[med-svn] [Git][med-team/fastp][upstream] New upstream version 0.23.4+dfsg
Andreas Tille (@tille)
gitlab at salsa.debian.org
Tue Jul 11 16:26:16 BST 2023
Andreas Tille pushed to branch upstream at Debian Med / fastp
8a09d8cd by Andreas Tille at 2023-07-11T17:23:08+02:00
New upstream version 0.23.4+dfsg
- - - - -
13 changed files:
- + .github/workflows/ci.yml
- − .travis.yml
- src/common.h
- src/fastqreader.cpp
- src/htmlreporter.cpp
- src/knownadapters.h
- src/main.cpp
- src/options.cpp
- src/options.h
- src/overlapanalysis.cpp
- src/peprocessor.cpp
- src/umiprocessor.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+name: fastp ci
+ push:
+ branches:
+ - master
+ pull_request:
+ branches:
+ - master
+ build:
+ strategy:
+ matrix:
+ os:
+ - ubuntu-latest
+ - macos-latest
+ runs-on: ${{ matrix.os }}
+ steps:
+ - name: checkout scm
+ uses: actions/checkout at v3
+ - name: Get number of CPU cores
+ uses: SimenB/github-actions-cpu-cores at v1
+ id: cpu-cores
+ - name: install build dependencies (Ubuntu)
+ run: sudo apt update && sudo apt install -y build-essential nasm
+ if: runner.os == 'Linux'
+ - name: install build dependencies (MacOS)
+ run: brew install automake autoconf coreutils nasm
+ if: runner.os == 'macOS'
+ - name: get deflate
+ uses: actions/checkout at v3
+ with:
+ repository: ebiggers/libdeflate
+ path: src/libs/deflate
+ - name: build deflate
+ run: |
+ cd src/libs/deflate
+ cmake -B build
+ cmake --build build -j ${{ steps.cpu-cores.outputs.count }}
+ sudo cmake --install build
+ cd -
+ - name: get isa-l
+ uses: actions/checkout at v3
+ with:
+ repository: intel/isa-l
+ path: src/libs/isa-l
+ - name: build isa-l
+ run: |
+ cd src/libs/isa-l
+ ./autogen.sh
+ ./configure --prefix=/usr/local
+ make -j ${{ steps.cpu-cores.outputs.count }}
+ sudo make install
+ cd -
+ - name: make fatsp (MacOS)
+ run: bash -c 'make -j $(nproc)'
+ if: runner.os == 'macOS'
+ - name: make fastp static (Ubuntu)
+ run: bash -c 'make -j $(nproc) static'
+ if: runner.os == 'Linux'
+ - name: test
+ run: chmod a+x ./fastp && ./fastp --version
.travis.yml deleted
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
- - amd64
- - ppc64le
-language: cpp
- - gcc
- - clang
-script: make CXX=${CXX}
@@ -4,18 +4,21 @@ https://anaconda.org/bioconda/fastp/badges/version.svg)](https://anaconda.org/bi
# fastp
-A tool designed to provide fast all-in-one preprocessing for FastQ files. This tool is developed in C++ with multithreading supported to afford high performance.
+A tool designed to provide fast all-in-one preprocessing for FastQ files. This tool is developed in C++ with multithreading supported to afford high performance.
