[Debian-med-packaging] Take over ITKSNAP?

Steve M. Robbins steve at sumost.ca
Sat Feb 2 20:40:51 UTC 2013

On January 29, 2013 02:56:40 AM Michael Hanke wrote:

> At some point I had a brief chat with Steve Robbins discussing whether it
> would make sense to
> build ITKSNAP as part of the insight applications. We concluded that having
> it separately would
> yield more recently packages. That _was_ true. However, in the light of my
> chronic lack of time
> and the aforementioned heavy inter-dependencies, I think that decision
> needs to be re-evaluated.

As it turns out, I abandoned my intention to package Insight Applications 
since  much of the code is example or of limited use, it seemed to me; c.f. 
#598556.  So it seems best to continue with the separate ITK SNAP package.

I see it's on the debian-med alioth repository so I'll pitch in when I can, 
but that's a meaningless comittment, really, as I have so little time for 
Debian these days.


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