[med-svn] [Git][med-team/epigrass][master] 3 commits: routine-update: New upstream version
Andreas Tille
gitlab at salsa.debian.org
Sun Feb 21 16:28:36 GMT 2021
Andreas Tille pushed to branch master at Debian Med / epigrass
ebbaf330 by Andreas Tille at 2021-02-21T16:23:56+01:00
routine-update: New upstream version
- - - - -
8d3694db by Andreas Tille at 2021-02-21T16:23:57+01:00
New upstream version 3.0.2+dfsg
- - - - -
4ed667c7 by Andreas Tille at 2021-02-21T16:24:05+01:00
Update upstream source from tag 'upstream/3.0.2+dfsg'
Update to upstream version '3.0.2+dfsg'
with Debian dir 294286f1a0119b3d6fe2ab8feed185a17fb700ae
- - - - -
16 changed files:
- Epigrass/__version__.py
- − Epigrass/epidash.py
- − Epigrass/epimodels.c
- Epigrass/epipanel.py
- Epigrass/manager.py
- Epigrass/epimodels.py → Epigrass/models.py
- Epigrass/simobj.py
- debian/changelog
- demos/rio.epg
- demos/spread.gml
- demos/spread.graphml
- demos/spread.json
- docs/source/using.rst
- requirements.txt
- setup.py
- tests/test_models.py
@@ -1 +1 @@
-version = "3.0"
+version = "3.0.1"
Epigrass/epidash.py deleted
@@ -1,203 +0,0 @@
-import dash
-import dash_core_components as dcc
-import dash_html_components as html
-from dash.dependencies import Input, Output
-import pandas as pd
-import geopandas as gpd
-import plotly.express as px
-import json
-from sqlalchemy import create_engine
-import os, glob
-from functools import lru_cache
-import warnings
-is_epigrass_folder = os.path.exists('Epigrass.sqlite')
-maps = glob.glob('*.shp')
-if maps:
- mapdf = gpd.read_file('Data.shp')
- mapdf.to_file('Data.geojson', driver='GeoJSON')
- mapjson = json.load(open('Data.geojson', 'r'))
- at lru_cache(2)
-def load_sim(sim):
- if sim is None:
- return pd.DataFrame(data={'time': range(2), 'name': 0})
- con = create_engine('sqlite:///Epigrass.sqlite?check_same_thread=False').connect()
- data = pd.read_sql_table(sim, con)
- con.close()
- return data
-def get_sims():
- if is_epigrass_folder:
- con = create_engine('sqlite:///Epigrass.sqlite?check_same_thread=False').connect()
- sims = con.execute("SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' ORDER BY name;")
- return [s[0] for s in sims if not (s[0].endswith('_meta') or s[0].endswith('e'))]
- else:
- return ['No simulations found']
-def generate_table(dataframe, max_rows=10):
- return html.Table(
- # Header
- [html.Tr([html.Th(col) for col in dataframe.columns])] +
- # Body
- [html.Tr([
- html.Td(dataframe.iloc[i][col]) for col in dataframe.columns
- ]) for i in range(min(len(dataframe), max_rows))]
- )
-external_stylesheets = ['https://codepen.io/chriddyp/pen/bWLwgP.css']
-app = dash.Dash(__name__, external_stylesheets=external_stylesheets)
-app.layout = html.Div(children=[
- html.H1(children='Epigrass Dashboard'),
- html.Div(children='''
- Visualize your Simulations.
