[med-svn] [Git][python-team/modules/tifffile][upstream] New upstream version 20200511

Ole Streicher gitlab at salsa.debian.org
Fri May 15 19:32:04 BST 2020

Ole Streicher pushed to branch upstream at Debian Python Team / DPMT / tifffile

cddd23a4 by Ole Streicher at 2020-05-15T20:16:00+02:00
New upstream version 20200511
- - - - -

19 changed files:

- + CHANGES.rst
- README.rst
- setup.py
- − setup_tiffile.py
- tests/conftest.py
- tests/test_tifffile.py
- tifffile.egg-info/PKG-INFO
- tifffile.egg-info/SOURCES.txt
- tifffile.egg-info/requires.txt
- tifffile/__init__.py
- tifffile/__main__.py
- tifffile/lsm2bin.py
- tifffile/tifffile.py
- tifffile/tifffile_geodb.py
- − tiffile.py


@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+* Egor Zindy, for lsm_scan_info specifics.
+* Wim Lewis for a bug fix and some LSM functions.
+* Hadrien Mary for help on reading MicroManager files.
+* Christian Kliche for help writing tiled and color-mapped files.
+* Grzegorz Bokota, for reporting and fixing OME-XML handling issues.

@@ -0,0 +1,380 @@
+    Pass 2908 tests.
+    Fix reading ImageJ grayscale mode RGB images (#6).
+    Remove napari reader plugin.
+    Add napari reader plugin (tentative).
+    Fix writing single tiles larger than image data (#3).
+    Always store ExtraSamples values in tuple (breaking).
+    Allow to write tiled TIFF from iterator of tiles (WIP).
+    Add function to iterate over decoded segments of TiffPage (WIP).
+    Pass chunks of segments to ThreadPoolExecutor.map to reduce memory usage.
+    Fix reading invalid files with too many strips.
+    Fix writing over-aligned image data.
+    Detect OME-XML without declaration (#2).
+    Support LERC compression (WIP).
+    Delay load imagecodecs functions.
+    Remove maxsize parameter from asarray (breaking).
+    Deprecate ijmetadata parameter from TiffWriter.save (use metadata).
+    Add function to decode individual strips or tiles.
+    Read strips and tiles in order of their offsets.
+    Enable multi-threading when decompressing multiple strips.
+    Replace TiffPage.tags dictionary with TiffTags (breaking).
+    Replace TIFF.TAGS dictionary with TiffTagRegistry.
+    Remove TIFF.TAG_NAMES (breaking).
+    Improve handling of TiffSequence parameters in imread.
+    Match last uncommon parts of file paths to FileSequence pattern (breaking).
+    Allow letters in FileSequence pattern for indexing well plate rows.
+    Allow to reorder axes in FileSequence.
+    Allow to write > 4 GB arrays to plain TIFF when using compression.
+    Allow to write zero size numpy arrays to nonconformant TIFF (tentative).
+    Fix xml2dict.
+    Require imagecodecs >= 2020.1.31.
+    Remove support for imagecodecs-lite (breaking).
+    Remove verify parameter to asarray function (breaking).
+    Remove deprecated lzw_decode functions (breaking).
+    Remove support for Python 2.7 and 3.5 (breaking).
+    Fix infinite loop reading more than two tags of same code in IFD.
+    Delay import of logging module.
+    Fix OME-XML detection for files created by Imaris.
+    Remove or replace assert statements.
+    Do not write SampleFormat tag for unsigned data types.
+    Write ByteCount tag values as SHORT or LONG if possible.
+    Allow to specify axes in FileSequence pattern via group names.
+    Add option to concurrently read FileSequence using threads.
+    Derive TiffSequence from FileSequence.
+    Use str(datetime.timedelta) to format Timer duration.
+    Use perf_counter for Timer if possible.
+    Fix reading planar RGB ImageJ files created by Bio-Formats.
+    Fix reading single-file, multi-image OME-TIFF without UUID.
+    Presume LSM stores uncompressed images contiguously per page.
+    Reformat some complex expressions.
+    Ignore invalid frames in OME-TIFF.
+    Set default subsampling to (2, 2) for RGB JPEG compression.
+    Fix reading and writing planar RGB JPEG compression.
+    Replace buffered_read with FileHandle.read_segments.
+    Include page or frame numbers in exceptions and warnings.
+    Add Timer class.
+    Add optional chroma subsampling for JPEG compression.
+    Enable writing PNG, JPEG, JPEGXR, and JPEG2K compression (WIP).
+    Fix writing tiled images with WebP compression.
+    Improve handling GeoTIFF sparse files.
+    Fix regression decoding JPEG with RGB photometrics.
+    Fix reading OME-TIFF files with corrupted but unused pages.
+    Allow to load TiffFrame without specifying keyframe.
+    Calculate virtual TiffFrames for non-BigTIFF ScanImage files > 2GB.
+    Rename property is_chroma_subsampled to is_subsampled (breaking).
+    Make more attributes and methods private (WIP).
+    Fix MemoryError when RowsPerStrip > ImageLength.
+    Fix SyntaxWarning on Python 3.8.
+    Fail to decode JPEG to planar RGB (tentative).
+    Separate public from private test files (WIP).
+    Allow testing without data files or imagecodecs.
+    Use imagecodecs-lite as a fallback for imagecodecs.
+    Simplify reading numpy arrays from file.
+    Use TiffFrames when reading arrays from page sequences.
+    Support slices and iterators in TiffPageSeries sequence interface.
+    Auto-detect uniform series.
+    Use page hash to determine generic series.
+    Turn off TiffPages cache (tentative).
+    Pass through more parameters in imread.
+    Discontinue movie parameter in imread and TiffFile (breaking).
+    Discontinue bigsize parameter in imwrite (breaking).
+    Raise TiffFileError in case of issues with TIFF structure.
+    Return TiffFile.ome_metadata as XML (breaking).
+    Ignore OME series when last dimensions are not stored in TIFF pages.
+    Assemble IFDs in memory to speed-up writing on some slow media.
+    Handle discontinued arguments fastij, multifile_close, and pages.
+    Use black background in imshow.
+    Do not write datetime tag by default (breaking).
+    Fix OME-TIFF with SamplesPerPixel > 1.
+    Allow 64-bit IFD offsets for NDPI (files > 4GB still not supported).
+    Fix decoding deflate without imagecodecs.
+    Update copyright year.
+    Require imagecodecs >= 2018.12.16.
+    Do not use JPEG tables from keyframe.
+    Enable decoding large JPEG in NDPI.
+    Decode some old-style JPEG.
+    Reorder OME channel axis to match PlanarConfiguration storage.
+    Return tiled images as contiguous arrays.
+    Add decode_lzw proxy function for compatibility with old czifile module.
+    Use dedicated logger.
+    Make SubIFDs accessible as TiffPage.pages.
+    Make parsing of TiffSequence axes pattern optional (breaking).
+    Limit parsing of TiffSequence axes pattern to file names, not path names.
+    Do not interpolate in imshow if image dimensions <= 512, else use bilinear.
+    Use logging.warning instead of warnings.warn in many cases.
+    Fix numpy FutureWarning for out == 'memmap'.
+    Adjust ZSTD and WebP compression to libtiff-4.0.10 (WIP).
+    Decode old-style LZW with imagecodecs >= 2018.11.8.
+    Remove TiffFile.qptiff_metadata (QPI metadata are per page).
+    Do not use keyword arguments before variable positional arguments.
+    Make either all or none return statements in a function return expression.
+    Use pytest parametrize to generate tests.
+    Replace test classes with functions.
+    Rename imsave function to imwrite.
+    Readd Python implementations of packints, delta, and bitorder codecs..
+    Fix TiffFrame.compression AttributeError.
+    Rename tiffile package to tifffile.
+    Read ZIF, the Zoomable Image Format (WIP).
+    Decode YCbCr JPEG as RGB (tentative).
+    Improve restoration of incomplete tiles.
+    Allow to write grayscale with extrasamples without specifying planarconfig.
+    Enable decoding of PNG and JXR via imagecodecs.
+    Deprecate 32-bit platforms (too many memory errors during tests).
+    Read Olympus SIS (WIP).
+    Allow to write non-BigTIFF files up to ~4 GB (fix).
+    Fix parsing date and time fields in SEM metadata.
+    Detect some circular IFD references.
+    Enable WebP codecs via imagecodecs.
+    Add option to read TiffSequence from ZIP containers.
+    Remove TiffFile.isnative.
+    Move TIFF struct format constants out of TiffFile namespace.
+    Fix wrong TiffTag.valueoffset.
+    Towards reading Hamamatsu NDPI (WIP).
+    Enable PackBits compression of byte and bool arrays.
+    Fix parsing NULL terminated CZ_SEM strings.
+    Move tifffile.py and related modules into tiffile package.
+    Move usage examples to module docstring.
+    Enable multi-threading for compressed tiles and pages by default.
+    Add option to concurrently decode image tiles using threads.
+    Do not skip empty tiles (fix).
+    Read JPEG and J2K compressed strips and tiles.
+    Allow floating-point predictor on write.
+    Add option to specify subfiletype on write.
+    Depend on imagecodecs package instead of _tifffile, lzma, etc modules.
+    Remove reverse_bitorder, unpack_ints, and decode functions.
+    Use pytest instead of unittest.
+    Save RGBA with unassociated extrasample by default (breaking).
+    Add option to specify ExtraSamples values.
+2018.6.17 (included with 0.15.1)
+    Towards reading JPEG and other compressions via imagecodecs package (WIP).
+    Read SampleFormat VOID as UINT.
+    Add function to validate TIFF using 'jhove -m TIFF-hul'.
+    Save bool arrays as bilevel TIFF.
+    Accept pathlib.Path as filenames.
+    Move 'software' argument from TiffWriter __init__ to save.
+    Raise DOS limit to 16 TB.
+    Lazy load LZMA and ZSTD compressors and decompressors.
+    Add option to save IJMetadata tags.
+    Return correct number of pages for truncated series (fix).
+    Move EXIF tags to TIFF.TAG as per TIFF/EP standard.
+    Always save RowsPerStrip and Resolution tags as required by TIFF standard.
+    Do not use badly typed ImageDescription.
+    Coerce bad ASCII string tags to bytes.
+    Tuning of __str__ functions.
+    Fix reading 'undefined' tag values.
+    Read and write ZSTD compressed data.
+    Use hexdump to print bytes.
+    Determine TIFF byte order from data dtype in imsave.
+    Add option to specify RowsPerStrip for compressed strips.
+    Allow memory-map of arrays with non-native byte order.
+    Attempt to handle ScanImage <= 5.1 files.
+    Restore TiffPageSeries.pages sequence interface.
+    Use numpy.frombuffer instead of fromstring to read from binary data.
+    Parse GeoTIFF metadata.
+    Add option to apply horizontal differencing before compression.
+    Towards reading PerkinElmer QPI (QPTIFF, no test files).
+    Do not index out of bounds data in tifffile.c unpackbits and decodelzw.
+    Many backward incompatible changes improving speed and resource usage:
+    Add detail argument to __str__ function. Remove info functions.
+    Fix potential issue correcting offsets of large LSM files with positions.
+    Remove TiffFile sequence interface; use TiffFile.pages instead.
+    Do not make tag values available as TiffPage attributes.
+    Use str (not bytes) type for tag and metadata strings (WIP).
+    Use documented standard tag and value names (WIP).
+    Use enums for some documented TIFF tag values.
+    Remove 'memmap' and 'tmpfile' options; use out='memmap' instead.
+    Add option to specify output in asarray functions.
+    Add option to concurrently decode pages using threads.
+    Add TiffPage.asrgb function (WIP).
+    Do not apply colormap in asarray.
+    Remove 'colormapped', 'rgbonly', and 'scale_mdgel' options from asarray.
+    Consolidate metadata in TiffFile _metadata functions.
+    Remove non-tag metadata properties from TiffPage.
+    Add function to convert LSM to tiled BIN files.
+    Align image data in file.
+    Make TiffPage.dtype a numpy.dtype.
+    Add 'ndim' and 'size' properties to TiffPage and TiffPageSeries.
+    Allow imsave to write non-BigTIFF files up to ~4 GB.
+    Only read one page for shaped series if possible.
+    Add memmap function to create memory-mapped array stored in TIFF file.
+    Add option to save empty arrays to TIFF files.
+    Add option to save truncated TIFF files.
+    Allow single tile images to be saved contiguously.
+    Add optional movie mode for files with uniform pages.
+    Lazy load pages.
+    Use lightweight TiffFrame for IFDs sharing properties with key TiffPage.
+    Move module constants to 'TIFF' namespace (speed up module import).
+    Remove 'fastij' option from TiffFile.
+    Remove 'pages' parameter from TiffFile.
+    Remove TIFFfile alias.
+    Deprecate Python 2.
+    Require enum34 and futures packages on Python 2.7.
+    Remove Record class and return all metadata as dict instead.
+    Add functions to parse STK, MetaSeries, ScanImage, SVS, Pilatus metadata.
+    Read tags from EXIF and GPS IFDs.
+    Use pformat for tag and metadata values.
+    Fix reading some UIC tags.
+    Do not modify input array in imshow (fix).
+    Fix Python implementation of unpack_ints.
+    Write correct number of SampleFormat values (fix).
+    Use Adobe deflate code to write ZIP compressed files.
+    Add option to pass tag values as packed binary data for writing.
+    Defer tag validation to attribute access.
+    Use property instead of lazyattr decorator for simple expressions.
+    Write IFDs and tag values on word boundaries.
+    Read ScanImage metadata.
+    Remove is_rgb and is_indexed attributes from TiffFile.
+    Create files used by doctests.
+2017.1.12 (included with scikit-image 0.14.x)
+    Read Zeiss SEM metadata.
+    Read OME-TIFF with invalid references to external files.
+    Rewrite C LZW decoder (5x faster).
+    Read corrupted LSM files missing EOI code in LZW stream.
+    Add option to append images to existing TIFF files.
+    Read files without pages.
+    Read S-FEG and Helios NanoLab tags created by FEI software.
+    Allow saving Color Filter Array (CFA) images.
+    Add info functions returning more information about TiffFile and TiffPage.
+    Add option to read specific pages only.
+    Remove maxpages argument (breaking).
+    Remove test_tifffile function.
+    Improve detection of ImageJ hyperstacks.
+    Read TVIPS metadata created by EM-MENU (by Marco Oster).
+    Add option to disable using OME-XML metadata.
+    Allow non-integer range attributes in modulo tags (by Stuart Berg).
+    Do not always memmap contiguous data in page series.
+    Add option to specify resolution unit.
+    Write grayscale images with extra samples when planarconfig is specified.
+    Do not write RGB color images with 2 samples.
+    Reorder TiffWriter.save keyword arguments (breaking).
+    TiffWriter, imread, and imsave accept open binary file streams.
+    Fix reversed fill order in 2 and 4 bps images.
+    Implement reverse_bitorder in C.
+    Fix saving additional ImageJ metadata.
+    Write 8 bytes double tag values using offset if necessary (bug fix).
+    Add option to disable writing second image description tag.
+    Detect tags with incorrect counts.
+    Disable color mapping for LSM.
+    Read LSM 6 mosaics.
+    Add option to specify directory of memory-mapped files.
+    Add command line options to specify vmin and vmax values for colormapping.
+    New helper function to apply colormaps.
+    Renamed is_palette attributes to is_indexed (breaking).
+    Color-mapped samples are now contiguous (breaking).
+    Do not color-map ImageJ hyperstacks (breaking).
+    Towards reading Leica SCN.
+    Read images with reversed bit order (FillOrder is LSB2MSB).
+    Read RGB OME-TIFF.
+    Warn about malformed OME-XML.
+    Detect some corrupted ImageJ metadata.
+    Better axes labels for 'shaped' files.
+    Do not create TiffTag for default values.
+    Chroma subsampling is not supported.
+    Memory-map data in TiffPageSeries if possible (optional).
+    Write ImageJ hyperstacks (optional).
+    Read and write LZMA compressed data.
+    Specify datetime when saving (optional).
+    Save tiled and color-mapped images (optional).
+    Ignore void bytecounts and offsets if possible.
+    Ignore bogus image_depth tag created by ISS Vista software.
+    Decode floating-point horizontal differencing (not tiled).
+    Save image data contiguously if possible.
+    Only read first IFD from ImageJ files if possible.
+    Read ImageJ 'raw' format (files larger than 4 GB).
+    TiffPageSeries class for pages with compatible shape and data type.
+    Try to read incomplete tiles.
+    Open file dialog if no filename is passed on command line.
+    Ignore errors when decoding OME-XML.
+    Rename decoder functions (breaking).
+    TiffWriter class for incremental writing images.
+    Simplify examples.
+    Add memmap function to FileHandle.
+    Add function to determine if image data in TiffPage is memory-mappable.
+    Do not close files if multifile_close parameter is False.
+    Return all extrasamples by default (breaking).
+    Read data from series of pages into memory-mapped array (optional).
+    Squeeze OME dimensions (breaking).
+    Workaround missing EOI code in strips.
+    Support image and tile depth tags (SGI extension).
+    Better handling of STK/UIC tags (breaking).
+    Disable color mapping for STK.
+    Julian to datetime converter.
+    TIFF ASCII type may be NULL separated.
+    Unwrap strip offsets for LSM files greater than 4 GB.
+    Correct strip byte counts in compressed LSM files.
+    Skip missing files in OME series.
+    Read embedded TIFF files.
+    Save rational numbers as type 5 (bug fix).
+    Keep other files in OME multi-file series closed.
+    FileHandle class to abstract binary file handle.
+    Disable color mapping for bad OME-TIFF produced by bio-formats.
+    Read bad OME-XML produced by ImageJ when cropping.
+    Allow zlib compress data in imsave function (optional).
+    Memory-map contiguous image data (optional).
+    Read MicroManager metadata and little-endian ImageJ tag.
+    Save extra tags in imsave function.
+    Save tags in ascending order by code (bug fix).
+    Accept file like objects (read from OIB files).
+    Rename TIFFfile to TiffFile and TIFFpage to TiffPage.
+    TiffSequence class for reading sequence of TIFF files.
+    Read UltraQuant tags.
+    Allow float numbers as resolution in imsave function.
+    Read MD GEL tags and NIH Image header.
+    Read ImageJ tags.
+    ...
\ No newline at end of file

@@ -1,21 +1,21 @@
-Copyright (c) 2008-2018, Christoph Gohlke
-Copyright (c) 2008-2018, The Regents of the University of California
-Produced at the Laboratory for Fluorescence Dynamics
+BSD 3-Clause License
+Copyright (c) 2008-2020, Christoph Gohlke
 All rights reserved.
 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
 modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
-* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
-  this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
+   this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
-* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
-  this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
-  and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
+   this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
+   and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
-* Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its
-  contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
-  this software without specific prior written permission.
+3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its
+   contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
+   this software without specific prior written permission.

