[med-svn] [Git][med-team/libgclib][master] 8 commits: Remove autopkgtest boilerplate
Andreas Tille
gitlab at salsa.debian.org
Thu Jun 13 22:25:12 BST 2019
Andreas Tille pushed to branch master at Debian Med / gclib
09a46f38 by Andreas Tille at 2019-06-13T20:26:52Z
Remove autopkgtest boilerplate
- - - - -
0eae0790 by Andreas Tille at 2019-06-13T20:27:35Z
Add symbols file
- - - - -
2d1e7203 by Andreas Tille at 2019-06-13T20:42:36Z
Explain source files that are included into the library
- - - - -
0dfef862 by Andreas Tille at 2019-06-13T20:44:41Z
delete header files of not compiled C++ source files
- - - - -
a0d653f7 by Andreas Tille at 2019-06-13T20:44:56Z
Do not include gtest.cpp into library, build mdtest.cpp
- - - - -
37c7fbb9 by Andreas Tille at 2019-06-13T21:08:07Z
Try to build mdtest but failed.
- - - - -
8154392e by Andreas Tille at 2019-06-13T21:14:58Z
Fix symbols file name
- - - - -
6572cc68 by Andreas Tille at 2019-06-13T21:24:44Z
patch from dh_makeshlibs
- - - - -
8 changed files:
- + debian/README.source
- − debian/README.test
- debian/control
- + debian/libgclib0.symbols
- debian/patches/autoconf.patch
- debian/rules
- − debian/tests/control
- − debian/tests/run-unit-test
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+gclib for Debian
+The final target which needs gclib is gffread. This build the files
+ GBase.cpp
+ GArgs.cpp
+ GFaSeqGet.cpp
+ gdna.cpp
+ codons.cpp
+ gff.cpp
+ GStr.cpp
+ GFastaIndex.cpp
+ gff_utils.cpp
+To build proper libraries some rudimentary automake code was added as
+quilt patch. Since the gclib source contains more C++ code that might
+be useful as well all those C++ file except the tests and the following
+source files are built and included into the library:
+ GBam.cpp: This needs bam.h and sam.h while it needs to be clarified
+ from what project these header files are used
+ gdimg.cpp: This would introduce an unneeded dependency from libgd-dev
+FIXME: I tried to build mdtest but linking it against the just build
+library does not work the way I tried. Some hint from someone who
+knows automake better than me might be helpful.
+ -- Andreas Tille <tille at debian.org> Thu, 18 Apr 2019 12:54:42 +0200
debian/README.test deleted
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
-Notes on how this package can be tested.
-This package can be tested by running the provided test:
- sh run-unit-test
-in order to confirm its integrity.
@@ -5,8 +5,7 @@ Uploaders: Steffen Moeller <moeller at debian.org>,
Section: science
Priority: optional
Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 12~),
- d-shlibs,
- libgd-dev
+ d-shlibs
Standards-Version: 4.3.0
Vcs-Browser: https://salsa.debian.org/med-team/libgclib
Vcs-Git: https://salsa.debian.org/med-team/libgclib.git
@@ -0,0 +1,609 @@
+libgclib.so.0 libgclib0 #MINVER#
+ COLOR_buf at Base 0.11.2
+ GA_flag_BAD_ALIGN at Base 0.11.2
+ GA_flag_HAS_PARENT at Base 0.11.2
+ GA_flag_IS_REF at Base 0.11.2
+ GA_flag_PREPPED at Base 0.11.2
+ GFFSCORE_NONE at Base 0.11.2
+ GFF_MAX_EXON at Base 0.11.2
+ GFF_MAX_INTRON at Base 0.11.2
+ GFF_MAX_LOCUS at Base 0.11.2
+ IUPAC_2BIT at Base 0.11.2
+ IUPAC_2BITN at Base 0.11.2
+ IUPAC_COMP at Base 0.11.2
+ IUPAC_DEFS at Base 0.11.2
+ IdxDataSIZE32 at Base 0.11.2
+ IdxDataSIZE at Base 0.11.2
+ _Z10BLAST_Gdb3PiS_S_ at Base 0.11.2
+ _Z10GSocketErr4GStrb at Base 0.11.2
+ _Z10GmktempdirPc at Base 0.11.2
+ _Z10buf_getnumP9GCDBufferRjPj at Base 0.11.2
+ _Z10fileExistsPKc at Base 0.11.2
+ _Z10fnv1a_hashPKc at Base 0.11.2
+ _Z10g2bit2baseh at Base 0.11.2
+ _Z10gcdb_allocj at Base 0.11.2
+ _Z10getFileExtPKc at Base 0.11.2
+ _Z10getOvlCodeR6GffObjS0_Rib at Base 0.11.2
+ _Z10parseFloatRPcRf at Base 0.11.2
+ _Z10replaceStrRPcS_ at Base 0.11.2
+ _Z10startsWithPKcS0_ at Base 0.11.2
+ _Z10table6mersPKciPP4GVecItE at Base 0.11.2
+ _Z10trimSuffixPcPKc at Base 0.11.2
+ _Z10uint32_sunPv at Base 0.11.2
+ _Z10uint32_x86Pv at Base 0.11.2
+ _Z10writeFastaP8_IO_FILEPKcS2_S2_ii at Base 0.11.2
+ _Z11GreedyAlignPKciS0_ibiii at Base 0.11.2
+ _Z11cdb_hashaddjh at Base 0.11.2
+ _Z11cmpSeedDiagPvS_ at Base 0.11.2
+ _Z11color_resetP8_IO_FILE at Base 0.11.2
+ _Z11dbg_dequoteRPc at Base 0.11.2
+ _Z11delFileNamePc at Base 0.11.2
+ _Z11endian_testv at Base 0.11.2
+ _Z11fastaSeqGetR8GFastaDbPKc at Base 0.11.2
+ _Z11getFileNamePKc at Base 0.11.2
+ _Z11newEmptyStrv at Base 0.11.2
+ _Z11parseDoubleRPcRd at Base 0.11.2
+ _Z11parseNumberRPcRd at Base 0.11.2
+ _Z11read_dbinfoiPPcR7cdbInfo at Base 0.11.2
+ _Z11startsiWithPKcS0_ at Base 0.11.2
+ _Z11strExonTypec at Base 0.11.2
+ _Z11trimiSuffixPcPKc at Base 0.11.2
+ _Z11uint32_packPcj at Base 0.11.2
+ _Z12cmpSeedScorePvS_ at Base 0.11.2
+ _Z12collectSeedsR5GListI6GXSeedER9GXSeqData12GAlnTrimType at Base 0.11.2
+ _Z12color_normalP8_IO_FILE at Base 0.11.2
+ _Z12gffnames_refRP8GffNames at Base 0.11.2
+ _Z12gfo_cmpByLocPvS_ at Base 0.11.2
+ _Z12ntComplementc at Base 0.11.2
+ _Z12reverseCharsPci at Base 0.11.2
+ _Z12translateDNAPKcRii at Base 0.11.2
+ _Z13color_resetbgP8_IO_FILE at Base 0.11.2
+ _Z13color_resetfgP8_IO_FILE at Base 0.11.2
+ _Z13commaprintnumm at Base 0.11.2
+ _Z13compareCountsPvS_ at Base 0.11.2
+ _Z13compareOrdnumPvS_ at Base 0.11.2
+ _Z13inplace_LowerPc at Base 0.11.2
+ _Z13match_adapterR9GXSeqData12GAlnTrimTypeiP16CGreedyAlignDatad at Base 0.11.2
+ _Z13uint32_unpackPcPj at Base 0.11.2
+ _Z14GXGreedyExtendPKciS0_ibRiS1_R16CGreedyAlignDataP12GXEditScript at Base 0.11.2
+ _Z14classcode_rankc at Base 0.11.2
+ _Z14cmpDiagBands_RPvS_ at Base 0.11.2
+ _Z14cmpSeedScore_RPvS_ at Base 0.11.2
+ _Z14codonTableInitv at Base 0.11.2
+ _Z14extendUngappedPKciiS0_iiRiS1_S1_b at Base 0.11.2
+ _Z14gffnames_unrefRP8GffNames at Base 0.11.2
+ _Z14gfo_cmpRefByIDPvS_ at Base 0.11.2
+ _Z14translateCodonPKc at Base 0.11.2
+ _Z15printEditScriptP12GXEditScript at Base 0.11.2
+ _Z15uint32_pack_bigPcj at Base 0.11.2
+ _Z16BED_addAttributeP8_IO_FILERiPKcz at Base 0.11.2