- '''),
- html.H3('Simulations:'),
- dcc.Dropdown(
- id='sim-drop',
- options=[{'label': s, 'value': s} for s in get_sims()],
- ),
- html.Div(id='sim-table'),
- dcc.Loading(
- id="loading-1",
- type="default",
- children=html.Div(id="sim-table-loading")
- ),
- html.Div(children=[
- html.B('Series:'),
- dcc.Dropdown(id='columns', multi=True, searchable=True, )], style={'width': '48%', 'display': 'inline-block'}),
- html.Div(children=[
- html.B('Localities:'),
- dcc.Dropdown(id='localities', multi=True, searchable=True),
- ], style={'width': '48%', 'display': 'inline-block', 'float': 'right'}, ),
- html.H3('Series:'),
- dcc.Graph(id='series-plot'),
- html.H3('Map:'),
- # dcc.Loading(
- # id="loading-map",
- # type="default",
- # children=html.Div(id="map-loading")
- # ),
- # dcc.Graph(id='bubble-map'),
-## Callbacks
- at app.callback(Output(component_id='sim-table', component_property='children'),
- [Input(component_id='sim-drop', component_property='value')]
-def update_sim_table(sim_name):
- try:
- df = load_sim(sim_name)
- return generate_table(df)
- except TypeError as e:
- return html.P('No data')
- at app.callback(Output("sim-table-loading", "children"),
- [Input(component_id='sim-drop', component_property='value')])
-def table_spinner(value):
- pass
-# @app.callback(Output("map-loading", "children"),
-# [Input(component_id='sim-drop', component_property='value')])
-# def map_spinner(value):
-# pass
- at app.callback(
- Output(component_id='series-plot', component_property='figure'),
- [Input(component_id='columns', component_property='value'),
- Input(component_id='sim-drop', component_property='value'),
- Input(component_id='localities', component_property='value')]
-def update_series_plot(columns_selected, sim_name, localities):
- df = load_sim(sim_name)
- if localities and localities[0] is not None:
- df = df[df.name.isin(localities)]
- tf = df.time.max()
- traces = []
- cols = columns_selected
- if not cols:
- cols = df.columns[5:7]
- for c in cols:
- if c in ['geocode,' 'time', 'name', 'lat', 'longit']:
- continue
- traces.append(dict(
- x=df.time,
- y=df[c],
- text=df['name'],
- mode='line',
- opacity=0.7,
- name=c
- ))
- return {
- 'data': traces,
- 'layout': dict(
- xaxis={'type': 'linear', 'title': 'time',
- 'range': [0, tf]},
- yaxis={'title': 'Individuals'},
- margin={'l': 40, 'b': 40, 't': 10, 'r': 10},
- legend={'x': 0, 'y': 1},
- hovermode='closest',
- transition={'duration': 500},
- )
- }
- at app.callback(
- Output(component_id='columns', component_property='options'),
- [Input(component_id='sim-drop', component_property='value')]
-def fill_columns(sim_name):
- try:
- df = load_sim(sim_name)
- return [{'label': c, 'value': c} for c in df.columns if
- c not in ['geocode,' 'time', 'name', 'lat', 'longit']]
- except (TypeError, ValueError) as e:
- return []
- at app.callback(
- Output(component_id='localities', component_property='options'),
- [Input(component_id='sim-drop', component_property='value')]
-def fill_localities(sim_name):
- try:
- df = load_sim(sim_name)
- return [{'label': c, 'value': c} for c in set(df.name)]
- except (TypeError, ValueError) as e:
- return []
-# @app.callback(
-# Output(component_id='bubble-map', component_property='figure'),
-# [Input(component_id='sim-drop', component_property='value')]
-# )
-# def draw_bubble_map(val):
-# fig = None
-# if maps:
-# namecol = mapdf.columns[0]
-# locations = mapdf.columns[1]
-# fig = px.choropleth(mapdf, geojson=mapjson, locations=locations, color='prevalence', hover_name=namecol,
-# hover_data=['prevalence'],
-# color_continuous_scale='viridis', scope='south america'
-# )
-# return fig
-def main():
- app.run_server(debug=True)
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()
Epigrass/epimodels.c deleted
The diff for this file was not included because it is too large.
