data[0]} * 600 / 75;
+	my $mygraph = GD::Graph::linespoints->new($width, $height);
+	$mygraph->set(
+		x_label 			=> 'Base position',
+		y_label				=> 'Average quality score',
+		title				=> $fileName,
+		y_min_value			=> $y_min,
+		y_max_value			=> $y_max,
+		x_label_skip		=> 2,
+		y_tick_number		=> $y_max/5,
+		y_label_skip		=> 1,
+		markers				=> [7],
+		marker_size			=> 3,
+		long_ticks			=> 1,
+		line_width			=> 2,
+		dclrs				=> [ qw(lred dgreen) ],
+		legend_placement	=> 'BR',
+		x_label_position	=> 1/2,
+		x_labels_vertical	=> 1,
+		transparent			=> 0,
+		r_margin			=> 10,
+	fgclr               => '#dddddd',
+	accentclr           => 'yellow',
+	) or warn $mygraph->error;
+	if(!defined($isOnlyStat)) {
+		$mygraph->set_legend( $fileName, $fileName."_filtered");
+	}
+	else {
+		$mygraph->set_legend( $fileName);
+	}
+    $mygraph->set_y_label_font($font_spec, 12);
+    $mygraph->set_x_label_font($font_spec, 12);
+    $mygraph->set_y_axis_font($font_spec, 10);
+    $mygraph->set_x_axis_font($font_spec, 8);
+    $mygraph->set_title_font($f, 11);
+    $mygraph->set_legend_font($f, 8);
+	my $myimage = $mygraph->plot(\@data) or die $mygraph->error;
+	print I $myimage->png;
+	close(I);
+sub drawRangeGraph {
+	my @data = @{$_[0]};
+	my $fileNameWPath = $_[1];
+	my $fileName = $_[2];
+	my $height = 350;
+	open(I, ">$fileNameWPath") or print STDERR "Error:\n\tCan not create image file: $fileNameWPath\n";
+	binmode I;
+	my $y_min = 0;
+	my $y_max = 0;
+	for(my $i=1; $i<@data; $i++) {
+		$y_max = max($y_max, max(@{$data[$i]}));
+	}
+	$y_max = 100; #(sprintf "%0.0f",($y_max/5)) * 5 + 5;
+	my $width = sprintf "%0.0f", scalar @{$data[0]} * 700 / 75;
+	$width = max(700, $width);
+	my $mygraph = GD::Graph::linespoints->new($width, $height);
+	$mygraph->set(
+		x_label 			=> 'Base position',
+		y_label				=> 'Read count (%)',
+		title				=> "Read count (%) per base for different quality score ranges for $fileName",
+		y_min_value			=> $y_min,
+		y_max_value			=> $y_max,
+		x_label_skip		=> 2,
+		y_tick_number		=> $y_max/5,
+		y_label_skip		=> 1,
+		markers				=> [7],
+		marker_size			=> 3,
+		long_ticks			=> 1,
+		line_width			=> 2,
+		dclrs				=> [ qw(lred dgreen lyellow blue) ],
+		legend_placement	=> 'BR',
+		x_label_position	=> 1/2,
+		x_labels_vertical	=> 1,
+		transparent			=> 0,
+		r_margin			=> 10,
+	fgclr               => '#dddddd',
+	accentclr           => 'yellow',
+	) or warn $mygraph->error;
+		$mygraph->set_legend( "0-10", "11-20", "21-30", "31-40");
+    $mygraph->set_y_label_font($font_spec, 12);
+    $mygraph->set_x_label_font($font_spec, 12);
+    $mygraph->set_y_axis_font($font_spec, 10);
+    $mygraph->set_x_axis_font($font_spec, 8);
+    $mygraph->set_title_font($f, 11);
+    $mygraph->set_legend_font($f, 8);
+	my $myimage = $mygraph->plot(\@data) or die $mygraph->error;
+	print I $myimage->png;
+	close(I);
+sub prepareData4RangeGraph {
+	my $STAT = $_[0];
+	print $STAT "Read count (%) per base for different quality score ranges\n\n";
+	my $c = 0;
+	my @rangeGraphData = ();
+	foreach my $arr (@positionSpecificBaseCountWithRanges) {
+		my $arrFiltered = $positionSpecificBaseCountHQWithRanges[$c];
+		print $STAT "\t", getFileName($fileName[$c]);
+		print $STAT "\t\t\t\t\t", getFileName($outFileName[$c]) if(!defined($isOnlyStat));
+		print $STAT "\n";
+		print $STAT "Ranges\t0-10\t11-20\t21-30\t31-40";
+		print $STAT "\t\t0-10\t11-20\t21-30\t31-40" if(!defined($isOnlyStat));
+		print $STAT "\nBase\n";
+		my $basePos = 1;
+		foreach my $valArr (@$arr) {
+			my $valArrF = @$arrFiltered[$basePos-1];
+			@$valArr[0] = 0 if(! @$valArr[0]);
+			@$valArr[1] = 0 if(! @$valArr[1]);
+			@$valArr[2] = 0 if(! @$valArr[2]);
+			@$valArr[3] = 0 if(! @$valArr[3]);
+			my $total = @$valArr[0] + @$valArr[1] + @$valArr[2] + @$valArr[3];
+			my $val1 = sprintf "%0.2f", @$valArr[0]/$total*100;
+			my $val2 = sprintf "%0.2f", @$valArr[1]/$total*100;
+			my $val3 = sprintf "%0.2f", @$valArr[2]/$total*100;
+			my $val4 = sprintf "%0.2f", @$valArr[3]/$total*100;
+			$rangeGraphData[$c*2][0][$basePos-1] = $basePos;
+			$rangeGraphData[$c*2][1][$basePos-1] = $val1;
+			$rangeGraphData[$c*2][2][$basePos-1] = $val2;
+			$rangeGraphData[$c*2][3][$basePos-1] = $val3;
+			$rangeGraphData[$c*2][4][$basePos-1] = $val4;
+			print $STAT "$basePos\t$val1\t$val2\t$val3\t$val4";
+			if(! defined($isOnlyStat)) {
+				@$valArrF[0] = 0 if(! @$valArrF[0]);
+				@$valArrF[1] = 0 if(! @$valArrF[1]);
+				@$valArrF[2] = 0 if(! @$valArrF[2]);
+				@$valArrF[3] = 0 if(! @$valArrF[3]);
+				my $totalF = @$valArrF[0] + @$valArrF[1] + @$valArrF[2] + @$valArrF[3];
+				my $valF1 = sprintf "%0.2f", @$valArrF[0]/$totalF*100;
+				my $valF2 = sprintf "%0.2f", @$valArrF[1]/$totalF*100;
+				my $valF3 = sprintf "%0.2f", @$valArrF[2]/$totalF*100;
+				my $valF4 = sprintf "%0.2f", @$valArrF[3]/$totalF*100;
+				$rangeGraphData[$c*2+1][0][$basePos-1] = $basePos;
+				$rangeGraphData[$c*2+1][1][$basePos-1] = $valF1;
+				$rangeGraphData[$c*2+1][2][$basePos-1] = $valF2;
+				$rangeGraphData[$c*2+1][3][$basePos-1] = $valF3;
+				$rangeGraphData[$c*2+1][4][$basePos-1] = $valF4;
+				print $STAT "\t\t$valF1\t$valF2\t$valF3\t$valF4";
+			}
+			print $STAT "\n";
+			$basePos++;
+		}
+		print $STAT "\n\n";
+		$c++;
+	}
+	print $STAT "\n\n";
+	if($isGDMod) {
+		drawRangeGraph($rangeGraphData[0], $outFolder.getFileName($fileName[0])."_QualRangePerBase.png", getFileName($fileName[0]));
+		drawRangeGraph($rangeGraphData[1], $outFolder.getFileName($outFileName[0])."_QualRangePerBase.png", getFileName($outFileName[0])) if(!defined($isOnlyStat));
+		if($isPairedEnd) {
+			drawRangeGraph($rangeGraphData[2], $outFolder.getFileName($fileName[1])."_QualRangePerBase.png", getFileName($fileName[1]));
+			drawRangeGraph($rangeGraphData[3], $outFolder.getFileName($outFileName[1])."_QualRangePerBase.png", getFileName($outFileName[1])) if(!defined($isOnlyStat));
+		}
+	}
+sub printStat {
+	my $STAT = $_[0];
+	my $tmpPer;
+	my $inde = " " x 1;
+	print $STAT "Parameters\n";
+	my @graphData1 = ();
+	my @graphData2 = ();
+	if($isPairedEnd) {
+		printf $STAT "$inde %-30s %s\n", "Library type", "Paired-end";
+		printf $STAT "$inde %-30s %s  %s\n", "Input files", $fileName[0], $fileName[1];
+		printf $STAT "$inde %-30s %s\n", "Primer/Adaptor library", defined($priAdaLib)?(($priAdaLib ne "u")?$priAdaLibNames[$priAdaLib]:"User defined ($priAdaFile)"):"NA";
+		printf $STAT "$inde %-30s %s\n", "Cut-off read length for HQ", $cutOffReadLen4HQ."%";
+		printf $STAT "$inde %-30s %s\n", "Cut-off quality score", $cutOffPhScore;
+		printf $STAT "$inde %-30s %s\n", "Only statistics", defined($isOnlyStat)?"On":"Off";
+		printf $STAT "$inde %-30s %s\n", "Number of processes", $noOfProcesses;
+		print $STAT "\n\n";
+		print $STAT "QC statistics\n";
+		printf $STAT "$inde %-50s %-20s  %s\n", "File name", getFileName($fileName[0]), getFileName($fileName[1]);
+		printf $STAT "$inde %-50s %-20d %d\n", "Total number of reads", $totalReads[0], $totalReads[1];
+		printf $STAT "$inde %-50s %-20d %d\n", "Total number of HQ reads", $totalReadsAfterHQ[0], $totalReadsAfterHQ[1];
+		$tmpPer = sprintf "%0.2f", $totalReadsAfterHQ[0]/$totalReads[0]*100;
+		printf $STAT "$inde %-50s %-20s %0.2f%s\n", "Percentage of HQ reads", $tmpPer."%", $totalReadsAfterHQ[1]/$totalReads[1]*100, "%";
+		printf $STAT "$inde %-50s %-20.f %.f\n", "Total number of bases", $totalBases[0], $totalBases[1];
+		printf $STAT "$inde %-50s %-20.f %.f\n", "Total number of bases in HQ reads", $totalBasesAfterHQ[0], $totalBasesAfterHQ[1];
+		printf $STAT "$inde %-50s %-20.f %.f\n", "Total number of HQ bases in HQ reads", $totalHQBasesAfterHQ[0], $totalHQBasesAfterHQ[1];
+		$tmpPer = sprintf "%0.2f", $totalHQBasesAfterHQ[0]/$totalBasesAfterHQ[0]*100;
+		printf $STAT "$inde %-50s %-20s %0.2f%s\n", "Percentage of HQ bases in HQ reads", $tmpPer."%" , $totalHQBasesAfterHQ[1]/$totalBasesAfterHQ[1]*100, "%";
+		if(defined($priAdaLib)) {
+			printf $STAT "$inde %-50s %-20d %d\n", "Number of Primer/Adaptor contaminated HQ reads", $totalValidReadsWithPriAda[0], $totalValidReadsWithPriAda[1];
+		}
+		else {
+			printf $STAT "$inde %-50s %-20s %s\n", "Number of Primer/Adaptor contaminated HQ reads", "NA", "NA";
+		}
+		printf $STAT "$inde %-50s %-20d %d\n", "Total number of HQ filtered reads", $totalReadsFinal[0], $totalReadsFinal[1];
+		$tmpPer = sprintf "%0.2f", $totalReadsFinal[0]/$totalReads[0]*100;
+		printf $STAT "$inde %-50s %-20s %0.2f%s\n", "Percentage of HQ filtered reads", $tmpPer."%", $totalReadsFinal[1]/$totalReads[1]*100, "%";
+		print $STAT "\n\n";
+		print $STAT "Detailed QC statistics\n";
+		my @arr = (
+			["File name", getFileName($fileName[0]), getFileName($fileName[1]), getFileName($outFileName[0]), getFileName($outFileName[1])],
+			["Minimum read length", $minLen[0], $minLen[1], $minLen[2], $minLen[3]],
+			["Maximum read length", $maxLen[0], $maxLen[1], $maxLen[2], $maxLen[3]],
+			["Average read length", (sprintf "%0.2f", $totalBases[0]/$totalReads[0]), (sprintf "%0.2f", $totalBases[1]/$totalReads[1]), (sprintf "%0.2f", $totalBasesFinal[0]/$totalReadsFinal[0]), (sprintf "%0.2f", $totalBasesFinal[1]/$totalReadsFinal[1])],
+			["Total number of reads", $totalReads[0], $totalReads[1], $totalReadsFinal[0], $totalReadsFinal[1]],
+			["Total number of reads with non-ATGC bases", $readsWithN[0], $readsWithN[1], $readsWithN[2], $readsWithN[3]],
+			["Percentage of reads with non-ATGC bases", (sprintf "%0.2f", $readsWithN[0]/$totalReads[0]*100)."%", (sprintf "%0.2f", $readsWithN[1]/$totalReads[1]*100)."%", (sprintf "%0.2f", $readsWithN[2]/$totalReadsFinal[0]*100)."%", (sprintf "%0.2f", $readsWithN[3]/$totalReadsFinal[1]*100)."%"],
+			["Total number of bases", $totalBases[0], $totalBases[1], $totalBasesFinal[0], $totalBasesFinal[1]],
+			["Total number of HQ bases", $totalHQBases[0], $totalHQBases[1], $totalHQBasesFinal[0], $totalHQBasesFinal[1]],
+			["Percentage of HQ bases", (sprintf "%0.2f", $totalHQBases[0]/$totalBases[0]*100)."%", (sprintf "%0.2f", $totalHQBases[1]/$totalBases[1]*100)."%", (sprintf "%0.2f", $totalHQBasesFinal[0]/$totalBasesFinal[0]*100)."%", (sprintf "%0.2f", $totalHQBasesFinal[1]/$totalBasesFinal[1]*100)."%"],
+			["Total number of non-ATGC bases", $totalNs[0], $totalNs[1], $totalNs[2], $totalNs[3]],
+			["Percentage of non-ATGC bases", (sprintf "%0.2f", $totalNs[0]/$totalBases[0]*100)."%", (sprintf "%0.2f", $totalNs[1]/$totalBases[1]*100)."%", (sprintf "%0.2f", $totalNs[2]/$totalBasesFinal[0]*100)."%", (sprintf "%0.2f", $totalNs[3]/$totalBasesFinal[1]*100)."%"],
+		);
+		for(my $i=0; $i<@arr; $i++) {
+			if(!defined($isOnlyStat)) {
+				printf $STAT "$inde %-45s  %-20s  %-20s  %-20s  %s\n", $arr[$i][0], $arr[$i][1], $arr[$i][2], $arr[$i][3], $arr[$i][4];
+			}
+			else {
+				printf $STAT "$inde %-45s  %-20s  %s\n", $arr[$i][0], $arr[$i][1], $arr[$i][2];				
+			}
+		}
+		print $STAT "\n\n";
+		print $STAT "Average quality score at each base position of input reads\n\n";
+		my $c = 0;
+		@graphData1 = ();
+		@graphData2 = ();
+		foreach my $arr (@positionSpecificBaseCount) {
+			print $STAT getFileName($fileName[$c]), "\n";
+			my $basePos = 1;
+			foreach my $val (@$arr) {
+				my $outVal = sprintf "%0.2f", $val/$totalReads[$c];
+				if($c == 0) {
+					$graphData1[0][$basePos-1] = $basePos;
+					$graphData1[1][$basePos-1] = $outVal;
+				}
+				else {
+					$graphData2[0][$basePos-1] = $basePos;
+					$graphData2[1][$basePos-1] = $outVal;
+				}
+				print $STAT $outVal, "\t";
+				$basePos++;
+			}
+			print $STAT "\n\n";
+			$c++;
+		}
+		print $STAT "\n\n";
+		if(!defined($isOnlyStat)) {
+			print $STAT "Average quality score at each base position of filtered reads\n\n";
+			$c = 0;
+			foreach my $arr (@positionSpecificBaseCountHQ) {
+				print $STAT getFileName($outFileName[$c]), "\n";
+				my $basePos = 1;
+				foreach my $val (@$arr) {
+					my $outVal = sprintf "%0.2f", $val/$totalReadsFinal[$c];
+					if($c == 0) {
+						$graphData1[2][$basePos-1] = $outVal;
+					}
+					else {
+						$graphData2[2][$basePos-1] = $outVal;
+					}
+					print $STAT $outVal, "\t";
+					$basePos++;
+				}
+				$c++;
+				print $STAT "\n\n";
+			}
+		}
+		print $STAT "\n\n";
+		prepareData4RangeGraph($STAT);
+		if($isGDMod) {
+			drawGraph(\@graphData1, $outFolder.getFileName($fileName[0])."_avgQual.png", getFileName($fileName[0]));
+			drawGraph(\@graphData2, $outFolder.getFileName($fileName[1])."_avgQual.png", getFileName($fileName[1]));
+		}
+	}
+	else {
+		printf $STAT "$inde %-30s %s\n", "Library type", "Single-end";
+		printf $STAT "$inde %-30s %s\n", "Input file", $fileName[0];
+		printf $STAT "$inde %-30s %s\n", "Primer/Adaptor library", defined($priAdaLib)?(($priAdaLib ne "u")?$priAdaLibNames[$priAdaLib]:"User defined ($priAdaFile)"):"NA";
+		printf $STAT "$inde %-30s %s\n", "Cut-off read length for HQ", $cutOffReadLen4HQ."%";
+		printf $STAT "$inde %-30s %s\n", "Cut-off quality score", $cutOffPhScore;
+		printf $STAT "$inde %-30s %s\n", "Only statistics", defined($isOnlyStat)?"On":"Off";
+		printf $STAT "$inde %-30s %s\n", "Number of processes", $noOfProcesses;
+		print $STAT "\n\n";
+		print $STAT "QC statistics\n";
+		printf $STAT "$inde %-50s %s\n", "File name", getFileName($fileName[0]);
+		printf $STAT "$inde %-50s %d\n", "Total number of reads", $totalReads[0];
+		printf $STAT "$inde %-50s %d\n", "Total number of HQ reads", $totalReadsAfterHQ[0];
+		$tmpPer = sprintf "%0.2f", $totalReadsAfterHQ[0]/$totalReads[0]*100;
+		printf $STAT "$inde %-50s %s\n", "Percentage of HQ reads", $tmpPer."%";
+		printf $STAT "$inde %-50s %.f\n", "Total number of bases", $totalBases[0];
+		printf $STAT "$inde %-50s %.f\n", "Total number of bases in HQ reads", $totalBasesAfterHQ[0];
+		printf $STAT "$inde %-50s %.f\n", "Total number of HQ bases in HQ reads", $totalHQBasesAfterHQ[0];
+		$tmpPer = sprintf "%0.2f", $totalHQBasesAfterHQ[0]/$totalBasesAfterHQ[0]*100;
+		printf $STAT "$inde %-50s %s\n", "Percentage of HQ bases in HQ reads", $tmpPer."%";
+		if(defined($priAdaLib)) {
+			printf $STAT "$inde %-50s %d\n", "Number of Primer/Adaptor contaminated HQ reads", $totalValidReadsWithPriAda[0];
+		}
+		else {
+			printf $STAT "$inde %-50s %s\n", "Number of Primer/Adaptor contaminated HQ reads", "NA";
+		}
+		printf $STAT "$inde %-50s %d\n", "Total number of HQ filtered reads", $totalReadsFinal[0];
+		$tmpPer = sprintf "%0.2f", $totalReadsFinal[0]/$totalReads[0]*100;
+		printf $STAT "$inde %-50s %s\n", "Percentage of HQ filtered reads", $tmpPer."%";
+		print $STAT "\n\n";
+		print $STAT "Detailed QC statistics\n";
+		my @arr = (
+			["File name", getFileName($fileName[0]), getFileName($outFileName[0])],
+			["Minimum read length", $minLen[0], $minLen[1]],
+			["Maximum read length", $maxLen[0], $maxLen[1]],
+			["Average read length", (sprintf "%0.2f", $totalBases[0]/$totalReads[0]), (sprintf "%0.2f", $totalBasesFinal[0]/$totalReadsFinal[0])],
+			["Total number of reads", $totalReads[0], $totalReadsFinal[0]],
+			["Total number of reads with non-ATGC bases", $readsWithN[0], $readsWithN[1]],
+			["Percentage of reads with non-ATGC bases", (sprintf "%0.2f", $readsWithN[0]/$totalReads[0]*100)."%", (sprintf "%0.2f", $readsWithN[1]/$totalReadsFinal[0]*100)."%"],
+			["Total number of bases", $totalBases[0], $totalBasesFinal[0]],
+			["Total number of HQ bases", $totalHQBases[0], $totalHQBasesFinal[0]],
+			["Percentage of HQ bases", (sprintf "%0.2f", $totalHQBases[0]/$totalBases[0]*100)."%", (sprintf "%0.2f", $totalHQBasesFinal[0]/$totalBasesFinal[0]*100)."%"],
+			["Total number of non-ATGC bases", $totalNs[0], $totalNs[1]],
+			["Percentage of non-ATGC bases", (sprintf "%0.2f", $totalNs[0]/$totalBases[0]*100)."%", (sprintf "%0.2f", $totalNs[1]/$totalBasesFinal[0]*100)."%"],
+		);
+		for(my $i=0; $i<@arr; $i++) {
+			if(!defined($isOnlyStat)) {
+				printf $STAT "$inde %-50s  %-20s  %s\n", $arr[$i][0], $arr[$i][1], $arr[$i][2];
+			}
+			else {
+				printf $STAT "$inde %-50s  %s\n", $arr[$i][0], $arr[$i][1];				
+			}
+		}
+		print $STAT "\n\n";
+		@graphData1 = ();
+		print $STAT "Average quality score at each base position of input reads\n\n";
+		my $c = 0;
+		foreach my $arr (@positionSpecificBaseCount) {
+			print $STAT getFileName($fileName[$c]), "\n";
+			my $basePos = 1;
+			foreach my $val (@$arr) {
+				my $outVal = sprintf "%0.2f", $val/$totalReads[$c];
+				$graphData1[0][$basePos-1] = $basePos;
+				$graphData1[1][$basePos-1] = $outVal;
+				print $STAT $outVal, "\t";
+				$basePos++;
+			}
+			$c++;
+			print $STAT "\n";
+		}
+		print $STAT "\n\n";
+		$c = 0;
+		if(!defined($isOnlyStat)) {
+			print $STAT "Average quality score at each base position of filtered reads\n\n";
+			foreach my $arr (@positionSpecificBaseCountHQ) {
+				print $STAT getFileName($fileName[$c]), "\n";
+				my $basePos = 1;
+				foreach my $val (@$arr) {
+					my $outVal = sprintf "%0.2f", $val/$totalReadsFinal[$c];
+					$graphData1[2][$basePos-1] = $outVal;
+					print $STAT $outVal, "\t";
+					$basePos++;
+				}
+				$c++;
+				print $STAT "\n";
+			}
+		}
+		print $STAT "\n\n";
+		prepareData4RangeGraph($STAT);
+		if($isGDMod) {
+			drawGraph(\@graphData1, $outFolder.getFileName($fileName[0])."_avgQual.png", getFileName($fileName[0]));
+		}
+	}
+sub printStatTab {
+	my $STAT = $_[0];
+	my $tmpPer;
+	my $inde = "\t";
+	print $STAT "Parameters\n";
+	my @graphData1 = ();
+	my @graphData2 = ();
+	if($isPairedEnd) {
+		printf $STAT "\t%s\t%s\n", "Library type", "Paired-end";
+		printf $STAT "\t%s\t%s\t%s\n", "Input files", $fileName[0], $fileName[1];
+		printf $STAT "\t%s\t%s\n", "Primer/Adaptor library", defined($priAdaLib)?(($priAdaLib ne "u")?$priAdaLibNames[$priAdaLib]:"User defined ($priAdaFile)"):"NA";
+		printf $STAT "\t%s\t%s\n", "Cut-off read length for HQ", $cutOffReadLen4HQ."%";
+		printf $STAT "\t%s\t%s\n", "Cut-off quality score", $cutOffPhScore;
+		printf $STAT "\t%s\t%s\n", "Only statistics", defined($isOnlyStat)?"On":"Off";
+		printf $STAT "\t%s\t%s\n", "Number of processes", $noOfProcesses;
+		print $STAT "\n\n";
+		print $STAT "QC statistics\n";
+		printf $STAT "\t%s\t%s\t%s\n", "File name", getFileName($fileName[0]), getFileName($fileName[1]);
+		printf $STAT "\t%s\t%d\t%d\n", "Total number of reads", $totalReads[0], $totalReads[1];
+		printf $STAT "\t%s\t%d\t%d\n", "Total number of HQ reads", $totalReadsAfterHQ[0], $totalReadsAfterHQ[1];
+		$tmpPer = sprintf "%0.2f", $totalReadsAfterHQ[0]/$totalReads[0]*100;
+		printf $STAT "\t%s\t%s\t%0.2f%s\n", "Percentage of HQ reads", $tmpPer."%", $totalReadsAfterHQ[1]/$totalReads[1]*100, "%";
+		printf $STAT "\t%s\t%.f\t%.f\n", "Total number of bases", $totalBases[0], $totalBases[1];
+		printf $STAT "\t%s\t%.f\t%.f\n", "Total number of bases in HQ reads", $totalBasesAfterHQ[0], $totalBasesAfterHQ[1];
+		printf $STAT "\t%s\t%.f\t%.f\n", "Total number of HQ bases in HQ reads", $totalHQBasesAfterHQ[0], $totalHQBasesAfterHQ[1];
+		$tmpPer = sprintf "%0.2f", $totalHQBasesAfterHQ[0]/$totalBasesAfterHQ[0]*100;
+		printf $STAT "\t%s\t%s\t%0.2f%s\n", "Percentage of HQ bases in HQ reads", $tmpPer."%" , $totalHQBasesAfterHQ[1]/$totalBasesAfterHQ[1]*100, "%";
+		if(defined($priAdaLib)) {
+			printf $STAT "\t%s\t%d\t%d\n", "Number of Primer/Adaptor contaminated HQ reads", $totalValidReadsWithPriAda[0], $totalValidReadsWithPriAda[1];
+		}
+		else {
+			printf $STAT "\t%s\t%s\t%s\n", "Number of Primer/Adaptor contaminated HQ reads", "NA", "NA";
+		}
+		printf $STAT "\t%s\t%d\t%d\n", "Total number of HQ filtered reads", $totalReadsFinal[0], $totalReadsFinal[1];
+		$tmpPer = sprintf "%0.2f", $totalReadsFinal[0]/$totalReads[0]*100;
+		printf $STAT "\t%s\t%s\t%0.2f%s\n", "Percentage of HQ filtered reads", $tmpPer."%", $totalReadsFinal[1]/$totalReads[1]*100, "%";
+		print $STAT "\n\n";
+		print $STAT "Detailed QC statistics\n";
+		my @arr = (
+			["File name", getFileName($fileName[0]), getFileName($fileName[1]), getFileName($outFileName[0]), getFileName($outFileName[1])],
+			["Minimum read length", $minLen[0], $minLen[1], $minLen[2], $minLen[3]],
+			["Maximum read length", $maxLen[0], $maxLen[1], $maxLen[2], $maxLen[3]],
+			["Average read length", (sprintf "%0.2f", $totalBases[0]/$totalReads[0]), (sprintf "%0.2f", $totalBases[1]/$totalReads[1]), (sprintf "%0.2f", $totalBasesFinal[0]/$totalReadsFinal[0]), (sprintf "%0.2f", $totalBasesFinal[1]/$totalReadsFinal[1])],
+			["Total number of reads", $totalReads[0], $totalReads[1], $totalReadsFinal[0], $totalReadsFinal[1]],
+			["Total number of reads with non-ATGC bases", $readsWithN[0], $readsWithN[1], $readsWithN[2], $readsWithN[3]],
+			["Percentage of reads with non-ATGC bases", (sprintf "%0.2f", $readsWithN[0]/$totalReads[0]*100)."%", (sprintf "%0.2f", $readsWithN[1]/$totalReads[1]*100)."%", (sprintf "%0.2f", $readsWithN[2]/$totalReadsFinal[0]*100)."%", (sprintf "%0.2f", $readsWithN[3]/$totalReadsFinal[1]*100)."%"],
+			["Total number of bases", $totalBases[0], $totalBases[1], $totalBasesFinal[0], $totalBasesFinal[1]],
+			["Total number of HQ bases", $totalHQBases[0], $totalHQBases[1], $totalHQBasesFinal[0], $totalHQBasesFinal[1]],
+			["Percentage of HQ bases", (sprintf "%0.2f", $totalHQBases[0]/$totalBases[0]*100)."%", (sprintf "%0.2f", $totalHQBases[1]/$totalBases[1]*100)."%", (sprintf "%0.2f", $totalHQBasesFinal[0]/$totalBasesFinal[0]*100)."%", (sprintf "%0.2f", $totalHQBasesFinal[1]/$totalBasesFinal[1]*100)."%"],
+			["Total number of non-ATGC bases", $totalNs[0], $totalNs[1], $totalNs[2], $totalNs[3]],
+			["Percentage of non-ATGC bases", (sprintf "%0.2f", $totalNs[0]/$totalBases[0]*100)."%", (sprintf "%0.2f", $totalNs[1]/$totalBases[1]*100)."%", (sprintf "%0.2f", $totalNs[2]/$totalBasesFinal[0]*100)."%", (sprintf "%0.2f", $totalNs[3]/$totalBasesFinal[1]*100)."%"],
+		);
+		for(my $i=0; $i<@arr; $i++) {
+			if(!defined($isOnlyStat)) {
+				printf $STAT "\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\n", $arr[$i][0], $arr[$i][1], $arr[$i][2], $arr[$i][3], $arr[$i][4];
+			}
+			else {
+				printf $STAT "\t%s\t%s\t%s\n", $arr[$i][0], $arr[$i][1], $arr[$i][2];				
+			}
+		}
+		print $STAT "\n\n";
+		print $STAT "Average quality score at each base position of input reads\n\n";
+		my $c = 0;
+		@graphData1 = ();
+		@graphData2 = ();
+		foreach my $arr (@positionSpecificBaseCount) {
+			print $STAT getFileName($fileName[$c]), "\n";
+			my $basePos = 1;
+			foreach my $val (@$arr) {
+				my $outVal = sprintf "%0.2f", $val/$totalReads[$c];
+				if($c == 0) {
+					$graphData1[0][$basePos-1] = $basePos;
+					$graphData1[1][$basePos-1] = $outVal;
+				}
+				else {
+					$graphData2[0][$basePos-1] = $basePos;
+					$graphData2[1][$basePos-1] = $outVal;
+				}
+				print $STAT $outVal, "\t";
+				$basePos++;
+			}
+			print $STAT "\n\n";
+			$c++;
+		}
+		print $STAT "\n\n";
+		if(!defined($isOnlyStat)) {
+			print $STAT "Average quality score at each base position of filtered reads\n\n";
+			$c = 0;
+			foreach my $arr (@positionSpecificBaseCountHQ) {
+				print $STAT getFileName($outFileName[$c]), "\n";
+				my $basePos = 1;
+				foreach my $val (@$arr) {
+					my $outVal = sprintf "%0.2f", $val/$totalReadsFinal[$c];
+					if($c == 0) {
+						$graphData1[2][$basePos-1] = $outVal;
+					}
+					else {
+						$graphData2[2][$basePos-1] = $outVal;
+					}
+					print $STAT $outVal, "\t";
+					$basePos++;
+				}
+				$c++;
+				print $STAT "\n\n";
+			}
+		}
+		print $STAT "\n\n";
+		prepareData4RangeGraph($STAT);
+		if($isGDMod) {
+			drawGraph(\@graphData1, $outFolder.getFileName($fileName[0])."_avgQual.png", getFileName($fileName[0]));
+			drawGraph(\@graphData2, $outFolder.getFileName($fileName[1])."_avgQual.png", getFileName($fileName[1]));
+		}
+	}
+	else {
+		printf $STAT "\t%s\t%s\n", "Library type", "Single-end";
+		printf $STAT "\t%s\t%s\n", "Input file", $fileName[0];
+		printf $STAT "\t%s\t%s\n", "Primer/Adaptor library", defined($priAdaLib)?(($priAdaLib ne "u")?$priAdaLibNames[$priAdaLib]:"User defined ($priAdaFile)"):"NA";
+		printf $STAT "\t%s\t%s\n", "Cut-off read length for HQ", $cutOffReadLen4HQ."%";
+		printf $STAT "\t%s\t%s\n", "Cut-off quality score", $cutOffPhScore;
+		printf $STAT "\t%s\t%s\n", "Only statistics", defined($isOnlyStat)?"On":"Off";
+		printf $STAT "\t%s\t%s\n", "Number of processes", $noOfProcesses;
+		print $STAT "\n\n";
+		print $STAT "QC statistics\n";
+		printf $STAT "\t%s\t%s\n", "File name", getFileName($fileName[0]);
+		printf $STAT "\t%s\t%d\n", "Total number of reads", $totalReads[0];
+		printf $STAT "\t%s\t%d\n", "Total number of HQ reads", $totalReadsAfterHQ[0];
+		$tmpPer = sprintf "%0.2f", $totalReadsAfterHQ[0]/$totalReads[0]*100;
+		printf $STAT "\t%s\t%s\n", "Percentage of HQ reads", $tmpPer."%";
+		printf $STAT "\t%s\t%.f\n", "Total number of bases", $totalBases[0];
+		printf $STAT "\t%s\t%.f\n", "Total number of bases in HQ reads", $totalBasesAfterHQ[0];
+		printf $STAT "\t%s\t%.f\n", "Total number of HQ bases in HQ reads", $totalHQBasesAfterHQ[0];
+		$tmpPer = sprintf "%0.2f", $totalHQBasesAfterHQ[0]/$totalBasesAfterHQ[0]*100;
+		printf $STAT "\t%s\t%s\n", "Percentage of HQ bases in HQ reads", $tmpPer."%";
+		if(defined($priAdaLib)) {
+			printf $STAT "\t%s\t%d\n", "Number of Primer/Adaptor contaminated HQ reads", $totalValidReadsWithPriAda[0];
+		}
+		else {
+			printf $STAT "\t%s\t%s\n", "Number of Primer/Adaptor contaminated HQ reads", "NA";
+		}
+		printf $STAT "\t%s\t%d\n", "Total number of HQ filtered reads", $totalReadsFinal[0];
+		$tmpPer = sprintf "%0.2f", $totalReadsFinal[0]/$totalReads[0]*100;
+		printf $STAT "\t%s\t%s\n", "Percentage of HQ filtered reads", $tmpPer."%";
+		print $STAT "\n\n";
+		print $STAT "Detailed QC statistics\n";
+		my @arr = (
+			["File name", getFileName($fileName[0]), getFileName($outFileName[0])],
+			["Minimum read length", $minLen[0], $minLen[1]],
+			["Maximum read length", $maxLen[0], $maxLen[1]],
+			["Average read length", (sprintf "%0.2f", $totalBases[0]/$totalReads[0]), (sprintf "%0.2f", $totalBasesFinal[0]/$totalReadsFinal[0])],
+			["Total number of reads", $totalReads[0], $totalReadsFinal[0]],
+			["Total number of reads with non-ATGC bases", $readsWithN[0], $readsWithN[1]],
+			["Percentage of reads with non-ATGC bases", (sprintf "%0.2f", $readsWithN[0]/$totalReads[0]*100)."%", (sprintf "%0.2f", $readsWithN[1]/$totalReadsFinal[0]*100)."%"],
+			["Total number of bases", $totalBases[0], $totalBasesFinal[0]],
+			["Total number of HQ bases", $totalHQBases[0], $totalHQBasesFinal[0]],
+			["Percentage of HQ bases", (sprintf "%0.2f", $totalHQBases[0]/$totalBases[0]*100)."%", (sprintf "%0.2f", $totalHQBasesFinal[0]/$totalBasesFinal[0]*100)."%"],
+			["Total number of non-ATGC bases", $totalNs[0], $totalNs[1]],
+			["Percentage of non-ATGC bases", (sprintf "%0.2f", $totalNs[0]/$totalBases[0]*100)."%", (sprintf "%0.2f", $totalNs[1]/$totalBasesFinal[0]*100)."%"],
+		);
+		for(my $i=0; $i<@arr; $i++) {
+			if(!defined($isOnlyStat)) {
+				printf $STAT "\t%s\t%s\t%s\n", $arr[$i][0], $arr[$i][1], $arr[$i][2];
+			}
+			else {
+				printf $STAT "\t%s\t%s\n", $arr[$i][0], $arr[$i][1];				
+			}
+		}
+		print $STAT "\n\n";
+		@graphData1 = ();
+		print $STAT "Average quality score at each base position of input reads\n\n";
+		my $c = 0;
+		foreach my $arr (@positionSpecificBaseCount) {
+			print $STAT getFileName($fileName[$c]), "\n";
+			my $basePos = 1;
+			foreach my $val (@$arr) {
+				my $outVal = sprintf "%0.2f", $val/$totalReads[$c];
+				$graphData1[0][$basePos-1] = $basePos;
+				$graphData1[1][$basePos-1] = $outVal;
+				print $STAT $outVal, "\t";
+				$basePos++;
+			}
+			$c++;
+			print $STAT "\n";
+		}
+		print $STAT "\n\n";
+		$c = 0;
+		if(!defined($isOnlyStat)) {
+			print $STAT "Average quality score at each base position of filtered reads\n\n";
+			foreach my $arr (@positionSpecificBaseCountHQ) {
+				print $STAT getFileName($fileName[$c]), "\n";
+				my $basePos = 1;
+				foreach my $val (@$arr) {
+					my $outVal = sprintf "%0.2f", $val/$totalReadsFinal[$c];
+					$graphData1[2][$basePos-1] = $outVal;
+					print $STAT $outVal, "\t";
+					$basePos++;
+				}
+				$c++;
+				print $STAT "\n";
+			}
+		}
+		print $STAT "\n\n";
+		prepareData4RangeGraph($STAT);
+		if($isGDMod) {
+			drawGraph(\@graphData1, $outFolder.getFileName($fileName[0])."_avgQual.png", getFileName($fileName[0]));
+		}
+	}
diff --git a/QC/IlluQC_PRLL.pl b/QC/IlluQC_PRLL.pl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e79a42d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/QC/IlluQC_PRLL.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,2994 @@
+#! /usr/bin/perl
+use File::Basename;
+#	my ($tmp, $path) = fileparse($0);
+#	push ( @INC,"$path/lib");
+#	#use lib "$path";
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Getopt::Long;
+use List::Util qw(sum min max);
+use Cwd qw(abs_path);
+use IO::Zlib;
+use FindBin qw($RealBin);
+use lib "$RealBin/lib";
+require "html.pl";
+use threads('yield');
+use File::Path;
+use Thread::Queue;
+my $DataQueue;
+my $ProcessingQueue;
+my $thr;
+eval {
+	require String::Approx;
+	require GD::Graph::linespoints;
+	require GD::Graph::bars;
+	require GD::Graph::pie;
+	require GD::Text::Wrap;
+my $isGDMod = 1;
+if($@) {
+	my $errorText = join("", $@);
+	if($errorText =~ /Parallel/) {
+		print "Error:\n\tCan not find 'lib' folder with this perl program\n"; #module 'Parallel::ForkManager'\n";
+		print "\tCopy the 'lib' folder, provided with the toolkit, to the directory where this perl program is and try again\n\n";
+		exit;
+	}
+	elsif($errorText =~ /GD\/Graph\/linespoints/) {
+		print STDERR "Warning:\n\tCan not find module 'GD::Graph'\n";
+		print STDERR "\tGraphs for statistics will not be produced. \n\t\t\tOR \n\tInstall GD::Graph module and try again.\n\n";
+		$isGDMod = 0;
+	}
+	elsif($errorText =~ /String\/Approx/) {
+		print STDERR "Error:\n\tCan not find module 'String::Approx'\n";
+		print STDERR "\tInstall it and try again\n\n";
+		exit;
+	}
+# Stat variables.