@@ -1,8 +1,10 @@
 include LICENSE
 include README.rst
+include CHANGES.rst
-include tiffile.py
-include setup_tiffile.py
+# include tiffile.py
+# include setup_tiffile.py
 include tests/*.py
 recursive-exclude * __pycache__

@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 Metadata-Version: 2.1
 Name: tifffile
-Version: 2018.11.28
+Version: 2020.5.11
 Summary: Read and write TIFF(r) files
 Home-page: https://www.lfd.uci.edu/~gohlke/
 Author: Christoph Gohlke
@@ -12,29 +12,29 @@ Description: Read and write TIFF(r) files
         Tifffile is a Python library to
         (1) store numpy arrays in TIFF (Tagged Image File Format) files, and
-        (2) read image and metadata from TIFF like files used in bioimaging.
+        (2) read image and metadata from TIFF-like files used in bioimaging.
-        Image and metadata can be read from TIFF, BigTIFF, OME-TIFF, STK, LSM, NIH,
-        SGI, ImageJ, MicroManager, FluoView, ScanImage, SEQ, GEL, SVS, SCN, SIS, ZIF,
-        QPI, and GeoTIFF files.
+        Image and metadata can be read from TIFF, BigTIFF, OME-TIFF, STK, LSM, SGI,
+        NIHImage, ImageJ, MicroManager, FluoView, ScanImage, SEQ, GEL, SVS, SCN, SIS,
+        ZIF, QPTIFF, NDPI, and GeoTIFF files.
         Numpy arrays can be written to TIFF, BigTIFF, and ImageJ hyperstack compatible
         files in multi-page, memory-mappable, tiled, predicted, or compressed form.
-        Only a subset of the TIFF specification is supported, mainly uncompressed and
-        losslessly compressed 1, 8, 16, 32 and 64-bit integer, 16, 32 and 64-bit float,
-        grayscale and RGB(A) images.
+        A subset of the TIFF specification is supported, mainly uncompressed and
+        losslessly compressed 8, 16, 32 and 64-bit integer, 16, 32 and 64-bit float,
+        grayscale and multi-sample images.
         Specifically, reading slices of image data, CCITT and OJPEG compression,
-        chroma subsampling without JPEG compression, or IPTC and XMP metadata are not
-        implemented.
+        chroma subsampling without JPEG compression, color space transformations,
+        samples with differing types, or IPTC and XMP metadata are not implemented.
         TIFF(r), the Tagged Image File Format, is a trademark and under control of
-        Adobe Systems Incorporated. BigTIFF allows for files greater than 4 GB.
-        STK, LSM, FluoView, SGI, SEQ, GEL, and OME-TIFF, are custom extensions
-        defined by Molecular Devices (Universal Imaging Corporation), Carl Zeiss
-        MicroImaging, Olympus, Silicon Graphics International, Media Cybernetics,
-        Molecular Dynamics, and the Open Microscopy Environment consortium
-        respectively.
+        Adobe Systems Incorporated. BigTIFF allows for files larger than 4 GB.
+        STK, LSM, FluoView, SGI, SEQ, GEL, QPTIFF, NDPI, and OME-TIFF, are custom
+        extensions defined by Molecular Devices (Universal Imaging Corporation),
+        Carl Zeiss MicroImaging, Olympus, Silicon Graphics International,
+        Media Cybernetics, Molecular Dynamics, PerkinElmer, Hamamatsu, and the
+        Open Microscopy Environment consortium respectively.
         For command line usage run ``python -m tifffile --help``
@@ -44,29 +44,148 @@ Description: Read and write TIFF(r) files
           Laboratory for Fluorescence Dynamics, University of California, Irvine
-        :Version: 2018.11.28
+        :License: BSD 3-Clause
+        :Version: 2020.5.11
-        * `CPython 2.7 or 3.5+ 64-bit <https://www.python.org>`_
-        * `Numpy 1.14 <https://www.numpy.org>`_
-        * `Imagecodecs 2018.11.8 <https://pypi.org/project/imagecodecs/>`_
-          (optional; used for decoding LZW, JPEG, etc.)
-        * `Matplotlib 2.2 <https://www.matplotlib.org>`_ (optional; used for plotting)
-        * Python 2.7 requires 'futures', 'enum34', and 'pathlib'.
+        This release has been tested with the following requirements and dependencies
+        (other versions may work):
+        * `CPython 3.6.8, 3.7.7, 3.8.2 64-bit <https://www.python.org>`_
+        * `Numpy 1.16.6 <https://www.numpy.org>`_
+        * `Imagecodecs 2020.2.18 <https://pypi.org/project/imagecodecs/>`_
+          (required only for encoding or decoding LZW, JPEG, etc.)
+        * `Matplotlib 3.1 <https://www.matplotlib.org>`_ (required only for plotting)
+        2020.5.11
+            Pass 2908 tests.
+            Fix reading ImageJ grayscale mode RGB images (#6).
+            Remove napari reader plugin.
+        2020.5.7
+            Add napari reader plugin (tentative).
+            Fix writing single tiles larger than image data (#3).
+            Always store ExtraSamples values in tuple (breaking).
+        2020.5.5
+            Allow to write tiled TIFF from iterator of tiles (WIP).
+            Add function to iterate over decoded segments of TiffPage (WIP).
+            Pass chunks of segments to ThreadPoolExecutor.map to reduce memory usage.
+            Fix reading invalid files with too many strips.
+            Fix writing over-aligned image data.
+            Detect OME-XML without declaration (#2).
+            Support LERC compression (WIP).
+            Delay load imagecodecs functions.
+            Remove maxsize parameter from asarray (breaking).
+            Deprecate ijmetadata parameter from TiffWriter.save (use metadata).
+        2020.2.16
+            Add function to decode individual strips or tiles.
+            Read strips and tiles in order of their offsets.
+            Enable multi-threading when decompressing multiple strips.
+            Replace TiffPage.tags dictionary with TiffTags (breaking).
+            Replace TIFF.TAGS dictionary with TiffTagRegistry.
+            Remove TIFF.TAG_NAMES (breaking).
+            Improve handling of TiffSequence parameters in imread.
+            Match last uncommon parts of file paths to FileSequence pattern (breaking).
+            Allow letters in FileSequence pattern for indexing well plate rows.
+            Allow to reorder axes in FileSequence.
+            Allow to write > 4 GB arrays to plain TIFF when using compression.
+            Allow to write zero size numpy arrays to nonconformant TIFF (tentative).
+            Fix xml2dict.
+            Require imagecodecs >= 2020.1.31.
+            Remove support for imagecodecs-lite (breaking).
+            Remove verify parameter to asarray function (breaking).
+            Remove deprecated lzw_decode functions (breaking).
+            Remove support for Python 2.7 and 3.5 (breaking).
+        2019.7.26
+            Fix infinite loop reading more than two tags of same code in IFD.
+            Delay import of logging module.
+        2019.7.20
+            Fix OME-XML detection for files created by Imaris.
+            Remove or replace assert statements.
+        2019.7.2
+            Do not write SampleFormat tag for unsigned data types.
+            Write ByteCount tag values as SHORT or LONG if possible.
+            Allow to specify axes in FileSequence pattern via group names.
+            Add option to concurrently read FileSequence using threads.
+            Derive TiffSequence from FileSequence.
+            Use str(datetime.timedelta) to format Timer duration.
+            Use perf_counter for Timer if possible.
+        2019.6.18
+            Fix reading planar RGB ImageJ files created by Bio-Formats.
+            Fix reading single-file, multi-image OME-TIFF without UUID.
+            Presume LSM stores uncompressed images contiguously per page..
+            Reformat some complex expressions.
+        2019.5.30
+            Ignore invalid frames in OME-TIFF.
+            Set default subsampling to (2, 2) for RGB JPEG compression.
+            Fix reading and writing planar RGB JPEG compression.
+            Replace buffered_read with FileHandle.read_segments.
+            Include page or frame numbers in exceptions and warnings.
+            Add Timer class.
+        2019.5.22
+            Add optional chroma subsampling for JPEG compression.
+            Enable writing PNG, JPEG, JPEGXR, and JPEG2K compression (WIP).
+            Fix writing tiled images with WebP compression.
+            Improve handling GeoTIFF sparse files.
+        2019.3.18
+            Fix regression decoding JPEG with RGB photometrics.
+            Fix reading OME-TIFF files with corrupted but unused pages.
+            Allow to load TiffFrame without specifying keyframe.
+            Calculate virtual TiffFrames for non-BigTIFF ScanImage files > 2GB.
+            Rename property is_chroma_subsampled to is_subsampled (breaking).
+            Make more attributes and methods private (WIP).
+        2019.3.8
+            Fix MemoryError when RowsPerStrip > ImageLength.
+            Fix SyntaxWarning on Python 3.8.
+            Fail to decode JPEG to planar RGB (tentative).
+            Separate public from private test files (WIP).
+            Allow testing without data files or imagecodecs.
+        2019.2.22
+            Use imagecodecs-lite as a fallback for imagecodecs.
+            Simplify reading numpy arrays from file.
+            Use TiffFrames when reading arrays from page sequences.
+            Support slices and iterators in TiffPageSeries sequence interface.
+            Auto-detect uniform series.
+            Use page hash to determine generic series.
+            Turn off TiffPages cache (tentative).
+            Pass through more parameters in imread.
+            Discontinue movie parameter in imread and TiffFile (breaking).
+            Discontinue bigsize parameter in imwrite (breaking).
+            Raise TiffFileError in case of issues with TIFF structure.
+            Return TiffFile.ome_metadata as XML (breaking).
+            Ignore OME series when last dimensions are not stored in TIFF pages.
+        2019.2.10
+            Assemble IFDs in memory to speed-up writing on some slow media.
+            Handle discontinued arguments fastij, multifile_close, and pages.
+        2019.1.30
+            Use black background in imshow.
+            Do not write datetime tag by default (breaking).
+            Fix OME-TIFF with SamplesPerPixel > 1.
+            Allow 64-bit IFD offsets for NDPI (files > 4GB still not supported).
+        2019.1.4
+            Fix decoding deflate without imagecodecs.
+        2019.1.1
+            Update copyright year.
+            Require imagecodecs >= 2018.12.16.
+            Do not use JPEG tables from keyframe.
+            Enable decoding large JPEG in NDPI.
+            Decode some old-style JPEG.
+            Reorder OME channel axis to match PlanarConfiguration storage.
+            Return tiled images as contiguous arrays.
+            Add decode_lzw proxy function for compatibility with old czifile module.
+            Use dedicated logger.
-            Pass 2739 tests.
             Make SubIFDs accessible as TiffPage.pages.
-            Make parsing of TiffSequence axes pattern optional (backward incompatible).
+            Make parsing of TiffSequence axes pattern optional (breaking).
             Limit parsing of TiffSequence axes pattern to file names, not path names.
             Do not interpolate in imshow if image dimensions <= 512, else use bilinear.
             Use logging.warning instead of warnings.warn in many cases.
             Fix numpy FutureWarning for out == 'memmap'.
             Adjust ZSTD and WebP compression to libtiff-4.0.10 (WIP).
-            Decode old style LZW with imagecodecs >= 2018.11.8.
+            Decode old-style LZW with imagecodecs >= 2018.11.8.
             Remove TiffFile.qptiff_metadata (QPI metadata are per page).
             Do not use keyword arguments before variable positional arguments.
             Make either all or none return statements in a function return expression.
@@ -75,323 +194,117 @@ Description: Read and write TIFF(r) files
             Rename imsave function to imwrite.
             Readd Python implementations of packints, delta, and bitorder codecs.
-            Fix TiffFrame.compression AttributeError (bug fix).
+            Fix TiffFrame.compression AttributeError.
-            Rename tiffile package to tifffile.
-        2018.10.10
-            Pass 2710 tests.
-            Read ZIF, the Zoomable Image Format (WIP).
-            Decode YCbCr JPEG as RGB (tentative).
-            Improve restoration of incomplete tiles.
-            Allow to write grayscale with extrasamples without specifying planarconfig.
-            Enable decoding of PNG and JXR via imagecodecs.
-            Deprecate 32-bit platforms (too many memory errors during tests).
-        2018.9.27
-            Read Olympus SIS (WIP).
-            Allow to write non-BigTIFF files up to ~4 GB (bug fix).
-            Fix parsing date and time fields in SEM metadata (bug fix).
-            Detect some circular IFD references.
-            Enable WebP codecs via imagecodecs.
-            Add option to read TiffSequence from ZIP containers.
-            Remove TiffFile.isnative.
-            Move TIFF struct format constants out of TiffFile namespace.
-        2018.8.31
-            Pass 2699 tests.
-            Fix wrong TiffTag.valueoffset (bug fix).
-            Towards reading Hamamatsu NDPI (WIP).
-            Enable PackBits compression of byte and bool arrays.
-            Fix parsing NULL terminated CZ_SEM strings.
-        2018.8.24
-            Move tifffile.py and related modules into tiffile package.
-            Move usage examples to module docstring.
-            Enable multi-threading for compressed tiles and pages by default.
-            Add option to concurrently decode image tiles using threads.
-            Do not skip empty tiles (bug fix).
-            Read JPEG and J2K compressed strips and tiles.
-            Allow floating point predictor on write.
-            Add option to specify subfiletype on write.
-            Depend on imagecodecs package instead of _tifffile, lzma, etc modules.
-            Remove reverse_bitorder, unpack_ints, and decode functions.
-            Use pytest instead of unittest.
-        2018.6.20
-            Save RGBA with unassociated extrasample by default (backward incompatible).
-            Add option to specify ExtraSamples values.
-        2018.6.17
-            Pass 2680 tests.
-            Towards reading JPEG and other compressions via imagecodecs package (WIP).
-            Read SampleFormat VOID as UINT.
-            Add function to validate TIFF using 'jhove -m TIFF-hul'.
-            Save bool arrays as bilevel TIFF.
-            Accept pathlib.Path as filenames.
-            Move 'software' argument from TiffWriter __init__ to save.
-            Raise DOS limit to 16 TB.
-            Lazy load lzma and zstd compressors and decompressors.
-            Add option to save IJMetadata tags.
-            Return correct number of pages for truncated series (bug fix).
-            Move EXIF tags to TIFF.TAG as per TIFF/EP standard.
-        2018.2.18
-            Pass 2293 tests.
-            Always save RowsPerStrip and Resolution tags as required by TIFF standard.
-            Do not use badly typed ImageDescription.
-            Coherce bad ASCII string tags to bytes.
-            Tuning of __str__ functions.
-            Fix reading 'undefined' tag values (bug fix).
-            Read and write ZSTD compressed data.
-            Use hexdump to print byte strings.
-            Determine TIFF byte order from data dtype in imsave.
-            Add option to specify RowsPerStrip for compressed strips.
-            Allow memory-map of arrays with non-native byte order.
-            Attempt to handle ScanImage <= 5.1 files.
-            Restore TiffPageSeries.pages sequence interface.
-            Use numpy.frombuffer instead of fromstring to read from binary data.
-            Parse GeoTIFF metadata.
-            Add option to apply horizontal differencing before compression.
-            Towards reading PerkinElmer QPI (QPTIFF, no test files).
-            Do not index out of bounds data in tifffile.c unpackbits and decodelzw.
-        2017.9.29 (tentative)
-            Many backward incompatible changes improving speed and resource usage:
-            Pass 2268 tests.
-            Add detail argument to __str__ function. Remove info functions.
-            Fix potential issue correcting offsets of large LSM files with positions.
-            Remove TiffFile sequence interface; use TiffFile.pages instead.
-            Do not make tag values available as TiffPage attributes.
-            Use str (not bytes) type for tag and metadata strings (WIP).
-            Use documented standard tag and value names (WIP).
-            Use enums for some documented TIFF tag values.
-            Remove 'memmap' and 'tmpfile' options; use out='memmap' instead.
-            Add option to specify output in asarray functions.
-            Add option to concurrently decode pages using threads.
-            Add TiffPage.asrgb function (WIP).
-            Do not apply colormap in asarray.
-            Remove 'colormapped', 'rgbonly', and 'scale_mdgel' options from asarray.
-            Consolidate metadata in TiffFile _metadata functions.
-            Remove non-tag metadata properties from TiffPage.
-            Add function to convert LSM to tiled BIN files.
-            Align image data in file.
-            Make TiffPage.dtype a numpy.dtype.
-            Add 'ndim' and 'size' properties to TiffPage and TiffPageSeries.
-            Allow imsave to write non-BigTIFF files up to ~4 GB.
-            Only read one page for shaped series if possible.
-            Add memmap function to create memory-mapped array stored in TIFF file.
-            Add option to save empty arrays to TIFF files.
-            Add option to save truncated TIFF files.
-            Allow single tile images to be saved contiguously.
-            Add optional movie mode for files with uniform pages.
-            Lazy load pages.
-            Use lightweight TiffFrame for IFDs sharing properties with key TiffPage.
-            Move module constants to 'TIFF' namespace (speed up module import).
-            Remove 'fastij' option from TiffFile.
-            Remove 'pages' parameter from TiffFile.
-            Remove TIFFfile alias.
-            Deprecate Python 2.
-            Require enum34 and futures packages on Python 2.7.
-            Remove Record class and return all metadata as dict instead.
-            Add functions to parse STK, MetaSeries, ScanImage, SVS, Pilatus metadata.
-            Read tags from EXIF and GPS IFDs.
-            Use pformat for tag and metadata values.
-            Fix reading some UIC tags (bug fix).
-            Do not modify input array in imshow (bug fix).
-            Fix Python implementation of unpack_ints.
-        2017.5.23
-            Pass 1961 tests.
-            Write correct number of SampleFormat values (bug fix).
-            Use Adobe deflate code to write ZIP compressed files.
-            Add option to pass tag values as packed binary data for writing.
-            Defer tag validation to attribute access.
-            Use property instead of lazyattr decorator for simple expressions.
-        2017.3.17
-            Write IFDs and tag values on word boundaries.
-            Read ScanImage metadata.
-            Remove is_rgb and is_indexed attributes from TiffFile.
-            Create files used by doctests.
-        2017.1.12
-            Read Zeiss SEM metadata.
-            Read OME-TIFF with invalid references to external files.
-            Rewrite C LZW decoder (5x faster).
-            Read corrupted LSM files missing EOI code in LZW stream.
-        2017.1.1
-            Add option to append images to existing TIFF files.
-            Read files without pages.