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ import hvplot.pandas
import holoviews as hv
import geoviews as gv
from holoviews.operation.datashader import datashade, bundle_graph
+from datashader.bundling import hammer_bundle
from holoviews import opts
from bokeh.resources import INLINE
import param
@@ -50,9 +51,10 @@ def get_sims(fname):
def get_graph(pth):
full_path = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(pth), 'network.gml')
if os.path.exists(full_path):
- G = NX.read_gml(full_path)
+ G = NX.read_gml(full_path,destringizer=int)
G = NX.MultiDiGraph()
return G
@@ -118,7 +120,7 @@ def get_subgraph(G, node):
:param node: node defining the subgraph
nodes = [node]
- nodes.extend(list(G.neighbors(node)))
+ nodes.extend([int(n) for n in G.neighbors(node)])
H = G.subgraph(nodes).copy()
return H
@@ -177,7 +179,7 @@ class SeriesViewer(param.Parameterized):
### Model Type
### Epidemic Events
-Seed: {df['epidemic_events$seed']}
+Seed: {df['epidemic_events$seed'].iloc[0]}
@@ -246,7 +248,7 @@ Seed: {df['epidemic_events$seed']}
partial_map = partial_map.to_crs(3857) # Converting to web mercator
centroids = [(c.x, c.y) for c in partial_map.centroid]
# Draw the graph using Altair
- gcs = [str(int(gc)) for gc in partial_map.geocode]
+ gcs = [int(gc) for gc in partial_map.geocode]
pos = dict(zip(gcs, centroids))
# viz = nxa.draw_networkx(
@@ -336,7 +338,7 @@ Seed: {df['epidemic_events$seed']}
base = alt.Chart(df).mark_line(interpolate='step-after').encode(
- y='incidence:Q',
+ y='incidence:Q'
@@ -347,7 +349,7 @@ Seed: {df['epidemic_events$seed']}
row = alt.hconcat()
row |= base.encode(x='time', y=y_enc)
if i < len(variables):
- row |= base.encode(x='time', y=variables[i + 1])
+ row |= base.encode(x='time', y=variables[i + 1], tooltip=['time', 'incidence', 'Infectious'])
chart &= row
return chart
@@ -1048,15 +1048,18 @@ def main():
def end_pools():
- PO.close()
- PO.terminate()
- simobj.PO.close()
- simobj.PO.terminate()
+ # PO.close()
+ # PO.terminate()
+ # simobj.PO.close()
+ # simobj.PO.terminate()
+ # kill all subprocesses
+ os.killpg(os.getpid(), signal.SIGTERM)
PO = multiprocessing.Pool()
if __name__ == '__main__':
- import atexit
+ import atexit, signal
Epigrass/epimodels.py → Epigrass/models.py
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ from numpy import inf, nan, nan_to_num
import numpy as np
import sys
import redis
-# import cython
+from epimodels.continuous.models import SIR, SEIR
import numba
from numba.typed import List
@@ -20,12 +20,14 @@ redisclient = redis.StrictRedis()
vnames = {
'SIR': ['Exposed', 'Infectious', 'Susceptible'],
'SIR_s': ['Exposed', 'Infectious', 'Susceptible'],
+ 'SIR_cont': ['Exposed', 'Infectious', 'Susceptible'],
'SIS': ['Exposed', 'Infectious', 'Susceptible'],
'SIS_s': ['Exposed', 'Infectious', 'Susceptible'],
'SEIS': ['Exposed', 'Infectious', 'Susceptible'],
'SEIS_s': ['Exposed', 'Infectious', 'Susceptible'],
'SEIR': ['Exposed', 'Infectious', 'Susceptible'],
'SEIR_s': ['Exposed', 'Infectious', 'Susceptible'],
+ 'SEIR_cont': ['Exposed', 'Infectious', 'Susceptible'],
'SIpRpS': ['Exposed', 'Infectious', 'Susceptible'],
'SIpRpS_s': ['Exposed', 'Infectious', 'Susceptible'],
'SEIpRpS': ['Exposed', 'Infectious', 'Susceptible'],
@@ -125,6 +127,8 @@ def selectModel(modtype):
return stepSIR
elif modtype == b'SIR_s':
return stepSIR_s
+ elif modtype == b'SIR_cont':
+ return stepSIR_cont
elif modtype == b'SIS':
return stepSIS
elif modtype == b'SIS_s':
@@ -137,6 +141,8 @@ def selectModel(modtype):
return stepSEIR
elif modtype == b'SEIR_s':
return stepSEIR_s
+ elif modtype == b'SEIR_cont':
+ return stepSEIR_cont
elif modtype == b'SIpRpS':
return stepSIpRpS
elif modtype == b'SIpRpS_s':
@@ -188,13 +194,21 @@ def stepFlu(inits, simstep, totpop, theta=0, npass=0, bi=None, bp=None, values=N
'Susc_age4', 'Incub_age4', 'Subc_age4', 'Sympt_age4', 'Comp_age4',)