+ _Z16DefLTCompareProcI4GSegEiPvS1_ at Base 0.11.2
+ _Z16gthreads_errExitiPKc at Base 0.11.2
+ _Z16singleExonTMatchR6GffObjS0_Ri at Base 0.11.2
+ _Z17GreedyAlignRegionPKciiS0_iiP16CGreedyAlignDataP8CAlnTrimb at Base 0.11.2
+ _Z17GreedyAlignRegionPKciiS0_iiiiiP16CGreedyAlignDataP8CAlnTrimb at Base 0.11.2
+ _Z17gcvt_endian_setupv at Base 0.11.2
+ _Z17reverseComplementPci at Base 0.11.2
+ _Z17uint32_unpack_bigPcPj at Base 0.11.2
+ _Z19s_FindFirstMismatchPKciS0_iiib at Base 0.11.2
+ _Z23s_GetNextNonAffineTbackPPiiiS_ at Base 0.11.2
+ _Z5GFreePPv at Base 0.11.2
+ _Z6GErrorPKcz at Base 0.11.2
+ _Z6GfopenPKcPc at Base 0.11.2
+ _Z6GmkdirPKcbi at Base 0.11.2
+ _Z6GstrEqPKcS0_ at Base 0.11.2
+ _Z6loCasePKc at Base 0.11.2
+ _Z6upCasePKc at Base 0.11.2
+ _Z7GAssertPKcS0_j at Base 0.11.2
+ _Z7GCallocPPvm at Base 0.11.2
+ _Z7GMallocPPvm at Base 0.11.2
+ _Z7G_mkdirPKci at Base 0.11.2
+ _Z7GstrcmpPKcS0_i at Base 0.11.2
+ _Z7GstrdupPKcS0_ at Base 0.11.2
+ _Z7GstrdupPKci at Base 0.11.2
+ _Z7GstriEqPKcS0_ at Base 0.11.2
+ _Z7GsubstrPKcPcS1_ at Base 0.11.2
+ _Z7buf_getP9GCDBufferRjPcj at Base 0.11.2
+ _Z7get6merPc at Base 0.11.2
+ _Z7rstrchrPcc at Base 0.11.2
+ _Z7rstrstrPKcS0_S0_ at Base 0.11.2
+ _Z7strchrsPKcS0_ at Base 0.11.2
+ _Z7strhashPKc at Base 0.11.2
+ _Z8GMessagePKcz at Base 0.11.2
+ _Z8GReallocPPvm at Base 0.11.2
+ _Z8GmemscanPvjS_j at Base 0.11.2
+ _Z8GstricmpPKcS0_i at Base 0.11.2
+ _Z8cdb_hashPKcj at Base 0.11.2
+ _Z8chrInStrcPKc at Base 0.11.2
+ _Z8color_bgiP8_IO_FILE at Base 0.11.2
+ _Z8color_fgiP8_IO_FILE at Base 0.11.2
+ _Z8djb_hashPKc at Base 0.11.2
+ _Z8endsWithPKcS0_ at Base 0.11.2
+ _Z8fgetlineRPcRiP8_IO_FILEPlPi at Base 0.11.2
+ _Z8fileSizePKc at Base 0.11.2
+ _Z8gDnaInitv at Base 0.11.2
+ _Z8gdna2bitRPci at Base 0.11.2
+ _Z8get_lastPPiiiS_ at Base 0.11.2
+ _Z8offt_sunPv at Base 0.11.2
+ _Z8offt_x86Pv at Base 0.11.2
+ _Z8parseHexRPcRj at Base 0.11.2
+ _Z8parseIntRPcRi at Base 0.11.2
+ _Z8qsortnucPKvS0_ at Base 0.11.2
+ _Z8rstrfindPKcS0_ at Base 0.11.2
+ _Z8strToIntPcRi at Base 0.11.2
+ _Z8strifindPKcS0_ at Base 0.11.2
+ _Z8strlowerPc at Base 0.11.2
+ _Z8strsplitPcR9GDynArrayIS_EPKci at Base 0.11.2
+ _Z8strsplitPcR9GDynArrayIS_Eci at Base 0.11.2
+ _Z8strsplitPcR9GDynArrayIS_Ei at Base 0.11.2
+ _Z8strupperPc at Base 0.11.2
+ _Z9BLAST_Gcdii at Base 0.11.2
+ _Z9endsiWithPKcS0_ at Base 0.11.2
+ _Z9int16_sunPv at Base 0.11.2
+ _Z9int16_x86Pv at Base 0.11.2
+ _Z9match6merPcPP4GVecItE at Base 0.11.2
+ _Z9packCodonccc at Base 0.11.2
+ _Z9parseUIntRPcRj at Base 0.11.2
+ _Z9parse_intPcPKcRi at Base 0.11.2
+ _Z9parse_intRPcPKcRi at Base 0.11.2
+ _Z9strToUIntPcRj at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZGVZN7GThread11num_runningEvE5vLock at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN10GAlnColumn6removeEv at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN10GAlnColumn8bestCharEPs at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN10GStopWatch10startTimerEv at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN10GStopWatch14getElapsedTimeEv at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN10GStopWatch9stopTimerEv at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN10GUDPSocket10disconnectEv at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN10GUDPSocket10leaveGroupERK4GStr at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN10GUDPSocket12setBroadcastEv at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN10GUDPSocket15setMulticastTTLEh at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN10GUDPSocket6sendToEPKviRK4GStrt at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN10GUDPSocket8recvFromEPviR4GStrRt at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN10GUDPSocket9joinGroupERK4GStr at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN10MSAColumns14refineClippingE at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN10MSAColumns14removeConsGapsE at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN11GCommSocket10setTimeoutEi at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN11GCommSocket14getForeignPortEv at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN11GCommSocket17getForeignAddressEv at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN11GCommSocket4recvEPvi at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN11GCommSocket4sendEPKvi at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN11GCommSocket7connectERK4GStrt at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN11GCommSocket8recvlineEv at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN11GFastaIndex10buildIndexEv at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN11GFastaIndex10storeIndexEP8_IO_FILE at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN11GFastaIndex10storeIndexEPKc at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN11GFastaIndex9addRecordEPKcjlii at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN11GFastaIndex9loadIndexEPKc at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN11GLineReader7getLineEP8_IO_FILERl at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN12GReadBufLine3lenEv at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN12GReadBufLine4fposEv at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN12GReadBufLine4lineEv at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN12GReadBufLine7fillbufEv at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN12GReadBufLine7putLineEv at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN12GReadBufLine8readlineEi at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN14GapXEditScript5printEv at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN14current_thread5yieldEv at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN14current_thread9sleep_forEi at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN16GTCPServerSocket6acceptEv at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN16GTCPServerSocket9setListenEi