- [fastp](#fastp)
- [features](#features)
- [simple usage](#simple-usage)
- [examples of report](#examples-of-report)
- [get fastp](#get-fastp)
- [install with Bioconda](#install-with-bioconda)
- - [or download binary (only for Linux systems, http://opengene.org/fastp/fastp)](#or-download-binary-only-for-linux-systems-httpopengeneorgfastpfastp)
+ - [or download the latest prebuilt binary for Linux users](#or-download-the-latest-prebuilt-binary-for-linux-users)
- [or compile from source](#or-compile-from-source)
- - [compile from source for windows user with MinGW64-distro](#compile-from-source-for-windows-user-with-mingw64-distro)
+ - [Step 1: download and build libisal](#step-1-download-and-build-libisal)
+ - [step 2: download and build libdeflate](#step-2-download-and-build-libdeflate)
+ - [Step 3: download and build fastp](#step-3-download-and-build-fastp)
- [input and output](#input-and-output)
- [output to STDOUT](#output-to-stdout)
- [input from STDIN](#input-from-stdin)
@@ -25,9 +28,6 @@ A tool designed to provide fast all-in-one preprocessing for FastQ files. This t
- [do not overwrite exiting files](#do-not-overwrite-exiting-files)
- [split the output to multiple files for parallel processing](#split-the-output-to-multiple-files-for-parallel-processing)
- [merge PE reads](#merge-pe-reads)
-- [duplication rate and deduplication](#duplication-rate-and-deduplication)
- - [duplication rate evaluation](#duplication-rate-evaluation)
- - [deduplication](#deduplication)
- [filtering](#filtering)
- [quality filter](#quality-filter)
- [length filter](#length-filter)
@@ -46,8 +46,11 @@ A tool designed to provide fast all-in-one preprocessing for FastQ files. This t
- [splitting by limiting the lines of each file](#splitting-by-limiting-the-lines-of-each-file)
- [overrepresented sequence analysis](#overrepresented-sequence-analysis)
- [merge paired-end reads](#merge-paired-end-reads)
+- [duplication rate and deduplication](#duplication-rate-and-deduplication)
+ - [duplication rate evaluation](#duplication-rate-evaluation)
+ - [deduplication](#deduplication)
- [all options](#all-options)
-- [citation](#citation)
+- [citations](#citations)
# features
0. comprehensive quality profiling for both before and after filtering data (quality curves, base contents, KMER, Q20/Q30, GC Ratio, duplication, adapter contents...)
@@ -58,7 +61,7 @@ A tool designed to provide fast all-in-one preprocessing for FastQ files. This t
5. correct mismatched base pairs in overlapped regions of paired end reads, if one base is with high quality while the other is with ultra low quality
6. trim polyG in 3' ends, which is commonly seen in NovaSeq/NextSeq data. Trim polyX in 3' ends to remove unwanted polyX tailing (i.e. polyA tailing for mRNA-Seq data)
7. preprocess unique molecular identifier (UMI) enabled data, shift UMI to sequence name.
-8. report JSON format result for further interpreting.
+8. report JSON format result for further interpreting.
9. visualize quality control and filtering results on a single HTML page (like FASTQC but faster and more informative).
10. split the output to multiple files (0001.R1.gz, 0002.R1.gz...) to support parallel processing. Two modes can be used, limiting the total split file number, or limitting the lines of each split file.
11. support long reads (data from PacBio / Nanopore devices).
@@ -67,7 +70,7 @@ A tool designed to provide fast all-in-one preprocessing for FastQ files. This t
14. support ultra-fast FASTQ-level deduplication
15. ...
-This tool is being intensively developed, and new features can be implemented soon if they are considered useful. If you have any additional requirement for `fastp`, please file an issue:https://github.com/OpenGene/fastp/issues/new
+If you find a bug or have additional requirement for `fastp`, please file an issue:https://github.com/OpenGene/fastp/issues/new
# simple usage
* for single end data (not compressed)
@@ -109,7 +112,7 @@ chmod a+x ./fastp
`fastp` depends on `libdeflate` and `libisal`, while `libisal` is not compatible with gcc 4.8. If you use gcc 4.8, your fastp will fail to run. Please upgrade your gcc before you build the libraries and fastp.
### Step 1: download and build libisal
-See https://github.com/intel/isa-l
+See https://github.com/intel/isa-l
`autoconf`, `automake`, `libtools`, `nasm (>=v2.11.01)` and `yasm (>=1.2.0)` are required to build this isal
git clone https://github.com/intel/isa-l.git
@@ -125,8 +128,9 @@ See https://github.com/ebiggers/libdeflate
git clone https://github.com/ebiggers/libdeflate.git
cd libdeflate
-sudo make install
+cmake -B build
+cmake --build build
+cmake --install build
### Step 3: download and build fastp
@@ -141,6 +145,7 @@ make
# Install
sudo make install
+You can add `-j8` option to `make/cmake` to use 8 threads for the compilation.