if simstep == 0: # get initial values
S1, E1, Is1, Ic1, Ig1 = (
- bi.get('susc_age1', bi.get(b'susc_age1')), bi.get('incub_age1', bi.get(b'incub_age1')), bi.get('subc_age1', bi.get(b'subc_age1')), bi.get('sympt_age1', bi.get(b'sympt_age1')), bi.get('comp_age1', bi.get(b'comp_age1')))
+ bi.get('susc_age1', bi.get(b'susc_age1')), bi.get('incub_age1', bi.get(b'incub_age1')),
+ bi.get('subc_age1', bi.get(b'subc_age1')), bi.get('sympt_age1', bi.get(b'sympt_age1')),
+ bi.get('comp_age1', bi.get(b'comp_age1')))
S2, E2, Is2, Ic2, Ig2 = (
- bi.get('susc_age2', bi.get(b'susc_age2')), bi.get('incub_age2', bi.get(b'incub_age2')), bi.get('subc_age2', bi.get(b'subc_age2')), bi.get('sympt_age2', bi.get(b'sympt_age2')), bi.get('comp_age2', bi.get(b'comp_age2')))
+ bi.get('susc_age2', bi.get(b'susc_age2')), bi.get('incub_age2', bi.get(b'incub_age2')),
+ bi.get('subc_age2', bi.get(b'subc_age2')), bi.get('sympt_age2', bi.get(b'sympt_age2')),
+ bi.get('comp_age2', bi.get(b'comp_age2')))
S3, E3, Is3, Ic3, Ig3 = (
- bi.get('susc_age3', bi.get(b'susc_age3')), bi.get('incub_age3', bi.get(b'incub_age3')), bi.get('subc_age3', bi.get(b'subc_age3')), bi.get('sympt_age3', bi.get(b'sympt_age3')), bi.get('comp_age3', bi.get(b'comp_age3')))
+ bi.get('susc_age3', bi.get(b'susc_age3')), bi.get('incub_age3', bi.get(b'incub_age3')),
+ bi.get('subc_age3', bi.get(b'subc_age3')), bi.get('sympt_age3', bi.get(b'sympt_age3')),
+ bi.get('comp_age3', bi.get(b'comp_age3')))
S4, E4, Is4, Ic4, Ig4 = (
- bi.get('susc_age4', bi.get(b'susc_age4')), bi.get('incub_age4', bi.get(b'incub_age4')), bi.get('subc_age4', bi.get(b'subc_age4')), bi.get('sympt_age4', bi.get(b'sympt_age4')), bi.get('comp_age4', bi.get(b'comp_age4')))
+ bi.get('susc_age4', bi.get(b'susc_age4')), bi.get('incub_age4', bi.get(b'incub_age4')),
+ bi.get('subc_age4', bi.get(b'subc_age4')), bi.get('sympt_age4', bi.get(b'sympt_age4')),
+ bi.get('comp_age4', bi.get(b'comp_age4')))
else: # get values from last time step
# print(len(inits))
S1, E1, Is1, Ic1, Ig1, S2, E2, Is2, Ic2, Ig2, S3, E3, Is3, Ic3, Ig3, S4, E4, Is4, Ic4, Ig4 = inits
@@ -378,6 +392,7 @@ def stepSIR(inits, simstep, totpop, theta=0, npass=0, bi=None, bp=None, values=N
E, I, S = inits
N = totpop
+ R = N - (E + I + S)
beta = bp.get('beta', bp.get(b'beta'));
alpha = bp.get('alpha', bp.get(b'alpha'));
# e = bp.get('e', bp.get(b'e'));
@@ -392,7 +407,7 @@ def stepSIR(inits, simstep, totpop, theta=0, npass=0, bi=None, bp=None, values=N
# Model
Ipos = (1 - r) * I + Lpos
Spos = S + b - Lpos
- Rpos = R + r*I
+ Rpos = R + r * I
# Migrating infecctious
migInf = Ipos
@@ -400,11 +415,6 @@ def stepSIR(inits, simstep, totpop, theta=0, npass=0, bi=None, bp=None, values=N
return (0, Ipos, Spos), Lpos, migInf
-# @cython.locals(inits=list, simstep='long', totpop='long', theta='double', npass='double', bi=dict, bp=dict,
-# beta='double', alpha='double', E='double', I='double', S='double', N='long',
-# r='double', b='double', w='double', Lpos='double', Lpos_esp='double', R='double',
-# Ipos='double', Spos='double', Rpos='double')
-# @numba.jit(forceobj=True, cache=True)
def stepSIR_s(inits, simstep, totpop, theta=0, npass=0, bi=None, bp=None, values=None, model=None,
dist='poisson') -> tuple:
@@ -417,6 +427,7 @@ def stepSIR_s(inits, simstep, totpop, theta=0, npass=0, bi=None, bp=None, values
E, I, S = inits
N = totpop
+ R = N - (E + I + S)
beta = bp.get('beta', bp.get(b'beta'));
alpha = bp.get('alpha', bp.get(b'alpha'));
# e = bp.get('e', bp.get(b'e'));
@@ -437,7 +448,7 @@ def stepSIR_s(inits, simstep, totpop, theta=0, npass=0, bi=None, bp=None, values
# Model
Ipos = (1 - r) * I + Lpos
Spos = S + b - Lpos
- Rpos = N - (Spos + Ipos)
+ Rpos = R + r * I
# Migrating infecctious
migInf = Ipos
@@ -445,6 +456,41 @@ def stepSIR_s(inits, simstep, totpop, theta=0, npass=0, bi=None, bp=None, values
return [0, Ipos, Spos], Lpos, migInf
