[med-svn] [plink1.9] 01/02: Merge tag 'debian/1.90_b3.45-170113-1' into debian/jessie-backports

Andreas Tille tille at debian.org
Wed Jun 7 12:31:46 UTC 2017

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

tille pushed a commit to branch debian/jessie-backports
in repository plink1.9.

commit 93336a8bd2f4d1b0004831de320ededcfefef073
Merge: a945561 026f950
Author: Andreas Tille <tille at debian.org>
Date:   Wed Jun 7 14:24:30 2017 +0200

    Merge tag 'debian/1.90_b3.45-170113-1' into debian/jessie-backports
    plink1.9 Debian release 1.90~b3.45-170113-1

 Makefile                                      |   37 +-
 bgzf.c                                        |    2 +
 debian/NEWS.Debian                            |   35 -
 debian/README.Debian                          |   42 +-
 debian/README.source                          |   11 +
 debian/TODO.Debian                            |    1 -
 debian/changelog                              |   49 +
 debian/compat                                 |    2 +-
 debian/control                                |    6 +-
 debian/copyright                              |   50 +-
 debian/examples                               |    3 +-
 debian/install                                |    1 +
 debian/links                                  |    4 +
 debian/patches/01.Makefile_config.patch       |   80 +
 debian/patches/01_Fix_use_internal_lib.patch  |   63 -
 debian/patches/02_Activate_Stable_Build.patch |    6 +-
 debian/patches/series                         |    2 +-
 debian/rules                                  |   24 +-
 debian/upstream.changelog                     |  277 +
 debian/watch                                  |    4 +-
 pigz.c                                        |   50 +-
 plink.c                                       | 1084 +--
 plink_assoc.c                                 |  583 +-
 plink_assoc.h                                 |   17 +
 plink_calc.c                                  |  438 +-
 plink_cluster.c                               |  153 +-
 plink_cnv.c                                   |  781 +-
 plink_cnv.h                                   |   19 +-
 plink_common.c                                | 1332 ++--
 plink_common.h                                |  577 +-
 plink_data.c                                  | 9893 +++++++++++++------------
 plink_data.h                                  |   21 +-
 plink_dosage.c                                |  214 +-
 plink_dosage.h                                |   17 +
 plink_family.c                                |  289 +-
 plink_family.h                                |   17 +
 plink_filter.c                                |  570 +-
 plink_filter.h                                |   17 +
 plink_first_compile                           |   10 +-
 plink_glm.c                                   |  497 +-
 plink_glm.h                                   |   17 +
 plink_help.c                                  |  196 +-
 plink_help.h                                  |   17 +
 plink_homozyg.c                               |  136 +-
 plink_homozyg.h                               |   17 +
 plink_lasso.c                                 |  302 +-
 plink_lasso.h                                 |   19 +
 plink_ld.c                                    |  999 +--
 plink_ld.h                                    |   51 +-
 plink_matrix.c                                |   37 +-
 plink_matrix.h                                |   24 +
 plink_misc.c                                  | 2760 +++----
 plink_misc.h                                  |   17 +
 plink_perm.c                                  |   43 +-
 plink_perm.h                                  |   17 +
 plink_rserve.c                                |   53 +-
 plink_rserve.h                                |   17 +
 plink_set.c                                   |  703 +-
 plink_set.h                                   |   17 +
 plink_stats.c                                 |   21 +-
 plink_stats.h                                 |   17 +
 61 files changed, 12283 insertions(+), 10475 deletions(-)

diff --cc debian/changelog
index 61b9c54,749aea9..2dfc61b
--- a/debian/changelog
+++ b/debian/changelog
@@@ -1,9 -1,52 +1,58 @@@
+ plink1.9 (1.90~b3.45-170113-1) unstable; urgency=medium
+   * New upstream release.
+   * Refresh patch.
+   * Update d/copyright: 2017.
+  -- Dylan Aïssi <bob.dybian at gmail.com>  Mon, 16 Jan 2017 23:18:12 +0100
+ plink1.9 (1.90~b3.44-161117-1) unstable; urgency=medium
+   * New upstream release.
+   * Bump debhelper 10.
+   * Bump watch file v4.
+   * Update patch to configure makefile for dynamic linking and hardening.
+  -- Dylan Aïssi <bob.dybian at gmail.com>  Tue, 22 Nov 2016 23:08:55 +0100
+ plink1.9 (1.90~b3.43-161010-1) unstable; urgency=medium
+   * New upstream release.
+   * Update license of plink1.9 from GPL-3 to GPL-3+.
+   * Install an upstream changelog.
+   * Remove 03_Fix_FTBFS_GCC6.patch, fixed upstream.
+   * Remove d/NEWS.Debian, redundant with d/README.Debian.
+  -- Dylan Aïssi <bob.dybian at gmail.com>  Mon, 24 Oct 2016 22:47:36 +0200
+ plink1.9 (1.90~b3.40-160816-2) unstable; urgency=medium
+   * Add an upstream patch to fix FTBFS for non-amd64 builds (Closes: #811910)
+   * More simple rules file.
+  -- Dylan Aïssi <bob.dybian at gmail.com>  Tue, 30 Aug 2016 22:11:27 +0200
+ plink1.9 (1.90~b3.40-160816-1) unstable; urgency=medium
+   * New upstream release.
+   * Set all hardening options.
+   * Update uscan options.
+  -- Dylan Aïssi <bob.dybian at gmail.com>  Wed, 24 Aug 2016 23:32:15 +0200
+ plink1.9 (1.90~b3.36-160416-1) unstable; urgency=low
+   * New upstream release
+   * Standards-Version: 3.9.8 (no changes needed)
+  -- Dylan Aïssi <bob.dybian at gmail.com>  Tue, 26 Apr 2016 22:28:27 +0200
 +plink1.9 (1.90~b3.31-160203-1~bpo8+1) jessie-backports; urgency=medium
 +  * Rebuild for jessie-backports.
 + -- Andreas Tille <tille at debian.org>  Sat, 12 Mar 2016 00:21:37 +0100
  plink1.9 (1.90~b3.31-160203-1) unstable; urgency=low
    * New upstream release (Closes: #811910)

Alioth's /usr/local/bin/git-commit-notice on /srv/git.debian.org/git/debian-med/plink1.9.git

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