[Debian-med-packaging] Fwd: Comments regarding biomaj_1.1.0-1_amd64.changes

Andreas Tille andreas at an3as.eu
Wed Mar 30 11:08:50 UTC 2011

[med-devel list in CC to give some sign of action in this issue]

On Wed, Mar 30, 2011 at 09:46:35AM +0200, Olivier Sallou wrote:
> Hi,
> I will let you know when  things are fixed so that you can re-upload to  
> ftpmasters.

I reinspected the packaging and have found issues in debian/copyright.
I commited a change in SVN and run

  config-edit -application dpkg-copyright -ui none

as suggested by Charles which leads to an error:  IMHO it is caused
by a sequence of tow License: fields:

  24 Copyright: Copyright (c) 2004, Indiana University
  25 License: citrina
  27 License: CeCILL

I have not verified this thesis - perhaps somebody likes to comment.

In any case the Copyright/License field for
   Files: debian/*
are missing (see below).

There is also a lintian warning:

  E: biomaj: copyright-should-refer-to-common-license-file-for-gpl

While I think lintian is not correct here because the license is not GPL
the package would be rejected automatically because of this error.
There are three options to fix this:

  1. Simply mention the GPL location on Debian systems at the very
     end - it might not harm to mention it anyway because it was refered
     to in the text.
  2. Use a lintian-override
  3. Use GPL for debian/* files and thus mentioning GPL location is
     simply correct.

I'd prefer solution 1. or 3.

> I am still waiting for info regarding maintainers scripts not working  
> with parameters...

IMHO something might be "unusual" in your debian/rules file - but I'm to
lazy to check the real problem but rather commited a debian/rules file
using short dh notation - simply expecting that everything is fine.
Please verify that all works as expected - as far as I can see it
produces the same deb but with a much more clear debian/rules file which
is easier to maintain.

I also added javahelper which is intended to resolve ${java:Depends} but
I hesitated to remove those single Dependencies mentioned manually in
your control file.  You might like to check this yourself - I'm not a
Java packaging expert.

I finally had another look into the "maintainer scripts" issue and think
I now understood.  My work on the debian/rules file did not helped here
(feel free to revert if you do not like the change!).  Please have a
look into


Your scripts need to support arguments like

case "$1" in


        echo "postinst called with unknown argument \`$1'" >&2
        exit 1

(depending from the script - for sure).  So you are well advised to
start from those templates and include your code under the appropriate
argument option.  Ftpmaster is right - this is really an issue.

Kind regards



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