-            Read S-FEG and Helios NanoLab tags created by FEI software.
-            Allow saving Color Filter Array (CFA) images.
-            Add info functions returning more information about TiffFile and TiffPage.
-            Add option to read specific pages only.
-            Remove maxpages argument (backward incompatible).
-            Remove test_tifffile function.
-        2016.10.28
-            Pass 1944 tests.
-            Improve detection of ImageJ hyperstacks.
-            Read TVIPS metadata created by EM-MENU (by Marco Oster).
-            Add option to disable using OME-XML metadata.
-            Allow non-integer range attributes in modulo tags (by Stuart Berg).
-        2016.6.21
-            Do not always memmap contiguous data in page series.
-        2016.5.13
-            Add option to specify resolution unit.
-            Write grayscale images with extra samples when planarconfig is specified.
-            Do not write RGB color images with 2 samples.
-            Reorder TiffWriter.save keyword arguments (backward incompatible).
-        2016.4.18
-            Pass 1932 tests.
-            TiffWriter, imread, and imsave accept open binary file streams.
-        2016.04.13
-            Correctly handle reversed fill order in 2 and 4 bps images (bug fix).
-            Implement reverse_bitorder in C.
-        2016.03.18
-            Fix saving additional ImageJ metadata.
-        2016.2.22
-            Pass 1920 tests.
-            Write 8 bytes double tag values using offset if necessary (bug fix).
-            Add option to disable writing second image description tag.
-            Detect tags with incorrect counts.
-            Disable color mapping for LSM.
-        2015.11.13
-            Read LSM 6 mosaics.
-            Add option to specify directory of memory-mapped files.
-            Add command line options to specify vmin and vmax values for colormapping.
-        2015.10.06
-            New helper function to apply colormaps.
-            Renamed is_palette attributes to is_indexed (backward incompatible).
-            Color-mapped samples are now contiguous (backward incompatible).
-            Do not color-map ImageJ hyperstacks (backward incompatible).
-            Towards reading Leica SCN.
-        2015.9.25
-            Read images with reversed bit order (FillOrder is LSB2MSB).
-        2015.9.21
-            Read RGB OME-TIFF.
-            Warn about malformed OME-XML.
-        2015.9.16
-            Detect some corrupted ImageJ metadata.
-            Better axes labels for 'shaped' files.
-            Do not create TiffTag for default values.
-            Chroma subsampling is not supported.
-            Memory-map data in TiffPageSeries if possible (optional).
-        2015.8.17
-            Pass 1906 tests.
-            Write ImageJ hyperstacks (optional).
-            Read and write LZMA compressed data.
-            Specify datetime when saving (optional).
-            Save tiled and color-mapped images (optional).
-            Ignore void bytecounts and offsets if possible.
-            Ignore bogus image_depth tag created by ISS Vista software.
-            Decode floating point horizontal differencing (not tiled).
-            Save image data contiguously if possible.
-            Only read first IFD from ImageJ files if possible.
-            Read ImageJ 'raw' format (files larger than 4 GB).
-            TiffPageSeries class for pages with compatible shape and data type.
-            Try to read incomplete tiles.
-            Open file dialog if no filename is passed on command line.
-            Ignore errors when decoding OME-XML.
-            Rename decoder functions (backward incompatible).
-        2014.8.24
-            TiffWriter class for incremental writing images.
-            Simplify examples.
-        2014.8.19
-            Add memmap function to FileHandle.
-            Add function to determine if image data in TiffPage is memory-mappable.
-            Do not close files if multifile_close parameter is False.
-        2014.8.10
-            Pass 1730 tests.
-            Return all extrasamples by default (backward incompatible).
-            Read data from series of pages into memory-mapped array (optional).
-            Squeeze OME dimensions (backward incompatible).
-            Workaround missing EOI code in strips.
-            Support image and tile depth tags (SGI extension).
-            Better handling of STK/UIC tags (backward incompatible).
-            Disable color mapping for STK.
-            Julian to datetime converter.
-            TIFF ASCII type may be NULL separated.
-            Unwrap strip offsets for LSM files greater than 4 GB.
-            Correct strip byte counts in compressed LSM files.
-            Skip missing files in OME series.
-            Read embedded TIFF files.
-        2014.2.05
-            Save rational numbers as type 5 (bug fix).
-        2013.12.20
-            Keep other files in OME multi-file series closed.
-            FileHandle class to abstract binary file handle.
-            Disable color mapping for bad OME-TIFF produced by bio-formats.
-            Read bad OME-XML produced by ImageJ when cropping.
-        2013.11.3
-            Allow zlib compress data in imsave function (optional).
-            Memory-map contiguous image data (optional).
-        2013.10.28
-            Read MicroManager metadata and little-endian ImageJ tag.
-            Save extra tags in imsave function.
-            Save tags in ascending order by code (bug fix).
-        2012.10.18
-            Accept file like objects (read from OIB files).
-        2012.8.21
-            Rename TIFFfile to TiffFile and TIFFpage to TiffPage.
-            TiffSequence class for reading sequence of TIFF files.
-            Read UltraQuant tags.
-            Allow float numbers as resolution in imsave function.
-        2012.8.3
-            Read MD GEL tags and NIH Image header.
-        2012.7.25
-            Read ImageJ tags.
+        Refer to the CHANGES file for older revisions.
         The API is not stable yet and might change between revisions.
         Tested on little-endian platforms only.
-        Python 2.7, 3.4, and 32-bit versions are deprecated.
+        Python 32-bit versions are deprecated.
+        Update pip and setuptools to the latest version before installing tifffile:
+            ``python -m pip install --upgrade pip setuptools``
+        Tifffile relies on the `imagecodecs <https://pypi.org/project/imagecodecs/>`_
+        package for encoding and decoding LZW, JPEG, and other compressed images.
+        Several TIFF-like formats do not strictly adhere to the TIFF6 specification,
+        some of which allow file or data sizes to exceed the 4 GB limit:
+        * *BigTIFF* is identified by version number 43 and uses different file
+          header, IFD, and tag structures with 64-bit offsets. It adds more data types.
+          Tifffile can read and write BigTIFF files.
+        * *ImageJ* hyperstacks store all image data, which may exceed 4 GB,
+          contiguously after the first IFD. Files > 4 GB contain one IFD only.
+          The size (shape and dtype) of the up to 6-dimensional image data can be
+          determined from the ImageDescription tag of the first IFD, which is Latin-1
+          encoded. Tifffile can read and write ImageJ hyperstacks.
+        * *OME-TIFF* stores up to 8-dimensional data in one or multiple TIFF of BigTIFF
+          files. The 8-bit UTF-8 encoded OME-XML metadata found in the ImageDescription
+          tag of the first IFD defines the position of TIFF IFDs in the high
+          dimensional data. Tifffile can read OME-TIFF files, except when the OME-XML
+          metadata are stored in a separate file.
+        * *LSM* stores all IFDs below 4 GB but wraps around 32-bit StripOffsets.
+          The StripOffsets of each series and position require separate unwrapping.
+          The StripByteCounts tag contains the number of bytes for the uncompressed
+          data. Tifffile can read large LSM files.
+        * *NDPI* uses some 64-bit offsets in the file header, IFD, and tag structures.
+          Tag values/offsets can be corrected using high bits stored after IFD
+          structures. JPEG compressed tiles with dimensions > 65536 are not readable
+          with libjpeg. Tifffile can read NDPI files < 4 GB and decompress large JPEG
+          tiles using the imagecodecs library on Windows.
+        * *ScanImage* optionally allows corrupt non-BigTIFF files > 2 GB. The values
+          of StripOffsets and StripByteCounts can be recovered using the constant
+          differences of the offsets of IFD and tag values throughout the file.
+          Tifffile can read such files on Python 3 if the image data are stored
+          contiguously in each page.
+        * *GeoTIFF* sparse files allow strip or tile offsets and byte counts to be 0.
+          Such segments are implicitly set to 0 or the NODATA value on reading.
+          Tifffile can read GeoTIFF sparse files.
         Other libraries for reading scientific TIFF files from Python:
-        *  `Python-bioformats <https://github.com/CellProfiler/python-bioformats>`_
-        *  `Imread <https://github.com/luispedro/imread>`_
-        *  `GDAL <https://github.com/OSGeo/gdal/tree/master/gdal/swig/python>`_
-        *  `OpenSlide-python <https://github.com/openslide/openslide-python>`_
-        *  `PyLibTiff <https://github.com/pearu/pylibtiff>`_
-        *  `SimpleITK <http://www.simpleitk.org>`_
-        *  `PyLSM <https://launchpad.net/pylsm>`_
-        *  `PyMca.TiffIO.py <https://github.com/vasole/pymca>`_ (same as fabio.TiffIO)
-        *  `BioImageXD.Readers <http://www.bioimagexd.net/>`_
-        *  `Cellcognition.io <http://cellcognition.org/>`_
-        *  `pymimage <https://github.com/ardoi/pymimage>`_
-        *  `pytiff <https://github.com/FZJ-INM1-BDA/pytiff>`_
-        Acknowledgements
-        ----------------
-        *   Egor Zindy, University of Manchester, for lsm_scan_info specifics.
-        *   Wim Lewis for a bug fix and some LSM functions.
-        *   Hadrien Mary for help on reading MicroManager files.
-        *   Christian Kliche for help writing tiled and color-mapped files.
+        * `Python-bioformats <https://github.com/CellProfiler/python-bioformats>`_
+        * `Imread <https://github.com/luispedro/imread>`_
+        * `GDAL <https://github.com/OSGeo/gdal/tree/master/gdal/swig/python>`_
+        * `OpenSlide-python <https://github.com/openslide/openslide-python>`_
+        * `PyLibTiff <https://github.com/pearu/pylibtiff>`_
+        * `SimpleITK <https://github.com/SimpleITK/SimpleITK>`_
+        * `PyLSM <https://launchpad.net/pylsm>`_
+        * `PyMca.TiffIO.py <https://github.com/vasole/pymca>`_ (same as fabio.TiffIO)
+        * `BioImageXD.Readers <http://www.bioimagexd.net/>`_
+        * `CellCognition <https://cellcognition-project.org/>`_
+        * `pymimage <https://github.com/ardoi/pymimage>`_
+        * `pytiff <https://github.com/FZJ-INM1-BDA/pytiff>`_
+        * `ScanImageTiffReaderPython
+          <https://gitlab.com/vidriotech/scanimagetiffreader-python>`_
+        * `bigtiff <https://pypi.org/project/bigtiff>`_
+        Some libraries are using tifffile to write OME-TIFF files:
+        * `Zeiss Apeer OME-TIFF library
+          <https://github.com/apeer-micro/apeer-ometiff-library>`_
+        * `Allen Institute for Cell Science imageio
+          <https://pypi.org/project/aicsimageio>`_
-        1)  TIFF 6.0 Specification and Supplements. Adobe Systems Incorporated.
+        1.  TIFF 6.0 Specification and Supplements. Adobe Systems Incorporated.
-        2)  TIFF File Format FAQ. https://www.awaresystems.be/imaging/tiff/faq.html
-        3)  MetaMorph Stack (STK) Image File Format.
+        2.  TIFF File Format FAQ. https://www.awaresystems.be/imaging/tiff/faq.html
+        3.  MetaMorph Stack (STK) Image File Format.
-        4)  Image File Format Description LSM 5/7 Release 6.0 (ZEN 2010)..
+        4.  Image File Format Description LSM 5/7 Release 6.0 (ZEN 2010)..
             Carl Zeiss MicroImaging GmbH. BioSciences. May 10, 2011
-        5)  The OME-TIFF format.
+        5.  The OME-TIFF format.
-        6)  UltraQuant(r) Version 6.0 for Windows Start-Up Guide.
+        6.  UltraQuant(r) Version 6.0 for Windows Start-Up Guide.
-        7)  Micro-Manager File Formats.
+        7.  Micro-Manager File Formats.
-        8)  Tags for TIFF and Related Specifications. Digital Preservation.
+        8.  Tags for TIFF and Related Specifications. Digital Preservation.
-        9)  ScanImage BigTiff Specification - ScanImage 2016.
+        9.  ScanImage BigTiff Specification - ScanImage 2016.
-        10) CIPA DC-008-2016: Exchangeable image file format for digital still cameras:
+        10. CIPA DC-008-2016: Exchangeable image file format for digital still cameras:
             Exif Version 2.31.
-        11) ZIF, the Zoomable Image File format. http://zif.photo/
+        11. ZIF, the Zoomable Image File format. http://zif.photo/
+        12. GeoTIFF File Format https://gdal.org/drivers/raster/gtiff.html
         Save a 3D numpy array to a multi-page, 16-bit grayscale TIFF file:
-        >>> data = numpy.random.randint(0, 2**16, (4, 301, 219), 'uint16')
+        >>> data = numpy.random.randint(0, 2**12, (4, 301, 219), 'uint16')
         >>> imwrite('temp.tif', data, photometric='minisblack')
         Read the whole image stack from the TIFF file as numpy array:
@@ -402,7 +315,7 @@ Description: Read and write TIFF(r) files
         >>> image_stack.dtype
-        Read the image from first page (IFD) in the TIFF file:
+        Read the image from the first page in the TIFF file as numpy array:
         >>> image = imread('temp.tif', key=0)
         >>> image.shape
@@ -424,14 +337,36 @@ Description: Read and write TIFF(r) files
         >>> data = numpy.random.rand(2, 5, 3, 301, 219).astype('float32')
         >>> imwrite('temp.tif', data, compress=6, metadata={'axes': 'TZCYX'})
-        Save a volume with xyz voxel size 2.6755x2.6755x3.9474 µm^3 to ImageJ file:
+        Save a volume with xyz voxel size 2.6755x2.6755x3.9474 micron^3 to an ImageJ
+        formatted TIFF file:
         >>> volume = numpy.random.randn(57*256*256).astype('float32')
         >>> volume.shape = 1, 57, 1, 256, 256, 1  # dimensions in TZCYXS order
         >>> imwrite('temp.tif', volume, imagej=True, resolution=(1./2.6755, 1./2.6755),
         ...         metadata={'spacing': 3.947368, 'unit': 'um'})
-        Read hyperstack and metadata from ImageJ file:
+        Get the shape and dtype of the volume stored in the TIFF file:
+        >>> tif = TiffFile('temp.tif')
+        >>> len(tif.pages)  # number of pages in the file
+        57
+        >>> page = tif.pages[0]  # get shape and dtype of the image in the first page
+        >>> page.shape
+        (256, 256)
+        >>> page.dtype
+        dtype('float32')
+        >>> page.axes
+        'YX'
+        >>> series = tif.series[0]  # get shape and dtype of the first image series
+        >>> series.shape
+        (57, 256, 256)
+        >>> series.dtype
+        dtype('float32')
+        >>> series.axes
+        'ZYX'
+        >>> tif.close()
+        Read hyperstack and metadata from the ImageJ file:
         >>> with TiffFile('temp.tif') as tif:
         ...     imagej_hyperstack = tif.asarray()
@@ -441,35 +376,58 @@ Description: Read and write TIFF(r) files
         >>> imagej_metadata['slices']
+        Read the "XResolution" tag from the first page in the TIFF file:
+        >>> with TiffFile('temp.tif') as tif:
+        ...     tag = tif.pages[0].tags['XResolution']
+        >>> tag.value
+        (2000, 5351)
+        >>> tag.name
+        'XResolution'
+        >>> tag.code
+        282
+        >>> tag.count
+        1
+        >>> tag.dtype
+        '2I'
+        Read images from a selected range of pages:
+        >>> image = imread('temp.tif', key=range(4, 40, 2))
+        >>> image.shape
+        (18, 256, 256)
         Create an empty TIFF file and write to the memory-mapped numpy array:
         >>> memmap_image = memmap('temp.tif', shape=(256, 256), dtype='float32')
         >>> memmap_image[255, 255] = 1.0
         >>> memmap_image.flush()
-        >>> memmap_image.shape, memmap_image.dtype
-        ((256, 256), dtype('float32'))
         >>> del memmap_image
-        Memory-map image data in the TIFF file:
+        Memory-map image data of the first page in the TIFF file:
         >>> memmap_image = memmap('temp.tif', page=0)
         >>> memmap_image[255, 255]
         >>> del memmap_image
-        Successively append images to a BigTIFF file:
+        Successively append images to a BigTIFF file, which can exceed 4 GB:
         >>> data = numpy.random.randint(0, 255, (5, 2, 3, 301, 219), 'uint8')
         >>> with TiffWriter('temp.tif', bigtiff=True) as tif:
         ...     for i in range(data.shape[0]):
         ...         tif.save(data[i], compress=6, photometric='minisblack')
+        Append an image to the existing TIFF file:
+        >>> data = numpy.random.randint(0, 255, (301, 219, 3), 'uint8')
+        >>> imwrite('temp.tif', data, append=True)
         Iterate over pages and tags in the TIFF file and successively read images:
         >>> with TiffFile('temp.tif') as tif:
-        ...     image_stack = tif.asarray()
         ...     for page in tif.pages:
-        ...         for tag in page.tags.values():
+        ...         for tag in page.tags:
         ...             tag_name, tag_value = tag.name, tag.value
         ...         image = page.asarray()
@@ -479,7 +437,7 @@ Description: Read and write TIFF(r) files
         >>> data1 = numpy.random.randint(0, 255, (5, 301, 219), 'uint16')
         >>> with TiffWriter('temp.tif') as tif:
         ...     tif.save(data0, compress=6, photometric='rgb')
-        ...     tif.save(data1, compress=6, photometric='minisblack')
+        ...     tif.save(data1, compress=6, photometric='minisblack', contiguous=False)
         Read the second image series from the TIFF file:
@@ -487,7 +445,7 @@ Description: Read and write TIFF(r) files
         >>> series1.shape
         (5, 301, 219)
-        Read an image stack from a sequence of TIFF files with a file name pattern:
+        Read an image stack from a series of TIFF files with a file name pattern:
         >>> imwrite('temp_C001T001.tif', numpy.random.rand(64, 64))
         >>> imwrite('temp_C001T002.tif', numpy.random.rand(64, 64))
@@ -500,18 +458,22 @@ Description: Read and write TIFF(r) files
         >>> data.shape
         (1, 2, 64, 64)
+        Create a TIFF file from an iterator of tiles:
+        >>> def tiles():
+        ...     data = numpy.arange(3*4*16*16, dtype='uint16').reshape((3*4, 16, 16))
+        ...     for i in range(data.shape[0]): yield data[i]
+        >>> imwrite('temp.tif', tiles(), dtype='uint16', shape=(48, 64), tile=(16, 16))
 Platform: any
 Classifier: Development Status :: 4 - Beta
 Classifier: License :: OSI Approved :: BSD License
 Classifier: Intended Audience :: Science/Research
 Classifier: Intended Audience :: Developers
 Classifier: Operating System :: OS Independent
-Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 2
-Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 2.7
-Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3
-Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.4
-Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.5
+Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3 :: Only
 Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.6
 Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.7
-Requires-Python: >=2.7
+Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.8
+Requires-Python: >=3.6
 Provides-Extra: all