# input and output
`fastp` supports both single-end (SE) and paired-end (PE) input/output.
@@ -149,9 +154,9 @@ sudo make install
* if you don't specify the output file names, no output files will be written, but the QC will still be done for both data before and after filtering.
* the output will be gzip-compressed if its file name ends with `.gz`
## output to STDOUT
-`fastp` supports streaming the passing-filter reads to STDOUT, so that it can be passed to other compressors like `bzip2`, or be passed to aligners like `bwa` and `bowtie2`.
+`fastp` supports streaming the passing-filter reads to STDOUT, so that it can be passed to other compressors like `bzip2`, or be passed to aligners like `bwa` and `bowtie2`.
* specify `--stdout` to enable this mode to stream output to STDOUT
-* for PE data, the output will be interleaved FASTQ, which means the output will contain records like `record1-R1 -> record1-R2 -> record2-R1 -> record2-R2 -> record3-R1 -> record3-R2 ... `
+* for PE data, the output will be interleaved FASTQ, which means the output will contain records like `record1-R1 -> record1-R2 -> record2-R1 -> record2-R2 -> record3-R1 -> record3-R2 ... `
## input from STDIN
* specify `--stdin` if you want to read the STDIN for processing.
* if the STDIN is an interleaved paired-end stream, specify `--interleaved_in` to indicate that.
@@ -177,7 +182,7 @@ Multiple filters have been implemented.
Quality filtering is enabled by default, but you can disable it by `-Q` or `disable_quality_filtering`. Currently it supports filtering by limiting the N base number (`-n, --n_base_limit`), and the percentage of unqualified bases.
To filter reads by its percentage of unqualified bases, two options should be provided:
-* `-q, --qualified_quality_phred` the quality value that a base is qualified. Default 15 means phred quality >=Q15 is qualified.
+* `-q, --qualified_quality_phred` the quality value that a base is qualified. Default 15 means phred quality >=Q15 is qualified.
* `-u, --unqualified_percent_limit` how many percents of bases are allowed to be unqualified (0~100). Default 40 means 40%
You can also filter reads by its average quality score
The adapter sequence in this file should be at least 6bp long, otherwise it will be skipped. And you can give whatever you want to trim, rather than regular sequencing adapters (i.e. polyA).
-`fastp` first trims the auto-detected adapter or the adapter sequences given by `--adapter_sequence | --adapter_sequence_r2`, then trims the adapters given by `--adapter_fasta` one by one.
+`fastp` first trims the auto-detected adapter or the adapter sequences given by `--adapter_sequence | --adapter_sequence_r2`, then trims the adapters given by `--adapter_fasta` one by one.
The sequence distribution of trimmed adapters can be found at the HTML/JSON reports.
@@ -243,7 +248,7 @@ If you don't set window size and mean quality threshold for these function respe
# base correction for PE data
`fastp` perform `overlap analysis` for PE data, which try to find an overlap of each pair of reads. If an proper overlap is found, it can correct mismatched base pairs in overlapped regions of paired end reads, if one base is with high quality while the other is with ultra low quality. If a base is corrected, the quality of its paired base will be assigned to it so that they will share the same quality.
-This function is not enabled by default, specify `-c` or `--correction` to enable it. This function is based on overlapping detection, which has adjustable parameters `overlap_len_require (default 30)`, `overlap_diff_limit (default 5)` and `overlap_diff_limit_percent (default 20%)`. Please note that the reads should meet these three conditions simultaneously.
+This function is not enabled by default, specify `-c` or `--correction` to enable it. This function is based on overlapping detection, which has adjustable parameters `overlap_len_require (default 30)`, `overlap_diff_limit (default 5)` and `overlap_diff_percent_limit (default 20%)`. Please note that the reads should meet these three conditions simultaneously.