+my @totalBases = (0, 0);
+my @totalHQBases = (0, 0);	### This is for HQ reads, does not include NO_VEC stat.
+my @totalBasesAfterHQ = (0, 0);
+my @totalHQBasesAfterHQ = (0, 0);
+my @totalBasesFinal = (0, 0);
+my @totalHQBasesFinal = (0, 0);
+my @totalReadsAfterHQ = (0, 0);	### This is for HQ reads, does not include NO_VEC stat.
+my @totalReads = (0, 0);
+my @totalValidReadsNoPriAda = (0, 0);
+my @totalValidReadsWithPriAda = (0, 0);
+my @minLen = (1000, 1000, 1000, 1000);
+my @maxLen = (0, 0, 0, 0);
+my @positionSpecificBaseCount = ();
+my @positionSpecificBaseCountHQ = ();	#### This is for final output reads only... Which may include NO_VEC according to the user input.
+my @positionSpecificBaseCountWithRanges = ();
+my @positionSpecificBaseCountHQWithRanges = ();
+my @totalReadsFinal = ();
+my @fileName = ();
+my @outFileName = ();
+my @readsWithN = (0, 0, 0, 0);
+my @totalNs = (0, 0, 0, 0);
+my @totalTrimmedReads = (0, 0);
+my @priAdaLibNames = ("Genomic DNA/Chip-seq Library", "Paired End DNA Library", "DpnII gene expression Library", "NlaIII gene expression Library", "Small RNA Library", "Multiplexing DNA Library");
+my $nLines = 0;
+my $seqFormat = 0;		# 1: Sanger; 2: Solexa; 3: Illumina 1.3+; 4: Illumina 1.5+;
+my $subVal = 0;			# 33: Sanger; 64: Illumina 
+my @qualDistribRaw = ();
+my @qualDistribFinal = ();
+my $qualDistribInterval = 1;
+my @qualLabel = ();
+my @gcDistribRaw = ();
+my @gcDistribFinal = ();
+my $gcDistribInterval = 5;
+my @gcLabel = ();
+my @baseCountRaw = ();
+my @baseCountFinal = ();
+my @charCountRaw = ();
+my @charCountFinal = ();
+my $font_spec = getFilePath($0) . "lib/Fonts/Dustismo_Sans.ttf";
+my $f = getFilePath($0) . "lib/Fonts/LucidaSansDemiBold.ttf";
+# Child variables.
+my @ctotalBases = (0, 0);
+my @ctotalHQBases = (0, 0);	### This is for HQ reads, does not include NO_VEC stat.
+my @ctotalBasesAfterHQ = (0, 0);
+my @ctotalHQBasesAfterHQ = (0, 0);
+my @ctotalBasesFinal = (0, 0);
+my @ctotalHQBasesFinal = (0, 0);
+my @ctotalReadsAfterHQ = (0, 0);	### This is for HQ reads, does not include NO_VEC stat.
+my @ctotalValidReadsNoPriAda = (0, 0);
+my @ctotalValidReadsWithPriAda = (0, 0);
+my @cminLen = (1000, 1000, 1000, 1000);
+my @cmaxLen = (0, 0, 0, 0);
+my @cpositionSpecificBaseCount = ();
+my @cpositionSpecificBaseCountHQ = ();
+my @cpositionSpecificBaseCountWithRanges = ();
+my @cpositionSpecificBaseCountHQWithRanges = ();
+my @ctotalReadsFinal = ();
+my @creadsWithN = (0, 0, 0, 0);
+my @ctotalNs = (0, 0, 0, 0);
+my @refArr4OutFReads = ();
+my @refArr4OutRReads = ();
+my @cqualDistribRaw = ();
+my @cqualDistribFinal = ();
+my @cqualLabel = ();
+my @cgcDistribRaw = ();
+my @cgcDistribFinal = ();
+my @cgcLabel = ();
+my @cbaseCountRaw = ();
+my @cbaseCountFinal = ();
+my @ccharCountRaw = ();
+my @ccharCountFinal = ();
+# Misc variables.
+my $isPairedEnd = 0;
+my $outFolder = "";
+my $substrlen = 20;						# For removePriAda
+my $mismLim = 1;						# For removePriAda
+my $indOfAnalysis = 0;
+my $uniqFolder = "";
+my $isInpGzip = 0;
+# Parameter variables.
+my @peFiles = ();
+my @seFiles = ();
+my @allFiles = ();
+my $noOfInp4PE = 4;
+my $noOfInp4SE = 3;
+my $isOnlyStat;
+my $priAdaLib = "";
+my $cutOffReadLen4HQ = 70;
+my $cutOffPhScore = 20;
+#my $trimAfterUnknownCall;
+my $noOfProcesses = 1;
+my $helpAsked;
+my $statOutFmt = 1;			# 1: Text format; 2: Tab-delimited format.
+my $priAdaFile;
+my @usrDefinedPriAda = ();
+my $outputDataFmt = "t";		# t/T: Text; g/G: Gzip.
+			"pe=s{$noOfInp4PE}" => \@peFiles,
+			"se=s{$noOfInp4SE}" => \@seFiles,
+			"c|cpus=i" => \$noOfProcesses,
+			"h|help" => \$helpAsked,
+			"l|cutOffReadLen4HQ=f" => \$cutOffReadLen4HQ,
+			"o|outputFolder=s" => \$outFolder,
+			"z|outputDataCompression=s" => \$outputDataFmt,
+			"t|statOutFmt=i" => \$statOutFmt,
+			"onlyStat" => \$isOnlyStat,
+			"s|cutOffQualScore=i" => \$cutOffPhScore,
+		  );
+if($helpAsked) {
+	prtUsage();
+	exit;
+if(@peFiles == 0 && @seFiles == 0) {
+	prtError("No input files are provided");
+# Validating inputs
+my @tempFiles = ();
+prtError("Missing inputs for paired-end files") if((scalar @peFiles)%$noOfInp4PE != 0);
+for(my $i=0; $i<@peFiles; $i+=$noOfInp4PE) {
+	my $str = "$peFiles[$i] $peFiles[$i+1] $peFiles[$i+2] $peFiles[$i+3]";
+	if($peFiles[$i+2] =~ /^-/) {
+		prtError("Missing inputs for paired-end files: at '-pe $str'")
+	}
+	if($peFiles[$i+2] =~ /^\d$/) {
+		if($peFiles[$i+2] < 1 || $peFiles[$i+2] > 6) {
+			prtError("Incorrect option for Primer/Adaptor library: at '-pe $str'");
+		}
+	}
+	if($peFiles[$i+3] =~ /^-/) {
+		prtError("Missing inputs for paired-end files: at '-pe $str'")
+	}
+	if($peFiles[$i+3] !~ /\d/ && $peFiles[$i+3] !~ /a/i) {
+		prtError("Incorrect option for FASTQ variant: at '-pe $str'")
+	}
+	if($peFiles[$i+3] !~ /a/i) {
+		if($peFiles[$i+3] < 1 || $peFiles[$i+3] > 5) {
+			prtError("Incorrect option for FASTQ variant: at '-pe $str'");
+		}
+	}
+	push(@tempFiles, $str);
+ at peFiles = ();
+ at peFiles = @tempFiles;
+ at tempFiles = ();
+prtError("Missing inputs for single-end files") if((scalar @seFiles)%$noOfInp4SE != 0);
+for(my $i=0; $i<@seFiles; $i+=$noOfInp4SE) {
+	my $str = "$seFiles[$i] $seFiles[$i+1] $seFiles[$i+2]";
+	if($seFiles[$i+1] =~ /^-/) {
+		prtError("Missing inputs for single-end files: at '-se $str'")
+	}
+	if($seFiles[$i+1] =~ /^\d$/i) {
+		if($seFiles[$i+1] < 1 || $seFiles[$i+1] > 6) {
+			prtError("Incorrect option for Primer/Adaptor library: at '-se $str'");
+		}
+	}
+	if($seFiles[$i+2] =~ /^-/) {
+		prtError("Missing inputs for single-end files: at '-se $str'")
+	}
+	if($seFiles[$i+2] !~ /\d/ && $seFiles[$i+2] !~ /a/i) {
+		prtError("Incorrect option for FASTQ variant: at '-se $str'")
+	}
+	if($seFiles[$i+2] !~ /a/i) {
+		if($seFiles[$i+2] < 1 || $seFiles[$i+2] > 5) {
+			prtError("Incorrect option for FASTQ variant: at '-se $str'");
+		}
+	}
+	push(@tempFiles, $str);
+ at seFiles = ();
+ at seFiles = @tempFiles;
+ at tempFiles = ();
+if($cutOffReadLen4HQ < 0 || $cutOffReadLen4HQ > 100) {
+	prtError("Incorrect value for -l|cutOffReadLen4HQ option: at '-l $cutOffReadLen4HQ'");
+if($statOutFmt < 1 || $statOutFmt > 2) {
+	prtError("Incorrect value for -statOutFmt: at '-statOutFmt $statOutFmt'");
+if($outputDataFmt !~ /^[tg]$/i) {
+	prtError("Incorrect value for -f|outputDataFmt option: at '-f $outputDataFmt'");
+#my $pm = new Parallel::ForkManager($noOfProcesses);
+ at allFiles = (@peFiles, @seFiles);
+my $pid;
+foreach my $file (@allFiles) {
+	@totalBases = (0, 0);
+	@totalHQBases = (0, 0);
+	@totalBasesAfterHQ = (0, 0);
+	@totalHQBasesAfterHQ = (0, 0);
+	@totalBasesFinal = (0, 0);
+	@totalHQBasesFinal = (0, 0);
+	@totalReadsAfterHQ = (0, 0);
+	@totalReads = (0, 0);
+	@totalValidReadsNoPriAda = (0, 0);
+	@totalValidReadsWithPriAda = (0, 0);
+	@minLen = (1000, 1000, 1000, 1000);
+	@maxLen = (0, 0, 0, 0);
+	@positionSpecificBaseCount = ();
+	@positionSpecificBaseCountHQ = ();
+	@positionSpecificBaseCountWithRanges = ();
+	@positionSpecificBaseCountHQWithRanges = ();
+	@totalReadsFinal = (0, 0);
+	@readsWithN = (0, 0, 0, 0);
+	@totalNs = (0, 0, 0, 0);
+	@totalTrimmedReads = (0, 0);
+	@fileName = ();
+ 	@outFileName = ();
+	@qualDistribRaw = ();
+	@qualDistribFinal = ();
+	@qualLabel = ();
+	@gcDistribRaw = ();
+	@gcDistribFinal = ();
+	@gcLabel = ();
+	@baseCountRaw = ();
+	@baseCountFinal = ();
+	@charCountRaw = ();
+	@charCountFinal = ();
+	$priAdaFile = "";
+	@usrDefinedPriAda = ();
+	@ctotalBases = (0, 0);
+	@ctotalHQBases = (0, 0);	### This is for HQ reads, does not include NO_VEC stat.
+	@ctotalBasesAfterHQ = (0, 0);
+	@ctotalHQBasesAfterHQ = (0, 0);
+	@ctotalBasesFinal = (0, 0);
+	@ctotalHQBasesFinal = (0, 0);
+	@ctotalReadsAfterHQ = (0, 0);	### This is for HQ reads, does not include NO_VEC stat.
+	@ctotalValidReadsNoPriAda = (0, 0);
+	@ctotalValidReadsWithPriAda = (0, 0);
+	@cminLen = (1000, 1000, 1000, 1000);
+	@cmaxLen = (0, 0, 0, 0);
+	@cpositionSpecificBaseCount = ();
+	@cpositionSpecificBaseCountHQ = ();
+	@cpositionSpecificBaseCountWithRanges = ();
+	@cpositionSpecificBaseCountHQWithRanges = ();
+	@ctotalReadsFinal = (0, 0);
+	@creadsWithN = (0, 0, 0, 0);
+	@ctotalNs = (0, 0, 0, 0);
+	@refArr4OutFReads = ();
+	@refArr4OutRReads = ();
+	@cqualDistribRaw = ();
+	@cqualDistribFinal = ();
+	@cqualLabel = ();
+	@cgcDistribRaw = ();
+	@cgcDistribFinal = ();
+	@cgcLabel = ();
+	@cbaseCountRaw = ();
+	@cbaseCountFinal = ();
+	@ccharCountRaw = ();
+	@ccharCountFinal = ();
+	$file =~ s/\\([A-Za-z_\.])/\/$1/g;		# To remove '\' from the path of windows file
+	$isPairedEnd = 0;
+	my @inpData = split(/\s+/, $file);
+	if($inpData[$#inpData-1] =~ /^n$/i) {
+		undef $priAdaLib;
+	}
+	elsif($inpData[$#inpData-1] =~ /^\d$/) {
+		$priAdaLib = $inpData[$#inpData-1] - 1;
+	}
+	else {
+		$priAdaLib = "u";
+		$priAdaFile = $inpData[$#inpData-1];
+		open(PRIADA, "<$priAdaFile") or die "Can not open the user-defined primer/adapter file: $priAdaFile\n";
+		@usrDefinedPriAda = <PRIADA>;
+		for(my $i=0; $i<=$#usrDefinedPriAda; $i++) {
+			$usrDefinedPriAda[$i] =~ s/\s+//g;
+		}
+	}
+	$seqFormat = $inpData[$#inpData];
+	$indOfAnalysis++;
+#$pid = $pm->start and next;
+	print "Analysis has been started for \"$file\": Index: $indOfAnalysis\n";
+	my $statFile = "";
+	my $outFile1;
+	my $outFile2;
+	my $unPaired;
+	my $outFile;
+	if((scalar @inpData) == $noOfInp4PE) {
+		@fileName = ($inpData[0], $inpData[1]);
+		if($fileName[0] =~ /\.gz$/i || $fileName[1] =~ /\.gz$/i) {
+			$isInpGzip = 1;
+		}
+		$outFolder = getFilePath($fileName[0]) . "IlluQC_Filtered_files" if($outFolder eq "");
+		$outFolder .= "/" if($outFolder !~ /\/$/);
+		if(! -e $outFolder) {
+				mkdir($outFolder) or die "Can not create output folder: $outFolder\n";
+		}
+		$outFile1 = $outFolder . getFileName($fileName[0]) . "_filtered";
+		$outFile2 = $outFolder . getFileName($fileName[1]) . "_filtered";
+		$unPaired = getFilePath($outFile1) . getFileName($fileName[0]) . "_" . getFileName($fileName[1]) . "_unPaired_HQReads";
+		$outFile1 .= ".gz" if($outputDataFmt =~ /g/i);
+		$outFile2 .= ".gz" if($outputDataFmt =~ /g/i);
+		$unPaired .= ".gz" if($outputDataFmt =~ /g/i);
+		$statFile = $outFolder . getFileName($fileName[0]) . "_" . getFileName($fileName[1]) . "_stat";
+			do {
+				$uniqFolder = "";
+				for(my $i=0; $i<5; $i++) {
+					$uniqFolder .= int(rand(10));
+				}
+				$uniqFolder = $outFolder . $uniqFolder;
+			}
+			while(-e $uniqFolder);
+			mkdir($uniqFolder) or die "Can not create folder for temporary files\n";
+	    $DataQueue = Thread::Queue->new();
+	    unlink($outFile1) if(-e $outFile1);
+	    unlink($outFile2) if(-e $outFile2);
+	    unlink($unPaired) if(-e $unPaired);
+	    $thr = threads->create(sub {
+	        while (my $DataElement = $DataQueue->dequeue()) {
+	        	$DataElement =~ s/([fru]$)//;
+	        	my $readType = $1;
+				my $outH;
+				openFileGetHandle($outFile1, "a", \$outH) if($readType eq "f");
+				openFileGetHandle($outFile2, "a", \$outH) if($readType eq "r");
+				openFileGetHandle($unPaired, "a", \$outH) if($readType eq "u");
+				*OOO = $outH;
+				print OOO "$DataElement";
+				close(OOO);
+	        }
+	    });
+	    $ProcessingQueue = Thread::Queue->new();
+		$outFileName[0] = $outFile1;
+		$outFileName[1] = $outFile2;
+		if($seqFormat =~ /a/i) {
+			print "$indOfAnalysis: Checking FASTQ format: File $fileName[0]...\n";
+			$nLines = checkFastQFormat($fileName[0], 1);
+			print "$indOfAnalysis: Checking FASTQ format: File $fileName[1]...\n";
+			if($nLines != checkFastQFormat($fileName[1], 1)) {
+				prtErrorExit("Number of reads in paired end files are not same.\n\t\tFiles: $fileName[0], $fileName[1]");
+			}
+			if($seqFormat == 1) {
+				$subVal = 33;
+				print "$indOfAnalysis: Input FASTQ file format: Sanger\n";
+			}
+			if($seqFormat == 2) {
+				$subVal = 64;
+				print "$indOfAnalysis: Input FASTQ file format: Solexa\n";
+			}
+			if($seqFormat == 3) {
+				$subVal = 64;
+				print "$indOfAnalysis: Input FASTQ file format: Illumina 1.3+\n";
+			}
+			if($seqFormat == 4) {
+				$subVal = 64;
+				print "$indOfAnalysis: Input FASTQ file format: Illumina 1.5+\n";
+			}
+			if($seqFormat == 5) {
+				$subVal = 33;
+				print "$indOfAnalysis: Input FASTQ file format: Illumina 1.8+\n";
+			}
+		}
+		else {
+			$nLines = checkFastQFormat($fileName[0], 0);
+			if($nLines != checkFastQFormat($fileName[1], 0)) {
+				prtErrorExit("Number of reads in paired end files are not same.\n\t\tFiles: $fileName[0], $fileName[1]");
+			}
+			if($seqFormat == 1 || $seqFormat == 5) {
+				$subVal = 33;
+			}
+			else {
+				$subVal = 64;
+			}
+		}
+		print "$indOfAnalysis: Processing input files...\n";
+		processPairedEndFiles($fileName[0], $fileName[1], $outFile1, $outFile2, $unPaired);
+		if(!defined($isOnlyStat)) {
+		}
+		$isPairedEnd = 1;
+	}
+	else {
+		$fileName[0] = $inpData[0]; #$arg;
+		if($fileName[0] =~ /\.gz$/i) {
+			$isInpGzip = 1;
+		}
+		$outFolder = getFilePath($fileName[0]) . "IlluQC_Filtered_files" if($outFolder eq "");
+		$outFolder .= "/" if($outFolder !~ /\/$/);
+		if(! -e $outFolder) {
+			if(!defined($isOnlyStat)) {
+				mkdir($outFolder) or die "Can not create output folder: $outFolder\n";
+			}
+		}
+		$outFile = $outFolder . getFileName($fileName[0]) . "_filtered";
+		$outFile .= ".gz" if($outputDataFmt =~ /g/i);
+			do {
+				$uniqFolder = "";
+				for(my $i=0; $i<5; $i++) {
+					$uniqFolder .= int(rand(10));
+				}
+				$uniqFolder = $outFolder . $uniqFolder;
+			}
+			while(-e $uniqFolder);
+			mkdir($uniqFolder) or die "Can not create folder for temporary files\n";
+	    $DataQueue = Thread::Queue->new();
+	    unlink($outFile) if(-e $outFile);
+	    $thr = threads->create(sub {
+	        while (my $DataElement = $DataQueue->dequeue()) {
+				my $outH;
+				openFileGetHandle($outFile, "a", \$outH);
+				*OOO = $outH;
+				print OOO "$DataElement";
+				close(OOO);
+	        }
+	    });
+	    $ProcessingQueue = Thread::Queue->new();
+		$outFileName[0] = $outFile;
+		$statFile = $outFolder . getFileName($fileName[0]) . "_stat";
+		if($seqFormat =~ /a/i) {
+			print "$indOfAnalysis: Checking FASTQ format: File $fileName[0]...\n";
+			$nLines = checkFastQFormat($fileName[0], 1);
+			if($seqFormat == 1) {
+				$subVal = 33;
+				print "$indOfAnalysis: Input FASTQ file format: Sanger\n";
+			}
+			if($seqFormat == 2) {
+				$subVal = 64;
+				print "$indOfAnalysis: Input FASTQ file format: Solexa\n";
+			}
+			if($seqFormat == 3) {
+				$subVal = 64;
+				print "$indOfAnalysis: Input FASTQ file format: Illumina 1.3+\n";
+			}
+			if($seqFormat == 4) {
+				$subVal = 64;
+				print "$indOfAnalysis: Input FASTQ file format: Illumina 1.5+\n";
+			}
+			if($seqFormat == 5) {
+				$subVal = 33;
+				print "$indOfAnalysis: Input FASTQ file format: Illumina 1.8+\n";
+			}
+		}
+		else {
+			$nLines = checkFastQFormat($fileName[0], 0);
+			if($seqFormat == 1 || $seqFormat == 5) {
+				$subVal = 33;
+			}
+			else {
+				$subVal = 64;
+			}
+		}
+		print "$indOfAnalysis: Processing input files...\n";
+		processSingleEndFiles($fileName[0], $outFile);
+		if(!defined($isOnlyStat)) {
+		}
+		$isPairedEnd = 0;
+	}
+	print "$indOfAnalysis: Analysis completed\n";
+	print "$indOfAnalysis: Printing Output...\n";
+	my $qualDistF1 = getFileName($fileName[0])."_qualDistribution.png";
+	my $qualDistF2 = getFileName($fileName[1])."_qualDistribution.png" if($isPairedEnd);
+	my $sumPieF;
+	$sumPieF = getFileName($fileName[0]). "_summary.png";
+	$sumPieF = getFileName($fileName[0]). "_" . getFileName($fileName[1]) ."_summary.png" if($isPairedEnd);
+	my $gcDistF1 = getFileName($fileName[0])."_gcDistribution.png";
+	my $gcDistF2 = getFileName($fileName[1])."_gcDistribution.png" if($isPairedEnd);
+	my $baseCntF1 = getFileName($fileName[0])."_baseCompostion.png";
+	my $baseCntF2 = getFileName($fileName[1])."_baseCompostion.png" if($isPairedEnd);
+	my $avgQF1 = getFileName($fileName[0]) . "_avgQual.png";
+	my $avgQF2 = getFileName($fileName[1]) . "_avgQual.png" if($isPairedEnd);
+	my $QRangeRawF1 = getFileName($fileName[0]) . "_QualRangePerBase.png";
+	my $QRangeFilteredF1 = getFileName($outFileName[0]) . "_QualRangePerBase.png" if(!defined($isOnlyStat));
+	my $QRangeF1 = "$QRangeRawF1";
+	$QRangeF1 .= ":::$QRangeFilteredF1" if(!defined($isOnlyStat));
+	my $QRangeF2;
+	if($isPairedEnd) {
+		my $QRangeRawF2 = getFileName($fileName[1]) . "_QualRangePerBase.png";
+		my $QRangeFilteredF2 = getFileName($outFileName[1]) . "_QualRangePerBase.png" if(!defined($isOnlyStat));
+		$QRangeF2 = "$QRangeRawF2";
+		$QRangeF2 .= ":::$QRangeFilteredF2" if(!defined($isOnlyStat));
+	}
+	my $c=0;
+	foreach my $ref (@qualDistribRaw) {
+		my $str = "";
+		foreach my $val (@{$ref}) {
+			if($c == 0) {
+				$str = "0";
+				$str .= "-$qualDistribInterval" if($qualDistribInterval>1);
+			}
+			else {
+				$str = $qualDistribInterval*$c;
+				$str .=  "-" . $qualDistribInterval*($c+1) if($qualDistribInterval>1);
+			}
+			$c++;
+			push(@qualLabel, $str);
+		}
+		last;
+	}
+	my @file1 = (\@qualLabel, $qualDistribRaw[0]);
+	my @file2 = (\@qualLabel, $qualDistribRaw[1]) if($isPairedEnd);
+	if(!$isOnlyStat) {
+		push(@file1, $qualDistribFinal[0]);
+		push(@file2, $qualDistribFinal[1]) if($isPairedEnd);;
+	}
+	if($isGDMod) {
+		drawQualDist(\@file1, $outFolder.$qualDistF1, getFileName($fileName[0]), 650, 350);
+		drawQualDist(\@file2, $outFolder.$qualDistF2, getFileName($fileName[1]), 650, 300) if($isPairedEnd);
+	}
+	my $readsWPriAda = $totalReadsAfterHQ[0] - $totalReadsFinal[0];		# For Paired end, different number of contaminated sequences will be filtered in both the files. And we have to report total reads contaminated including both end files.
+	my $readsLowQual = $totalReads[0] - $readsWPriAda - $totalReadsFinal[0];
+	@file1 = (["", "", ""], [$readsWPriAda, $totalReadsFinal[0], $readsLowQual]);
+	if($isGDMod) {
+		drawSummaryPie(\@file1, $outFolder.$sumPieF, 500, 350);
+	}
+	$c=0;
+	foreach my $ref (@gcDistribRaw) {
+		foreach my $val (@{$ref}) {
+			my $str = "";
+			if($c == 0) {
+				$str = "0-$gcDistribInterval";
+			}
+			else {
+				$str = $gcDistribInterval*$c . "-" . $gcDistribInterval*($c+1);
+			}
+			$c++;
+			push(@gcLabel, $str);
+		}
+		last;
+	}
+	@file1 = (\@gcLabel, $gcDistribRaw[0]);
+	@file2 = (\@gcLabel, $gcDistribRaw[1]) if($isPairedEnd);
+	if(!$isOnlyStat) {
+		push(@file1, $gcDistribFinal[0]);
+		push(@file2, $gcDistribFinal[1]) if($isPairedEnd);
+	}
+	if($isGDMod) {
+		drawGCDist(\@file1, $outFolder.$gcDistF1, getFileName($fileName[0]), 550, 350);
+		drawGCDist(\@file2, $outFolder.$gcDistF2, getFileName($fileName[1]), 550, 350) if($isPairedEnd);
+	}
+	@file1 = (["A", "T", "G", "C", "Non-ATGC"], $charCountRaw[0]);
+	@file2 = (["A", "T", "G", "C", "Non-ATGC"], $charCountRaw[1]) if($isPairedEnd);
+	if(!$isOnlyStat) {
+		@file1 = (["A", "T", "G", "C", "Non-ATGC"], $charCountRaw[0], $charCountFinal[0]);
+		@file2 = (["A", "T", "G", "C", "Non-ATGC"], $charCountRaw[1], $charCountFinal[1]) if($isPairedEnd);
+	}
+	if($isGDMod) {
+		drawBaseComp(\@file1, $outFolder.$baseCntF1, getFileName($fileName[0]), 500, 300);
+		drawBaseComp(\@file2, $outFolder.$baseCntF2, getFileName($fileName[1]), 500, 300) if($isPairedEnd);
+	}
+	open(STAT, ">$statFile") or die "Can not create statistics file $statFile\n";
+	printStat(*STAT) if($statOutFmt == 1);
+	printStatTab(*STAT) if($statOutFmt == 2);
+	close(STAT);
+	my $iFol = getFilePath(abs_path($fileName[0]));
+	my $oFol = abs_path($outFolder) . "/";
+	my $inpFs = getFileName($fileName[0]);
+	my $seqFormatName;
+	$inpFs .= ":::::" . getFileName($fileName[1]) if($isPairedEnd);
+	my $htF = $oFol . "output_" . getFileName($fileName[0]);
+	$htF .= "_" . getFileName($fileName[1]) if($isPairedEnd);
+	$htF .= ".html";
+	if($seqFormat == 1) {
+		$seqFormatName = "Sanger";
+	}
+	elsif($seqFormat == 2) {
+		$seqFormatName = "Solexa";
+	}
+	elsif($seqFormat == 3) {
+		$seqFormatName = "Illumina 1.3+";
+	}
+	elsif($seqFormat == 4) {
+		$seqFormatName = "Illumina 1.5+";
+	}
+	my @fileNames4HTML;
+	@fileNames4HTML = ($outFile, $avgQF1, $baseCntF1, $gcDistF1, $qualDistF1, $sumPieF, $QRangeF1);
+	@fileNames4HTML = ($outFile1, $outFile2, $unPaired, $avgQF1, $avgQF2, $baseCntF1, $baseCntF2, $gcDistF1, $gcDistF2, $qualDistF1, $qualDistF2, $sumPieF, $QRangeF1, $QRangeF2) if($isPairedEnd);
+	htmlPrint(getFilePath(abs_path($0)), getFileName($0), $htF, $iFol, $isPairedEnd, $isOnlyStat, $inpFs, $seqFormatName, $statFile, $oFol, \@fileNames4HTML);
+    $DataQueue->enqueue(undef);
+    $thr->join();
+	rmtree($uniqFolder, 0, 0);
+#	$pm->finish;
+print "================================================================\n";
+print "Processing has been finished\n";
+print "Output files are generated in $outFolder\n" if($outFolder ne "");
+print "Output files are generated in the folder of input files\n" if($outFolder eq "");
+print "================================================================\n";
+sub openFileGetHandle {
+	my ($file, $rOrw, $ref) = @_;
+	if($file =~ /\.gz$/i) {
+		$$ref = new IO::Zlib;
+		$$ref->open("$file", "rb") or die "Can not open file $file" if($rOrw eq "r");
+		$$ref->open("$file", "wb") or die "Can not create file $file" if($rOrw eq "w");
+		$$ref->open("$file", "ab") or die "Can not open-append file $file" if($rOrw eq "a");
+	}
+	else {
+		open($$ref, "<$file") or die "Can not open file $file" if($rOrw eq "r");
+		open($$ref, ">$file") or die "Can not create file $file" if($rOrw eq "w");
+		open($$ref, ">>$file") or die "Can not open-append file $file" if($rOrw eq "a");
+	}
+sub processPairedEndFiles {
+	my $file1 = $_[0];
+	my $file2 = $_[1];
+	my $outFile1 = $_[2];
+	my $outFile2 = $_[3];
+	my $unPaired = $_[4];
+	$totalReads[0] = sprintf("%0.0f", $nLines/4);
+	$totalReads[1] = sprintf("%0.0f", $nLines/4);
+	if($file1 =~ /\.gz$/i || $file2 =~ /\.gz$/i) {
+		my @fileNames = ($file1, $file2);
+		my $thRef = threads->create('readDivideGzip4PE', @fileNames);
+		threading4PE();
+		$thRef->join;
+		print "$indOfAnalysis: Number of reads processed: " . "$totalReads[0]/$totalReads[0] (100\%)...\n";
+	}
+	else {
+		print "$indOfAnalysis: Number of reads processed: " . "0/$totalReads[0] (0\%)...\n";
+		my $isEOF = 1;
+		if($nLines/4 > 0) {
+			$isEOF = 0;
+		}
+		my $lineCount = 0;
+		my @thArr = ();
+		my $ttlJobCount = 0;
+		my $noOfSeqPerThread = 100000; #int($nLines/$noOfProcesses);
+		my $fH1;
+		openFileGetHandle($file1, "r", \$fH1);
+		my $fH2;
+		openFileGetHandle($file2, "r", \$fH2);
+		while(!$isEOF) {
+			my $jobCounter = 0;			# Lowest value: 0 and Highest value: $noOfProcesses
+			for(my $j=0; $j<$noOfProcesses && (!$isEOF); $j++) {
+				my @fRead = ();
+				my @rRead = ();
+				$jobCounter++;
+				for(my $i=0; $i<4*$noOfSeqPerThread && (!$isEOF); $i++) {
+					$fRead[$i] = <$fH1>;
+					$rRead[$i] = <$fH2>;
+					$lineCount += 1;
+					if($lineCount >= $nLines) {
+						$isEOF = 1;
+					}
+					$i-- if($fRead[$i]=~ /^\n$/ || $rRead[$i]=~ /^\n$/);
+				}
+				$ttlJobCount++;
+				my $id = sprintf "%05s", $ttlJobCount;			
+				my @refArr = (\@fRead, \@rRead, $id);
+				$thArr[$j] = threads->create('passPESeq', @refArr);
+				if($lineCount % (100000*4) == 0) {
+					my $tmpP = sprintf "%0.0f", ($lineCount/4/$totalReads[0]*100);
+					print "$indOfAnalysis: Number of reads processed: " . $lineCount/4 . "/$totalReads[0] ($tmpP\%)...\n";
+				}
+			}
+			for(my $j=0; $j<$jobCounter; $j++) {
+	        	my $refRefArr = $thArr[$j]->join;
+	        	my @refArr = @{$refRefArr};
+	        	undef $refRefArr;
+	        	$totalBases[0] += @{$refArr[0]}[0];
+	        	$totalBases[1] += @{$refArr[0]}[1];
+	        	$totalHQBases[0] += @{$refArr[1]}[0];
+	        	$totalHQBases[1] += @{$refArr[1]}[1];
+	        	$totalBasesAfterHQ[0] += @{$refArr[2]}[0];
+	        	$totalBasesAfterHQ[1] += @{$refArr[2]}[1];
+	        	$totalHQBasesAfterHQ[0] += @{$refArr[3]}[0];
+	        	$totalHQBasesAfterHQ[1] += @{$refArr[3]}[1];
+	        	$totalBasesFinal[0] += @{$refArr[4]}[0];
+	        	$totalBasesFinal[1] += @{$refArr[4]}[1];
+	        	$totalHQBasesFinal[0] += @{$refArr[5]}[0];
+	        	$totalHQBasesFinal[1] += @{$refArr[5]}[1];
+	        	$totalReadsAfterHQ[0] += @{$refArr[6]}[0];
+	        	$totalReadsAfterHQ[1] += @{$refArr[6]}[1];
+	        	$totalValidReadsNoPriAda[0] += @{$refArr[7]}[0];
+	        	$totalValidReadsNoPriAda[1] += @{$refArr[7]}[1];
+	        	$totalValidReadsWithPriAda[0] += @{$refArr[8]}[0];
+	        	$totalValidReadsWithPriAda[1] += @{$refArr[8]}[1];
+	        	$minLen[0] = min(@{$refArr[9]}[0], $minLen[0]);
+	        	$minLen[1] = min(@{$refArr[9]}[1], $minLen[1]);
+	        	$minLen[2] = min(@{$refArr[9]}[2], $minLen[2]);
+	        	$minLen[3] = min(@{$refArr[9]}[3], $minLen[3]);
+	        	$maxLen[0] = max(@{$refArr[10]}[0], $maxLen[0]);
+	        	$maxLen[1] = max(@{$refArr[10]}[1], $maxLen[1]);
+	        	$maxLen[2] = max(@{$refArr[10]}[2], $maxLen[2]);
+	        	$maxLen[3] = max(@{$refArr[10]}[3], $maxLen[3]);
+				my @tmpArr4positionSpecific = @{$refArr[11]};
+				my @tmpArr4positionSpecificHQ = @{$refArr[15]};
+				for(my $x=0; $x<@tmpArr4positionSpecific; $x++) {
+					my @row = @{$tmpArr4positionSpecific[$x]};
+					for(my $y=0; $y<@row; $y++) {
+						$positionSpecificBaseCount[$x][$y] += $tmpArr4positionSpecific[$x][$y];
+						if($tmpArr4positionSpecificHQ[$x][$y]) {
+							$positionSpecificBaseCountHQ[$x][$y] += $tmpArr4positionSpecificHQ[$x][$y];
+						}
+					}
+				}
+				my @tmpArr4positionSpecificR = @{$refArr[22]};
+				my @tmpArr4positionSpecificHQR = @{$refArr[23]};
+				for(my $x=0; $x<@tmpArr4positionSpecificR; $x++) {
+					my @row = @{$tmpArr4positionSpecificR[$x]};
+					for(my $y=0; $y<@row; $y++) {
+						my @col = @{@{$tmpArr4positionSpecificR[$x]}[$y]};
+						for(my $z=0; $z<@col; $z++) {
+							$tmpArr4positionSpecificR[$x][$y][$z] = 0 if(! $tmpArr4positionSpecificR[$x][$y][$z]);
+							$positionSpecificBaseCountWithRanges[$x][$y][$z] += $tmpArr4positionSpecificR[$x][$y][$z];
+							if($tmpArr4positionSpecificHQR[$x][$y][$z]) {