@@ -4,29 +4,29 @@ Read and write TIFF(r) files
 Tifffile is a Python library to
 (1) store numpy arrays in TIFF (Tagged Image File Format) files, and
-(2) read image and metadata from TIFF like files used in bioimaging.
+(2) read image and metadata from TIFF-like files used in bioimaging.
-Image and metadata can be read from TIFF, BigTIFF, OME-TIFF, STK, LSM, NIH,
-SGI, ImageJ, MicroManager, FluoView, ScanImage, SEQ, GEL, SVS, SCN, SIS, ZIF,
-QPI, and GeoTIFF files.
+Image and metadata can be read from TIFF, BigTIFF, OME-TIFF, STK, LSM, SGI,
+NIHImage, ImageJ, MicroManager, FluoView, ScanImage, SEQ, GEL, SVS, SCN, SIS,
+ZIF, QPTIFF, NDPI, and GeoTIFF files.
 Numpy arrays can be written to TIFF, BigTIFF, and ImageJ hyperstack compatible
 files in multi-page, memory-mappable, tiled, predicted, or compressed form.
-Only a subset of the TIFF specification is supported, mainly uncompressed and
-losslessly compressed 1, 8, 16, 32 and 64-bit integer, 16, 32 and 64-bit float,
-grayscale and RGB(A) images.
+A subset of the TIFF specification is supported, mainly uncompressed and
+losslessly compressed 8, 16, 32 and 64-bit integer, 16, 32 and 64-bit float,
+grayscale and multi-sample images.
 Specifically, reading slices of image data, CCITT and OJPEG compression,
-chroma subsampling without JPEG compression, or IPTC and XMP metadata are not
+chroma subsampling without JPEG compression, color space transformations,
+samples with differing types, or IPTC and XMP metadata are not implemented.
 TIFF(r), the Tagged Image File Format, is a trademark and under control of
-Adobe Systems Incorporated. BigTIFF allows for files greater than 4 GB.
-STK, LSM, FluoView, SGI, SEQ, GEL, and OME-TIFF, are custom extensions
-defined by Molecular Devices (Universal Imaging Corporation), Carl Zeiss
-MicroImaging, Olympus, Silicon Graphics International, Media Cybernetics,
-Molecular Dynamics, and the Open Microscopy Environment consortium
+Adobe Systems Incorporated. BigTIFF allows for files larger than 4 GB.
+STK, LSM, FluoView, SGI, SEQ, GEL, QPTIFF, NDPI, and OME-TIFF, are custom
+extensions defined by Molecular Devices (Universal Imaging Corporation),
+Carl Zeiss MicroImaging, Olympus, Silicon Graphics International,
+Media Cybernetics, Molecular Dynamics, PerkinElmer, Hamamatsu, and the
+Open Microscopy Environment consortium respectively.
 For command line usage run ``python -m tifffile --help``
@@ -36,29 +36,148 @@ For command line usage run ``python -m tifffile --help``
   Laboratory for Fluorescence Dynamics, University of California, Irvine
-:Version: 2018.11.28
+:License: BSD 3-Clause
+:Version: 2020.5.11
-* `CPython 2.7 or 3.5+ 64-bit <https://www.python.org>`_
-* `Numpy 1.14 <https://www.numpy.org>`_
-* `Imagecodecs 2018.11.8 <https://pypi.org/project/imagecodecs/>`_
-  (optional; used for decoding LZW, JPEG, etc.)
-* `Matplotlib 2.2 <https://www.matplotlib.org>`_ (optional; used for plotting)
-* Python 2.7 requires 'futures', 'enum34', and 'pathlib'.
+This release has been tested with the following requirements and dependencies
+(other versions may work):
+* `CPython 3.6.8, 3.7.7, 3.8.2 64-bit <https://www.python.org>`_
+* `Numpy 1.16.6 <https://www.numpy.org>`_
+* `Imagecodecs 2020.2.18 <https://pypi.org/project/imagecodecs/>`_
+  (required only for encoding or decoding LZW, JPEG, etc.)
+* `Matplotlib 3.1 <https://www.matplotlib.org>`_ (required only for plotting)
+    Pass 2908 tests.
+    Fix reading ImageJ grayscale mode RGB images (#6).
+    Remove napari reader plugin.
+    Add napari reader plugin (tentative).
+    Fix writing single tiles larger than image data (#3).
+    Always store ExtraSamples values in tuple (breaking).
+    Allow to write tiled TIFF from iterator of tiles (WIP).
+    Add function to iterate over decoded segments of TiffPage (WIP).
+    Pass chunks of segments to ThreadPoolExecutor.map to reduce memory usage.
+    Fix reading invalid files with too many strips.
+    Fix writing over-aligned image data.
+    Detect OME-XML without declaration (#2).
+    Support LERC compression (WIP).
+    Delay load imagecodecs functions.
+    Remove maxsize parameter from asarray (breaking).
+    Deprecate ijmetadata parameter from TiffWriter.save (use metadata).
+    Add function to decode individual strips or tiles.
+    Read strips and tiles in order of their offsets.
+    Enable multi-threading when decompressing multiple strips.
+    Replace TiffPage.tags dictionary with TiffTags (breaking).
+    Replace TIFF.TAGS dictionary with TiffTagRegistry.
+    Remove TIFF.TAG_NAMES (breaking).
+    Improve handling of TiffSequence parameters in imread.
+    Match last uncommon parts of file paths to FileSequence pattern (breaking).
+    Allow letters in FileSequence pattern for indexing well plate rows.
+    Allow to reorder axes in FileSequence.
+    Allow to write > 4 GB arrays to plain TIFF when using compression.
+    Allow to write zero size numpy arrays to nonconformant TIFF (tentative).
+    Fix xml2dict.
+    Require imagecodecs >= 2020.1.31.
+    Remove support for imagecodecs-lite (breaking).
+    Remove verify parameter to asarray function (breaking).
+    Remove deprecated lzw_decode functions (breaking).
+    Remove support for Python 2.7 and 3.5 (breaking).
+    Fix infinite loop reading more than two tags of same code in IFD.
+    Delay import of logging module.
+    Fix OME-XML detection for files created by Imaris.
+    Remove or replace assert statements.
+    Do not write SampleFormat tag for unsigned data types.
+    Write ByteCount tag values as SHORT or LONG if possible.
+    Allow to specify axes in FileSequence pattern via group names.
+    Add option to concurrently read FileSequence using threads.
+    Derive TiffSequence from FileSequence.
+    Use str(datetime.timedelta) to format Timer duration.
+    Use perf_counter for Timer if possible.
+    Fix reading planar RGB ImageJ files created by Bio-Formats.
+    Fix reading single-file, multi-image OME-TIFF without UUID.
+    Presume LSM stores uncompressed images contiguously per page.
+    Reformat some complex expressions.
+    Ignore invalid frames in OME-TIFF.
+    Set default subsampling to (2, 2) for RGB JPEG compression.
+    Fix reading and writing planar RGB JPEG compression.
+    Replace buffered_read with FileHandle.read_segments.
+    Include page or frame numbers in exceptions and warnings.
+    Add Timer class.
+    Add optional chroma subsampling for JPEG compression.
+    Enable writing PNG, JPEG, JPEGXR, and JPEG2K compression (WIP).
+    Fix writing tiled images with WebP compression.
+    Improve handling GeoTIFF sparse files.
+    Fix regression decoding JPEG with RGB photometrics.
+    Fix reading OME-TIFF files with corrupted but unused pages.
+    Allow to load TiffFrame without specifying keyframe.
+    Calculate virtual TiffFrames for non-BigTIFF ScanImage files > 2GB.
+    Rename property is_chroma_subsampled to is_subsampled (breaking).
+    Make more attributes and methods private (WIP).
+    Fix MemoryError when RowsPerStrip > ImageLength.
+    Fix SyntaxWarning on Python 3.8.
+    Fail to decode JPEG to planar RGB (tentative).
+    Separate public from private test files (WIP).
+    Allow testing without data files or imagecodecs.
+    Use imagecodecs-lite as a fallback for imagecodecs.
+    Simplify reading numpy arrays from file.
+    Use TiffFrames when reading arrays from page sequences.
+    Support slices and iterators in TiffPageSeries sequence interface.
+    Auto-detect uniform series.
+    Use page hash to determine generic series.
+    Turn off TiffPages cache (tentative).
+    Pass through more parameters in imread.
+    Discontinue movie parameter in imread and TiffFile (breaking).
+    Discontinue bigsize parameter in imwrite (breaking).
+    Raise TiffFileError in case of issues with TIFF structure.
+    Return TiffFile.ome_metadata as XML (breaking).
+    Ignore OME series when last dimensions are not stored in TIFF pages.
+    Assemble IFDs in memory to speed-up writing on some slow media.
+    Handle discontinued arguments fastij, multifile_close, and pages.
+    Use black background in imshow.
+    Do not write datetime tag by default (breaking).
+    Fix OME-TIFF with SamplesPerPixel > 1.
+    Allow 64-bit IFD offsets for NDPI (files > 4GB still not supported).
+    Fix decoding deflate without imagecodecs.
+    Update copyright year.
+    Require imagecodecs >= 2018.12.16.
+    Do not use JPEG tables from keyframe.
+    Enable decoding large JPEG in NDPI.
+    Decode some old-style JPEG.
+    Reorder OME channel axis to match PlanarConfiguration storage.
+    Return tiled images as contiguous arrays.
+    Add decode_lzw proxy function for compatibility with old czifile module.
+    Use dedicated logger.
-    Pass 2739 tests.
     Make SubIFDs accessible as TiffPage.pages.
-    Make parsing of TiffSequence axes pattern optional (backward incompatible).
+    Make parsing of TiffSequence axes pattern optional (breaking).
     Limit parsing of TiffSequence axes pattern to file names, not path names.
     Do not interpolate in imshow if image dimensions <= 512, else use bilinear.
     Use logging.warning instead of warnings.warn in many cases.
     Fix numpy FutureWarning for out == 'memmap'.
     Adjust ZSTD and WebP compression to libtiff-4.0.10 (WIP).
-    Decode old style LZW with imagecodecs >= 2018.11.8.
+    Decode old-style LZW with imagecodecs >= 2018.11.8.
     Remove TiffFile.qptiff_metadata (QPI metadata are per page).
     Do not use keyword arguments before variable positional arguments.
     Make either all or none return statements in a function return expression.
@@ -67,323 +186,117 @@ Revisions
     Rename imsave function to imwrite.
     Readd Python implementations of packints, delta, and bitorder codecs..
-    Fix TiffFrame.compression AttributeError (bug fix).
+    Fix TiffFrame.compression AttributeError.
-    Rename tiffile package to tifffile.
-    Pass 2710 tests.
-    Read ZIF, the Zoomable Image Format (WIP).
-    Decode YCbCr JPEG as RGB (tentative).
-    Improve restoration of incomplete tiles.
-    Allow to write grayscale with extrasamples without specifying planarconfig.
-    Enable decoding of PNG and JXR via imagecodecs.
-    Deprecate 32-bit platforms (too many memory errors during tests).
-    Read Olympus SIS (WIP).
-    Allow to write non-BigTIFF files up to ~4 GB (bug fix).
-    Fix parsing date and time fields in SEM metadata (bug fix).
-    Detect some circular IFD references.
-    Enable WebP codecs via imagecodecs.
-    Add option to read TiffSequence from ZIP containers.
-    Remove TiffFile.isnative.
-    Move TIFF struct format constants out of TiffFile namespace.
-    Pass 2699 tests.
-    Fix wrong TiffTag.valueoffset (bug fix).
-    Towards reading Hamamatsu NDPI (WIP).
-    Enable PackBits compression of byte and bool arrays.
-    Fix parsing NULL terminated CZ_SEM strings.
-    Move tifffile.py and related modules into tiffile package.
-    Move usage examples to module docstring.
-    Enable multi-threading for compressed tiles and pages by default.
-    Add option to concurrently decode image tiles using threads.
-    Do not skip empty tiles (bug fix).
-    Read JPEG and J2K compressed strips and tiles.
-    Allow floating point predictor on write.
-    Add option to specify subfiletype on write.
-    Depend on imagecodecs package instead of _tifffile, lzma, etc modules.
-    Remove reverse_bitorder, unpack_ints, and decode functions.
-    Use pytest instead of unittest.
-    Save RGBA with unassociated extrasample by default (backward incompatible).
-    Add option to specify ExtraSamples values.
-    Pass 2680 tests.
-    Towards reading JPEG and other compressions via imagecodecs package (WIP).
-    Read SampleFormat VOID as UINT.
-    Add function to validate TIFF using 'jhove -m TIFF-hul'.
-    Save bool arrays as bilevel TIFF.
-    Accept pathlib.Path as filenames.
-    Move 'software' argument from TiffWriter __init__ to save.
-    Raise DOS limit to 16 TB.
-    Lazy load lzma and zstd compressors and decompressors.
-    Add option to save IJMetadata tags.
-    Return correct number of pages for truncated series (bug fix).
-    Move EXIF tags to TIFF.TAG as per TIFF/EP standard.
-    Pass 2293 tests.
-    Always save RowsPerStrip and Resolution tags as required by TIFF standard.
-    Do not use badly typed ImageDescription.
-    Coherce bad ASCII string tags to bytes.
-    Tuning of __str__ functions.
-    Fix reading 'undefined' tag values (bug fix).
-    Read and write ZSTD compressed data.
-    Use hexdump to print byte strings.
-    Determine TIFF byte order from data dtype in imsave.
-    Add option to specify RowsPerStrip for compressed strips.
-    Allow memory-map of arrays with non-native byte order.
-    Attempt to handle ScanImage <= 5.1 files.
-    Restore TiffPageSeries.pages sequence interface.
-    Use numpy.frombuffer instead of fromstring to read from binary data.
-    Parse GeoTIFF metadata.
-    Add option to apply horizontal differencing before compression.
-    Towards reading PerkinElmer QPI (QPTIFF, no test files).
-    Do not index out of bounds data in tifffile.c unpackbits and decodelzw.
-2017.9.29 (tentative)
-    Many backward incompatible changes improving speed and resource usage:
-    Pass 2268 tests.
-    Add detail argument to __str__ function. Remove info functions.
-    Fix potential issue correcting offsets of large LSM files with positions.
-    Remove TiffFile sequence interface; use TiffFile.pages instead.
-    Do not make tag values available as TiffPage attributes.
-    Use str (not bytes) type for tag and metadata strings (WIP).
-    Use documented standard tag and value names (WIP).
-    Use enums for some documented TIFF tag values.
-    Remove 'memmap' and 'tmpfile' options; use out='memmap' instead.
-    Add option to specify output in asarray functions.
-    Add option to concurrently decode pages using threads.
-    Add TiffPage.asrgb function (WIP).
-    Do not apply colormap in asarray.
-    Remove 'colormapped', 'rgbonly', and 'scale_mdgel' options from asarray.
-    Consolidate metadata in TiffFile _metadata functions.
-    Remove non-tag metadata properties from TiffPage.
-    Add function to convert LSM to tiled BIN files.
-    Align image data in file.
-    Make TiffPage.dtype a numpy.dtype.
-    Add 'ndim' and 'size' properties to TiffPage and TiffPageSeries.
-    Allow imsave to write non-BigTIFF files up to ~4 GB.
-    Only read one page for shaped series if possible.
-    Add memmap function to create memory-mapped array stored in TIFF file.
-    Add option to save empty arrays to TIFF files.
-    Add option to save truncated TIFF files.
-    Allow single tile images to be saved contiguously.
-    Add optional movie mode for files with uniform pages.
-    Lazy load pages.
-    Use lightweight TiffFrame for IFDs sharing properties with key TiffPage.
-    Move module constants to 'TIFF' namespace (speed up module import).
-    Remove 'fastij' option from TiffFile.
-    Remove 'pages' parameter from TiffFile.
-    Remove TIFFfile alias.
-    Deprecate Python 2.
-    Require enum34 and futures packages on Python 2.7.
-    Remove Record class and return all metadata as dict instead.
-    Add functions to parse STK, MetaSeries, ScanImage, SVS, Pilatus metadata.
-    Read tags from EXIF and GPS IFDs.
-    Use pformat for tag and metadata values.
-    Fix reading some UIC tags (bug fix).
-    Do not modify input array in imshow (bug fix).
-    Fix Python implementation of unpack_ints.
-    Pass 1961 tests.
-    Write correct number of SampleFormat values (bug fix).
-    Use Adobe deflate code to write ZIP compressed files.
-    Add option to pass tag values as packed binary data for writing.
-    Defer tag validation to attribute access.
-    Use property instead of lazyattr decorator for simple expressions.
-    Write IFDs and tag values on word boundaries.
-    Read ScanImage metadata.
-    Remove is_rgb and is_indexed attributes from TiffFile.
-    Create files used by doctests.
-    Read Zeiss SEM metadata.
-    Read OME-TIFF with invalid references to external files.
-    Rewrite C LZW decoder (5x faster).
-    Read corrupted LSM files missing EOI code in LZW stream.
-    Add option to append images to existing TIFF files.
-    Read files without pages.
-    Read S-FEG and Helios NanoLab tags created by FEI software.
-    Allow saving Color Filter Array (CFA) images.
-    Add info functions returning more information about TiffFile and TiffPage.
-    Add option to read specific pages only.
-    Remove maxpages argument (backward incompatible).
-    Remove test_tifffile function.
-    Pass 1944 tests.
-    Improve detection of ImageJ hyperstacks.
-    Read TVIPS metadata created by EM-MENU (by Marco Oster).
-    Add option to disable using OME-XML metadata.
-    Allow non-integer range attributes in modulo tags (by Stuart Berg).
-    Do not always memmap contiguous data in page series.
-    Add option to specify resolution unit.
-    Write grayscale images with extra samples when planarconfig is specified.
-    Do not write RGB color images with 2 samples.
-    Reorder TiffWriter.save keyword arguments (backward incompatible).
-    Pass 1932 tests.
-    TiffWriter, imread, and imsave accept open binary file streams.
-    Correctly handle reversed fill order in 2 and 4 bps images (bug fix)..
-    Implement reverse_bitorder in C.
-    Fix saving additional ImageJ metadata.
-    Pass 1920 tests.
-    Write 8 bytes double tag values using offset if necessary (bug fix).
-    Add option to disable writing second image description tag.
-    Detect tags with incorrect counts.
-    Disable color mapping for LSM.
-    Read LSM 6 mosaics.
-    Add option to specify directory of memory-mapped files.
-    Add command line options to specify vmin and vmax values for colormapping.
-    New helper function to apply colormaps.
-    Renamed is_palette attributes to is_indexed (backward incompatible).
-    Color-mapped samples are now contiguous (backward incompatible).
-    Do not color-map ImageJ hyperstacks (backward incompatible).
-    Towards reading Leica SCN.
-    Read images with reversed bit order (FillOrder is LSB2MSB).
-    Read RGB OME-TIFF.
-    Warn about malformed OME-XML.
-    Detect some corrupted ImageJ metadata.
-    Better axes labels for 'shaped' files.
-    Do not create TiffTag for default values.
-    Chroma subsampling is not supported.
-    Memory-map data in TiffPageSeries if possible (optional).
-    Pass 1906 tests.
-    Write ImageJ hyperstacks (optional).
-    Read and write LZMA compressed data.
-    Specify datetime when saving (optional).
-    Save tiled and color-mapped images (optional).
-    Ignore void bytecounts and offsets if possible.
-    Ignore bogus image_depth tag created by ISS Vista software.
-    Decode floating point horizontal differencing (not tiled).
-    Save image data contiguously if possible.
-    Only read first IFD from ImageJ files if possible.
-    Read ImageJ 'raw' format (files larger than 4 GB).
-    TiffPageSeries class for pages with compatible shape and data type.
-    Try to read incomplete tiles.
-    Open file dialog if no filename is passed on command line.
-    Ignore errors when decoding OME-XML.
-    Rename decoder functions (backward incompatible).
-    TiffWriter class for incremental writing images.
-    Simplify examples.
-    Add memmap function to FileHandle.
-    Add function to determine if image data in TiffPage is memory-mappable.
-    Do not close files if multifile_close parameter is False.
-    Pass 1730 tests.
-    Return all extrasamples by default (backward incompatible).
-    Read data from series of pages into memory-mapped array (optional).
-    Squeeze OME dimensions (backward incompatible).
-    Workaround missing EOI code in strips.
-    Support image and tile depth tags (SGI extension).
-    Better handling of STK/UIC tags (backward incompatible).
-    Disable color mapping for STK.
-    Julian to datetime converter.
-    TIFF ASCII type may be NULL separated.
-    Unwrap strip offsets for LSM files greater than 4 GB.
-    Correct strip byte counts in compressed LSM files.
-    Skip missing files in OME series.
-    Read embedded TIFF files.
-    Save rational numbers as type 5 (bug fix).
-    Keep other files in OME multi-file series closed.
-    FileHandle class to abstract binary file handle.
-    Disable color mapping for bad OME-TIFF produced by bio-formats.
-    Read bad OME-XML produced by ImageJ when cropping.
-    Allow zlib compress data in imsave function (optional).
-    Memory-map contiguous image data (optional).
-    Read MicroManager metadata and little-endian ImageJ tag.
-    Save extra tags in imsave function.
-    Save tags in ascending order by code (bug fix).
-    Accept file like objects (read from OIB files).
-    Rename TIFFfile to TiffFile and TIFFpage to TiffPage.
-    TiffSequence class for reading sequence of TIFF files.
-    Read UltraQuant tags.
-    Allow float numbers as resolution in imsave function.
-    Read MD GEL tags and NIH Image header.
-    Read ImageJ tags.
+Refer to the CHANGES file for older revisions.
 The API is not stable yet and might change between revisions.
 Tested on little-endian platforms only.
-Python 2.7, 3.4, and 32-bit versions are deprecated.
+Python 32-bit versions are deprecated.
+Update pip and setuptools to the latest version before installing tifffile:
+    ``python -m pip install --upgrade pip setuptools``
+Tifffile relies on the `imagecodecs <https://pypi.org/project/imagecodecs/>`_
+package for encoding and decoding LZW, JPEG, and other compressed images..
+Several TIFF-like formats do not strictly adhere to the TIFF6 specification,
+some of which allow file or data sizes to exceed the 4 GB limit:
+* *BigTIFF* is identified by version number 43 and uses different file
+  header, IFD, and tag structures with 64-bit offsets. It adds more data types.
+  Tifffile can read and write BigTIFF files.
+* *ImageJ* hyperstacks store all image data, which may exceed 4 GB,
+  contiguously after the first IFD. Files > 4 GB contain one IFD only.
+  The size (shape and dtype) of the up to 6-dimensional image data can be
+  determined from the ImageDescription tag of the first IFD, which is Latin-1
+  encoded. Tifffile can read and write ImageJ hyperstacks.
+* *OME-TIFF* stores up to 8-dimensional data in one or multiple TIFF of BigTIFF
+  files. The 8-bit UTF-8 encoded OME-XML metadata found in the ImageDescription
+  tag of the first IFD defines the position of TIFF IFDs in the high
+  dimensional data. Tifffile can read OME-TIFF files, except when the OME-XML
+  metadata are stored in a separate file.
+* *LSM* stores all IFDs below 4 GB but wraps around 32-bit StripOffsets.
+  The StripOffsets of each series and position require separate unwrapping.
+  The StripByteCounts tag contains the number of bytes for the uncompressed
+  data. Tifffile can read large LSM files.
+* *NDPI* uses some 64-bit offsets in the file header, IFD, and tag structures.
+  Tag values/offsets can be corrected using high bits stored after IFD
+  structures. JPEG compressed tiles with dimensions > 65536 are not readable
+  with libjpeg. Tifffile can read NDPI files < 4 GB and decompress large JPEG
+  tiles using the imagecodecs library on Windows.
+* *ScanImage* optionally allows corrupt non-BigTIFF files > 2 GB. The values
+  of StripOffsets and StripByteCounts can be recovered using the constant
+  differences of the offsets of IFD and tag values throughout the file.
+  Tifffile can read such files on Python 3 if the image data are stored
+  contiguously in each page.
+* *GeoTIFF* sparse files allow strip or tile offsets and byte counts to be 0.
+  Such segments are implicitly set to 0 or the NODATA value on reading.
+  Tifffile can read GeoTIFF sparse files.
 Other libraries for reading scientific TIFF files from Python:
-*  `Python-bioformats <https://github.com/CellProfiler/python-bioformats>`_
-*  `Imread <https://github.com/luispedro/imread>`_
-*  `GDAL <https://github.com/OSGeo/gdal/tree/master/gdal/swig/python>`_
-*  `OpenSlide-python <https://github.com/openslide/openslide-python>`_
-*  `PyLibTiff <https://github.com/pearu/pylibtiff>`_
-*  `SimpleITK <http://www.simpleitk.org>`_
-*  `PyLSM <https://launchpad.net/pylsm>`_
-*  `PyMca.TiffIO.py <https://github.com/vasole/pymca>`_ (same as fabio.TiffIO)
-*  `BioImageXD.Readers <http://www.bioimagexd.net/>`_
-*  `Cellcognition.io <http://cellcognition.org/>`_
-*  `pymimage <https://github.com/ardoi/pymimage>`_
-*  `pytiff <https://github.com/FZJ-INM1-BDA/pytiff>`_
-*   Egor Zindy, University of Manchester, for lsm_scan_info specifics.
-*   Wim Lewis for a bug fix and some LSM functions.
-*   Hadrien Mary for help on reading MicroManager files.
-*   Christian Kliche for help writing tiled and color-mapped files.
+* `Python-bioformats <https://github.com/CellProfiler/python-bioformats>`_
+* `Imread <https://github.com/luispedro/imread>`_
+* `GDAL <https://github.com/OSGeo/gdal/tree/master/gdal/swig/python>`_
+* `OpenSlide-python <https://github.com/openslide/openslide-python>`_
+* `PyLibTiff <https://github.com/pearu/pylibtiff>`_
+* `SimpleITK <https://github.com/SimpleITK/SimpleITK>`_
+* `PyLSM <https://launchpad.net/pylsm>`_
+* `PyMca.TiffIO.py <https://github.com/vasole/pymca>`_ (same as fabio.TiffIO)
+* `BioImageXD.Readers <http://www.bioimagexd.net/>`_
+* `CellCognition <https://cellcognition-project.org/>`_
+* `pymimage <https://github.com/ardoi/pymimage>`_
+* `pytiff <https://github.com/FZJ-INM1-BDA/pytiff>`_
+* `ScanImageTiffReaderPython
+  <https://gitlab.com/vidriotech/scanimagetiffreader-python>`_
+* `bigtiff <https://pypi.org/project/bigtiff>`_
+Some libraries are using tifffile to write OME-TIFF files:
+* `Zeiss Apeer OME-TIFF library
+  <https://github.com/apeer-micro/apeer-ometiff-library>`_
+* `Allen Institute for Cell Science imageio
+  <https://pypi.org/project/aicsimageio>`_
-1)  TIFF 6.0 Specification and Supplements. Adobe Systems Incorporated.
+1.  TIFF 6.0 Specification and Supplements. Adobe Systems Incorporated.
-2)  TIFF File Format FAQ. https://www.awaresystems.be/imaging/tiff/faq.html
-3)  MetaMorph Stack (STK) Image File Format.
+2.  TIFF File Format FAQ. https://www.awaresystems.be/imaging/tiff/faq.html
+3.  MetaMorph Stack (STK) Image File Format.
-4)  Image File Format Description LSM 5/7 Release 6.0 (ZEN 2010).
+4.  Image File Format Description LSM 5/7 Release 6.0 (ZEN 2010).
     Carl Zeiss MicroImaging GmbH. BioSciences. May 10, 2011
-5)  The OME-TIFF format.
+5.  The OME-TIFF format.
-6)  UltraQuant(r) Version 6.0 for Windows Start-Up Guide.
+6.  UltraQuant(r) Version 6.0 for Windows Start-Up Guide.
-7)  Micro-Manager File Formats.
+7.  Micro-Manager File Formats.
-8)  Tags for TIFF and Related Specifications. Digital Preservation.
+8.  Tags for TIFF and Related Specifications. Digital Preservation.
-9)  ScanImage BigTiff Specification - ScanImage 2016.
+9.  ScanImage BigTiff Specification - ScanImage 2016.
-10) CIPA DC-008-2016: Exchangeable image file format for digital still cameras:
+10. CIPA DC-008-2016: Exchangeable image file format for digital still cameras:
     Exif Version 2.31.
-11) ZIF, the Zoomable Image File format. http://zif.photo/
+11. ZIF, the Zoomable Image File format. http://zif.photo/
+12. GeoTIFF File Format https://gdal.org/drivers/raster/gtiff.html
 Save a 3D numpy array to a multi-page, 16-bit grayscale TIFF file:
->>> data = numpy.random.randint(0, 2**16, (4, 301, 219), 'uint16')
+>>> data = numpy.random.randint(0, 2**12, (4, 301, 219), 'uint16')
 >>> imwrite('temp.tif', data, photometric='minisblack')
 Read the whole image stack from the TIFF file as numpy array:
@@ -394,7 +307,7 @@ Read the whole image stack from the TIFF file as numpy array:
 >>> image_stack.dtype
-Read the image from first page (IFD) in the TIFF file:
+Read the image from the first page in the TIFF file as numpy array:
 >>> image = imread('temp.tif', key=0)
 >>> image.shape
@@ -416,14 +329,36 @@ Save a floating-point array and metadata, using zlib compression:
 >>> data = numpy.random.rand(2, 5, 3, 301, 219).astype('float32')
 >>> imwrite('temp.tif', data, compress=6, metadata={'axes': 'TZCYX'})
-Save a volume with xyz voxel size 2.6755x2.6755x3.9474 µm^3 to ImageJ file:
+Save a volume with xyz voxel size 2.6755x2.6755x3.9474 micron^3 to an ImageJ
+formatted TIFF file:
 >>> volume = numpy.random.randn(57*256*256).astype('float32')
 >>> volume.shape = 1, 57, 1, 256, 256, 1  # dimensions in TZCYXS order
 >>> imwrite('temp.tif', volume, imagej=True, resolution=(1./2.6755, 1./2.6755),
 ...         metadata={'spacing': 3.947368, 'unit': 'um'})
-Read hyperstack and metadata from ImageJ file:
+Get the shape and dtype of the volume stored in the TIFF file:
+>>> tif = TiffFile('temp.tif')
+>>> len(tif.pages)  # number of pages in the file
+>>> page = tif.pages[0]  # get shape and dtype of the image in the first page
+>>> page.shape
+(256, 256)
+>>> page.dtype
+>>> page.axes
+>>> series = tif.series[0]  # get shape and dtype of the first image series
+>>> series.shape
+(57, 256, 256)
+>>> series.dtype
+>>> series.axes
+>>> tif.close()
+Read hyperstack and metadata from the ImageJ file:
 >>> with TiffFile('temp.tif') as tif:
 ...     imagej_hyperstack = tif.asarray()
@@ -433,35 +368,58 @@ Read hyperstack and metadata from ImageJ file:
 >>> imagej_metadata['slices']
+Read the "XResolution" tag from the first page in the TIFF file:
+>>> with TiffFile('temp.tif') as tif:
+...     tag = tif.pages[0].tags['XResolution']
+>>> tag.value
+(2000, 5351)
+>>> tag.name
+>>> tag.code
+>>> tag.count
+>>> tag.dtype
+Read images from a selected range of pages:
+>>> image = imread('temp.tif', key=range(4, 40, 2))
+>>> image.shape
+(18, 256, 256)
 Create an empty TIFF file and write to the memory-mapped numpy array:
 >>> memmap_image = memmap('temp.tif', shape=(256, 256), dtype='float32')
 >>> memmap_image[255, 255] = 1.0
 >>> memmap_image.flush()
->>> memmap_image.shape, memmap_image.dtype
-((256, 256), dtype('float32'))
 >>> del memmap_image
-Memory-map image data in the TIFF file:
+Memory-map image data of the first page in the TIFF file:
 >>> memmap_image = memmap('temp.tif', page=0)
 >>> memmap_image[255, 255]
 >>> del memmap_image
-Successively append images to a BigTIFF file:
+Successively append images to a BigTIFF file, which can exceed 4 GB:
 >>> data = numpy.random.randint(0, 255, (5, 2, 3, 301, 219), 'uint8')
 >>> with TiffWriter('temp.tif', bigtiff=True) as tif:
 ...     for i in range(data.shape[0]):
 ...         tif.save(data[i], compress=6, photometric='minisblack')
+Append an image to the existing TIFF file:
+>>> data = numpy.random.randint(0, 255, (301, 219, 3), 'uint8')
+>>> imwrite('temp.tif', data, append=True)
 Iterate over pages and tags in the TIFF file and successively read images:
 >>> with TiffFile('temp.tif') as tif:
-...     image_stack = tif.asarray()
 ...     for page in tif.pages:
-...         for tag in page.tags.values():
+...         for tag in page.tags:
 ...             tag_name, tag_value = tag.name, tag.value
 ...         image = page.asarray()
@@ -471,7 +429,7 @@ Save two image series to a TIFF file:
 >>> data1 = numpy.random.randint(0, 255, (5, 301, 219), 'uint16')
 >>> with TiffWriter('temp.tif') as tif:
 ...     tif.save(data0, compress=6, photometric='rgb')
-...     tif.save(data1, compress=6, photometric='minisblack')
+...     tif.save(data1, compress=6, photometric='minisblack', contiguous=False)
 Read the second image series from the TIFF file:
@@ -479,7 +437,7 @@ Read the second image series from the TIFF file:
 >>> series1.shape
 (5, 301, 219)
-Read an image stack from a sequence of TIFF files with a file name pattern:
+Read an image stack from a series of TIFF files with a file name pattern:
 >>> imwrite('temp_C001T001.tif', numpy.random.rand(64, 64))
 >>> imwrite('temp_C001T002.tif', numpy.random.rand(64, 64))
@@ -491,3 +449,10 @@ Read an image stack from a sequence of TIFF files with a file name pattern:
 >>> data = image_sequence.asarray()
 >>> data.shape
 (1, 2, 64, 64)
+Create a TIFF file from an iterator of tiles:
+>>> def tiles():
+...     data = numpy.arange(3*4*16*16, dtype='uint16').reshape((3*4, 16, 16))
+...     for i in range(data.shape[0]): yield data[i]
+>>> imwrite('temp.tif', tiles(), dtype='uint16', shape=(48, 64), tile=(16, 16))

