[Debian-med-packaging] Fwd: another source of URLs for DUCK: debian/upstream

Andreas Tille tille at debian.org
Fri Aug 23 11:39:58 UTC 2013

Hi Simon,

On Fri, Aug 23, 2013 at 01:19:49PM +0200, Simon Kainz wrote:
> Yes, i think lintian checks are a very good idea.
> Currently i am trying to integrate umegaya data into DUCK, and as I
> started parsing the YAML data, i found those errors.

Good to have another sanity check!

> Is there already some work done concerning lintian checks?

Not yet.  The only hint about this is, that David Bremner wanted to
provide *help* (but did not wanted to do the work himself).

> I'm asking
> this because if so, I'd like to eventually use an already existing set
> of rules to check upstream files. Currently I'm only checking if all
> fields in the upstream files are also listed on
> https://wiki.debian.org/UpstreamMetadata.

Please note that d/upstream *citation* data (so just a subset) is
imported into UDD.  I consider importing the other fields as well
in the not so distant future.

> Otherwise I'd gladly help working on a lintian module.

I have never written any lintian check so some kind of kickstart would
be great.

Kind regards



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