[Debian-med-packaging] Debian backports

Laszlo Kajan lkajan at rostlab.org
Wed May 2 08:48:08 UTC 2012

Hello Maarten!

Sure you are allowed, you have write access. But here it goes:


Please do not forget to file an intention to package (ITP) bug (with: $ reportbug wnpp # and answer the questions) when you start working on the
Debianization of libzeep (i.e. now).

Let me know if you need any help.

An idea:

*** Don't you want to be Andreas Tilles 'mentoring of the month' (MoM) student? This would initiate you to Debian very well indeed, and get
libzeep packaged as well! ***

Best regards,


On 01/05/12 10:07, Maarten L. Hekkelman wrote:
> Hey Laszlo,
>> I'm looking forward to seeing you commit the debianization of
>> libzeep. If you do it before the Debian freeze (so before packages in
>> testing become stable), you will get it into wheezy.
> Could you please create a repository for libzeep? I believe I'm not allowed to do that, right?
> Best regards,
> -maarten

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