@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
 # tifffile/setup.py
 """Tifffile package setuptools script."""
@@ -10,29 +9,47 @@ from setuptools import setup
 buildnumber = ''
-imagecodecs = 'imagecodecs>=2018.11.8'
 with open('tifffile/tifffile.py') as fh:
     code = fh.read()
 version = re.search(r"__version__ = '(.*?)'", code).groups()[0]
 version += ('.' + buildnumber) if buildnumber else ''
-description = re.search(r'"""(.*)\.[\r\n?|\n]', code).groups()[0]
-readme = re.search(r'[\r\n?|\n]{2}"""(.*)"""[\r\n?|\n]{2}from', code,
-                   re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL).groups()[0]
-license = re.search(r'(# Copyright.*?[\r\n?|\n])[\r\n?|\n]+""', code,
-                    re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL).groups()[0]
-readme = '\n'.join([description, '=' * len(description)]
-                   + readme.splitlines()[1:])
-license = license.replace('# ', '').replace('#', '')
+description = re.search(r'"""(.*)\.(?:\r\n|\r|\n)', code).groups()[0]
+readme = re.search(r'(?:\r\n|\r|\n){2}"""(.*)"""(?:\r\n|\r|\n){2}__version__',
+                   code, re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL).groups()[0]
+readme = '\n'.join([description, '=' * len(description)] +
+                   readme.splitlines()[1:])
 if 'sdist' in sys.argv:
-    with open('LICENSE', 'w') as fh:
-        fh.write(license)
+    # update README, LICENSE, and CHANGES files
     with open('README.rst', 'w') as fh:
+    license = re.search(r'(# Copyright.*?(?:\r\n|\r|\n))(?:\r\n|\r|\n)+""',
+                        code, re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL).groups()[0]
+    license = license.replace('# ', '').replace('#', '')
+    with open('LICENSE', 'w') as fh:
+        fh.write('BSD 3-Clause License\n\n')
+        fh.write(license)
+    revisions = re.search(r'(?:\r\n|\r|\n){2}(Revisions.*)   \.\.\.', readme,
+                          re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL).groups()[0].strip()
+    with open('CHANGES.rst', 'r') as fh:
+        old = fh.read()
+    d = revisions.splitlines()[-1]
+    old = old.split(d)[-1]
+    with open('CHANGES.rst', 'w') as fh:
+        fh.write(revisions.strip())
+        fh.write(old)
@@ -43,24 +60,24 @@ setup(
-    python_requires='>=2.7',
+    python_requires='>=3.6',
-        'numpy>=1.11.3',
-        'pathlib;python_version=="2.7"',
-        'enum34;python_version=="2.7"',
-        'futures;python_version=="2.7"',
-        # require imagecodecs on Windows only
-        imagecodecs + ';platform_system=="Windows"',
-        ],
+        'numpy>=1.15.1',
+        'imagecodecs>=2020.2.18',
+    ],
-        'all': ['matplotlib>=2.2', imagecodecs],
+        'all': ['matplotlib>=3.1'],
-    tests_require=['pytest', imagecodecs],
+    tests_require=[
+        'pytest', 'czifile', 'cmapfile', 'oiffile', 'lfdfiles', 'roifile'
+        ],
         'console_scripts': [
             'tifffile = tifffile:main',
-            'lsm2bin = tifffile.lsm2bin:main'
-            ]},
+            'lsm2bin = tifffile.lsm2bin:main',
+        ],
+        # 'napari.plugin': ['tifffile = tifffile.napari_tifffile'],
+        },
         'Development Status :: 4 - Beta',
@@ -68,12 +85,9 @@ setup(
         'Intended Audience :: Science/Research',
         'Intended Audience :: Developers',
         'Operating System :: OS Independent',
-        'Programming Language :: Python :: 2',
-        'Programming Language :: Python :: 2.7',
-        'Programming Language :: Python :: 3',
-        'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.4',
-        'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.5',
+        'Programming Language :: Python :: 3 :: Only',
         'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.6',
         'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.7',
-        ],
+        'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.8',
+    ],