+								$positionSpecificBaseCountHQWithRanges[$x][$y][$z] += $tmpArr4positionSpecificHQR[$x][$y][$z];
+							}
+						}
+					}
+				}
+	        	$totalReadsFinal[0] += @{$refArr[12]}[0];
+	        	$totalReadsFinal[1] += @{$refArr[12]}[1];
+	        	$readsWithN[0] += @{$refArr[13]}[0];
+	        	$readsWithN[1] += @{$refArr[13]}[1];
+	        	$readsWithN[2] += @{$refArr[13]}[2];
+	        	$readsWithN[3] += @{$refArr[13]}[3];
+	        	$totalNs[0] += @{$refArr[14]}[0];
+	        	$totalNs[1] += @{$refArr[14]}[1];
+	        	$totalNs[2] += @{$refArr[14]}[2];
+	        	$totalNs[3] += @{$refArr[14]}[3];
+	        	addTwoArrays($refArr[16], \@qualDistribRaw);
+	        	addTwoArrays($refArr[17], \@qualDistribFinal);
+	        	addTwoArrays($refArr[18], \@gcDistribRaw);
+	        	addTwoArrays($refArr[19], \@gcDistribFinal);
+	        	addTwoArrays($refArr[20], \@charCountRaw);
+	        	addTwoArrays($refArr[21], \@charCountFinal);
+	        	undef $refRefArr;
+	        	@refArr = ();
+			}
+		}
+		print "$indOfAnalysis: Number of reads processed: " . "$totalReads[0]/$totalReads[0] (100\%)...\n";
+		close($fH1);
+		close($fH2);
+	}
+	if(!defined($isOnlyStat)) {
+		my ($fHndl, $rHndl, $uHndl);
+			openFileGetHandle($outFile1, "w", \$fHndl);
+			openFileGetHandle($outFile2, "w", \$rHndl);
+			openFileGetHandle($unPaired, "w", \$uHndl);
+			*OOF = $fHndl;
+			*OOR = $rHndl;
+			*OOU = $uHndl;
+		print "$indOfAnalysis: Printing filtered data...\n";
+		opendir(DIR, $uniqFolder);
+		my @partFiles = readdir(DIR);
+		@partFiles = sort @partFiles;
+		foreach my $pFile (@partFiles) {
+			next if($pFile =~ /\./);
+			my $npFile = "$uniqFolder/$pFile";
+			open(P, "<$npFile") or die "Can not open part file\n";
+			while(<P>) {
+				print OOF if($pFile =~ /fseq[^\n]+out/);
+				print OOR if($pFile =~ /rseq[^\n]+out/);
+				print OOU if($pFile =~ /useq[^\n]+out/);
+			}
+			close(P);
+		}
+		closedir(DIR);
+		close(OOF);
+		close(OOR);
+		close(OOU);
+	}	
+sub readDivideGzip4PE {
+	my ($file1, $file2) = @_;
+	my $isEOF = 1;
+	if($nLines/4 > 0) {
+		$isEOF = 0;
+	}
+	my $lineCount = 0;
+	my $chunkCount = 0;
+	my $noOfSeqPerThread = 100000; #int($nLines/$noOfProcesses);
+	my $fH1;
+	openFileGetHandle($file1, "r", \$fH1);
+	my $fH2;
+	openFileGetHandle($file2, "r", \$fH2);
+	while(!$isEOF) {
+		my $jobCounter = 0;			# Lowest value: 0 and Highest value: $noOfProcesses
+		for(my $j=0; $j<$noOfProcesses && (!$isEOF); $j++) {
+			$jobCounter++;
+			$chunkCount++;
+			my $id = sprintf "%05s", $chunkCount;			
+			my $fseqH;
+			openFileGetHandle("$uniqFolder/part_fseq_$id", "w", \$fseqH);
+			my $rseqH;
+			openFileGetHandle("$uniqFolder/part_rseq_$id", "w", \$rseqH);
+			for(my $i=0; $i<4*$noOfSeqPerThread && (!$isEOF); $i++) {
+				my $fRead = <$fH1>;
+				my $rRead = <$fH2>;
+				print $fseqH $fRead;
+				print $rseqH $rRead;
+				$lineCount += 1;
+				if($lineCount >= $nLines) {
+					$isEOF = 1;
+				}
+				$i-- if($fRead=~ /^\n$/ || $rRead=~ /^\n$/);
+			}
+			close($fseqH);
+			close($rseqH);
+			$ProcessingQueue->enqueue("$uniqFolder/part_fseq_$id"."\t"."$uniqFolder/part_rseq_$id");
+		}
+	}
+	close($fH1);
+	close($fH2);
+	$ProcessingQueue->enqueue(undef);
+sub fireMyPEJob {
+	my $lineCount = $_[0];
+	my $fileName = $ProcessingQueue->dequeue();
+	return undef if(!defined($fileName));
+	my ($file1, $file2) = split(/\t/, $fileName);
+	open(CHKF, "<$file1") or die "Can't open chunk file containing input reads for processing: $file1\n";
+	my @fReads = <CHKF>;
+	$$lineCount += (scalar @fReads);
+	close(CHKF);
+	open(CHKR, "<$file2") or die "Can't open chunk file containing input reads for processing: $file2\n";
+	my @rReads = <CHKR>;
+	close(CHKR);
+	my ($id) = $file1=~/(\d+)$/;			
+	my @reads = (\@fReads, \@rReads, $id);
+	my $thRef = threads->create('passPESeq', @reads);
+	return $thRef;
+sub threading4PE {
+	my @thArr;
+	my $done = 0;
+	my $lineCount = 0;
+	while(1) {
+		if($lineCount % (100000*4) == 0) {
+			my $tmpP = sprintf "%0.0f", ($lineCount/4/$totalReads[0]*100);
+			print "$indOfAnalysis: Number of reads processed: " . $lineCount/4 . "/$totalReads[0] ($tmpP\%)...\n";
+		}
+		my $i;
+		for($i=0; $i<$noOfProcesses; $i++) {
+			my $thRef = fireMyPEJob(\$lineCount);
+			if(!defined($thRef)) {
+				$done = 1;
+				last;
+			}
+			$thArr[$i] = $thRef;
+		}
+		for(my $j=0; $j<$i; $j++) {
+        	my $refRefArr = $thArr[$j]->join;
+        	my @refArr = @{$refRefArr};
+        	undef $refRefArr;
+        	$totalBases[0] += @{$refArr[0]}[0];
+        	$totalBases[1] += @{$refArr[0]}[1];
+        	$totalHQBases[0] += @{$refArr[1]}[0];
+        	$totalHQBases[1] += @{$refArr[1]}[1];
+        	$totalBasesAfterHQ[0] += @{$refArr[2]}[0];
+        	$totalBasesAfterHQ[1] += @{$refArr[2]}[1];
+        	$totalHQBasesAfterHQ[0] += @{$refArr[3]}[0];
+        	$totalHQBasesAfterHQ[1] += @{$refArr[3]}[1];
+        	$totalBasesFinal[0] += @{$refArr[4]}[0];
+        	$totalBasesFinal[1] += @{$refArr[4]}[1];
+        	$totalHQBasesFinal[0] += @{$refArr[5]}[0];
+        	$totalHQBasesFinal[1] += @{$refArr[5]}[1];
+        	$totalReadsAfterHQ[0] += @{$refArr[6]}[0];
+        	$totalReadsAfterHQ[1] += @{$refArr[6]}[1];
+        	$totalValidReadsNoPriAda[0] += @{$refArr[7]}[0];
+        	$totalValidReadsNoPriAda[1] += @{$refArr[7]}[1];
+        	$totalValidReadsWithPriAda[0] += @{$refArr[8]}[0];
+        	$totalValidReadsWithPriAda[1] += @{$refArr[8]}[1];
+        	$minLen[0] = min(@{$refArr[9]}[0], $minLen[0]);
+        	$minLen[1] = min(@{$refArr[9]}[1], $minLen[1]);
+        	$minLen[2] = min(@{$refArr[9]}[2], $minLen[2]);
+        	$minLen[3] = min(@{$refArr[9]}[3], $minLen[3]);
+        	$maxLen[0] = max(@{$refArr[10]}[0], $maxLen[0]);
+        	$maxLen[1] = max(@{$refArr[10]}[1], $maxLen[1]);
+        	$maxLen[2] = max(@{$refArr[10]}[2], $maxLen[2]);
+        	$maxLen[3] = max(@{$refArr[10]}[3], $maxLen[3]);
+			my @tmpArr4positionSpecific = @{$refArr[11]};
+			my @tmpArr4positionSpecificHQ = @{$refArr[15]};
+			for(my $x=0; $x<@tmpArr4positionSpecific; $x++) {
+				my @row = @{$tmpArr4positionSpecific[$x]};
+				for(my $y=0; $y<@row; $y++) {
+					$positionSpecificBaseCount[$x][$y] += $tmpArr4positionSpecific[$x][$y];
+					if($tmpArr4positionSpecificHQ[$x][$y]) {
+						$positionSpecificBaseCountHQ[$x][$y] += $tmpArr4positionSpecificHQ[$x][$y];
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			my @tmpArr4positionSpecificR = @{$refArr[22]};
+			my @tmpArr4positionSpecificHQR = @{$refArr[23]};
+			for(my $x=0; $x<@tmpArr4positionSpecificR; $x++) {
+				my @row = @{$tmpArr4positionSpecificR[$x]};
+				for(my $y=0; $y<@row; $y++) {
+					my @col = @{@{$tmpArr4positionSpecificR[$x]}[$y]};
+					for(my $z=0; $z<@col; $z++) {
+						$tmpArr4positionSpecificR[$x][$y][$z] = 0 if(! $tmpArr4positionSpecificR[$x][$y][$z]);
+						$positionSpecificBaseCountWithRanges[$x][$y][$z] += $tmpArr4positionSpecificR[$x][$y][$z];
+						if($tmpArr4positionSpecificHQR[$x][$y][$z]) {
+							$positionSpecificBaseCountHQWithRanges[$x][$y][$z] += $tmpArr4positionSpecificHQR[$x][$y][$z];
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			}
+        	$totalReadsFinal[0] += @{$refArr[12]}[0];
+        	$totalReadsFinal[1] += @{$refArr[12]}[1];
+        	$readsWithN[0] += @{$refArr[13]}[0];
+        	$readsWithN[1] += @{$refArr[13]}[1];
+        	$readsWithN[2] += @{$refArr[13]}[2];
+        	$readsWithN[3] += @{$refArr[13]}[3];
+        	$totalNs[0] += @{$refArr[14]}[0];
+        	$totalNs[1] += @{$refArr[14]}[1];
+        	$totalNs[2] += @{$refArr[14]}[2];
+        	$totalNs[3] += @{$refArr[14]}[3];
+        	addTwoArrays($refArr[16], \@qualDistribRaw);
+        	addTwoArrays($refArr[17], \@qualDistribFinal);
+        	addTwoArrays($refArr[18], \@gcDistribRaw);
+        	addTwoArrays($refArr[19], \@gcDistribFinal);
+        	addTwoArrays($refArr[20], \@charCountRaw);
+        	addTwoArrays($refArr[21], \@charCountFinal);
+        	undef $refRefArr;
+        	@refArr = ();
+		}
+		last if($done);
+	}
+sub passPESeq {
+	my($fReadRef, $rReadRef, $id) = @_;
+	open(FSEQ, ">$uniqFolder/part_fseq_$id"."_out") or die "Can not open part_fseq_$id"."_out file\n";
+	open(RSEQ, ">$uniqFolder/part_rseq_$id"."_out") or die "Can not open part_rseq_$id"."_out file\n";
+	open(USEQ, ">$uniqFolder/part_useq_$id"."_out") or die "Can not open part_useq_$id"."_out file\n";
+	my $seqCounter = scalar @{$fReadRef};
+	my @fRead = ();
+	my @rRead = ();
+	for(my $i=0; $i<$seqCounter;) {
+		push @fRead, shift @{$fReadRef};
+		push @rRead, shift @{$rReadRef};
+		$i++;
+		if($i%4 == 0) {
+			processPairedEndSeq(\@fRead, \@rRead);
+			@fRead = ();
+			@rRead = ();
+		}		
+	}
+	my @refArr = (\@ctotalBases, \@ctotalHQBases, \@ctotalBasesAfterHQ, \@ctotalHQBasesAfterHQ, \@ctotalBasesFinal, \@ctotalHQBasesFinal, \@ctotalReadsAfterHQ, \@ctotalValidReadsNoPriAda, \@ctotalValidReadsWithPriAda, \@cminLen, \@cmaxLen, \@cpositionSpecificBaseCount, \@ctotalReadsFinal, \@creadsWithN, \@ctotalNs, \@cpositionSpecificBaseCountHQ, \@cqualDistribRaw, \@cqualDistribFinal, \@cgcDistribRaw, \@cgcDistribFinal, \@ccharCountRaw, \@ccharCountFinal, \@cpositionSpecificBaseCountWithRa [...]
+	close(FSEQ);
+	close(RSEQ);
+	close(USEQ);
+	return \@refArr;
+sub processPairedEndSeq {
+	yield;
+	my($fReadRef, $rReadRef) = @_;
+	my @fRead = @{$fReadRef};
+	my @rRead = @{$rReadRef};
+	chomp(my $fQualLine = $fRead[3]);
+	chomp(my $rQualLine = $rRead[3]);
+	chomp(my $fSeqLine = $fRead[1]);
+	chomp(my $rSeqLine = $rRead[1]);
+	my $fNs = getNoOfNs($fSeqLine);
+	my $rNs = getNoOfNs($rSeqLine);
+	$ctotalNs[0] += $fNs;
+	$ctotalNs[1] += $rNs;
+	if($fNs) {
+		$creadsWithN[0]++;
+	}
+	if($rNs) {
+		$creadsWithN[1]++;
+	}
+	my @qualArr = ();
+	my $isFReadOfHQ = isReadOfHQ($fQualLine, 0, \@qualArr);
+	my $isRReadOfHQ = isReadOfHQ($rQualLine, 1, \@qualArr);
+	my $fSeqLineLen = length $fSeqLine;
+	my $rSeqLineLen = length $rSeqLine;
+	my $fAvgQual = sprintf "%.0f", (sum(@{$qualArr[0]})/$fSeqLineLen);
+	my $rAvgQual = sprintf "%.0f", (sum(@{$qualArr[1]})/$rSeqLineLen);
+	$cqualDistribRaw[0][getIndex($fAvgQual,$qualDistribInterval)]++;
+	$cqualDistribRaw[1][getIndex($rAvgQual,$qualDistribInterval)]++;
+	my $fAs = $fSeqLine =~ s/A/A/gi;
+	my $fTs = $fSeqLine =~ s/T/T/gi;
+	my $fGs = $fSeqLine =~ s/G/G/gi;
+	my $fCs = $fSeqLine =~ s/C/C/gi;
+	my $fgcPercent = ($fGs + $fCs)/$fSeqLineLen*100; 
+	$ccharCountRaw[0][0] += $fAs;
+	$ccharCountRaw[0][1] += $fTs;
+	$ccharCountRaw[0][2] += $fGs;
+	$ccharCountRaw[0][3] += $fCs;
+	$ccharCountRaw[0][4] += $fNs;
+	my $rAs = $rSeqLine =~ s/A/A/gi;
+	my $rTs = $rSeqLine =~ s/T/T/gi;
+	my $rGs = $rSeqLine =~ s/G/G/gi;
+	my $rCs = $rSeqLine =~ s/C/C/gi;
+	my $rgcPercent = ($rGs + $rCs)/$rSeqLineLen*100;
+	$ccharCountRaw[1][0] += $rAs;
+	$ccharCountRaw[1][1] += $rTs;
+	$ccharCountRaw[1][2] += $rGs;
+	$ccharCountRaw[1][3] += $rCs;
+	$ccharCountRaw[1][4] += $rNs; 
+	$cgcDistribRaw[0][getIndex($fgcPercent,$gcDistribInterval)]++;
+	$cgcDistribRaw[1][getIndex($rgcPercent,$gcDistribInterval)]++;
+	if($isFReadOfHQ && $isRReadOfHQ) {
+		$ctotalReadsAfterHQ[0]++;
+		$ctotalReadsAfterHQ[1]++;
+		$ctotalBasesAfterHQ[0] += $fSeqLineLen;
+		$ctotalBasesAfterHQ[1] += $rSeqLineLen;
+		$ctotalHQBasesAfterHQ[0] += $isFReadOfHQ;
+		$ctotalHQBasesAfterHQ[1] += $isRReadOfHQ;
+		if(defined($priAdaLib)) {
+			my $isFWOPriAda = isWOPriAda($fSeqLine, 0, 1);
+			my $isRWOPriAda = isWOPriAda($rSeqLine, 1, 1);
+			if($isFWOPriAda && $isRWOPriAda) {
+				$ctotalReadsFinal[0]++;
+				$ctotalReadsFinal[1]++;
+				$ctotalBasesFinal[0] += $fSeqLineLen;
+				$ctotalBasesFinal[1] += $rSeqLineLen;
+				$ctotalHQBasesFinal[0] += $isFReadOfHQ;
+				$ctotalHQBasesFinal[1] += $isRReadOfHQ;
+				$cminLen[2] = $fSeqLineLen if($cminLen[2] > $fSeqLineLen);
+				$cmaxLen[2] = $fSeqLineLen if($cmaxLen[2] < $fSeqLineLen);
+				$cminLen[3] = $rSeqLineLen if($cminLen[3] > $rSeqLineLen);
+				$cmaxLen[3] = $rSeqLineLen if($cmaxLen[3] < $rSeqLineLen);
+				$ctotalNs[2] += $fNs;
+				$ctotalNs[3] += $rNs;
+				if($fNs) {
+					$creadsWithN[2]++;
+				}
+				if($rNs) {
+					$creadsWithN[3]++;
+				}
+				for(my $x=0; $x<@qualArr; $x++) {
+					my @row = @{$qualArr[$x]};
+					for(my $y=0; $y<@row; $y++) {
+						$cpositionSpecificBaseCountHQ[$x][$y] += $qualArr[$x][$y];
+						my $ind = int($qualArr[$x][$y]/10);
+						$ind-- if($qualArr[$x][$y]%10 == 0 && $qualArr[$x][$y] != 0);
+						$cpositionSpecificBaseCountHQWithRanges[$x][$y][$ind]++;
+					}
+				}				
+				if(!defined($isOnlyStat)) {
+					$cqualDistribFinal[0][getIndex($fAvgQual,$qualDistribInterval)]++;
+					$cqualDistribFinal[1][getIndex($rAvgQual,$qualDistribInterval)]++;
+					$cgcDistribFinal[0][getIndex($fgcPercent,$gcDistribInterval)]++;
+					$cgcDistribFinal[1][getIndex($rgcPercent,$gcDistribInterval)]++;
+					$ccharCountFinal[0][0] += $fAs;
+					$ccharCountFinal[0][1] += $fTs;
+					$ccharCountFinal[0][2] += $fGs;
+					$ccharCountFinal[0][3] += $fCs;
+					$ccharCountFinal[0][4] += $fNs;
+					$ccharCountFinal[1][0] += $rAs;
+					$ccharCountFinal[1][1] += $rTs;
+					$ccharCountFinal[1][2] += $rGs;
+					$ccharCountFinal[1][3] += $rCs;
+					$ccharCountFinal[1][4] += $rNs;
+					print FSEQ @fRead;
+					print RSEQ @rRead;
+				}
+			}
+			else {
+				if(!defined($isOnlyStat)) {
+					if($isFWOPriAda) {
+						print USEQ @fRead;
+					}
+					elsif($isRWOPriAda) {
+						print USEQ @rRead;
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		else {
+			$ctotalReadsFinal[0]++;
+			$ctotalReadsFinal[1]++;
+			$ctotalBasesFinal[0] += $fSeqLineLen;
+			$ctotalBasesFinal[1] += $rSeqLineLen;
+			$ctotalHQBasesFinal[0] += $isFReadOfHQ;
+			$ctotalHQBasesFinal[1] += $isRReadOfHQ;
+			$cminLen[2] = $fSeqLineLen if($cminLen[2] > $fSeqLineLen);
+			$cmaxLen[2] = $fSeqLineLen if($cmaxLen[2] < $fSeqLineLen);
+			$cminLen[3] = $rSeqLineLen if($cminLen[3] > $rSeqLineLen);
+			$cmaxLen[3] = $rSeqLineLen if($cmaxLen[3] < $rSeqLineLen);
+			$ctotalNs[2] += $fNs;
+			$ctotalNs[3] += $rNs;
+			if($fNs) {
+				$creadsWithN[2]++;
+			}
+			if($rNs) {
+				$creadsWithN[3]++;
+			}
+			for(my $x=0; $x<@qualArr; $x++) {
+				my @row = @{$qualArr[$x]};
+				for(my $y=0; $y<@row; $y++) {
+					$cpositionSpecificBaseCountHQ[$x][$y] += $qualArr[$x][$y];
+					my $ind = int($qualArr[$x][$y]/10);
+					$ind-- if($qualArr[$x][$y]%10 == 0 && $qualArr[$x][$y] != 0);
+					$cpositionSpecificBaseCountHQWithRanges[$x][$y][$ind]++;
+				}
+			}				
+			if(!defined($isOnlyStat)) {
+				$cqualDistribFinal[0][getIndex($fAvgQual,$qualDistribInterval)]++;
+				$cqualDistribFinal[1][getIndex($rAvgQual,$qualDistribInterval)]++;
+				$cgcDistribFinal[0][getIndex($fgcPercent,$gcDistribInterval)]++;
+				$cgcDistribFinal[1][getIndex($rgcPercent,$gcDistribInterval)]++;
+				$ccharCountFinal[0][0] += $fAs;
+				$ccharCountFinal[0][1] += $fTs;
+				$ccharCountFinal[0][2] += $fGs;
+				$ccharCountFinal[0][3] += $fCs;
+				$ccharCountFinal[0][4] += $fNs;
+				$ccharCountFinal[1][0] += $rAs;
+				$ccharCountFinal[1][1] += $rTs;
+				$ccharCountFinal[1][2] += $rGs;
+				$ccharCountFinal[1][3] += $rCs;
+				$ccharCountFinal[1][4] += $rNs; 
+				print FSEQ @fRead;
+				print RSEQ @rRead;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	else {
+		if(!defined($isOnlyStat)) {
+			if($isFReadOfHQ) {
+				my $isFWOPriAda = 1;
+				$isFWOPriAda = isWOPriAda($fSeqLine, 0, 0) if(defined($priAdaLib));
+				if($isFWOPriAda) {
+					print USEQ @fRead;
+				}
+			}
+			elsif($isRReadOfHQ) {
+				my $isRWOPriAda = 1;
+				$isRWOPriAda = isWOPriAda($rSeqLine, 1, 0) if(defined($priAdaLib));
+				if($isRWOPriAda) {
+					print USEQ @rRead;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+sub processSingleEndFiles {
+	my $file = $_[0];
+	my $outFile = $_[1];
+	$totalReads[0] = sprintf("%0.0f", $nLines/4);
+	if($file =~ /\.gz$/i) {
+		my $thRef = threads->create('readDivideGzip4SE', $file);
+		threading4SE();
+		$thRef->join;
+		print "$indOfAnalysis: Number of reads processed: " . "$totalReads[0]/$totalReads[0] (100\%)...\n";
+	}
+	else {
+		print "$indOfAnalysis: Number of reads processed: " . "0/$totalReads[0] (0\%)...\n";
+		my $isEOF = 1;
+		if($nLines/4 > 0) {
+			$isEOF = 0;
+		}
+		my $lineCount = 0;
+		my @thArr = ();
+		my $ttlJobCount = 0;
+		my $noOfSeqPerThread = 100000; #int($nLines/$noOfProcesses);
+		my $fH;
+		openFileGetHandle($file, "r", \$fH);
+		while(!$isEOF) {
+			my $jobCounter = 0;			# Lowest value: 0 and Highest value: $noOfProcesses
+			for(my $j=0; $j<$noOfProcesses && (!$isEOF); $j++) {
+				my @fRead = ();
+				$jobCounter++;
+				for(my $i=0; $i<4*$noOfSeqPerThread && (!$isEOF); $i++) {
+					$fRead[$i] = <$fH>;
+					$lineCount += 1;
+					if($lineCount >= $nLines) {
+						$isEOF = 1;
+					}
+					$i-- if($fRead[$i]=~ /^\n$/);
+				}
+				$ttlJobCount++;
+				my $id = sprintf "%05s", $ttlJobCount;			
+				my @refArr = (\@fRead, $id);
+				$thArr[$j] = threads->create('passSESeq', @refArr);
+				if($lineCount % (100000*4) == 0) {
+					my $tmpP = sprintf "%0.0f", ($lineCount/4/$totalReads[0]*100);
+					print "$indOfAnalysis: Number of reads processed: " . $lineCount/4 . "/$totalReads[0] ($tmpP\%)...\n";
+				}
+			}
+			for(my $j=0; $j<$jobCounter; $j++) {
+				my $refRefArr;
+	        	$refRefArr = $thArr[$j]->join;
+	        	my @refArr = @{$refRefArr};
+	        	$totalBases[0] += @{$refArr[0]}[0];
+	        	$totalHQBases[0] += @{$refArr[1]}[0];
+	        	$totalBasesAfterHQ[0] += @{$refArr[2]}[0];
+	        	$totalHQBasesAfterHQ[0] += @{$refArr[3]}[0];
+	        	$totalBasesFinal[0] += @{$refArr[4]}[0];
+	        	$totalHQBasesFinal[0] += @{$refArr[5]}[0];
+	        	$totalReadsAfterHQ[0] += @{$refArr[6]}[0];
+	        	$totalValidReadsNoPriAda[0] += @{$refArr[7]}[0];
+	        	$totalValidReadsWithPriAda[0] += @{$refArr[8]}[0];
+	        	$minLen[0] = min(@{$refArr[9]}[0], $minLen[0]);
+	        	$minLen[1] = min(@{$refArr[9]}[1], $minLen[1]);
+	        	$maxLen[0] = max(@{$refArr[10]}[0], $maxLen[0]);
+	        	$maxLen[1] = max(@{$refArr[10]}[1], $maxLen[1]);
+				my @tmpArr4positionSpecific = @{$refArr[11]};
+				my @tmpArr4positionSpecificHQ = @{$refArr[15]};
+				for(my $x=0; $x<@tmpArr4positionSpecific; $x++) {
+					my @row = @{$tmpArr4positionSpecific[$x]};
+					for(my $y=0; $y<@row; $y++) {
+						$positionSpecificBaseCount[$x][$y] += $tmpArr4positionSpecific[$x][$y];
+						if($tmpArr4positionSpecificHQ[$x][$y]) {
+							$positionSpecificBaseCountHQ[$x][$y] += $tmpArr4positionSpecificHQ[$x][$y];
+						}
+					}
+				}
+				my @tmpArr4positionSpecificR = @{$refArr[22]};
+				my @tmpArr4positionSpecificHQR = @{$refArr[23]};
+				for(my $x=0; $x<@tmpArr4positionSpecificR; $x++) {
+					my @row = @{$tmpArr4positionSpecificR[$x]};
+					for(my $y=0; $y<@row; $y++) {
+						my @col = @{@{$tmpArr4positionSpecificR[$x]}[$y]};
+						for(my $z=0; $z<@col; $z++) {
+							$tmpArr4positionSpecificR[$x][$y][$z] = 0 if(! $tmpArr4positionSpecificR[$x][$y][$z]);
+							$positionSpecificBaseCountWithRanges[$x][$y][$z] += $tmpArr4positionSpecificR[$x][$y][$z];
+							if($tmpArr4positionSpecificHQR[$x][$y][$z]) {
+								$positionSpecificBaseCountHQWithRanges[$x][$y][$z] += $tmpArr4positionSpecificHQR[$x][$y][$z];
+							}
+						}
+					}
+				}
+	        	$totalReadsFinal[0] += @{$refArr[12]}[0];
+	        	$readsWithN[0] += @{$refArr[13]}[0];
+	        	$readsWithN[1] += @{$refArr[13]}[1];
+	        	$totalNs[0] += @{$refArr[14]}[0];
+	        	$totalNs[1] += @{$refArr[14]}[1];
+	        	addTwoArrays($refArr[16], \@qualDistribRaw);
+	        	addTwoArrays($refArr[17], \@qualDistribFinal);
+	        	addTwoArrays($refArr[18], \@gcDistribRaw);
+	        	addTwoArrays($refArr[19], \@gcDistribFinal);
+	        	addTwoArrays($refArr[20], \@charCountRaw);
+	        	addTwoArrays($refArr[21], \@charCountFinal);
+	        	@refArr = ();
+			}
+		}
+		close($fH);
+		print "$indOfAnalysis: Number of reads processed: " . "$totalReads[0]/$totalReads[0] (100\%)...\n";
+	}
+	if(!defined($isOnlyStat)) {
+		my ($fHndl);
+		openFileGetHandle($outFile, "w", \$fHndl);
+		*OOF = $fHndl;
+		print "$indOfAnalysis: Printing filtered data...\n";
+		opendir(DIR, $uniqFolder);
+		my @partFiles = readdir(DIR);
+		@partFiles = sort @partFiles;
+		foreach my $pFile (@partFiles) {
+			next if($pFile =~ /\./);
+			my $npFile = "$uniqFolder/$pFile";
+			open(P, "<$npFile") or die "Can not open part file\n";
+			while(<P>) {
+				print OOF if($pFile =~ /fseq[^\n]+out/);
+			}
+			close(P);
+		}
+		closedir(DIR);
+		close(OOF);
+	}
+sub readDivideGzip4SE {
+	my ($file) = @_;
+	my $isEOF = 1;
+	if($nLines/4 > 0) {
+		$isEOF = 0;
+	}
+	my $lineCount = 0;
+	my $chunkCount = 0;
+	my $noOfSeqPerThread = 100000; #int($nLines/$noOfProcesses);
+	my $fH;
+	openFileGetHandle($file, "r", \$fH);
+	while(!$isEOF) {
+		my $jobCounter = 0;			# Lowest value: 0 and Highest value: $noOfProcesses
+		for(my $j=0; $j<$noOfProcesses && (!$isEOF); $j++) {
+			$jobCounter++;
+			$chunkCount++;
+			my $id = sprintf "%05s", $chunkCount;			
+			my $fseqH;
+			openFileGetHandle("$uniqFolder/part_fseq_$id", "w", \$fseqH);
+			for(my $i=0; $i<4*$noOfSeqPerThread && (!$isEOF); $i++) {
+				my $fRead = <$fH>;
+				print $fseqH $fRead;
+				$lineCount += 1;
+				if($lineCount >= $nLines) {
+					$isEOF = 1;
+				}
+				$i-- if($fRead=~ /^\n$/);
+			}
+			close($fseqH);
+			$ProcessingQueue->enqueue("$uniqFolder/part_fseq_$id");
+		}
+	}
+	close($fH);
+	$ProcessingQueue->enqueue(undef);
+sub fireMySEJob {
+	my $lineCount = $_[0];
+	my $fileName = $ProcessingQueue->dequeue();
+	return undef if(!defined($fileName));
+	open(CHKF, "<$fileName") or die "Can't open chunk file containing input reads for processing: $fileName\n";
+	my @reads = <CHKF>;
+	$$lineCount += (scalar @reads);
+	close(CHKF);
+	my ($id) = $fileName=~/(\d+)$/;
+	my @refArr = (\@reads, $id);
+	my $thRef = threads->create('passSESeq', @refArr);
+	return $thRef;
+sub threading4SE {
+	my @thArr;
+	my $done = 0;
+	my $lineCount = 0;
+	while(1) {
+		if($lineCount % (100000*4) == 0) {
+			my $tmpP = sprintf "%0.0f", ($lineCount/4/$totalReads[0]*100);
+			print "$indOfAnalysis: Number of reads processed: " . $lineCount/4 . "/$totalReads[0] ($tmpP\%)...\n";
+		}
+		my $i;
+		for($i=0; $i<$noOfProcesses; $i++) {
+			my $thRef = fireMySEJob(\$lineCount);
+			if(!defined($thRef)) {
+				$done = 1;
+				last;
+			}
+			$thArr[$i] = $thRef;
+		}
+		for(my $j=0; $j<$i; $j++) {
+			my $refRefArr;
+        	$refRefArr = $thArr[$j]->join;
+        	my @refArr = @{$refRefArr};
+        	$totalBases[0] += @{$refArr[0]}[0];
+        	$totalHQBases[0] += @{$refArr[1]}[0];
+        	$totalBasesAfterHQ[0] += @{$refArr[2]}[0];
+        	$totalHQBasesAfterHQ[0] += @{$refArr[3]}[0];
+        	$totalBasesFinal[0] += @{$refArr[4]}[0];
+        	$totalHQBasesFinal[0] += @{$refArr[5]}[0];
+        	$totalReadsAfterHQ[0] += @{$refArr[6]}[0];
+        	$totalValidReadsNoPriAda[0] += @{$refArr[7]}[0];
+        	$totalValidReadsWithPriAda[0] += @{$refArr[8]}[0];
+        	$minLen[0] = min(@{$refArr[9]}[0], $minLen[0]);
+        	$minLen[1] = min(@{$refArr[9]}[1], $minLen[1]);
+        	$maxLen[0] = max(@{$refArr[10]}[0], $maxLen[0]);
+        	$maxLen[1] = max(@{$refArr[10]}[1], $maxLen[1]);
+			my @tmpArr4positionSpecific = @{$refArr[11]};
+			my @tmpArr4positionSpecificHQ = @{$refArr[15]};
+			for(my $x=0; $x<@tmpArr4positionSpecific; $x++) {
+				my @row = @{$tmpArr4positionSpecific[$x]};
+				for(my $y=0; $y<@row; $y++) {
+					$positionSpecificBaseCount[$x][$y] += $tmpArr4positionSpecific[$x][$y];
+					if($tmpArr4positionSpecificHQ[$x][$y]) {
+						$positionSpecificBaseCountHQ[$x][$y] += $tmpArr4positionSpecificHQ[$x][$y];
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			my @tmpArr4positionSpecificR = @{$refArr[22]};
+			my @tmpArr4positionSpecificHQR = @{$refArr[23]};
+			for(my $x=0; $x<@tmpArr4positionSpecificR; $x++) {
+				my @row = @{$tmpArr4positionSpecificR[$x]};
+				for(my $y=0; $y<@row; $y++) {
+					my @col = @{@{$tmpArr4positionSpecificR[$x]}[$y]};
+					for(my $z=0; $z<@col; $z++) {
+						$tmpArr4positionSpecificR[$x][$y][$z] = 0 if(! $tmpArr4positionSpecificR[$x][$y][$z]);
+						$positionSpecificBaseCountWithRanges[$x][$y][$z] += $tmpArr4positionSpecificR[$x][$y][$z];
+						if($tmpArr4positionSpecificHQR[$x][$y][$z]) {
+							$positionSpecificBaseCountHQWithRanges[$x][$y][$z] += $tmpArr4positionSpecificHQR[$x][$y][$z];
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			}
+        	$totalReadsFinal[0] += @{$refArr[12]}[0];
+        	$readsWithN[0] += @{$refArr[13]}[0];
+        	$readsWithN[1] += @{$refArr[13]}[1];
+        	$totalNs[0] += @{$refArr[14]}[0];
+        	$totalNs[1] += @{$refArr[14]}[1];
+        	addTwoArrays($refArr[16], \@qualDistribRaw);
+        	addTwoArrays($refArr[17], \@qualDistribFinal);
+        	addTwoArrays($refArr[18], \@gcDistribRaw);
+        	addTwoArrays($refArr[19], \@gcDistribFinal);
+        	addTwoArrays($refArr[20], \@charCountRaw);
+        	addTwoArrays($refArr[21], \@charCountFinal);
+        	@refArr = ();
+		}
+		last if($done);
+	}
+sub passSESeq {
+	my($fReadRef, $id) = @_;
+	open(FSEQ, ">$uniqFolder/part_fseq_$id"."_out") or die "Can not open part_fseq_$id"."_out file\n";
+	my @fTmp = @{$fReadRef};
+	my $seqCounter = scalar @fTmp;
+	my @fRead = ();
+	for(my $i=0; $i<$seqCounter;) {
+		push @fRead, shift @fTmp;
+		$i++;
+		if($i%4 == 0) {
+			processSingleEndSeq(\@fRead);
+			@fRead = ();
+		}		
+	}
+	my @refArr = (\@ctotalBases, \@ctotalHQBases, \@ctotalBasesAfterHQ, \@ctotalHQBasesAfterHQ, \@ctotalBasesFinal, \@ctotalHQBasesFinal, \@ctotalReadsAfterHQ, \@ctotalValidReadsNoPriAda, \@ctotalValidReadsWithPriAda, \@cminLen, \@cmaxLen, \@cpositionSpecificBaseCount, \@ctotalReadsFinal, \@creadsWithN, \@ctotalNs, \@cpositionSpecificBaseCountHQ, \@cqualDistribRaw, \@cqualDistribFinal, \@cgcDistribRaw, \@cgcDistribFinal, \@ccharCountRaw, \@ccharCountFinal, \@cpositionSpecificBaseCountWithRa [...]