at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN4GStr11make_uniqueEv at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN4GStr12appendQuotedEPKccb at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN4GStr12replace_dataEPNS_4DataE at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN4GStr13startTokenizeEPKc14enTokenizeMode at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN4GStr18invalid_args_errorEPKc at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN4GStr19invalid_index_errorEPKc at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN4GStr2toEc at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN4GStr2trEPKcS1_ at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN4GStr3cutEii at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN4GStr4fromEc at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN4GStr4padCEjc at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN4GStr4padLEjc at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN4GStr4padREjc at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN4GStr4readEP8_IO_FILEPKcm at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN4GStr4trimEPKc at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN4GStr4trimEc at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN4GStr5asIntERii at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN4GStr5asIntEi at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN4GStr5chompEPKc at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN4GStr5clearEi at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN4GStr5countEc at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN4GStr5lowerEv at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN4GStr5pasteEPKcii at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN4GStr5pasteERKS_ii at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN4GStr5splitEPKc at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN4GStr5splitEc at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN4GStr5trimLEPKc at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN4GStr5trimLEc at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN4GStr5trimREPKc at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN4GStr5trimREc at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN4GStr5upperEv at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN4GStr6appendEPKc at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN4GStr6appendEPKci at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN4GStr6appendERKS_ at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN4GStr6appendEc at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN4GStr6appendEd at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN4GStr6appendEi at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN4GStr6appendEj at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN4GStr6appendEl at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN4GStr6appendEm at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN4GStr6asRealERd at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN4GStr6asRealEv at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN4GStr6detachEv at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN4GStr6formatEPKcz at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN4GStr6insertEPKci at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN4GStr6insertERKS_i at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN4GStr6splitrEPKc at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN4GStr6splitrEc at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN4GStr7replaceEPKcS1_ at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN4GStr7reverseEv at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN4GStr8new_dataEPKcj at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN4GStr8new_dataEjj at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN4GStr9appendfmtEPKcz at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN4GStr9appendmemEPKci at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN4GStr9nextTokenERS_ at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN4GStr9null_dataE at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN4GStr9prep_dataEjj at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN4GStrC1EPKcj at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN4GStrC1ERKS_ at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN4GStrC1Eci at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN4GStrC1Ed at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN4GStrC1Ei at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN4GStrC1Ev at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN4GStrC2EPKcj at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN4GStrC2ERKS_ at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN4GStrC2Eci at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN4GStrC2Ed at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN4GStrC2Ei at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN4GStrC2Ev at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN4GStrD1Ev at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN4GStrD2Ev at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN4GStraSEPKc at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN4GStraSERKS_ at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN4GStraSEd at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN4GStraSEi at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN4GStrixEi at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN5Codon9translateEv at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN5GASeq10removeBaseEi at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN5GASeq11printMFastaEP8_IO_FILEi at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN5GASeq11reverseGapsEv at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN5GASeq13revComplementEi