[med-svn] [Git][med-team/bbmap][master] Update control - explained equivalence with BBTools
Steffen Möller
gitlab at salsa.debian.org
Thu Mar 25 20:17:57 GMT 2021
Steffen Möller pushed to branch master at Debian Med / bbmap
59d349c9 by Steffen Möller at 2021-03-25T20:17:56+00:00
Update control - explained equivalence with BBTools
- - - - -
1 changed file:
- debian/control
@@ -18,16 +18,20 @@ Package: bbmap
Architecture: all
Depends: ${java:Depends},
+Provides: bbtools
Recommends: pigz
-Description: short read aligner and other bioinformatic tools
+Description: BBTools genomic aligner and other tools for short sequences
+ The BBTools are a collection of of small programs to solve recurrent
+ tasks for the creative handling of short biological RNA/DNA sequences.
+ This suite may be best known for its mapper, which is also the name of
+ the project on sourceforge, but several tools have been added over time..
+ All tools are multi-threaded, implemented platform-independently in Java:
+ .
BBMap: Short read aligner for DNA and RNA-seq data. Capable of handling
arbitrarily large genomes with millions of scaffolds. Handles Illumina,
PacBio, 454, and other reads; very high sensitivity and tolerant of
errors and numerous large indels.
- BBMap is multithreaded as well as the other tools bundled into this
- package for instance:
- .
BBNorm: Kmer-based error-correction and normalization tool.
Dedupe: Simplifies assemblies by removing duplicate or contained
View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/med-team/bbmap/-/commit/59d349c919b7b98cd753fe4ca998f18aef855094
View it on GitLab: https://salsa.debian.org/med-team/bbmap/-/commit/59d349c919b7b98cd753fe4ca998f18aef855094
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