# global trimming
`fastp` supports global trimming, which means trim all reads in the front or the tail. This function is useful since sometimes you want to drop some cycles of a sequencing run.
@@ -270,12 +275,12 @@ Please note that the trimming for `--max_len` limitation will be applied at the
# polyG tail trimming
-For Illumina NextSeq/NovaSeq data, `polyG` can happen in read tails since `G` means no signal in the Illumina two-color systems. `fastp` can detect the polyG in read tails and trim them. This feature is enabled for NextSeq/NovaSeq data by default, and you can specify `-g` or `--trim_poly_g` to enable it for any data, or specify `-G` or `--disable_trim_poly_g` to disable it. NextSeq/NovaSeq data is detected by the machine ID in the FASTQ records.
+For Illumina NextSeq/NovaSeq data, `polyG` can happen in read tails since `G` means no signal in the Illumina two-color systems. `fastp` can detect the polyG in read tails and trim them. This feature is enabled for NextSeq/NovaSeq data by default, and you can specify `-g` or `--trim_poly_g` to enable it for any data, or specify `-G` or `--disable_trim_poly_g` to disable it. NextSeq/NovaSeq data is detected by the machine ID in the FASTQ records.
A minimum length can be set with `<poly_g_min_len>` for `fastp` to detect polyG. This value is 10 by default.
# polyX tail trimming
-This feature is similar as polyG tail trimming, but is disabled by default. Use `-x` or `--trim_poly_x` to enable it. A minimum length can be set with `<poly_x_min_len>` for `fastp` to detect polyX. This value is 10 by default.
+This feature is similar as polyG tail trimming, but is disabled by default. Use `-x` or `--trim_poly_x` to enable it. A minimum length can be set with `<poly_x_min_len>` for `fastp` to detect polyX. This value is 10 by default.
When `polyG tail trimming` and `polyX tail trimming` are both enabled, fastp will perform `polyG trimming` first, then perform `polyX trimming`. This setting is useful for trimming the tails having `polyX (i.e. polyA) ` before `polyG`. `polyG` is usually caused by sequencing artifacts, while `polyA` can be commonly found from the tails of mRNA-Seq reads.
@@ -286,10 +291,10 @@ To enable UMI processing, you have to enable `-U` or `--umi` option in the comma
* `index2` the second index is used as UMI. PE data only, this UMI will be used for both read1/read2.
* `read1` the head of read1 is used as UMI. If the data is PE, this UMI will be used for both read1/read2.
* `read2` the head of read2 is used as UMI. PE data only, this UMI will be used for both read1/read2.
-* `per_index` `index1_index2` is used as UMI for both read1/read2.
-* `per_read` define `umi1` as the head of read1, and `umi2` as the head of read2. `umi1_umi2` is used as UMI for both read1/read2.
+* `per_index` `index1_index2` is used as UMI for both read1/read2.
+* `per_read` define `umi1` as the head of read1, and `umi2` as the head of read2. `umi1_umi2` is used as UMI for both read1/read2.
-If `--umi_loc` is specified with `read1`, `read2` or `per_read`, the length of UMI should specified with `--umi_len`.
+If `--umi_loc` is specified with `read1`, `read2` or `per_read`, the length of UMI should specified with `--umi_len`.
`fastp` will extract the UMIs, and append them to the first part of read names, so the UMIs will also be presented in SAM/BAM records. If the UMI is in the reads, then it will be shifted from read so that the read will become shorter. If the UMI is in the index, it will be kept.
@@ -325,14 +330,14 @@ Use `-s` or `--split` to specify how many files you want to have. `fastp` evalua
Use `-S` or `--split_by_lines` to limit the lines of each file. The last files may have smaller sizes since usually the input file cannot be perfectly divided. The actual file lines may be a little greater than the value specified by `--split_by_lines` since `fastp` reads and writes data by blocks (a block = 1000 reads).