at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN5GASeq14printGappedSeqEP8_IO_FILEi at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN5GASeq14refineClippingER9GDynArrayIcEib at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN5GASeq14removeClipGapsEv at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN5GASeq16printGappedFastaEP8_IO_FILE at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN5GASeq5toMSAER10MSAColumnsi at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN5GASeq6addGapEis at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN5GASeq6setGapEis at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN5GASeq7prepSeqEv at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN5GASeq8finalizeEv at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN5GASeqC1EPKcS1_S1_ii at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN5GASeqC1EPKciiiic at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN5GASeqC1ER8FastaSeqb at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN5GASeqC1ERS_ at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN5GASeqC2EPKcS1_S1_ii at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN5GASeqC2EPKciiiic at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN5GASeqC2ER8FastaSeqb at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN5GASeqC2ERS_ at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN5GASeqD1Ev at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN5GASeqD2Ev at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN5GArgs10getOptNameEi at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN5GArgs10nextNonOptEv at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN5GArgs10printErrorEP8_IO_FILEPKcb at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN5GArgs10printErrorEPKcb at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN5GArgs11startNonOptEv at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN5GArgs12printCmdLineEP8_IO_FILE at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN5GArgs12validLongOptEPcS0_ at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN5GArgs13validShortOptEc at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN5GArgs6getOptEPKc at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN5GArgs6getOptEc at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN5GArgs6getOptEi at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN5GArgs7isErrorEv at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN5GArgs7nextOptEv at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN5GArgs8nextCodeEv at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN5GArgs8startOptEv at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN5GArgs8validOptEi at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN5GArgs9parseArgsEb at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN5GArgsC1EiPPcPK8GArgsDefb at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN5GArgsC1EiPPcPKcb at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN5GArgsC2EiPPcPK8GArgsDefb at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN5GArgsC2EiPPcPKcb at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN5GArgsD1Ev at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN5GArgsD2Ev at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN5GHashI11GffNameInfoE15DefaultFreeProcEPv at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN5GHashI8CNonExonE15DefaultFreeProcEPv at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN5GListI5GASeqE18DefaultCompareProcEPvS2_ at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN5GListI6GXBandE18DefaultCompareProcEPvS2_ at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN5GListI6GXSeedE18DefaultCompareProcEPvS2_ at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN5GListI6GffObjE18DefaultCompareProcEPvS2_ at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN5GListI6NucOriE18DefaultCompareProcEPvS2_ at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN5GListI7GffAttrE18DefaultCompareProcEPvS2_ at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN5GListI7GffExonE18DefaultCompareProcEPvS2_ at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN5GListI8SeqDelOpE18DefaultCompareProcEPvS2_ at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN5GListI9GFastaRecE18DefaultCompareProcEPvS2_ at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN5GListI9GXAlnInfoE18DefaultCompareProcEPvS2_ at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN5GPVecI11GffNameInfoE15DefaultFreeProcEPv at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN5GPVecI5GASeqE15DefaultFreeProcEPv at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN5GPVecI6GXBandE15DefaultFreeProcEPv at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN5GPVecI6GXSeedE15DefaultFreeProcEPv at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN5GPVecI6GffObjE15DefaultFreeProcEPv at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN5GPVecI6NucOriE15DefaultFreeProcEPv at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN5GPVecI7GffAttrE15DefaultFreeProcEPv at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN5GPVecI7GffExonE15DefaultFreeProcEPv at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN5GPVecI8SeqDelOpE15DefaultFreeProcEPv at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN5GPVecI9GFastaRecE15DefaultFreeProcEPv at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN5GPVecI9GXAlnInfoE15DefaultFreeProcEPv at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN6GfList8finalizeEP9GffReader at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN6GffObj10getSplicedEP9GFaSeqGetbPiPjS3_P12GMapSegmentsb at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN6GffObj10parseAttrsERP8GffAttrsPcbb at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN6GffObj10removeAttrEPKcS1_ at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN6GffObj10removeAttrEiPKc