setup_tiffile.py deleted
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# setup_tiffile.py
-"""Tiffile module setuptools script."""
-import re
-from setuptools import setup
-with open('tifffile/tifffile.py') as fh:
-    code = fh.read()
-version = re.search(r"__version__ = '(.*?)'", code).groups()[0]
-    name='tiffile',
-    version=version,
-    description='The tiffile package is deprecated. '
-                'Please use the tifffile package instead.',
-    author='Christoph Gohlke',
-    author_email='cgohlke at uci.edu',
-    url='https://www.lfd.uci.edu/~gohlke/',
-    license='BSD',
-    py_modules=['tiffile'],
-    install_requires=['tifffile'],
-    platforms=['any'],
-    classifiers=[
-        'Development Status :: 4 - Beta',
-        'License :: OSI Approved :: BSD License',
-        'Intended Audience :: Science/Research',
-        'Intended Audience :: Developers',
-        'Operating System :: OS Independent',
-        'Programming Language :: Python :: 2',
-        'Programming Language :: Python :: 2.7',
-        'Programming Language :: Python :: 3',
-        'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.4',
-        'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.5',
-        'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.6',
-        'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.7',
-        ],

@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
 # tifffile/tests/conftest.py
 collect_ignore = ['_tmp', 'data']
@@ -6,10 +5,14 @@ collect_ignore = ['_tmp', 'data']
 def pytest_report_header(config):
-        import numpy
-        import tifffile
-        import imagecodecs
-        return 'versions: tifffile-%s, imagecodecs-%s, numpy-%s' % (
-            tifffile.__version__, imagecodecs.__version__, numpy.__version__)
+        from numpy import __version__ as numpy
+        from tifffile import __version__ as tifffile
+        from test_tifffile import config
+        try:
+            from imagecodecs import __version__ as imagecodecs
+        except ImportError:
+            imagecodecs = 'N/A'
+        return ('versions: tifffile-%s, imagecodecs-%s, numpy-%s\n'
+                'test config: %s' % (tifffile, imagecodecs, numpy, config()))
     except Exception:

The diff for this file was not included because it is too large.