# overrepresented sequence analysis
-Overrepresented sequence analysis is disabled by default, you can specify `-p` or `--overrepresentation_analysis` to enable it. For consideration of speed and memory, `fastp` only counts sequences with length of 10bp, 20bp, 40bp, 100bp or (cycles - 2 ).
+Overrepresented sequence analysis is disabled by default, you can specify `-p` or `--overrepresentation_analysis` to enable it. For consideration of speed and memory, `fastp` only counts sequences with length of 10bp, 20bp, 40bp, 100bp or (cycles - 2 ).
-By default, fastp uses 1/20 reads for sequence counting, and you can change this settings by specifying `-P` or `--overrepresentation_sampling` option. For example, if you set `-P 100`, only 1/100 reads will be used for counting, and if you set `-P 1`, all reads will be used but it will be extremely slow. The default value 20 is a balance of speed and accuracy.
+By default, fastp uses 1/20 reads for sequence counting, and you can change this settings by specifying `-P` or `--overrepresentation_sampling` option. For example, if you set `-P 100`, only 1/100 reads will be used for counting, and if you set `-P 1`, all reads will be used but it will be extremely slow. The default value 20 is a balance of speed and accuracy.
`fastp` not only gives the counts of overrepresented sequence, but also gives the information that how they distribute over cycles. A figure is provided for each detected overrepresented sequence, from which you can know where this sequence is mostly found.
# merge paired-end reads
-For paired-end (PE) input, fastp supports stiching them by specifying the `-m/--merge` option. In this `merging` mode:
+For paired-end (PE) input, fastp supports stiching them by specifying the `-m/--merge` option. In this `merging` mode:
* `--merged_out` shouuld be given to specify the file to store merged reads, otherwise you should enable `--stdout` to stream the merged reads to STDOUT. The merged reads are also filtered.
* `--out1` and `--out2` will be the reads that cannot be merged successfully, but both pass all the filters.
@@ -343,10 +348,10 @@ For paired-end (PE) input, fastp supports stiching them by specifying the `-m/--
`--failed_out` can still be given to store the reads (either merged or unmerged) failed to passing filters.
In the output file, a tag like `merged_xxx_yyy`will be added to each read name to indicate that how many base pairs are from read1 and from read2, respectively. For example, `
- at NB551106:9:H5Y5GBGX2:1:22306:18653:13119 1:N:0:GATCAG merged_150_15`
+ at NB551106:9:H5Y5GBGX2:1:22306:18653:13119 1:N:0:GATCAG merged_150_15`
means that 150bp are from read1, and 15bp are from read2. `fastp` prefers the bases in read1 since they usually have higher quality than read2.
-Same as the [base correction feature](#base-correction-for-pe-data), this function is also based on overlapping detection, which has adjustable parameters `overlap_len_require (default 30)`, `overlap_diff_limit (default 5)` and `overlap_diff_limit_percent (default 20%)`. Please note that the reads should meet these three conditions simultaneously.
+Same as the [base correction feature](#base-correction-for-pe-data), this function is also based on overlapping detection, which has adjustable parameters `overlap_len_require (default 30)`, `overlap_diff_limit (default 5)` and `overlap_diff_percent_limit (default 20%)`. Please note that the reads should meet these three conditions simultaneously.
# duplication rate and deduplication
For both SE and PE data, fastp supports evaluating its duplication rate and removing duplicated reads/pairs. fastp considers one read as duplicated only if its all base pairs are identical as another one. This meas if there is a sequencing error or an N base, the read will not be treated as duplicated.
@@ -366,7 +371,7 @@ fastp uses a hash algorithm to find the identical sequences. Due to the possible
| 6 | 3 | 8G | 24G | moderate | |
## deduplication
-Since `v0.22.0`, fastp supports deduplication for FASTQ data. Specify `-D` or `--dedup` to enable this option. When `--dedup` is enabled, the `dup_calc_accracy` level is default to `3`, and it can be changed to any value of 1 ~ 6.
