[med-svn] [Git][med-team/bbmap][master] Add manpage for reformat.sh
Andreas Tille
gitlab at salsa.debian.org
Sat Apr 6 07:13:13 BST 2019
Andreas Tille pushed to branch master at Debian Med / bbmap
46a3f1ba by Andreas Tille at 2019-04-06T06:07:29Z
Add manpage for reformat.sh
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1 changed file:
- + debian/mans/reformat.sh.1
@@ -0,0 +1,435 @@
+.\" DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE! It was generated by help2man 1.47.8.
+.TH REFORMAT.SH "1" "April 2019" "reformat.sh 38.43" "User Commands"
+reformat.sh \- Reformats reads between fasta/fastq/scarf/fasta+qual/sam, interleaved/paired, and ASCII-33/64
+.B reformat.sh
+\fI\,in=<file> in2=<file2> out=<outfile> out2=<outfile2>\/\fR
+Reformats reads to change ASCII quality encoding, interleaving, file format, or compression format.
+Optionally performs additional functions such as quality trimming, subsetting, and subsampling.
+Supports fastq, fasta, fasta+qual, scarf, oneline, sam, bam, gzip, bz2.
+Please read bbmap/docs/guides/ReformatGuide.txt for more information.
+in2 and out2 are for paired reads and are optional.
+If input is paired and there is only one output file, it will be written interleaved.
+.SS Parameters and their defaults:
+(overwrite) Overwrites files that already exist.
+(append) Append to files that already exist.
+(ziplevel) Set compression level, 1 (low) to 9 (max).
+(interleaved) Determines whether INPUT file is considered interleaved.
+Length of lines in fasta output.
+Set to a non\-zero number to break fasta files into reads of at most this length.
+Ignore fasta reads shorter than this.
+ASCII offset for input quality. May be 33 (Sanger), 64 (Illumina), or auto.
+ASCII offset for output quality. May be 33 (Sanger), 64 (Illumina), or auto (same as input).
+Quality value used for fasta to fastq reformatting.
+qfin=<.qual file>
+Read qualities from this qual file, for the reads coming from 'in=<fasta file>'
+qfin2=<.qual file>
+Read qualities from this qual file, for the reads coming from 'in2=<fasta file>'
+qfout=<.qual file>
+Write qualities from this qual file, for the reads going to 'out=<fasta file>'
+qfout2=<.qual file>
+Write qualities from this qual file, for the reads coming from 'out2=<fasta file>'
+(outs) If a read is longer than minlength and its mate is shorter, the longer one goes here.
+Delete input upon successful completion.
+Optional reference fasta for sam processing.
+.SS Processing Parameters
+(vpair) When true, checks reads to see if the names look paired. Prints an error message if not.
+(vint) sets 'vpair' to true and 'interleaved' to true.
+(ain) When verifying pair names, allows identical names, instead of requiring \fI\,/1\/\fP and \fI\,/2\/\fP or 1: and 2:
+(tbr) Discard reads that have different numbers of bases and qualities. By default this will be detected and cause a crash.
+(ibq) Fix out\-of\-range quality values instead of crashing with a warning.
+Append ' /1' and ' /2' to read names, if not already present. Please include the flag 'int=t' if the reads are interleaved.
+Put a space before the slash in addslash mode.
+Append ' 1:' and ' 2:' to read names, if not already present. Please include the flag 'int=t' if the reads are interleaved.
+Change whitespace in read names to underscores.
+(rc) Reverse\-compliment reads.
+(rcm) Reverse\-compliment read 2 only.
+(cq) N bases always get a quality of 0 and ACGT bases get a min quality of 2.
+Quantize qualities to a subset of values like NextSeq. Can also be used with comma\-delimited list, like quantize=0,8,13,22,27,32,37
+(touppercase) Change lowercase letters in reads to uppercase.
+Make duplicate names unique by appending _<number>.
+A set of pairs: remap=CTGN will transform C>T and G>N.
+Use remap1 and remap2 to specify read 1 or 2.
+(itn) Convert non\-ACGTN symbols to N.
+Kill this process if it crashes. monitor=600,0.01 would kill after 600 seconds under 1% usage.
+Crash when encountering reads with invalid bases.
+Discard reads with invalid characters as bases.
+Convert invalid bases to N.
+Convert nonstandard header characters to standard ASCII.
+(recal) Recalibrate quality scores. Must first generate matrices with CalcTrueQuality.
+Quality scores capped at this upper bound.
+Quality scores of ACGT bases will be capped at lower bound.
+(trd) Trim the names of reads after the first whitespace.
+For sam/bam files, trim rname/rnext fields after the first space.
+Replace characters in headers such as space, *, and | to make them valid file names.
+For fasta, issue a warning if a sequenceless header is encountered.
+Issue a warning for only the first sequenceless header.
+Convert U to T (for RNA \-> DNA translation).
+Pad the left end of sequences with this many symbols.
+Pad the right end of sequences with this many symbols.
+Set padleft and padright to the same value.
+Symbol to use for padding.
+.SS Histogram output parameters
+Base composition histogram by position.
+Quality histogram by position.
+Count of bases with each quality value.
+Histogram of average read quality.
+Quality histogram designed for box plots.
+Read length histogram.
+Read GC content histogram.
+Number gchist bins. Set to 'auto' to use read length.
+Add a graphical representation to the gchist.
+Set an upper bound for histogram lengths; higher uses more memory.
+The default is 6000 for some histograms and 80000 for others.
+.SS Histograms for sam files only (requires sam format 1.4 or higher):
+Errors\-per\-read histogram.