+	close(FSEQ);
+	return \@refArr;
+sub processSingleEndSeq {
+	yield;
+	my($fReadRef) = @_;
+	my @fRead = @{$fReadRef};
+	chomp(my $fQualLine = $fRead[3]);
+	chomp(my $fSeqLine = $fRead[1]);
+	my $fNs = getNoOfNs($fSeqLine);
+	$ctotalNs[0] += $fNs;
+	if($fNs) {
+		$creadsWithN[0]++;
+	}
+	my @qualArr = ();
+	my $isFReadOfHQ = isReadOfHQ($fQualLine, 0, \@qualArr);
+	my $fSeqLineLen = length $fSeqLine;
+	my $fAvgQual = sprintf "%.0f", (sum(@{$qualArr[0]})/$fSeqLineLen);
+	$cqualDistribRaw[0][getIndex($fAvgQual,$qualDistribInterval)]++;
+	my $fAs = $fSeqLine =~ s/A/A/gi;
+	my $fTs = $fSeqLine =~ s/T/T/gi;
+	my $fGs = $fSeqLine =~ s/G/G/gi;
+	my $fCs = $fSeqLine =~ s/C/C/gi;
+	my $fgcPercent = ($fGs + $fCs)/$fSeqLineLen*100; 
+	$ccharCountRaw[0][0] += $fAs;
+	$ccharCountRaw[0][1] += $fTs;
+	$ccharCountRaw[0][2] += $fGs;
+	$ccharCountRaw[0][3] += $fCs;
+	$ccharCountRaw[0][4] += $fNs;
+	$cgcDistribRaw[0][getIndex($fgcPercent,$gcDistribInterval)]++;
+	if($isFReadOfHQ) {
+		$ctotalReadsAfterHQ[0]++;
+		$ctotalBasesAfterHQ[0] += $fSeqLineLen;
+		$ctotalHQBasesAfterHQ[0] += $isFReadOfHQ;
+		if(defined($priAdaLib)) {
+			my $isFWOPriAda = isWOPriAda($fSeqLine, 0, 1);
+			if($isFWOPriAda) {
+				$ctotalReadsFinal[0]++;
+				$ctotalBasesFinal[0] += $fSeqLineLen;
+				$ctotalHQBasesFinal[0] += $isFReadOfHQ;
+				$cminLen[1] = $fSeqLineLen if($cminLen[1] > $fSeqLineLen);
+				$cmaxLen[1] = $fSeqLineLen if($cmaxLen[1] < $fSeqLineLen);
+				$ctotalNs[1] += $fNs;
+				if($fNs) {
+					$creadsWithN[1]++;
+				}
+				for(my $x=0; $x<@qualArr; $x++) {
+					my @row = @{$qualArr[$x]};
+					for(my $y=0; $y<@row; $y++) {
+						$cpositionSpecificBaseCountHQ[$x][$y] += $qualArr[$x][$y];
+						my $ind = int($qualArr[$x][$y]/10);
+						$ind-- if($qualArr[$x][$y]%10 == 0 && $qualArr[$x][$y] != 0);
+						$cpositionSpecificBaseCountHQWithRanges[$x][$y][$ind]++;
+					}
+				}				
+				if(!defined($isOnlyStat)) {
+					$cqualDistribFinal[0][getIndex($fAvgQual,$qualDistribInterval)]++;
+					$cgcDistribFinal[0][getIndex($fgcPercent,$gcDistribInterval)]++;
+					$ccharCountFinal[0][0] += $fAs;
+					$ccharCountFinal[0][1] += $fTs;
+					$ccharCountFinal[0][2] += $fGs;
+					$ccharCountFinal[0][3] += $fCs;
+					$ccharCountFinal[0][4] += $fNs;
+					print FSEQ @fRead;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		else {
+			$ctotalReadsFinal[0]++;
+			$ctotalBasesFinal[0] += $fSeqLineLen;
+			$ctotalHQBasesFinal[0] += $isFReadOfHQ;
+			$cminLen[1] = $fSeqLineLen if($cminLen[1] > $fSeqLineLen);
+			$cmaxLen[1] = $fSeqLineLen if($cmaxLen[1] < $fSeqLineLen);
+			$ctotalNs[1] += $fNs;
+			if($fNs) {
+				$creadsWithN[1]++;
+			}
+			for(my $x=0; $x<@qualArr; $x++) {
+				my @row = @{$qualArr[$x]};
+				for(my $y=0; $y<@row; $y++) {
+					$cpositionSpecificBaseCountHQ[$x][$y] += $qualArr[$x][$y];
+					my $ind = int($qualArr[$x][$y]/10);
+					$ind-- if($qualArr[$x][$y]%10 == 0 && $qualArr[$x][$y] != 0);
+					$cpositionSpecificBaseCountHQWithRanges[$x][$y][$ind]++;
+				}
+			}				
+			if(!defined($isOnlyStat)) {
+				$cqualDistribFinal[0][getIndex($fAvgQual,$qualDistribInterval)]++;
+				$cgcDistribFinal[0][getIndex($fgcPercent,$gcDistribInterval)]++;
+				$ccharCountFinal[0][0] += $fAs;
+				$ccharCountFinal[0][1] += $fTs;
+				$ccharCountFinal[0][2] += $fGs;
+				$ccharCountFinal[0][3] += $fCs;
+				$ccharCountFinal[0][4] += $fNs;
+				print FSEQ @fRead;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	else {
+	}
+sub addTwoArrays {
+	my $arr1Ref = $_[0];
+	my $arr2Ref = $_[1];
+    my $c=0;
+    my $i=0;
+    foreach my $arrRef (@{$arr1Ref}) {
+    	$c=0;
+	    foreach my $val (@{$arrRef}) {
+	    	@{$$arr2Ref[$i]}[$c] += $val if($val);
+	    	@{$$arr2Ref[$i]}[$c] = 0 if(!defined(@{$$arr2Ref[$i]}[$c]));
+	    	$c++;
+	    }
+    	$i++
+    }
+sub checkFastQFormat {				# Takes FASTQ file as an input and if the format is incorrect it will print error and exit, otherwise it will return the number of lines in the file.
+	my $file = $_[0];
+	my $isVariantIdntfcntOn = $_[1];
+	my $lines = 0;
+	my $fHt;
+	openFileGetHandle("$file", "r", \$fHt);
+	*FF = $fHt;
+	my $counter = 0;
+	my $minVal = 1000;
+	my $maxVal = 0;
+	while(my $line = <FF>) {
+		$lines++;
+		$counter++;
+		next if($line =~ /^\n$/);
+		if($counter == 1 && $line !~ /^\@/) {
+			prtErrorExit("Invalid FASTQ file format.\n\t\tFile: $file");
+		}
+		if($counter == 3 && $line !~ /^\+/) {
+			prtErrorExit("Invalid FASTQ file format.\n\t\tFile: $file");
+		}
+		if($counter == 4 && $lines < 1000000) {
+			chomp $line;
+			my @ASCII = unpack("C*", $line);
+			$minVal = min(min(@ASCII), $minVal);
+			$maxVal = max(max(@ASCII), $maxVal);
+		}
+		if($counter == 4) {
+			$counter = 0;
+		}
+	}
+	close(FF);
+	my $tseqFormat = 0;
+	if($minVal >= 33 && $minVal <= 73 && $maxVal >= 33 && $maxVal <= 73) {
+		$tseqFormat = 1;
+	}
+	elsif($minVal >= 66 && $minVal <= 105 && $maxVal >= 66 && $maxVal <= 105) {
+		$tseqFormat = 4;			# Illumina 1.5+
+	}
+	elsif($minVal >= 64 && $minVal <= 105 && $maxVal >= 64 && $maxVal <= 105) {
+		$tseqFormat = 3;			# Illumina 1.3+
+	}
+	elsif($minVal >= 59 && $minVal <= 105 && $maxVal >= 59 && $maxVal <= 105) {
+		$tseqFormat = 2;			# Solexa
+	}
+	elsif($minVal >= 33 && $minVal <= 74 && $maxVal >= 33 && $maxVal <= 74) {
+		$tseqFormat = 5;			# Illumina 1.8+
+	}
+	if($isVariantIdntfcntOn) {
+		$seqFormat = $tseqFormat;
+	}
+	else {
+		if($tseqFormat != $seqFormat) {
+			print STDERR "Warning: It seems the specified variant of FASTQ doesn't match the quality values in input FASTQ files.\n";
+		}
+	}
+	return $lines;
+sub getFilePath {
+	my $name = $_[0];
+	my $path = "";
+	if($name =~ /\//) {
+		$name =~ /(.+)\//;
+		$path = $1 . "/";
+	}
+	else {
+		$path = "./";
+	}
+	return $path;
+sub getFileName {	# This sub takes a path of a file and returns just its name after separating the path from it.
+	my $path = $_[0];
+	my $name = "";
+	$path =~ /([^\/]+)$/;
+	$name = $1;
+	return $name;	
+sub prtErrorExit {
+	my $errmsg = $_[0];
+	print STDERR "Error:\t", $errmsg, "\n";
+	exit;
+sub isReadOfHQ {	# Criteria for HQ is greater than or equal to 70% of bases have phred score >= 20
+	my $read = $_[0];
+	my $v0Or1 = $_[1];		# 0 will be for forward reads and 1 for reverse reads.
+	my $arrRef = $_[2];
+	my $readLen = length $read;
+	$cminLen[$v0Or1] = $readLen if($cminLen[$v0Or1] > $readLen);
+	$cmaxLen[$v0Or1] = $readLen if($cmaxLen[$v0Or1] < $readLen);
+	my $cutOffLen = sprintf("%0.0f", $readLen * $cutOffReadLen4HQ / 100);	# 70% length of read length is calculated.
+	my $validBaseCount = 0;
+	my @ASCII = unpack("C*", $read);
+	my $c = 0;
+	foreach my $val (@ASCII) {
+		$val -= $subVal;
+		$cpositionSpecificBaseCount[$v0Or1][$c] += $val;
+		my $ind = int($val/10);
+		$ind-- if($val%10 == 0 && $val != 0);
+		$cpositionSpecificBaseCountWithRanges[$v0Or1][$c][$ind]++;
+		$$arrRef[$v0Or1][$c] = $val;
+		if($val >= $cutOffPhScore) {
+			$validBaseCount++;
+		}
+		$c++;
+	}
+	$ctotalBases[$v0Or1] += $readLen;
+	$ctotalHQBases[$v0Or1] += $validBaseCount;
+	if($validBaseCount >= $cutOffLen) {
+		return $validBaseCount;				# Return true.
+	}
+	else {
+		return 0;				# Return false.
+	}
+sub getIndex {
+	my $up = $_[0];
+	my $down = $_[1];
+	my $inp = $up/$down;
+	return (sprintf "%0.0f", $up) if($down == 1);
+	my $index = int((sprintf "%0.2f", $inp)+0.99)-1;
+	$index = 0 if($index < 0);
+	return $index;
+sub isWOPriAda {
+	my $seq = $_[0];
+	my $v0Or1 = $_[1];
+	my $isCountStatOn = $_[2];
+	chomp($seq);
+	my @arrGenomic = (
+	);
+	my @arrPE = (
+	);
+	my @arrDpnII = (
+	);
+	my @arrNlaIII = (
+	);
+	my @arrsmRNA = (
+	);
+	my @arrmulPlex = (
+	);
+	my @priAdas = (\@arrGenomic, \@arrPE, \@arrDpnII, \@arrNlaIII, \@arrsmRNA, \@arrmulPlex);
+	my %checkedPriStr = ();	# The 20 bp from start and end are stored in this hash as key. So that next time when another pri/ada seq
+	my @priAdaSeqs = ();
+	if($priAdaLib eq "u") {
+		@priAdaSeqs = @usrDefinedPriAda;
+	}
+	else {
+		@priAdaSeqs = @{$priAdas[$priAdaLib]};
+	}
+	my @stat = ();
+	my $priInd = 0;
+	my $isMatched = 0;
+	foreach my $priAda (@priAdaSeqs) {
+		if(findSeq($priAda, $seq, \%checkedPriStr)) {
+			$isMatched = 1;
+			last;
+		}
+	}
+	if($isMatched) {
+		$ctotalValidReadsWithPriAda[$v0Or1]++ if($isCountStatOn);
+		return 0;
+	}
+	else {
+		$ctotalValidReadsNoPriAda[$v0Or1]++ if($isCountStatOn);
+		return 1;
+	}
+sub findSeq {
+	my $pri = $_[0];
+	my $seq = $_[1];
+	my $hashRef = $_[2];
+	my $spri = substr($pri, 0, $substrlen);
+	my $tmpInd = (length $pri) - $substrlen;
+	$tmpInd = 0 if($tmpInd < 0);
+	my $epri = substr($pri, $tmpInd, $substrlen);
+	my $ans;
+	if(!defined($$hashRef{$spri})) {
+		my @catches = String::Approx::amatch($spri, ['I0 D0 S1'], $seq);
+		if(@catches != 0) {
+			return 1;
+		}
+		$$hashRef{$spri} = 1;
+	}
+	if(!defined($$hashRef{$epri})) {
+		my @catches = String::Approx::amatch($epri, ['I0 D0 S1'], $seq);
+		if(@catches != 0) {
+			return 1;
+		}
+		$$hashRef{$epri} = 1;
+	}
+	return 0;
+sub prtHelp {
+	print "\n$0 options:\n\n";
+	print "### Input reads (FASTQ) options (Atleast one option is required)\n";
+	print "  -pe <Forward reads file> <Reverse reads file> <Primer/Adaptor library> <FASTQ variant>\n";
+	print "    Paired-end read files (FASTQ) with primer/adaptor library and FASTQ variant\n";
+	print "    User may choose from the provided primer/adaptor library or can give a file containing primer/adaptor sequences, one per line\n";
+	print "    Multiple libraries can be given using multiple '-pe' options\n";
+	print "      For eg.: -pe r1.fq r2.fq 3 1 -pe t1.fq t2.fq 2 A\n\n";
+	print "  -se <Reads file> <Primer/Adaptor library> <FASTQ variant>\n";
+	print "    Single-end read file (FASTQ) with primer/adaptor library and FASTQ variant\n";
+	print "    Multiple libraries can be given using multiple '-se' options\n";
+	print "      For eg.: -se r1.fq 3 2 -se t2.fq 2 2\n\n";
+	print "    Primer/Adaptor libraries:\n";
+	my $c = 1;
+	foreach my $lib (@priAdaLibNames) {
+		print "      $c = $lib\n";
+		$c++;
+	}
+	print "      N = Do not filter for Primer/Adaptor\n";
+	print "      <File> = File for user defined primer/adaptor sequences, one per line\n";
+	print "\n";
+	print "    FASTQ variants:\n";
+	print "      1 = Sanger (Phred+33, 33 to 73)\n";
+	print "      2 = Solexa (Phred+64, 59 to 104)\n";
+	print "      3 = Illumina (1.3+) (Phred+64, 64 to 104)\n";
+	print "      4 = Illumina (1.5+) (Phred+64, 66 to 104)\n";
+	print "      5 = Illumina (1.8+) (Phred+33, 33 to 74)\n";
+	print "      A = Automatic detection of FASTQ variant\n";
+	print "\n";
+	print "### Other options [Optional]\n";
+	print "  -h | -help\n";
+	print "    Prints this help\n";
+	print "--------------------------------- QC Options ---------------------------------\n";
+	print "  -l | -cutOffReadLen4HQ <Real number, 0 to 100>\n";
+	print "    The cut-off value for percentage of read length that should be of given quality\n";
+	print "    default: 70\n";
+	print "  -s | -cutOffQualScore <Integer, 0 to 40>\n";
+	print "    The cut-off value for PHRED quality score for high-quality filtering\n";
+	print "    default: 20\n";
+	print "----------------------------- Processing Options -----------------------------\n";
+	print "  -c | -cpus <Integer>\n";
+	print "    Number of CPUs to be used\n";
+	print "    default: 1\n";
+	print "  -onlyStat\n";
+	print "    Outputs only statistics without filtered data output\n";
+	print "------------------------------- Output Options -------------------------------\n";
+	print "  -t | -statOutFmt <Integer>\n";
+	print "    Output format for statistics\n";
+	print "    Formats:\n";
+	print "      1 = formatted text\n";
+	print "      2 = tab delimited\n";
+	print "    default: 1\n";
+	print "  -o | -outputFolder <Output folder name/path>\n";
+	print "    Output will be stored in the given folder\n";
+	print "    default: By default, output folder (IlluQC_Filtered_files) will be generated where the input files are\n";
+	print "  -z | -outputDataCompression <Character>\n";
+	print "    Output format for HQ filtered data\n";
+	print "    Formats:\n";
+	print "      t = text FASTQ files\n";
+	print "      g = gzip compressed files\n";
+	print "    default: t\n";
+	print "\n";
+sub prtUsage {
+	print "\nUsage: perl $0 <options>\n";
+	prtHelp();
+sub prtError {
+	my $msg = $_[0];
+	print STDERR "+======================================================================+\n";
+	printf STDERR "|%-70s|\n", "  Error:";
+	printf STDERR "|%-70s|\n", "       $msg";
+	print STDERR "+======================================================================+\n";
+	prtUsage();
+	exit;
+sub getNoOfNs {			# This takes sequence and returns the number of N/. (unknown base call).
+	my $seq = $_[0];
+	my $count = 0;
+	while($seq =~ /[N\.]/g) {
+		$count++;
+	}
+	return $count;
+sub getYMax {
+	my $maxVal = $_[0];
+	my $l=length($maxVal);
+	my $subV = 2;
+	my $div=10**($l-$subV);
+	my $val = 0;
+	for(my $i=1;;$i++) {
+		return $i*1000 if(($i*1000)>$maxVal);
+	}
+	return int($maxVal/$div+0.99999999)*$div;
+sub drawBaseComp {
+	my $dataRef = $_[0];
+	my $fileNameWPath = $_[1];
+	my $fileName = $_[2];
+	my $width = $_[3];
+	my $height = $_[4];
+	my $mygraph = GD::Graph::bars->new($width, $height);
+	$mygraph->set( 
+		y_label => 'Count',
+		y_min_value => 0,
+		box_axis => 0,
+		line_width => 3,
+		transparent => 0,
+		dclrs => [ qw(lred dgreen) ],
+		legend_placement	=> 'BR',
+		x_label_position	=> 1/2,
+		long_ticks			=> 1,
+		fgclr               => '#dddddd',
+		l_margin 			=> 60,
+		r_margin 			=> 60,
+		b_margin			=> 50,
+		t_margin			=> 50,
+		show_values         => 1,
+		bar_spacing         => 1,
+		values_vertical 	=> 1,
+	) or warn $mygraph->error;
+	if(!defined($isOnlyStat)) {
+		$mygraph->set_legend( $fileName, $fileName."_filtered");
+	}
+	else {
+		$mygraph->set_legend( $fileName);
+	}
+    $mygraph->set_y_label_font($font_spec, 12);
+    $mygraph->set_x_label_font($font_spec, 12);
+    $mygraph->set_y_axis_font($font_spec, 10);
+    $mygraph->set_x_axis_font($font_spec, 8);
+    $mygraph->set_title_font($f, 11);
+    $mygraph->set_legend_font($f, 8);
+    $mygraph->set_values_font($f, 6);
+	my $myImage = $mygraph->plot($dataRef);
+	my $black = $myImage->colorAllocate(0,0,0);			# To set the color for the next time printing on the image.
+	my $lred = $myImage->colorAllocate(255,0,0);	
+	my $dgreen = $myImage->colorAllocate(0,127,0);
+	my $dblue = $myImage->colorAllocate(0,0,127);
+	my $sum1 = sum(@{$$dataRef[1]});
+	my $sum2 = sum(@{$$dataRef[2]});
+	my $wrapbox = GD::Text::Wrap->new( $myImage,
+	        line_space  => 4,
+	        text        => "Base composition for $fileName",
+	        color		=> $dblue,
+	);
+	$wrapbox->set(align => 'center', width => $width);
+	$wrapbox->set_font($f, 11);
+	$wrapbox->draw(0,0);
+	$wrapbox = GD::Text::Wrap->new( $myImage,
+	        line_space  => 4,
+	        text        => "A (" . (sprintf "%0.2f", @{$$dataRef[1]}[0]/$sum1*100) . "\%)",
+	        color		=> $black,
+	);
+	$wrapbox->set(align => 'left', width => 300);
+	$wrapbox->set_font($f, 8);
+	$wrapbox->draw($width/2-220,$height-35);
+	$wrapbox = GD::Text::Wrap->new( $myImage,
+	        line_space  => 4,
+	        text        => "T (" . (sprintf "%0.2f", @{$$dataRef[1]}[1]/$sum1*100) . "\%)",
+	        color		=> $black,
+	);
+	$wrapbox->set(align => 'left', width => 300);
+	$wrapbox->set_font($f, 8);
+	$wrapbox->draw($width/2-130,$height-35);
+	$wrapbox = GD::Text::Wrap->new( $myImage,
+	        line_space  => 4,
+	        text        => "G (" . (sprintf "%0.2f", @{$$dataRef[1]}[2]/$sum1*100) . "\%)",
+	        color		=> $black,
+	);
+	$wrapbox->set(align => 'left', width => 300);
+	$wrapbox->set_font($f, 8);
+	$wrapbox->draw($width/2-40,$height-35);
+	$wrapbox = GD::Text::Wrap->new( $myImage,
+	        line_space  => 4,
+	        text        => "C (" . (sprintf "%0.2f", @{$$dataRef[1]}[3]/$sum1*100) . "\%)",
+	        color		=> $black,
+	);
+	$wrapbox->set(align => 'left', width => 300);
+	$wrapbox->set_font($f, 8);
+	$wrapbox->draw($width/2+50,$height-35);
+	$wrapbox = GD::Text::Wrap->new( $myImage,
+	        line_space  => 4,
+	        text        => "Non-ATGC (" . (sprintf "%0.2f", @{$$dataRef[1]}[4]/$sum1*100) . "\%)",
+	        color		=> $black,
+	);
+	$wrapbox->set(align => 'left', width => 300);
+	$wrapbox->set_font($f, 8);
+	$wrapbox->draw($width/2+140,$height-35);
+	my $startRectX = $width/2-230;
+	my $startRectY = $height-35;
+	$myImage->filledRectangle($startRectX,$startRectY,$startRectX+8,$startRectY+8,$lred);
+	$myImage->rectangle($startRectX,$startRectY,$startRectX+8,$startRectY+8,$black);
+	$startRectX = $width/2-140;
+	$myImage->filledRectangle($startRectX,$startRectY,$startRectX+8,$startRectY+8,$lred);
+	$myImage->rectangle($startRectX,$startRectY,$startRectX+8,$startRectY+8,$black);
+	$startRectX = $width/2-50;
+	$myImage->filledRectangle($startRectX,$startRectY,$startRectX+8,$startRectY+8,$lred);
+	$myImage->rectangle($startRectX,$startRectY,$startRectX+8,$startRectY+8,$black);
+	$startRectX = $width/2+40;
+	$myImage->filledRectangle($startRectX,$startRectY,$startRectX+8,$startRectY+8,$lred);
+	$myImage->rectangle($startRectX,$startRectY,$startRectX+8,$startRectY+8,$black);
+	$startRectX = $width/2+130;
+	$myImage->filledRectangle($startRectX,$startRectY,$startRectX+8,$startRectY+8,$lred);
+	$myImage->rectangle($startRectX,$startRectY,$startRectX+8,$startRectY+8,$black);
+	if(!$isOnlyStat) {
+		$wrapbox = GD::Text::Wrap->new( $myImage,
+		        line_space  => 4,
+		        text        => "A (" . (sprintf "%0.2f", @{$$dataRef[2]}[0]/$sum2*100) . "\%)",
+		        color		=> $black,
+		);
+		$wrapbox->set(align => 'left', width => 300);
+		$wrapbox->set_font($f, 8);
+		$wrapbox->draw($width/2-220,$height-20);
+		$wrapbox = GD::Text::Wrap->new( $myImage,
+		        line_space  => 4,
+		        text        => "T (" . (sprintf "%0.2f", @{$$dataRef[2]}[1]/$sum2*100) . "\%)",
+		        color		=> $black,
+		);
+		$wrapbox->set(align => 'left', width => 300);
+		$wrapbox->set_font($f, 8);
+		$wrapbox->draw($width/2-130,$height-20);
+		$wrapbox = GD::Text::Wrap->new( $myImage,
+		        line_space  => 4,
+		        text        => "G (" . (sprintf "%0.2f", @{$$dataRef[2]}[2]/$sum2*100) . "\%)",
+		        color		=> $black,
+		);
+		$wrapbox->set(align => 'left', width => 300);
+		$wrapbox->set_font($f, 8);
+		$wrapbox->draw($width/2-40,$height-20);
+		$wrapbox = GD::Text::Wrap->new( $myImage,
+		        line_space  => 4,
+		        text        => "C (" . (sprintf "%0.2f", @{$$dataRef[2]}[3]/$sum2*100) . "\%)",
+		        color		=> $black,
+		);
+		$wrapbox->set(align => 'left', width => 300);
+		$wrapbox->set_font($f, 8);
+		$wrapbox->draw($width/2+50,$height-20);
+		$wrapbox = GD::Text::Wrap->new( $myImage,
+		        line_space  => 4,
+		        text        => "Non-ATGC (" . (sprintf "%0.2f", @{$$dataRef[2]}[4]/$sum2*100) . "\%)",
+		        color		=> $black,
+		);
+		$wrapbox->set(align => 'left', width => 300);
+		$wrapbox->set_font($f, 8);
+		$wrapbox->draw($width/2+140,$height-20);
+		$startRectX = $width/2-230;
+		$startRectY = $height-20;
+		$myImage->filledRectangle($startRectX,$startRectY,$startRectX+8,$startRectY+8,$dgreen);
+		$myImage->rectangle($startRectX,$startRectY,$startRectX+8,$startRectY+8,$black);
+		$startRectX = $width/2-140;
+		$myImage->filledRectangle($startRectX,$startRectY,$startRectX+8,$startRectY+8,$dgreen);
+		$myImage->rectangle($startRectX,$startRectY,$startRectX+8,$startRectY+8,$black);
+		$startRectX = $width/2-50;
+		$myImage->filledRectangle($startRectX,$startRectY,$startRectX+8,$startRectY+8,$dgreen);
+		$myImage->rectangle($startRectX,$startRectY,$startRectX+8,$startRectY+8,$black);
+		$startRectX = $width/2+40;
+		$myImage->filledRectangle($startRectX,$startRectY,$startRectX+8,$startRectY+8,$dgreen);
+		$myImage->rectangle($startRectX,$startRectY,$startRectX+8,$startRectY+8,$black);
+		$startRectX = $width/2+130;
+		$myImage->filledRectangle($startRectX,$startRectY,$startRectX+8,$startRectY+8,$dgreen);
+		$myImage->rectangle($startRectX,$startRectY,$startRectX+8,$startRectY+8,$black);
+	}
+	open(I, ">$fileNameWPath") or print STDERR "Error:\n\tCan not create image file: $fileNameWPath\n";
+	binmode I;
+	print I $myImage->png;
+	close(I);
+sub drawGCDist {
+	my $dataRef = $_[0];
+	my $fileNameWPath = $_[1];
+	my $fileName = $_[2];
+	my $width = $_[3];
+	my $height = $_[4];
+	my $y_max = getYMax(max(@{$$dataRef[1]}));
+	my $mygraph = GD::Graph::linespoints->new($width, $height);
+	$mygraph->set( 
+		x_label => '% GC content',
+		y_label => 'Number of reads',
+		title => "GC content distribution for $fileName",
+		y_min_value => 0,
+		box_axis => 0,
+		line_width => 3,
+		transparent => 0,
+		markers				=> [1],
+		marker_size			=> 3,
+		dclrs => [ qw(lred dgreen) ],
+		legend_placement	=> 'BR',
+		x_label_position	=> 1/2,
+		x_labels_vertical	=> 1,
+		long_ticks			=> 1,
+		fgclr               => '#dddddd',
+	) or warn $mygraph->error;
+	if(!defined($isOnlyStat)) {
+		$mygraph->set_legend( $fileName, $fileName."_filtered");
+	}
+	else {
+		$mygraph->set_legend( $fileName, "a");
+	}
+    $mygraph->set_y_label_font($font_spec, 12);
+    $mygraph->set_x_label_font($font_spec, 12);
+    $mygraph->set_y_axis_font($font_spec, 10);
+    $mygraph->set_x_axis_font($font_spec, 8);
+    $mygraph->set_title_font($f, 11);
+    $mygraph->set_legend_font($f, 8);
+	my $myImage = $mygraph->plot($dataRef);
+	open(I, ">$fileNameWPath") or print STDERR "Error:\n\tCan not create image file: $fileNameWPath\n";
+	binmode I;
+	print I $myImage->png;
+	close(I);
+sub drawSummaryPie {
+	my $dataRef = $_[0];
+	my $fileNameWPath = $_[1];
+	my $width = $_[2];
+	my $height = $_[3];
+	my $mygraph = new GD::Graph::pie($width, $height);
+	$mygraph->set( 
+		title => "Summary of quality check and filtering",
+		axislabelclr => 'black',
+		pie_height => 40,
+		l_margin => 15,
+		r_margin => 15,
+		b_margin => 50,
+		start_angle => 45,
+		dclrs => [ qw(lyellow lgreen lred) ],
+		transparent => 0,
+	) or warn $mygraph->error;
+    $mygraph->set_label_font($f, 8);
+    $mygraph->set_value_font(['verdana', 'arial'],14);
+    $mygraph->set_title_font($f, 11);
+	my $myImage = $mygraph->plot($dataRef);
+	my $black = $myImage->colorAllocate(0,0,0);			# To set the color for the next time printing on the image.