+Since `v0.22.0`, fastp supports deduplication for FASTQ data. Specify `-D` or `--dedup` to enable this option. When `--dedup` is enabled, the `dup_calc_accuracy` level is default to `3`, and it can be changed to any value of 1 ~ 6.
# all options
@@ -393,14 +398,14 @@ options:
--reads_to_process specify how many reads/pairs to be processed. Default 0 means process all reads. (int [=0])
--dont_overwrite don't overwrite existing files. Overwritting is allowed by default.
--fix_mgi_id the MGI FASTQ ID format is not compatible with many BAM operation tools, enable this option to fix it.
# adapter trimming options
-A, --disable_adapter_trimming adapter trimming is enabled by default. If this option is specified, adapter trimming is disabled
-a, --adapter_sequence the adapter for read1. For SE data, if not specified, the adapter will be auto-detected. For PE data, this is used if R1/R2 are found not overlapped. (string [=auto])
--adapter_sequence_r2 the adapter for read2 (PE data only). This is used if R1/R2 are found not overlapped. If not specified, it will be the same as <adapter_sequence> (string [=])
--adapter_fasta specify a FASTA file to trim both read1 and read2 (if PE) by all the sequences in this FASTA file (string [=])
--detect_adapter_for_pe by default, the adapter sequence auto-detection is enabled for SE data only, turn on this option to enable it for PE data.
# global trimming options
-f, --trim_front1 trimming how many bases in front for read1, default is 0 (int [=0])
-t, --trim_tail1 trimming how many bases in tail for read1, default is 0 (int [=0])
@@ -422,7 +427,7 @@ options:
# polyX tail trimming
-x, --trim_poly_x enable polyX trimming in 3' ends.
--poly_x_min_len the minimum length to detect polyX in the read tail. 10 by default. (int [=10])
# per read cutting by quality options
-5, --cut_front move a sliding window from front (5') to tail, drop the bases in the window if its mean quality < threshold, stop otherwise.
-3, --cut_tail move a sliding window from tail (3') to front, drop the bases in the window if its mean quality < threshold, stop otherwise.
@@ -435,7 +440,7 @@ options:
--cut_tail_mean_quality the mean quality requirement option for cut_tail, default to cut_mean_quality if not specified (int [=20])
--cut_right_window_size the window size option of cut_right, default to cut_window_size if not specified (int [=4])
--cut_right_mean_quality the mean quality requirement option for cut_right, default to cut_mean_quality if not specified (int [=20])
# quality filtering options
-Q, --disable_quality_filtering quality filtering is enabled by default. If this option is specified, quality filtering is disabled
-q, --qualified_quality_phred the quality value that a base is qualified. Default 15 means phred quality >=Q15 is qualified. (int [=15])
@@ -443,7 +448,7 @@ options:
-n, --n_base_limit if one read's number of N base is >n_base_limit, then this read/pair is discarded. Default is 5 (int [=5])
-e, --average_qual if one read's average quality score <avg_qual, then this read/pair is discarded. Default 0 means no requirement (int [=0])
# length filtering options
-L, --disable_length_filtering length filtering is enabled by default. If this option is specified, length filtering is disabled
-l, --length_required reads shorter than length_required will be discarded, default is 15. (int [=15])
@@ -479,20 +484,21 @@ options:
-j, --json the json format report file name (string [=fastp.json])
-h, --html the html format report file name (string [=fastp.html])