+Quality accuracy histogram of error rates versus quality score.
+Indel length histogram.
+Histogram of match, sub, del, and ins rates by read location.
+Insert size histograms. Requires paired reads in a sam file.
+Histogram of read count versus percent identity.
+Number idhist bins. Set to 'auto' to use read length.
+.SS Sampling parameters
+Set to a positive number to only process this many INPUT reads (or pairs), then quit.
+Skip (discard) this many INPUT reads before processing the rest.
+Randomly output only this fraction of reads; 1 means sampling is disabled.
+Set to a positive number to use that prng seed for sampling (allowing deterministic sampling).
+(srt) Exact number of OUTPUT reads (or pairs) desired.
+(sbt) Exact number of OUTPUT bases desired.
+Important: srt/sbt flags should not be used with stdin, samplerate, qtrim, minlength, or minavgquality.
+Allow srt/sbt to upsample (duplicate reads) when the target is greater than input.
+If true, calculate a length threshold to reach the target, and retain all reads of at least that length (must set srt or sbt).
+.SS Trimming and filtering parameters
+Trim read ends to remove bases with quality below trimq.
+Values: t (trim both ends), f (neither end), r (right end only), l (left end only), w (sliding window).
+Regions with average quality BELOW this will be trimmed. Can be a floating\-point number like 7.3.
+(ml) Reads shorter than this after trimming will be discarded. Pairs will be discarded only if both are shorter.
+(mlf) Reads shorter than this fraction of original length after trimming will be discarded.
+If nonzero, reads longer than this after trimming will be discarded.
+If nonzero, reads longer than this will be broken into multiple reads of this length. Does not work for paired reads.
+(rbb) Only discard pairs if both reads are shorter than minlen.
+(invert) Output failing reads instead of passing reads.
+(maq) Reads with average quality (after trimming) below this will be discarded.
+If positive, calculate maq from this many initial bases.
+(cf) Reads with names containing ' 1:Y:' or ' 2:Y:' will be discarded.
+Remove reads with unexpected barcodes if barcodes is set, or barcodes containing 'N' otherwise.
+A barcode must be the last part of the read header.
+Comma\-delimited list of barcodes or files of barcodes.
+If 0 or greater, reads with more Ns than this (after trimming) will be discarded.
+(mcb) Discard reads without at least this many consecutive called bases.
+(ftl) If nonzero, trim left bases of the read to this position (exclusive, 0\-based).
+(ftr) If nonzero, trim right bases of the read after this position (exclusive, 0\-based).
+(ftr2) If positive, trim this many bases on the right end.
+(ftm) If positive, trim length to be equal to zero modulo this number.
+Discard reads with GC content below this.
+Discard reads with GC content above this.
+Use average GC of paired reads.
+Also affects gchist.
+.SS Sam and bam processing options:
+Toss unmapped reads.
+Toss mapped reads.
+Toss reads that are not mapped as proper pairs.
+Toss reads that are mapped as proper pairs.
+Toss secondary alignments. Set this to true for sam to fastq conversion.
+If non\-negative, toss reads with mapq under this.
+If non\-negative, toss reads with mapq over this.
+(rbits) Toss sam lines with any of these flag bits unset. Similar to samtools \fB\-f\fR.
+(fbits) Toss sam lines with any of these flag bits set. Similar to samtools \fB\-F\fR.
+Set to true to write a tag indicating read stop location, prefixed by YS:i:
+Set to 'sam=1.3' to convert '=' and 'X' cigar symbols (from sam 1.4+ format) to 'M'.
+Set to 'sam=1.4' to convert 'M' to '=' and 'X' (sam=1.4 requires MD tags to be present, or ref to be specified).
+.SS Sam and bam alignment filtering options:
+These require = and X symbols in cigar strings, or MD tags, or areference fasta.
+\fB\-1\fR means disabled; to filter reads with any of a symbol type, set to 0.
+Discard reads with more than this many substitutions.
+Discard reads with more than this many insertions.
+Discard reads with more than this many deletions.
+Discard reads with more than this many indels.
+Discard reads with more than this many edits.
+Discard reads with an insertion longer than this.
+Discard reads with a deletion longer than this.
+Discard reads with identity below this.
+Discard reads with more than this many soft\-clipped bases.
+.SS Kmer counting and cardinality estimation:
+If positive, count the total number of kmers.
+(loglog) Count unique kmers using the LogLog algorithm.
+Use this many buckets for cardinality estimation.
+.SS Shortcuts
+The # symbol will be substituted for 1 and 2. The % symbol in out will be substituted for input name minus extensions.
+For example:
+reformat.sh in=read#.fq out=%.fa
+\&...is equivalent to:
+reformat.sh in1=read1.fq in2=read2.fq out1=read1.fa out2=read2.fa
+.SS Java Parameters
+This will set Java's memory usage, overriding autodetection.
+\fB\-Xmx20g\fR will specify 20 gigs of RAM, and \fB\-Xmx200m\fR will specify 200 megs.
+The max is typically 85% of physical memory.
+This flag will cause the process to exit if an out\-of\-memory exception occurs. Requires Java 8u92+.
+Disable assertions.
+Written by Brian Bushnell (Last modified February 21, 2019)
+Please contact Brian Bushnell at bbushnell at lbl.gov if you encounter any problems.
+This manpage was written by Andreas Tille for the Debian distribution and can be used for any other usage of the program.
View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/med-team/bbmap/commit/46a3f1ba1becd63d75cb4e79a7ede6505d1d4614
View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/med-team/bbmap/commit/46a3f1ba1becd63d75cb4e79a7ede6505d1d4614
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