[Debian-med-packaging] Bug#655439: Source for user manual of R haplo.stats

Sinnwell, Jason P. Sinnwell.Jason at mayo.edu
Fri Feb 10 15:45:26 UTC 2012

Hello Andreas,

I was not aware of your inclusion of haplo.stats with the Debian Med
project. I've attached the source Rnw file for the manual, but I warn
that it takes about 30 minutes to run on our machines, which is why we
do not include the raw file for a vignette in the package.  We just
released haplo.stats version 1.5.2 for CRAN, and I also may submit a new
patch soon for version 1.5.3.  I would appreciate if you could use the
most recent version whenever possible.

Thanks, and good luck with the Debian Med project.


-----Original Message-----
From: Andreas Tille [mailto:tille at debian.org] 
Sent: Friday, February 10, 2012 9:11 AM
To: Sinnwell, Jason P.
Cc: 655439 at bugs.debian.org
Subject: Source for user manual of R haplo.stats

Hi Jason,

as you might know the Debian Med project packaged haplo.stats for
However, as you can see at


for the Debian distribution we would need the source of the PDF shipped
inside your distribution tarball.  If you could bundle this straight
into the source or could provide it somewhere else online this would be
helpful.  Otherwise we would strip this from Debian's orig source
and link to the online version.

Kind regards and thanks for providing haplo.stats as Free Software


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