-R, --report_title should be quoted with ' or ", default is "fastp report" (string [=fastp report])
# threading options
-w, --thread worker thread number, default is 3 (int [=3])
# output splitting options
-s, --split split output by limiting total split file number with this option (2~999), a sequential number prefix will be added to output name ( 0001.out.fq, 0002.out.fq...), disabled by default (int [=0])
-S, --split_by_lines split output by limiting lines of each file with this option(>=1000), a sequential number prefix will be added to output name ( 0001.out.fq, 0002.out.fq...), disabled by default (long [=0])
-d, --split_prefix_digits the digits for the sequential number padding (1~10), default is 4, so the filename will be padded as 0001.xxx, 0 to disable padding (int [=4])
# help
-?, --help print this message
-# citation
-Shifu Chen, Yanqing Zhou, Yaru Chen, Jia Gu; fastp: an ultra-fast all-in-one FASTQ preprocessor, Bioinformatics, Volume 34, Issue 17, 1 September 2018, Pages i884–i890, https://doi.org/10.1093/bioinformatics/bty560
+# citations
+### Shifu Chen. 2023. Ultrafast one-pass FASTQ data preprocessing, quality control, and deduplication using fastp. iMeta 2: e107. https://doi.org/10.1002/imt2.107
+### Shifu Chen, Yanqing Zhou, Yaru Chen, Jia Gu; fastp: an ultra-fast all-in-one FASTQ preprocessor, Bioinformatics, Volume 34, Issue 17, 1 September 2018, Pages i884–i890, https://doi.org/10.1093/bioinformatics/bty560
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
#ifndef COMMON_H
#define COMMON_H
-#define FASTP_VER "0.23.2"
+#define FASTP_VER "0.23.4"
#define _DEBUG false
@@ -130,6 +130,13 @@ void FastqReader::readToBufIgzip(){
+ if(eof() && mGzipState.avail_in == 0) {
+ // all data was processed - fail if not at logical end of zip file (truncated?)
+ if (mGzipState.block_state != ISAL_BLOCK_FINISH || !mGzipState.bfinal) {
+ error_exit("igzip: unexpected eof");
+ }
+ }
void FastqReader::readToBuf() {
@@ -303,7 +310,6 @@ Read* FastqReader::read(){
while((name->empty() && !(mBufUsedLen >= mBufDataLen && bufferFinished())) || (!name->empty() && (*name)[0]!='@')){
return NULL;
@@ -311,12 +317,18 @@ Read* FastqReader::read(){
+ if (strand->empty() || (*strand)[0]!='+') {
+ cerr << "Expected '+', got " << *strand << endl;
+ error_exit("'+' expected");
+ }
if(quality->length() != sequence->length()) {
cerr << "ERROR: sequence and quality have different length:" << endl;
cerr << *name << endl;
cerr << *sequence << endl;
cerr << *strand << endl;
cerr << *quality << endl;
+ error_exit("sequence and quality have different length");
return NULL;
@@ -404,7 +404,7 @@ void HtmlReporter::printCSS(ofstream& ofs){
void HtmlReporter::printJS(ofstream& ofs){
- ofs << "<script src='http://opengene.org/plotly-1.2.0.min.js'></script>" << endl;
+ ofs << "<script src='https://opengene.org/plotly-1.2.0.min.js'></script>" << endl;
ofs << "\n<script type='text/javascript'>" << endl;
ofs << " window.Plotly || document.write('<script src=\"https://cdn.plot.ly/plotly-1.2.0.min.js\"><\\/script>')" << endl;
ofs << "</script>" << endl;
@@ -244,7 +244,8 @@ inline map<string, string> getKnownAdapter() {
knownAdapters["AAGTCGGAGGCCAAGCGGTCTTAGGAAGACAA"] = ">MGI/BGI adapter (forward)";
+ knownAdapters["AACTGTAGGCACCATCAAT"] = ">QIASeq miRNA adapter";
return knownAdapters;
\ No newline at end of file
@@ -128,6 +128,7 @@ int main(int argc, char* argv[]){
cmd.add<int>("umi_len", 0, "if the UMI is in read1/read2, its length should be provided", false, 0);