at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN6GffObj10removeExonEP7GffExon at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN6GffObj10removeExonEi at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN6GffObj10setRefNameEPKc at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN6GffObj11transferCDSEP7GffExon at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN6GffObj12getUnsplicedEP9GFaSeqGetPiP12GMapSegments at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN6GffObj12printGxfExonEP8_IO_FILEPKcS3_bP7GffExonbbPci at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN6GffObj12printSummaryEP8_IO_FILE at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN6GffObj13expandSegmentER5GListI7GffExonEijja at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN6GffObj13printExonListEP8_IO_FILE at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN6GffObj14decodeHexCharsEPcPKci at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN6GffObj14exonOverlapIdxER5GListI7GffExonEjjPii at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN6GffObj14removeExonAttrER7GffExonPKcS3_ at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN6GffObj14removeExonAttrER7GffExoniPKc at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN6GffObj14setFeatureNameEPKc at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN6GffObj14updateCDSPhaseER5GListI7GffExonE at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN6GffObj15reduceExonAttrsER5GListI7GffExonE at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN6GffObj19processGeneSegmentsEP9GffReader at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN6GffObj5namesE at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN6GffObj6setCDSEPS_ at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN6GffObj6setCDSEjjc at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN6GffObj7addAttrEPKcS1_ at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN6GffObj7addExonER5GListI7GffExonER7GffLinea at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN6GffObj7addExonEjjac8GffScoreP5GListI7GffExonE at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN6GffObj8finalizeEP9GffReader at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN6GffObj8printBEDEP8_IO_FILEbPci at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN6GffObj8printGxfEP8_IO_FILE12GffPrintModePKcS4_b at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN6GffObj8readExonER9GffReaderR7GffLine at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN6GffObj9copyAttrsEPS_ at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN6GffObj9getCDSegsER4GVecI7GffExonE at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN6GffObj9printGTabEP8_IO_FILEPPc at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN6GffObj9whichExonEjP5GListI7GffExonE at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN6GffObjC1ER9GffReaderR7BEDLine at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN6GffObjC1ER9GffReaderR7GffLine at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN6GffObjC2ER9GffReaderR7BEDLine at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN6GffObjC2ER9GffReaderR7GffLine at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN7BEDLineC1EP9GffReaderPKc at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN7BEDLineC2EP9GffReaderPKc at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN7GSocket12getLocalPortEv at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN7GSocket12setLocalPortEt at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN7GSocket14resolveServiceERK4GStrS2_ at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN7GSocket15getLocalAddressEv at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN7GSocket22setLocalAddressAndPortERK4GStrt at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN7GSocket7cleanUpEv at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN7GSocketC1Eii at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN7GSocketC2Eii at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN7GSocketD1Ev at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN7GSocketD2Ev at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN7GSubSeq5setupEjiiiij at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN7GThread11num_createdE at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN7GThread14update_counterEiPS_ at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN7GThread16wrapper_functionEPv at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN7GThread20hardware_concurrencyEv at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN7GThread4joinEv at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN7GThread6detachEv at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN7GThread8tcounterE at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN7GThread8wait_allEv at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN7GThread9initStartEPvm at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN7GThread9kickStartEPFvPvES0_m at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN7GThread9kickStartEPFvR11GThreadDataEPvm at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN7GThreadC1EPFvPvES0_m at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN7GThreadC1EPFvR11GThreadDataEPvm at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN7GThreadC2EPFvPvES0_m at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN7GThreadC2EPFvR11GThreadDataEPvm at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN7GThreadD1Ev at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN7GThreadD2Ev at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN7GffLine14extractGFFAttrERPcPKcS3_bbPib at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN7GffLine16parseSegmentListER4GVecI4GSegEPc at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN7GffLineC1EP9GffReaderPKc