@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 Metadata-Version: 2.1
 Name: tifffile
-Version: 2018.11.28
+Version: 2020.5.11
 Summary: Read and write TIFF(r) files
 Home-page: https://www.lfd.uci.edu/~gohlke/
 Author: Christoph Gohlke
@@ -12,29 +12,29 @@ Description: Read and write TIFF(r) files
         Tifffile is a Python library to
         (1) store numpy arrays in TIFF (Tagged Image File Format) files, and
-        (2) read image and metadata from TIFF like files used in bioimaging.
+        (2) read image and metadata from TIFF-like files used in bioimaging.
-        Image and metadata can be read from TIFF, BigTIFF, OME-TIFF, STK, LSM, NIH,
-        SGI, ImageJ, MicroManager, FluoView, ScanImage, SEQ, GEL, SVS, SCN, SIS, ZIF,
-        QPI, and GeoTIFF files.
+        Image and metadata can be read from TIFF, BigTIFF, OME-TIFF, STK, LSM, SGI,
+        NIHImage, ImageJ, MicroManager, FluoView, ScanImage, SEQ, GEL, SVS, SCN, SIS,
+        ZIF, QPTIFF, NDPI, and GeoTIFF files.
         Numpy arrays can be written to TIFF, BigTIFF, and ImageJ hyperstack compatible
         files in multi-page, memory-mappable, tiled, predicted, or compressed form.
-        Only a subset of the TIFF specification is supported, mainly uncompressed and
-        losslessly compressed 1, 8, 16, 32 and 64-bit integer, 16, 32 and 64-bit float,
-        grayscale and RGB(A) images.
+        A subset of the TIFF specification is supported, mainly uncompressed and
+        losslessly compressed 8, 16, 32 and 64-bit integer, 16, 32 and 64-bit float,
+        grayscale and multi-sample images.
         Specifically, reading slices of image data, CCITT and OJPEG compression,
-        chroma subsampling without JPEG compression, or IPTC and XMP metadata are not
-        implemented.
+        chroma subsampling without JPEG compression, color space transformations,
+        samples with differing types, or IPTC and XMP metadata are not implemented.
         TIFF(r), the Tagged Image File Format, is a trademark and under control of
-        Adobe Systems Incorporated. BigTIFF allows for files greater than 4 GB.
-        STK, LSM, FluoView, SGI, SEQ, GEL, and OME-TIFF, are custom extensions
-        defined by Molecular Devices (Universal Imaging Corporation), Carl Zeiss
-        MicroImaging, Olympus, Silicon Graphics International, Media Cybernetics,
-        Molecular Dynamics, and the Open Microscopy Environment consortium
-        respectively.
+        Adobe Systems Incorporated. BigTIFF allows for files larger than 4 GB.
+        STK, LSM, FluoView, SGI, SEQ, GEL, QPTIFF, NDPI, and OME-TIFF, are custom
+        extensions defined by Molecular Devices (Universal Imaging Corporation),
+        Carl Zeiss MicroImaging, Olympus, Silicon Graphics International,
+        Media Cybernetics, Molecular Dynamics, PerkinElmer, Hamamatsu, and the
+        Open Microscopy Environment consortium respectively.
         For command line usage run ``python -m tifffile --help``
@@ -44,29 +44,148 @@ Description: Read and write TIFF(r) files
           Laboratory for Fluorescence Dynamics, University of California, Irvine
-        :Version: 2018.11.28
+        :License: BSD 3-Clause
+        :Version: 2020.5.11
-        * `CPython 2.7 or 3.5+ 64-bit <https://www.python.org>`_
-        * `Numpy 1.14 <https://www.numpy.org>`_
-        * `Imagecodecs 2018.11.8 <https://pypi.org/project/imagecodecs/>`_
-          (optional; used for decoding LZW, JPEG, etc.)
-        * `Matplotlib 2.2 <https://www.matplotlib.org>`_ (optional; used for plotting)
-        * Python 2.7 requires 'futures', 'enum34', and 'pathlib'.
+        This release has been tested with the following requirements and dependencies
+        (other versions may work):
+        * `CPython 3.6.8, 3.7.7, 3.8.2 64-bit <https://www.python.org>`_
+        * `Numpy 1.16.6 <https://www.numpy.org>`_
+        * `Imagecodecs 2020.2.18 <https://pypi.org/project/imagecodecs/>`_
+          (required only for encoding or decoding LZW, JPEG, etc.)
+        * `Matplotlib 3.1 <https://www.matplotlib.org>`_ (required only for plotting)
+        2020.5.11
+            Pass 2908 tests.
+            Fix reading ImageJ grayscale mode RGB images (#6).
+            Remove napari reader plugin.
+        2020.5.7
+            Add napari reader plugin (tentative).
+            Fix writing single tiles larger than image data (#3).
+            Always store ExtraSamples values in tuple (breaking).
+        2020.5.5
+            Allow to write tiled TIFF from iterator of tiles (WIP).
+            Add function to iterate over decoded segments of TiffPage (WIP).
+            Pass chunks of segments to ThreadPoolExecutor.map to reduce memory usage.
+            Fix reading invalid files with too many strips.
+            Fix writing over-aligned image data.
+            Detect OME-XML without declaration (#2).
+            Support LERC compression (WIP).
+            Delay load imagecodecs functions.
+            Remove maxsize parameter from asarray (breaking).
+            Deprecate ijmetadata parameter from TiffWriter.save (use metadata).
+        2020.2.16
+            Add function to decode individual strips or tiles.
+            Read strips and tiles in order of their offsets.
+            Enable multi-threading when decompressing multiple strips.
+            Replace TiffPage.tags dictionary with TiffTags (breaking).
+            Replace TIFF.TAGS dictionary with TiffTagRegistry.
+            Remove TIFF.TAG_NAMES (breaking).
+            Improve handling of TiffSequence parameters in imread.
+            Match last uncommon parts of file paths to FileSequence pattern (breaking).
+            Allow letters in FileSequence pattern for indexing well plate rows.
+            Allow to reorder axes in FileSequence.
+            Allow to write > 4 GB arrays to plain TIFF when using compression.
+            Allow to write zero size numpy arrays to nonconformant TIFF (tentative).
+            Fix xml2dict.
+            Require imagecodecs >= 2020.1.31.
+            Remove support for imagecodecs-lite (breaking).
+            Remove verify parameter to asarray function (breaking).
+            Remove deprecated lzw_decode functions (breaking).
+            Remove support for Python 2.7 and 3.5 (breaking).
+        2019.7.26
+            Fix infinite loop reading more than two tags of same code in IFD.
+            Delay import of logging module.
+        2019.7.20
+            Fix OME-XML detection for files created by Imaris.
+            Remove or replace assert statements.
+        2019.7.2
+            Do not write SampleFormat tag for unsigned data types.
+            Write ByteCount tag values as SHORT or LONG if possible.
+            Allow to specify axes in FileSequence pattern via group names.
+            Add option to concurrently read FileSequence using threads.
+            Derive TiffSequence from FileSequence.
+            Use str(datetime.timedelta) to format Timer duration.
+            Use perf_counter for Timer if possible.
+        2019.6.18
+            Fix reading planar RGB ImageJ files created by Bio-Formats.
+            Fix reading single-file, multi-image OME-TIFF without UUID.
+            Presume LSM stores uncompressed images contiguously per page..
+            Reformat some complex expressions.
+        2019.5.30
+            Ignore invalid frames in OME-TIFF.
+            Set default subsampling to (2, 2) for RGB JPEG compression.
+            Fix reading and writing planar RGB JPEG compression.
+            Replace buffered_read with FileHandle.read_segments.
+            Include page or frame numbers in exceptions and warnings.
+            Add Timer class.
+        2019.5.22
+            Add optional chroma subsampling for JPEG compression.
+            Enable writing PNG, JPEG, JPEGXR, and JPEG2K compression (WIP).
+            Fix writing tiled images with WebP compression.
+            Improve handling GeoTIFF sparse files.
+        2019.3.18
+            Fix regression decoding JPEG with RGB photometrics.
+            Fix reading OME-TIFF files with corrupted but unused pages.
+            Allow to load TiffFrame without specifying keyframe.
+            Calculate virtual TiffFrames for non-BigTIFF ScanImage files > 2GB.
+            Rename property is_chroma_subsampled to is_subsampled (breaking).
+            Make more attributes and methods private (WIP).
+        2019.3.8
+            Fix MemoryError when RowsPerStrip > ImageLength.
+            Fix SyntaxWarning on Python 3.8.
+            Fail to decode JPEG to planar RGB (tentative).
+            Separate public from private test files (WIP).
+            Allow testing without data files or imagecodecs.
+        2019.2.22
+            Use imagecodecs-lite as a fallback for imagecodecs.
+            Simplify reading numpy arrays from file.
+            Use TiffFrames when reading arrays from page sequences.
+            Support slices and iterators in TiffPageSeries sequence interface.
+            Auto-detect uniform series.
+            Use page hash to determine generic series.
+            Turn off TiffPages cache (tentative).
+            Pass through more parameters in imread.
+            Discontinue movie parameter in imread and TiffFile (breaking).
+            Discontinue bigsize parameter in imwrite (breaking).
+            Raise TiffFileError in case of issues with TIFF structure.
+            Return TiffFile.ome_metadata as XML (breaking).
+            Ignore OME series when last dimensions are not stored in TIFF pages.
+        2019.2.10
+            Assemble IFDs in memory to speed-up writing on some slow media.
+            Handle discontinued arguments fastij, multifile_close, and pages.
+        2019.1.30
+            Use black background in imshow.
+            Do not write datetime tag by default (breaking).
+            Fix OME-TIFF with SamplesPerPixel > 1.
+            Allow 64-bit IFD offsets for NDPI (files > 4GB still not supported).
+        2019.1.4
+            Fix decoding deflate without imagecodecs.
+        2019.1.1
+            Update copyright year.
+            Require imagecodecs >= 2018.12.16.
+            Do not use JPEG tables from keyframe.
+            Enable decoding large JPEG in NDPI.
+            Decode some old-style JPEG.
+            Reorder OME channel axis to match PlanarConfiguration storage.
+            Return tiled images as contiguous arrays.
+            Add decode_lzw proxy function for compatibility with old czifile module.
+            Use dedicated logger.
-            Pass 2739 tests.
             Make SubIFDs accessible as TiffPage.pages.
-            Make parsing of TiffSequence axes pattern optional (backward incompatible).
+            Make parsing of TiffSequence axes pattern optional (breaking).
             Limit parsing of TiffSequence axes pattern to file names, not path names.
             Do not interpolate in imshow if image dimensions <= 512, else use bilinear.
             Use logging.warning instead of warnings.warn in many cases.
             Fix numpy FutureWarning for out == 'memmap'.
             Adjust ZSTD and WebP compression to libtiff-4.0.10 (WIP).
-            Decode old style LZW with imagecodecs >= 2018.11.8.
+            Decode old-style LZW with imagecodecs >= 2018.11.8.
             Remove TiffFile.qptiff_metadata (QPI metadata are per page).
             Do not use keyword arguments before variable positional arguments.
             Make either all or none return statements in a function return expression.
@@ -75,323 +194,117 @@ Description: Read and write TIFF(r) files
             Rename imsave function to imwrite.
             Readd Python implementations of packints, delta, and bitorder codecs.
-            Fix TiffFrame.compression AttributeError (bug fix).
+            Fix TiffFrame.compression AttributeError.
-            Rename tiffile package to tifffile.
-        2018.10.10
-            Pass 2710 tests.
-            Read ZIF, the Zoomable Image Format (WIP).
-            Decode YCbCr JPEG as RGB (tentative).
-            Improve restoration of incomplete tiles.
-            Allow to write grayscale with extrasamples without specifying planarconfig.
-            Enable decoding of PNG and JXR via imagecodecs.
-            Deprecate 32-bit platforms (too many memory errors during tests).
-        2018.9.27
-            Read Olympus SIS (WIP).
-            Allow to write non-BigTIFF files up to ~4 GB (bug fix).
-            Fix parsing date and time fields in SEM metadata (bug fix).
-            Detect some circular IFD references.
-            Enable WebP codecs via imagecodecs.
-            Add option to read TiffSequence from ZIP containers.
-            Remove TiffFile.isnative.
-            Move TIFF struct format constants out of TiffFile namespace.
-        2018.8.31
-            Pass 2699 tests.
-            Fix wrong TiffTag.valueoffset (bug fix).
-            Towards reading Hamamatsu NDPI (WIP).
-            Enable PackBits compression of byte and bool arrays.
-            Fix parsing NULL terminated CZ_SEM strings.
-        2018.8.24
-            Move tifffile.py and related modules into tiffile package.
-            Move usage examples to module docstring.
-            Enable multi-threading for compressed tiles and pages by default.
-            Add option to concurrently decode image tiles using threads.
-            Do not skip empty tiles (bug fix).
-            Read JPEG and J2K compressed strips and tiles.
-            Allow floating point predictor on write.
-            Add option to specify subfiletype on write.
-            Depend on imagecodecs package instead of _tifffile, lzma, etc modules.
-            Remove reverse_bitorder, unpack_ints, and decode functions.
-            Use pytest instead of unittest.
-        2018.6.20
-            Save RGBA with unassociated extrasample by default (backward incompatible).
-            Add option to specify ExtraSamples values.
-        2018.6.17
-            Pass 2680 tests.
-            Towards reading JPEG and other compressions via imagecodecs package (WIP).
-            Read SampleFormat VOID as UINT.
-            Add function to validate TIFF using 'jhove -m TIFF-hul'.
-            Save bool arrays as bilevel TIFF.
-            Accept pathlib.Path as filenames.
-            Move 'software' argument from TiffWriter __init__ to save.
-            Raise DOS limit to 16 TB.
-            Lazy load lzma and zstd compressors and decompressors.
-            Add option to save IJMetadata tags.
-            Return correct number of pages for truncated series (bug fix).
-            Move EXIF tags to TIFF.TAG as per TIFF/EP standard.
-        2018.2.18
-            Pass 2293 tests.
-            Always save RowsPerStrip and Resolution tags as required by TIFF standard.
-            Do not use badly typed ImageDescription.
-            Coherce bad ASCII string tags to bytes.
-            Tuning of __str__ functions.
-            Fix reading 'undefined' tag values (bug fix).
-            Read and write ZSTD compressed data.
-            Use hexdump to print byte strings.
-            Determine TIFF byte order from data dtype in imsave.
-            Add option to specify RowsPerStrip for compressed strips.
-            Allow memory-map of arrays with non-native byte order.
-            Attempt to handle ScanImage <= 5.1 files.
-            Restore TiffPageSeries.pages sequence interface.
-            Use numpy.frombuffer instead of fromstring to read from binary data.
-            Parse GeoTIFF metadata.
-            Add option to apply horizontal differencing before compression.
-            Towards reading PerkinElmer QPI (QPTIFF, no test files).
-            Do not index out of bounds data in tifffile.c unpackbits and decodelzw.
-        2017.9.29 (tentative)
-            Many backward incompatible changes improving speed and resource usage:
-            Pass 2268 tests.
-            Add detail argument to __str__ function. Remove info functions.
-            Fix potential issue correcting offsets of large LSM files with positions.
-            Remove TiffFile sequence interface; use TiffFile.pages instead.
-            Do not make tag values available as TiffPage attributes.
-            Use str (not bytes) type for tag and metadata strings (WIP).
-            Use documented standard tag and value names (WIP).
-            Use enums for some documented TIFF tag values.
-            Remove 'memmap' and 'tmpfile' options; use out='memmap' instead.
-            Add option to specify output in asarray functions.
-            Add option to concurrently decode pages using threads.
-            Add TiffPage.asrgb function (WIP).
-            Do not apply colormap in asarray.
-            Remove 'colormapped', 'rgbonly', and 'scale_mdgel' options from asarray.
-            Consolidate metadata in TiffFile _metadata functions.
-            Remove non-tag metadata properties from TiffPage.
-            Add function to convert LSM to tiled BIN files.
-            Align image data in file.
-            Make TiffPage.dtype a numpy.dtype.
-            Add 'ndim' and 'size' properties to TiffPage and TiffPageSeries.
-            Allow imsave to write non-BigTIFF files up to ~4 GB.
-            Only read one page for shaped series if possible.
-            Add memmap function to create memory-mapped array stored in TIFF file.
-            Add option to save empty arrays to TIFF files.
-            Add option to save truncated TIFF files.
-            Allow single tile images to be saved contiguously.
-            Add optional movie mode for files with uniform pages.
-            Lazy load pages.
-            Use lightweight TiffFrame for IFDs sharing properties with key TiffPage.
-            Move module constants to 'TIFF' namespace (speed up module import).
-            Remove 'fastij' option from TiffFile.
-            Remove 'pages' parameter from TiffFile.
-            Remove TIFFfile alias.
-            Deprecate Python 2.
-            Require enum34 and futures packages on Python 2.7.
-            Remove Record class and return all metadata as dict instead.
-            Add functions to parse STK, MetaSeries, ScanImage, SVS, Pilatus metadata.
-            Read tags from EXIF and GPS IFDs.
-            Use pformat for tag and metadata values.
-            Fix reading some UIC tags (bug fix).
-            Do not modify input array in imshow (bug fix).
-            Fix Python implementation of unpack_ints.
-        2017.5.23
-            Pass 1961 tests.
-            Write correct number of SampleFormat values (bug fix).
-            Use Adobe deflate code to write ZIP compressed files.
-            Add option to pass tag values as packed binary data for writing.
-            Defer tag validation to attribute access.
-            Use property instead of lazyattr decorator for simple expressions.
-        2017.3.17
-            Write IFDs and tag values on word boundaries.
-            Read ScanImage metadata.
-            Remove is_rgb and is_indexed attributes from TiffFile.
-            Create files used by doctests.
-        2017.1.12
-            Read Zeiss SEM metadata.
-            Read OME-TIFF with invalid references to external files.
-            Rewrite C LZW decoder (5x faster).
-            Read corrupted LSM files missing EOI code in LZW stream.
-        2017.1.1
-            Add option to append images to existing TIFF files.
-            Read files without pages.
-            Read S-FEG and Helios NanoLab tags created by FEI software.
-            Allow saving Color Filter Array (CFA) images.
-            Add info functions returning more information about TiffFile and TiffPage.
-            Add option to read specific pages only.
-            Remove maxpages argument (backward incompatible).
-            Remove test_tifffile function.
-        2016.10.28
-            Pass 1944 tests.
-            Improve detection of ImageJ hyperstacks.
-            Read TVIPS metadata created by EM-MENU (by Marco Oster).
-            Add option to disable using OME-XML metadata.
-            Allow non-integer range attributes in modulo tags (by Stuart Berg).
-        2016.6.21
-            Do not always memmap contiguous data in page series.
-        2016.5.13
-            Add option to specify resolution unit.
-            Write grayscale images with extra samples when planarconfig is specified.
-            Do not write RGB color images with 2 samples.
-            Reorder TiffWriter.save keyword arguments (backward incompatible).
-        2016.4.18
-            Pass 1932 tests.
-            TiffWriter, imread, and imsave accept open binary file streams.
-        2016.04.13
-            Correctly handle reversed fill order in 2 and 4 bps images (bug fix).
-            Implement reverse_bitorder in C.
-        2016.03.18
-            Fix saving additional ImageJ metadata.
-        2016.2.22
-            Pass 1920 tests.
-            Write 8 bytes double tag values using offset if necessary (bug fix).
-            Add option to disable writing second image description tag.
-            Detect tags with incorrect counts.
-            Disable color mapping for LSM.
-        2015.11.13
-            Read LSM 6 mosaics.
-            Add option to specify directory of memory-mapped files.
-            Add command line options to specify vmin and vmax values for colormapping.
-        2015.10.06
-            New helper function to apply colormaps.
-            Renamed is_palette attributes to is_indexed (backward incompatible).
-            Color-mapped samples are now contiguous (backward incompatible).
-            Do not color-map ImageJ hyperstacks (backward incompatible).
-            Towards reading Leica SCN.
-        2015.9.25
-            Read images with reversed bit order (FillOrder is LSB2MSB).
-        2015.9.21
-            Read RGB OME-TIFF.
-            Warn about malformed OME-XML.
-        2015.9.16
-            Detect some corrupted ImageJ metadata.
-            Better axes labels for 'shaped' files.
-            Do not create TiffTag for default values.
-            Chroma subsampling is not supported.
-            Memory-map data in TiffPageSeries if possible (optional).
-        2015.8.17
-            Pass 1906 tests.
-            Write ImageJ hyperstacks (optional).
-            Read and write LZMA compressed data.
-            Specify datetime when saving (optional).
-            Save tiled and color-mapped images (optional).
-            Ignore void bytecounts and offsets if possible.
-            Ignore bogus image_depth tag created by ISS Vista software.
-            Decode floating point horizontal differencing (not tiled).
-            Save image data contiguously if possible.
-            Only read first IFD from ImageJ files if possible.
-            Read ImageJ 'raw' format (files larger than 4 GB).
-            TiffPageSeries class for pages with compatible shape and data type.
-            Try to read incomplete tiles.
-            Open file dialog if no filename is passed on command line.
-            Ignore errors when decoding OME-XML.
-            Rename decoder functions (backward incompatible).
-        2014.8.24
-            TiffWriter class for incremental writing images.
-            Simplify examples.
-        2014.8.19
-            Add memmap function to FileHandle.
-            Add function to determine if image data in TiffPage is memory-mappable.
-            Do not close files if multifile_close parameter is False.
-        2014.8.10
-            Pass 1730 tests.
-            Return all extrasamples by default (backward incompatible).
-            Read data from series of pages into memory-mapped array (optional).
-            Squeeze OME dimensions (backward incompatible).
-            Workaround missing EOI code in strips.
-            Support image and tile depth tags (SGI extension).
-            Better handling of STK/UIC tags (backward incompatible).
-            Disable color mapping for STK.
-            Julian to datetime converter.
-            TIFF ASCII type may be NULL separated.
-            Unwrap strip offsets for LSM files greater than 4 GB.
-            Correct strip byte counts in compressed LSM files.
-            Skip missing files in OME series.
-            Read embedded TIFF files.
-        2014.2.05
-            Save rational numbers as type 5 (bug fix).
-        2013.12.20
-            Keep other files in OME multi-file series closed.
-            FileHandle class to abstract binary file handle.
-            Disable color mapping for bad OME-TIFF produced by bio-formats.
-            Read bad OME-XML produced by ImageJ when cropping.
-        2013.11.3
-            Allow zlib compress data in imsave function (optional).
-            Memory-map contiguous image data (optional).
-        2013.10.28
-            Read MicroManager metadata and little-endian ImageJ tag.
-            Save extra tags in imsave function.
-            Save tags in ascending order by code (bug fix).
-        2012.10.18
-            Accept file like objects (read from OIB files).
-        2012.8.21
-            Rename TIFFfile to TiffFile and TIFFpage to TiffPage.
-            TiffSequence class for reading sequence of TIFF files.
-            Read UltraQuant tags.
-            Allow float numbers as resolution in imsave function.
-        2012.8.3
-            Read MD GEL tags and NIH Image header.
-        2012.7.25
-            Read ImageJ tags.
+        Refer to the CHANGES file for older revisions.
         The API is not stable yet and might change between revisions.
         Tested on little-endian platforms only.
-        Python 2.7, 3.4, and 32-bit versions are deprecated.
+        Python 32-bit versions are deprecated.
+        Update pip and setuptools to the latest version before installing tifffile:
+            ``python -m pip install --upgrade pip setuptools``
+        Tifffile relies on the `imagecodecs <https://pypi.org/project/imagecodecs/>`_
+        package for encoding and decoding LZW, JPEG, and other compressed images.
+        Several TIFF-like formats do not strictly adhere to the TIFF6 specification,
+        some of which allow file or data sizes to exceed the 4 GB limit:
+        * *BigTIFF* is identified by version number 43 and uses different file
+          header, IFD, and tag structures with 64-bit offsets. It adds more data types.
+          Tifffile can read and write BigTIFF files.
+        * *ImageJ* hyperstacks store all image data, which may exceed 4 GB,
+          contiguously after the first IFD. Files > 4 GB contain one IFD only.
+          The size (shape and dtype) of the up to 6-dimensional image data can be
+          determined from the ImageDescription tag of the first IFD, which is Latin-1
+          encoded. Tifffile can read and write ImageJ hyperstacks.
+        * *OME-TIFF* stores up to 8-dimensional data in one or multiple TIFF of BigTIFF
+          files. The 8-bit UTF-8 encoded OME-XML metadata found in the ImageDescription
+          tag of the first IFD defines the position of TIFF IFDs in the high
+          dimensional data. Tifffile can read OME-TIFF files, except when the OME-XML
+          metadata are stored in a separate file.
+        * *LSM* stores all IFDs below 4 GB but wraps around 32-bit StripOffsets.
+          The StripOffsets of each series and position require separate unwrapping.
+          The StripByteCounts tag contains the number of bytes for the uncompressed
+          data. Tifffile can read large LSM files.
+        * *NDPI* uses some 64-bit offsets in the file header, IFD, and tag structures.
+          Tag values/offsets can be corrected using high bits stored after IFD
+          structures. JPEG compressed tiles with dimensions > 65536 are not readable
+          with libjpeg. Tifffile can read NDPI files < 4 GB and decompress large JPEG
+          tiles using the imagecodecs library on Windows.
+        * *ScanImage* optionally allows corrupt non-BigTIFF files > 2 GB. The values
+          of StripOffsets and StripByteCounts can be recovered using the constant
+          differences of the offsets of IFD and tag values throughout the file.
+          Tifffile can read such files on Python 3 if the image data are stored
+          contiguously in each page.
+        * *GeoTIFF* sparse files allow strip or tile offsets and byte counts to be 0.
+          Such segments are implicitly set to 0 or the NODATA value on reading.
+          Tifffile can read GeoTIFF sparse files.
         Other libraries for reading scientific TIFF files from Python:
-        *  `Python-bioformats <https://github.com/CellProfiler/python-bioformats>`_
-        *  `Imread <https://github.com/luispedro/imread>`_
-        *  `GDAL <https://github.com/OSGeo/gdal/tree/master/gdal/swig/python>`_
-        *  `OpenSlide-python <https://github.com/openslide/openslide-python>`_
-        *  `PyLibTiff <https://github.com/pearu/pylibtiff>`_
-        *  `SimpleITK <http://www.simpleitk.org>`_
-        *  `PyLSM <https://launchpad.net/pylsm>`_
-        *  `PyMca.TiffIO.py <https://github.com/vasole/pymca>`_ (same as fabio.TiffIO)
-        *  `BioImageXD.Readers <http://www.bioimagexd.net/>`_
-        *  `Cellcognition.io <http://cellcognition.org/>`_
-        *  `pymimage <https://github.com/ardoi/pymimage>`_
-        *  `pytiff <https://github.com/FZJ-INM1-BDA/pytiff>`_
-        Acknowledgements
-        ----------------
-        *   Egor Zindy, University of Manchester, for lsm_scan_info specifics.
-        *   Wim Lewis for a bug fix and some LSM functions.
-        *   Hadrien Mary for help on reading MicroManager files.
-        *   Christian Kliche for help writing tiled and color-mapped files.
+        * `Python-bioformats <https://github.com/CellProfiler/python-bioformats>`_
+        * `Imread <https://github.com/luispedro/imread>`_
+        * `GDAL <https://github.com/OSGeo/gdal/tree/master/gdal/swig/python>`_
+        * `OpenSlide-python <https://github.com/openslide/openslide-python>`_
+        * `PyLibTiff <https://github.com/pearu/pylibtiff>`_
+        * `SimpleITK <https://github.com/SimpleITK/SimpleITK>`_
+        * `PyLSM <https://launchpad.net/pylsm>`_
+        * `PyMca.TiffIO.py <https://github.com/vasole/pymca>`_ (same as fabio.TiffIO)
+        * `BioImageXD.Readers <http://www.bioimagexd.net/>`_
+        * `CellCognition <https://cellcognition-project.org/>`_
+        * `pymimage <https://github.com/ardoi/pymimage>`_
+        * `pytiff <https://github.com/FZJ-INM1-BDA/pytiff>`_
+        * `ScanImageTiffReaderPython
+          <https://gitlab.com/vidriotech/scanimagetiffreader-python>`_
+        * `bigtiff <https://pypi.org/project/bigtiff>`_
+        Some libraries are using tifffile to write OME-TIFF files:
+        * `Zeiss Apeer OME-TIFF library
+          <https://github.com/apeer-micro/apeer-ometiff-library>`_
+        * `Allen Institute for Cell Science imageio
+          <https://pypi.org/project/aicsimageio>`_
-        1)  TIFF 6.0 Specification and Supplements. Adobe Systems Incorporated.
+        1.  TIFF 6.0 Specification and Supplements. Adobe Systems Incorporated.
-        2)  TIFF File Format FAQ. https://www.awaresystems.be/imaging/tiff/faq.html
-        3)  MetaMorph Stack (STK) Image File Format.
+        2.  TIFF File Format FAQ. https://www.awaresystems.be/imaging/tiff/faq.html
+        3.  MetaMorph Stack (STK) Image File Format.
-        4)  Image File Format Description LSM 5/7 Release 6.0 (ZEN 2010)..
+        4.  Image File Format Description LSM 5/7 Release 6.0 (ZEN 2010)..
             Carl Zeiss MicroImaging GmbH. BioSciences. May 10, 2011
-        5)  The OME-TIFF format.
+        5.  The OME-TIFF format.
-        6)  UltraQuant(r) Version 6.0 for Windows Start-Up Guide.
+        6.  UltraQuant(r) Version 6.0 for Windows Start-Up Guide.
-        7)  Micro-Manager File Formats.
+        7.  Micro-Manager File Formats.
-        8)  Tags for TIFF and Related Specifications. Digital Preservation.
+        8.  Tags for TIFF and Related Specifications. Digital Preservation.
-        9)  ScanImage BigTiff Specification - ScanImage 2016.
+        9.  ScanImage BigTiff Specification - ScanImage 2016.
-        10) CIPA DC-008-2016: Exchangeable image file format for digital still cameras:
+        10. CIPA DC-008-2016: Exchangeable image file format for digital still cameras:
             Exif Version 2.31.
-        11) ZIF, the Zoomable Image File format. http://zif.photo/
+        11. ZIF, the Zoomable Image File format. http://zif.photo/
+        12. GeoTIFF File Format https://gdal.org/drivers/raster/gtiff.html
         Save a 3D numpy array to a multi-page, 16-bit grayscale TIFF file:
-        >>> data = numpy.random.randint(0, 2**16, (4, 301, 219), 'uint16')
+        >>> data = numpy.random.randint(0, 2**12, (4, 301, 219), 'uint16')
         >>> imwrite('temp.tif', data, photometric='minisblack')
         Read the whole image stack from the TIFF file as numpy array:
@@ -402,7 +315,7 @@ Description: Read and write TIFF(r) files
         >>> image_stack.dtype
-        Read the image from first page (IFD) in the TIFF file:
+        Read the image from the first page in the TIFF file as numpy array:
         >>> image = imread('temp.tif', key=0)
         >>> image.shape
@@ -424,14 +337,36 @@ Description: Read and write TIFF(r) files
         >>> data = numpy.random.rand(2, 5, 3, 301, 219).astype('float32')
         >>> imwrite('temp.tif', data, compress=6, metadata={'axes': 'TZCYX'})
-        Save a volume with xyz voxel size 2.6755x2.6755x3.9474 µm^3 to ImageJ file:
+        Save a volume with xyz voxel size 2.6755x2.6755x3.9474 micron^3 to an ImageJ
+        formatted TIFF file:
         >>> volume = numpy.random.randn(57*256*256).astype('float32')
         >>> volume.shape = 1, 57, 1, 256, 256, 1  # dimensions in TZCYXS order
         >>> imwrite('temp.tif', volume, imagej=True, resolution=(1./2.6755, 1./2.6755),
         ...         metadata={'spacing': 3.947368, 'unit': 'um'})
-        Read hyperstack and metadata from ImageJ file:
+        Get the shape and dtype of the volume stored in the TIFF file:
+        >>> tif = TiffFile('temp.tif')
+        >>> len(tif.pages)  # number of pages in the file
+        57
+        >>> page = tif.pages[0]  # get shape and dtype of the image in the first page
+        >>> page.shape
+        (256, 256)
+        >>> page.dtype
+        dtype('float32')
+        >>> page.axes
+        'YX'
+        >>> series = tif.series[0]  # get shape and dtype of the first image series
+        >>> series.shape
+        (57, 256, 256)
+        >>> series.dtype
+        dtype('float32')
+        >>> series.axes
+        'ZYX'
+        >>> tif.close()
+        Read hyperstack and metadata from the ImageJ file:
         >>> with TiffFile('temp.tif') as tif:
         ...     imagej_hyperstack = tif.asarray()
@@ -441,35 +376,58 @@ Description: Read and write TIFF(r) files
         >>> imagej_metadata['slices']
+        Read the "XResolution" tag from the first page in the TIFF file:
+        >>> with TiffFile('temp.tif') as tif:
+        ...     tag = tif.pages[0].tags['XResolution']
+        >>> tag.value
+        (2000, 5351)
+        >>> tag.name
+        'XResolution'
+        >>> tag.code
+        282
+        >>> tag.count
+        1
+        >>> tag.dtype
+        '2I'
+        Read images from a selected range of pages:
+        >>> image = imread('temp.tif', key=range(4, 40, 2))
+        >>> image.shape
+        (18, 256, 256)
         Create an empty TIFF file and write to the memory-mapped numpy array:
         >>> memmap_image = memmap('temp.tif', shape=(256, 256), dtype='float32')
         >>> memmap_image[255, 255] = 1.0
         >>> memmap_image.flush()
-        >>> memmap_image.shape, memmap_image.dtype
-        ((256, 256), dtype('float32'))
         >>> del memmap_image
-        Memory-map image data in the TIFF file:
+        Memory-map image data of the first page in the TIFF file:
         >>> memmap_image = memmap('temp.tif', page=0)
         >>> memmap_image[255, 255]
         >>> del memmap_image
-        Successively append images to a BigTIFF file:
+        Successively append images to a BigTIFF file, which can exceed 4 GB:
         >>> data = numpy.random.randint(0, 255, (5, 2, 3, 301, 219), 'uint8')
         >>> with TiffWriter('temp.tif', bigtiff=True) as tif:
         ...     for i in range(data.shape[0]):
         ...         tif.save(data[i], compress=6, photometric='minisblack')
+        Append an image to the existing TIFF file:
+        >>> data = numpy.random.randint(0, 255, (301, 219, 3), 'uint8')
+        >>> imwrite('temp.tif', data, append=True)
         Iterate over pages and tags in the TIFF file and successively read images:
         >>> with TiffFile('temp.tif') as tif:
-        ...     image_stack = tif.asarray()
         ...     for page in tif.pages:
-        ...         for tag in page.tags.values():
+        ...         for tag in page.tags:
         ...             tag_name, tag_value = tag.name, tag.value
         ...         image = page.asarray()
@@ -479,7 +437,7 @@ Description: Read and write TIFF(r) files
         >>> data1 = numpy.random.randint(0, 255, (5, 301, 219), 'uint16')
         >>> with TiffWriter('temp.tif') as tif:
         ...     tif.save(data0, compress=6, photometric='rgb')
-        ...     tif.save(data1, compress=6, photometric='minisblack')
+        ...     tif.save(data1, compress=6, photometric='minisblack', contiguous=False)
         Read the second image series from the TIFF file:
@@ -487,7 +445,7 @@ Description: Read and write TIFF(r) files
         >>> series1.shape
         (5, 301, 219)
-        Read an image stack from a sequence of TIFF files with a file name pattern:
+        Read an image stack from a series of TIFF files with a file name pattern:
         >>> imwrite('temp_C001T001.tif', numpy.random.rand(64, 64))
         >>> imwrite('temp_C001T002.tif', numpy.random.rand(64, 64))
@@ -500,18 +458,22 @@ Description: Read and write TIFF(r) files
         >>> data.shape
         (1, 2, 64, 64)
+        Create a TIFF file from an iterator of tiles:
+        >>> def tiles():
+        ...     data = numpy.arange(3*4*16*16, dtype='uint16').reshape((3*4, 16, 16))
+        ...     for i in range(data.shape[0]): yield data[i]
+        >>> imwrite('temp.tif', tiles(), dtype='uint16', shape=(48, 64), tile=(16, 16))
 Platform: any
 Classifier: Development Status :: 4 - Beta
 Classifier: License :: OSI Approved :: BSD License
 Classifier: Intended Audience :: Science/Research
 Classifier: Intended Audience :: Developers
 Classifier: Operating System :: OS Independent
-Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 2
-Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 2.7
-Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3
-Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.4
-Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.5
+Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3 :: Only
 Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.6
 Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.7
-Requires-Python: >=2.7
+Classifier: Programming Language :: Python :: 3.8
+Requires-Python: >=3.6
 Provides-Extra: all

