[Debian-med-packaging] discussion: removal of packages from SCM repository

Thorsten Alteholz debian-med at alteholz.de
Fri Dec 16 18:28:47 UTC 2011

On Thu, 1 Dec 2011, Andreas Tille wrote:

> On Thu, Dec 01, 2011 at 10:43:36AM +0100, Steffen Möller wrote:
>> I suggest to leave it to the maintainer or "whoever cares most
>> about the package" to decide.
> May be this is a reasonable agreement.

Ok, so I would suggest, that we add a line: 'Expire: <date>' to 
README.status that may maximally point half a year into the future.
If somebody cares about the package he can renew the expiration date. If 
nobody has any interest in it anymore, this expiration date will pass and 
everybody who stumbles over that package can remove it afterwards.

> In the case of denoiser I would like to keep it for "some" time because
> I pointed upstream to the location of a patch which could be a fair
> reason to leave it for some time (even if chances are low that this is
> a burning issue).

Yes, at least it is a reason.

> There might be just some cases where leaving the code might make sense
> (for instance to find some examples of packaging containing some
> interesting tricks or whatever).

I just had a look at some two year old packages. I am sure that I do not 
want to use anything from them. Even in Debian, new things will be 
developed constantly ....

So can we add

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