cmd.add<string>("umi_prefix", 0, "if specified, an underline will be used to connect prefix and UMI (i.e. prefix=UMI, UMI=AATTCG, final=UMI_AATTCG). No prefix by default", false, "");
cmd.add<int>("umi_skip", 0, "if the UMI is in read1/read2, fastp can skip several bases following UMI, default is 0", false, 0);
+ cmd.add<string>("umi_delim", 0, "delimiter to use between the read name and the UMI, default is :", false, ":");
// overrepresented sequence analysis
cmd.add("overrepresentation_analysis", 'p', "enable overrepresented sequence analysis.");
@@ -156,6 +157,13 @@ int main(int argc, char* argv[]){
if(argc == 1) {
cerr << cmd.usage() <<endl;
+ }
+ if(argc == 1) {
+ //output citation information
+ cerr << "Citation:" <<endl;
+ cerr << "Shifu Chen. 2023. Ultrafast one-pass FASTQ data preprocessing, quality control, and deduplication using fastp. iMeta 2: e107" << endl;
+ cerr << endl;
return 0;
@@ -376,6 +384,7 @@ int main(int argc, char* argv[]){
opt.umi.length = cmd.get<int>("umi_len");
opt.umi.prefix = cmd.get<string>("umi_prefix");
opt.umi.skip = cmd.get<int>("umi_skip");
+ opt.umi.delimiter = cmd.get<string>("umi_delim");
if(opt.umi.enabled) {
string umiLoc = cmd.get<string>("umi_loc");
@@ -185,7 +185,7 @@ bool Options::validate() {
if(!out1.empty()) {
if(out1 == out2) {
- error_exit("read1 output (--out1) and read1 output (--out2) should be different");
+ error_exit("read1 output (--out1) and read2 output (--out2) should be different");
if(dontOverwrite && file_exists(out1)) {
error_exit(out1 + " already exists and you have set to not rewrite output files by --dont_overwrite");
@@ -108,6 +108,7 @@ public:
location = UMI_LOC_NONE;
length = 0;
skip = 0;
+ delimiter= ":";
bool enabled;
@@ -116,6 +117,7 @@ public:
int skip;
string prefix;
string separator;
+ string delimiter;
class CorrectionOptions {
@@ -380,4 +382,4 @@ public:
\ No newline at end of file
@@ -119,7 +119,11 @@ Read* OverlapAnalysis::merge(Read* r1, Read* r2, OverlapResult ov) {
delete rr2;
string name = *(r1->mName) + " merged_" + to_string(len1) + "_" + to_string(len2);
- Read* mergedRead = new Read(new string(name), new string(mergedSeq), new string(*r1->mStrand), new string(mergedQual));
+ string strand = *(r1->mStrand);
+ if (strand != "+") {
+ strand = strand + " merged_" + to_string(len1) + "_" + to_string(len2);
+ }
+ Read* mergedRead = new Read(new string(name), new string(mergedSeq), new string(strand), new string(mergedQual));
return mergedRead;
@@ -142,4 +146,4 @@ bool OverlapAnalysis::test(){
return ov.overlapped && ov.offset == 10 && ov.overlap_len == 79 && ov.diff == 1;
\ No newline at end of file
@@ -362,6 +362,7 @@ bool PairEndProcessor::processPairEnd(ReadPack* leftPack, ReadPack* rightPack, T
cerr << "Read1 pack size: " << leftPack->count << endl;
cerr << "Read2 pack size: " << rightPack->count << endl;
cerr << endl;
+ error_exit("input files don't contain identical amount of reads");
int tid = config->getThreadId();
@@ -62,10 +62,11 @@ void UmiProcessor::process(Read* r1, Read* r2) {
void UmiProcessor::addUmiToName(Read* r, string umi){
string tag;
+ string delimiter = mOptions->umi.delimiter;
- tag = ":" + umi;
+ tag = delimiter + umi;
- tag = ":" + mOptions->umi.prefix + "_" + umi;
+ tag = delimiter + mOptions->umi.prefix + "_" + umi;
int spacePos = -1;
for(int i=0; i<r->mName->length(); i++) {
if(r->mName->at(i) == ' ') {
@@ -84,4 +85,4 @@ void UmiProcessor::addUmiToName(Read* r, string umi){
bool UmiProcessor::test() {
return true;
\ No newline at end of file
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