@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@

@@ -1,13 +1,5 @@
-[:platform_system == "Windows"]
-[:python_version == "2.7"]

@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
 # tifffile/__init__.py
 from .tifffile import __doc__, __all__, __version__, main

@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
 # tifffile/__main__.py
+"""Tifffile package command line script."""
 import sys
 from .tifffile import main

@@ -1,20 +1,21 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
 # lsm2bin.py
-"""Convert *TZCYX LSM file to series of BIN files.
+"""Convert TZCYX LSM file to series of BIN files.
 Usage: lsm2bin lsm_filename [bin_filename]
-from __future__ import division, print_function
 import sys
     from .tifffile import lsm2bin
 except ImportError:
-    from tifffile import lsm2bin
+    try:
+        from tifffile.tifffile import lsm2bin
+    except ImportError:
+        from tifffile import lsm2bin
 def main(argv=None):

The diff for this file was not included because it is too large.

@@ -1,14 +1,17 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
 # tifffile_geodb.py
-# GeoTIFF GeoKey Database
-# Adapted from http://gis.ess.washington.edu/data/raster/drg/docs/geotiff.txt
+"""GeoTIFF GeoKey Database.
+Adapted from http://gis.ess.washington.edu/data/raster/drg/docs/geotiff.txt
 import enum
 class Proj(enum.IntEnum):
     """Projection Codes."""
     Undefined = 0
     User_Defined = 32767
     Alabama_CS27_East = 10101
@@ -440,6 +443,7 @@ class Proj(enum.IntEnum):
 class PCS(enum.IntEnum):
     """Projected CS Type Codes."""
     Undefined = 0
     User_Defined = 32767
     Adindan_UTM_zone_37N = 20137
@@ -1443,6 +1447,7 @@ class PCS(enum.IntEnum):
 class GCSE(enum.IntEnum):
     """Unspecified GCS based on ellipsoid."""
     Undefined = 0
     User_Defined = 32767
     Airy1830 = 4001
@@ -1484,6 +1489,7 @@ class GCSE(enum.IntEnum):
 class GCS(enum.IntEnum):
     """Geographic CS Type Codes."""
     Undefined = 0
     User_Defined = 32767
     Adindan = 4201
@@ -1631,6 +1637,7 @@ class GCS(enum.IntEnum):
 class Ellipse(enum.IntEnum):
     """Ellipsoid Codes."""
     Undefined = 0
     User_Defined = 32767
     Airy_1830 = 7001
@@ -1672,6 +1679,7 @@ class Ellipse(enum.IntEnum):
 class DatumE(enum.IntEnum):
     """Ellipsoid-Only Geodetic Datum Codes."""
     Undefined = 0
     User_Defined = 32767
     Airy1830 = 6001
@@ -1713,6 +1721,7 @@ class DatumE(enum.IntEnum):
 class Datum(enum.IntEnum):
     """Geodetic Datum Codes."""
     Undefined = 0
     User_Defined = 32767
     Adindan = 6201
@@ -1840,6 +1849,7 @@ class Datum(enum.IntEnum):
 class ModelType(enum.IntEnum):
     """Model Type Codes."""
     Undefined = 0
     User_Defined = 32767
     Projected = 1
@@ -1849,6 +1859,7 @@ class ModelType(enum.IntEnum):
 class RasterPixel(enum.IntEnum):
     """Raster Type Codes."""
     Undefined = 0
     User_Defined = 32767
     IsArea = 1
@@ -1857,6 +1868,7 @@ class RasterPixel(enum.IntEnum):
 class Linear(enum.IntEnum):
     """Linear Units."""
     Undefined = 0
     User_Defined = 32767
     Meter = 9001
@@ -1878,6 +1890,7 @@ class Linear(enum.IntEnum):
 class Angular(enum.IntEnum):
     """Angular Units."""
     Undefined = 0
     User_Defined = 32767
     Radian = 9101
@@ -1892,6 +1905,7 @@ class Angular(enum.IntEnum):
 class PM(enum.IntEnum):
     """Prime Meridian Codes."""
     Undefined = 0
     User_Defined = 32767
     Greenwich = 8901
@@ -1909,6 +1923,7 @@ class PM(enum.IntEnum):
 class CT(enum.IntEnum):
     """Coordinate Transformation Codes."""
     Undefined = 0
     User_Defined = 32767
     TransverseMercator = 1
@@ -1944,6 +1959,7 @@ class CT(enum.IntEnum):
 class VertCS(enum.IntEnum):
     """Vertical CS Type Codes."""
     Undefined = 0
     User_Defined = 32767
     Airy_1830_ellipsoid = 5001

tiffile.py deleted
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# tiffile.py
-"""Proxy module for the tifffile package."""
-from tifffile.tifffile import __doc__, __all__, __version__  # noqa
-from tifffile.tifffile import lsm2bin, main  # noqa
-from tifffile.tifffile import *  # noqa
-if __name__ == '__main__':
-    import sys
-    sys.exit(main())

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