+	my $red = $myImage->colorAllocate(255,0,0);	
+	my $yellow = $myImage->colorAllocate(255,255,0);	
+	my $green = $myImage->colorAllocate(0,255,0);
+	my $sum = sum(@{$$dataRef[1]});
+	my $wrapbox = GD::Text::Wrap->new( $myImage,
+	        line_space  => 4,
+	        text        => (sprintf "Primer/Adaptor contaminated reads (%0.02f", @{$$dataRef[1]}[0]/$sum*100) . "\%)",
+	        color		=> $black,
+	);
+	$wrapbox->set(align => 'left', width => 300);
+	$wrapbox->set_font($f, 8);
+	$wrapbox->draw($width/2-100,$height-45);
+	$wrapbox = GD::Text::Wrap->new( $myImage,
+	        line_space  => 4,
+	        text        => (sprintf "High quality filtered reads (%0.02f", @{$$dataRef[1]}[1]/$sum*100) . "\%)",
+	        color		=> $black,
+	);
+	$wrapbox->set(align => 'left', width => 300);
+	$wrapbox->set_font($f, 8);
+	$wrapbox->draw($width/2-100,$height-30);
+	$wrapbox = GD::Text::Wrap->new( $myImage,
+	        line_space  => 4,
+	        text        => (sprintf "Low quality reads (%0.02f", @{$$dataRef[1]}[2]/$sum*100) . "\%)",
+	        color		=> $black,
+	);
+	$wrapbox->set(align => 'left', width => 300);
+	$wrapbox->set_font($f, 8);
+	$wrapbox->draw($width/2-100,$height-15);
+	my $startRectX = $width/2-120;
+	my $startRectY = $height-45;
+	$myImage->filledRectangle($startRectX,$startRectY,$startRectX+8,$startRectY+8,$yellow);
+	$myImage->rectangle($startRectX,$startRectY,$startRectX+8,$startRectY+8,$black);
+	$startRectY += 15;
+	$myImage->filledRectangle($startRectX,$startRectY,$startRectX+8,$startRectY+8,$green);
+	$myImage->rectangle($startRectX,$startRectY,$startRectX+8,$startRectY+8,$black);
+	$startRectY += 15;
+	$myImage->filledRectangle($startRectX,$startRectY,$startRectX+8,$startRectY+8,$red);
+	$myImage->rectangle($startRectX,$startRectY,$startRectX+8,$startRectY+8,$black);
+	open(I, ">$fileNameWPath") or print STDERR "Error:\n\tCan not create image file: $fileNameWPath\n";
+	binmode I;
+	print I $myImage->png;
+	close(I);
+sub drawQualDist {
+	my $dataRef = $_[0];
+	my $fileNameWPath = $_[1];
+	my $fileName = $_[2];
+	my $width = $_[3];
+	my $height = $_[4];
+	my $mygraph = GD::Graph::bars->new($width, $height);
+	$mygraph->set( 
+		x_label => 'Average phred quality score',
+		y_label => 'Number of reads',
+		title => "Quality distribution for $fileName",
+		y_min_value => 0,
+		box_axis => 0,
+		line_width => 3,
+		transparent => 0,
+		dclrs => [ qw(lred dgreen) ],
+		legend_placement	=> 'BR',
+		x_label_position	=> 1/2,
+		long_ticks			=> 1,
+		fgclr               => '#dddddd',
+		bar_spacing         => 1,
+	) or warn $mygraph->error;
+	if(!defined($isOnlyStat)) {
+		$mygraph->set_legend( $fileName, $fileName."_filtered");
+	}
+	else {
+		$mygraph->set_legend( $fileName);
+	}
+    $mygraph->set_y_label_font($font_spec, 12);
+    $mygraph->set_x_label_font($font_spec, 12);
+    $mygraph->set_y_axis_font($font_spec, 10);
+    $mygraph->set_x_axis_font($font_spec, 8);
+    $mygraph->set_title_font($f, 11);
+    $mygraph->set_legend_font($f, 8);
+	my $myImage = $mygraph->plot($dataRef);
+	open(I, ">$fileNameWPath") or print STDERR "Error:\n\tCan not create image file: $fileNameWPath\n";
+	binmode I;
+	print I $myImage->png;
+	close(I);
+sub drawGraph {
+	my @data = @{$_[0]};
+	my $fileNameWPath = $_[1];
+	my $fileName = $_[2];
+	open(I, ">$fileNameWPath") or print STDERR "Error:\n\tCan not create image file: $fileNameWPath\n";
+	binmode I;
+	my $y_min = 0;
+	my $y_max = 0;
+	for(my $i=1; $i<@data; $i++) {
+		$y_max = max($y_max, max(@{$data[$i]}));
+	}
+	$y_max = (sprintf "%0.0f",($y_max/5)) * 5 + 5;
+	my $height = sprintf "%0.0f", $y_max * 300 / 45;
+	my $width = sprintf "%0.0f", scalar @{$data[0]} * 600 / 75;
+	my $mygraph = GD::Graph::linespoints->new($width, $height);
+	$mygraph->set(
+		x_label 			=> 'Base position',
+		y_label				=> 'Average quality score',
+		title				=> $fileName,
+		y_min_value			=> $y_min,
+		y_max_value			=> $y_max,
+		x_label_skip		=> 2,
+		y_tick_number		=> $y_max/5,
+		y_label_skip		=> 1,
+		markers				=> [7],
+		marker_size			=> 3,
+		long_ticks			=> 1,
+		line_width			=> 2,
+		dclrs				=> [ qw(lred dgreen) ],
+		legend_placement	=> 'BR',
+		x_label_position	=> 1/2,
+		x_labels_vertical	=> 1,
+		transparent			=> 0,
+		r_margin			=> 10,
+	fgclr               => '#dddddd',
+	accentclr           => 'yellow',
+	) or warn $mygraph->error;
+	if(!defined($isOnlyStat)) {
+		$mygraph->set_legend( $fileName, $fileName."_filtered");
+	}
+	else {
+		$mygraph->set_legend( $fileName);
+	}
+    $mygraph->set_y_label_font($font_spec, 12);
+    $mygraph->set_x_label_font($font_spec, 12);
+    $mygraph->set_y_axis_font($font_spec, 10);
+    $mygraph->set_x_axis_font($font_spec, 8);
+    $mygraph->set_title_font($f, 11);
+    $mygraph->set_legend_font($f, 8);
+	my $myimage = $mygraph->plot(\@data) or die $mygraph->error;
+	print I $myimage->png;
+	close(I);
+sub drawRangeGraph {
+	my @data = @{$_[0]};
+	my $fileNameWPath = $_[1];
+	my $fileName = $_[2];
+	my $height = 350;
+	open(I, ">$fileNameWPath") or print STDERR "Error:\n\tCan not create image file: $fileNameWPath\n";
+	binmode I;
+	my $y_min = 0;
+	my $y_max = 0;
+	for(my $i=1; $i<@data; $i++) {
+		$y_max = max($y_max, max(@{$data[$i]}));
+	}
+	$y_max = 100; #(sprintf "%0.0f",($y_max/5)) * 5 + 5;
+	my $width = sprintf "%0.0f", scalar @{$data[0]} * 700 / 75;
+	$width = max(700, $width);
+	my $mygraph = GD::Graph::linespoints->new($width, $height);
+	$mygraph->set(
+		x_label 			=> 'Base position',
+		y_label				=> 'Read count (%)',
+		title				=> "Read count (%) per base for different quality score ranges for $fileName",
+		y_min_value			=> $y_min,
+		y_max_value			=> $y_max,
+		x_label_skip		=> 2,
+		y_tick_number		=> $y_max/5,
+		y_label_skip		=> 1,
+		markers				=> [7],
+		marker_size			=> 3,
+		long_ticks			=> 1,
+		line_width			=> 2,
+		dclrs				=> [ qw(lred dgreen lyellow blue) ],
+		legend_placement	=> 'BR',
+		x_label_position	=> 1/2,
+		x_labels_vertical	=> 1,
+		transparent			=> 0,
+		r_margin			=> 10,
+	fgclr               => '#dddddd',
+	accentclr           => 'yellow',
+	) or warn $mygraph->error;
+		$mygraph->set_legend( "0-10", "11-20", "21-30", "31-40");
+    $mygraph->set_y_label_font($font_spec, 12);
+    $mygraph->set_x_label_font($font_spec, 12);
+    $mygraph->set_y_axis_font($font_spec, 10);
+    $mygraph->set_x_axis_font($font_spec, 8);
+    $mygraph->set_title_font($f, 11);
+    $mygraph->set_legend_font($f, 8);
+	my $myimage = $mygraph->plot(\@data) or die $mygraph->error;
+	print I $myimage->png;
+	close(I);
+sub prepareData4RangeGraph {
+	my $STAT = $_[0];
+	print $STAT "Read count (%) per base for different quality score ranges\n\n";
+	my $c = 0;
+	my @rangeGraphData = ();
+	foreach my $arr (@positionSpecificBaseCountWithRanges) {
+		my $arrFiltered = $positionSpecificBaseCountHQWithRanges[$c];
+		print $STAT "\t", getFileName($fileName[$c]);
+		print $STAT "\t\t\t\t\t", getFileName($outFileName[$c]) if(!defined($isOnlyStat));
+		print $STAT "\n";
+		print $STAT "Ranges\t0-10\t11-20\t21-30\t31-40";
+		print $STAT "\t\t0-10\t11-20\t21-30\t31-40" if(!defined($isOnlyStat));
+		print $STAT "\nBase\n";
+		my $basePos = 1;
+		foreach my $valArr (@$arr) {
+			my $valArrF = @$arrFiltered[$basePos-1];
+			@$valArr[0] = 0 if(! @$valArr[0]);
+			@$valArr[1] = 0 if(! @$valArr[1]);
+			@$valArr[2] = 0 if(! @$valArr[2]);
+			@$valArr[3] = 0 if(! @$valArr[3]);
+			my $total = @$valArr[0] + @$valArr[1] + @$valArr[2] + @$valArr[3];
+			my $val1 = sprintf "%0.2f", @$valArr[0]/$total*100;
+			my $val2 = sprintf "%0.2f", @$valArr[1]/$total*100;
+			my $val3 = sprintf "%0.2f", @$valArr[2]/$total*100;
+			my $val4 = sprintf "%0.2f", @$valArr[3]/$total*100;
+			$rangeGraphData[$c*2][0][$basePos-1] = $basePos;
+			$rangeGraphData[$c*2][1][$basePos-1] = $val1;
+			$rangeGraphData[$c*2][2][$basePos-1] = $val2;
+			$rangeGraphData[$c*2][3][$basePos-1] = $val3;
+			$rangeGraphData[$c*2][4][$basePos-1] = $val4;
+			print $STAT "$basePos\t$val1\t$val2\t$val3\t$val4";
+			if(! defined($isOnlyStat)) {
+				@$valArrF[0] = 0 if(! @$valArrF[0]);
+				@$valArrF[1] = 0 if(! @$valArrF[1]);
+				@$valArrF[2] = 0 if(! @$valArrF[2]);
+				@$valArrF[3] = 0 if(! @$valArrF[3]);
+				my $totalF = @$valArrF[0] + @$valArrF[1] + @$valArrF[2] + @$valArrF[3];
+				my $valF1 = sprintf "%0.2f", @$valArrF[0]/$totalF*100;
+				my $valF2 = sprintf "%0.2f", @$valArrF[1]/$totalF*100;
+				my $valF3 = sprintf "%0.2f", @$valArrF[2]/$totalF*100;
+				my $valF4 = sprintf "%0.2f", @$valArrF[3]/$totalF*100;
+				$rangeGraphData[$c*2+1][0][$basePos-1] = $basePos;
+				$rangeGraphData[$c*2+1][1][$basePos-1] = $valF1;
+				$rangeGraphData[$c*2+1][2][$basePos-1] = $valF2;
+				$rangeGraphData[$c*2+1][3][$basePos-1] = $valF3;
+				$rangeGraphData[$c*2+1][4][$basePos-1] = $valF4;
+				print $STAT "\t\t$valF1\t$valF2\t$valF3\t$valF4";
+			}
+			print $STAT "\n";
+			$basePos++;
+		}
+		print $STAT "\n\n";
+		$c++;
+	}
+	print $STAT "\n\n";
+	if($isGDMod) {
+		drawRangeGraph($rangeGraphData[0], $outFolder.getFileName($fileName[0])."_QualRangePerBase.png", getFileName($fileName[0]));
+		drawRangeGraph($rangeGraphData[1], $outFolder.getFileName($outFileName[0])."_QualRangePerBase.png", getFileName($outFileName[0])) if(!defined($isOnlyStat));
+		if($isPairedEnd) {
+			drawRangeGraph($rangeGraphData[2], $outFolder.getFileName($fileName[1])."_QualRangePerBase.png", getFileName($fileName[1]));
+			drawRangeGraph($rangeGraphData[3], $outFolder.getFileName($outFileName[1])."_QualRangePerBase.png", getFileName($outFileName[1])) if(!defined($isOnlyStat));
+		}
+	}
+sub printStat {
+	my $STAT = $_[0];
+	my $tmpPer;
+	my $inde = " " x 1;
+	print $STAT "Parameters\n";
+	my @graphData1 = ();
+	my @graphData2 = ();
+	if($isPairedEnd) {
+		printf $STAT "$inde %-30s %s\n", "Library type", "Paired-end";
+		printf $STAT "$inde %-30s %s  %s\n", "Input files", $fileName[0], $fileName[1];
+		printf $STAT "$inde %-30s %s\n", "Primer/Adaptor library", defined($priAdaLib)?(($priAdaLib ne "u")?$priAdaLibNames[$priAdaLib]:"User defined ($priAdaFile)"):"NA";
+		printf $STAT "$inde %-30s %s\n", "Cut-off read length for HQ", $cutOffReadLen4HQ."%";
+		printf $STAT "$inde %-30s %s\n", "Cut-off quality score", $cutOffPhScore;
+		printf $STAT "$inde %-30s %s\n", "Only statistics", defined($isOnlyStat)?"On":"Off";
+		printf $STAT "$inde %-30s %s\n", "Number of CPUs", $noOfProcesses;
+		print $STAT "\n\n";
+		print $STAT "QC statistics\n";
+		printf $STAT "$inde %-50s %-20s  %s\n", "File name", getFileName($fileName[0]), getFileName($fileName[1]);
+		printf $STAT "$inde %-50s %-20d %d\n", "Total number of reads", $totalReads[0], $totalReads[1];
+		printf $STAT "$inde %-50s %-20d %d\n", "Total number of HQ reads", $totalReadsAfterHQ[0], $totalReadsAfterHQ[1];
+		$tmpPer = sprintf "%0.2f", $totalReadsAfterHQ[0]/$totalReads[0]*100;
+		printf $STAT "$inde %-50s %-20s %0.2f%s\n", "Percentage of HQ reads", $tmpPer."%", $totalReadsAfterHQ[1]/$totalReads[1]*100, "%";
+		printf $STAT "$inde %-50s %-20.f %.f\n", "Total number of bases", $totalBases[0], $totalBases[1];
+		printf $STAT "$inde %-50s %-20.f %.f\n", "Total number of bases in HQ reads", $totalBasesAfterHQ[0], $totalBasesAfterHQ[1];
+		printf $STAT "$inde %-50s %-20.f %.f\n", "Total number of HQ bases in HQ reads", $totalHQBasesAfterHQ[0], $totalHQBasesAfterHQ[1];
+		$tmpPer = sprintf "%0.2f", $totalHQBasesAfterHQ[0]/$totalBasesAfterHQ[0]*100;
+		printf $STAT "$inde %-50s %-20s %0.2f%s\n", "Percentage of HQ bases in HQ reads", $tmpPer."%" , $totalHQBasesAfterHQ[1]/$totalBasesAfterHQ[1]*100, "%";
+		if(defined($priAdaLib)) {
+			printf $STAT "$inde %-50s %-20d %d\n", "Number of Primer/Adaptor contaminated HQ reads", $totalValidReadsWithPriAda[0], $totalValidReadsWithPriAda[1];
+		}
+		else {
+			printf $STAT "$inde %-50s %-20s %s\n", "Number of Primer/Adaptor contaminated HQ reads", "NA", "NA";
+		}
+		printf $STAT "$inde %-50s %-20d %d\n", "Total number of HQ filtered reads", $totalReadsFinal[0], $totalReadsFinal[1];
+		$tmpPer = sprintf "%0.2f", $totalReadsFinal[0]/$totalReads[0]*100;
+		printf $STAT "$inde %-50s %-20s %0.2f%s\n", "Percentage of HQ filtered reads", $tmpPer."%", $totalReadsFinal[1]/$totalReads[1]*100, "%";
+		print $STAT "\n\n";
+		print $STAT "Detailed QC statistics\n";
+		my @arr = (
+			["File name", getFileName($fileName[0]), getFileName($fileName[1]), getFileName($outFileName[0]), getFileName($outFileName[1])],
+			["Minimum read length", $minLen[0], $minLen[1], $minLen[2], $minLen[3]],
+			["Maximum read length", $maxLen[0], $maxLen[1], $maxLen[2], $maxLen[3]],
+			["Average read length", (sprintf "%0.2f", $totalBases[0]/$totalReads[0]), (sprintf "%0.2f", $totalBases[1]/$totalReads[1]), (sprintf "%0.2f", $totalBasesFinal[0]/$totalReadsFinal[0]), (sprintf "%0.2f", $totalBasesFinal[1]/$totalReadsFinal[1])],
+			["Total number of reads", $totalReads[0], $totalReads[1], $totalReadsFinal[0], $totalReadsFinal[1]],
+			["Total number of reads with non-ATGC bases", $readsWithN[0], $readsWithN[1], $readsWithN[2], $readsWithN[3]],
+			["Percentage of reads with non-ATGC bases", (sprintf "%0.2f", $readsWithN[0]/$totalReads[0]*100)."%", (sprintf "%0.2f", $readsWithN[1]/$totalReads[1]*100)."%", (sprintf "%0.2f", $readsWithN[2]/$totalReadsFinal[0]*100)."%", (sprintf "%0.2f", $readsWithN[3]/$totalReadsFinal[1]*100)."%"],
+			["Total number of bases", $totalBases[0], $totalBases[1], $totalBasesFinal[0], $totalBasesFinal[1]],
+			["Total number of HQ bases", $totalHQBases[0], $totalHQBases[1], $totalHQBasesFinal[0], $totalHQBasesFinal[1]],
+			["Percentage of HQ bases", (sprintf "%0.2f", $totalHQBases[0]/$totalBases[0]*100)."%", (sprintf "%0.2f", $totalHQBases[1]/$totalBases[1]*100)."%", (sprintf "%0.2f", $totalHQBasesFinal[0]/$totalBasesFinal[0]*100)."%", (sprintf "%0.2f", $totalHQBasesFinal[1]/$totalBasesFinal[1]*100)."%"],
+			["Total number of non-ATGC bases", $totalNs[0], $totalNs[1], $totalNs[2], $totalNs[3]],
+			["Percentage of non-ATGC bases", (sprintf "%0.2f", $totalNs[0]/$totalBases[0]*100)."%", (sprintf "%0.2f", $totalNs[1]/$totalBases[1]*100)."%", (sprintf "%0.2f", $totalNs[2]/$totalBasesFinal[0]*100)."%", (sprintf "%0.2f", $totalNs[3]/$totalBasesFinal[1]*100)."%"],
+		);
+		for(my $i=0; $i<@arr; $i++) {
+			if(!defined($isOnlyStat)) {
+				printf $STAT "$inde %-45s  %-20s  %-20s  %-20s  %s\n", $arr[$i][0], $arr[$i][1], $arr[$i][2], $arr[$i][3], $arr[$i][4];
+			}
+			else {
+				printf $STAT "$inde %-45s  %-20s  %s\n", $arr[$i][0], $arr[$i][1], $arr[$i][2];				
+			}
+		}
+		print $STAT "\n\n";
+		print $STAT "Average quality score at each base position of input reads\n\n";
+		my $c = 0;
+		@graphData1 = ();
+		@graphData2 = ();
+		foreach my $arr (@positionSpecificBaseCount) {
+			print $STAT getFileName($fileName[$c]), "\n";
+			my $basePos = 1;
+			foreach my $val (@$arr) {
+				my $outVal = sprintf "%0.2f", $val/$totalReads[$c];
+				if($c == 0) {
+					$graphData1[0][$basePos-1] = $basePos;
+					$graphData1[1][$basePos-1] = $outVal;
+				}
+				else {
+					$graphData2[0][$basePos-1] = $basePos;
+					$graphData2[1][$basePos-1] = $outVal;
+				}
+				print $STAT $outVal, "\t";
+				$basePos++;
+			}
+			print $STAT "\n\n";
+			$c++;
+		}
+		print $STAT "\n\n";
+		if(!defined($isOnlyStat)) {
+			print $STAT "Average quality score at each base position of filtered reads\n\n";
+			$c = 0;
+			foreach my $arr (@positionSpecificBaseCountHQ) {
+				print $STAT getFileName($outFileName[$c]), "\n";
+				my $basePos = 1;
+				foreach my $val (@$arr) {
+					my $outVal = sprintf "%0.2f", $val/$totalReadsFinal[$c];
+					if($c == 0) {
+						$graphData1[2][$basePos-1] = $outVal;
+					}
+					else {
+						$graphData2[2][$basePos-1] = $outVal;
+					}
+					print $STAT $outVal, "\t";
+					$basePos++;
+				}
+				$c++;
+				print $STAT "\n\n";
+			}
+		}
+		print $STAT "\n\n";
+		prepareData4RangeGraph($STAT);
+		if($isGDMod) {
+			drawGraph(\@graphData1, $outFolder.getFileName($fileName[0])."_avgQual.png", getFileName($fileName[0]));
+			drawGraph(\@graphData2, $outFolder.getFileName($fileName[1])."_avgQual.png", getFileName($fileName[1]));
+		}
+	}
+	else {
+		printf $STAT "$inde %-30s %s\n", "Library type", "Single-end";
+		printf $STAT "$inde %-30s %s\n", "Input file", $fileName[0];
+		printf $STAT "$inde %-30s %s\n", "Primer/Adaptor library", defined($priAdaLib)?(($priAdaLib ne "u")?$priAdaLibNames[$priAdaLib]:"User defined ($priAdaFile)"):"NA";
+		printf $STAT "$inde %-30s %s\n", "Cut-off read length for HQ", $cutOffReadLen4HQ."%";
+		printf $STAT "$inde %-30s %s\n", "Cut-off quality score", $cutOffPhScore;
+		printf $STAT "$inde %-30s %s\n", "Only statistics", defined($isOnlyStat)?"On":"Off";
+		printf $STAT "$inde %-30s %s\n", "Number of CPUs", $noOfProcesses;
+		print $STAT "\n\n";
+		print $STAT "QC statistics\n";
+		printf $STAT "$inde %-50s %s\n", "File name", getFileName($fileName[0]);
+		printf $STAT "$inde %-50s %d\n", "Total number of reads", $totalReads[0];
+		printf $STAT "$inde %-50s %d\n", "Total number of HQ reads", $totalReadsAfterHQ[0];
+		$tmpPer = sprintf "%0.2f", $totalReadsAfterHQ[0]/$totalReads[0]*100;
+		printf $STAT "$inde %-50s %s\n", "Percentage of HQ reads", $tmpPer."%";
+		printf $STAT "$inde %-50s %.f\n", "Total number of bases", $totalBases[0];
+		printf $STAT "$inde %-50s %.f\n", "Total number of bases in HQ reads", $totalBasesAfterHQ[0];
+		printf $STAT "$inde %-50s %.f\n", "Total number of HQ bases in HQ reads", $totalHQBasesAfterHQ[0];
+		$tmpPer = sprintf "%0.2f", $totalHQBasesAfterHQ[0]/$totalBasesAfterHQ[0]*100;
+		printf $STAT "$inde %-50s %s\n", "Percentage of HQ bases in HQ reads", $tmpPer."%";
+		if(defined($priAdaLib)) {
+			printf $STAT "$inde %-50s %d\n", "Number of Primer/Adaptor contaminated HQ reads", $totalValidReadsWithPriAda[0];
+		}
+		else {
+			printf $STAT "$inde %-50s %s\n", "Number of Primer/Adaptor contaminated HQ reads", "NA";
+		}
+		printf $STAT "$inde %-50s %d\n", "Total number of HQ filtered reads", $totalReadsFinal[0];
+		$tmpPer = sprintf "%0.2f", $totalReadsFinal[0]/$totalReads[0]*100;
+		printf $STAT "$inde %-50s %s\n", "Percentage of HQ filtered reads", $tmpPer."%";
+		print $STAT "\n\n";
+		print $STAT "Detailed QC statistics\n";
+		my @arr = (
+			["File name", getFileName($fileName[0]), getFileName($outFileName[0])],
+			["Minimum read length", $minLen[0], $minLen[1]],
+			["Maximum read length", $maxLen[0], $maxLen[1]],
+			["Average read length", (sprintf "%0.2f", $totalBases[0]/$totalReads[0]), (sprintf "%0.2f", $totalBasesFinal[0]/$totalReadsFinal[0])],
+			["Total number of reads", $totalReads[0], $totalReadsFinal[0]],
+			["Total number of reads with non-ATGC bases", $readsWithN[0], $readsWithN[1]],
+			["Percentage of reads with non-ATGC bases", (sprintf "%0.2f", $readsWithN[0]/$totalReads[0]*100)."%", (sprintf "%0.2f", $readsWithN[1]/$totalReadsFinal[0]*100)."%"],
+			["Total number of bases", $totalBases[0], $totalBasesFinal[0]],
+			["Total number of HQ bases", $totalHQBases[0], $totalHQBasesFinal[0]],
+			["Percentage of HQ bases", (sprintf "%0.2f", $totalHQBases[0]/$totalBases[0]*100)."%", (sprintf "%0.2f", $totalHQBasesFinal[0]/$totalBasesFinal[0]*100)."%"],
+			["Total number of non-ATGC bases", $totalNs[0], $totalNs[1]],
+			["Percentage of non-ATGC bases", (sprintf "%0.2f", $totalNs[0]/$totalBases[0]*100)."%", (sprintf "%0.2f", $totalNs[1]/$totalBasesFinal[0]*100)."%"],
+		);
+		for(my $i=0; $i<@arr; $i++) {
+			if(!defined($isOnlyStat)) {
+				printf $STAT "$inde %-50s  %-20s  %s\n", $arr[$i][0], $arr[$i][1], $arr[$i][2];
+			}
+			else {
+				printf $STAT "$inde %-50s  %s\n", $arr[$i][0], $arr[$i][1];				
+			}
+		}
+		print $STAT "\n\n";
+		@graphData1 = ();
+		print $STAT "Average quality score at each base position of input reads\n\n";
+		my $c = 0;
+		foreach my $arr (@positionSpecificBaseCount) {
+			print $STAT getFileName($fileName[$c]), "\n";
+			my $basePos = 1;
+			foreach my $val (@$arr) {
+				my $outVal = sprintf "%0.2f", $val/$totalReads[$c];
+				$graphData1[0][$basePos-1] = $basePos;
+				$graphData1[1][$basePos-1] = $outVal;
+				print $STAT $outVal, "\t";
+				$basePos++;
+			}
+			$c++;
+			print $STAT "\n";
+		}
+		print $STAT "\n\n";
+		$c = 0;
+		if(!defined($isOnlyStat)) {
+			print $STAT "Average quality score at each base position of filtered reads\n\n";
+			foreach my $arr (@positionSpecificBaseCountHQ) {
+				print $STAT getFileName($fileName[$c]), "\n";
+				my $basePos = 1;
+				foreach my $val (@$arr) {
+					my $outVal = sprintf "%0.2f", $val/$totalReadsFinal[$c];
+					$graphData1[2][$basePos-1] = $outVal;
+					print $STAT $outVal, "\t";
+					$basePos++;
+				}
+				$c++;
+				print $STAT "\n";
+			}
+		}
+		print $STAT "\n\n";
+		prepareData4RangeGraph($STAT);
+		if($isGDMod) {
+			drawGraph(\@graphData1, $outFolder.getFileName($fileName[0])."_avgQual.png", getFileName($fileName[0]));
+		}
+	}
+sub printStatTab {
+	my $STAT = $_[0];
+	my $tmpPer;
+	my $inde = "\t";
+	print $STAT "Parameters\n";
+	my @graphData1 = ();
+	my @graphData2 = ();
+	if($isPairedEnd) {
+		printf $STAT "\t%s\t%s\n", "Library type", "Paired-end";
+		printf $STAT "\t%s\t%s\t%s\n", "Input files", $fileName[0], $fileName[1];
+		printf $STAT "\t%s\t%s\n", "Primer/Adaptor library", defined($priAdaLib)?(($priAdaLib ne "u")?$priAdaLibNames[$priAdaLib]:"User defined ($priAdaFile)"):"NA";
+		printf $STAT "\t%s\t%s\n", "Cut-off read length for HQ", $cutOffReadLen4HQ."%";
+		printf $STAT "\t%s\t%s\n", "Cut-off quality score", $cutOffPhScore;
+		printf $STAT "\t%s\t%s\n", "Only statistics", defined($isOnlyStat)?"On":"Off";
+		printf $STAT "\t%s\t%s\n", "Number of CPUs", $noOfProcesses;
+		print $STAT "\n\n";
+		print $STAT "QC statistics\n";
+		printf $STAT "\t%s\t%s\t%s\n", "File name", getFileName($fileName[0]), getFileName($fileName[1]);
+		printf $STAT "\t%s\t%d\t%d\n", "Total number of reads", $totalReads[0], $totalReads[1];
+		printf $STAT "\t%s\t%d\t%d\n", "Total number of HQ reads", $totalReadsAfterHQ[0], $totalReadsAfterHQ[1];
+		$tmpPer = sprintf "%0.2f", $totalReadsAfterHQ[0]/$totalReads[0]*100;
+		printf $STAT "\t%s\t%s\t%0.2f%s\n", "Percentage of HQ reads", $tmpPer."%", $totalReadsAfterHQ[1]/$totalReads[1]*100, "%";
+		printf $STAT "\t%s\t%.f\t%.f\n", "Total number of bases", $totalBases[0], $totalBases[1];
+		printf $STAT "\t%s\t%.f\t%.f\n", "Total number of bases in HQ reads", $totalBasesAfterHQ[0], $totalBasesAfterHQ[1];
+		printf $STAT "\t%s\t%.f\t%.f\n", "Total number of HQ bases in HQ reads", $totalHQBasesAfterHQ[0], $totalHQBasesAfterHQ[1];
+		$tmpPer = sprintf "%0.2f", $totalHQBasesAfterHQ[0]/$totalBasesAfterHQ[0]*100;
+		printf $STAT "\t%s\t%s\t%0.2f%s\n", "Percentage of HQ bases in HQ reads", $tmpPer."%" , $totalHQBasesAfterHQ[1]/$totalBasesAfterHQ[1]*100, "%";
+		if(defined($priAdaLib)) {
+			printf $STAT "\t%s\t%d\t%d\n", "Number of Primer/Adaptor contaminated HQ reads", $totalValidReadsWithPriAda[0], $totalValidReadsWithPriAda[1];
+		}
+		else {
+			printf $STAT "\t%s\t%s\t%s\n", "Number of Primer/Adaptor contaminated HQ reads", "NA", "NA";
+		}
+		printf $STAT "\t%s\t%d\t%d\n", "Total number of HQ filtered reads", $totalReadsFinal[0], $totalReadsFinal[1];
+		$tmpPer = sprintf "%0.2f", $totalReadsFinal[0]/$totalReads[0]*100;
+		printf $STAT "\t%s\t%s\t%0.2f%s\n", "Percentage of HQ filtered reads", $tmpPer."%", $totalReadsFinal[1]/$totalReads[1]*100, "%";
+		print $STAT "\n\n";
+		print $STAT "Detailed QC statistics\n";
+		my @arr = (
+			["File name", getFileName($fileName[0]), getFileName($fileName[1]), getFileName($outFileName[0]), getFileName($outFileName[1])],
+			["Minimum read length", $minLen[0], $minLen[1], $minLen[2], $minLen[3]],
+			["Maximum read length", $maxLen[0], $maxLen[1], $maxLen[2], $maxLen[3]],
+			["Average read length", (sprintf "%0.2f", $totalBases[0]/$totalReads[0]), (sprintf "%0.2f", $totalBases[1]/$totalReads[1]), (sprintf "%0.2f", $totalBasesFinal[0]/$totalReadsFinal[0]), (sprintf "%0.2f", $totalBasesFinal[1]/$totalReadsFinal[1])],
+			["Total number of reads", $totalReads[0], $totalReads[1], $totalReadsFinal[0], $totalReadsFinal[1]],
+			["Total number of reads with non-ATGC bases", $readsWithN[0], $readsWithN[1], $readsWithN[2], $readsWithN[3]],
+			["Percentage of reads with non-ATGC bases", (sprintf "%0.2f", $readsWithN[0]/$totalReads[0]*100)."%", (sprintf "%0.2f", $readsWithN[1]/$totalReads[1]*100)."%", (sprintf "%0.2f", $readsWithN[2]/$totalReadsFinal[0]*100)."%", (sprintf "%0.2f", $readsWithN[3]/$totalReadsFinal[1]*100)."%"],
+			["Total number of bases", $totalBases[0], $totalBases[1], $totalBasesFinal[0], $totalBasesFinal[1]],
+			["Total number of HQ bases", $totalHQBases[0], $totalHQBases[1], $totalHQBasesFinal[0], $totalHQBasesFinal[1]],
+			["Percentage of HQ bases", (sprintf "%0.2f", $totalHQBases[0]/$totalBases[0]*100)."%", (sprintf "%0.2f", $totalHQBases[1]/$totalBases[1]*100)."%", (sprintf "%0.2f", $totalHQBasesFinal[0]/$totalBasesFinal[0]*100)."%", (sprintf "%0.2f", $totalHQBasesFinal[1]/$totalBasesFinal[1]*100)."%"],
+			["Total number of non-ATGC bases", $totalNs[0], $totalNs[1], $totalNs[2], $totalNs[3]],
+			["Percentage of non-ATGC bases", (sprintf "%0.2f", $totalNs[0]/$totalBases[0]*100)."%", (sprintf "%0.2f", $totalNs[1]/$totalBases[1]*100)."%", (sprintf "%0.2f", $totalNs[2]/$totalBasesFinal[0]*100)."%", (sprintf "%0.2f", $totalNs[3]/$totalBasesFinal[1]*100)."%"],
+		);
+		for(my $i=0; $i<@arr; $i++) {
+			if(!defined($isOnlyStat)) {
+				printf $STAT "\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\t%s\n", $arr[$i][0], $arr[$i][1], $arr[$i][2], $arr[$i][3], $arr[$i][4];
+			}
+			else {
+				printf $STAT "\t%s\t%s\t%s\n", $arr[$i][0], $arr[$i][1], $arr[$i][2];				
+			}
+		}
+		print $STAT "\n\n";
+		print $STAT "Average quality score at each base position of input reads\n\n";
+		my $c = 0;
+		@graphData1 = ();
+		@graphData2 = ();
+		foreach my $arr (@positionSpecificBaseCount) {
+			print $STAT getFileName($fileName[$c]), "\n";
+			my $basePos = 1;
+			foreach my $val (@$arr) {
+				my $outVal = sprintf "%0.2f", $val/$totalReads[$c];
+				if($c == 0) {
+					$graphData1[0][$basePos-1] = $basePos;
+					$graphData1[1][$basePos-1] = $outVal;
+				}
+				else {
+					$graphData2[0][$basePos-1] = $basePos;
+					$graphData2[1][$basePos-1] = $outVal;
+				}
+				print $STAT $outVal, "\t";
+				$basePos++;
+			}
+			print $STAT "\n\n";
+			$c++;
+		}
+		print $STAT "\n\n";
+		if(!defined($isOnlyStat)) {
+			print $STAT "Average quality score at each base position of filtered reads\n\n";
+			$c = 0;
+			foreach my $arr (@positionSpecificBaseCountHQ) {
+				print $STAT getFileName($outFileName[$c]), "\n";
+				my $basePos = 1;
+				foreach my $val (@$arr) {
+					my $outVal = sprintf "%0.2f", $val/$totalReadsFinal[$c];
+					if($c == 0) {
+						$graphData1[2][$basePos-1] = $outVal;
+					}
+					else {
+						$graphData2[2][$basePos-1] = $outVal;
+					}
+					print $STAT $outVal, "\t";
+					$basePos++;
+				}
+				$c++;
+				print $STAT "\n\n";
+			}
+		}
+		print $STAT "\n\n";
+		prepareData4RangeGraph($STAT);
+		if($isGDMod) {
+			drawGraph(\@graphData1, $outFolder.getFileName($fileName[0])."_avgQual.png", getFileName($fileName[0]));
+			drawGraph(\@graphData2, $outFolder.getFileName($fileName[1])."_avgQual.png", getFileName($fileName[1]));
+		}
+	}
+	else {
+		printf $STAT "\t%s\t%s\n", "Library type", "Single-end";
+		printf $STAT "\t%s\t%s\n", "Input file", $fileName[0];
+		printf $STAT "\t%s\t%s\n", "Primer/Adaptor library", defined($priAdaLib)?(($priAdaLib ne "u")?$priAdaLibNames[$priAdaLib]:"User defined ($priAdaFile)"):"NA";
+		printf $STAT "\t%s\t%s\n", "Cut-off read length for HQ", $cutOffReadLen4HQ."%";
+		printf $STAT "\t%s\t%s\n", "Cut-off quality score", $cutOffPhScore;
+		printf $STAT "\t%s\t%s\n", "Only statistics", defined($isOnlyStat)?"On":"Off";
+		printf $STAT "\t%s\t%s\n", "Number of CPUs", $noOfProcesses;
+		print $STAT "\n\n";
+		print $STAT "QC statistics\n";
+		printf $STAT "\t%s\t%s\n", "File name", getFileName($fileName[0]);
+		printf $STAT "\t%s\t%d\n", "Total number of reads", $totalReads[0];
+		printf $STAT "\t%s\t%d\n", "Total number of HQ reads", $totalReadsAfterHQ[0];
+		$tmpPer = sprintf "%0.2f", $totalReadsAfterHQ[0]/$totalReads[0]*100;
+		printf $STAT "\t%s\t%s\n", "Percentage of HQ reads", $tmpPer."%";
+		printf $STAT "\t%s\t%.f\n", "Total number of bases", $totalBases[0];
+		printf $STAT "\t%s\t%.f\n", "Total number of bases in HQ reads", $totalBasesAfterHQ[0];
+		printf $STAT "\t%s\t%.f\n", "Total number of HQ bases in HQ reads", $totalHQBasesAfterHQ[0];
+		$tmpPer = sprintf "%0.2f", $totalHQBasesAfterHQ[0]/$totalBasesAfterHQ[0]*100;
+		printf $STAT "\t%s\t%s\n", "Percentage of HQ bases in HQ reads", $tmpPer."%";
+		if(defined($priAdaLib)) {
+			printf $STAT "\t%s\t%d\n", "Number of Primer/Adaptor contaminated HQ reads", $totalValidReadsWithPriAda[0];
+		}
+		else {
+			printf $STAT "\t%s\t%s\n", "Number of Primer/Adaptor contaminated HQ reads", "NA";
+		}
+		printf $STAT "\t%s\t%d\n", "Total number of HQ filtered reads", $totalReadsFinal[0];
+		$tmpPer = sprintf "%0.2f", $totalReadsFinal[0]/$totalReads[0]*100;
+		printf $STAT "\t%s\t%s\n", "Percentage of HQ filtered reads", $tmpPer."%";
+		print $STAT "\n\n";
+		print $STAT "Detailed QC statistics\n";
+		my @arr = (
+			["File name", getFileName($fileName[0]), getFileName($outFileName[0])],
+			["Minimum read length", $minLen[0], $minLen[1]],
+			["Maximum read length", $maxLen[0], $maxLen[1]],
+			["Average read length", (sprintf "%0.2f", $totalBases[0]/$totalReads[0]), (sprintf "%0.2f", $totalBasesFinal[0]/$totalReadsFinal[0])],
+			["Total number of reads", $totalReads[0], $totalReadsFinal[0]],
+			["Total number of reads with non-ATGC bases", $readsWithN[0], $readsWithN[1]],
+			["Percentage of reads with non-ATGC bases", (sprintf "%0.2f", $readsWithN[0]/$totalReads[0]*100)."%", (sprintf "%0.2f", $readsWithN[1]/$totalReadsFinal[0]*100)."%"],
+			["Total number of bases", $totalBases[0], $totalBasesFinal[0]],
+			["Total number of HQ bases", $totalHQBases[0], $totalHQBasesFinal[0]],
+			["Percentage of HQ bases", (sprintf "%0.2f", $totalHQBases[0]/$totalBases[0]*100)."%", (sprintf "%0.2f", $totalHQBasesFinal[0]/$totalBasesFinal[0]*100)."%"],
+			["Total number of non-ATGC bases", $totalNs[0], $totalNs[1]],
+			["Percentage of non-ATGC bases", (sprintf "%0.2f", $totalNs[0]/$totalBases[0]*100)."%", (sprintf "%0.2f", $totalNs[1]/$totalBasesFinal[0]*100)."%"],
+		);
+		for(my $i=0; $i<@arr; $i++) {
+			if(!defined($isOnlyStat)) {
+				printf $STAT "\t%s\t%s\t%s\n", $arr[$i][0], $arr[$i][1], $arr[$i][2];
+			}
+			else {
+				printf $STAT "\t%s\t%s\n", $arr[$i][0], $arr[$i][1];				
+			}
+		}
+		print $STAT "\n\n";
+		@graphData1 = ();
+		print $STAT "Average quality score at each base position of input reads\n\n";
+		my $c = 0;
+		foreach my $arr (@positionSpecificBaseCount) {
+			print $STAT getFileName($fileName[$c]), "\n";
+			my $basePos = 1;
+			foreach my $val (@$arr) {
+				my $outVal = sprintf "%0.2f", $val/$totalReads[$c];
+				$graphData1[0][$basePos-1] = $basePos;
+				$graphData1[1][$basePos-1] = $outVal;
+				print $STAT $outVal, "\t";
+				$basePos++;
+			}
+			$c++;
+			print $STAT "\n";
+		}
+		print $STAT "\n\n";
+		$c = 0;
+		if(!defined($isOnlyStat)) {
+			print $STAT "Average quality score at each base position of filtered reads\n\n";
+			foreach my $arr (@positionSpecificBaseCountHQ) {
+				print $STAT getFileName($fileName[$c]), "\n";
+				my $basePos = 1;
+				foreach my $val (@$arr) {
+					my $outVal = sprintf "%0.2f", $val/$totalReadsFinal[$c];
+					$graphData1[2][$basePos-1] = $outVal;
+					print $STAT $outVal, "\t";
+					$basePos++;
+				}
+				$c++;
+				print $STAT "\n";
+			}
+		}
+		print $STAT "\n\n";
+		prepareData4RangeGraph($STAT);
+		if($isGDMod) {
+			drawGraph(\@graphData1, $outFolder.getFileName($fileName[0])."_avgQual.png", getFileName($fileName[0]));
+		}
+	}
diff --git a/QC/lib/454PEhtml.pl b/QC/lib/454PEhtml.pl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9debd75
--- /dev/null
+++ b/QC/lib/454PEhtml.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,384 @@
+sub htmlPrint{
+	my ($progPath, $prog, $htF, $iFol, $isOnlyStat, $inpFs, $statFile, $oFol, $fileNames4HTML) = @_;
+	my $imgPath = $progPath . "lib/imgs";
+	my $cssPath = $progPath . "lib";
+	my $analMsg1 = ($isOnlyStat)?"":"and filtering";
+	my ($file1, $file2) = split(":::::", $inpFs);
+	open(SF, "<$statFile") or print "Can not open statistics file: $statFile\n";
+	my @statFData = <SF>;
+	close(SF);
+	my $statFileOnlyName = getFileName($statFile);
+	my ($t, $priAdaLib, $linker, $isHPTOn, $HPLen, $isLenFOn, $minLen, $cutLen, $cutQual, $nCPUs, $onlySOnOff);
+	my $ind = 2;
+	($t, $t, $priAdaLib) = split(/ {2,}|\t/, $statFData[$ind]); $ind++;
+	($t, $t, $linker) = split(/ {2,}|\t/, $statFData[$ind]); $ind++;
+	($t, $t, $isHPTOn) = split(/ {2,}|\t/, $statFData[$ind]); $ind++;
+	if($isHPTOn =~ /Off/) {
+		$HPLen = "NA";
+	}
+	else {
+		($t, $t, $HPLen) = split(/ {2,}|\t/, $statFData[$ind]); $ind++;
+	}
+	($t, $t, $isLenFOn) = split(/ {2,}|\t/, $statFData[$ind]); $ind++;
+	if($isLenFOn =~ /Off/) {
+		$minLen = "NA";
+	}
+	else {
+		($t, $t, $minLen) = split(/ {2,}|\t/, $statFData[$ind]); $ind++;
+	}
+	($t, $t, $cutLen) = split(/ {2,}|\t/, $statFData[$ind]); $ind++;
+	($t, $t, $cutQual) = split(/ {2,}|\t/, $statFData[$ind]); $ind++; $ind++;
+	($t, $t, $nCPUs) = split(/ {2,}|\t/, $statFData[$ind]);
+	$onlySOnOff = ($isOnlyStat)?"On":"Off";
+	my ($outSeqFile, $outQualFile, $lenDistF1, $baseCntF1, $gcDistF1, $qualDistF1, $sumPieFPE, $sumPieF);
+	($outSeqFile, $outQualFile, $lenDistF1, $baseCntF1, $gcDistF1, $qualDistF1, $sumPieFPE, $sumPieF) = @$fileNames4HTML;
+	#($outFile1, $outFile2, $unPaired, $avgQF1, $avgQF2, $baseCntF1, $baseCntF2, $gcDistF1, $gcDistF2, $qualDistF1, $qualDistF2, $sumPieF) = @$fileNames4HTML if($isPairedEnd);
+	$outSeqFile = getFileName($outSeqFile);
+	$outQualFile = getFileName($outQualFile);
+	#$unPaired = getFileName($unPaired) if($isPairedEnd);
+	my $inpFilesMsg;
+	$inpFilesMsg = "input file,  $file1(A),";
+	#$inpFilesMsg = "both input files,  $file1(A) and $file2(B)," if($isPairedEnd);
+	my $b4A4Msg;
+	$b4A4Msg = "before and after QC";
+	$b4A4Msg = "before QC" if($isOnlyStat);
+	#### Getting current time
+	my @months = qw(Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec);
+	my @weekDays = qw(Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun);