+def stepSIR_cont(inits, simstep, totpop, theta=0, npass=0, bi=None, bp=None, values=None, model=None) -> tuple:
+ """
+ ODE SIR without births and deaths
+ :param inits:
+ :param simstep:
+ :param totpop:
+ :param theta:
+ :param npass:
+ :param bi:
+ :param bp:
+ :param values:
+ :param model:
+ :return:
+ """
+ sir = SIR()
+ if simstep == 0: # get initial values
+ E, I, S = (bi.get('e', bi.get(b'e')), bi.get('i', bi.get(b'i')), bi.get('s', bi.get(b's')))
+ else:
+ E, I, S = inits
+ N = totpop
+ R = N - (E + I + S)
+ beta = bp.get('beta', bp.get(b'beta'));
+ alpha = bp.get('alpha', bp.get(b'alpha'));
+ r = bp.get('r', bp.get(b'r'));
+ b = bp.get('b', bp.get(b'b'));
+ sir([S, I, R], [0, 1], N, {'beta': beta, 'gamma': r})
+ Spos = sir.traces['S'][-1]
+ Ipos = sir.traces['I'][-1]
+ Lpos = sir.traces['I'][-1] - sir.traces['I'][0]
+ return [0, Ipos, Spos], Lpos, Ipos
# @cython.locals(inits=list, simstep='long', totpop='long', theta='double', npass='double', bi=dict, bp=dict,
# beta='double', alpha='double', E='double', I='double', S='double', N='long',
# r='double', b='double', w='double', Lpos='double', Lpos_esp='double', R='double',
@@ -618,6 +664,42 @@ def stepSEIR_s(inits, simstep, totpop, theta=0, npass=0, bi=None, bp=None, value
return [Epos, Ipos, Spos], Lpos, migInf
+def stepSEIR_cont(inits, simstep, totpop, theta=0, npass=0, bi=None, bp=None, values=None, model=None) -> tuple:
+ """
+ ODE SIR without births and deaths
+ :param inits:
+ :param simstep:
+ :param totpop:
+ :param theta:
+ :param npass:
+ :param bi:
+ :param bp:
+ :param values:
+ :param model:
+ :return:
+ """
+ seir = SEIR()
+ if simstep == 0: # get initial values
+ E, I, S = (bi.get('e', bi.get(b'e')), bi.get('i', bi.get(b'i')), bi.get('s', bi.get(b's')))
+ else:
+ E, I, S = inits
+ N = totpop
+ R = N - (E + I + S)
+ beta = bp.get('beta', bp.get(b'beta'));
+ alpha = bp.get('alpha', bp.get(b'alpha'));
+ e = bp.get('e', bp.get(b'e'))
+ r = bp.get('r', bp.get(b'r'));
+ b = bp.get('b', bp.get(b'b'));
+ seir([S, E, I, R], [0, 1], N, {'beta': beta, 'gamma': r, 'epsilon': e})
+ Spos = seir.traces['S'][-1]
+ Epos = seir.traces['E'][-1]
+ Ipos = seir.traces['I'][-1]
+ Lpos = seir.traces['I'][-1] - seir.traces['I'][0]
+ return [Epos, Ipos, Spos], Lpos, Ipos
# @cython.locals(inits=list, simstep='long', totpop='long', theta='double', npass='double', bi=dict, bp=dict,
# beta='double', alpha='double', E='double', I='double', S='double', N='long',
# r='double', b='double', w='double', Lpos='double', Lpos_esp='double', R='double',
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ from networkx.readwrite import json_graph
import redis
from Epigrass.data_io import *
-from Epigrass import epimodels
+from Epigrass import models
sys.path.insert(0, os.getcwd())
@@ -126,8 +126,8 @@ class siteobj:
self.model = CustomModel.Model
self.vnames = CustomModel.vnames
- self.model = epimodels.Epimodel(self.geocode, self.modtype)
- self.vnames = epimodels.vnames[modtype]
+ self.model = models.Epimodel(self.geocode, self.modtype)
+ self.vnames = models.vnames[modtype]
# self.ts = [[bi[vn.lower()] for vn in self.vnames]]
self.ts.append(list(bi.values())) # This is fine since bi is an OrderedDict
@@ -1,11 +1,12 @@
-epigrass (3.0.0+dfsg-2) UNRELEASED; urgency=medium
+epigrass (3.0.2+dfsg-1) UNRELEASED; urgency=medium
* Depends: python3-numba
TODO: https://salsa.debian.org/med-team/python-dash-html-components
- -- Andreas Tille <tille at debian.org> Sat, 20 Feb 2021 19:48:06 +0100
+ * New upstream version
+ -- Andreas Tille <tille at debian.org> Sun, 21 Feb 2021 16:23:56 +0100
epigrass (3.0.0+dfsg-1) unstable; urgency=medium
@@ -33,9 +33,9 @@ encoding =
-#model types available: SIS, SIS_s ,SIR, SIR_s, SEIS, SEIS_s, SEIR, SEIR_s,
+#model types available: SIS, SIS_s ,SIR, SIR_s, SIR_cont, SEIS, SEIS_s, SEIR, SEIR_cont, SEIR_s,