at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN7GffLineC2EP9GffReaderPKc at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN8GCdbRead4findEPKc at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN8GCdbRead4readEPcjj at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN8GCdbRead5matchEPKcjj at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN8GCdbRead8findnextEPKcj at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN8GCdbReadC1EPc at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN8GCdbReadC1Ei at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN8GCdbReadC2EPc at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN8GCdbReadC2Ei at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN8GCdbReadD1Ev at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN8GCdbReadD2Ev at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN8GCdbYank12getRecordPosEPKcPj at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN8GCdbYank9getRecordEPKcR8FastaSeqPFiciPS2_E at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN8GCdbYankC1EPKcS1_ at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN8GCdbYankC2EPKcS1_ at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN8GCdbYankD1Ev at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN8GCdbYankD2Ev at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN9GCDBuffer3getEPcj at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN9GCDBuffer3putEPcj at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN9GCDBuffer4bgetEPcj at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN9GCDBuffer4copyEPS_ at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN9GCDBuffer4feedEv at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN9GCDBuffer4peekEv at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN9GCDBuffer4putsEPc at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN9GCDBuffer4seekEj at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN9GCDBuffer5flushEv at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN9GCDBuffer7getthisEPcj at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN9GCDBuffer7oneReadEPcj at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN9GCDBuffer8putalignEPcj at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN9GCDBuffer8putflushEPcj at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN9GCDBuffer9putsalignEPc at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN9GCDBuffer9putsflushEPc at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN9GCDBuffer9write_allEPcj at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN9GCdbWrite3addEPKcPcj at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN9GCdbWrite6addendEjjj at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN9GCdbWrite6addrecEPKcjPcj at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN9GCdbWrite6finishEv at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN9GCdbWrite7posplusEj at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN9GCdbWrite8addbeginEjj at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN9GCdbWriteC1EPc at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN9GCdbWriteC1Ei at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN9GCdbWriteC2EPc at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN9GCdbWriteC2Ei at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN9GCdbWriteD1Ev at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN9GCdbWriteD2Ev at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN9GFaSeqGet10loadsubseqEjRi at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN9GFaSeqGet12initialParseElb at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN9GFaSeqGet5finitEPKclb at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN9GFaSeqGet6subseqEjRi at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN9GFaSeqGet9copyRangeEjjbb at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN9GFaSeqGetC1EP8_IO_FILElb at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN9GFaSeqGetC1EPKcjlii at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN9GFaSeqGetC2EP8_IO_FILElb at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN9GFaSeqGetC2EPKcjlii at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN9GSeqAlign10ErrZeroCovEi at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN9GSeqAlign10removeBaseEP5GASeqi at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN9GSeqAlign12evalClippingEP5GASeqiifR10AlnClipOps at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN9GSeqAlign12removeColumnEi at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN9GSeqAlign13applyClippingER10AlnClipOps at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN9GSeqAlign13revComplementEv at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN9GSeqAlign15extendConsensusEcs at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN9GSeqAlign5printEP8_IO_FILEc at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN9GSeqAlign6addSeqEP5GASeqii at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN9GSeqAlign7freeMSAEv at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN9GSeqAlign8addAlignEP5GASeqPS_S1_ at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN9GSeqAlign8buildMSAEb at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN9GSeqAlign8finalizeEv at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN9GSeqAlign8writeACEEP8_IO_FILEPKcb at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN9GSeqAlign8writeMSAEP8_IO_FILEi at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN9GSeqAlign9injectGapEP5GASeqii at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN9GSeqAlign9refineMSAEbb at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN9GSeqAlign9writeInfoEP8_IO_FILEPKcb at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN9GSeqAlignC1EP5GASeqS1_ at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN9GSeqAlignC2EP5GASeqS1_ at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN9GXMemPool9kMinSpaceE at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN9GffReader10gfoBuildIdEPKcS1_ at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN9GffReader10gfoReplaceER5GPVecI6GffObjEPS1_S4_ at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN9GffReader11nextBEDLineEv at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN9GffReader11nextGffLineEv at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN9GffReader11subfPoolAddER5GHashI8CNonExonEP6GffObj at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN9GffReader12updateGffRecEP6GffObjP7GffLine at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN9GffReader12updateParentEP6GffObjS1_ at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN9GffReader13subfPoolCheckEP7GffLineR5GHashI8CNonExonERPc at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN9GffReader14promoteFeatureEP8CNonExonRPcR5GHashIS0_E at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN9GffReader15readExonFeatureEP6GffObjP7GffLineP5GHashI8CNonExonE at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN9GffReader5pFindEPKcRP5GPVecI6GffObjE at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN9GffReader6gfoAddEP6GffObj at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN9GffReader6gfoAddER5GPVecI6GffObjEPS1_ at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN9GffReader7gfoFindEPKcRP5GPVecI6GffObjES1_cjj at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN9GffReader7readAllEv at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN9GffReader8readNextEv at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN9GffReader9newGffRecEP7BEDLineP5GPVecI6GffObjE at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZN9GffReader9newGffRecEP7GffLineP6GffObjP7GffExonP5GPVecIS2_Eb at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZNK4GStr10startsWithEPKc at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZNK4GStr10startsWithERKS_ at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZNK4GStr4copyEv at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZNK4GStr5indexEPKci at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZNK4GStr5indexERKS_i at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZNK4GStr5indexEci at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZNK4GStr6rindexEPKci at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZNK4GStr6rindexEci at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZNK4GStr6substrEii at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZNK4GStr7peelIntEv at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZNK4GStr8containsEPKc at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZNK4GStr8containsERKS_ at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZNK4GStr8containsEc at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZNK4GStr8endsWithEPKc at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZNK4GStr8endsWithERKS_ at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZNK4GStr8is_emptyEv at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZNK4GStr8is_spaceEv at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZNK4GStr8peelIntREv at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZNK4GStreqEPKc at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZNK4GStreqERKS_ at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZNK4GStrgeEPKc at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZNK4GStrgeERKS_ at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZNK4GStrgtEPKc at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZNK4GStrgtERKS_ at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZNK4GStrixEi at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZNK4GStrleEPKc at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZNK4GStrleERKS_ at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZNK4GStrltEPKc at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZNK4GStrltERKS_ at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZNK4GStrneEPKc at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZNK4GStrneERKS_ at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZNK4GStrplEPKc at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZNK4GStrplERKS_ at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZNK4GStrplEc at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZNK4GStrplEd at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZNK4GStrplEi at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZNK7GThread6get_idEv at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZNK7GThread8joinableEv at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZTI5GListI5GASeqE at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZTI5GListI6GXBandE at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZTI5GListI7GffAttrE at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZTI5GPVecI11GffNameInfoE at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZTI5GPVecI5GASeqE at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZTI5GPVecI6GXBandE at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZTI5GPVecI6GXSeedE at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZTI5GPVecI6GffObjE at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZTI5GPVecI6NucOriE at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZTI5GPVecI7GffAttrE at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZTI5GPVecI7GffExonE at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZTI5GPVecI8SeqDelOpE at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZTI5GPVecI9GFastaRecE at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZTI5GPVecI9GXAlnInfoE at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZTS11GffNameList at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZTS4GVecI4GSegE at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZTS4GVecI7CSeqGapE