+	my ($second, $minute, $hour, $dayOfMonth, $month, $yearOffset, $dayOfWeek, $dayOfYear, $daylightSavings) = localtime();
+	my $year = 1900 + $yearOffset;
+	#my $theTime = "$hour:$minute:$second, $weekDays[$dayOfWeek] $months[$month] $dayOfMonth, $year";
+	my $theTime = "$weekDays[$dayOfWeek] $months[$month] $dayOfMonth, $year";
+	open(O,">$htF") or die "Can not create HTML file: $htF\n";
+	##### Get a toolkit version
+	open(V, $progPath."lib/version");
+	my $version = <V>;
+	close(V);
+print O <<EOF;
+	<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
+	<html>
+	<head>
+	<title>NGS QC Toolkit</title>
+	<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
+	<style>
+		BODY {
+			margin-top: 0;
+			background-repeat: repeat;
+			font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
+			font-size: 5px;
+			margin-bottom: 0;
+		}
+		.cnt {
+			font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
+			font-size: 12px;
+			line-height: 20px;
+			padding: 5px 20px 0px;
+		}
+		Table .exp {
+			font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
+			font-size: 13px;
+			line-height: 20px;
+		}
+		TD .padding {
+			padding: 0px 20px;
+		}
+		.head1 {
+			font-size: 18px;
+			font-weight: bold;
+			padding: 5px 0px;
+		}
+		.head2 {
+			font-size: 14px;
+			font-weight: bold;
+			padding: 5px 0px;
+		}
+		.head3 {
+			font-size: 12px;
+			font-weight: bold;
+		}
+		A {
+			text-decoration: none;
+			color: #0000FF;
+		}
+		.tblBg TABLE TD {
+			background-color: #EEEEEE;
+		}
+		.tblBg2 TABLE TD {
+			background-color: #E1E1E1;
+		}
+	</style>
+	</head>
+	<body bgcolor="#bbbbbb">
+	<table align="center" width="900" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" bgcolor="#ffffff" border="0">
+		<tr>
+			<td width="17" rowspan="6"> </td>
+			<td height="150" bgcolor="#E1E1E1"><center><a href="http://www.nipgr.res.in/ngsqctoolkit.html"><b><font  style="font-size: 50px;">NGS QC T</font><font style="font-size: 40px;">OOLKIT</font></b></center></a>
+			</td>
+			<td width="17" rowspan="6"></td>
+		</tr>
+		<tr>
+			<td valign="top" class="tblBg">
+			<div class="cnt">
+				<table class="cnt" width="100%" border="0">
+					<tr>
+						<td class="head1">Results of quality control (QC) using $prog v$version <font style="font-size:10px">($theTime)</font></td>
+					</tr>
+					<tr>
+						<td class="head2">Input files and parameters:</td>
+					</tr>
+					<tr><td class="tblBg2">
+						<table width="100%" border="0" class="cnt">
+						<tr>
+							<td>Analysis type</td><td>Quality check $analMsg1 of 454 paired-end sequencing data</td>
+						</tr>
+						<tr>
+							<td>Input file directory</td><td><a href="file://$iFol" target="_blank">$iFol</a></td>
+						</tr>
+						<tr>
+							<td>Input sequence file</td><td>$file1</td>
+						</tr>
+						<tr>
+							<td>Input quality file</td><td>$file2</td>
+						</tr>
+						<tr>
+							<td>Input file format</td><td>454 format (FASTA and QUAL)</td>
+						</tr>
+						<tr>
+							<td>Primer/Adaptor library</td><td>$priAdaLib</td>
+						</tr>
+						<tr>
+							<td>Linker sequence</td><td>$linker</td>
+						</tr>
+						<tr>
+							<td>Homopolymer trimming</td><td>$isHPTOn</td>
+						</tr>
+						<tr>
+							<td>Length of the homopolymer to be removed</td><td>$HPLen</td>
+						</tr>
+						<tr>
+							<td>Length filter</td><td>$isLenFOn</td>
+						</tr>
+						<tr>
+							<td>Cut-off for minimum read length</td><td>$minLen</td>
+						</tr>
+						<tr>
+							<td>Cut-off read length for HQ</td><td>$cutLen</td>
+						</tr>
+						<tr>
+							<td>Cut-off quality score</td><td>$cutQual</td>
+						</tr>
+						<tr>
+							<td>Only statistics</td><td>$onlySOnOff</td>
+						</tr>
+						<tr>
+print O "
+							<td>Number of ". (($prog=~/_PRLL/)?"CPUs":"processes") ."</td><td>$nCPUs</td>
+print O <<EOF;
+						</tr>
+						</table>
+					</td>
+					</tr>
+					<tr>
+						<td class="head2">Output files:</td>
+					</tr>
+					<tr><td class="tblBg2">
+						<table width="100%" border="0" class="cnt">
+						<tr>
+							<td>Output folder</td><td><a href="file://$oFol" target="_blank">$oFol</a></td>
+						</tr>
+						<tr>
+							<td>QC statistics</td><td><a href="$statFileOnlyName" target="_blank">$statFileOnlyName</a></td>
+						</tr>
+if(!$isOnlyStat) {
+print O <<EOF;
+						<tr>
+							<td>High quality filtered sequence file</td><td>$outSeqFile</td>
+						</tr>
+						<tr>
+							<td>High quality filtered quality file</td><td>$outQualFile</td>
+						</tr>
+print O <<EOF;
+						<tr>
+							<td>Length distribution</td><td><a href="$lenDistF1" target="_blank">$lenDistF1</a></td>
+						</tr>
+						<tr>
+							<td>Base composition</td><td><a href="$baseCntF1" target="_blank">$baseCntF1</a></td>
+						</tr>
+						<tr>
+							<td>GC content distribution</td><td><a href="$gcDistF1" target="_blank">$gcDistF1</a></td>
+						</tr>
+						<tr>
+							<td>Quality distribution</td><td><a href="$qualDistF1" target="_blank">$qualDistF1</a></td>
+						</tr>
+						<tr>
+							<td>Summary of QC (Paired reads)</td><td><a href="$sumPieFPE" target="_blank">$sumPieFPE</a></td>
+						</tr>
+						<tr>
+							<td>Summary of QC (Unpaired reads)</td><td><a href="$sumPieF" target="_blank">$sumPieF</a></td>
+						</tr>
+						</table>
+					</td>
+					</tr>
+					<tr>
+						<td class="head2" style="background-color: #ffffff;"> </td>
+					</tr>
+					<tr>
+						<td class="head2">Results of QC</td>
+					</tr>
+my $flag = 0;
+for(my $i=0; $i<@statFData; $i++) {
+	my $line = $statFData[$i];
+	if($line =~ /^QC statistics/) {
+		$flag = 1;
+		print O "<tr><td class=\"head3\">QC statistics</td></tr>\n<tr><td class=\"tblBg2\"><table width=\"100%\" border=\"0\" class=\"cnt\">\n";
+		next;
+	}
+	if($line =~ /^Detailed QC statistics/) {
+		$flag = 2;
+		print O "</table></td></tr>\n<tr><td class=\"head3\">Detailed QC statistics</td></tr>\n<tr><td class=\"tblBg2\"><table width=\"100%\" border=\"0\" class=\"cnt\">\n";
+		next;
+	}
+	chomp($line);
+	if($flag != 0 && $line ne "") {
+		if($line =~ /^\* /) {
+			print O "<tr><td><font size=\"1\">$line<br>";
+			$i++;
+			print O "  $statFData[$i]</font></td></tr>\n";
+			next;
+		}
+		if($line =~ /^\-\-\-\-\-/) {
+			print O "<tr><td colspan=\"3\">$line-----------------------------------</td></tr>\n";
+			next;
+		}
+		my @clms = split(/ {2,}|\t/, $line);
+		shift(@clms);
+		my $bold = 0;
+		$bold = 1 if($line =~ /QC analysis of [^\n]+\:/);
+		print O "<tr><td colspan=\"3\"> </td></tr>\n" if($bold);
+		print O "<tr>";
+		foreach my $f (@clms) {
+			print O "<td>$f</td>" if(!$bold);
+			print O "<td><b>$f</b></td>" if($bold);
+		}
+		print O "</tr>\n";		
+	}
+print O "</table></td></tr>\n";
+print O <<EOF;							
+					<tr>
+						<td class="head3">Summary of QC (Paired reads)</td>
+					</tr>
+					<tr>
+						<td>
+							<table width="100%" border="0" class="cnt">
+								<tr>
+									<td><div align="justify">Following pie chart shows the summary of QC of Paired reads depicting percentage of high quality, trimmed (homopolymer and/or contamination) and trashed (low quality and/or short) paired read, and unpaired reads (one of the paired reads which passed QC).</div></td>
+								</tr>
+								<tr>
+									<td align="center"><img src="$sumPieFPE" border="1"><br><b>(A)</b></td>
+								</tr>
+							</table>
+						</td>
+					</tr>
+					<tr>
+						<td class="head3">Summary of QC (Unpaired reads)</td>
+					</tr>
+					<tr>
+						<td>
+							<table width="100%" border="0" class="cnt">
+								<tr>
+									<td><div align="justify">Following pie chart shows the summary of QC of Unpaired reads depicting percentage of high quality, trimmed (homopolymer and/or contamination) and trashed (low quality and/or short) reads.</div></td>
+								</tr>
+								<tr>
+									<td align="center"><img src="$sumPieF" border="1"><br><b>(A)</b></td>
+								</tr>
+							</table>
+						</td>
+					</tr>
+					<tr>
+						<td class="head3">Length distribution</td>
+					</tr>
+					<tr>
+						<td>
+							<table width="100%" border="0" class="cnt">
+								<tr>
+									<td><div align="justify">Following graph(s) show number of reads for sequence length range for $inpFilesMsg $b4A4Msg.</div></td>
+								</tr>
+								<tr>
+									<td align="center"><img src="$lenDistF1" border="1"><br><b>(A)</b>
+								</tr>
+							</table>
+						</td>
+					</tr>
+					<tr>
+						<td class="head3">GC content distribution</td>
+					</tr>
+					<tr>
+						<td>
+							<table width="100%" border="0" class="cnt">
+								<tr>
+									<td><div align="justify">Following graph(s) show number of reads for distinct average GC content (%) ranges for $inpFilesMsg $b4A4Msg.</div></td>
+								</tr>
+								<tr>
+									<td align="center"><img src="$gcDistF1" border="1"><br><b>(A)</b>
+								</tr>
+							</table>
+						</td>
+					</tr>
+					<tr>
+						<td class="head3">Quality distribution</td>
+					</tr>
+					<tr>
+						<td>
+							<table width="100%" border="0" class="cnt">
+								<tr>
+									<td><div align="justify">Following graph(s) show number of reads for different average PHRED quality scores for $inpFilesMsg $b4A4Msg.</div></td>
+								</tr>
+								<tr>
+									<td align="center"><img src="$qualDistF1" border="1"><br><b>(A)</b>
+								</tr>
+							</table>
+						</td>
+					</tr>
+					<tr>
+						<td class="head3">Base composition</td>
+					</tr>
+					<tr>
+						<td>
+							<table width="100%" border="0" class="cnt">
+								<tr>
+									<td><div align="justify">Following graph(s) show base composition (count) for $inpFilesMsg $b4A4Msg with percentage of bases at the bottom.</div></td>
+								</tr>
+								<tr>
+									<td align="center"><img src="$baseCntF1" border="1"><br><b>(A)</b>
+								</tr>
+							</table>
+						</td>
+					</tr>
+				</table>
+			</div>
+			</td>
+		</tr>
+		<tr><td style="font-size: 11px;" align="center" valign="middle" height="25" background="$imgPath/btmLine.png" bgcolor="#EEEEEE">For Questions and Suggestions, contact <a href="mailto:mjain\@nipgr.res.in">Mukesh Jain (mjain\@nipgr.res.in)</a>; <a href="mailto:ravipatel\@nipgr.res.in">Ravi Patel (ravipatel\@nipgr.res.in)</a></td></tr>
+		<!--- <tr><td colspan="3"><img src="$imgPath/down.png"></td></tr> --->
+	</table>
+	</body>
+	</html>
diff --git a/QC/lib/454html.pl b/QC/lib/454html.pl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7bf2f3d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/QC/lib/454html.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,347 @@
+sub htmlPrint{
+	my ($progPath, $prog, $htF, $iFol, $isOnlyStat, $inpFs, $statFile, $oFol, $fileNames4HTML) = @_;
+	my $imgPath = $progPath . "lib/imgs";
+	my $cssPath = $progPath . "lib";
+	my $analMsg1 = ($isOnlyStat)?"":"and filtering";
+	my ($file1, $file2) = split(":::::", $inpFs);
+	open(SF, "<$statFile") or print "Can not open statistics file: $statFile\n";
+	my @statFData = <SF>;
+	close(SF);
+	my $statFileOnlyName = getFileName($statFile);
+	my ($t, $priAdaLib, $isHPTOn, $HPLen, $isLenFOn, $minLen, $cutLen, $cutQual, $nCPUs, $onlySOnOff);
+	my $ind = 2;
+	($t, $t, $priAdaLib) = split(/ {2,}|\t/, $statFData[$ind]); $ind++;
+	($t, $t, $isHPTOn) = split(/ {2,}|\t/, $statFData[$ind]); $ind++;
+	if($isHPTOn =~ /Off/) {
+		$HPLen = "NA";
+	}
+	else {
+		($t, $t, $HPLen) = split(/ {2,}|\t/, $statFData[$ind]); $ind++;
+	}
+	($t, $t, $isLenFOn) = split(/ {2,}|\t/, $statFData[$ind]); $ind++;
+	if($isLenFOn =~ /Off/) {
+		$minLen = "NA";
+	}
+	else {
+		($t, $t, $minLen) = split(/ {2,}|\t/, $statFData[$ind]); $ind++;
+	}
+	($t, $t, $cutLen) = split(/ {2,}|\t/, $statFData[$ind]); $ind++;
+	($t, $t, $cutQual) = split(/ {2,}|\t/, $statFData[$ind]); $ind++; $ind++;
+	($t, $t, $nCPUs) = split(/ {2,}|\t/, $statFData[$ind]);
+	$onlySOnOff = ($isOnlyStat)?"On":"Off";
+	my ($outSeqFile, $outQualFile, $lenDistF1, $baseCntF1, $gcDistF1, $qualDistF1,, $sumPieF);
+	($outSeqFile, $outQualFile, $lenDistF1, $baseCntF1, $gcDistF1, $qualDistF1, $sumPieF) = @$fileNames4HTML;
+	#($outFile1, $outFile2, $unPaired, $avgQF1, $avgQF2, $baseCntF1, $baseCntF2, $gcDistF1, $gcDistF2, $qualDistF1, $qualDistF2, $sumPieF) = @$fileNames4HTML if($isPairedEnd);
+	$outSeqFile = getFileName($outSeqFile);
+	$outQualFile = getFileName($outQualFile);
+	#$unPaired = getFileName($unPaired) if($isPairedEnd);
+	my $inpFilesMsg;
+	$inpFilesMsg = "input file,  $file1(A),";
+	#$inpFilesMsg = "both input files,  $file1(A) and $file2(B)," if($isPairedEnd);
+	my $b4A4Msg;
+	$b4A4Msg = "before and after QC";
+	$b4A4Msg = "before QC" if($isOnlyStat);
+	#### Getting current time
+	my @months = qw(Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec);
+	my @weekDays = qw(Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun);
+	my ($second, $minute, $hour, $dayOfMonth, $month, $yearOffset, $dayOfWeek, $dayOfYear, $daylightSavings) = localtime();
+	my $year = 1900 + $yearOffset;
+	#my $theTime = "$hour:$minute:$second, $weekDays[$dayOfWeek] $months[$month] $dayOfMonth, $year";
+	my $theTime = "$weekDays[$dayOfWeek] $months[$month] $dayOfMonth, $year";
+	open(O,">$htF") or die "Can not create HTML file: $htF\n";
+	open(V, $progPath."lib/version");
+	my $version = <V>;
+	close(V);
+print O <<EOF;
+	<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
+	<html>
+	<head>
+	<title>NGS QC Toolkit</title>
+	<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
+	<style>
+		BODY {
+			margin-top: 0;
+			background-repeat: repeat;
+			font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
+			font-size: 5px;
+			margin-bottom: 0;
+		}
+		.cnt {
+			font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
+			font-size: 12px;
+			line-height: 20px;
+			padding: 5px 20px 0px;
+		}
+		Table .exp {
+			font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
+			font-size: 13px;
+			line-height: 20px;
+		}
+		TD .padding {
+			padding: 0px 20px;
+		}
+		.head1 {
+			font-size: 18px;
+			font-weight: bold;
+			padding: 5px 0px;
+		}
+		.head2 {
+			font-size: 14px;
+			font-weight: bold;
+			padding: 5px 0px;
+		}
+		.head3 {
+			font-size: 12px;
+			font-weight: bold;
+		}
+		A {
+			text-decoration: none;
+			color: #0000FF;
+		}
+		.tblBg TABLE TD {
+			background-color: #EEEEEE;
+		}
+		.tblBg2 TABLE TD {
+			background-color: #E1E1E1;
+		}
+	</style>
+	</head>
+	<body bgcolor="#bbbbbb">
+	<table align="center" width="900" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" bgcolor="#ffffff" border="0">
+		<tr>
+			<td width="17" rowspan="6"> </td>
+			<td height="150" bgcolor="#E1E1E1"><center><a href="http://www.nipgr.res.in/ngsqctoolkit.html"><b><font  style="font-size: 50px;">NGS QC T</font><font style="font-size: 40px;">OOLKIT</font></b></center></a>
+			</td>
+			<td width="17" rowspan="6"></td>
+		</tr>
+		<tr>
+			<td valign="top" class="tblBg">
+			<div class="cnt">
+				<table class="cnt" width="100%" border="0">
+					<tr>
+						<td class="head1">Results of quality control (QC) using $prog v$version <font style="font-size:10px">($theTime)</font></td>
+					</tr>
+					<tr>
+						<td class="head2">Input files and parameters:</td>
+					</tr>
+					<tr><td class="tblBg2">
+						<table width="100%" border="0" class="cnt">
+						<tr>
+							<td>Analysis type</td><td>Quality check $analMsg1 of 454 data</td>
+						</tr>
+						<tr>
+							<td>Input file directory</td><td><a href="file://$iFol" target="_blank">$iFol</a></td>
+						</tr>
+						<tr>
+							<td>Input sequence file</td><td>$file1</td>
+						</tr>
+						<tr>
+							<td>Input quality file</td><td>$file2</td>
+						</tr>
+						<tr>
+							<td>Input file format</td><td>454 format (FASTA and QUAL)</td>
+						</tr>
+						<tr>
+							<td>Primer/Adaptor library</td><td>$priAdaLib</td>
+						</tr>
+						<tr>
+							<td>Homopolymer trimming</td><td>$isHPTOn</td>
+						</tr>
+						<tr>
+							<td>Length of the homopolymer to be removed</td><td>$HPLen</td>
+						</tr>
+						<tr>
+							<td>Length filter</td><td>$isLenFOn</td>
+						</tr>
+						<tr>
+							<td>Cut-off for minimum read length</td><td>$minLen</td>
+						</tr>
+						<tr>
+							<td>Cut-off read length for HQ</td><td>$cutLen</td>
+						</tr>
+						<tr>
+							<td>Cut-off quality score</td><td>$cutQual</td>
+						</tr>
+						<tr>
+							<td>Only statistics</td><td>$onlySOnOff</td>
+						</tr>
+						<tr>
+print O "
+							<td>Number of ". (($prog=~/_PRLL/)?"CPUs":"processes") ."</td><td>$nCPUs</td>
+print O <<EOF;
+						</tr>
+						</table>
+					</td>
+					</tr>
+					<tr>
+						<td class="head2">Output files:</td>
+					</tr>
+					<tr><td class="tblBg2">
+						<table width="100%" border="0" class="cnt">
+						<tr>
+							<td>Output folder</td><td><a href="file://$oFol" target="_blank">$oFol</a></td>
+						</tr>
+						<tr>
+							<td>QC statistics</td><td><a href="$statFileOnlyName" target="_blank">$statFileOnlyName</a></td>
+						</tr>
+if(!$isOnlyStat) {
+print O <<EOF;
+						<tr>
+							<td>High quality filtered sequence file</td><td>$outSeqFile</td>
+						</tr>
+						<tr>
+							<td>High quality filtered quality file</td><td>$outQualFile</td>
+						</tr>
+print O <<EOF;
+						<tr>
+							<td>Length distribution</td><td><a href="$lenDistF1" target="_blank">$lenDistF1</a></td>
+						</tr>
+						<tr>
+							<td>Base composition</td><td><a href="$baseCntF1" target="_blank">$baseCntF1</a></td>
+						</tr>
+						<tr>
+							<td>GC content distribution</td><td><a href="$gcDistF1" target="_blank">$gcDistF1</a></td>
+						</tr>
+						<tr>
+							<td>Quality distribution</td><td><a href="$qualDistF1" target="_blank">$qualDistF1</a></td>
+						</tr>
+						<tr>
+							<td>Summary of QC</td><td><a href="$sumPieF" target="_blank">$sumPieF</a></td>
+						</tr>
+						</table>
+					</td>
+					</tr>
+					<tr>
+						<td class="head2" style="background-color: #ffffff;"> </td>
+					</tr>
+					<tr>
+						<td class="head2">Results of QC</td>
+					</tr>
+my $flag = 0;
+for(my $i=0; $i<@statFData; $i++) {
+	my $line = $statFData[$i];
+	if($line =~ /^QC statistics/) {
+		$flag = 1;
+		print O "<tr><td class=\"head3\">QC statistics</td></tr>\n<tr><td class=\"tblBg2\"><table width=\"100%\" border=\"0\" class=\"cnt\">\n";
+		next;
+	}
+	if($line =~ /^Detailed QC statistics/) {
+		$flag = 2;
+		print O "</table></td></tr>\n<tr><td class=\"head3\">Detailed QC statistics</td></tr>\n<tr><td class=\"tblBg2\"><table width=\"100%\" border=\"0\" class=\"cnt\">\n";
+		next;
+	}
+	chomp($line);
+	if($flag != 0 && $line ne "") {
+		my @clms = split(/ {2,}|\t/, $line);
+		shift(@clms);
+		print O "<tr>";
+		foreach my $f (@clms) {
+			print O "<td>$f</td>";
+		}
+		print O "</tr>\n";		
+	}
+print O "</table></td></tr>\n";
+print O <<EOF;							
+					<tr>
+						<td class="head3">Summary of QC</td>
+					</tr>
+					<tr>
+						<td>
+							<table width="100%" border="0" class="cnt">
+								<tr>
+									<td><div align="justify">Following pie chart shows the summary of QC depicting percentage of high quality, trimmed (homopolymer and/or contamination) and trashed (low quality and/or short) reads.</div></td>
+								</tr>
+								<tr>
+									<td align="center"><img src="$sumPieF" border="1"><br><b>(A)</b></td>
+								</tr>
+							</table>
+						</td>
+					</tr>
+					<tr>
+						<td class="head3">Length distribution</td>
+					</tr>
+					<tr>
+						<td>
+							<table width="100%" border="0" class="cnt">
+								<tr>
+									<td><div align="justify">Following graph(s) show number of reads for sequence length range for $inpFilesMsg $b4A4Msg.</div></td>
+								</tr>
+								<tr>
+									<td align="center"><img src="$lenDistF1" border="1"><br><b>(A)</b>
+								</tr>
+							</table>
+						</td>
+					</tr>
+					<tr>
+						<td class="head3">GC content distribution</td>
+					</tr>
+					<tr>
+						<td>
+							<table width="100%" border="0" class="cnt">
+								<tr>
+									<td><div align="justify">Following graph(s) show number of reads for distinct average GC content (%) ranges for $inpFilesMsg $b4A4Msg.</div></td>
+								</tr>
+								<tr>
+									<td align="center"><img src="$gcDistF1" border="1"><br><b>(A)</b>
+								</tr>
+							</table>
+						</td>
+					</tr>
+					<tr>
+						<td class="head3">Quality distribution</td>
+					</tr>
+					<tr>
+						<td>
+							<table width="100%" border="0" class="cnt">
+								<tr>
+									<td><div align="justify">Following graph(s) show number of reads for different average PHRED quality scores for $inpFilesMsg $b4A4Msg.</div></td>
+								</tr>
+								<tr>
+									<td align="center"><img src="$qualDistF1" border="1"><br><b>(A)</b>
+								</tr>
+							</table>
+						</td>
+					</tr>
+					<tr>
+						<td class="head3">Base composition</td>
+					</tr>
+					<tr>
+						<td>
+							<table width="100%" border="0" class="cnt">
+								<tr>
+									<td><div align="justify">Following graph(s) show base composition (count) for $inpFilesMsg $b4A4Msg with percentage of bases at the bottom.</div></td>
+								</tr>
+								<tr>
+									<td align="center"><img src="$baseCntF1" border="1"><br><b>(A)</b>
+								</tr>
+							</table>
+						</td>
+					</tr>
+				</table>
+			</div>
+			</td>
+		</tr>
+		<tr><td style="font-size: 11px;" align="center" valign="middle" height="25" background="$imgPath/btmLine.png" bgcolor="#EEEEEE">For Questions and Suggestions, contact <a href="mailto:mjain\@nipgr.res.in">Mukesh Jain (mjain\@nipgr.res.in)</a>; <a href="mailto:ravipatel\@nipgr.res.in">Ravi Patel (ravipatel\@nipgr.res.in)</a></td></tr>
+		<!--- <tr><td colspan="3"><img src="$imgPath/down.png"></td></tr> --->
+	</table>
+	</body>
+	</html>
diff --git a/QC/lib/Fonts/Dustismo_Sans.ttf b/QC/lib/Fonts/Dustismo_Sans.ttf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..473573d
Binary files /dev/null and b/QC/lib/Fonts/Dustismo_Sans.ttf differ
diff --git a/QC/lib/Fonts/LucidaSansDemiBold.ttf b/QC/lib/Fonts/LucidaSansDemiBold.ttf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a15910e
Binary files /dev/null and b/QC/lib/Fonts/LucidaSansDemiBold.ttf differ
diff --git a/QC/lib/Parallel/Changes b/QC/lib/Parallel/Changes
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..10018b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/QC/lib/Parallel/Changes
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+Revision history for Perl extension Parallel::ForkManager.
+0.7.5 Wed Dec 25 23:54:46 CET 2002
+	- Documentation fixes
+	- Fix bug if you specify max_procs = 0
+0.7.4 Thu Jul  4 23:00:46 CEST 2002
+	- on_wait callback now runs from the wait_all_children method
+	- run_on_wait can run a task periodically, not only once.
+0.7.3 Wed Oct 24 01:25:36 CEST 2001
+	- minor bugfix on calling the "on_finish" callback
+0.7.2 Mon May 14 15:38:55 CEST 2001
+	- win32 port
+	- fix for the broken wait_one_child
+0.7.1 Thu Apr 26 13:28:30 CEST 2001
+	- various semantical and grammar fixes in the documentation
+	- on_finish now get the exit signal also
+	- on_start now get the process-identification also
+	- described limitations in the doc
+0.7  Wed Apr  4 12:52:53 CEST 2001
+	- callback code tested, exit status return (Chuck, dLux)
+	- added parallel_get.pl, a parallel webget example (dLux)
+	- added callbacks.pl, a callback example (Chuck, dLux)
+	- documentation updtes (Chuck, dLux)
+0.6  Thu Nov 30 11:56:15 CET 2000
+	- documentation tweak fixes by Noah Robin
+	- warning elimination fixes
+0.5  Wed Oct 18 16:24:59 2000
+	- original version; created by h2xs 1.19
diff --git a/QC/lib/Parallel/ForkManager.pm b/QC/lib/Parallel/ForkManager.pm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0de0d20
--- /dev/null
+++ b/QC/lib/Parallel/ForkManager.pm
@@ -0,0 +1,416 @@
+=head1 NAME
+Parallel::ForkManager - A simple parallel processing fork manager
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+  use Parallel::ForkManager;
+  $pm = new Parallel::ForkManager($MAX_PROCESSES);
+  foreach $data (@all_data) {
+    # Forks and returns the pid for the child:
+    my $pid = $pm->start and next; 
+    ... do some work with $data in the child process ...
+    $pm->finish; # Terminates the child process
+  }
+This module is intended for use in operations that can be done in parallel 
+where the number of processes to be forked off should be limited. Typical 
+use is a downloader which will be retrieving hundreds/thousands of files.
+The code for a downloader would look something like this:
+  use LWP::Simple;
+  use Parallel::ForkManager;
+  ...
+  @links=( 
+    ["http://www.foo.bar/rulez.data","rulez_data.txt"], 
+    ["http://new.host/more_data.doc","more_data.doc"],
+    ...
+  );
+  ...
+  # Max 30 processes for parallel download
+  my $pm = new Parallel::ForkManager(30); 
+  foreach my $linkarray (@links) {
+    $pm->start and next; # do the fork
+    my ($link,$fn) = @$linkarray;
+    warn "Cannot get $fn from $link"
+      if getstore($link,$fn) != RC_OK;
+    $pm->finish; # do the exit in the child process
+  }
+  $pm->wait_all_children;
+First you need to instantiate the ForkManager with the "new" constructor. 
+You must specify the maximum number of processes to be created. If you 
+specify 0, then NO fork will be done; this is good for debugging purposes.
+Next, use $pm->start to do the fork. $pm returns 0 for the child process, 
+and child pid for the parent process (see also L<perlfunc(1p)/fork()>). 
+The "and next" skips the internal loop in the parent process. NOTE: 
+$pm->start dies if the fork fails.
+$pm->finish terminates the child process (assuming a fork was done in the 
+NOTE: You cannot use $pm->start if you are already in the child process. 
+If you want to manage another set of subprocesses in the child process, 
+you must instantiate another Parallel::ForkManager object!
+=head1 METHODS
+=over 5
+=item new $processes
+Instantiate a new Parallel::ForkManager object. You must specify the maximum 
+number of children to fork off. If you specify 0 (zero), then no children 
+will be forked. This is intended for debugging purposes.
+=item start [ $process_identifier ]
+This method does the fork. It returns the pid of the child process for 
+the parent, and 0 for the child process. If the $processes parameter 
+for the constructor is 0 then, assuming you're in the child process, 
+$pm->start simply returns 0.
+An optional $process_identifier can be provided to this method... It is used by 
+the "run_on_finish" callback (see CALLBACKS) for identifying the finished
+=item finish [ $exit_code ]
+Closes the child process by exiting and accepts an optional exit code 
+(default exit code is 0) which can be retrieved in the parent via callback. 
+If you use the program in debug mode ($processes == 0), this method doesn't 
+do anything.
+=item set_max_procs $processes
+Allows you to set a new maximum number of children to maintain. Returns 
+the previous setting.
+=item wait_all_children
+You can call this method to wait for all the processes which have been 
+forked. This is a blocking wait.
+You can define callbacks in the code, which are called on events like starting 
+a process or upon finish.
+The callbacks can be defined with the following methods:
+=over 4
+=item run_on_finish $code [, $pid ]
+You can define a subroutine which is called when a child is terminated. It is
+called in the parent process.
+The paremeters of the $code are the following:
+  - pid of the process, which is terminated
+  - exit code of the program
+  - identification of the process (if provided in the "start" method)
+  - exit signal (0-127: signal name)
+  - core dump (1 if there was core dump at exit)
+=item run_on_start $code
+You can define a subroutine which is called when a child is started. It called
+after the successful startup of a child in the parent process.
+The parameters of the $code are the following:
+  - pid of the process which has been started
+  - identification of the process (if provided in the "start" method)
+=item run_on_wait $code, [$period]
+You can define a subroutine which is called when the child process needs to wait
+for the startup. If $period is not defined, then one call is done per
+child. If $period is defined, then $code is called periodically and the
+module waits for $period seconds betwen the two calls. Note, $period can be
+fractional number also. The exact "$period seconds" is not guarranteed,
+signals can shorten and the process scheduler can make it longer (on busy
+The $code called in the "start" and the "wait_all_children" method also.
+No parameters are passed to the $code on the call.
+=head1 EXAMPLE
+=head2 Parallel get
+This small example can be used to get URLs in parallel.
+  use Parallel::ForkManager;
+  use LWP::Simple;
+  my $pm=new Parallel::ForkManager(10);
+  for my $link (@ARGV) {
+    $pm->start and next;
+    my ($fn)= $link =~ /^.*\/(.*?)$/;
+    if (!$fn) {
+      warn "Cannot determine filename from $fn\n";
+    } else {
+      $0.=" ".$fn;
+      print "Getting $fn from $link\n";
+      my $rc=getstore($link,$fn);
+      print "$link downloaded. response code: $rc\n";
+    };
+    $pm->finish;
+  };
+=head2 Callbacks
+Example of a program using callbacks to get child exit codes:
+  use strict;
+  use Parallel::ForkManager;
+  my $max_procs = 5;
+  my @names = qw( Fred Jim Lily Steve Jessica Bob Dave Christine Rico Sara );
+  # hash to resolve PID's back to child specific information
+  my $pm =  new Parallel::ForkManager($max_procs);
+  # Setup a callback for when a child finishes up so we can
+  # get it's exit code
+  $pm->run_on_finish(
+    sub { my ($pid, $exit_code, $ident) = @_;
+      print "** $ident just got out of the pool ".
+        "with PID $pid and exit code: $exit_code\n";
+    }
+  );
+  $pm->run_on_start(
+    sub { my ($pid,$ident)=@_;
+      print "** $ident started, pid: $pid\n";
+    }
+  );
+  $pm->run_on_wait(
+    sub {
+      print "** Have to wait for one children ...\n"
+    },
+    0.5
+  );
+  foreach my $child ( 0 .. $#names ) {
+    my $pid = $pm->start($names[$child]) and next;
+    # This code is the child process
+    print "This is $names[$child], Child number $child\n";
+    sleep ( 2 * $child );
+    print "$names[$child], Child $child is about to get out...\n";
+    sleep 1;
+    $pm->finish($child); # pass an exit code to finish
+  }
+  print "Waiting for Children...\n";
+  $pm->wait_all_children;
+  print "Everybody is out of the pool!\n";
+Do not use Parallel::ForkManager in an environment, where other child
+processes can affect the run of the main program, so using this module
+is not recommended in an environment where fork() / wait() is already used.
+If you want to use more than one copies of the Parallel::ForkManager, then
+you have to make sure that all children processes are terminated, before you
+use the second object in the main program.
+You are free to use a new copy of Parallel::ForkManager in the child
+processes, although I don't think it makes sense.
+Copyright (c) 2000 Szab�, Bal�zs (dLux)
+All right reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it 
+and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+  dLux (Szab�, Bal�zs) <dlux at kapu.hu>
+=head1 CREDITS
+  Noah Robin <sitz at onastick.net> (documentation tweaks)
+  Chuck Hirstius <chirstius at megapathdsl.net> (callback exit status, example)
+  Grant Hopwood <hopwoodg at valero.com> (win32 port)
+  Mark Southern <mark_southern at merck.com> (bugfix)
+package Parallel::ForkManager;
+use POSIX ":sys_wait_h";
+use strict;
+use vars qw($VERSION);
+sub new { my ($c,$processes)=@_;
+  my $h={
+    max_proc   => $processes,
+    processes  => {},
+    in_child   => 0,
+  };
+  return bless($h,ref($c)||$c);
+sub start { my ($s,$identification)=@_;
+  die "Cannot start another process while you are in the child process"
+    if $s->{in_child};
+  while ($s->{max_proc} && ( keys %{ $s->{processes} } ) >= $s->{max_proc}) {
+    $s->on_wait;
+    $s->wait_one_child(defined $s->{on_wait_period} ? &WNOHANG : undef);
+  };
+  $s->wait_children;
+  if ($s->{max_proc}) {
+    my $pid=fork();
+    die "Cannot fork: $!" if !defined $pid;
+    if ($pid) {
+      $s->{processes}->{$pid}=$identification;
+      $s->on_start($pid,$identification);
+    } else {
+      $s->{in_child}=1 if !$pid;
+    }
+    return $pid;
+  } else {
+    $s->{processes}->{$$}=$identification;
+    $s->on_start($$,$identification);
+    return 0; # Simulating the child which returns 0
+  }
+sub finish { my ($s, $x)=@_;
+  if ( $s->{in_child} ) {
+    exit ($x || 0);
+  }
+  if ($s->{max_proc} == 0) { # max_proc == 0
+    $s->on_finish($$, $x ,$s->{processes}->{$$}, 0, 0);
+    delete $s->{processes}->{$$};
+  }
+  return 0;
+sub wait_children { my ($s)=@_;
+  return if !keys %{$s->{processes}};
+  my $kid;
+  do {
+    $kid = $s->wait_one_child(&WNOHANG);
+  } while $kid > 0 || $kid < -1; # AS 5.6/Win32 returns negative PIDs
+*wait_childs=*wait_children; # compatibility
+sub wait_one_child { my ($s,$par)=@_;
+  my $kid;
+  while (1) {
+    $kid = $s->_waitpid(-1,$par||=0);
+    last if $kid == 0 || $kid == -1; # AS 5.6/Win32 returns negative PIDs
+    redo if !exists $s->{processes}->{$kid};
+    my $id = delete $s->{processes}->{$kid};
+    $s->on_finish( $kid, $? >> 8 , $id, $? & 0x7f, $? & 0x80 ? 1 : 0);
+    last;
+  }
+  $kid;
+sub wait_all_children { my ($s)=@_;
+  while (keys %{ $s->{processes} }) {
+    $s->on_wait;
+    $s->wait_one_child(defined $s->{on_wait_period} ? &WNOHANG : undef);
+  };
+*wait_all_childs=*wait_all_children; # compatibility;
+sub run_on_finish { my ($s,$code,$pid)=@_;
+  $s->{on_finish}->{$pid || 0}=$code;
+sub on_finish { my ($s,$pid, at par)=@_;
+  my $code=$s->{on_finish}->{$pid} || $s->{on_finish}->{0} or return 0;
+  $code->($pid, at par); 
+sub run_on_wait { my ($s,$code, $period)=@_;
+  $s->{on_wait}=$code;
+  $s->{on_wait_period} = $period;
+sub on_wait { my ($s)=@_;
+  if(ref($s->{on_wait}) eq 'CODE') {
+    $s->{on_wait}->();
+    if (defined $s->{on_wait_period}) {
+        local $SIG{CHLD} = sub { } if ! defined $SIG{CHLD};
+        select undef, undef, undef, $s->{on_wait_period}
+    };
+  };
+sub run_on_start { my ($s,$code)=@_;
+  $s->{on_start}=$code;
+sub on_start { my ($s, at par)=@_;
+  $s->{on_start}->(@par) if ref($s->{on_start}) eq 'CODE';
+sub set_max_procs { my ($s, $mp)=@_;
+  $s->{max_proc} = $mp;
+# OS dependant code follows...
+sub _waitpid { # Call waitpid() in the standard Unix fashion.
