[Debian-med-packaging] Remark for acacia (Was: r16651 - in trunk/packages/acacia/trunk/debian: . bin source)

Andreas Tille andreas at an3as.eu
Thu Apr 10 20:02:23 UTC 2014

On Thu, Apr 10, 2014 at 01:18:12PM +0000, Timothy Booth wrote:
> +        # ssj.jar = http://www.iro.umontreal.ca/~simardr/ssj/ssj-source.html
> +        #  needs Tcode and various jars, plus:
> +                http://statistik.wu-wien.ac.at/unuran/download.html
> +                which wants:
> +                   http://statistik.wu-wien.ac.at/software/RngStreams/
> +
> +Also, SSJ might or might not need libdsol1-xml-java which in turn is a
> +PITA. See readme.tim in libdsol1-xml-java.
> +
> +SSJ definitely does need colt, so let's package colt before going any further.
> +Ah - Andreas already started:
> +http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/debian-med/trunk/packages/libcolt-java/trunk/

That's not only started but since some years in Debian but unfortunately
non-free.  You were involved in the licensing discussion and it was
great that you contacted the colt author.  Since there was no response
until now I personally would consider it more promising if you would
find a way to replace the view "easy to replace" infected files from
HEP.  I have the impression that colt is not maintained any more.

> +Hmmm - the Debian folder here still has files unmodified from King.

King is also packaged for Debian but has also its issues (#706922)
and seems to be unmaintained as well since I never got any response
from the authors about libjogl1 replacement.

> Oh yes, I was stuck on libdsol1-xml-java.  Back to that.

> +It looks like there is a newer Acacia binary but no source.  No matter, I shall press on with 1.52.
> +
> +...
> +
> +Right, by the looks of it I can build ssj.jar without unuran jni support, which makes life simpler.  I may as
> +well compile chrono support as this just needs standard system libs.
> +Also not sure why I was working on libdsol1-xml-java as it is not in Acacia and not needed.

As far as I understood it is needed by libssj-java.  If this is wrong
we should drop a note in libdsol1-xml-java SVN.

> +So, that should be it...


I try to push as hard as possible to get your final target into Debian.

Many thanks for your initial work



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