# SIpRpS, SIpRpS_s,SIpR,SIpR_s,Influenza or Custom (see documentation for description).
-modtype = SEIR
+modtype = SEIR_cont
The diff for this file was not included because it is too large.
The diff for this file was not included because it is too large.
The diff for this file was not included because it is too large.
@@ -436,11 +436,11 @@ The Web Dashboard
To interact and explore the simulations stored in the database, Epigrass offers an interactive dashboard. It allows you to
navigate to any simulation previously done for a given model, and inspect it interactively.
-You can ask for it to open right after a simulation is done::
+You can ask for it to open **right after a simulation is done**::
$ epirunner -D mymodel.epg
-or you can open it for a given model by typing from the directory where the *epg* file is located::
+or you can simplu open it to inspect previous simulations of given model by typing from the directory where the *epg* file is located::
$ epirunner -V mymodel.epg
@@ -1,12 +1,8 @@
@@ -17,4 +13,10 @@ pymysql
\ No newline at end of file
@@ -22,10 +22,9 @@ setup(name='epigrass',
'console_scripts': [
'epirunner = Epigrass.manager:main',
- 'epidash = Epigrass.epidash:main'
- # ext_modules=cythonize('Epigrass/epimodels.py'),
+ # ext_modules=cythonize('Epigrass/models.py'),
package_data={'': ['COPYING', 'epigrass.desktop', '*.rst', '*.tex', '*.png', '*.jpg']},
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ import unittest
import numpy as np
# from Epigrass.manager import *
from Epigrass.simobj import siteobj, graph, edge
-from Epigrass.epimodels import Epimodel
+from Epigrass.models import Epimodel
class TestModels(unittest.TestCase):
@@ -355,6 +355,16 @@ class test_model_run(unittest.TestCase):
P.legend(['E', 'I', 'S'])
+ def test_run_SEIR_cont(self):
+ model = Epimodel(1, modtype=b'SEIR_cont')
+ res = run(model, [(0, 10, 990), 0, 10000, 0, 0,
+ self.bi,
+ self.bp],
+ 100)
+ P.plot(res)
+ P.title('$SEIR_{cont}$')
+ P.legend(['E', 'I', 'S'])
def test_run_SEIS_s(self):
model = Epimodel(1, modtype=b'SEIS_s')
res = run(model, [(0, 10, 990), 0, 10000, 0, 0,
@@ -395,6 +405,16 @@ class test_model_run(unittest.TestCase):
P.legend(['E', 'I', 'S'])
+ def test_run_SIR_cont(self):
+ model = Epimodel(1, modtype=b'SIR_cont')
+ res = run(model, [(0, 10, 990), 0, 10000, 0, 0,
+ self.bi,
+ self.bp],
+ 100)
+ P.plot(res)
+ P.title('$SIR_{cont}$')
+ P.legend(['E', 'I', 'S'])
def test_run_SIS_s(self):
model = Epimodel(1, modtype=b'SIS_s')
res = run(model, [(0, 10, 990), 0, 10000, 0, 0,
View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/med-team/epigrass/-/compare/36fb101ca09ebf6c842fb67e88a7e3a09c0e0333...4ed667c7b450d438e345f0e984c2067d273900f0
View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/med-team/epigrass/-/compare/36fb101ca09ebf6c842fb67e88a7e3a09c0e0333...4ed667c7b450d438e345f0e984c2067d273900f0
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