at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZTS4GVecI7GffExonE at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZTS4GVecIP5GPVecI6GffObjEE at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZTS4GVecIiE at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZTS4GVecItE at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZTS5GHashI11GffNameInfoE at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZTS5GHashI8CNonExonE at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZTS5GListI5GASeqE at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZTS5GListI6GXBandE at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZTS5GListI6GXSeedE at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZTS5GListI6GffObjE at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZTS5GListI6NucOriE at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZTS5GListI7GffAttrE at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZTS5GListI7GffExonE at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZTS5GListI8SeqDelOpE at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZTS5GListI9GFastaRecE at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZTS5GListI9GXAlnInfoE at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZTS5GPVecI11GffNameInfoE at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZTS5GPVecI5GASeqE at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZTS5GPVecI6GXBandE at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZTS5GPVecI6GXSeedE at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZTS5GPVecI6GffObjE at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZTS5GPVecI6NucOriE at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZTS5GPVecI7GffAttrE at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZTS5GPVecI7GffExonE at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZTS5GPVecI8SeqDelOpE at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZTS5GPVecI9GFastaRecE at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZTS5GPVecI9GXAlnInfoE at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZTS8GffAttrs at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZTS9GDynArrayIPcE at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZTS9GDynArrayIcE at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZTS9GDynArrayIsE at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZTS9GSeqAlign at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZTS9GXBandSet at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZZN7GThread11num_runningEvE5vLock at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZeqPKcRK4GStr at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZgtPKcRK4GStr at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZlePKcRK4GStr at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZltPKcRK4GStr at Base 0.11.2
+ _ZplPKcRK4GStr at Base 0.11.2
+ cdbInfoSIZE at Base 0.11.2
+ endianSetup at Base 0.11.2
+ error_intr at Base 0.11.2
+ error_nomem at Base 0.11.2
+ error_proto at Base 0.11.2
+ exonTypes at Base 0.11.2
+ gcvt_int16 at Base 0.11.2
+ gcvt_offt at Base 0.11.2
+ gcvt_uint at Base 0.11.2
+ gff_fid_CDS at Base 0.11.2
+ gff_fid_exon at Base 0.11.2
+ gff_fid_mRNA at Base 0.11.2
+ gff_fid_transcript at Base 0.11.2
+ irec_size32 at Base 0.11.2
+ xgapcodes at Base 0.11.2
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ Descriptions: Build proper libraries via automake
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Makefile.am
-@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+lib_LTLIBRARIES = libgclib.la
@@ -16,7 +16,6 @@ Descriptions: Build proper libraries via automake
+ GBase.cpp \
+ gcdb.cpp \
+ GCdbYank.cpp \
-+ gdimg.cpp \
+ gdna.cpp \
+ GFaSeqGet.cpp \
+ GFastaIndex.cpp \
@@ -24,11 +23,14 @@ Descriptions: Build proper libraries via automake
+ gsocket.cpp \
+ gstopwatch.cpp \
+ GStr.cpp \
-+ gtest.cpp \
+ GThreads.cpp
-+# GBam.cpp # Exists but is not build by upstream Makefile
++# gdimg.cpp # Not build by upstream Makefile
++# # Would introduce unneeded dependency from libgd-dev
++# GBam.cpp # is not build by upstream Makefile
+# # Would need bam.h / sam.h
++# gtest.cpp # Seems to be just a test (FIXME: create autopkgtest from it)
+libgclib_la_LDFLAGS = -version-info @LIB_VERSION@
@@ -37,6 +39,10 @@ Descriptions: Build proper libraries via automake
+pkgconfig_DATA = libgclib.pc
++# FIXME: Build mdtest to properly test the lib. The code below does not work
++# mdtest_SOURCES = mdtest.cpp libgclib.a
++# mdtest_LDADD = -L. -lgclib
++# bin_PROGRAMS = mdtest
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libgclib.pc.in
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
@@ -23,3 +23,6 @@ override_dh_install:
mkdir debian/$(DEB_SOURCE)-dev/usr/include/gclib
mv debian/$(DEB_SOURCE)-dev/usr/include/*.h* debian/$(DEB_SOURCE)-dev/usr/include/gclib
+ # delete header files of not compiled C++ source files
+ find debian/$(DEB_SOURCE)-dev -name gdimg.h -delete
+ find debian/$(DEB_SOURCE)-dev -name GBam.h -delete
debian/tests/control deleted
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-Tests: run-unit-test
-Depends: @
-Restrictions: allow-stderr
debian/tests/run-unit-test deleted
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-set -e
-if [ "${AUTOPKGTEST_TMP}" = "" ] ; then
- AUTOPKGTEST_TMP=$(mktemp -d /tmp/${pkg}-test.XXXXXX)
- # Double quote below to expand the temporary directory variable now versus
- # later is on purpose.
- # shellcheck disable=SC2064
-cp -a /usr/share/doc/${pkg}/examples/* "${AUTOPKGTEST_TMP}"
View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/med-team/libgclib/compare/3a229756b66e6d04b118ec30da4a29bf304eabec...6572cc68344d2464b1e58d4128e3a56c2c7d65b1
View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/med-team/libgclib/compare/3a229756b66e6d04b118ec30da4a29bf304eabec...6572cc68344d2464b1e58d4128e3a56c2c7d65b1
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