+  return waitpid($_[1],$_[2]);
+# On ActiveState Perl 5.6/Win32 build 625, waitpid(-1, &WNOHANG) always
+# blocks unless an actual PID other than -1 is given.
+sub _NT_waitpid { my ($s, $pid, $par) = @_;
+  if ($par == &WNOHANG) { # Need to nonblock on each of our PIDs in the pool.
+    my @pids = keys %{ $s->{processes} };
+    # Simulate -1 (no processes awaiting cleanup.)
+    return -1 unless scalar(@pids);
+    # Check each PID in the pool.
+    my $kid;
+    foreach $pid (@pids) {
+      $kid = waitpid($pid, $par);
+      return $kid if $kid != 0; # AS 5.6/Win32 returns negative PIDs.
+    }
+    return $kid;
+  } else { # Normal waitpid() call.
+    return waitpid($pid, $par);
+  }
+  local $^W = 0;
+  if ($^O eq 'NT' or $^O eq 'MSWin32') {
+    *_waitpid = \&_NT_waitpid;
+  }
diff --git a/QC/lib/Parallel/ForkManager/callback.pl b/QC/lib/Parallel/ForkManager/callback.pl
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..56a52e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/QC/lib/Parallel/ForkManager/callback.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+use lib '.';
+use strict;
+use Parallel::ForkManager;
+my $max_procs = 5;
+my @names = qw( Fred Jim Lily Steve Jessica Bob Dave Christine Rico Sara );
+# hash to resolve PID's back to child specific information
+my $pm =  new Parallel::ForkManager($max_procs);
+# Setup a callback for when a child finishes up so we can
+# get it's exit code
+  sub { my ($pid, $exit_code, $ident) = @_;
+    print "** $ident just got out of the pool ".
+      "with PID $pid and exit code: $exit_code\n";
+  }
+  sub { my ($pid,$ident)=@_;
+    print "** $ident started, pid: $pid\n";
+  }
+  sub {
+    print "** Have to wait for one children ...\n"
+  },
+  0.5,
+foreach my $child ( 0 .. $#names ) {
+  my $pid = $pm->start($names[$child]) and next;
+  # This code is the child process
+  print "This is $names[$child], Child number $child\n";
+  sleep ( 2 * $child );
+  print "$names[$child], Child $child is about to get out...\n";
+  sleep 1;
+  $pm->finish($child); # pass an exit code to finish
+print "Waiting for Children...\n";
+print "Everybody is out of the pool!\n";
diff --git a/QC/lib/Parallel/ForkManager/parallel_get.pl b/QC/lib/Parallel/ForkManager/parallel_get.pl
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..5c6f3cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/QC/lib/Parallel/ForkManager/parallel_get.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+use Parallel::ForkManager;
+use LWP::Simple;
+my $pm=new Parallel::ForkManager(10);
+for my $link (@ARGV) {
+  $pm->start and next;
+  my ($fn)= $link =~ /^.*\/(.*?)$/;
+  if (!$fn) {
+    warn "Cannot determine filename from $fn\n";
+  } else {
+    $0.=" ".$fn;
+    print "Getting $fn from $link\n";
+    my $rc=getstore($link,$fn);
+    print "$link downloaded. response code: $rc\n";
+  };
+  $pm->finish;
diff --git a/QC/lib/Parallel/MANIFEST b/QC/lib/Parallel/MANIFEST
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fae0a05
--- /dev/null
+++ b/QC/lib/Parallel/MANIFEST
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
diff --git a/QC/lib/Parallel/Makefile.PL b/QC/lib/Parallel/Makefile.PL
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b18ea52
--- /dev/null
+++ b/QC/lib/Parallel/Makefile.PL
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+use ExtUtils::MakeMaker;
+# See lib/ExtUtils/MakeMaker.pm for details of how to influence
+# the contents of the Makefile that is written.
+    'NAME'	=> 'Parallel::ForkManager',
+    'VERSION_FROM' => 'ForkManager.pm', # finds $VERSION
diff --git a/QC/lib/Parallel/TODO b/QC/lib/Parallel/TODO
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..301cd3b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/QC/lib/Parallel/TODO
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+- Test, test, test
diff --git a/QC/lib/Parallel/test.pl b/QC/lib/Parallel/test.pl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9634ece
--- /dev/null
+++ b/QC/lib/Parallel/test.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+# Before `make install' is performed this script should be runnable with
+# `make test'. After `make install' it should work as `perl test.pl'
+######################### We start with some black magic to print on failure.
+# Change 1..1 below to 1..last_test_to_print .
+# (It may become useful if the test is moved to ./t subdirectory.)
+BEGIN { $| = 1; print "1..1\n"; }
+END {print "not ok 1\n" unless $loaded;}
+use Parallel::ForkManager;
+$loaded = 1;
+print "ok 1\n";
+######################### End of black magic.
+# Insert your test code below (better if it prints "ok 13"
+# (correspondingly "not ok 13") depending on the success of chunk 13
+# of the test code):
diff --git a/QC/lib/html.pl b/QC/lib/html.pl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9066ae9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/QC/lib/html.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,470 @@
+sub htmlPrint{
+	my ($progPath, $prog, $htF, $iFol, $isPairedEnd, $isOnlyStat, $inpFs, $seqFormatName, $statFile, $oFol, $fileNames4HTML) = @_;
+	my $imgPath = $progPath . "lib/imgs";
+	my $cssPath = $progPath . "lib";
+	my $analMsg1 = ($isOnlyStat)?"":"and filtering";
+	my $analMsg2 = ($isPairedEnd)?"paired end data":"single end data";
+	my ($file1, $file2) = split(":::::", $inpFs);
+	open(I, "<$statFile") or print "Can not open statistics file: $statFile\n";
+	my @statFData = <I>;
+	close(I);
+	my $statFileOnlyName = getFileName($statFile);
+	my ($t, $priAdaLib, $cutLen, $cutQual, $nCPUs, $onlySOnOff);
+	($t, $t, $priAdaLib) = split(/ {2,}|\t/, $statFData[3]);
+	($t, $t, $cutLen) = split(/ {2,}|\t/, $statFData[4]);
+	($t, $t, $cutQual) = split(/ {2,}|\t/, $statFData[5]);
+	($t, $t, $nCPUs) = split(/ {2,}|\t/, $statFData[7]);
+	$onlySOnOff = ($isOnlyStat)?"On":"Off";
+	my ($outFile1, $outFile2, $unPaired, $avgQF1, $avgQF2, $avgQRangeF1, $avgQRangeF2, $baseCntF1, $baseCntF2, $gcDistF1, $gcDistF2, $qualDistF1, $qualDistF2, $sumPieF);
+	($outFile1, $avgQF1, $baseCntF1, $gcDistF1, $qualDistF1, $sumPieF, $avgQRangeF1) = @$fileNames4HTML;
+	($outFile1, $outFile2, $unPaired, $avgQF1, $avgQF2, $baseCntF1, $baseCntF2, $gcDistF1, $gcDistF2, $qualDistF1, $qualDistF2, $sumPieF, $avgQRangeF1, $avgQRangeF2) = @$fileNames4HTML if($isPairedEnd);
+	$outFile1 = getFileName($outFile1);
+	$outFile2 = getFileName($outFile2) if($isPairedEnd);
+	$unPaired = getFileName($unPaired) if($isPairedEnd);
+	my ($avgQRangeRF1, $avgQRangeFF1) = split(":::", $avgQRangeF1);
+	my ($avgQRangeRF2, $avgQRangeFF2) = split(":::", $avgQRangeF2);
+	my $inpFilesMsg;
+	$inpFilesMsg = "input file,  $file1(A),";
+	$inpFilesMsg = "both input files,  $file1(A) and $file2(B)," if($isPairedEnd);
+	my $b4A4Msg;
+	$b4A4Msg = "before and after QC";
+	$b4A4Msg = "before QC" if($isOnlyStat);
+	#### Getting current time
+	my @months = qw(Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec);
+	my @weekDays = qw(Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun);
+	my ($second, $minute, $hour, $dayOfMonth, $month, $yearOffset, $dayOfWeek, $dayOfYear, $daylightSavings) = localtime();
+	my $year = 1900 + $yearOffset;
+	#my $theTime = "$hour:$minute:$second, $weekDays[$dayOfWeek] $months[$month] $dayOfMonth, $year";
+	my $theTime = "$weekDays[$dayOfWeek] $months[$month] $dayOfMonth, $year";
+	open(O,">$htF") or die "Can not create HTML file: $htF\n";
+	open(V, $progPath."lib/version");
+	my $version = <V>;
+	close(V);
+print O <<EOF;
+	<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
+	<html>
+	<head>
+	<title>NGS QC Toolkit</title>
+	<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
+	<style>
+		BODY {
+			margin-top: 0;
+			background-repeat: repeat;
+			font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
+			font-size: 5px;
+			margin-bottom: 0;
+		}
+		.cnt {
+			font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
+			font-size: 12px;
+			line-height: 20px;
+			padding: 5px 20px 0px;
+		}
+		Table .exp {
+			font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
+			font-size: 13px;
+			line-height: 20px;
+		}
+		TD .padding {
+			padding: 0px 20px;
+		}
+		.head1 {
+			font-size: 18px;
+			font-weight: bold;
+			padding: 5px 0px;
+		}
+		.head2 {
+			font-size: 14px;
+			font-weight: bold;
+			padding: 5px 0px;
+		}
+		.head3 {
+			font-size: 12px;
+			font-weight: bold;
+		}
+		A {
+			text-decoration: none;
+			color: #0000FF;
+		}
+		.tblBg TABLE TD {
+			background-color: #EEEEEE;
+		}
+		.tblBg2 TABLE TD {
+			background-color: #E1E1E1;
+		}
+	</style>
+	</head>
+	<body bgcolor="#bbbbbb">
+	<table align="center" width="900" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" bgcolor="#ffffff" border="0">
+		<tr>
+			<td width="17" rowspan="6"> </td>
+			<td height="150" bgcolor="#E1E1E1"><center><a href="http://www.nipgr.res.in/ngsqctoolkit.html"><b><font  style="font-size: 50px;">NGS QC T</font><font style="font-size: 40px;">OOLKIT</font></b></center></a>
+			</td>
+			<td width="17" rowspan="6"></td>
+		</tr>
+		<tr>
+			<td valign="top" class="tblBg">
+			<div class="cnt">
+				<table class="cnt" width="100%" border="0">
+					<tr>
+						<td class="head1">Results of quality control (QC) using $prog v$version <font style="font-size:10px">($theTime)</font></td>
+					</tr>
+					<tr>
+						<td class="head2">Input files and parameters:</td>
+					</tr>
+					<tr><td class="tblBg2">
+						<table width="100%" border="0" class="cnt">
+						<tr>
+							<td>Analysis type</td><td>Quality check $analMsg1 of $analMsg2</td>
+						</tr>
+						<tr>
+							<td>Input file directory</td><td><a href="file://$iFol" target="_blank">$iFol</a></td>
+						</tr>
+						<tr>
+							<td>Input file 1</td><td>$file1</td>
+						</tr>
+if($isPairedEnd) {
+print O <<EOF;
+						<tr>
+							<td>Input file 2</td><td>$file2</td>
+						</tr>
+print O <<EOF;
+						<tr>
+							<td>Input file format</td><td>FASTQ ($seqFormatName variant)</td>
+						</tr>
+						<tr>
+							<td>Primer/Adaptor library</td><td>$priAdaLib</td>
+						</tr>
+						<tr>
+							<td>Cut-off read length for HQ</td><td>$cutLen</td>
+						</tr>
+						<tr>
+							<td>Cut-off quality score</td><td>$cutQual</td>
+						</tr>
+						<tr>
+							<td>Only statistics</td><td>$onlySOnOff</td>
+						</tr>
+						<tr>
+print O "
+							<td>Number of ". (($prog=~/_PRLL/)?"CPUs":"processes") ."</td><td>$nCPUs</td>
+print O <<EOF;
+						</tr>
+						</table>
+					</td>
+					</tr>
+					<tr>
+						<td class="head2">Output files:</td>
+					</tr>
+					<tr><td class="tblBg2">
+						<table width="100%" border="0" class="cnt">
+						<tr>
+							<td>Output folder</td><td><a href="file://$oFol" target="_blank">$oFol</a></td>
+						</tr>
+						<tr>
+							<td>QC statistics</td><td><a href="$statFileOnlyName" target="_blank">$statFileOnlyName</a></td>
+						</tr>
+if(!$isOnlyStat) {
+print O <<EOF;
+						<tr>
+							<td>High quality filtered file 1</td><td>$outFile1</td>
+						</tr>
+if($isPairedEnd) {
+print O <<EOF;
+						<tr>
+							<td>High quality filtered file 2</td><td>$outFile2</td>
+						</tr>
+						<tr>
+							<td>High quality filtered un-paired data</td><td>$unPaired</td>
+						</tr>
+print O <<EOF;
+						<tr>
+							<td>Per base average quality score for file 1</td><td><a href="$avgQF1" target="_blank">$avgQF1</a></td>
+						</tr>
+if($isPairedEnd) {
+print O <<EOF;
+						<tr>
+							<td>Per base average quality score for file 2</td><td><a href="$avgQF2" target="_blank">$avgQF2</a></td>
+						</tr>
+print O <<EOF;
+						<tr>
+							<td>Read count (%) per base for different quality ranges for file 1 (Raw)</td><td><a href="$avgQRangeRF1" target="_blank">$avgQRangeRF1</a></td>
+						</tr>
+if(!$isOnlyStat) {
+print O <<EOF;
+						<tr>
+							<td>Read count (%) per base for different quality ranges for file 1 (Filtered)</td><td><a href="$avgQRangeFF1" target="_blank">$avgQRangeFF1</a></td>
+						</tr>
+if($isPairedEnd) {
+print O <<EOF;
+						<tr>
+							<td>Read count (%) per base for different quality ranges for file 2 (Raw)</td><td><a href="$avgQRangeRF2" target="_blank">$avgQRangeRF2</a></td>
+						</tr>
+if(!$isOnlyStat) {
+print O <<EOF;
+						<tr>
+							<td>Read count (%) per base for different quality ranges for file 2 (Filtered)</td><td><a href="$avgQRangeFF2" target="_blank">$avgQRangeFF2</a></td>
+						</tr>
+print O <<EOF;
+						<tr>
+							<td>Base composition for file 1</td><td><a href="$baseCntF1" target="_blank">$baseCntF1</a></td>
+						</tr>
+if($isPairedEnd) {
+print O <<EOF;
+						<tr>
+							<td>Base composition for file 2</td><td><a href="$baseCntF2" target="_blank">$baseCntF2</a></td>
+						</tr>
+print O <<EOF;
+						<tr>
+							<td>GC content distribution for file 1</td><td><a href="$gcDistF1" target="_blank">$gcDistF1</a></td>
+						</tr>
+if($isPairedEnd) {
+print O <<EOF;
+						<tr>
+							<td>GC content distribution for file 2</td><td><a href="$gcDistF2" target="_blank">$gcDistF2</a></td>
+						</tr>
+print O <<EOF;
+						<tr>
+							<td>Quality distribution for file 1</td><td><a href="$qualDistF1" target="_blank">$qualDistF1</a></td>
+						</tr>
+if($isPairedEnd) {
+print O <<EOF;
+						<tr>
+							<td>Quality distribution for file 2</td><td><a href="$qualDistF2" target="_blank">$qualDistF2</a></td>
+						</tr>
+print O <<EOF;
+						<tr>
+							<td>Summary of QC</td><td><a href="$sumPieF" target="_blank">$sumPieF</a></td>
+						</tr>
+						</table>
+					</td>
+					</tr>
+					<tr>
+						<td class="head2" style="background-color: #ffffff;"> </td>
+					</tr>
+					<tr>
+						<td class="head2">Results of QC</td>
+					</tr>
+my $flag = 0;
+for(my $i=0; $i<@statFData; $i++) {
+	my $line = $statFData[$i];
+	if($line =~ /^QC statistics/) {
+		$flag = 1;
+		print O "<tr><td class=\"head3\">QC statistics</td></tr>\n<tr><td class=\"tblBg2\"><table width=\"100%\" border=\"0\" class=\"cnt\">\n";
+		next;
+	}
+	if($line =~ /^Detailed QC statistics/) {
+		$flag = 2;
+		print O "</table></td></tr>\n<tr><td class=\"head3\">Detailed QC statistics</td></tr>\n<tr><td class=\"tblBg2\"><table width=\"100%\" border=\"0\" class=\"cnt\">\n";
+		next;
+	}
+	if($line =~ /^Average quality score/) {
+		$flag = 0;
+		next;
+	}	
+	chomp($line);
+	if($flag != 0 && $line ne "") {
+		my @clms = split(/ {2,}|\t/, $line);
+		shift(@clms);
+		print O "<tr>";
+		foreach my $f (@clms) {
+			print O "<td>$f</td>";
+		}
+		print O "</tr>\n";		
+	}
+print O "</table></td></tr>\n";
+print O <<EOF;							
+					<tr>
+						<td class="head3">Summary of QC</td>
+					</tr>
+					<tr>
+						<td>
+							<table width="100%" border="0" class="cnt">
+								<tr>
+									<td><div align="justify">Following pie chart shows the summary of QC depicting percentage of high quality, low quality and contaminated reads.</div></td>
+								</tr>
+								<tr>
+									<td align="center"><img src="$sumPieF" border="1"><br><b>(A)</b></td>
+								</tr>
+							</table>
+						</td>
+					</tr>
+					<tr>
+						<td class="head3">Per base average quality scores</td>
+					</tr>
+					<tr>
+						<td>
+							<table width="100%" border="0" class="cnt">
+								<tr>
+									<td><div align="justify">Following graph(s) show per base average PHRED quality scores for $inpFilesMsg $b4A4Msg.</div></td>
+								</tr>
+								<tr>
+									<td align="center"><img src="$avgQF1" border="1"><br><b>(A)</b>
+if($isPairedEnd) {
+print O <<EOF;
+									<br><br><img src="$avgQF2" border="1"><br><b>(B)</b></td>
+print O <<EOF;
+								</tr>
+							</table>
+						</td>
+					</tr>
+					<tr>
+						<td class="head3">Read count (%) per base for different quality score ranges</td>
+					</tr>
+					<tr>
+						<td>
+							<table width="100%" border="0" class="cnt">
+								<tr>
+									<td><div align="justify">Following graph(s) show per base read count (%) for different quality score ranges for $inpFilesMsg $b4A4Msg.</div></td>
+								</tr>
+								<tr>
+									<td align="center"><img src="$avgQRangeRF1" border="1">
+if(!defined($isOnlyStat)) {
+print O <<EOF;
+									<br><br><img src="$avgQRangeFF1" border="1">
+print O <<EOF;
+									<br><b>(A)</b>
+if($isPairedEnd) {
+print O <<EOF;
+									<br><br><img src="$avgQRangeRF2" border="1">
+if(!defined($isOnlyStat)) {
+print O <<EOF;
+									<br><br><img src="$avgQRangeFF2" border="1">
+print O <<EOF;
+									<br><b>(B)</b></td>
+print O <<EOF;
+								</tr>
+							</table>
+						</td>
+					</tr>
+					<tr>
+						<td class="head3">GC content distribution</td>
+					</tr>
+					<tr>
+						<td>
+							<table width="100%" border="0" class="cnt">
+								<tr>
+									<td><div align="justify">Following graph(s) show number of reads for distinct average GC content (%) ranges for $inpFilesMsg $b4A4Msg.</div></td>
+								</tr>
+								<tr>
+									<td align="center"><img src="$gcDistF1" border="1"><br><b>(A)</b>
+if($isPairedEnd) {
+print O <<EOF;
+									<br><br><img src="$gcDistF2" border="1"><br><b>(B)</b></td>
+print O <<EOF;
+								</tr>
+							</table>
+						</td>
+					</tr>
+					<tr>
+						<td class="head3">Quality distribution</td>
+					</tr>
+					<tr>
+						<td>
+							<table width="100%" border="0" class="cnt">
+								<tr>
+									<td><div align="justify">Following graph(s) show number of reads for different average PHRED quality scores for $inpFilesMsg $b4A4Msg.</div></td>
+								</tr>
+								<tr>
+									<td align="center"><img src="$qualDistF1" border="1"><br><b>(A)</b>
+if($isPairedEnd) {
+print O <<EOF;
+									<br><br><img src="$qualDistF2" border="1"><br><b>(B)</b></td>
+print O <<EOF;
+								</tr>
+							</table>
+						</td>
+					</tr>
+					<tr>
+						<td class="head3">Base composition</td>
+					</tr>
+					<tr>
+						<td>
+							<table width="100%" border="0" class="cnt">
+								<tr>
+									<td><div align="justify">Following graph(s) show base composition (count) for $inpFilesMsg $b4A4Msg with percentage of bases at the bottom.</div></td>
+								</tr>
+								<tr>
+									<td align="center"><img src="$baseCntF1" border="1"><br><b>(A)</b>
+if($isPairedEnd) {
+print O <<EOF;
+									<br><br><img src="$baseCntF2" border="1"><br><b>(B)</b></td>
+print O <<EOF;
+								</tr>
+							</table>
+						</td>
+					</tr>
+				</table>
+			</div>
+			</td>
+		</tr>
+		<tr><td style="font-size: 11px;" align="center" valign="middle" height="25" background="$imgPath/btmLine.png" bgcolor="#EEEEEE">For Questions and Suggestions, contact <a href="mailto:mjain\@nipgr.res.in">Mukesh Jain (mjain\@nipgr.res.in)</a>; <a href="mailto:ravipatel\@nipgr.res.in">Ravi Patel (ravipatel\@nipgr.res.in)</a></td></tr>
+		<!--- <tr><td colspan="3"><img src="$imgPath/down.png"></td></tr> --->
+	</table>
+	</body>
+	</html>
diff --git a/QC/lib/main.css b/QC/lib/main.css
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0ef4151
--- /dev/null
+++ b/QC/lib/main.css
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+/* CSS Document */
+.left {
+	background: url(imgs/left.png) repeat-y  left bottom;
+.right {
+	background: url(imgs/right.png) repeat-y  left bottom;
+	margin-top: 0;
+	background-repeat: repeat;
+	font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
+	font-size: 5px;
+	margin-bottom: 0;
+.cnt {
+	font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
+	font-size: 12px;
+	line-height: 20px;
+	padding: 5px 20px 0px;
+Table .exp {
+	font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
+	font-size: 13px;
+	line-height: 20px;
+TD .padding {
+	padding: 0px 20px;
+.head1 {
+	font-size: 18px;
+	font-weight: bold;
+	padding: 5px 0px;
+.head2 {
+	font-size: 14px;
+	font-weight: bold;
+	padding: 5px 0px;
+.head3 {
+	font-size: 12px;
+	font-weight: bold;
+A {
+	text-decoration: none;
+	color: #0000FF;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/QC/lib/version b/QC/lib/version
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0bee604
--- /dev/null
+++ b/QC/lib/version
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/QC/lib/version~ b/QC/lib/version~
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..530cdd9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/QC/lib/version~
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/Statistics/AvgQuality.pl b/Statistics/AvgQuality.pl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7d27432
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Statistics/AvgQuality.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+#! /usr/bin/perl
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use List::Util qw(sum min max);
+use Getopt::Long;
+use File::Basename;
+# Parameter variables
+my $file;
+my $helpAsked;
+my $outFile = "";
+			"i=s" => \$file,
+			"h|help" => \$helpAsked,
+			"o|outputFile=s" => \$outFile,
+		  );
+if(defined($helpAsked)) {
+	prtUsage();
+	exit;
+if(!defined($file)) {
+	prtError("No input files are provided");
+my ($fileName, $filePath) = fileparse($file);
+$outFile = $file . "_qual_stat" if($outFile eq "");
+open(I, "<$file") or die "Can not open file: $file\n";
+open(O, ">$outFile") or die "Can not open file: $outFile\n";
+my $prevFastaSeqId = "";
+my $fastaSeqId = "";
+my $fastaSeq = "";
+my $seqCount = 0;
+my $ttlQual = 0;
+while(my $line = <I>) {
+	chomp $line;
+	if($line =~ /^>/) {
+		$line =~ s/^>//;
+		$prevFastaSeqId = $fastaSeqId;
+		$fastaSeqId = $line;
+		if($fastaSeq ne "") {
+			prtQuality($prevFastaSeqId, $fastaSeq);
+		}
+		$fastaSeq = "";
+	}
+	else {
+		$fastaSeq .= $line . " ";
+	}
+if($fastaSeq ne "") {
+	$prevFastaSeqId = $fastaSeqId;
+	prtQuality($prevFastaSeqId, $fastaSeq);
+printf O "Final quality average: %0.2f\n", $ttlQual/$seqCount;
+sub prtQuality {
+	my $id = $_[0];
+	my $qualStr = $_[1];
+	chop $qualStr;
+	$seqCount++;
+	my @qVal = split(/\s+/, $qualStr);
+	my $sum = sum(@qVal);
+	my $qual = sprintf "%0.2f", $sum/(scalar @qVal);
+	$ttlQual += $qual;
+	print O "$id\t$qual\n";	
+sub prtHelp {
+	print "\n$0 options:\n\n";
+	print "### Input quality (FASTA) (Required)\n";
+	print "  -i <Quality file>\n";
+	print "    Quality file in FASTA format\n";
+	print "\n";
+	print "### Other options [Optional]\n";
+	print "  -h | -help\n";
+	print "    Prints this help\n";
+	print "  -o | -outputFile <Output file name>\n";
+	print "    Output will be stored in the given file\n";
+	print "    default: By default, quality statistics file will be stored where the input file is\n";
+	print "\n";
+sub prtError {
+	my $msg = $_[0];
+	print STDERR "+======================================================================+\n";
+	printf STDERR "|%-70s|\n", "  Error:";
+	printf STDERR "|%-70s|\n", "       $msg";
+	print STDERR "+======================================================================+\n";
+	prtUsage();
+	exit;
+sub prtUsage {
+	print "\nUsage: perl $0 <options>\n";
+	prtHelp();
diff --git a/Statistics/N50Stat.pl b/Statistics/N50Stat.pl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cb5e836
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Statistics/N50Stat.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+#! /usr/bin/perl
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use List::Util qw(sum min max);
+use Getopt::Long;
+use File::Basename;
+my $As = 0;
+my $Ts = 0;
+my $Gs = 0;
+my $Cs = 0;
+my $Ns = 0;
+# Parameter variables
+my $file;
+my $helpAsked;
+my $outFile = "";
+			"i=s" => \$file,
+			"h|help" => \$helpAsked,
+			"o|outputFile=s" => \$outFile,
+		  );
+if(defined($helpAsked)) {
+	prtUsage();
+	exit;
+if(!defined($file)) {
+	prtError("No input files are provided");
+my ($fileName, $filePath) = fileparse($file);
+$outFile = $file . "_n50_stat" if($outFile eq "");
+open(I, "<$file") or die "Can not open file: $file\n";
+open(O, ">$outFile") or die "Can not open file: $outFile\n";
+my @len = ();
+my $prevFastaSeqId = "";
+my $fastaSeqId = "";
+my $fastaSeq = "";
+while(my $line = <I>) {
+	chomp $line;
+	if($line =~ /^>/) {
+		$prevFastaSeqId = $fastaSeqId;
+		$fastaSeqId = $line;
+		if($fastaSeq ne "") {
+			push(@len, length $fastaSeq);
+			baseCount($fastaSeq);
+		}
+		$fastaSeq = "";
+	}
+	else {
+		$fastaSeq .= $line;
+	}
+if($fastaSeq ne "") {
+	$prevFastaSeqId = $fastaSeqId;
+	push(@len, length $fastaSeq);
+	baseCount($fastaSeq);
+my $totalReads = scalar @len;
+my $bases = sum(@len);
+my $minReadLen = min(@len);
+my $maxReadLen = max(@len);
+my $avgReadLen = sprintf "%0.2f", $bases/$totalReads;
+my $medianLen = calcMedian(@len);
+my $n25 = calcN50(\@len, 25);
+my $n50 = calcN50(\@len, 50);
+my $n75 = calcN50(\@len, 75);
+my $n90 = calcN50(\@len, 90);
+my $n95 = calcN50(\@len, 95);
+printf O "%-25s %d\n" , "Total sequences", $totalReads;
+printf O "%-25s %d\n" , "Total bases", $bases;
+printf O "%-25s %d\n" , "Min sequence length", $minReadLen;
+printf O "%-25s %d\n" , "Max sequence length", $maxReadLen;
+printf O "%-25s %0.2f\n", "Average sequence length", $avgReadLen;
+printf O "%-25s %0.2f\n", "Median sequence length", $medianLen;
+printf O "%-25s %d\n", "N25 length", $n25;
+printf O "%-25s %d\n", "N50 length", $n50;
+printf O "%-25s %d\n", "N75 length", $n75;
+printf O "%-25s %d\n", "N90 length", $n90;
+printf O "%-25s %d\n", "N95 length", $n95;
+printf O "%-25s %0.2f %s\n", "As", $As/$bases*100, "%";
+printf O "%-25s %0.2f %s\n", "Ts", $Ts/$bases*100, "%";
+printf O "%-25s %0.2f %s\n", "Gs", $Gs/$bases*100, "%";
+printf O "%-25s %0.2f %s\n", "Cs", $Cs/$bases*100, "%";
+printf O "%-25s %0.2f %s\n", "(A + T)s", ($As+$Ts)/$bases*100, "%";
+printf O "%-25s %0.2f %s\n", "(G + C)s", ($Gs+$Cs)/$bases*100, "%";
+printf O "%-25s %0.2f %s\n", "Ns", $Ns/$bases*100, "%";
+print "N50 Statisitcs file: $outFile\n";
+sub calcN50 {
+	my @x = @{$_[0]};
+	my $n = $_[1];
+	@x=sort{$b<=>$a} @x;
+	my $total = sum(@x);
+	my ($count, $n50)=(0,0);
+	for (my $j=0; $j<@x; $j++){
+        $count+=$x[$j];
+        if(($count>=$total*$n/100)){
+            $n50=$x[$j];
+            last;
+        }
+	}
+	return $n50;
+sub calcMedian {
+	my @arr = @_;
+	my @sArr = sort{$a<=>$b} @arr;
+	my $arrLen = @arr;
+	my $median;
+	if($arrLen % 2 == 0) {
+		$median = ($sArr[$arrLen/2-1] + $sArr[$arrLen/2])/2;
+	}
+	else {
+		$median = $sArr[$arrLen/2];
+	}
+	return $median;
+sub baseCount {
+	my $seq = $_[0];
+	my $tAs += $seq =~ s/A/A/gi;
+	my $tTs += $seq =~ s/T/T/gi;
+	my $tGs += $seq =~ s/G/G/gi;
+	my $tCs += $seq =~ s/C/C/gi;
+	$Ns += (length $seq) - $tAs - $tTs - $tGs - $tCs;
+	$As += $tAs;
+	$Ts += $tTs;
+	$Gs += $tGs;
+	$Cs += $tCs;
+sub prtHelp {
+	print "\n$0 options:\n\n";
+	print "### Input reads/sequences (FASTA) (Required)\n";
+	print "  -i <Read/Sequence file>\n";
+	print "    Read/Sequence in fasta format\n";
+	print "\n";
+	print "### Other options [Optional]\n";
+	print "  -h | -help\n";
+	print "    Prints this help\n";
+	print "  -o | -outputFile <Output file name>\n";
+	print "    Output will be stored in the given file\n";
+	print "    default: By default, N50 statistics file will be stored where the input file is\n";
+	print "\n";
+sub prtError {
+	my $msg = $_[0];
+	print STDERR "+======================================================================+\n";
+	printf STDERR "|%-70s|\n", "  Error:";
+	printf STDERR "|%-70s|\n", "       $msg";
+	print STDERR "+======================================================================+\n";
+	prtUsage();
+	exit;
+sub prtUsage {
+	print "\nUsage: perl $0 <options>\n";
+	prtHelp();
diff --git a/Trimming/AmbiguityFiltering.pl b/Trimming/AmbiguityFiltering.pl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9d5358f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Trimming/AmbiguityFiltering.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,405 @@
+#! /usr/bin/perl
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Getopt::Long;
+use File::Basename;
+use List::Util qw(sum min max);
+# Parameter variables
+my $file;
+my $file2;
+my $helpAsked;
+my $numNBases = -1;
+my $perNBases = -1;
+my $end5Trim;
+my $end3Trim;
+my $lenCutOff = -1;
+my $outFile = "";
+my $processingFlag = 0; # 1: N count filter, 2: N percent filter, 3: End N trim
+			"i=s" => \$file,
+			"irev=s" => \$file2,
+			"h|help" => \$helpAsked,
+			"c|countN=i" => \$numNBases,
+			"o|outputFile=s" => \$outFile,
+			"p|percentN=i" => \$perNBases,
+			"t5|trim5EndN" => \$end5Trim,
+			"t3|trim3EndN" => \$end3Trim,
+			"n|lenCutOff=i" => \$lenCutOff,
+		  );
+if(defined($helpAsked)) {
+	prtUsage();
+	exit;
+if(!defined($file)) {
+	prtError("No input files are provided");
+### Validating input filtering options
+if($numNBases == -1 && $perNBases == -1 && !defined($end5Trim) && !defined($end3Trim) && $lenCutOff == -1) {
+	print "Filtering or trimming parameters are not set.\nNothing to do.\nExiting...\n";
+	exit;
+if($numNBases != -1) {
+	$processingFlag = 1;
+	print "Filtering out reads containing ambiguous base count > $numNBases\n";
+elsif($perNBases != -1) {
+	$processingFlag = 2;
+	print "Filtering out reads containing ambiguous base percentage > $perNBases%\n";
+else {
+	$processingFlag = 3;
+	print "Trimming ambiguous bases from end(s) of reads followed by length filtering (< $lenCutOff bp)\n";
+if($file2) {
+	$outFile = $file . "_trimmed";
+	my $outFile2 = $file2 . "_trimmed";
+	open(I1, "$file") or die "Can not open file $file\n";
+	open(I2, "$file2") or die "Can not open file $file2\n";
+	open(O1, ">$outFile") or die "Can not create file $outFile\n";
+	open(O2, ">$outFile2") or die "Can not create file $outFile2\n";
+	my $tmpLine = <I1>;
+	close(I1);
+	if($tmpLine =~ /^@/) {
+		print "Input read/sequence format: FASTQ (Paired-end)\n";
+		print "Checking FASTQ format: File $file...\n";
+		my $nLines = checkFastQFile($file, 1);
+		print "Checking FASTQ format: File $file2...\n";
+		my $nLines2 = checkFastQFile($file2, 1);
+		if($nLines != $nLines2) {
+			prtErrorExit("Number of reads in paired-end data files are not same.\n\t\tFiles: $file, $file2");
+		}
+		open(I1, "$file") or die "Can not open file $file\n";
+		my $c = 0;
+		my $currId1 = "";
+		my $currId2 = "";
+		my $currSeq = "";
+		my $currQual = "";
+		my $curr2Id1 = "";
+		my $curr2Id2 = "";
+		my $currSeq2 = "";
+		my $currQual2 = "";
+		while(my $line = <I1>) {
+			my $line2 = <I2>;
+			chomp $line;
+			chomp $line2;
+	        $c++;
+	        if($c == 5) {
+	                $c = 1;
+	        }
+	        if($c == 1) {
+	        	$currId1 = $line;
+	        	$curr2Id1 = $line2;
+	        }
+	        if($c == 3) {
+	        	$currId2 = $line;
+	        	$curr2Id2 = $line2;
+	        }
+	        if($c == 2) {
+		        $currSeq = $line;
+		        $currSeq2 = $line2;	        	
+	        }
+	        if($c == 4) {
+		        $currQual = $line;
+		        $currQual2 = $line2;
+		        if($processingFlag == 1) {
+		        	my $nC1 = getNCount($currSeq);
+		        	my $nC2 = getNCount($currSeq2);
+		        	if($nC1 <= $numNBases && $nC2 <= $numNBases) {
+			        	print O1 "$currId1\n$currSeq\n$currId2\n$currQual\n" if((length $currSeq >= $lenCutOff) && (length $currSeq2 >= $lenCutOff));
+			        	print O2 "$curr2Id1\n$currSeq2\n$curr2Id2\n$currQual2\n" if((length $currSeq >= $lenCutOff) && (length $currSeq2 >= $lenCutOff));
+		        	}
+		        }
+		        elsif($processingFlag == 2) {
+		        	my $nP1 = getNPercent($currSeq);
+		        	my $nP2 = getNPercent($currSeq2);
+		        	if($nP1 <= $perNBases && $nP2 <= $perNBases) {
+			        	print O1 "$currId1\n$currSeq\n$currId2\n$currQual\n" if((length $currSeq >= $lenCutOff) && (length $currSeq2 >= $lenCutOff));
+			        	print O2 "$curr2Id1\n$currSeq2\n$curr2Id2\n$currQual2\n" if((length $currSeq >= $lenCutOff) && (length $currSeq2 >= $lenCutOff));
+		        	}
+		        }
+		        elsif($processingFlag == 3) {
+		        	($currSeq, $currQual) = trimNsAndLenFilter($currSeq, $currQual);
+		        	($currSeq2, $currQual2) = trimNsAndLenFilter($currSeq2, $currQual2);
+		        	if($currSeq ne "-1" && $currSeq2 ne "-1") {
+			        	print O1 "$currId1\n$currSeq\n$currId2\n$currQual\n" if((length $currSeq >= $lenCutOff) && (length $currSeq2 >= $lenCutOff));
+			        	print O2 "$curr2Id1\n$currSeq2\n$curr2Id2\n$currQual2\n" if((length $currSeq >= $lenCutOff) && (length $currSeq2 >= $lenCutOff));
+		        	}
+		        }
+	        }
+		}
+		print "Filtered files are generated: $outFile $outFile2\n";
+	}
+	else {
+		print "Error:::\n\tPaired-end sequeneing data need to be in FASTQ format\n";
+		exit;
+	}
+	close(O2);
+	close(O1);
+	close(I2);
+	close(I1);
+else {
+	$outFile = $file . "_trimmed" if($outFile eq "");
+	open(I, "$file") or die "Can not open file $file\n";
+	open(O, ">$outFile") or die "Can not create file $outFile\n";
+	my $tmpLine = <I>;
+	close(I);
+	if($tmpLine =~ /^@/) {
+		print "Input read/sequence format: FASTQ\n";
+		print "Checking FASTQ variant: File $file...\n";
+		my $nLines = checkFastQFile($file, 1);
+		open(I, "$file") or die "Can not open file $file\n";	
+		my $c = 0;
+		my $currId1 = "";
+		my $currId2 = "";
+		my $currSeq = "";
+		my $currQual = "";
+		while(my $line = <I>) {
+			chomp $line;
+	        $c++;
+	        if($c == 5) {
+	                $c = 1;
+	        }
+	        if($c == 1) {
+	        	$currId1 = $line;
+	        }
+	        if($c == 3) {
+	        	$currId2 = $line;
+	        }
+	        if($c == 2) {
+		        $currSeq = $line;
+	        }
+	        if($c == 4) {
+		        $currQual = $line;
+		        if($processingFlag == 1) {
+		        	my $nC1 = getNCount($currSeq);
+		        	if($nC1 <= $numNBases) {
+		        		print O "$currId1\n$currSeq\n$currId2\n$currQual\n" if(length $currSeq >= $lenCutOff);
+		        	}
+		        }
+		        elsif($processingFlag == 2) {
+		        	my $nP1 = getNPercent($currSeq);
+		        	if($nP1 <= $perNBases) {
+			        	print O "$currId1\n$currSeq\n$currId2\n$currQual\n" if(length $currSeq >= $lenCutOff);
+		        	}
+		        }
+		        elsif($processingFlag == 3) {
+		        	($currSeq, $currQual) = trimNsAndLenFilter($currSeq, $currQual);
+		        	if($currSeq ne "-1") {
+			        	print O "$currId1\n$currSeq\n$currId2\n$currQual\n" if(length $currSeq >= $lenCutOff);
+		        	}
+		        }
+	        }
+		}
+		print "Filtered file is generated: $outFile\n";
+	}
+	else {
+		print "Input read/sequence format: FASTA\n";
+		open(I, "$file") or die "Can not open file $file\n";
+		my $prevFastaSeqId = "";
+		my $fastaSeqId = "";
+		my $fastaSeq = "";
+		while(my $line = <I>) {
+			chomp $line;
+			if($line =~ /^>/) {
+				$prevFastaSeqId = $fastaSeqId;
+				$fastaSeqId = $line;
+				if($fastaSeq ne "") {
+					processFastaSeq($prevFastaSeqId, $fastaSeq);
+				}
+				$fastaSeq = "";
+			}
+			else {
+				$fastaSeq .= $line;
+			}
+		}
+		if($fastaSeq ne "") {
+			$prevFastaSeqId = $fastaSeqId;
+			processFastaSeq($prevFastaSeqId, $fastaSeq);
+		}
+		print "Filtered file is generated: $outFile\n";
+	}
+	close(O);
+	close(I);
+sub processFastaSeq {
+	my ($prevFastaSeqId, $fastaSeq) = @_;
+	if($processingFlag == 1) {
+		my $nC1 = getNCount($fastaSeq);
+		if($nC1 <= $numNBases) {
+			print O "$prevFastaSeqId\n", formatSeq($fastaSeq), "\n" if(length $fastaSeq >= $lenCutOff);
+		}
+	}
+	elsif($processingFlag == 2) {
+		my $nP1 = getNPercent($fastaSeq);
+		if($nP1 <= $perNBases) {
+			print O "$prevFastaSeqId\n", formatSeq($fastaSeq), "\n" if(length $fastaSeq >= $lenCutOff);
+		}
+	}
+	elsif($processingFlag == 3) {
+		($fastaSeq) = trimNsAndLenFilter($fastaSeq);
+		if($fastaSeq ne "-1") {
+			print O "$prevFastaSeqId\n", formatSeq($fastaSeq), "\n" if(length $fastaSeq >= $lenCutOff);
+		}
+	}	
+sub formatSeq {
+	my $seq = $_[0];
+    my $newSeq = "";
+    my $ch = 60;
+    for(my $i=0; $i<length $seq; $i+=$ch) {
+        $newSeq .= substr($seq, $i, $ch) . "\n";
+    }
+    chomp($newSeq);         # To remove \n at the end of the whole sequence..
