[med-svn] [Git][med-team/seqan][master] Several tests are failing

Andreas Tille gitlab at salsa.debian.org
Mon Dec 16 20:45:06 GMT 2019

Andreas Tille pushed to branch master at Debian Med / seqan

31cb70a2 by Andreas Tille at 2019-12-16T20:44:47Z
Several tests are failing

- - - - -

1 changed file:

- debian/changelog


@@ -11,6 +11,60 @@ seqan (1.4.2+dfsg-4) UNRELEASED; urgency=medium
   * Remove obsolete fields Contact, Name from debian/upstream/metadata.
   * Rely on pre-initialized dpkg-architecture variables.
+  TODO:
+    52% tests passed, 46 tests failed out of 95
+    Total Test time (real) =   9.49 sec
+    The following tests FAILED:
+          1 - test_demo_align_align (Failed)
+          2 - test_demo_align_compute_alignment_stats (Failed)
+          3 - test_demo_align_gaps_example (Failed)
+          4 - test_demo_align_global_alignment_banded (Failed)
+          5 - test_demo_align_global_alignment_unbanded (Failed)
+          6 - test_demo_align_integrate_align (Failed)
+          7 - test_demo_bam_io_bam_stream (Failed)
+          8 - test_demo_find_finder_index (Failed)
+          9 - test_demo_find_finder_online (Failed)
+         10 - test_demo_graph_graph_algo_dijkstra (Failed)
+         11 - test_demo_graph_algorithms_all_pairs_shortest_path (Failed)
+         12 - test_demo_graph_algorithms_bellman_ford_algorithm (Failed)
+         13 - test_demo_graph_algorithms_breadth_first_search (Failed)
+         14 - test_demo_graph_algorithms_dag_shortest_path (Failed)
+         15 - test_demo_graph_algorithms_depth_first_search (Failed)
+         16 - test_demo_graph_algorithms_dijkstra (Failed)
+         17 - test_demo_graph_algorithms_floyd_warshall_algorithm (Failed)
+         18 - test_demo_graph_algorithms_ford_fulkerson_algorithm (Failed)
+         19 - test_demo_graph_algorithms_kruskals_algorithm (Failed)
+         20 - test_demo_graph_algorithms_prims_algorithm (Failed)
+         21 - test_demo_graph_algorithms_strongly_connected_components (Failed)
+         22 - test_demo_graph_algorithms_topological_sort (Failed)
+         23 - test_demo_graph_algorithms_transitive_closure (Failed)
+         24 - test_demo_index_index_begin_atEnd_representative (Failed)
+         25 - test_demo_index_index_counting (Failed)
+         26 - test_demo_index_index_finder (Failed)
+         27 - test_demo_index_index_getOccurrences_getFrequency_range_getFibre (Failed)
+         28 - test_demo_index_index_iterator (Failed)
+         29 - test_demo_index_index_iterator_short (Failed)
+         30 - test_demo_index_index_length_countSequences (Failed)
+         31 - test_demo_index_index_mummy (Failed)
+         32 - test_demo_index_index_open_save (Failed)
+         33 - test_demo_index_index_textAt_indexText_saAt_indexRequire (Failed)
+         34 - test_demo_input_output_record_reader (Failed)
+         35 - test_demo_misc_enumerate_strings (Failed)
+         36 - test_demo_modifier_modified_string (Failed)
+         37 - test_demo_modifier_modified_string_mod_view (Failed)
+         38 - test_demo_modifier_modified_string_nested (Failed)
+         39 - test_demo_score_score (Failed)
+         40 - test_demo_seeds_seeds_extension (Failed)
+         41 - test_demo_seq_io_fai_index_example (Failed)
+         42 - test_demo_seq_io_sequence_stream_read (Failed)
+         43 - test_demo_sequence_string2 (Failed)
+         44 - test_demo_sequence_stringset (Failed)
+         78 - test_test_index_fm (SEGFAULT)
+         79 - test_test_index_stree_iterators (SEGFAULT)
+    Errors while running CTest
  -- Andreas Tille <tille at debian.org>  Mon, 16 Dec 2019 17:19:24 +0100
 seqan (1.4.2+dfsg-3) unstable; urgency=medium

View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/med-team/seqan/commit/31cb70a2a28ae39cf0d0bc87682ebbc495acecf9

View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/med-team/seqan/commit/31cb70a2a28ae39cf0d0bc87682ebbc495acecf9
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