+    return $newSeq;
+sub prtHelp {
+	print "\n$0 options:\n\n";
+	print "### Input reads/sequences (FASTQ/FASTA) (Required)\n";
+	print "  -i <Forward read/sequence file>\n";
+	print "    File containing reads/sequences in either FASTQ or FASTA format\n";
+	print "\n";
+	print "### Input reads/sequences (FASTQ) [Optional]\n";
+	print "  -irev <Reverse read/sequence file of paired-end data>\n";
+	print "    File containing reverse reads/sequences of paired-end data in FASTQ format\n";
+	print "\n";
+	print "### Other options [Optional]\n";
+	print "  -h | -help\n";
+	print "    Prints this help\n";
+	print "--------------------------------- Trimming Options ---------------------------------\n";
+	print "  -c | -countN <Integer>\n";
+	print "    Maximum number of allowed ambiguous bases\n";
+	print "    default: 0\n";
+	print "  -p | -percentN <Integer>\n";
+	print "    Maximum percentage of allowed ambiguous bases\n";
+	print "    default: 0\n";
+	print "  -t5 | -trim5EndN\n";
+	print "    Trim ambiguous bases from 5' end of the sequence\n";
+	print "    default: off\n";
+	print "  -t3 | -trim3EndN\n";
+	print "    Trim ambiguous bases from 3' end of the sequence\n";
+	print "    default: off\n";
+	print "  -n | -lenCutOff <Integer>\n";
+	print "    Sequence length cut-off\n";
+	print "    Sequences shorter than given length will be discarded\n";
+	print "    default: -1 (i.e. length filtering is OFF)\n";
+	print " NOTE: filtering can be performed using any one of (-c), (-p) and (-t5 and/or -t3) switches at a time\n";
+	print "--------------------------------- Output Options ---------------------------------\n";
+	print "  -o | -outputFile <Output file name>\n";
+	print "    Output will be stored in the given file\n";
+	print "    default: By default, output file will be stored where the input file is\n";
+	print "\n";
+sub prtError {
+	my $msg = $_[0];
+	print STDERR "+======================================================================+\n";
+	printf STDERR "|%-70s|\n", "  Error:";
+	printf STDERR "|%-70s|\n", "       $msg";
+	print STDERR "+======================================================================+\n";
+	prtUsage();
+	exit;
+sub prtErrorExit {
+	my $errmsg = $_[0];
+	print STDERR "Error:\t", $errmsg, "\n";
+	exit;
+sub prtUsage {
+	print "\nUsage: perl $0 <options>\n";
+	prtHelp();
+sub checkFastQFile {				# Takes FASTQ file as an input and if the format is incorrect it will print error and exit, otherwise it will return the number of lines in the file.
+	my $file = $_[0];
+	my $lines = 0;
+	open(F, "<$file") or die "Can not open file $file\n";
+	my $counter = 0;
+	while(my $line = <F>) {
+		$lines++;
+		$counter++;
+		next if($line =~ /^\n$/);
+		if($counter == 1 && $line !~ /^\@/) {
+			prtErrorExit("Invalid FASTQ file format.\n\t\tFile: $file");
+		}
+		if($counter == 3 && $line !~ /^\+/) {
+			prtErrorExit("Invalid FASTQ file format.\n\t\tFile: $file");
+		}
+		if($counter == 4) {
+			$counter = 0;
+		}
+	}
+	close(F);
+	return $lines;
+sub getNCount {
+	my ($seq) = @_;
+	my $len = length $seq;
+	my $c = 0;
+	while($seq =~ /[^ATGC]/ig){$c++;}
+	return $c;
+sub getNPercent {
+	my ($seq) = @_;
+	my $len = length $seq;
+	my $c = 0;
+	while($seq =~ /[^ATGC]/ig){$c++;}
+	return $c/$len*100;
+sub trimNsAndLenFilter {
+	my ($seq, $qual) = @_;
+	if($end3Trim) {
+		if($seq =~ s/([^ATGC]+)$//) {
+			if($qual) {
+				my $nCount = length $1;
+				$qual =~ s/[^\n]{$nCount}$//;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	if($end5Trim) {
+		if($seq =~ s/^([^ATGC]+)//) {
+			if($qual) {
+				my $nCount = length $1;
+				$qual =~ s/^[^\n]{$nCount}//;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	if($seq) {
+		if((length $seq) >= $lenCutOff) {
+			return ($seq, $qual) if($qual);
+			return ($seq) if(!$qual);
+		}
+		else {
+			return -1;
+		}
+	}
+	else {
+		return -1;
+	}
diff --git a/Trimming/HomopolymerTrimming.pl b/Trimming/HomopolymerTrimming.pl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4d4b2fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Trimming/HomopolymerTrimming.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,233 @@
+#! /usr/bin/perl
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Getopt::Long;
+use File::Basename;
+# Parameter variables
+my @files;
+my $helpAsked;
+my $homoPolyLen	= 8;
+my $outFolder = "";
+my $minReadLen = 100;
+			"i=s{1,2}" => \@files,
+			"h|help" => \$helpAsked,
+			"l|minReadLen=i" => \$minReadLen,
+			"n|homoPolyLen=i" => \$homoPolyLen,
+ 			"o|outputFolder=s" => \$outFolder,
+		  );
+if(defined($helpAsked)) {
+	prtUsage();
+	exit;
+if(@files == 0) {
+	prtError("No input files are provided");
+# Variables
+my $seqFile = $files[0];
+my $qualFile;
+$qualFile = $files[1] if(scalar(@files) == 2);
+my $outSeqFile;
+my $outQualFile;
+my $prevFastaSeqId = "";
+my $fastaSeqId = "";
+my $fastaSeq = "";
+my $qualSeqId = "";
+my $qualSeq = "";
+my $seqCount = 0;
+my $trimCount = 0;
+my $trashCount = 0;
+	my ($seqFileName, $filePath) = fileparse($seqFile);
+	my ($qualFileName) = fileparse($qualFile) if(scalar(@files) == 2);
+	$outFolder = $filePath if($outFolder eq "");
+	$outFolder .= "/" if($outFolder !~ /\/$/);
+	if(! -e $outFolder) {
+		mkdir($outFolder) or die "Can not create output folder: $outFolder\n";
+	}
+	$outSeqFile = $outFolder . $seqFileName . "_trimmed";
+	$outQualFile = $outFolder . $qualFileName . "_trimmed" if(scalar(@files) == 2);
+	open(I, "<$seqFile") or die "Can not open file: $seqFile\n"; 
+	open(Q, "<$qualFile") or die "Can not open file: $qualFile\n" if(scalar(@files) == 2);
+	open(OI, ">$outSeqFile") or die "Can not open file: $outSeqFile\n"; 
+	open(OQ, ">$outQualFile") or die "Can not open file: $outQualFile\n" if(scalar(@files) == 2);
+if(scalar(@files) == 2) { 
+	while(my $line = <I>) {
+		chomp $line;
+		my $qualLine = <Q>;
+		chomp($qualLine);
+		if($line =~ /^>/) {
+			$seqCount++;
+			$prevFastaSeqId = $fastaSeqId;
+			$fastaSeqId = $line;
+			$qualSeqId = $qualLine;
+			if($fastaSeqId ne $qualSeqId) {
+				print STDERR "Error: Read Id doesn't match in sequence and quality file for read number $seqCount in sequence file.\n";
+				exit(-1);
+			}
+			if($fastaSeq ne "") {
+				processSeq();
+			}
+			$fastaSeq = "";
+			$qualSeq = "";
+		}
+		else {
+			$fastaSeq .= $line;
+			$qualSeq .= $qualLine . " ";
+		}
+	}
+	if($fastaSeq ne "") {
+		$prevFastaSeqId = $fastaSeqId;
+		processSeq();
+	}
+else {
+	while(my $line = <I>) {
+		chomp $line;
+		if($line =~ /^>/) {
+			$seqCount++;
+			$prevFastaSeqId = $fastaSeqId;
+			$fastaSeqId = $line;
+			if($fastaSeq ne "") {
+				processSeq();
+			}
+			$fastaSeq = "";
+		}
+		else {
+			$fastaSeq .= $line;
+		}
+	}
+	if($fastaSeq ne "") {
+		$prevFastaSeqId = $fastaSeqId;
+		processSeq();
+	}
+print "Number of reads/sequences trashed with length < $minReadLen: $trashCount\n";
+print "Number of reads/sequences trimmed containing homopolymer: $trimCount\n";
+print "Trimmed read/sequence file: $outSeqFile\n";
+print "Trimmed quality file: $outQualFile\n" if(scalar(@files) == 2);
+sub processSeq {
+	if(length $fastaSeq < $minReadLen) {
+		$trashCount++;
+		return;
+	}
+	if($homoPolyLen != 0) {
+		if(hasPolyChar(\$fastaSeq)) {
+			$trimCount++;
+			$qualSeq = trimQualSeq($qualSeq, length $fastaSeq) if(scalar(@files) == 2);
+		}
+	}
+	if(length $fastaSeq < $minReadLen) {
+		$trashCount++;
+		return;
+	}
+	print OI "$prevFastaSeqId\n";
+	print OI formatSeq($fastaSeq), "\n";
+	print OQ "$prevFastaSeqId\n" if(scalar(@files) == 2);
+	print OQ formatQualSeq($qualSeq), "\n" if(scalar(@files) == 2);
+sub hasPolyChar {
+	my $seqRef = $_[0];
+	my $flag = 0;
+	if($$seqRef =~ s/(A{$homoPolyLen,}).*//i) {
+		$flag = 1;
+	}
+	if($$seqRef =~ s/(T{$homoPolyLen,}).*//i) {
+		$flag = 1;
+	}
+	if($$seqRef =~ s/(G{$homoPolyLen,}).*//i) {
+		$flag = 1;
+	}
+	if($$seqRef =~ s/(C{$homoPolyLen,}).*//i) {
+		$flag = 1;
+	}
+	return $flag;
+sub trimQualSeq {
+	my $qualSeq = $_[0];
+	my $seqLen = $_[1];
+	$qualSeq =~ /^((\d{1,2}\s+){$seqLen})/;
+	my $trimmedQualSeq = $1;
+	$trimmedQualSeq =~ s/\s+$//;
+	return $trimmedQualSeq;
+sub formatSeq {
+	my $seq = $_[0];
+    my $newSeq = "";
+    my $ch = 60;
+    for(my $i=0; $i<length $seq; $i+=$ch) {
+        $newSeq .= substr($seq, $i, $ch) . "\n";
+    }
+    chomp($newSeq);         # To remove \n at the end of the whole sequence..
+    return $newSeq;
+sub formatQualSeq {
+	my $qualSeq = $_[0];
+	my $fQSeq = "";
+	my $ch = 60;
+	my $valCount = 0;
+	my @arr = split(" ", $qualSeq);
+	for(my $i=0; $i<@arr; $i++) {
+		$valCount++;
+		if($valCount % $ch == 0) {
+			$fQSeq .= $arr[$i] . "\n";
+		}
+		else {
+			$fQSeq .= $arr[$i] . " ";
+		}
+	}
+	$fQSeq =~ s/\s+$//;
+	return $fQSeq;
+sub prtHelp {
+	print "\n$0 options:\n\n";
+	print "### Input reads/sequences (FASTA format; .fna and .qual files) (Required)\n";
+	print "  -i <Read/Sequence file> [Quality file (optional)]\n";
+	print "    Read/Sequence and quality file in FASTA format\n";
+	print "\n";
+	print "### Other options [Optional]\n";
+	print "  -h | -help\n";
+	print "    Prints this help\n";
+	print "  -l | -minReadLen <Integer>\n";
+	print "    Minimum length of a read/sequence to be retained in output\n";
+	print "    default: 100\n";
+	print "  -n | -homoPolyLen <Integer>\n";
+	print "    Minimum length of the homopolymer to be trimmed\n";
+	print "      For eg.: -n 8, will trim the right end of read/sequence from the homopolymer of at least 8 bases long\n";
+	print "      Note:- use -n 0 to skip homopolymer trimming (for only length filtering)\n";
+	print "    default: 8\n";
+	print "  -o | -outputFolder <Output folder name/path>\n";
+	print "    Output will be stored in the given folder\n";
+	print "    default: By default, files will be stored where the input files are\n";
+	print "\n";
+sub prtError {
+	my $msg = $_[0];
+	print STDERR "+======================================================================+\n";
+	printf STDERR "|%-70s|\n", "  Error:";
+	printf STDERR "|%-70s|\n", "       $msg";
+	print STDERR "+======================================================================+\n";
+	prtUsage();
+	exit;
+sub prtUsage {
+	print "\nUsage: perl $0 <options>\n";
+	prtHelp();
diff --git a/Trimming/TrimmingReads.pl b/Trimming/TrimmingReads.pl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..98071c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Trimming/TrimmingReads.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,446 @@
+#! /usr/bin/perl
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Getopt::Long;
+use File::Basename;
+use List::Util qw(sum min max);
+my $seqFormat = "a";		# 1: Sanger; 2: Solexa; 3: Illumina 1.3+; 4: Illumina 1.5+;
+my $subVal;
+my $subVal2;
+# Parameter variables
+my $file;
+my $file2;
+my $helpAsked;
+my $rTrimBases = 0;
+my $lTrimBases = 0;
+my $qCutOff = 0;
+my $lenCutOff = -1;
+my $outFile = "";
+my $isQualTrimming = 1;
+			"i=s" => \$file,
+			"irev=s" => \$file2,
+			"h|help" => \$helpAsked,
+			"l|leftTrimBases=i" => \$lTrimBases,
+			"o|outputFile=s" => \$outFile,
+			"r|rightTrimBases=i" => \$rTrimBases,
+			"q|qualCutOff=i" => \$qCutOff,
+			"n|lenCutOff=i" => \$lenCutOff,
+		  );
+if(defined($helpAsked)) {
+	prtUsage();
+	exit;
+if(!defined($file)) {
+	prtError("No input files are provided");
+if($file2) {
+	$outFile = $file . "_trimmed";
+	my $outFile2 = $file2 . "_trimmed";
+	open(I1, "$file") or die "Can not open file $file\n";
+	open(I2, "$file2") or die "Can not open file $file2\n";
+	open(O1, ">$outFile") or die "Can not create file $outFile\n";
+	open(O2, ">$outFile2") or die "Can not create file $outFile2\n";
+	my $tmpLine = <I1>;
+	close(I1);
+	if($tmpLine =~ /^@/) {
+		print "Input read/sequence format: FASTQ (Paired-end)\n";
+		if($lTrimBases == 0 && $rTrimBases == 0 && $qCutOff == 0 && $lenCutOff == -1) {
+			print "Trimming parameters are not set.\nNothing to do.\nExiting...\n";
+			unlink($outFile);
+			unlink($outFile2);
+			exit;
+		}
+		print "Checking FASTQ variant: File $file...\n";
+		my $nLines = checkFastQFormat($file, 1);
+		$subVal = getSubVal($seqFormat);
+		print "Checking FASTQ variant: File $file2...\n";
+		my $nLines2 = checkFastQFormat($file2, 1);
+		$subVal2 = getSubVal($seqFormat);
+		if($nLines != $nLines2) {
+			prtErrorExit("Number of reads in paired-end data files are not same.\n\t\tFiles: $file, $file2");
+		}
+		if($subVal != $subVal2) {
+			prtErrorExit("FASTQ variant of paired-end data files are not same.\n\t\tFiles: $file, $file2");
+		}
+		if($lTrimBases != 0 || $rTrimBases != 0) {
+			print "Trimming $lTrimBases bases from left end and $rTrimBases bases from right end";
+			$isQualTrimming = 0;
+		}
+		else {
+			print "Trimming based on PHRED quality score (< $qCutOff)";
+		}
+		print " followed by length filtering (< $lenCutOff bp)\n";
+		open(I1, "$file") or die "Can not open file $file\n";
+		my $c = 0;
+		my $currId1 = "";
+		my $currId2 = "";
+		my $currSeq = "";
+		my $currQual = "";
+		my $curr2Id1 = "";
+		my $curr2Id2 = "";
+		my $currSeq2 = "";
+		my $currQual2 = "";
+		while(my $line = <I1>) {
+			my $line2 = <I2>;
+			chomp $line;
+			chomp $line2;
+	        $c++;
+	        if($c == 5) {
+	                $c = 1;
+	        }
+	        if($c == 1) {
+	        	$currId1 = $line;
+	        	$curr2Id1 = $line2;
+	        }
+	        if($c == 3) {
+	        	$currId2 = $line;
+	        	$curr2Id2 = $line2;
+	        }
+	        if($isQualTrimming == 0) {
+		        if($c == 2) {
+		        	$currSeq = trimSeq($line);
+		        	$currSeq2 = trimSeq($line2);
+		        }
+		        elsif($c == 4) {
+		        	$currQual = trimSeq($line);
+		        	$currQual2 = trimSeq($line2);
+		        	print O1 "$currId1\n$currSeq\n$currId2\n$currQual\n" if((length $currSeq >= $lenCutOff) && (length $currSeq2 >= $lenCutOff));
+		        	print O2 "$curr2Id1\n$currSeq2\n$curr2Id2\n$currQual2\n" if((length $currSeq >= $lenCutOff) && (length $currSeq2 >= $lenCutOff));
+		        }
+	        }
+	        else {
+		        if($c == 4) {
+					$currQual = trimSeq4Qual($line);
+					$currQual2 = trimSeq4Qual($line2);
+					if(defined($currQual) && defined($currQual2)) {
+						my $len = length $currQual;
+						my $len2 = length $currQual2;
+						$currSeq =~ /^(.{$len})/;
+						$currSeq = $1;
+						$currSeq2 =~ /^(.{$len2})/;
+						$currSeq2 = $1;
+			        	print O1 "$currId1\n$currSeq\n$currId2\n$currQual\n" if((length $currSeq >= $lenCutOff) && (length $currSeq2 >= $lenCutOff));
+			        	print O2 "$curr2Id1\n$currSeq2\n$curr2Id2\n$currQual2\n" if((length $currSeq >= $lenCutOff) && (length $currSeq2 >= $lenCutOff));
+					}
+		        }
+		        elsif($c == 2) {
+		        	$currSeq = $line;
+		        	$currSeq2 = $line2;
+		        }
+	        }
+		}
+		print "Trimmed files are generated: $outFile $outFile2\n";
+	}
+	else {
+		print "Error:::\n\tPaired-end sequeneing data need to be in FASTQ format\n";
+		exit;
+	}
+	close(O2);
+	close(O1);
+	close(I2);
+	close(I1);
+else {
+	$outFile = $file . "_trimmed" if($outFile eq "");
+	open(I, "$file") or die "Can not open file $file\n";
+	open(O, ">$outFile") or die "Can not create file $outFile\n";
+	my $tmpLine = <I>;
+	close(I);
+	if($tmpLine =~ /^@/) {
+		print "Input read/sequence format: FASTQ\n";
+		if($lTrimBases == 0 && $rTrimBases == 0 && $qCutOff == 0 && $lenCutOff == -1) {
+			print "Trimming parameters are not set.\nNothing to do.\nExiting...\n";
+			unlink($outFile);
+			exit;
+		}
+		print "Checking FASTQ variant: File $file...\n";
+		my $nLines = checkFastQFormat($file, 1);
+		$subVal = getSubVal($seqFormat);
+		if($lTrimBases != 0 || $rTrimBases != 0) {
+			print "Trimming $lTrimBases bases from left end and $rTrimBases bases from right end";
+			$isQualTrimming = 0;
+		}
+		else {
+			print "Trimming based on PHRED quality score (< $qCutOff)";
+		}
+		print " followed by length filtering (< $lenCutOff bp)\n";
+		open(I, "$file") or die "Can not open file $file\n";	
+		my $c = 0;
+		my $currId1 = "";
+		my $currId2 = "";
+		my $currSeq = "";
+		my $currQual = "";
+		while(my $line = <I>) {
+			chomp $line;
+	        $c++;
+	        if($c == 5) {
+	                $c = 1;
+	        }
+	        if($c == 1) {
+	        	$currId1 = $line;
+	        }
+	        if($c == 3) {
+	        	$currId2 = $line;
+	        }
+	        if($isQualTrimming == 0) {
+		        if($c == 2) {
+		        	$currSeq = trimSeq($line);
+		        }
+		        elsif($c == 4) {
+		        	$currQual = trimSeq($line);
+		        	print O "$currId1\n$currSeq\n$currId2\n$currQual\n" if(length $currSeq >= $lenCutOff);
+		        }
+	        }
+	        else {
+		        if($c == 4) {
+					$currQual = trimSeq4Qual($line);
+					if(defined($currQual)) {
+						my $len = length $currQual;
+						$currSeq =~ /^(.{$len})/;
+						$currSeq = $1;
+			        	print O "$currId1\n$currSeq\n$currId2\n$currQual\n" if(length $currSeq >= $lenCutOff);
+					}
+		        }
+		        elsif($c == 2) {
+		        	$currSeq = $line;
+		        }
+	        }
+		}
+		print "Trimmed file is generated: $outFile\n";
+	}
+	else {
+		print "Input read/sequence format: FASTA\n";
+		if($qCutOff != 0) {
+			print "Warning: Quality trimming can not be performed for FASTA files\n";
+			$qCutOff = 0;
+		}
+		if($lTrimBases == 0 && $rTrimBases == 0 && $lenCutOff == -1) {
+			print "Trimming parameters are not set.\nNothing to do.\nExiting...\n";
+			unlink($outFile);
+			exit;
+		}
+		print "Trimming $lTrimBases bases from left end and $rTrimBases bases from right end followed by length filtering (< $lenCutOff bp)\n";
+		open(I, "$file") or die "Can not open file $file\n";
+		my $prevFastaSeqId = "";
+		my $fastaSeqId = "";
+		my $fastaSeq = "";
+		while(my $line = <I>) {
+			chomp $line;
+			if($line =~ /^>/) {
+				$prevFastaSeqId = $fastaSeqId;
+				$fastaSeqId = $line;
+				if($fastaSeq ne "") {
+					my $outSeq = trimSeq($fastaSeq);
+					print O "$prevFastaSeqId\n", formatSeq($outSeq), "\n" if(length $outSeq >= $lenCutOff);
+				}
+				$fastaSeq = "";
+			}
+			else {
+				$fastaSeq .= $line;
+			}
+		}
+		if($fastaSeq ne "") {
+			$prevFastaSeqId = $fastaSeqId;
+			my $outSeq = trimSeq($fastaSeq);
+			print O "$prevFastaSeqId\n", formatSeq($outSeq), "\n" if(length $outSeq >= $lenCutOff);
+		}
+		print "Trimmed read/sequence file is generated: $outFile\n";
+	}
+	close(O);
+	close(I);
+sub trimSeq {
+	my $seq = $_[0];
+	$seq =~ /^.{$lTrimBases}(.+).{$rTrimBases}$/;
+	return $1;
+sub trimSeq4Qual {
+	my $qual = $_[0];
+	my @ASCII = unpack("C*", $qual);
+	my $trimCount = 0;
+	for(my $i=@ASCII; $i>0; $i--) {
+		my $val = $ASCII[$i-1];
+		$val -= $subVal;
+		if($val < $qCutOff) {
+			$trimCount++;
+		}
+		else {
+			last;
+		}
+	}
+	$qual =~ /^(.+).{$trimCount}$/;
+	return $1;
+sub formatSeq {
+	my $seq = $_[0];
+    my $newSeq = "";
+    my $ch = 60;
+    for(my $i=0; $i<length $seq; $i+=$ch) {
+        $newSeq .= substr($seq, $i, $ch) . "\n";
+    }
+    chomp($newSeq);         # To remove \n at the end of the whole sequence..
+    return $newSeq;
+sub prtHelp {
+	print "\n$0 options:\n\n";
+	print "### Input reads/sequences (FASTQ/FASTA) (Required)\n";
+	print "  -i <Forward read/sequence file>\n";
+	print "    File containing reads/sequences in either FASTQ or FASTA format\n";
+	print "\n";
+	print "### Input reads/sequences (FASTQ) [Optional]\n";
+	print "  -irev <Reverse read/sequence file of paired-end data>\n";
+	print "    File containing reverse reads/sequences of paired-end data in FASTQ format\n";
+	print "\n";
+	print "### Other options [Optional]\n";
+	print "  -h | -help\n";
+	print "    Prints this help\n";
+	print "--------------------------------- Trimming Options ---------------------------------\n";
+	print "  -l | -leftTrimBases <Integer>\n";
+	print "    Number of bases to be trimmed from left end (5' end)\n";
+	print "    default: 0\n";
+	print "  -r | -rightTrimBases <Integer>\n";
+	print "    Number of bases to be trimmed from right end (3' end)\n";
+	print "    default: 0\n";
+	print "  -q | -qualCutOff <Integer> (Only for FASTQ files)\n";
+	print "    Cut-off PHRED quality score for trimming reads from right end (3' end)\n";
+	print "      For eg.: -q 20, will trim bases having PHRED quality score less than 20 at 3' end of the read\n";
+	print "      Note: Quality trimming can be performed only if -l and -r are not used\n";
+	print "    default: 0 (i.e. quality trimming is OFF)\n";
+	print "  -n | -lenCutOff <Integer>\n";
+	print "    Read length cut-off\n";
+	print "    Reads shorter than given length will be discarded\n";
+	print "    default: -1 (i.e. length filtering is OFF)\n";
+	print "--------------------------------- Output Options ---------------------------------\n";
+	print "  -o | -outputFile <Output file name>\n";
+	print "    Output will be stored in the given file\n";
+	print "    default: By default, output file will be stored where the input file is\n";
+	print "\n";
+sub prtError {
+	my $msg = $_[0];
+	print STDERR "+======================================================================+\n";
+	printf STDERR "|%-70s|\n", "  Error:";
+	printf STDERR "|%-70s|\n", "       $msg";
+	print STDERR "+======================================================================+\n";
+	prtUsage();
+	exit;
+sub prtErrorExit {
+	my $errmsg = $_[0];
+	print STDERR "Error:\t", $errmsg, "\n";
+	exit;
+sub prtUsage {
+	print "\nUsage: perl $0 <options>\n";
+	prtHelp();
+sub checkFastQFormat {				# Takes FASTQ file as an input and if the format is incorrect it will print error and exit, otherwise it will return the number of lines in the file.
+	my $file = $_[0];
+	my $isVariantIdntfcntOn = $_[1];
+	my $lines = 0;
+	open(F, "<$file") or die "Can not open file $file\n";
+	my $counter = 0;
+	my $minVal = 1000;
+	my $maxVal = 0;
+	while(my $line = <F>) {
+		$lines++;
+		$counter++;
+		next if($line =~ /^\n$/);
+		if($counter == 1 && $line !~ /^\@/) {
+			prtErrorExit("Invalid FASTQ file format.\n\t\tFile: $file");
+		}
+		if($counter == 3 && $line !~ /^\+/) {
+			prtErrorExit("Invalid FASTQ file format.\n\t\tFile: $file");
+		}
+		if($counter == 4 && $lines < 1000000) {
+			chomp $line;
+			my @ASCII = unpack("C*", $line);
+			$minVal = min(min(@ASCII), $minVal);
+			$maxVal = max(max(@ASCII), $maxVal);
+		}
+		if($counter == 4) {
+			$counter = 0;
+		}
+	}
+	close(F);
+	my $tseqFormat = 0;
+	if($minVal >= 33 && $minVal <= 73 && $maxVal >= 33 && $maxVal <= 73) {
+		$tseqFormat = 1;
+	}
+	elsif($minVal >= 66 && $minVal <= 105 && $maxVal >= 66 && $maxVal <= 105) {
+		$tseqFormat = 4;			# Illumina 1.5+
+	}
+	elsif($minVal >= 64 && $minVal <= 105 && $maxVal >= 64 && $maxVal <= 105) {
+		$tseqFormat = 3;			# Illumina 1.3+
+	}
+	elsif($minVal >= 59 && $minVal <= 105 && $maxVal >= 59 && $maxVal <= 105) {
+		$tseqFormat = 2;			# Solexa
+	}
+	elsif($minVal >= 33 && $minVal <= 74 && $maxVal >= 33 && $maxVal <= 74) {
+		$tseqFormat = 5;			# Illumina 1.8+
+	}
+	if($isVariantIdntfcntOn) {
+		$seqFormat = $tseqFormat;
+	}
+	else {
+		if($tseqFormat != $seqFormat) {
+			print STDERR "Warning: It seems the specified variant of FASTQ doesn't match the quality values in input FASTQ files.\n";
+		}
+	}
+	return $lines;
+sub getSubVal {
+	my $seqFormat = $_[0];
+	my $subVal = 0;
+	if($seqFormat == 1) {
+		$subVal = 33;
+		print "Input FASTQ file format: Sanger\n";
+	}
+	if($seqFormat == 2) {
+		$subVal = 64;
+		print "Input FASTQ file format: Solexa\n";
+	}
+	if($seqFormat == 3) {
+		$subVal = 64;
+		print "Input FASTQ file format: Illumina 1.3+\n";
+	}
+	if($seqFormat == 4) {
+		$subVal = 64;
+		print "Input FASTQ file format: Illumina 1.5+\n";
+	}
+	if($seqFormat == 5) {
+		$subVal = 33;
+		print "Input FASTQ file format: Illumina 1.8+\n";
+	}
+	return $subVal;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/debian/changelog b/debian/changelog
deleted file mode 100644
index 3faae99..0000000
--- a/debian/changelog
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-ngsqctoolkit (2.3.3-1) UNRELEASED; urgency=low
-  * Initial release (Closes: #<bug>)
- -- Andreas Tille <tille at debian.org>  Fri, 14 Nov 2014 16:21:56 +0100
diff --git a/debian/compat b/debian/compat
deleted file mode 100644
index ec63514..0000000
--- a/debian/compat
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/debian/control b/debian/control
deleted file mode 100644
index 6847097..0000000
--- a/debian/control
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-Source: ngsqctoolkit
-Maintainer: Debian Med Packaging Team <debian-med-packaging at lists.alioth.debian.org>
-Uploaders: Andreas Tille <tille at debian.org>
-Section: science
-Priority: optional
-Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 9)
-Standards-Version: 3.9.6
-Vcs-Browser: http://anonscm.debian.org/viewvc/debian-med/trunk/packages/ngsqctoolkit/trunk/
-Vcs-Svn: svn://anonscm.debian.org/debian-med/trunk/packages/ngsqctoolkit/trunk/
-Package: ngsqctoolkit
-Architecture: any
-Depends: ${shlibs:Depends},
-         ${misc:Depends},
-         libgd-graph-perl,
-         libgd-text-perl,
-         libstring-approx-perl
-Description: toolkit for the quality control of next generation sequencing data
- NGS QC Toolkit: A toolkit for the quality control (QC) of next
- generation sequencing (NGS) data. The toolkit comprises of user-friendly
- stand alone tools for quality control of the sequence data generated
- using Illumina and Roche 454 platforms with detailed results in the form
- of tables and graphs, and filtering of high-quality sequence data. It
- also includes few other tools, which are helpful in NGS data quality
- control and analysis. 
diff --git a/debian/copyright b/debian/copyright
deleted file mode 100644
index cb158be..0000000
--- a/debian/copyright
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-Format: http://www.debian.org/doc/packaging-manuals/copyright-format/1.0/
-Upstream-Name: NGS QC Toolkit
-Upstream-Contact: Mukesh Jain <mjain at nipgr.ac.in> (mjainanid at gmail.com)
-Files: *
-Copyright: © 2010-2014 Mukesh Jain
-License: to_be_clarified
-Files: debian/*
-Copyright: © 2014 maintainername <maintainer at e.mail>
-License: <license>
diff --git a/debian/docs b/debian/docs
deleted file mode 100644
index 53c1ee8..0000000
--- a/debian/docs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/debian/install b/debian/install
deleted file mode 100644
index 21531d9..0000000
--- a/debian/install
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-QC/lib/*	usr/share/perl5/ngsqctoolkit
-*/*.pl		usr/share/ngsqctoolkit
diff --git a/debian/rules b/debian/rules
deleted file mode 100755
index fc9ccde..0000000
--- a/debian/rules
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/make -f
-# DH_VERBOSE := 1
-DEBPKGNAME     := $(shell dpkg-parsechangelog | awk '/^Source:/ {print $$2}')
-	dh $@
-	dh_fixperms
-	chmod +x debian/$(DEBPKGNAME)/usr/share/ngsqctoolkit/*.pl
-	mkdir -p debian/$(DEBPKGNAME)/usr/bin
-	for pl in debian/$(DEBPKGNAME)/usr/share/ngsqctoolkit/*.pl ; do \
-	    ln -s ../share/ngsqctoolkit/`basename $${pl}` debian/$(DEBPKGNAME)/usr/bin/`basename $${pl} .pl` ; \
-	done
-#	. debian/get-orig-source
diff --git a/debian/source/format b/debian/source/format
deleted file mode 100644
index 163aaf8..0000000
--- a/debian/source/format
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-3.0 (quilt)
diff --git a/debian/upstream/metadata b/debian/upstream/metadata
deleted file mode 100644
index 684d8ff..0000000
--- a/debian/upstream/metadata
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-  Author: Ravi K. Patel and Mukesh Jain
-  Title: "NGS QC Toolkit: A Toolkit for Quality Control of Next Generation Sequencing Data"
-  Journal: PLoS One
-  Year: 2012
-  Volume: 7
-  Number: 2
-  Pages: e30619
-  DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0030619
-  PMID: 22312429
-  URL: http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0030619
-  eprint: http://www.plosone.org/article/fetchObject.action?uri=info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pone.0030619&representation=PDF
diff --git a/debian/watch b/debian/watch
deleted file mode 100644
index d428d33..0000000
--- a/debian/watch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-#http://nipgr.res.in/ngsqctoolkit.html .*/NGSQCToolkit_v([\d.]+)\.zip
-opts=repack,compress=xz \
- .*/NGSQCToolkit_v([\d.]+)\.zip
-# .*download.pl\?toolkit=NGSQCToolkit_v([\d.]+)\.zip

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-med/ngsqctoolkit.git

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